Scenario for the festive program for Children's Day "Childhood Town". Scenario of an entertainment and game program dedicated to Children's Day, "summer riddles of klepa" Scenario of a competitive program for Children's Day

The entertainment takes place outside. The areas are decorated with balloons, butterflies, fake candies and multi-colored flags.


Today is your holiday, guys!
All the children of the vast Earth
They rush to each other with congratulations,
Wishing you health and love!
And we, dear ones, wish you, -
Grow and make us happy,
May your wishes come true
And the world will be kind to you!
We are adults, we promise you,
Help in everything, protect,
And in our hearts we hope and dream
Raise you happy!

Children read poems about summer.

Today we have a fun holiday dedicated to Children's Day. We will sing, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. And now I will tell you a variety of statements, if you like it, then say in unison “How lucky we are!”

Game - chant “How lucky we are”

1. Long-awaited summer,

Fun and hot!

Children: How lucky we are!

2. Classes are abandoned!

Good days have come!

Children: How lucky we are!

3. Birds are singing everywhere,

Butterflies are flying around!

Children: How lucky we are!

4. You can take a ride to the sea!

There's frolic on the shore!

Children: How lucky we are!

5. Everyone can swim,

Roll on the grass!

Children: How lucky we are!

6. You can go to your grandmother

And eat pancakes there!

Children: How lucky we are!

7. Go to the forest to pick mushrooms,

Carry berries in baskets!

Children: How lucky we are!

8.You can wait until September

To get ready for kindergarten!

Children: How lucky we are!

Children sing the song “From a Smile”

Leading. Guess who this riddle is about?

There is a beautiful planet
And her name is Earth.
There are seas and rivers on it,

Mountains, steppes and fields.
And lives on that planet
Amazing people
He loves to listen to fairy tales

In general, life is fun!

You probably guessed it
What are these people called?
And, of course, we met him,

In a group, at school, here and there!
Answer me quickly,

What are the people called? Children.


I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,
And magical gifts
Made it as a gift
For fun kids!

He takes out a bag of summer riddles and invites the children to guess them.

Bag of summer riddles:

1. The smallest bug
Black speckled flank. (Ladybug.)

2. Very light, like a blade of grass,
I'm as green as a blade of grass,
In meadows, forests, rivers
Hiding in the grass... (Grasshopper.)

3. Who washed away the litter and dirt from the path,
I watered the leaves, blades of grass,
The hedgehog guessed the riddle
He snorts: ... Spilled... (Rain.)

4. The sisters are standing in the field,
Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

5. Hey, bells, blue color,
With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bell)

6. Housewife,
Flew over the lawn
Will fuss over the flower,
And share the honey! (Bee.)


Come on, bees, fly out,
And collect your honey!

Relay game “Bees”.

(Who will collect nectar from flowers faster.)

Bright disposable plates are laid out on the floor, with caramels (nectar) in the middle. The bees need to transfer one caramel to their hive house (hoop). Each team has its own “hive”.


A violinist lives in the meadow,
Wears a tailcoat and gallops around,
He's green like a cucumber
It's called...

All. Grasshopper!

Relay game “Grasshoppers”.

A team of 5 people takes part in the relay race. At the command of the leader, each participant must gallop on two legs from start to finish and back.

Children of the second junior group “Thumbelina” dance

Round dance "Berezka"


It's time for a new riddle,
Dear guys!
In the forest by a stump
Vanity, running around.
Working people
Busy all day?!

Children. Ants!

Relay game “Ants”.

2 teams of 10 people are selected. The teams need to build houses from cubes - “anthills”. Each team member takes 1 cube and runs to the construction site. The last participant installs the roof. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Hard workers - ants -
Real heroes
The house was built to perfection...


Again guys
Fun riddle:
Centipede crawling
Along the narrow path,
Feeds on leaves
Turns into a butterfly?!

All. Caterpillar.

Game “Funny Caterpillars”.

Children clasp their hands on the stomach of the child in front. It turns out to be an improvised “caterpillar.” Without releasing your hands, each “caterpillar” needs to cover the distance from start to finish.


And now, guys,
The last but difficult riddle:
He prepares the nets like a fisherman,
And he never catches fish?!

All. Spider.

Relay game “Spider”.

The players need to tie multi-colored ribbons on the hoop - “weave a web.” A team of 5 people plays. Who's faster?


The cloud is hiding behind the forest,
The sun looks from the sky.
And so pure
Good, radiant.
If we could get him,
We would kiss him.

Song "Strong Friendship"

Girls of the middle group "Pchelka" dance

Dance “We are cuties, tumbler dolls”

Leading: How wonderfully you sing, guys. And now I invite you to answer the questions of the fairytale quiz.

Fairytale quiz.

1. Who defeated Koshchei the Immortal? (Ivan Tsarevich.)

2. What was the name of the Malvina doll’s dog? (Poodle Artemon.)

3. Which hero loved to ride on the stove? (Emelya.)

4. Which of the fairy-tale animals often helps Ivan Tsarevich? (Gray Wolf.)

5. The famous cat from the village of Prostokvashino? (Cat Matroskin.)

6. What is the name of the good doctor who treats animals? (Doctor Aibolit.)

7. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”? (Mashenka.)

8. Which girl appeared in the flower’s cup? (Thumbelina.)

9. Which fairy tale heroine wore glass slippers? (Cinderella.)

10. What is the name of the girl looking for the way to the Emerald City? (Ellie.)


I know you can draw great
Now you can show off your talents.

And for this you will need colored crayons.

I look forward to beautiful, bright drawings about summer from you.

Children's drawing competition on asphalt

“We are drawing summer!”

Soap Bubbles Competition

At the end of the festive game program “Children's disco “Orange””.

Musical director: Kabashnaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna;

Physical education instructor: Rudakova Elena Vladimirovna

I . Introduction

Hello, Hello, Hello!
We are glad to welcome you!
So many bright smiles
We see it on their faces now.
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
First summer day of the year
He won't let his children get into trouble.

Speech by the head of the club, chairman of the village women's council.

—We wish everyone a good mood and radiant smiles! After all, today is a good and cheerful holiday - Children's Day!

—Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

-Today, on this first summer day
Even an old stump will bloom for us
And every blade of grass will give us a flower
And no mosquito will bite anyone.
All because the holiday has arrived,
He united all the children of the Earth
And the boys from China became brothers,
And sisters - girls from Uruguay.
Let our skin be different in color,
But we understand all the children on the planet by looking at them.
We all dream together about one thing,
So that everyone has a family and a home,
So that both us and we can be loved
And in childhood, we all lived without worries and grief.
Therefore, we ask all people
So that we, children, are protected and valued!”

Song “Adults and Children Know” lyrics. Rakhimova O.E.
(to the tune of the song “33 Cows”)

Adults and children know
Yes, it’s time for us to find out
What does everyone have in this world?
There are legal rights
And it doesn't matter where you live,
Who is richer, who is poorer
And what color is the skin?
You also have the right
As does each of the people.

Every child has the right
Get treatment in hospital if you are sick,
The right to food, to education,
The right to attention, to a place of residence,
Has the right to a beautiful name,
For joy, for happiness,
For a happy childhood.

—Many different smart laws, guys, protect your life and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. Children's Day reminds all people, all over the world, that we must remember the rights of every child and, of course, not violate them.
The holiday dedicated to children comes to us on the first day of summer, when the green forests are rustling, birds are singing in every possible way, the sun is shining brightly in the huge blue sky, summer flowers are blooming, bumblebees and bees are merrily circling over them, transparent wings are sparkling over crystal streams. dragonflies

II . Game part

1. “How are you living?”

How are you living? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

2. Relay games

  1. Burn, burn clearly” with the ball.

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The leading child with the ball in his hands is behind the circle. The children and the leader walk in the opposite direction, saying the words:
“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!”
After these words, the presenter quietly places the ball behind one of the players. All children count: “One, two, three! Run!” The leader and the participant near whom the ball was placed run around the circle in different directions. The one who runs around first and takes a place in the circle wins. The second player becomes the leader.

  1. Hot potato.”

Children stand in a circle. At the command of the leader, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. As soon as the presenter says: “Stop!”, the game stops. The player who has the ball in his hands leaves the game. They play until the last player wins.

  1. Riddles

Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flying over the flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates rose
There is beauty all over the world.
The sun ordered: “Stop,
The Seven Color Bridge is cool.”
A cloud hid the light of the sun,
The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps
Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes
Everyone gives a bow. (Strawberry).

A cap and a leg -
That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

The sisters are standing in the field:
Dresses are whitewashed, hats are green. (Birches).

  1. Relay Games
  1. Relay game "Kangaroo". 2 teams play. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player.
  2. Dance game “How beautiful I am.” Everyone can play, standing in a circle. Players pass a basket of things from each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting it will be.
  3. Game for kids “Collect apples”. Three people play (maybe several times). Rules: apples of yellow, green and red cardboard are scattered on the floor. The players' task is to collect apples of their color as quickly as possible.
  1. Game “Edible-Inedible”

They sow it, they reap it in the field,
They bake it from flour,
They call it rich bread,
He is:
- Edible!

This one is baking in the oven,
Placed on a flat wall,
They call it choice brick,
He guys:
- Not edible!

What grows in the garden
Spreads a lot of leaves
This is a green cucumber
It will be for us:
- Edible!

Made of metal
He knocks like crazy
This is a jackhammer
For us of course:
- Not edible!

It grows on a tree
Everyone knows this fruit
They call it a vigorous apple,
He is:
- Edible!

Bedspreads are made from it,
Handkerchiefs, curtains, blankets,
There are a lot of fashionable clothes,
It's a pity that the fabrics:
- Not edible!

Well done guys, everything is correct, everything is correct.
Chocolate candies,
Cakes and tartlets,
Honey gingerbread,
Boiled lollipops,
Delicate cake,
Ice cream with raisins,
Alledible, everything is so tasty,
Prepared expertly!

  1. Fairytale relay

Baron Munchausen Core
The core is an ordinary balloon with the words “Core” written on it in large letters. The relay participant must “ride the core,” holding it between his knees and holding it with his hands. Thus, he must travel to the turning mark and back, pass the ball to the next player.

Puss in Boots
The props for this relay are very large boots (as many teams, as many pairs), a wide-brimmed hat for each team. On command, participants put on boots and a hat, run to the turning point, bow there and return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Fox Alice and cat Basilio
Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair.

Frog - traveler
Props: gymnastic stick. The two strongest participants place a stick on their shoulders, and the third takes it with his hands and lifts his legs off the ground. At the signal, all three must reach the turning mark. If a player hanging on a stick touches the floor while moving, then penalty points are deducted from the team. At the finish line, the “frogs” unhook from the stick and remain there, and the “ducks” run after the next participant – the “frog”. Thus, the whole team must be at the start.

Baba Yaga
Everyone remembers that Baba Yaga travels in a mortar, assisted by a broom. Instead of a mortar there will be a bucket, and instead of a broom there will be a mop. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket and holds it by the handle with one hand, and holds a mop in the other hand. In this position, he needs to reach the turning mark, go back and pass the props to the next participant.

  1. Pass the ball over the top.

For this and the next two relay races, it is necessary to assemble 2 teams and line them up in two columns, at a short distance from each other. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball reaches the last person standing, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Pass the ball sideways.

Participants stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. The team captains have the ball. On command they begin to pass it to each other. As soon as the ball hits the last person standing, all participants turn in a circle and the ball returns to the team captain on the other side. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Nimble ball.

In this relay the task becomes more complicated - the first two games are combined.
(it is recommended to repeat all tasks first).

III . Asphalt drawing competition

Now take the crayons
And draw, write on the asphalt,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings contain:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

IV . The final part. Summing up.

May there never be warLet the cities sleep peacefully,Let the sirens howl piercinglyDoesn't sound over my head.Let no shell explode,No one is writing a machine gun,Let our forests ring out,Only birds and children's voices,And may the years pass peacefullyAll children: “Let there never be war!”

Children's Day in preschool educational institutions. Scenario

Target: enriching children's ideas about Children's Day through joint play and creative activities
- expand knowledge about the holiday - Children's Day;
- consolidate knowledge of fruits and vegetables;
- develop the ability to solve riddles;
- develop attention, creativity, logical thinking, dexterity and speed, the ability to act on a signal;
- cultivate a friendly attitude towards other children, create a desire to help them, and work in a team.
The holiday is held on the playground of the kindergarten. As a reward for completing tasks, children receive pictures - symbols of summer (sun, flowers, butterflies, etc.)
Progress of the event
Presenter: Let's begin, let's begin!
We invite everyone to the holiday!
All the girls and boys,
Both quiet and naughty!
It's forbidden to be bored today!
Our holiday begins!
There will be games, dancing and laughing for an hour!
Child 1: First day of colorful summer
He brought us together, friends

A holiday of childhood, songs, light
A holiday of peace and goodness.
Child 2: We celebrate the holiday of summer,
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
The sun, the sun is warmer,
The holiday will be more fun!
Child 3: First day of summer, become even brighter!
Celebrate June 1st everywhere!
After all, this Day is the protection of all children!
It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!
Child 4: So that adults and children
Lived happily in the world
What do we need?
Children: Peace and friendship!
Presenter: Guys, today you will travel on station assignments. For each stage you complete, you will be given pictures - symbols, with the help of which you will have to guess the main riddle of the day! To begin with, we suggest you warm up.
Dance exercise
Moving to 1 station "Mysterious"
1. The smallest bug
Black flecked flank. (Ladybug.)
2. Who washed away the litter and dirt from the path,
I watered the leaves, blades of grass,
The hedgehog guessed the riddle
He snorts: Spilled... (Rain.)
3. The sisters are standing in the field,
Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)
4. Hey, bells, blue color,
With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bell)
5. Housewife,
Flew over the lawn
Will fuss over the flower,
And share the honey! (Bee.)
2 station "Vodnaya" (transfer water in a spoon)
We disperse to the 3rd and 4th stations, then change.
3 station "Pereprava" (2 hoops)
4 station "Kochki" (steps with numbers)
Unite at station 5 "Dance"
Presenter: I know you can draw great
Now you can show off your talents.
And for this you will need colored crayons. I look forward to beautiful, bright drawings about summer from you.
6 station "Risovalnaya" (using the received symbols, draw summer on the asphalt with chalk)
Presenter: Guys, today you have walked a difficult path. They showed their knowledge and skills, were friendly, and helped each other. And so they guessed that all these tasks were dedicated to the summer!

Scenario for the children's holiday "Children's Day"

Ignatova Anna Alekseevna, teacher-oligophrenopedagogist at MS(K)OU school No. 10, Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of material: I bring to the attention of teachers, educators, and parents an approximate scenario for the children's holiday “Children's Day.” Competitions can be removed or, conversely, added.

Target: To diversify the leisure time of children aged 3 – 13 years.

Venue: yard, camp, etc.

Time: 60 minutes.

Two clowns, Button and Key
Participation of children's groups with different numbers is possible

Accompanying music:
Any children's funny music: Barbariki, from the film Masha and the Bear, etc.
Props for competitions:
Book "Turnip"

Progress of the event:

Music plays, a presenter and two clowns appear.
- Hello, guys and their parents. My name is... . And these are my two assistants, Button and Key. Do you know what day it is today?
Possible answers:
-First day of summer.
-Children's Day.
-You're all right. Today is a big holiday - Children's Day - a holiday of peace, friendship, childhood.
Childhood never leaves us,
Childhood is always with us,
Those who leave childhood
They live as old people from childhood.
Childhood never leaves us
Childhood always lives in us,
It just takes me away from childhood
Life is vanity.

Well, now let's start our holiday! Shall we have fun?
-Shall we play and laugh?
-Shall we joke and dance?
-Then let's begin!

Two clowns show a miniature “Childhood” (or any other scene).
Then all the children and adults stand in a circle, hold hands and dance to the song of Barbarika - “Song about Friendship”.

-Now guess the riddle:
What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,
Mouse, also Bug's dog
They helped grandma and grandpa
Did you collect root vegetables?
-Now we will play the fairy tale “Turnip”. Clowns choose heroes from children and adults.
1. For a company of at least 5-10 people.

1) A presenter is selected (he will be the reader).

2) ALL (!) characters of the fairy tale are written out from the book onto separate pieces of paper, including, if the number of people allows, even trees, stumps, rivers, buckets...etc.

2. Presenter:
-We have a wonderful fairy tale! Now let's play the game "Disco Dancer" with you. Everyone participates.
Now our clowns Button and Key will show you movements, and you must repeat them to the music.
Sample music:
1) Sirtaki
2) Gypsy
3) Twist
4) Hopak
5) Lambada

3. Presenter:
-Now let's check how smart you are!
(The questions are very easy, but they can be replaced with more difficult ones depending on the age category of the children).
Children's toy for girls? (doll)
Organ of vision? (eyes) What awaits children after kindergarten? (school)
What do we see lying on the bed? (ceiling) Who lives in the booth? (dog)
What shines for us during the day and what at night? (sun and moon)
Who gives gifts to children in winter? (Father Frost).
A multi-colored arc in the sky? (rainbow)
What do the spectators shout when the ball hits the goal? (Goal)
What do people wear in winter? (fur coat)
When the kettle boils, does it appear? (steam)
What is Dnepr? (river)
Are they built from logs? (hut)
An animal that meows? (cat)
Tall African? (giraffe)
Who works in space? (astronauts)
A device used to determine north and south? (compass)
One-legged board? (skateboard)
What is another name for a hippopotamus? (hippopotamus)
A first grader's first book? (primer)
Cold treat? (ice cream)
The pear weighs, can’t you eat it? (bulb)
Are they needed for downhill skiing? (sled)
Wooden boy? (Pinocchio)
Does he have a carrot for a nose? (snowman)
Dairy product? (kefir)
Southern striped animal? (tiger)
School time? (lesson)
Who's in the movie? (actors)
Large bird of prey? (eagle)
-How smart you guys are. Well done!

4. Presenter:
-Now let's see how attentive you are! (The presenter plays with the children, and the clowns ensure that the conditions of the game are fulfilled correctly).
Game "Be careful".

Participants are warned not to do certain movements.
The presenter shows exercises: bending or turning the torso or head, arm movements, etc., except for those previously agreed forbidden. The presenter turned his head - and everyone turned, he raised his hands - and everyone raised them. But after several movements, the leader must make a forbidden movement, for example, a squat. And someone, getting carried away, repeats it and drops out of the game. The winner is the one who remains the last player.
-Oh, how attentive you are!
He ran from under the snow,
He grumbled and gurgled.
I'll make a boat
And I will give it to Him.
In the brilliance of the sun's rays
Will take him away...

5. Presenter:
-That's right, guys, this is a stream. And now we will play the game “Rucheek”.
Everyone stands in pairs and raises their hands above their heads. The one left without a partner passes under those standing and grabs someone by the hand. The next one left without a pair also passes and takes someone by the hand.

6. Presenter:
-Now guys, let's see how strong you are! Tug of war. All children and parents are divided equally into two teams and play tug of war.

7. Presenter:
-Amazing! Now let's play the game "Fanta". We all stand in a circle, while the music is playing, we must pass the ball. Whoever the music ends on must perform the forfeit that we all come up with together.
For example:
Tell a rhyme
Meow loudly
Sing a song
Dance to Gangnam Style.
Jump on one leg and crow three times
Sing a ditty, etc.

The clowns bring balloons and distribute them to the children.

-Well, guys and their parents, and now the disco!

Summer is approaching... And together with the first day of summer - June 1, we celebrate Children's Day. The holiday was first celebrated in 1950 after its establishment in 1949 by decision of the Congress of the International Democratic Women's Federation. This memorable date tells us that children all over the world need our help and support, that we are responsible for them, that our task is to help them be healthy and happy.

Interestingly, Children's Day has its own flag. On it, against a bright green background, there is a schematic depiction of the planet Earth, and around it are colorful people holding hands. Find several options for ideas for creating a flag in the article “”.

In general, the first day of summer, when the sun is shining with all its might and warms the earth with its rays, is the best fit for this holiday. This is a great occasion for fun and excitement.

I offer you a scenario for June 1 in the form of a selection of great competitions and games that will help you organize an unforgettable holiday for children. Please note that the program should be varied and active so that the children do not get bored. Ideally, you should divide the children into teams to unite the team and encourage them to build friendships.

Games and competitions for June 1

You can start the holiday with some fun. After which it is advisable to divide the group of children gathered together into two teams of approximately equal strength.

Creative name

The first competition will be the simplest, where we will warm up and get to know each other. Teams need to come up with a name for themselves in a minute. There will be no winners or losers in this competition, it will be a friendly draw for the creativity and cohesion of the newly assembled teams.


The teams line up one after another. Each child is given a coin. Task: from a certain distance, throw a coin into a bowl standing at a certain distance. The team whose members threw in the most coins wins.


The facilitator reads a quote from someone or gives a guiding hint, after which he gives 30 seconds for discussion in the team. The team writes the name of the fairy tale on a piece of paper independently or with the help of an adult, the presenter reads out the answers and says the correct one. The team that guesses the most fairy tales wins.


The presenter draws two circles or ovals on the asphalt - this is the body of our centipede. The facilitator gives each team a piece of chalk. At the command of the leader, team members one by one run up to their circle or oval and draw a leg. The presenter times the time - 1 minute, at the end of which it is calculated how many legs each team has drawn. The team that manages to draw the most legs wins.

Drawing competition

A creative competition that can reveal talents and introduce children to the world of art. There are two options: you can draw with crayons directly on the asphalt or with paints on whatman paper, choose based on weather conditions and preferences.

On command, each child or team of children begins to draw what they love most in the world. It is very difficult, and not necessary, to evaluate which of the cutest children's drawings is better, so friendship usually wins in this competition.

Sports relay race

Now let's test your agility, agility and team spirit. The guys are divided into two teams and, at the leader’s command, they begin to run, jump in bags, frog jump or walk in single file, carry a tennis ball in a tablespoon without dropping it, etc. There are many options for tasks, depending on your imagination. The team that finished first won.

Tug of War

Now it's time to determine who is the strongest here. One team stands on one side of the rope, and the second team on the other. Everyone holds the rope tightly, and at the leader’s command they begin to pull in their direction. The team that managed to tilt the rope to their side won.

Tug of war is one of the favorite children's competitions, suitable for any event, including celebrating Children's Day.


The competition can be held in the middle or end of the holiday, when the children are quite thirsty. Each team is given a three-liter jar of juice or water and straws. At the command of the leader, the participants of each team lower the straws into the jar and begin to drink. The team that drains the jar first wins.

The sun is clear

Another great skill game. The first team, blindfolded, stands in a circle and joins hands. And the second team stands inside the circle. At the command of the presenter, “The sun has risen,” the team with their eyes closed raises their hands, and at the command, “The sun has set,” they lower their hands. The task of those in the circle is to slip out unnoticed at the moment when the “Sun has risen.”

In the video below, the funny guys offer another active and active competition for children, “No Tail”:

Most likely, at this stage your children will be quite tired and having a lot of fun, so the holiday can be completed. Don't forget to prepare delicious and memorable souvenirs for all participants. You can additionally organize a joint search for treasures and prizes. Draw a map with clues and let the children find their own legitimate prizes. At the end of the holiday, you can arrange a festive disco or a small picnic.

Everyone is guaranteed to get a lot of emotions and pleasure from such a fun holiday. The most important thing is to show children how important and dear they are to us! Let the kids receive maximum attention on this day and spend all their irrepressible energy, falling asleep happy without hind legs.)))

If games and competitions for children are still not enough for you, then take a look at “”. There is already a large collection of competitions and fun tasks. And if you want to continue the holiday, then visit some city-wide event or concert with your children, such as. This will bring you together and give you a pleasant experience.

And don't forget to look at. There are so many interesting things there!!!

Take care of your children and... yourself! And be happy!

With love,

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"