Script for congratulating the manager on her anniversary. Congratulations to the manager on her anniversary Anniversary of the head of the stage for congratulations

The anniversary of a kindergarten is a serious and significant event not only for those who worked or are working there, who give their love to children, but sometimes for the entire city. Each children's institution, of course, has its own destiny and history, and a wonderful reason to remember this, and most importantly, to remember its employees. Moreover, graduates, having left their once native walls, forget to visit their educators; they somehow remember school teachers more. That's why best idea for the anniversary celebration there will be a kind of retrospective that will allow us to remember the people involved in this event and connect the history of the institution with the history of the country.

We hope that the version of the scenario we offer will help organize a sincere and bright holiday. Moreover, taking as a basis script for the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten “A Great Journey into the Past”, organizers can easily make their own changes: replace concert numbers or add a celebration of employees different years, because each block of the program represents one of the decades of our history.

You can hold such a holiday in different ways, above: intimately - only for your own people; privately - only for adults. Or you can organize a big celebration for the entire region, because 50 years is a more than serious anniversary. The proposed Big Scenario will require a lot of preparation, but the game is worth the candle, believe me.


Organizing a holiday according to this scenario will take time, so it would be good to distribute preparation tasks not only among teachers, but also to involve an initiative group of parents and employees of different years.

Need to do in advance:

1. Select and scan old and new photos for a slide show

2. Find and prepare “Guests of Honor”, ​​among whom are the first students (graduates) kindergarten, the first employees of your preschool, administration representatives. Lyrics (like names) for "Guests of Honor" in the script are conditional. The guest can also say his own text, but it is advisable to adhere to the ideas given in the script of the “speeches”, because for the most part they are “leads” to the number following the guest’s speech.

Important: in a big city it will be very difficult to find traces of the first pupils ( and maybe workers), even with such an assistant as the Internet. In this case, you can cheat a little by inviting “wedding generals” - people from the outside, of the appropriate age - to play the role of Guests of Honor. Or read a “letter” from the past.

3. If you have time (if you want) arrange a “Museum of Toys”, arrange a showcase with the first exhibits, or prepare pictures.

3. If you decide to attend a Fashion Show, ask your parents to do some handicrafts and sew (or maybe find it in “grandmother’s chest”) clothes of the right period of time. You can also make a slide show.

4. The musical director may replace the proposed musical numbers. The main thing is that the new ones correspond to the times.

5. Some blocks can be replaced. Replacement options are given as ideas, but are not fully spelled out.


1st Presenter

2nd Presenter

Kindergarten workers

Guests of honor

Children - singers, dancers, readers

Introduction to the script for the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten

1st Presenter: This is the house that RONO once built,

And we have been working here for a very long time.

2nd Presenter: And let's tell you honestly, without any embellishment,

He became dear and beloved to all of us.

1st Presenter: Here we meet guests every morning,

2nd Presenter: And the day is not complete without news.

Middle group teacher: Seryozhka Petrov has mastered the letter “R”!

Teacher preparatory group: Alina solved her first example!

Teacher senior group: Kirill finally tied his shoelaces!

Junior group teacher: And Simka said our first word!

Presenter: And so it is in the news every day, year after year.

And this is our life,

In chorus: not just work!

Teacher's song

To the tune of the song "Aleshkin's Love" by VIA "Jolly Fellows"..

Performed by teachers (can be solo, can be one verse at a time, can be in chorus) View the text of the adaptation

Sounds 1. Cheerful guys. Aleshkin's love (minus)

(Hint for organizers: There is no chorus in this song, so it’s worth thinking about how to change the musical accompaniment).

1st Presenter: Today our beloved kindergarten celebrates its anniversary. 50 years is no joke! 50 years in a human life is an entire era. The life that was then (just imagine, half a century ago!) is completely different from modern life. Without exaggeration, we can say that the past years have already become history. And, in relation to our Kindergarten, what a glorious story! Suffice it to say that over the past years, we have released more than one and a half thousand children into big (school) life, who, during their stay within our walls, turned from incompetent, unintelligent children into respectable preschoolers!

Concert number "Quadrille"

Children from the preparatory group (possibly together with the teacher) perform a dance.

Sounds 2. Quadrille "Song about kindergarten".

1st Presenter: Today is a big holiday. Look how many guests there are! And, of course, today there will be a lot of music, a lot of surprises, a lot of congratulations. And the representatives of the district administration were the first to ask for the floor (maybe RONO).

Official guest(sample text): The status of an official guest of a higher organization obliges me to construct my speech very seriously, but looking at your cheerful, dear faces, I can’t help but smile. But the speech is thought out, prepared and justified. Kindergarten No. NN was opened in 1919. In the first year of its existence, your preschool accepted mmm children. That year it was a real holiday for the residents of the neighborhood. The first graduation took place the following year. At 19.. the kindergarten changed its serial number to the affectionate name "NNN". I won’t bore you with the whole fifty-year history, I’ll just say that over its half-century history, Kindergarten No. NN or “NNN”, which is more accurate and correct, has produced ten generations of preschool children. But, if the “turnover” among students was natural and constant, among workers it was always kept at the lowest level. You were dismissed from your Kindergarten only as a last resort. It is not for nothing that your team has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas and (transfer of awards to the team), and two of your employees N and M were awarded the title (or awarded...). And, of course, today’s event could not go unnoticed by our administration. Let me read the congratulatory address from the District Department of Public Education (order, order, decree).

The document is read.

Applause, congratulations, gifts

2nd Presenter: There are people in our hall today different generations, there are among them very young people who, perhaps, cannot even imagine that distant time when our Kindergarten hospitably opened its doors to the very first pupils. And it seems to me that the excursion into history that we want to offer to your attention will be interesting both to those who have something to remember and to those who can learn something new for themselves from the past.

1st Presenter: Let's take a big trip into the past. We have something to remember. Do you mind?

2nd Presenter: Why not? I'm for it, but how are our guests? Ready for a big trip?

(guests answer)

In chorus: Then let's go!

"A great journey into the past."

Sounds 3. The locomotive whistle

The presenters form a “train”, they are joined by other participants in the performance: kindergarten workers, several children and parents.

Song-remake for the anniversary of the d/s

To the tune of “We are going, going, eating..”

Sounds 4. Song of friends (minus)


We go, we go, we go to distant lands,

Parents and children, and all our friends.

We went on a hike in the distant years,

There are a lot of surprises along the fun journey.

Tra-ra-ra, tra-ra-ra!

The chefs are coming with us.

Nurse and nannies,

Everyone will come with us.

The entire large and friendly staff,

All the fun kindergarten!

Years and miles flash by: half a century is a long way.

Well, how interesting it is to suddenly give up on the past.

And outside the window there has long been a completely different landscape.

We waited: stop. And our beloved garden!

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Oh, what beauty!

Familiar path

Kindergarten, just like the picture.

Doors open wide

He invites us all to visit.

Everyone is cordially invited.

1st Presenter: The first stop is the "Starting Point" station. You say such names don’t exist? But let me remind you that our route is measured not in kilometers, but in years.

2nd Presenter: And since our first stop was in the 60s and 70s, this name is quite justified.

The first block is "Reference point". 60s - 70s.

Slide show "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago"

A building, a playground, a group, old toys, lunch, photographs of the first pupils, etc., that you can find.

A slide show “Our Kindergarten 50 Years Ago” is shown from old photographs of the Kindergarten. The slides are accompanied by text. If there are not enough photos for the text, find what you need on the Internet. The text can be changed: supplemented or written your own.

Text for the video series "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago."

The text can be voiced over, but it is better if it is read Presenters.

Just fifty years ago

This is what our Kindergarten was like.

Playground: slide and swings,

Sandbox and carousels.

Everything is Spartan, ascetic,

But it is reliable and practical.

It was a good upbringing

Healthy baby food.

There were enough toys and books for everyone.

There were no frills, however...

The country was stable then,

Although not at all abundant.

But all the boys and girls

Just like now we laughed loudly,

And they were just as curious,

And everyone loved fairy tales too.

And although they are not dressed richly,

Great kids growing up!

1st Presenter: Well, dear guests, how did you remember?

2nd Presenter: I don’t know about the guests, but I remembered my old toy monkey, which it seems I never parted with for a minute. It was shabby and faded, but still my favorite!

1st Presenter: And I remembered my very first dance, which we danced in younger group. And I even remember the whole song: “The bear and the doll are briskly stomping..”

2nd Presenter: Wow, we also sang and danced this song in kindergarten! I also remember...

1st Presenter: It seems to me, colleague, that we got carried away. Our kids from the sixties have already stagnated behind the scenes.

Dance "Tumbler Dolls".

Girls dressed as nesting dolls run onto the stage and perform a dance.

5. The song "Tumbler Dolls" is playing.

2nd Presenter: Today is an unusual day. So we prepared, rehearsed, and it seems like we all know what else we will delight the guests with, and the memories of that distant time awakened amazing feelings. And only now I felt the significance of today’s date and felt the amazing atmosphere of a long-forgotten childhood.

1st Presenter: The atmosphere is wonderful, but we still have a lot of things and surprises ahead

2nd Presenter: and gifts!

1st Presenter: Yes, yes. It’s the gift I want to talk about. While preparing for this holiday, we suddenly discovered that over fifty years we had not only escorted many children to the threshold of school. We have lost a whole layer of history: half a century of toy history.

2nd Presenter: This sad discovery prompted us to take decisive action. Several months of search work, in which the parents of our current students also got involved, have yielded results, and today we are pleased to present to your attention the exhibits of our new museum “My Favorite Toy”.

There is a demonstration of photos of favorite toys of graduates and kindergarten teachers

1st Presenter: We don’t have many exhibits yet, but we hope that the museum’s exhibition will be replenished. And on the centenary of our Kindergarten, we can be proud of our museum.

2nd Presenter: Now we have the opportunity to travel a lot, but new places are not only sights and museums. New places mean new acquaintances, people are very similar to us, but still a little different.

1st Presenter: We promised many surprises and many guests today! Before introducing the first guest of honor (guest), I want to say a few words. Life is so arranged that people do not remember their first educators. More precisely not so. I’m sure they remember, but they don’t visit. After leaving Kindergarten, children, as a rule, no longer come to visit us.

Guest of Honor 1

2nd Presenter: And it is extremely rare to trace their fate. But fortunately, the world has changed beyond recognition, and His Majesty the Internet helped us find one of our very first pupils, who came to our Kindergarten back in the distant year as a three-year-old girl. Meet: Lenochka Petrova (conditional name)

1st Presenter: Then. And now twice mother, three times grandmother - Elena Vladimirovna Pavlova. (name and number of descendants are arbitrary)

One of the Presenters conducts an interview with the first Guest of Honor. You can come up with questions yourself, or use our option.

Questions for an interview with the first guest of honor - a former kindergarten student.

Please tell me how you remember our Kindergarten?

Which teachers do you remember?

Did you have a favorite kindergarten toy or book?

Maybe you remember some song or poem that you learned then?

How are today's children different from those with whom you were friends in those early years?

Have you retained any quality in your character that was brought up in children of the 60s and 70s?

In the Kindergarten we have always not only educated, but also instilled certain skills and abilities.

Can you remember anything that kindergarten taught you?

And lastly: We know that you raised two children, that now you have three grandchildren growing up. Please tell me they visited (attend) kindergarten?

After the interview, the Guest of Honor congratulates the Kindergarten workers on their anniversary.

Guest of Honor 1: A long time ago, when the trees were still big and the grass

She could cover us completely, but they could barely speak.

Then the Kindergarten came to the aid of working mothers.

He became family, he became loved. All our people will confirm this.

There they won’t offend you, they won’t judge you, they’ll take care of you and understand you.

I really want to go back there! Well, at least for a few minutes...

1st Presenter: How touching! Thank you very much!

2nd Presenter: And please accept my gratitude. And now it’s time for us to move on.

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

1st Presenter: What a wonderful atmosphere we have today! Soulful, warm... They say it’s true that nostalgia warms...

2nd Presenter: And yet something is missing. And the mood is festive, and the sound of wheels fascinates, lulls...

1st Presenter: No, no, not this! I know what's missing - a good song.

2nd Presenter: That's right, that's right! Nowadays everyone isolates themselves from the world behind headphones, but before no holiday was complete without a drinking song, and songs were played on the road.

1st Presenter: But we have not yet reached the era of gadgets. Let's blast out a good road song to the whole car.

On screen 7. Karaoke: song "Blue Car".

(everyone sings)

2nd Presenter: Great! Look, we are already approaching the next station. How imperceptibly time flew by with the song.

(The presenters pretend to peer at the landscape outside the window)

1st Presenter: Indeed, the first houses have already appeared. We are approaching the city of Stability.

2nd Presenter: I'll tell you a secret, local residents call their city Zastaya. I think it's a pretty nice town.

1st Presenter: It's not for us to judge. They say it's better where we are not. You better look, colleague, who is greeting us!

2nd Presenter: I can't believe my eyes! This is Raisa Ivanovna!

The second block "City Stability". 70s -80s

Raisa Ivanovna appears on stage.

1st Presenter: Dear friends, let me introduce you to another guest: Raisa Ivanovna - music teacher (educator) from the first generation of employees of our Kindergarten. It was she, together with her colleagues, who laid the foundations of our team: friendship, mutual assistance, as well as dedication and a creative approach to business.

Guest of honor 2

2nd Presenter: Raisa Ivanovna is ours today (and yours) The kindergarten celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Our holiday is not just an anniversary, it is an evening of memories. We will not torment you with questions, but maybe you will share your memories with us.

The guest of honor shares his memories and reflections.

Raisa Ivanovna: Hello, hello, hello! Thanks for kind words to my address. I want to congratulate all the heroes of today’s celebration, as well as children, parents, and guests. With all my heart I wish you prosperity and creative success to the whole team.

As for the memories... There are many of them, but I will tell you... about the difficulties. For us, educators and music teachers, kindergarten holidays were a real test. Not because we didn't love them. But mandatory for everyone public holidays V kindergarten It’s hard to imagine now. May 1, November 7 are red days of the calendar, which were repeated almost always according to the same scenario. Or Constitution Day middle group, Can you imagine? And this happened. And also the lack of literature. So educators music workers Willy-nilly, everyone became screenwriters. And, nevertheless, even in such “gray holidays” pearls happened, especially if the teachers were not afraid to take risks. We will now show you one of these pearls of the old repertoire.

Sounds 8. Song "Grandma, teach me to dance the Charleston"

Children perform a dance. Applause.

1st Presenter: Thank you very much, Raisa Ivanovna, for your memories and such a wonderful surprise. Let me invite you on our fascinating journey through time.

1st Presenter escorts the guest into the hall.

2nd Presenter: And I also remembered the old one a funny song, which we both sang and played. Alas, I didn’t remember about her earlier. It will be all the more interesting to play it impromptu. Dear adult guests, are there those among you who still have a child living inside them? Then I ask you to take the stage.

Five people take the stage. 2nd Presenter quietly “explains” to the participants what they should do. In fact, it is better to rehearse this number in advance, but the beginning of the song should be prepared as if the whole action was taking place impromptu.

You can play this “visible” song accompanied by a children's choir (backing track included), or choose one of the attached audio recordings of the song.

Sounds 9. Four cockroaches and a cricket (minus)

Sounds 9a. Four inseparable cockroaches and a cricket (plus)

Sounds 9b. Children's choir. Four Cockroaches and a Cricket (plus)

1st Presenter: Well done everyone! The house has been destroyed, it’s time to move on, that is, move on.

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

Game "Children's Logic"

2nd Presenter: It’s a very short drive to the next station, but there’s time, and we’ll play a little. Only this time it will be adults, not children, who will be playing.

(two adult guests from the first row are invited: a man and a woman, they are asked questions in turn, after their option, the question is read out original version- compares children's and adult logic- whichever participant has more hits wins)

Sometimes we ask children to answer a question and are indignant if we do not receive an intelligible answer, because what we are asking is elementary. But it only seems so to us. Can you, adults, serious and smart, follow the children's logic?

1st Presenter: Let's keep it simple, colleague. I explain the conditions: we read the beginning of the child’s phrase, and you will try to put yourself in the child’s place and continue his thought.

2nd Presenter: The little girl puts tights on her head and says: “Look what I have...” (participant offers an option, original option: braids)

1st Presenter: What rhyme for the word "sofa" did the three-year-old poet come up with? So, "sofa - ..." (bed)

2nd Presenter:

Mommy, you're so smooth, it's like... (a roller skating rink rolled over you)

1st Presenter:

Mom, do you know how dad and I are alike? ... (we have the same last names)

2nd Presenter: The girl is going with her parents to the south. "You definitely need to take glasses to..." (the eyes are not burnt out)

1st Presenter:

My friend, you need to listen to adults! Are you a smart boy?

I'm not smart, I... (to dad)

(Idea for replacement: The game can be replaced with congratulations from parents, guests from the audience, or “congratulatory telegrams”).

2nd Presenter: Applause to our participants!

1st Presenter: That's how it is! It turns out that children can confuse adults too!

2nd Presenter: That's how it is! It turns out that we have already arrived!

1st Presenter: Oh, what a small stop. And it's called (reads)"Quiet Corner"

2nd Presenter: Dear passengers, please note: parking here will be short.

1st Presenter: Why?

2nd Presenter:"Quiet Corner" is a suburb of a big city with the telling name "Misfortune". What else could the city of the dashing 90s be called? That's why we stopped here and not in a city with a very difficult reputation.

Third block "Quiet Corner". 80s - 90s.

1st Presenter: Yes, many remember that time with a shudder. But in fairness, it should be noted that kindergartens remained aloof from the general disaster. Children still went to kindergarten, classes continued, and holidays were held.

2nd Presenter: True, there were fewer children, but the mutual understanding between parents and teachers was excellent. The stratification of society has not yet appeared (this will start later) and it seemed like we were all one family.

1st Presenter: Against the background of the general bleak picture, kindergartens stood out like green oases in the desert. From this time there were no kindergarten memories left that could differ from previous years. And only one cool boy from the distant 90s can introduce us to those years.

Sounds 10. Song "How cool"

Sounds 10a. How cool (minus)

1st Presenter: Bravo! Such cool guy gift due!

2nd Presenter: Well, it's time for us to hit the road!

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

1st Presenter: Let's go! No matter how calm it is in the Kindergarten, it’s still better to move away from these years, and it’s time to go home.


2nd Presenter: Not long left, now we’ll look into the 2000s and return to the present. In the meantime, the wheels are knocking, we will play one more game. Have you noticed that time changes a lot? Perhaps not a single phenomenon in our everyday life not immune to change. Here, for example, are the names. Fifty years ago in each group you could meet a pair of Lenochek and Tanechek, or Seryozh and Sash. Twenty-five years later they were replaced by Ksyusha and Nastya, Antoshi and Kiryusha, but now? Artemy and Savely, and the girls are all Milena and Snezhana.

1st Presenter: Well, you are exaggerating somewhat, colleague!

2nd Presenter: Undoubtedly. I got carried away. In any case, time dictates its own rules and its own names. And now we will talk about them. True, not about modern ones, but about those that were once born in the land of the Soviets, but still arouse constant interest.

1st Presenter: Are you talking about Kukutsapol and Walterperzhenka?

2nd Presenter: Yes, yes, about their dear ones (Addressing the guests): By the way, who can tell how this abracadabra is deciphered?

The following transcripts are shown on the screen:

Kukutsapol is a male name. CORN-QUEEN-FIELDS

Walterperzhenka - female name. VALENTINA-TEReshkova-FIRST-WOMAN-Cosmonaut

1st Presenter: I understood! Will we decipher such unique names?

2nd Presenter: Yes, I name the word, you demonstrate it on the screen. Without explanation, of course, and the guests are trying to put forward a version close to the original. Well, how do you like the task?

1st Presenter: Let's start and then we'll see.

1st Presenter records active players

The game KUKUTSAPOL AND DAZDRASMYGDA is being played.

Possible comments are given in italics next to the word. The presenter.

* DAZDRASMYGDA is a fairly well-known female name

Long live the link between the City and the Village

*URURVKOS - another popular one, but already masculine

male name - URA, Yura IN SPACE

*ROBLEN - reminds me of something French

male name - Born to be a Leninist

*OYUSHMINALDA and here is Indian

female name Otto Yulievich SCHMIDT ON THE ICE FLOW

* LELUD - this is something from a creepy fairy tale


* NISERHA - and this is nothing other than from the animal world

female name - NIKITA Sergeevich Khrushchev

*TROLEBUSIN - If you think that this is about an accident involving a trolleybus, I warn you right away - no!


*PERSOSTRAT - no comments

male name - FIRST SOVIET STRATOstat

* HAWKER - this male name we will finish the competition. It really reminds us of why we have gathered here.

transcript: I AM WITH LENIN and Krupskaya

1st Presenter: Marvelous! Our guests coped with the task quite well. Please stand up, those who gave the correct ones (or close to correct) answers. You definitely deserve this applause!


2nd Presenter: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov proved himself to be the absolute leader in this competition. Tell me, please, have you studied onomastics, or are you simply well-developed logic?

(guest answers)

1st Presenter: What are the names of your children?

(guest answers)

1st Presenter: Well. God bless. Otherwise, these Trolebuzins are somehow not at all impressive.

2nd Presenter: But what is impressive is that we have already arrived in the 2000s.

(Idea for replacement: The game can be replaced with a preliminary summary:

1st Presenter: I really want to go home. There is very little left until the end of our journey. And while there is time, we can draw preliminary conclusions labor activity our common home - Kindergarten.

Preparing for the holiday, we spent a lot of time in a complex search. And it must be said that this almost impossible work was crowned with success. During our research work, we found out that many specialists have emerged from our graduates from previous years.

It is known that in medicine they work - nn our former students

Raising our agriculture -...

They build houses in different qualities -....

They bring the industry to mind -...

They work for the good of the future, in scientific institutions -...

They work in the field of education -...

And what’s especially nice is nn our pupils returned to kindergarten, but in a different capacity)

1st Presenter: Impressive!

2nd Presenter: It is also impressive that we have already arrived in the 2000s.

Block "Garden City". 90s - zeros.

1st Presenter: We have almost reached the final destination of our journey. We entered the outskirts of the Garden City. But essentially we are already in the present. For a little person, 10 years is a very long time. After all, it is in the first decade that a child learns more than in the rest of his life.

2nd Presenter: From the point of view of history, 10 years is a moment. And we still cannot see the difference between 2007 and 2017. Although... You can see the differences in such a small period of time, but only in one single phenomenon, which we have not yet talked about. It can be argued that variability is the main property of this mysterious phenomenon.

1st Presenter: Nobody guessed? Then watch!

Fashion show "Along the Spiral of History"

Sounds 11. "Fortune Teller" (minus)

Children in fashionable clothes from different times dance to the words of the verse and chorus. On the second verse, against the backdrop of the “minus” track, the actual fashion show begins, which is accompanied by comments.

Rework text(1 verse and chorus)

Fashion changes daily

And as long as there is white light,

We dress according to our income,

Only charm is our main secret.

But you don’t have enough for new clothes,

Feel free to pick up the scissors

Neat, calm and deft

Create something new for yourself!

I can't afford it, it seems

But still we

We wish to be

Dressed in fashion.

Well, what can I say, what can I say,

I can't afford it, it seems

But we can

But can we

Dressed in fashion.

Text for a fashion show(read against the background of music, after 1 verse and chorus, if necessary, play the track again).

Presenters (they speak in turns).

Today, in honor of our anniversary, the famous couturier Valentin Yudashkin presents his collection of children's clothing "Along the Spiral of History."

In children's fashion of the 60s, clothing made from natural fabrics is still popular.

Dresses for little girls with high yokes.

Still in fashion sailor suits for boys and girls.

An integral part of children's costumes are cotton stockings, socks and knee socks.

For winter active recreation - comfortable bloomers. Little fashionistas will be happy to complement their winter clothes muffs*.

The 70s brought new materials to children's fashion: knitwear, rayon, crimplene.

Stockings were replaced by very comfortable tights.

The fashion of the 90s is very democratic: they wear everything that their older brothers and sisters did not wear, and therefore on the catwalk you can see vintage models from the 50s and altered mother’s dresses.

The irreplaceable sweatpants have not lost their relevance.

The absolute leader of the 90s were sneakers, quickly replacing both boys' rubber sneakers and girls' flat-iron shoes.

The children swapped their famous summer sandals for flip-flops.

Motto modern fashion- convenience and practicality. Following their mothers, girls are wearing dresses less and less, preferring light trousers and comfortable leggings.

Boys also prefer a sporty style.

All models go on stage.

What will children's fashion offer us in the future? Let's see. Coquette fashion is changeable and unpredictable!


1st Presenter: Well, here we are back to where we started our journey, to the present, where we are met by the owner of our common home, our beloved Kindergarten - Olga Sergeevna Filippova.

2nd Presenter: Olga Sergeevna, we know that your teaching experience dates back more than a decade. Tell me, how different are modern children from the kids of the 70s and 80s?

Olga Sergeevna: Of course, the children have become different. It cannot be otherwise, because children are a mirror of the world, and the world has changed beyond recognition. Modern children are better dressed, they are multifacetedly informed (unfortunately, not always in the right direction) and in some ways more developed. But compared to Soviet-era children, they are less independent and less creative. And the last thing I consider a real loss. In a world where everything can be bought, where every toy does everything on its own, all you have to do is press a button, the imagination falls asleep, and the child finds himself out of work, finding himself outside of his usual environment. Therefore, I am sure that the work of educators is no less important now than in the past. Moreover, it is somewhat more complex. But this does not mean that the grass was greener before. such a comparative assessment is nothing more than my personal opinion. But what I am absolutely sure of is that you and I, my dear colleagues, have the power to do everything so that our students go out into the big world as knowledgeable, capable, creative individuals worthy of the brightest and kindest future.

Our holiday is coming to an end, but new tasks, new students and high horizons lie ahead. Happy holiday, dears!

Poem "Here is the house that RONO built."

As the poem is read, the characters in question appear on the stage.

1st Presenter: Here is the house that RONO built. And this is the owner - very energetic,

2nd Presenter: And her team is simply excellent.

Manager: And this is the caretaker who manages the farm,

Caretaker: The accountant who is in charge of all expenses,

Accountant: And it’s worth following any advice,

To accomplish everything without compromising the budget.

Manager: The kitchen is always clean and tidy.

The cooks monitor the children's nutrition.

Cook: And the nurse monitors your health,

And he does it with great love.

Nurse: Our music The teacher is a real talent.

Cheerful and bright, a brilliant inventor!

Music teacher: Teachers will always come to my aid,

and in life we ​​are great friends with them.

1st Teacher: But here is our joy: girls, boys.

2nd Teacher: Serious, quiet and playful.

Children run out with balloons

Child: Everyone has forgotten about our nannies,

Under their persuasion, you can even eat porridge!

Nanny: This is how we live as a large group

With cleaning and porridge,

Music teacher: but always with a positive attitude.

3rd teacher: And the kindergarten has long become a second family

Big and cheerful, beloved, dear!

4th teacher: With a class teacher who is cool and energetic

Manager: And with the team, just great!

In chorus: In the house that RONO built.

Concert participants sing the song “We wish you happiness!”

(Against the background of the song, you can display on the screen photos of different years from the history of the birthday boy)

Sounds 12. We wish you happiness

When the chorus begins, the children run into the hall and hand out balloons guests of the holiday.

Kindergarten is like a home,
Don't rush home
The manager has a job
Available on weekdays and Saturdays.

But today is a day of fun -
It's your birthday today!
Congratulations from us,
Please accept this good hour.

We wish you personal success,
Excellent at work too.
Enthusiasm, positivity,
May you always have enough strength!

Now we need to congratulate
Lady in charge of the kindergarten!
Happy birthday! Good luck to you,
Smile in the morning

Relax in the evenings
Stay with us forever,
You are absolutely the highest class,
We respect and love you!

Happy birthday, our dear manager, not just of the kindergarten, but of all of this amazing world children's joys and adventures. We wish you to always be a person of kindness and a smile, a woman of charm and tenderness. Let there always be cheerfulness in your soul children's party, and in the heart - peace and happiness.

We wish you on your birthday
All the best, love, warmth in the soul,
Let the mood soar upward,
May life be more beautiful!

May your work give you joy,
And even though the whole kindergarten is on you,
Let all the problems and worries
The decision is simple, without obstacles!

Congratulate you today,
We hurry with all our hearts.
The manager is better
We haven't met.

Things are always in order,
No matter where you look.
Our kindergarten is the best
The credit for this is YOU.

We want to wish you
Happiness and love.
And on a birthday holiday,
We give you flowers.

Your favorite kindergarten
I am very glad to congratulate you.
From kids, dads and moms
I will pass on the words to you.
You bloom without aging,
Warming our souls,
Decorating the world with yourself,
Not knowing troubles and sorrows,
And with your smile
Charging all children!

The captain steers the ship skillfully.
You are a captain for the garden, a master of words and deeds.
It's always a difficult job,
But you will find affection and care for everyone.

Your birthday is your holiday, so relax.
And today, don’t rule anything anymore.
This day will be joyful and bright for you,
There will be warm words and lovely gifts.

Keep it up, our captain! - we wish you.
We congratulate you on your birthday from the bottom of our hearts.
We only want to sail further under your flag,
The team will take an oath of allegiance to you.

You are the manager of the garden,
Lord, you, kindergarten,
Best of all, we know it
Happy birthday!

You are from the soul and from the heart
Do your duty.
More laughter, happiness for you,
And less hassle!

Let there be enough energy
For many, many more years
May it always warm your soul
Grace, love and light!

You can't find a manager like you,
For all of us, the eighth wonder of the world.
We will help you solve any issue,
And if I ask you for advice.

Today we are all together from the heart,
Happy wonderful birthday.
Great happiness, rainbow love,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

We wish you many smiles and joys,
Boundless love and only goodness,
Great luck, great health!
Let your children bring you positivity!

May happiness fill every cell
Your so kind and bright soul!
Let life be sweet, like candy,
And you, be as good as a flower!

Olga Zavyalova
Scenario for the anniversary of the head of the preschool educational institution

Scenario for the anniversary of the head of the preschool educational institution


Why is our kitchen cramped in the morning?

Everyone is frying something, steaming, fussing endlessly.

Here, quickly peel the potatoes, bring some mayonnaise here,

We are celebrating our manager's anniversary.

Adults and children know that it is not easy to lead.

And, of course, it is also very difficult to be the first lady.

For the work of the team, so that it is eloquent and beautiful

We need to give advice to everyone, then scold someone

Or presenting an award, a very difficult job!

Protocols and reports, may God take care of all your worries

You will be rewarded with interest! Well, we are from the team

We are grateful to you, we appreciate and respect you

Happy holiday!

Presentation of gifts and flowers.

2 Presenter:

The boss is a woman who leads us,

She is responsible and erudite in her work.

Always thought out and does the right thing

And the team, moreover, knows it very well.

We wish her that she can solve everything,

Successfully resolve all problems.

And so that there is no reason for excitement,

And in the leadership she surprised all the men!

Comic congratulations to the hero of the day

Prepare: 5 medals - “excellent”, 5 chocolate coins, diary


There are five in the anniversary! How can we understand this?

This means that everything in Natalia’s life is going to FIVE!

We are no longer in school, where there is a teacher and a student.

But as before, we will strictly say: “Get out your diary!”

(The presenter takes out a specially made school diary and 5 medals, chocolate coins)

So, let’s check what you received for the quarter, and even for the year,

Like Natalya, she passed exams for us for our anniversary!

She cooks deliciously: borscht, salad, pie and tea!

For success in cooking, get an A in your diary!

(Hangs a medal around the birthday girl’s neck)

At work - number one! A valuable leader nonetheless!

For the tops of labor, get an A too.

(Hangs up the second medal)

You have been a help to the children since then, as you rocked them in the night.

For your efforts in motherhood, get an A again!

(Hangs up the third medal)

Natalya looks stylish! Better than a fashionista from the capital!

And for your beautiful image, we again rate it EXCELLENT.

(Hangs up the fourth medal)

And the character is simply a miracle! You are always easy to understand.

Well we get along with you! This means FIVE again!

(Hangs up the fifth medal)

There are only A's in the diary! The result is on the chest!

How nice it is that fives turn into rubles!

Let it be like this in life: so that wonderful deeds

Instantly they turned into fives, and sometimes into tens!

(Hands over chocolate coins)

Congratulations from teachers

1 Teacher:

Our friendly team has come to congratulate you,

In this lovely atmosphere, we want to say now:

“Happy birthday! And we wish that worries

It was less, but the luck increased from year to year.

2 Teacher:

May you always be warm in frost and rain, and in cold weather,

Those who are needed will be nearby, let the sun shine through the window,

Let the birds chirp for you, let the flowers bloom for you,

Let your dreams come true as you turn the pages of the days!

Song to the melody "I'm standing at a stop"

1. Friends and relatives are sitting, the clear sun is shining,

Today is your wonderful anniversary!

Words of greetings and bright congratulations sound,

What you have lived, do not regret in life! - 2 times

2. A wonderful company will give wishes,

Live for many, many more years.

May everything work out well and happiness increase,

At least there is no return to youth. - 2 times

3. What happened will not be forgotten, what you want will come true,

The pain will flow away like spring water.

We wish you to manage everything in life and not grow old, but get younger

And always be cheerful! - 2 times


Dear friends! On the occasion of today's anniversary, the administration of the preschool educational institution decided to give everyone a bonus in the form of 5,000 rubles if each of you shares with us your secrets and secrets. This magic bag will help you find out all the secrets. We take 1 note from the bag and loudly announce our secret.

(employees one by one pull out the note and read it out loud)

Game "A Secret Around the World"

I'll tell you a secret,

I practice wushu.

And any bully

I'll lay you on your shoulder blades.

I'll tell you a secret,

I'm friends with the president.

I go fishing with him

I go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

I'll tell you a secret,

I've been serving in the FBI for a long time,

Because this service

I find it very important.

I'll tell you a secret,

I'm watching my figure:

Then I'll smear myself with clay,

Then I'll get a massage.

I'll tell you a secret,

I'm on a diet:

I eat grain all day long,

Or I chew a bone.

I'll tell you a secret,

I maintain a vegetable garden.

I won’t dig the beds,

I'll just point out the place.

I'll tell you a secret,

That I breed leeches.

These cute little guys

I keep it in a jar at home.

I'll tell you a secret,

I value my health:

Or I'll take a bunch of pills,

Or I'll apply some ointment.

I'll tell you a secret,

I take care of my appearance.

In front of the mirror for hours

I do my makeup.

I'll tell you a secret,

I bring everyone around,

Because I love it

To hang noodles on one's ears.

I'll tell you a secret,

I drive a great car.

And, closing my eyes, I drive by

In any direction.

I'll tell you a secret,

In the summer I will hurry to the sea.

I will make my body undead

On Bogamsky, on the beach.

I'll tell you a secret,

I'm retired

Club of good needlewomen

Sometimes I lead.

I'll tell you a secret,

I don't go to fortune tellers

If a guy smiles

I'll put a spell on him.

I'll tell you a secret

I rarely go to shaping,

I'm gaining kilos

At the Fuji Yama restaurant.

I'll tell you a secret,

I follow fashion

I wear mini skirts

I brake the Mercedes.

I'll tell you a secret,

I keep order

I visit the squad -

I'm watching for hooligans.

I'll tell you a secret,

Sometimes I go to sushi.

Instead of Chinese chopsticks -

I always ask for a fork.


On behalf of Natalya - we are always warm,

Love is heard in it and peace is heard.

Perhaps that’s why Natasha is full,

But there is no one like YOU in the country, not one!

(To perform the next congratulation song you need preliminary preparation. It is necessary to prepare multi-colored balloons in advance. As the next verse is performed, the birthday girl is given balloons of a certain color: blue, yellow, red, blue and green. The balloons may contain small souvenirs)

Happy Anniversary Song

(to the tune of “The blue ball is spinning, spinning”)


The blue ball is spinning, spinning,

We brought a gift for you!

Airy, beautiful collected bouquet

From light balls, and to them - our greetings!


Health lives in a red ball,

He will bring you vigor and strength,

Let an unexpected miracle happen -

A cruise ticket will knock on your door!


There is great luck in the blue ball,

At work and at home, on the road, at the dacha.

Everything will settle down, everything will be okay.

We wish you success on your anniversary!


Take the yellow ball now,

So that banknotes are kept with you.

Dollars, euros, yuan, rubles -

A large sum was deposited into the account.


And here's a surprise for you in the green ball -

He can fulfill your every whim.

It has a car, an apartment and a dacha.

Your own island on the sea, and to boot!

All together:

In the last verse our main question is: What should guests do if their nose itches?

Leading:Now our coach Ekaterina Igorevna will conduct a short warm-up!

Sedentary game "WARM-UP"


The guests drank, treated themselves, admired the hero of the day...

At the table, everyone sang together and decided: GO-SI-DE-LIS!

We should get up, dance, wave our limbs! All this is true, but... I can’t let you out into the circle without a little warm-up! So, dear guests, put all your hands on each other’s shoulders, let’s stretch the shoulder girdle. MUSIC!

Sounds like "Sirtaki"

With music in the background:

Imagine that you are on a sea liner. The sun, the sea, a gentle wave rocks you. The Greek coast is visible, I suggest everyone start swaying from side to side... Great!

It is immediately clear that this is a friendly and united anniversary team. Eh, that’s good! There are seagulls all around, a light breeze, olives are ripening on the shore, and we are all served fresh fruit on a tray.

The music ends

And now I suggest you stretch that part of your body that has become deformed or stuck too long... So we go to America, to the rodeo, and take part in cowboy horse racing. MUSIC!

Cowboy music sounds

E-eh! Let's gallop!

(Guests are jumping on their chairs)

The music ends

I suggest you stretch your hands. Find, dear guests, a free 10 square meters on the table in front of you. see, put your palms there...Music, please! And I invite you to Georgia, listen to how Caucasian drums sound! Let's play the drums boldly!

Georgian melodies

Amazing! The drums are beating louder, louder, and we are again at sea, only on the Black Sea. Sun, sea air and mountains! Kebabs-mashlyks! What could be better!

The music is over

We continue to stretch our hands. Let's raise it higher and the oriental melodies will prompt us to move.

Eastern music

And now all we have to do is stretch your legs - and you can go out onto the dance floor completely fearlessly! So, the sound of heels sounds!



The table is set, colleagues are sitting together at a large table, and now we will sing a song together for the hero of the day.

Song based on the song "Let them run clumsily"

1.Why do we have fun, don’t skimp on words,

Why are there so many guests?

Don’t guess in vain, it has become clear to everyone,

What a big anniversary today.

Let them play at least on spoons,

And our friendly choir will sing,

It would be nice if there were anniversaries every year.

2. With respect, with love we wish you good health,

And in your work - glorious victories.

Well, don’t be shy, and try in return

Live up to a hundred years without sadness.

3. Our hero of the day gets excited and becomes younger in soul,

The whole group is singing next to him,

Happy anniversary, we wish you happiness

Well, everything else will come.

Game “What to give for an anniversary”

To do this, you will need to prepare a musical selection, which will consist of excerpts of songs related to the theme of gifts.

The host asks the guests to think about what they would actually like to give to their boss. After that, he approaches each of the guests with a microphone, and his assistant plays one or another piece of music. What’s remarkable is that the songs can be absolutely anything.

Sample list of songs:

1. “A Million Scarlet Roses”;

2. “I will give you peace”;

3. “Everything for you”;

4. “I will give you heaven”;

5. “I will kiss your hands”;

6. “I will name the planet after you” performed by S. Rotaru

7. “I will give you half the world” performed by gr. "Not a couple."

8. “Mani-mani” performed by L. Minnelli.

9. “I’ll buy you a house” performed by gr. "Lesopoval"

10. “I’ll take you to the tundra” performed by Kol Belda.

11. “Tell me, tell me what you need!” performed by gr. "Balagan Limited".

12. “I will kiss your hands” performed by N. Baskov.

13. “Everything for you” performed by Stas Mikhailov.

14. “If you want, I’ll sing for you” performed by gr. "Roots."

Anniversary of the kindergarten - “Feet have been walking along the path to kindergarten for half a century”

The recording contains the soundtrack of the song “Small Country”.
Voiceover: There is one country in the world -
Can't find another one like this
Not marked on the map
And the size is small.
But he lives in that glorious country
Wonderful people
And wherever you look -
A friend is walking next to you!
In that country this is the order:
Everything is in the hands of the guys
And they all live together
Like a family - one unit.
1 child:
A ray of sunshine is knocking on the window,
Wake up adults and children.
"Wake up, get up,
Get ready for kindergarten! »
2nd child:
The wind sings songs,
And with a ringing breeze
We are on a cheerful street
Let's go to kindergarten happily.
3rd child:
And in our garden today
Glorious holiday! Everyone is in a hurry
Happy birthday to us...
Happy birthday, kindergarten!

The children leave, the presenter comes out

Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,
But we have never known anyone like this!
Most best holiday- everyone sends congratulations,
Because the kindergarten is celebrating a birthday!

Anniversary is the word!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
- This is the day when there are so many friends,
There is joy, happiness and warmth in the house.

Song "Good mood"
(performed by kindergarten staff)
Dear guests, we are very glad to see you.
We gathered in the hall on a holiday,
Smile together, no need to frown.
After all, today the garden is only 50 years old!
And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly it touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you again!
With beautiful flowers, happy autumn holiday
We congratulate you all on this bright hour.
We believe that the mood will be excellent.
Dances and poems and songs - it's all for you!
We invite you all to our program.
Look how many kind eyes there are in the hall!
Smile, guests, rejoice - you are with us,
After all, today we are only 50!

Presenter. And the evening is truly good, because in this hall the old people have gathered, good friends, who were united by kindergarten No. 24 in the village of Verkhnetulomsky. For 50 years now, little children have been growing and developing in our kindergarten like spikelets. And those who reach the pinnacle of mastery do not tear them down, but carefully pass them on to other friendly hands. And over 50 years, more than 1000 children have grown up in our garden.
Just think about this figure!
Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - our teachers. We have kind and caring junior teachers, cooks and kitchen workers who cook delicious food. A senior nurse works next to us and monitors the health of the children.
We have a wonderful caretaker who supplies us with everything we need. And, most importantly, we have an excellent director who gave our kindergarten life and prosperity, became its main savior during the crisis and has been skillfully leading it for many years.
The first word of congratulations goes to the head of kindergarten No. 24, Natalya Nikolaevna Ilchenko.

Today we really have a lot of dear guests. The word for congratulations is given...

The music is “Film, film, film”
There is noise outside the door, a film crew enters the hall (director with a megaphone, operator with a camera, assistant with a clapperboard)

So, we carefully bring in the equipment, the light is on the left, the operator is in the center. Clear the central part of the hall. Make-up artist, where is the make-up artist? Are the artists ready?

What's the matter? Who invited you here?

Who is this? Here I have (takes out papers... Here is an order for the shooting of a short film about the history of kindergarten (looks at papers) of kindergarten No. 24.

How was filming? But here we have gala event, dedicated to the anniversary of the kindergarten, we have a program, look here.

I don’t know anything, I have all the documents signed, and we are starting filming. Well, you... you can be the announcer in our film. So, that's it, we don't wait for time, we're starting. The working title of the film is “Feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten for half a century. "Episode one - opening of a kindergarten.

Clapper Assistant:
“Feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten for half a century.”, opening of a kindergarten, take one. (claps)

In 1963, a kindergarten with 40 places was opened in the department of the Verkhnetulomsky Timber Industry Enterprise in the village of Padun. It was located in a small wooden building with stove heating and imported water. The first head of the kindergarten was Anna Romanovna Karpova. In our hall there is Appolinaria Petrovna Kostyanova, who has been working since the opening of the kindergarten.
Dear Appolinaria Petrovna, we give you the floor.

Children's performance Song “Guests have come to us”

Stop, it's taken off! Wonderful, wonderful! On to the next episode!

Clapper Assistant:
“Feet have been walking along the path to kindergarten for half a century,” New kindergarten, take one!

Ten years later, in 1974, a new 2-story building with 280 seats was built. The reason for the emergence of a preschool institution is the high birth rate and 100% demand for kindergartens among the population. The list of children in all age groups at that time was 30 - 35 people per group. Large windows, own laundry, spacious groups, new furniture was purchased, groups were staffed, workdays began. The institution is headed by Antonina Egorovna Gudkova. The territory was not landscaped and there were no green spaces. The improvement was carried out by kindergarten staff and parents. Preschool workers created conditions for raising and teaching children in groups.

Children's performances Musical instruments

Stop, it's taken off! (rubs his hands) We don’t relax, we keep working, we have limited time, and we definitely need to film everything in one day. What's the next episode?

Next episode of "dynasty"

I don't understand anything. What relation can a dynasty have to a kindergarten? (addresses the presenters) Can you explain to me?

Yes, it's very simple. Was recruited new team consisting mainly of young professionals. Their children came to our kindergarten and now they are employees of our team who now bring their children. In recent years, there have been big changes in the life of kindergarten. Veteran teachers and talented young people successfully complement each other. In 1999, a compensatory group was opened for children with severe speech impairments. Working art studio, modern gym, V music hall Classes of the dance club "Okolitsa" are held.

Camera, attention, let's film!

Assistant “For half a century, feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten,”

Children's performance Dance "Pillows"

Director:(rubs hands)
So, so far so good! Now there would be some live episode, energetic music.

The team of MDOU No. 24 in the village of Verkhnetulomsky takes an active part in regional events and is a repeated winner.

“Feet have been walking along the path to kindergarten for half a century”, children’s performance, take one

Dance "Fairy".

Somehow our film turns out to be too sweet, it lacks sharpness. Everything is so good with you: the team is good, children are brought to you, and graduates do not forget the way to you. Have you not had any problems in 50 years?

“Feet have been walking along the path to the kindergarten for half a century,” a difficult time, one take.

We didn't have any problems? The 90s were very difficult years, as for the whole country. These were years of survival, the birth rate fell sharply and kindergarten groups became smaller and smaller. Staff reductions were very painful; the material and technical base was falling into disrepair. There is only one group left. Since 1998, the children's institution has been revived. Natalya Nikolaevna Ilchenko was appointed to the position of head. Thanks to the active work and understanding of parents, as well as the Education Department, funds began to be allocated for cosmetic and major repairs, and new children's furniture appeared in the groups.
Over the past 10 years, all premises of the kindergarten have been renovated; groups, catering units, and staircases have been repeatedly renovated. The water supply system and heating unit were repaired, 2 porches were repaired, and plumbing equipment was partially replaced. The roof was repaired, the entrance doors and windows were replaced.

Great! Here it is, a poignant moment! Stop, it's taken off!

Children's performance Song

A kindergarten is a home where an organized environment creates best conditions for healthy physical and mental development child. These are new methods and programs, the implementation of which makes it possible to achieve the fulfillment of program requirements for standards for the parameters of the child’s intellectual, moral, aesthetic and mental development.

Great! All episodes were filmed in the first take. We turn off the equipment. Goodbye, watch the film in a week on the Verkhnetulomsky TV channel.

The film crew leaves.

Well, the film crew has finally finished working, and now we can give the floor to our guests.
Eat good words: “Happiness is when you are understood.” They fully relate to the people from whom our entire team receives support and understanding. This is the education department of the Kola district of the Murmansk region. Words of congratulations are provided………………………………………………………..

Many kind words I would like to say something to those who now continue to raise and educate the younger generation - all the employees of the kindergarten.
And, of course, the heaviest, responsible, but at the same time pleasant burden falls on the shoulders of educators, because children’s smiles, laughter, their successes, sincerity, love for their educators are the greatest gratitude for the work of the educator. .The floor for congratulations is given to the Head of the administration of the urban settlement of Verkhnetulomsky ………………………………………………………………………………….

You are good fairies, leading to knowledge,
Giving joy, bringing light.
Happy hopes to you, great recognition,
And new finds, and new victories!
The floor for congratulations is given to the acting director of the Verkhnetulomsk secondary school………………...

Presenter. Our dear parents: fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers! Without your support it would be difficult for us. Thank you very much for your cooperation with us in raising children! And today, of course, we are very pleased to accept gifts and congratulations. And I am happy to give the floor to representatives of the parent committee of the kindergarten………………..

Anniversary of the head of the kindergarten “Lyudmila Anatolyevna’s Anniversary” (HOST Why is it crowded in our laundress since the very morning? Everyone is frying something, hovering, Bustling around endlessly. Hurry up and peel the potatoes. Mayonnaise here. We are our manager. Celebrating the anniversary! Two fives stood in row, they look beautiful, mincing each other, oh, what a miracle! Two fives, five, and five, And we want to congratulate you loudly. The word for congratulations is given to the senior teacher of the kindergarten, Svetlana Borisovna. Congratulations from the methodologist (Giving flowers) On the occasion. celebrations are usually given festive fireworks. Now is just such an occasion. To celebrate the anniversary. A volley of cannons would be of no use. But a volley of champagne corks is better! Let’s pour in...and raise the container, Let’s look at the hero of the day And stand quietly in front of her And shout “Happy anniversary!” Two A's on your anniversary, we hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible. You are our dear colleague, a loving mother to our daughter, a faithful wife to your husband, and for him there is no one you are dearer to everyone, you are irreplaceable for everyone, Even today is the hero of the day and we want to tell you: Such We all can't miss this most valuable copy! After all, the team is rich in you and I would like to hope that at sixty and seventy nothing in you will change. The soul will remain with you, and this is your luggage and treasure. And there are no trends to fade away, your mind is powerful and rich And we look into the distance with optimism, we want to see you in health! (2 toast to the health of the hero of the day) The table is set, colleagues are sitting Together at a large table, For Lyudmila Anatolyevna We will sing a song together! Congratulatory song If you replay your life like a film a few years ago You were then just a girl, tender, tender like a spring garden Because even now you are as young as you once were, And enthusiasm and kindness, this is what you are rich in! On this wondrous anniversary afternoon, we’ll tear away the voices from singing, Congratulations, flowers, and toasts, and pour a glass of wine! You are our mentor and friend, we respect you very much, And for your high fives we drink to the fullest! Our wishes for a happy birthday according to the signs of ancient times, As if by a pike, they should come true exactly, May luck always, always smile on you, So that you win a million, and in addition a house and a dacha! HOST: He always lives in our kindergarten good fairy tale , and today the fairy tale celebrates the anniversary of our dear Lyudmila Anatolyevna with us. Believe it or don't believe it. Standing in a dense garden is a cheerful, kind house, not a palace with children, cars on the porch. How many children? In bulk..! Like grains in a cucumber, Merry and not so merry. Pugnacious and covered in snot, Whom they drag in their hands, Whom they carry in strollers, Who pees in tights, And who even peees on the potty These dolls live well, let’s just say. After all, they are fed here, they sing, Then they put them to bed, And they tell them a fairy tale, And they take them to bed, Well, life is just a raspberry, Well, what else can I say, Such is the picture. Let's continue to interpret, Who rules that kingdom? You ask me, the Queen there is Lyudmila, a crown for her, friends! (The hero of the day is asked to rise, they put a crown on her) Touche! HOST: 3 A toast to our glorious queen. HOST: Our glorious queen You all know, friends, She was born today. It was not in vain that she was lucky, Life runs after her at a gallop, Luda rushes ahead, So that old age with shortness of breath cannot catch up with her on the way. HOST: Dear Lyudmila Anatolyevna! Dear queen, your subjects have prepared musical and not so musical gifts for you. (Adults come out dressed as children.) Hello, what are you doing here? That's why you're preventing us from sleeping, it's clear they're drinking wine. And they make a melting pot when adults have a birthday, they always drink wine, then dance, then fall asleep, and then we can eat all the candy and try the wine. But children are not allowed to drink wine! And I’m just here and there to eat! Enough chatter, let's congratulate Aunt Luda! Our beloved kindergarten congratulates Lyudmila Anatolyevna. Sends greetings to you, dear, Junior, nursery squad. We promise to listen to you, to always go to the potty, when everyone has eaten the porridge, we will take the cups away. Be healthy, Aunt Lyuda Many, many more days, We promise that we will come to you for your hundredth anniversary! (They sing to the tune of “Let them run, clumsily”). SONG OF BABIES Let the sun laugh today like a red speck, Nightingales sing songs in chorus. We wish you health, We promise with love not to forget your instructions. Chorus: It’s not just Aunt Lyuda’s birthday, Anniversary, Give us some sweets and cookies And pour us a little. HOST: Most of us love detective stories. We read them with rapture, watching frozen on our TV screens, and therefore we know that there are no perfect crimes: attackers always leave at least some traces. I had the misfortune to encounter the actions of criminal elements: the selection of songs prepared for the anniversary was stolen. To our joy, we managed to find the last words of each line of the first verses. Here is one of them: birth, give, spring, speak And so I propose to restore the stolen songs. Dawn, fire, somewhere, accordion. “It’s as if everything froze until dawn” Corner, house, with a cat “Once upon a time there was a time” Glass, walk, light, alley. “Old Maple” Have fun, trouble, settled, neighbor. “How can we not have fun?” Light, frost, bears, axes. “Somewhere in the White World” Yellow, gently, echo, heights. “You hug the curve of the yellow guitar tenderly, the moon looks into the whole, is, is, all with a fragment of echo. All covered with greenery, absolutely all, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean. And now Lyudmila Anatolyevna is congratulated by the honored guests of the Pioneers holiday - pensioners! (Pensioners appear with a drum and a bugle) Ved: Who walks in step together? - Give way to pensioners! Ved: Who walks together in a row? - Our squad is retired! Ved: Squad, stand at attention! Celebrating the hero of the day! - Dear Lyudmila Anatolyevna, are you ready to join our detachment of pioneers - pensioners? L.A.: Always ready! (To the beat of a drum and the sound of a bugle, a red tie is tied around her neck) Congratulations on your honorary title of Russian Pensioner! Applause! Get your ears ready, we'll sing ditties for you! 1: Someone regrets their youth, And the years gone by, Well, our hero of the day is still young today! 2: I go out to dance in a circle, Move aside, dear friend. I wish the hero of the day a hundred friends and a hundred girlfriends! 1: Fifty-five, or twenty-five, what a difference it makes. You make men fall in love with you the same way! 2: Your second five is added to the first, and this immediately increases your income! The accordion plays well, the heel clicks well, Let's kiss the hero of the day for her gorgeous look! Anatolyevna: Anniversary concerns have tired me out, I’m leaving for maternity leave for the next three days! HOST: Well, friends, the anniversary is over, And the quiet hour is coming to an end. The wax of hot holiday candles has melted, So our life quietly passes, But we will not regret the past, We will look with hope into the coming day, No wonder there is one wise advice, The difficult road Only the one who walks can master it. Once again, happy anniversary, see you again.