Do-it-yourself cobweb balls from threads. DIY thread balls - make a decoration very quickly

If you want to surprise your guests, make balls of thread with your own hands. This chic decoration is easy to make. But just imagine that such a simple product will appear in a banquet hall or at a wedding!

Such thread balloons can be made from simple materials in a short time, but the effect will be amazing. They can easily decorate even a large banquet hall. If the wedding tables are in the yard, string balls can be hung from tree branches.

These are the options for decorating with balls of thread that you can use.

Balls of thread will look great in the interior of an ordinary apartment on weekdays and holidays. They can be used to decorate a holiday table, complementing the composition with candles.

Just imagine christmas balls made of threads, they do not have to be hung on the Christmas tree. Balloons will replace traditional New Year's garlands.

There are a lot of ideas, we will return to them after a short master class on making balls from threads with our own hands.

What you need to make balls of thread

  • Thick threads (can be wool or Iris threads)
  • Balloons (preferably round)
  • PVA glue
  • Vaseline or oil
  • Starch
  • Oilcloth

Operating procedure

The video clearly shows the entire process of making balls of thread.

How to decorate a ball of thread

Even in their original form, balls of thread look great. But if desired, they can be decorated. There are many different ones. Beads, sequins, paints, glitter glue, tinsel, artificial flowers, fabric and braid... The possibilities for decorating thread balls are limited only by imagination and material.

You can decorate the balls with garlands of light bulbs. Lamps should be chosen that do not heat up.

Let's present a few more original ways to decorate balls of thread.

On the finished ball we glue any appliqués or sequins, ribbon or braid gathered on a thread. Ready Christmas ball hang it on a thread or stick it in.

Christmas tree decorations can be made in the shape of a lemon and a strawberry. In order to get an elongated shape, we do not inflate the pharmaceutical fingertip completely. We wrap with yellow and red thread respectively. We cut out the leaves from green paper and glue them on the tops of the cocoons. We plug in the suspension.

We inflate the fingertip harder so that the cocoon turns out oval. We cut out the tail, fins, and crown from foil and glue it with PVA glue. The eye consists of yellow and black parts.

We make the cockerel from two cocoons, which are tied together with threads. Glue the comb, beak, eyes and wings with PVA glue. We tie a silk bow around the neck.
We use the same principle to make matryoshka dolls and parrots. For finishing we use fabric and colored paper.

If you cut the ball in half, you get two candy bowls. To give it stability, press half of the ball onto the table with a round jar and turn it in place several times. To give the bottom some density, glue circles of thick paper to it on both sides. We decorate the edge of the candy dish with braid or ribbons, sequins or rhinestones.

Using the same principle, you can make a vase in which a bouquet of dried or artificial flowers will look beautiful. Just cut the ball of thread into an asterisk. We trim the cut edges with ribbon, lace or braid. We make a bottom in each half, just like a candy bowl. On one star we bend the petals down more, on the other - quite a bit. We glue both parts together and glue circles of thick paper to the bottom on both sides.

We will need several white balls of three diameters. The smallest ones will remain buds, cut the larger balls with an asterisk, and bend the petals outward. We glue the edges of all petals with white lace or silver braid. For the stems we cover the wire with green paper. Blue or lilac balls will make bells.

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We offer another craft from the budget decor ideas series. These thread balls are simple, inexpensive and beautiful way Decorate your home for the holidays without requiring any special decorating skills or large expenses.

You will need

  • knitting threads
  • inflatable balls (round)
  • wallpaper glue
  • glue container
  • needles
  • scissors


Step 1: Following the instructions, mix the glue with water until smooth.

Step 2: Inflate the balloons. First, inflate the balls to the maximum, then, by deflating, give the balls a spherical shape.


Step 3: Place the threads in glue. It's better to do this in portions. If you have an assistant, it is better to divide the responsibilities: someone winds the thread onto the balls, someone unwinds the skein and dips the threads in glue.


Step4: Wind the thread around the ball. To do this, you don’t need to make preliminary drawings - just randomly wind skein after skein, trying to distribute the skeins evenly around the ball.

Step 5: After wrapping the threads around the ball, cut off the end and secure it with glue.


Step 6: Place the balls on a tray or stand upright and let dry for 12-24 hours


Step 7: Once the balloon has set (it should be firm and springy), pierce the balloon with a needle and remove it from the string ball. If the balloon is stuck at the edges, remove it with tweezers.

Tip: Before piercing the balloon, use your fingers to separate the ball of thread from the surface of the balloon through the gaps that have formed in the weave of the threads. Thus, when the ball is deflated, the edges of the ball of thread are not deformed.

That's it! Balls of thread are ready :)

Balls of thread can decorate your home for almost any holiday. Make balls from threads of bright colors - and the spring decoration is ready; if you make balls from white threads and decorate with glitter, you will succeed wonderful decoration for the New Year.


Such balls can be hung in the form of a garland, placed in a basket or in a vase. You can also use inflatable balls of various shapes and sizes.


Balls of thread can also be used for decoration festive table or as decoration for a party or romantic dinner, both indoors and outdoors.

The process of making balls from threads is not at all complicated and does not require much time.

You can make balls of thread with your own hands from multi-colored threads of different textures. It all depends on where in the interior you want to use balls of thread done with your own hands. In addition to balls, there are great ideas for decorating vases.

To make balls of thread with your own hands, you will need:

  • Threads, I use dense yarn about 2 mm thick;

  • PVA glue - it’s better to immediately buy a large one, since you will need a lot of glue to make balls of thread with your own hands and the price of a large bottle will be much more economical (in my case, the glue is in small tubes, since my husband bought it :)));
  • Inflatable balls. It is better to take the balls in a round or slightly elongated shape to make it easier to form an even ball when winding the threads;

Let's start making balls of thread with our own hands:

For DIY thread balls, you first need to inflate the balls. Inflate the balloons to the size you expect the string balls to be. Next, he ties the ponytail tightly so that they do not blow away while the threads dry, and this can happen when the ball is poorly tied. I just tie the ball tightly in a knot.

Pour some glue into a shallow container. Dip your fingers into the glue and spread it along the thread - 50 centimeters.
Then we begin to form our DIY thread ball, winding the thread around the ball.

! Do not wind the threads tightly to the “tail” of the ball, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the inflatable ball from the frozen thread frame.

There is no need to wind the thread tightly, otherwise the ball will be deformed and the shape will be distorted. The tension can be increased only in order to correct the shape of the ball and give it evenness in the right places, for example, where there is a bulge.
We wind the thread in glue around the ball in layers of 7-10, not very tightly.

! If, on the contrary, you make the density too small when winding the threads around the ball, then it may turn out to be too fragile.

Balls made of thread look much prettier when they have gaps, so they look airier and more original.
Don't mind that the threads have changed color due to the glue. PVA glue has an excellent feature and it is that when it dries it becomes transparent. But you shouldn’t overdo it with glue either, so that the ball doesn’t look “snotty” when it dries.

When you decide that you have wound the threads around the ball in sufficient density, cut the thread, moisten the tip a little more in glue and stick it to the ball.

! We hang the balls by the tail to dry for 12 hours in a dry, warm room.

If you make balls of thread with your own hands for the Christmas tree, then they should be denser than those balls of thread that you plan to hang under the chandelier.

The balls on the Christmas tree should be noticeable, so you should choose bright threads and make the balls dense so that they contrast against the background of the Christmas tree and will serve you for a long time New Year.

Under a chandelier, balls of a more airy texture will look more advantageous, because the light from the lamp will shine through the holes between the threads beautifully.

Balls of thread completed with your own hands, you can beautifully decorate with artificial snow, beads, rhinestones - in general, decorate with everything that your rich imagination deems necessary. Decorating balloons is a very exciting activity, but women are most likely interested in it. And, although our magazine is for women, men often look at our pages. Then they may be interested in a purely male hobby, which can be read about in the article “Beauty from wood shavings”.

My dear mother-in-law used them in this beautiful arrangement.

I will tell you how else you can decorate vases and create compositions in another article.

Currently, homemade soap making is also a very popular hobby - maybe you should try it too?

Do DIY thread balls, they will be a great decoration for your home. More information about New Year's decor interior can be read in the article,

Many of you have seen many times how beautiful a ball of thread looks. Very often such unusual crafts become an addition to the interior of a room or office. But how to make such a ball of thread with your own hands? It’s not all that complicated, the main thing is to clearly recognize the technology of this very interesting craft.

In our today's tutorial we will look step by step at how to make a ball of thread yourself at home.

So, let's begin our educational master class on making a ball.

What we need:

a) a deep plate or some kind of deep bowl;
b) PVA glue (one bottle will be enough);
c) a skein of thread;
d) hand cream (you can also use Vaseline or a cream based on it);
e) scissors;
e) balloon ik.

Necessary materials for crafts.

Description of the process of making a ball of thread:

1) Take our balloon and inflate it. We securely tie the inflatable hole with a thread so that the air does not escape. The ball should be inflated to the size that we need for the future ball of thread. We will make a ball approximately 15-20 cm in diameter.

2) Apply a small amount of cream to the balloon and rub it over the entire surface of the inflated balloon. This procedure is done so that in the future the threads wound around the ball will not stick to it.

3) Pour PVA glue into a plate or bowl. The amount of glue depends on the size of the future ball. At this stage, you can go several ways, either moisten the entire skein of thread in a plate at once, or apply glue to the thread gradually, winding the thread, pulling it through the plate with glue. In the second case, it turns out that it is more economical to use glue for this craft. We wind the thread soaked in glue until we achieve approximately the same distribution of threads throughout the ball. We make the dimensions of the gaps to your taste. The gaps between the threads can be either small or large. By the way, the threads can be different colors and thickness.

4) After the glue has dried a little, use scissors or a needle to pierce the balloon and carefully take it out through some convenient gap in our ball of thread.

5) Our wonderful ball is ready, we hope you liked it! Now you know how to make such a craft yourself. This ball can decorate the interior of a room in any home. You can put it on a coffee table, a bookshelf, or simply hang it on something, it’s up to you.

The final look of the craft.

At all times, handicrafts have been the best remedy from depression and from any mental turmoil. Make your own crafts more often with your children or loved ones! On our website you can always find many interesting and entertaining DIY projects. For example, making a bracelet from ribbon and beads with your own hands will be interesting to any girl or even a girl.

From ordinary threads you can make many various crafts, and not only those that will gather dust on the shelf, but also useful things. For example, it could be a doll, a bracelet, a flower, slippers, a lampshade. Probably the simplest and most common craft is balls of thread. The master class in this article will be about how to make them using glue.

Materials for making the ball

Before making a ball of thread, let's consider what we need. All or many of the materials are likely to be found in every home. If you don't have something, you can always buy it. Thread balls are good because the materials they require are the simplest and most inexpensive.

- Threads. In principle, any are suitable: for sewing, wool, floss. Someone even manages to make such a ball out of twine or wire. However, when choosing a material for winding, you need to take into account several nuances. Different threads absorb glue differently. With some the ball will dry faster, and with others it will dry slower. It is also worth considering that the frame made from thin threads will not be so strong, and may even get wrinkled somewhere if you handle it carelessly. The craft will be most effective if you make a ball of threads of different thicknesses, textures and colors. Usually, to make such a craft, they use “iris” type yarn.

- Balloon. Also suitable for any size, color and shape. But since we will be making a ball, it is, of course, better to give preference to a round balloon, the diameter of which, when inflated, is 10-15 centimeters. These dimensions are the easiest to work with. If you plan to make miniature balls, then even fingertips, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, are suitable.

- Glue. Again, any glue will do: pencil, stationery, construction. But the latter becomes yellow after drying, and the former is not so convenient in our case. The best option would be office glue. It comes in two types: silicate and PVA. Both suit us. Both become transparent after drying. But PVA glue is not recommended for use in pure form, since the structure may not be so strong. Usually a mixture is prepared from glue, water (prevents the appearance of white marks on the threads) and sugar (gives the ball greater rigidity). For 100 milliliters of glue, two tablespoons of water and 14 teaspoons of sugar are enough.

Instead of glue, you can prepare a starch paste according to the following scheme. In a saucepan, mix 200 milliliters of cold water and 3 teaspoons of starch, bring to a boil. After cooling it can be used.

- Vaseline, sunflower oil or fatty cream. Before making a ball of thread, you need to lubricate it with something so that after the glue dries it can be freely removed and not spoil the craft.

- Needle, quite thick and long. You will need it to pierce a bottle of glue.

- Scissors. Useful for cutting threads and the tail of a ball.

- Gloves and apron. You can do without them if you act extremely carefully.

- Newspaper. It is better to lay it on the table on which we will make crafts, so as not to get it dirty.

- Saucer or glass. If the bottle of glue is not stable enough, you can place it in something.

- Details for decorating the ball. For this you can use anything: ribbons, sparkles, rhinestones, semolina, beads.

So, now let's move on directly to how to make a ball of thread.

Preparing the threads for work

There are two options on how to do this. Everyone chooses the one that is most convenient for him.

1. A skein of thread can be placed in a container with glue so that it is well saturated.

2. Thread the thread into a needle and make a through hole at the very bottom of the glue bottle. You can pour the glue into a plastic cup or into a Kinder Surprise egg and pierce it. Then we remove the needle to the side. Thus, the threads, passing through the bottle, will be saturated with glue. By the way, the holes need to be made a little larger than the diameter of the yarn, otherwise the threads at the end will be without glue.

Preparing the ball

The balloon needs to be inflated until the right size so that it is not too big, but dense enough. Then we tightly tie the tail of the ball into a knot, so that it does not come undone during the process. Then the entire ball needs to be lubricated with oil, Vaseline or cream using a brush or cotton pad. This can be done with your hands if you are not afraid to get dirty.

Wrap the ball with thread

If you are right-handed, then left hand take the balloon so that it is convenient for you to press the tip of the thread against the balloon, and with your other hand begin winding the threads. Make sure they are not dry. It is recommended to wind the threads randomly to create an interesting pattern, but you can stick to a specific pattern if you have already come up with a design for the web. Although this is, of course, difficult to do.

The more yarn you wrap, the stronger the structure will be. If you want to get openwork and balloons from threads and glue, then the winding should not be so intense. However, too little yarn will not be enough for our craft to keep its shape during use. In general, you need to find some kind of middle ground.

If you plan to attach something to the ball to hang it on, such as a ribbon, then it is best to do this in the middle of the winding. The ends can be coated with glue and covered with the main thread several times to keep everything in place.

When the winding is finished, the tip of the thread needs to be tied in a knot or simply generously coated with glue.

If you doubt that the ball of thread will be strong enough, you can additionally coat it with glue using a large brush or sponge.

Drying the product

Drying usually takes one to two days. It depends on the quantity and quality of thread and glue that are used. It is most convenient to hang the ball to dry. Tie a fairly long thread to the tail and hang the ball where it will not touch anything.

You can simply leave the ball on the newspaper, but then you will have to turn it over periodically, and drying will take much longer.

Removing the ball

When the threads are completely dry from the glue, you can begin to remove the balloon. If it is stuck, you need to carefully peel it off with your fingers; you can use a pencil with an eraser at the end.

There are two ways to remove the ball.

  1. Untie or cut off the tail and slowly deflate the balloon.
  2. Poke the balloon in several places and it will deflate on its own.

If after this the ball of thread is deformed, then it can then be given its original shape.

Decorating the craft

If appearance You are completely satisfied with the resulting craft, you can skip this point. However, you can transform balls of thread with your own hands so that you get a real interior decoration that the designer himself would make.

Various details are suitable for decoration, for example:

Nail glitter;

Beads or seed beads;

Ribbons, ribbons;


Coffee beans and much more.

The ball will become much more festive and stronger if you spray it with glitter hairspray. The effect of transfusion in the light can be achieved in another way. Coat the ball with glue again and sprinkle with glitter, leave until completely dry.

It will be convenient to use a glue gun to attach small parts. If it's not there, don't worry. This can be done with glue and a thin brush or cotton swab.

What can be made from a ball of thread?

A composition of several balls looks great. You can simply place them on the table in a beautiful dish or make a garland from them.

If you wrap the balloon only halfway, you will get a beautiful bowl. You can make a snowman by gluing one ball onto another, a chicken or another animal.

If you do not wait for the glue to dry, cut the ball of thread to the middle several times and bend the edges, you will get elegant openwork flowers. “Petals” can be decorated with ribbons or braid.

You can make other crafts from a ball of thread if you use a little imagination.

Now you know how to make a ball of thread that will be a wonderful interior decoration or an excellent gift for friends or family for the New Year. Such a craft is just a godsend when you want to please many people, but you are very limited financially. Even children can make such balls, and everyone will enjoy the process: both adults and kids.