Table setting diagrams for children. Table setting in kindergarten: studying the nuances

Didactic game for preschool children “Table Setting”

This educational game is designed for children from 4 years old and allows you to reinforce the rules of table setting without the use of natural products and household items for table setting (dinnerware, tablecloths, etc.). Recommended for playing at home.
Integration: NGO "PR, SKR, RR, FR, KHER"

Goals and objectives:
Develop methods of orientation in space using adverbs and prepositions (right, left, behind, on); improve communication skills in the process of interaction between an adult and a child, as well as with other children; to develop in children the ability to set a table and use tableware for their intended purpose; to form children's ideas about the variety of species of homogeneous objects (spoons) - different in size, shape; consolidate knowledge of the definitions of large, medium (smaller), small (even smaller); develop speech, enrich the lexical vocabulary of children; consolidate knowledge about healthy and healthy food (HLS); form fine motor skills hands; develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Progress of the game:

An adult gives the child a base-field (table) to play with.

And items for table setting, offering to set (set) the table for dinner.

The child completes the task, the adult asks questions about table manners (ethics), healthy lifestyle rules, and proper nutrition, about safety rules when using cutlery, strengthening children’s ability to set the table and use cutlery for its intended purpose. By asking the question “Where this or that spoon should lie,” methods of orientation in space are developed using adverbs and prepositions (right, left, behind, on).
The game can be repeated several times, with the adult giving the child a base-field (table) to play with. 1 lightweight option

or 2 options for complication.

Inna Maslennikova
Abstract of GCD “Table Setting”

Target. Formation of children's knowledge about table setting.


Educational field "Social and communicative development"

(cultural - hygienic skills):

Teach preparation table to eating, taking into account sanitary, hygienic, aesthetic, and practical requirements;

Improve your ability to use it correctly cutlery(fork, knife) ;

Educational field "Speech development"

Development of dialogue speech skills by generalizing knowledge on the culture of behavior for table.

Equipment: items table setting(tablecloth, napkin holder, napkins, bread box, plates, mugs, spoons, forks, knives, presentation.

Vocabulary work: serving, etiquette, dishes, napkin holder, bread box.

Educator: Guys, listen to the poem, look at the objects that are on my table and try to guess what we will talk about today.

If there were no dishes, we would have had a very bad time.

We would immediately turn from people into savages:

They would take the meat with their hands, chew it with their teeth,

They would drink water in a river or a dirty stream.

Children: We will talk about dishes, how to eat correctly.

Educator. That's right, today we will touch upon issues of behavior, i.e., etiquette for table, and we will also learn the correct table setting. Etiquette is a French word; there are palace etiquette, diplomatic etiquette and table etiquette. Rules of behavior during meals, like all others, are not made up out of your head. Each rule has its own meaning. Some rules are based on respect for neighbors table, others respect the owners. Perhaps, once upon a time, everything was simpler and more convenient - people took pieces of lamb from a large common cauldron and tore the meat from the bones with their teeth. Bones and scraps lay nearby. But over the few dozen centuries that separate us from primitive man, something has changed. People have moved away from such customs. Tell me how eating food today differs from ancient times?

Children. Nowadays people eat from dishes using canteens cutlery and napkins.

Educator. Of course, you have long been able to use a fork and a napkin and do not look like savages, but, nevertheless, you often still have to listen to comments. Please remember what I usually remind you of table.

Children. Take your elbows off table. Take the right fork. Eat carefully. Don't slurp. You need to eat soup so that others don’t hear you, etc.

Educator: Main goal table setting- is to create order in table, provide everyone with the necessary items.

Educator: What is it set the table?

Children. Set the table means to prepare it for eating.

Educator: What needs to be done first?

Children: First you need to wash your hands, then put on the duty uniform (takes and apron) .

Educator: Rules have appeared that tell you how to properly lay out and place dishes on table which came to be called « table setting» .

1 child - Lay out a tablecloth and place napkins on top of it for each child so that the table remained clean(children perform actions as needed) .

2nd child - We bet on table napkin holder with napkins for mouth and hands.

Child 3 – Place a bread saucer or bread box on a napkin in the center.

4 child - Place small ones around a saucer or bread box saucers: the handles of the cups look to the right, there are teaspoons for compote on them, if there are dried fruits in the compote, put a teaspoon on the saucer to eat them.

Educator: Guys, to fulfill the next rule, guess riddle:

It is necessary for us

After all, we eat food from it.

Deep and shallow -

Her name is…. (with a plate) .

That's right, now we'll put a plate on a napkin for the first one (soup, borscht, cabbage soup, fish soup) .

Educator: Guys, to fulfill the next rule, you need to guess riddle:

Sat down at I'm digging the table

A small spatula.

I dip the tool

In borscht, sweet jam.

That the spatula will seal,

I send it straight to your mouth:

Porridge, cake, broth, okroshka...

Everyone knows what it is... (spoon) .

Educator: Which side of the plate should we put the spoon on? (to the right side of the plate) .

Educator: More mystery:

She has steel teeth

Long and sharp

Use it to pick up pieces,

It’s even very simple for us! (fork) .

Educator: On which side of the plate should we place the fork? (on the left side, teeth up) .

Educator: Guess the next one guys riddle:

It's made of steel and it's great

Cuts vegetables and meat.

Just don't touch the blade.

Well, of course it is... (knife) .

Educator: I want to know where to put the knife? (place the knife on the right, with the blade facing the plate, in front of the spoon). What is a fork and knife for?

Children: A fork and a knife are needed when we eat foods and dishes whose pieces are difficult to separate using only a fork. Then we hold the product with a fork and cut off a small piece with a knife.

Educator - So we covered the table. Guys, how can you check if everyone has them? cutlery?

Children: you need to stop near each plate and check for availability canteens devices and how they are located. What should we wish for those sitting behind table? That's right, we wish them "Bon appetit".

Educator. Well done! You worked well today and learned well set the table. Let me remind you "Rules of conduct for table»

Don't sit lounging around.

Don't cross your legs.

Don't shuffle your feet, don't talk.

Don't turn around, don't push your friend.

Eat carefully, do not spill on the tablecloth.

Bite the bread over your plate.

Don't bite off large pieces of bread at once. Eat quietly. Don't slurp.

Hold your fork, spoon and knife correctly.

When you drink, you should raise the cup towards your mouth, and not bend towards the cup when it is standing on table.

After eating, put your spoon and fork on your plate.

Coming out from behind table, remove the chair and say thank you.

After eating, rinse your mouth.

Educator: Guys, what should you do after breakfast, lunch, dinner? cutlery.

Children: Now you need to remove from table. Didactic game: "Take it away table» (All actions are performed in reverse order) .

Bottom line: Educator: What did we learn today? How to do it right set the table? Where does it begin? table setting? (fasten the steps serving.) Which "Rules of conduct for table» should you perform?

Publications on the topic:

In September, our group held a mini-project about bread “From ear to table.” The project lasted a week, but we tried to tell and show.

After observing the labor process of an adult. Conducting classes on labor education in the form of a game with the help of which the most are created.

The wonderful pre-holiday time is coming - the time of preparation for Easter. Each housewife, of course, has her own culinary secrets. Let me.

Summary of educational activities for the development of cultural and hygienic skills and etiquette in the senior group “Table Setting” Target. Formation of children's knowledge about table setting. Objectives: Educational field “Social and communicative development” (cultural.

Summary of the round table for parents. The theme is “On the threshold of school.” (Conducted by a speech therapist and educational psychologist). The goal is to prepare parents for a smooth transition of children from play.

Lesson summary for the middle group “Where did the milk come from? The whole path of milk from the cow to the table" Teacher Gareeva Laysan Sulaymanovna MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 59" Lesson notes in middle group“Where did the milk come from? “The whole milk road.

Consultation for junior teachers “Table setting” (from work experience) Moseyko Tatyana Pavlovna Mukhina Tatyana Ivanovna Every minute of a child’s life spent in kindergarten, should be educational and training.

Outline of the round table “Reading about the war” in the preparatory group MBDOU DS No. 85 “Carnation” Objectives: - to familiarize children and parents with the works of poets and writers about children of war; - activate the visual ones.

Lesson summary on SBO for students of the VIII type correctional school “Tableware. Table setting" Topic: Dinnerware. Table setting. Goals: expand understanding of the types and purposes of utensils; give the concepts of “tableware”, “serving”.

Lesson summary “The whole path of milk from cow to table” (middle group) Goal: To create a desire to consume milk and dairy products. Objectives: 1. Establish the stages in the sequence of appearance of milk. 2. Introduce.

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Children absorb information like a sponge. Therefore, it is very important to instill in them correct manners from birth. Food culture is what is necessary in modern society. in kindergarten is of great importance, because this is how children are instilled with order and basic dogmas that will be used in life in the future. We’ll talk about what teachers and nannies in preschool institutions need to know in the article.

Why do you need to set the table?

Many parents are perplexed why the algorithm for setting the table in kindergarten was invented? After all, in junior groups kids use a minimum of cutlery and dishes. But educators assure that this is a very important point. Thanks to proper serving, the following issues are resolved:

    Problems with eating. Very often you can hear the phrase from a child: “I don’t want to and I won’t.” A beautifully set table awakens the appetite.

    Teaching Basic Kid with early age must know which side the spoon and fork are on.

    Discipline. Starting from the second youngest group, teachers involve children in setting the table. Duties are appointed who are responsible for arranging dishes, cutlery, napkins, and so on.

Proper table setting in kindergarten is very important. After all, kids need to learn to live in society and follow the basic rules.

Setting the table correctly in a preschool institution

Table setting schemes in kindergarten are determined for each specific preschool institution. Basically, educators adhere to the classical rules. Based on them, the fork should be located on the left, the knife on the right, but the tablespoon should lie parallel to the table.

Breakfast food is served only when children sit down at the table. This is done so that the food does not have time to cool down. In the center there is a saucer with bread, butter, and napkins. Many teachers decorate tables with flowers. But this must be done with caution so as not to cause an allergic reaction in children.

For lunch, glasses of compote are placed on the table in advance. All other food is brought in plates in portions. In younger groups, only deep dishes are used, in older groups - small plates.

Table setting in kindergarten, the photo of which is presented below, should be carried out by teachers according to general rules. It is advisable for parents to know about them so that children use the same rules and dogmas at home.

In order for children to actively take part in setting the table, teachers are recommended to organize daily shifts among the children. For this purpose, they create a special corner in which they write a schedule of assistance to the nanny. It is very original to put aprons or other distinctive signs on duty officers.

Educators need to be loyal to the kids, even if something doesn’t work out for them. Don't yell or scold them. They are still small, so they cannot do everything correctly. Only explanation will instill in them the desire to be the best and do everything correctly.

Serving cutlery develops fine motor skills, and the baby begins to understand the concepts of “right” and “left.” In older groups, teachers allow children to set the table themselves.

Little nuances

Setting the table in kindergarten is a rather responsible and exciting process. For children, it is important that the dishes are bright and original. A very big mistake for educators is to buy plates with different designs for children. Because of this, conflicts and quarrels often flare up between children. It’s better that everyone has the same things, even though psychologists insist that it’s already preschool institution the child must understand that he is a separate person.

One more thing important rule- availability They can be multi-colored, with images of flowers, animals, fairy-tale heroes. This will only increase children's interest in food.

Setting the table in kindergarten is a mandatory procedure that must be performed day after day. It is very important that dishes and cutlery are displayed according to the same rules. If the classic European style is chosen, the fork should be on the left and the knife on the right.

Proper serving is always a sign of attention to guests, a way to create a festive atmosphere, and also an indicator of the artistic taste of the hostess.

  • In this material we will look at the rules of informal serving, that is, those that are appropriate for receiving guests at home in everyday life and on holidays.
  • Serving at home depends on the occasion, time of day, theme and menu, but in all cases the purpose of serving is the same - to arrange the dishes and cutlery so that it is convenient and pleasant for the diners to eat.

Based on this goal, table setting rules were invented. In everyday life, all these canons need to be observed only on the most solemn occasions, but once you have mastered their essence, you will be able to set the table with your own hands for any occasion - from a romantic dinner to family celebration New Year.

Before you begin, take a look at two sample table settings. As you can see, setting a home holiday table for guests is much easier than setting a formal reception!

So, how to set the table? We have compiled step by step instructions in a certain sequence, describing each of the stages. In short, the most convenient procedure is as follows:

  • Tablecloth – Plates – Cutlery – Glasses – Napkins – Decor (vase with flowers, candles, themed decorations).

Keep in mind that a few days before the event you need to resolve all organizational issues and prepare:

  • Decide on the number of people, create a menu, tidy up the tablecloth, check the quantity and quality of napkins, dishes, cutlery, and think about the decor.

On the day of receiving guests, wipe all dishes and cutlery clean, and then start setting the table.

Step 1. First lay the tablecloth

The main thing here is to make sure that the overhang of the tablecloth is no more and no less than 20-30 cm. A shorter overhang will look ugly, and a longer overhang will be inconvenient for those sitting at the table.

As for the color, you can choose either the win-win and traditional white, or lay down any option you like, complement it with runners and underplates as shown in the photo.

Here are some examples festive table setting at home and without a tablecloth at all.

Step 2. Lay out the plates

This part of the “serving” theory will be the most extensive. After all, the composition and combination of plates depends on the planned menu, the number of guests and the scale of the holiday.

According to the classic rules of table setting, one person can have several plates:

  • A large substitute plate (serving) - for a daytime and everyday table it is not necessary, and some serving styles (for example, rustic) allow its absence. The photo below shows examples of serving with and without a substitution plate.

You may also need: medium (snack), small (pie or dessert) and deep soup bowl.

  • According to the canon, the type of deep plate depends on the type of soup. For thick soups, choose a wide one (photo on the left); for light broth or cream soup, choose a bowl with or without handles (photo on the right). But this is precisely the rule that can easily be ignored.

As for the arrangement of plates, appetizer or deep plates are placed on wildcards, dessert and/or salad plates are placed on the left as shown in the picture on the right. In this place there can also be a tea pair, a pie plate or, for example, an egg bowl on the occasion of Easter. The photo below shows options for festive serving and plate composition.

  • Plates should be placed at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the edge of the table and at the same distance from each other;
  • To prevent the snack plate from sliding on the stand, you need to put a paper or textile napkin between them as shown in the photo below.

Step 3. Place the cutlery

Now let's start laying out the devices. They are placed on the sides according to the number of courses (with the concave side facing the table):

  • To the right of the plates are knives and spoons;
  • On the left are forks;
  • You can put a teaspoon on top.

Festive serving at home does not require a large number of special knives, forks and spoons. Most often, one knife, one fork and a couple of spoons are enough (for soup and dessert).

But if necessary and desired, you can additionally set the table with special forks, knives and spoons as shown in the following photo selection.

You can learn more about the rules for arranging devices in the following video lesson.

Step 4. Place glasses, wine glasses, glasses

Next, behind the plates, a little to the right, we place the glasses from largest to smallest. Depending on the drinks available and the preferences of the guests, glasses for water, red/white wine, champagne and/or a glass for juice, spirits and shot glasses are displayed.

Step 5. Serving napkins

For especially special occasions, napkins can be folded beautifully and artistically on a plate. For all other cases, there are no strict rules for serving napkins. They can be placed in a glass of water, placed under a snack plate, inserted into rings, tied with a ribbon and decorated with decorations.

If you are setting the table not for a holiday, but, for example, for lunch, then you can place napkins on the side of the plate under the forks as shown in the photo below.

Step 6. The final touch - table decor

Hurray, almost ready! All that remains is to decorate the festive table with flowers in a vase and themed decorations. On New Year these can be pine cones, rosemary and fir branches, on March 8 - flower buds, and on Easter - hares and willow branches. The topic of table decor should be given more attention in a separate article, but for now we suggest taking a look at photos of beautifully decorated tables in different themes and styles.

Easter table setting

And a little about the arrangement of dishes

In addition to serving cutlery and dishes, you need to lay out the food dishes themselves. Here is a small reminder on how this can be done beautifully and correctly.

Well, that's it. We wish you successful practice and happy, heartfelt holidays!

Lyudmila Yashnova
Organization of the process of catering and table setting in a preschool educational institution

The main task of the kindergarten is to ensure the constitutional right of every child to protect his life and health. At the same time organization of rational nutrition– a necessary condition for the harmonious growth of children, their physical and neuropsychic development, resistance to infections and other adverse environmental factors, occupies a special place in activities of preschool educational institutions. After all, it is in kindergarten that children spend a significant part of the day.

Psychological comfort of children during their stay in educational institution largely depends on catering. An important point in the right catering is correct serving, it plays a big role in developing the child’s appetite and consolidating cultural skills.

Aesthetic design table attracts children's attention to dishes, increases appetite, and shapes children's aesthetic taste.

Aesthetic design table:

Be sure to use paper napkins

beautifully and correctly laid out cutlery(spoons, forks, knives,

sliced ​​bread in a bread bin,

cups, plates according to the number of children,

allowed flower arrangement for decoration.

For breakfast The table is set as follows:

To the middle table put a bread box with bread covered with a napkin, a plate with portioned butter, a napkin holder

Then lay out spoons, forks, knives (for oil)- senior preschool age. The fork is on the left side, the knife and spoon are on the right. If there are no knives, there is a spoon and fork on the right. Tea pairs are placed in the center table, by the number of children.

The main course is served to the children by the youngest teacher before how they sit down table. Dishes are not laid out in advance, with the exception of those eaten cold. The dishes are served and removed to the left of the sitting child.

If eggs are served for breakfast, they are placed on a plate that stands in the center table.

By lunchtime the table is set:

To the middle table A bread box with bread covered with a napkin and a napkin holder are placed.

Then spoons, forks, and knives are laid out. Forks are on the left side, knife and spoon are on the right. If there are no knives, there is a spoon and fork on the right.

Tea pairs with a small spoon are placed in the center table, by the number of children.

Salads, sliced ​​vegetables, and marinade are laid out in separate plates before the children sit down to eat. table.

Soups (if there are no salads) served only when the child sits down table.

There is no need to lay out the second one prematurely so that it does not was cooling down: Cooled food is less healthy. If teacher and junior teacher closely monitors the children while they eat; they always manage to serve everyone a second dish on time.

For a packed afternoon snack the table is set:

In the center A napkin holder is placed on the table, tea pairs.

A plate is given to each child if baked goods or cookies are offered.

Otherwise the table is set the same way, as well as for breakfast. Only oil is not supplied.

Procedure for organizing meals:

Preparing for meals. Compliance hygiene requirements(the furniture is arranged comfortably according to the height of the children; tables wash with hot water and soap. Younger teacher must wash your hands thoroughly, wear special clothing, ventilate the room, use only clean utensils)

Hygienic procedures: valeological education of children, strengthening the rules of hand washing; self-control of children.

Maintaining a gradual placement of children behind tables. The teacher is trying so that after the duty officers those children sat down at the table who eat slowly and have poor appetite.

Table setting: organization of duty; familiarization with the menu, announcing it to children; attracting children's attention to aesthetic design tables, maintaining correct posture.

Eating (breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon snack). Individual work By nurturing food culture; training in etiquette rules; performance assessment.

Organization of duty

General requirements:

Duty is in the nature of assignments;

Unity of demands from both teachers and junior teacher;

It is mandatory to perform hygienic procedures, the presence of an attractive uniform for duty officers (apron, cap);

Assign 1 duty officer for each table;

Encouragement and gratitude for help

Duty on canteen junior age:

By the end of the year you can hang "Duty board" and teach children to use it;

Unfolding on table of spoons, napkin holders and bread bins.

Duty on dining room middle age :

table setting under the guidance of an adult;

Duty on canteen senior age:

table setting;

Accommodation paper napkins in napkin holders (rolling, cutting, folding);

Cleaning up used napkins.

Set the table- this means preparing it for eating. Main goal table setting- create order in table, provide everyone with the necessary items. Order tableware has been developed over the years, dictated by hygiene requirements and the need to provide the greatest convenience.

Correct table setting as a necessary condition education positive attitude towards food and development of eating habits food:

to clean lay the table tablecloth, its edges are lowered equally on all sides, but not lower than the seats of the chairs. or better for each cutlery - napkin, clean, elegant in appearance

paper napkins are not laid out, but placed in a napkin holder (after finishing eating, wipe your lips first, then your hands, and place the used napkins on a dish)

the bread bin is placed in the center table, if necessary, cut the bread in half (doesn't break)

Tea pairs are arranged

if you serve compote with berries, then put a teaspoon on the saucer

placed to the right of the plate cutlery:

closer to the plate, fork with the tines up, next to dining room spoon with the indentation down,

if served table knife, then the fork is placed to the left of the plate, and the knife is placed on the right, closer to the plate, with the blade towards the plate (the knife is used to cut meat, sausage, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, pears into small pieces).

something that is easy to cut with a fork is eaten without knife: boiled potatoes, cutlets, casserole, omelet.

salad, sliced ​​vegetables, marinade served in a separate plate

the layout of dishes on plates should be aesthetically attractive

As food is eaten, dirty plates must be removed

Publications on the topic:

Organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions with children of the senior group Great changes are taking place in preschool education today, the foundation of which was laid by the state, which is showing great interest in development.

Methodological recommendations for preschool teachers on organizing the nutrition process and setting tables in groups. Guidelines for preschool teachers on organizing the catering process and setting tables in groups. Consultation prepared by senior.

The changes taking place in preschool education, on the one hand, imply preschool work in an innovative mode, and on the other hand, they demand.