Secrets of physiognomy: reading a person by the shape of his nose. Character based on facial features: thin lips will indicate a gossip, a nose with a hump will indicate an egoist. A man’s nose with a hump.

The human face is like an open book. And those who know how to read it can learn a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor, his thoughts and intentions.

Physiognomy - the science of reading faces

The science of reading faces is called physiognomy. As experts point out, it originated in China many centuries ago. Some believe that facial features can predict the fate of their owner.

Despite the fact that it undergoes changes with age, the main features - eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips - remain unchanged, and sometimes become even more expressive.

Physiognomy is widely used by knowledgeable people in many fields of activity. Regardless of nationality, race, age and gender, emotions always manifest themselves in the same way.

Thus, mentalists, or very attentive people, can “read” a person even before signing a business agreement or predict how important negotiations will end.

The main facial features that physiognomists work with

Specialists in the field of physiognomy are in great demand in business and the corporate world. There are five main facial features in total:

  • eyes;
  • brows;
  • lips;

Main parameters of the nose

Let's focus on the nose and take a closer look at its features. The nose is located in the center of the face and is its most convex part.

The following parameters can be considered decisive.


  • A long nose indicates that a person is stubborn.
  • It strongly hints at the possibility of great achievements in the intellectual sphere or the capriciousness of a given individual, as physiognomy interprets it.
  • means melancholy, such a person is calm, thoughtful and reliable.
  • People with short noses are open, positive and friendly.


  • A thin and slightly angular nose can be a sign of poor concentration. If a small hump is added to this, the person is most likely proud and stubborn; he is not alien to a certain aggressiveness and determination.
  • The narrow nose is a hardworking person, but any benefits do not come easily to him and require exhausting work from him.
  • Non-emotional and calculating individuals, as a rule, have a nose with a flat back and wide wings.
  • If a woman has a small nose, she is quite jealous, and if she has a tall nose with a pronounced back, she can easily compete with any man for a high position in society, says the science of physiognomy.

tip of the nose

  • If this part of the nose has a rounded shape, a person has every chance of becoming a prosperous and successful person.
  • When the tip of the nose droops, the person is hypersexual.
  • Physiognomy characterizes a sharp nose as a treacherous and unreliable nature.
  • The tip of the nose, like the beak of an eagle, means vindictiveness.

  • Full and large tip - good-heartedness, friendliness, tendency to act to the detriment of one’s interests for the sake of others.
  • An overly saggy tip, which hangs over the upper lip, does not indicate a positive character, but does indicate a tendency towards betrayal.
  • Physiognomy interprets an upturned nose as freedom from sexual prejudice and the inability to keep secrets.
  • Rancor, suspiciousness and suspicion are the eternal companions of a person with a split nose.

In general, physiognomy considers as many as 24 signs related directly to the nose, and this amounts to about 576 different variations.

Nostril width

The width of the nostrils, like the shape and length of the nose, can say a lot about a person’s character. Their width determines the temperament of a person. It is believed that a person with wide nostrils can inhale a large amount of air, which is the main source of life.

A person with wide nostrils is quickly inspired by an idea and is ready to take action at that very second, but very quickly cools down and is deflated. Long-term goals are not his strong point.

A person with narrow nostrils will be the complete opposite of the previous one. He performs tasks efficiently that require a long time, and also has a balanced character, as physiognomy states.

A hooked nose gives its owner a changeable disposition. Impermanence manifests itself in all areas of life. Many different ideas come to him, which is why a person rushes from one type of activity to another and cannot decide. In addition, such people are easily hurt. Sometimes in the process of communication they can rub their hump, which means that some words have touched the person to the quick.

Nostril shape

  1. Triangular shaped nostrils indicate caution and greed.
  2. Square nostrils characterize an active, assertive and determined person who is ready to go to the end to achieve his goal.
  3. The round shape of the nostrils, as a rule, belongs to creative individuals and inventors. Rationality is the main component of the character of such people.
  4. Oval nostrils are a sign of adventurism and a thirst for adventure.

Big and perfect nose

The science of physiognomy is an interesting and multifaceted one.

What it should be like. Experts define it as smooth, with a rounded tip and well-defined wings. Such a person is distinguished by courage, passion and determination.

But the so-called physiognomy is attributed to open, friendly and cheerful people. They are characterized by a quick temper, and they also need approval and encouragement.

A split nose is in most cases a sign of a tyrant. Such a person combines suspicion, suspiciousness, as well as shyness and embarrassment. At the same time, he has outstanding intelligence and is able to solve problems that many people have struggled with. A striking example of a man with a cleft nose was Joseph Stalin.

Nose color

The color of the nose, according to physiognomists, also plays a role in determining a person’s character.

For example, a shiny nose is considered a sign of future success and financial prosperity. Pink, golden and peach colored noses also fall into this category.

But red promises loss. An earthy or gray shade of the nose indicates hidden diseases, green - a person is not inclined to repay monetary debts. Even such subtleties can be determined by looking at the human nose.

Physiognomy states that the nose characterizes the life of a person between the ages of 40 and 50. At this time, a person already occupies a certain position in society, and one can judge his capabilities in terms of building a career.

You can predict a person’s character by the nose, but a lot also depends on the person himself. Even the most ideal nose that promises success will not help an alcoholic or drug addict achieve success. The most convenient part of the face by which one can judge character is the nose. Physiognomy provides a basic concept of determining people’s inclinations, but is not 100% effective, since human behavior depends on many factors.

A little physiognomy

Pay attention to the lower part of the face. Ancient Chinese physiognomists believed that the lower part of the face is associated with health, and also talks about a person’s practicality and his ability to achieve material wealth.


If lips fleshy, full, with softly rounded upper corners, before you is an ambitious, serious and intelligent person. People with such lips usually live to a ripe old age in perfect health, have a developed intellect, a gentle and delicate character, but not without a certain firmness, and are capable of achieving considerable success in life.

Lips medium full, elongated, with raised corners testify to the intelligence of their owner. Such people perfectly master everything new and are able to cope well with the most complex jobs, which helps them reach career heights.

Holders thin lips with stretched corners They love to gossip and slander.

Soft, relaxed lips indicate that their owners are modest people, reliable and able to keep secrets. They are loyal and firm in their beliefs.

Quite full lips, elastic, but with transverse wrinkles- a sign of calm, pragmatic people. However, they are prone to pessimism and disappointment.


The nose allows you to learn about a person’s mental abilities and his emotional characteristics.

The straight nose is quite large compared to the rest of the facial features- a sign of an honest and fair person. Owners of such a nose are noble and generous, capable of achieving great success in their careers.

Those who have a nose fleshy rounded tip, have an extraordinary mind and are able to make mature, informed decisions in critical situations.

Potato nose- a sign of a generally harmonious person, but prone to making rash decisions.

Sharp spout have those whose character contains such qualities as prudence and tolerance, extraordinary efficiency and hard work. These people are pragmatists.

Greek nose (straight with a hump) indicates loyalty and moderate views. People with such a nose quickly find a common language with almost everyone and are good listeners. They are self-sufficient, but this quality is based on pure selfishness. They are never bored when alone with themselves.

Roman nose resembling an eagle's beak, is a sign of an aggressive and risky character. Often the owners of such noses are adventurers and adventurers.

A nose that forms one straight line with the forehead, indicates a weak, indecisive character, a tendency to make irreparable mistakes and strong suggestibility. Persuading such a person to do anything is a piece of cake.

Eye shape

It can also tell you a lot of interesting things about the character of your interlocutor. Pay attention to the position of the iris relative to the eyelids, as well as its color.

When the iris is surrounded on three sides by a white field and only on one side is pressed against the lower eyelid, this indicates that a person with such eyes is devoid of sentimentality, loves to slander and loves to spread gossip. In addition, he always has a personal opinion on any matter and his conceit is higher than his real merits.

Those who have the iris is pressed against the upper eyelid, and is surrounded on the other sides by a white field, they do not have the habit of showing good feelings towards others. Women with such eyes, due to their bitchy nature, are rarely happy in their personal lives.

Holders "bulging" eyes(the iris is located exactly in the middle of the eye and is surrounded on all sides by a white field) often suffer from their irritable nature, do not know how to show sympathy and respect even for loved ones, and often have a hypersexual temperament.

"Cat" eyes- large, wide-open, shiny and bright - indicate willpower and decisive character, courageous and honest. People with such eyes are usually distinguished by honesty and perseverance in achieving their goals.

"Eyes of an Eagle"- dark, with a golden tint; the iris touches both the upper and lower eyelids; brilliant and glowing with the mind - speak of balance and calm. The harmonious nature of people with such eyes allows them to avoid conflicts out of nowhere and implement grandiose plans.

Eyes whose irises are a mixture of colors and shades, most often belong to people who are not particularly cordial, but, nevertheless, friendly and faithful. They do not wish harm to anyone, but they can harm someone unknowingly.

Happy owners large and round eyes, with corners raised to the temples, and with wrinkles at the corners, with a brightly colored iris and slightly bluish sclera, are distinguished by a joyful and light character, loved by everyone and pleasant to everyone. They are cordial and unobtrusive, always ready to help and selflessly arrange the fate of others.

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According to psychologists, the shape of the nose indicates not only the character, creative, musical, artistic and mental abilities of a man, but can say a lot about his sexual activity. The most popular myth to this day, which has never been confirmed, is the legend that men with a large nose have increased sexual activity, but on the contrary indicates problems in their personal lives.

Men with long noses are great intellectuals and conservatives, as well as great connoisseurs of their habits, passions and traditions. The wide ridge of a man’s nose indicates a melancholic and calm character, and also characterizes the man as a pleasant interlocutor. A short nose belongs to optimistic and friendly men with whom you can always find a common language.

In addition, there is an opinion that when choosing sexual partners, men look for their soulmate with the same nose shape. Incredible, but true - married couples who have the same shape of the nasal septum get along very easily and well with each other, and if the length of the nose differs from the length of the partner’s nose, then such a relationship quickly comes to an end.

The character of men and women is influenced by any shape of the nose - if it is, then the character manifests itself in one way, and if it is aquiline, then in a completely different way.

Men with small snub nose are more balanced, practical, and the energy emanating from them instills confidence in the partner in the future. They have a wonderful, cheerful character, which helps them become the soul of every company, and their assertiveness and confidence provide them with leadership in any endeavor.

Fleshy nose or potato nose testifies to the prudence of its owner. Such men are very careful, hardworking, and their approach to doing things is extremely attentive. But the strangest thing is that with all these qualities they, as a rule, are unlucky in their personal lives. Compared to others, they most often lead a bachelor life.

Stubborn and strong character is the hallmark that makes a man stand out with a hump on the nose. They are incredibly calculating, but at the same time retain amazing generosity. Their main motto is to live and enjoy every beautiful moment.

Man with straight nose is very straightforward, he is well educated, has an excellent upbringing. Such men are most often lovers of beauty; they are aesthetes who understand and appreciate art. But, unfortunately, their personal life quite often does not improve. They are big fans of first creating a “love triangle”, and then starting to look for a way out of the current situation.

– individual characteristics of the ratio of length, width, height of the external nose, in which it looks disproportionate in relation to other parts of the face. A nose that is too large disrupts the harmony of facial features, attracts attention and causes ridicule from others, and contributes to the development of complexes in its owner regarding his appearance. At the same time, the large external nose protects a person to a greater extent from the penetration of airborne pathogens and allergens into the respiratory tract. If an individual is dissatisfied with the size and shape of the nose, nose surgery (rhinoplasty) comes to the rescue.

General information

The characteristics of a large nose are very individual and depend not only on its length and width, but also on its proportionality and balance with the rest of the facial features. If a person’s face is naturally endowed with small eyes, lips, and thin eyebrows, then even a nose of average anatomical size will seem “giant.”

The shape of the nose is determined by the relationship of a number of its structural components: base, root, dorsum, tip; size - length, width and height of individual parts of the nose. Endless combinations of these values ​​create a variety of options for the structure of the nose.

The variability of the size and shape of the nose depends on age: over the years, the shape and relationship of the nose with the facial skeleton become different, and besides, against the background of general ptosis of the soft tissues of the face and sagging skin, the nose looks much larger and larger. On average, the growth and development of the nose continues until the age of 18-21. The shape and size of the nose is also influenced by hereditary and national characteristics. European peoples have high and thin noses, Mongolian peoples have flat and wide noses.

Anthropological parameters of the nose

The length of an ideal nose is 1/3 of the length of the face, the width does not exceed 1/3 of its length, and the height is approximately 1.5 times its width. With a classic profile, the angle of the nose is 30°; the break at the bridge of the nose should not be too deep.

The percentage ratio of the width of the nose to its length is the so-called nasal index, which can vary from 60% to 110%. The nasal index is widely used in anthropology and has the following options:

  • leptoria - nasal index up to 69.9% characterizes a high narrow nose;
  • mesorinia - nasal index from 70% to 84.9% is typical for a medium-sized nose;
  • chamarinia - nasal index from 85% to 99.9% is observed with a low, wide, wide nose;
  • hyperchamarinia - a nasal index above 100% occurs in those with a large, large nose.

According to this classification, leptoria is characteristic of the peoples of European groups and Eskimos; Chamarinia is found among African, Australian peoples, etc. Anthropologists suggest that the size of the nose has adaptive significance for performing the most important respiratory function.

Physiological features of a large nose

A large nose often seriously complicates the life of its owner, introducing disharmony into the appearance, becoming the subject of ridicule in childhood and a source of complexes in adulthood. However, the undoubted advantage of a large nose is that it is able to protect its owner from the penetration of infectious pathogens and allergens into the body. American researchers have experimentally confirmed that a large nose represents a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of microorganisms into the nasopharynx, as well as plant pollen, which causes allergic rhinitis (hay fever).

Those with a large, protruding nose inhale 7% fewer dust particles and bacteria from the air than those with a normal or average nose. Also, a large nose protects the oral cavity from inhaled microorganisms.

And, nevertheless, not all owners of a large nose are ready to reckon with its advantages. Women especially often resort to nose reduction.

Plastic correction of the shape and size of the nose

Surgeries to change the shape and size of the nose are called rhinoplasty. With the help of plastic correction, you can make a wide nose narrower, a long nose short, i.e., recreate the proportions of the nose that are in harmony with the appearance of a person.

Rhinoplasty, performed to correct a nose that is large in size or disproportionate in shape, involves reducing its osteochondral frame. Access to the nasal frame is made by making incisions on the inner surface of the nostrils. During the operation, “excess” bone and cartilage tissue is removed, the resulting defect is then closed by bringing the nasal bones together. If necessary, part of the skin in the nostril area is removed. With an isolated reduction of the wings of the nose, the nasal septum and bone structures of the nose are not affected.

If the patient has difficulty breathing through the nose, the position of the nasal septum is simultaneously changed - septorhinoplasty. If the new shape or size of the nose comes into dissonance with the rest of the face (chin, cheeks, etc.), it becomes necessary to change the appearance of these parts of the face, which can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty or separately in the future.

Rhinoplasty to correct the shape and size of a large nose is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to protect the surgical area from trauma. With qualified rhinoplasty, the risk of postoperative complications is minimal.

It turns out that many people have complexes because of the shape of their nose. Some people think it is too long, others think it is wide or crooked. Sometimes things go so far that a person’s personal life does not work out, since he becomes isolated on the shortcomings of his appearance. This happens especially often in women; in such cases, they sometimes resort to plastic surgery. However, there is no need to rush. Below we will tell you what it means for a girl to have a hooked nose and whether this can affect her character.

Nationality is a determining factor

Everyone knows that you can determine the origin of a person only by looking at him. This is not difficult to do based on external signs. Facial features, skin color, eye shape and hair structure indicate nationality. In addition, the shape of the nose can tell a lot. For example, Africans have wide nostrils, while Tatars have a neat, narrow nose.

A hump or slight elevation is also characteristic of certain nationalities. These could be:

  1. Azerbaijanis;
  2. Armenians;
  3. Abkhazians;
  4. Ossetians;
  5. Jews;
  6. Arabs.

There are many known ethnic groups with hooked noses. In our country these are mainly residents of the Caucasus, in Europe - Serbs, Croats or Hungarians.

The above suggests that if a person has this “zest”, he is a representative of a certain nationality. You may not know your roots, but you can't argue with genetics. Scientists have long proven that heredity plays a role here, if not injury, of course. And even among Russians there are many such people. From where, it would seem? It’s simple, as they say, “scratch a Russian and you’ll find a Tatar.”

What does a hump nose mean?

It is believed that the shapes of certain parts of the body speak about the essence of a person. You can look at him and tell who is in front of you. The nose is no exception.

If you want to learn how to determine a person’s character based on external data or you yourself are the bearer of a piquant “mound,” pay attention to where it is located and what shape it is. They can be pronounced, sloping, high and low.

It also matters whether you are a man or a woman. Now we'll talk about girls. So if this:

  • A small hump that resembles the beak of a parrot - its owner is a creative person. She will achieve success only by getting into her channel. The family will always be in the background; if it appears, it will be too late;
  • The owner of a sloping mound, small in size, is a person subject to the influence of others. It all depends on who will raise this girl and with whom she will go next. She is not characterized by sentimentality, but she has one best friend for life;
  • A long nose with a hump means a big child in front of you. She will remain vulnerable until old age, strongly attached to loved ones.

Of course, it is clear that everything is relative and these characteristics cannot be applied to everyone. But what a person's character and his facial features are connected- has been known for a long time. In strong-willed and powerful people they are pronounced and pointed, in kind and gentle people they are smooth.

How to get rid of a deficiency?

If you don't like your profile, you can make it more attractive. And it is not necessary to resort to the help of surgeons. First, try to cope on your own. Massage and makeup will help you:

  • You just have to use the appropriate puda tones. Apply lighter colors to the wings, and cover everything above with darker ones. The attention of others can also be distracted by bright lipstick or expressively designed eyes;
  • In addition, there is a special massage. It includes several simple techniques that help smooth out the “mound”. Heat a clean scarf with an iron and place it on the bridge of your nose. After this, press firmly with your finger on the hump for 30 seconds. Do 3-6 sets every day. The cartilage that is there is very plastic and will change shape over time. Just don't overdo it it shouldn't hurt.

These methods are not always effective; perhaps the only way is surgery. But think, is everything so bad? Maybe it's your individual feature and there is no need to correct it at all.

Famous people with a hump

Do you know how many stars would not have become so popular if they had not had such an extravagant nose shape? Having the opportunity to perform any operation, they retained their individuality and are recognizable today largely thanks to it:

  • Julia Roberts;
  • Uma Thurman;
  • Sophia Loren;
  • Barbra Streisand;
  • Sarah Jessica Parker.

These people turned a disadvantage into an advantage. Therefore, do not rush to go under the knife, especially since this process is quite painful and not healthy.

How to choose a hairstyle?

This is another way to compensate for a deficiency - to choose the right hairstyle. I would like to point out right away that a short haircut will not work. It is advisable to grow your hair to at least shoulder length.

The best options would be:

  • Haircut "cascade". Due to the different lengths of the strands, the contours of the face acquire asymmetry and distract attention. Against this background, the eyes and lips become clearly defined;
  • Long curls. Just give them extra volume, like curling them. A chic hairstyle often helps out a girl who has small imperfections on her face;
  • A braid and a high ponytail are also your option. The main thing is to let out a couple of strands in front, they will visually soften the image;
  • And don't cut your bangs short so that they fall on your forehead.

In addition, pay attention to the eyebrows. If they are light, it is better to paint them in dark colors. There is no need to pluck them into a thin “thread”. They should be of normal width with a soft bend.

Humped nose in men

The stronger half is less worried about this, and more often than not even proud. For some reason, it so happens that this is not a disadvantage for men. Their hump speaks of noble qualities:

  • Courage;
  • Strong-willed character;
  • Determination.

Among other things, many women claim that they are always very sexy. Men with a curved nose are capable of passionate, unforgettable sex. And the guys themselves are sure that this is one of the indicators of masculinity. In their opinion, a straight form speaks of a subtle character, while rough lines, on the contrary, impart severity and brutality, and therefore inspire respect.

Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect. What matters is not what we are like on the outside, but what we are like on the inside. Then the girl’s hooked nose will not be noticeable, and other little things will not be important. People are always more interested in the moral qualities of a person.

Video about a hump on the nose

In this video, Diana Shagaeva will tell you whether the hump on her nose interferes with her life, and whether this can be considered a highlight in her appearance: