Scenario quest game about good deeds. Quest game “Day of Good Deeds” as a form of interaction between a teacher-psychologist and a speech therapist in organizing developmental education in a preschool institution

Authors: Chepovskaya Larisa Anatolyevna, Simonova Svetlana Viktorovna
Job title: music director, teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 139 d/s "Cheburashka"
Locality: Buryatia. Ulan-Ude.
Name of material: Educational and entertainment program for parents
Subject: Quest game "On the Road of Goodness" dedicated to Mother's Day.
Publication date: 26.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Educational and entertainment program for parents

quest - game “On the road to goodness” for Mother’s Day

Compiled by:

Simonova S.V.teacher

Chepovskaya L.A. Music. supervisor

Ulan-Ude. November 2017

Purpose of the event:

Contribute to increasing the role and prestige of the mother and family in life


Improve the quality of interaction between kindergarten and family.


To attract the attention of teachers and parents to environmental problems

and finding possible ways to solve them.

Develop environmental thinking, literacy and culture.

Create a friendly atmosphere among teachers and parents.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers.

Involve the younger generation to participate in environmental projects


Develop the ability to work in a team and act together.

The program includes the following stages:

Festive congratulations from the head of the kindergarten

Festive congratulations to children.

Ecology quest game for mothers “On the road to goodness”

Summing up.


Event regulations

1.Opening of the event. Word from the head of MBDOU-2 min.

2. Children’s performance - 10 min.

3.Lesnaya station - 15 min.

4. Station “Baikal” - 15 min.

5. Station “Let’s turn trash into beauty” - 15 min.

6. Station “Guiding Star of the Milky Way” - 15 min.

7. Station “On the Road to Goodness” - 15 min.


Presenter: Good afternoon, we say to you. It was not by chance that we gathered

today on this November day, in our cozy hall. After all, it’s in November

We celebrate such a holiday as Mother's Day. Greetings to all mothers and

everyone who came to our holiday, which we dedicated to the kindest,

the most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course,

the most beautiful, our mothers.

Girls perform the musical composition “A child asked

God", "Mom's Heart", boys with heart balloons perform

"Mom is the first word"

(background music sounds, presenter reads poetry)


My light, mirror, tell me!

Tell me the whole truth:

Who is the wisest in the world?

Loved and kinder by everyone?

And the mirror answered her:


Everyone is beautiful, no doubt!

There is such a word in the world,

What is more expensive than dear!


This word contains the first cry,

The joy of a sunny smile,

This word contains a moment of happiness

Dear and very close.

Leading: This word is

Children: Mother!-


Mother's Day is not an easy holiday,

For all children, the most beloved.

May mom be forever young,

And the most tender, sweet and beautiful.

Children in chorus:- Mom, my dear! Congratulations!


The word mom is precious.

Mom needs to be treasured.

With her affection and care

It's easier for us to live in the world.


Our mothers are no better

No, kinder and more gentle than them,

We will always be obedient

And let's congratulate them soon!

They perform the song: “Mama”


Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is happiness!

There is no better mom!


Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is laughter!

Mom is a caress!

Moms love everyone!


Mom, there is no one more precious than you,

Mom can do anything in the world

Congratulations to moms today,

We wish mothers happiness.

The children leave the hall.

Presenter: Dear parents! Today we invite you to accept

participation in the “Educational and entertainment program quest game”

“On the path of goodness” as part of the “Warmth of Traditions” program dedicated to the Day

mothers and the end of the Year of Ecology

During the game, we will take a short trip through environmental

stations, and at the end of the game we will become experts in solving environmental

problems. The first thing you have to do is divide into teams.

Our curators will help us with this and will give you emblems of various

colors (distributed).

And I'll introduce you to the stations

which you are going to visit today

as travelers (presentation of stations).

commands will set the route for your journey. Upon arrival at the station

the team will receive tasks. Having completed the tasks, the team is offered

draw an emblem that draws attention to an environmental problem.


There is balance in nature

It cannot be violated.

This is very important in life

For you and for me.

What would be the balance?

We need it with you, friends.

Don't throw away waste

And don't pollute the seas.

Drive less

And blow smoke from the factories,

So as not to fly in the atmosphere

And they didn't make holes there.

Less candy wrappers and pieces of paper

Throw it on the street!

Train yourself, you, dexterity:

Go straight to the trash can.

And when you want to quit

You don't put the paper in the basket,

Think about nature -

We still have to live here!

Performance dance "Fly agaric"

No need to litter in the forest,

Nature spoiling all its beauty,

We must stop urgently

Turn forests into trash!

Play and walk in the forest,

But don't leave trash there -

When the forest is clean, beautiful, tidy,

Then resting there is doubly pleasant!

Performed dance "Berry"

Let's decorate the Earth together,

Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

Let's respect the Earth together

And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

We forget that we have only one -

Unique, vulnerable, alive.

Beautiful: be it summer or winter...

We have only one, one of our kind!

Children enter, sing the song “On the Road of Goodness,” and leave the hall.

Enter accompanying curators of 4 teams with route sheets and

lead to 4 stations.


Group No. 5

Dance No. 1 “Lesnaya”

Autumn greets the players and invites them to sit down.

Dear travelers! I am glad to welcome you as my guest.

Today you have to be brave, active, cheerful. Only

Having completed my tasks, you will be able to find a way out of my domain. So,

Let's start testing.

Task No. 1 Environmental test questions:

1. Why does a hare have big ears?

Possible answers:

A) to hear better;

B) for braking when turning

IN ) so as not to overheat(in hot weather, the ears remove 1.3 of the heat generated by


2. Why does the ostrich hide its head in the sand?

A) out of fear

B) looking for food

3. Why do woodpeckers have intact brains?

A) small brains

B ) head on shock absorbers(between the beak and the skull - shock absorbers -

springy cartilage tissue)

B) the skull is very strong

4. Why does the mouse tremble?

A) is afraid of cats

B) ventilates the skin

IN ) is heating up(when trembling, biochemical reactions release heat sharply


5. Why does a squirrel need a tail?

A) to warm up

B) for beauty

IN ) for musical exercises(the tail can play any sound

from a piano concerto to the cry of a hare)

Task No. 2: “Natural barometers”

People have long paid attention to natural phenomena associated with

weather change. Do you know folk signs? I will read the sign

and you will answer why certain actions occur.

In autumn, the leaves will fall soon - expect ...... (steep winter)

In winter, clouds move against the wind - to... (blizzard)

When the bird cherry blossoms, it always happens... (cold)

There are a lot of mosquitoes - tomorrow..... (it will rain)

Task No. 3: “Trees”

A) In August, you can notice an interesting feature in the forest: in the coniferous

There are a lot of old needles under the trees, and last year’s needles in the deciduous ones.

There are no more fallen leaves. How can such differences be explained? Reflected

is this based?

Answer: Needles contain a lot of resinous substances, which makes it difficult to

processing by microorganisms. The activity of microorganisms is weakened

and the fact that under the canopy of a dense spruce forest the temperature is lower than

deciduous forest. Due to the slow rotting of needles in the coniferous soil

Forests accumulate little humus.

B) Why is spruce very sensitive to runaway ground fires when they burn

Is there moss, pine needles and grass on the ground?

Answer: Due to the surface of the root system, which is damaged even when

a runaway ground fire, and the lower branches are located close to the ground.

C) Which tree releases so many phytoncides that they kill not only

bacteria, but even insects?

Answer: Bird cherry

D) Which of the reasons most determines the number of squirrels in the forest?

Answer: Harvest of pine and spruce seeds.

Task No. 4: “Rebus”

Before you is a playing field, which is divided into squares, and in each

a letter is written in a square.

Your task is to find and form the names of animals from letters.

RESULT: You completed the tasks. I ask you to draw an emblem

drawing attention to this problem.

Station No. 2 "Baikal"

Players are greeted by the Lady of the seas, lakes and oceans. She invites guests

Lady: Hello, dear guests! I welcome you to my

There are many lakes in the world - large and small, deep and shallow, harsh

and picturesque. But none of them can compare with Baikal in terms of

wide fame and great fame. No other lake is mentioned

so many legends and tales, songs and poems.

Task No. 1: “Legend”

Attributes: wigs, rock model, “armor”.

Lady: Now I will tell the legend, and you will try it

beat. For the first test I will need three people (for the main

roles), and several people for minor roles. (Those who wish come out and

try on the attributes of acting out.

Lady: There is a legend about Baikal that is known to both old and young.

This legend says that in the places where Baikal now splashes and takes its toll

waters of the stormy Angara River, there lived a hero named Baikal. And he had a daughter

named Angara.

Once Angara heard from traveling singers that he lives beyond

the handsome Yenisei mountains. Having learned about his beauty and strength, she fell in love with him with everything

heart. The old man began to guard his daughter even more strictly: he imprisoned her in a crystal

palace at the bottom of the underwater kingdom. Angara cried and asked the gods to help

to her. The gods took pity on the captive and ordered the streams and rivers to wash away

crystal palace. Angara broke free and began to run along

narrow passage in the rocks.

Old Baikal woke up from the noise and rushed in pursuit. But where was he supposed to go?

the enraged Baikal threw a block of stone at the fugitive, but missed. Yes and

Since then this block has remained lying at the place where the river exits the lake, and is called

her Shaman Stone.

The enraged old man threw everything and threw fragments of rocks at his daughter, but every

once the seagulls shouted: “Turn around, Angara!”, and the girl deftly dodged

father's deadly messengers.

Angara ran to the Yenisei, hugged him, and they flowed together to

The chilly sea.

Lady: As you already understand, in my kingdom today we will talk about

Baikal. We passed the first test.

Task No. 2:

Lady: Tell me the marine inhabitants of Lake Baikal.

Attributes: cards depicting the inhabitants of Lake Baikal.

Bonus: name the inhabitants listed in the Red Book. (seal, sturgeon)

Task No. 3: Solve the crossword puzzle.

Attributes: crossword A3 format, felt-tip pen.

Baikal – crossword puzzle


1. The deepest lake in the world.

3. The only daughter of Baikal.

5. South-west wind on Baikal.

7. Red fish of Baikal.

8. Viviparous fish of Baikal.

11. Delicacy fish of Baikal.

13. Which bird can “run” under water.


2. Northeast wind on Baikal.

4. The only mammal of Baikal.

6. Baikal’s smaller brother.

9. Lower unicellular and multicellular plants.

10. North-west wind on Baikal

12. Southeast wind on Baikal.


1. Baikal 2. Barguzin 3.

Angara 4. Nerpa 5. Kultuk

6. Khubsugul 7. Sturgeon

8. Golomyanka 9. Algae

10. Sarma 11. Omul 12.

Shelonnik 13. Dipper.

Task No. 4: experience “Water Purification”

Lady: Lake Baikal, like many other lakes, rivers, and seas, is subject to

environmental disaster. More and more often we hear that the seas are polluted

household waste, become overgrown with seaweed, dry out, etc. A

What should we, tourists, do when on a river or lake we cannot get

clean water? Today I invite you to conduct an experiment on water purification.

Equipment: a vessel with dirty water, a clean vessel, a funnel, paper

Take a vessel with a funnel, put a paper napkin at the bottom of the funnel,

cotton pad, layer of bandage.

Take another container with dirty water and pour it through a funnel into an empty one.

vessel. The dirt will settle on the filter, and the vessel will be filled with clean water.

Then pass it through the filter again and get clean water.

Parents conduct the experiment on their own.

Task No. 5:

Lady: You have coped with all the tests and now you have to

draw an emblem that draws attention to this problem.

Station No. 3: “Let’s turn trash into beauty”

Modern people consume much more than previous people

generations. Consumption volumes tend to rise annually, and with them

The volume of waste is also increasing. The problem of garbage today

is no longer just a difficulty, but a global environmental challenge that requires

immediate decision. The environmental problem of waste has received a strong

push due to technological progress. New types have been developed

materials (such as plastic) that take hundreds of years to decompose or not

decompose at all. As a result, they rot in landfills, releasing a whole bunch of


I invite participants to answer the following questions:

1. Most of the garbage that pollutes the Earth is:

A ) Plastic

B) Glass

B) Metal

2. Before you start recycling waste, you must:

A ) Sort

B) Collect in one place

B) Crumble

3. In order to recycle plastic, it is necessary:

A) Compost

B ) Burn under special conditions

B) Melt down

4 A plastic bottle or jar abandoned in the forest will lie without


IN ) 100 years or more

5 The discarded paper will be “eaten” by invisible microbes.

A ) 1-2 years

B) 20 years or more

Dear travelers, today we invite you to try to give

second life for waste. You have to make crafts from “garbage”, and after

this draw the emblem, drawing attention to this problem.

Station No. 4 "Guiding Star of the Milky Way"

Travelers are greeted by star people from the Magellanic galaxy

Dear earthlings! You live in an amazing, interesting world. His name is

Limitless Universe. This is the great book of nature. Scientists study it -

astronomers, but no, not a single living thinking being who does not

I tried to look into this book.

Questions for travelers:

1. In what year was the first artificial Earth satellite launched?

A) 1957 (correct)

2. Define it. The moon is...

A) the only natural satellite of planet Earth (correct)

B) not the only natural satellite of planet Earth

B) Star

A) Mercury (correct)

B) Venus

4. On which planet does dust form rings?

B) Saturn (correct)

B) Jupiter

Star people - our people from the Magellanic Clouds galaxy - millions

years ago we realized that the best way to learn is through play. The game helps

intelligent beings to become the most intelligent, inquisitive,

smart, dexterous, brave, skillful.

Creativity and imagination are born in the game. Today is for fun

and resourceful people, we offer to conduct scientific experiments and experiments,

which will help you understand many secrets of the wonderful world in which you

Experiments are being carried out:

1 “Why do stars circle in the night sky?”

2 “Why do the stars seem to move in circles?”

3 "Why is it dark in space"

4 "Planetarium in a box"

And now we invite you to discover a new star or constellation and give it

Name. (participants of the game in the starry sky lay out their star from

paper stars)

Station in the music hall “On the road to goodness”

The quest participants gather at the last station, where they hang out their

it is possible to solve modern environmental problems.

Presenter: We all owe our lives to the planet - a beautiful and

the only Earth - mother - green from forests, blue from oceans, yellow from

sands Our planet is the greatest mystery and miracle. She keeps the most

mysterious mysteries from the origin of life to the future destinies of humanity.

Everything on our Earth is interconnected, everything depends on each other: if it goes out

the sun - everything will freeze and be covered in darkness; if air and water disappear -

there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if the plants disappear, there’s nothing

will eat for animals and humans.

Therefore, we urge you to protect nature. By personal example

show your children how beautiful she is, how you need to take care of her.

Let's save nature!!!

Children and mothers sing the song “On the Road of Goodness”

Rewarding the quest participants, group photo.

“Happy journey through the stations!!!”

Elena Negodaeva

All employees, parents and children of the kindergarten were involved in this event. This is one of the forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils.

Motto of the week:

"Life is so beautiful, smile

and take care of joy in your heart

don't be shy to give a smile,

help me believe in miracles.”

"Psychology Week"– this is not just a set of events that convey psychological knowledge to educators and parents. This is an interactive form of interaction that allows you to:

To increase the influence of the service of practical psychology of education of preschool educational institutions on society by introducing new additional meanings, sensual colors, and cultural meanings into the educational environment;

Show real forms of work, the capabilities of the psychological service of the kindergarten;

To form adults’ interest in the child’s world, the desire to help him in individual personal development.


Creating a positive emotional atmosphere in kindergarten;

Attracting the attention of parents to the professional activities of a preschool educational psychologist;

To increase the psychological competence of teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions.

To spend the week, children and preschool staff were invited to travel around the country of PSYCHOLOGY. Each day had its own name and motto of the day.

1. Monday – City of “Friendship”

2. Tuesday – City of “Mood”

3. Wednesday – City of “Wizards”

4. Thursday – City of “Impressions”

5. Friday – City of “Compliments”

Working with teachers

1. Questionnaire “Psychological portrait of the team” During the week (Teacher-psychologist)

2. Psychological game “Secret Friend” Purpose: the game promotes psychological relief, increasing overall positive emotional tone, developing tolerance, kindness and mutual support. (Teacher-psychologist)

3. Master class for district teachers “Immersion in a fairy tale.” (Correction of the emotional sphere of preschool children using art therapy).

Goal: increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers in developing the emotional sphere of preschool children with the help of fairy tale therapy. (Teacher-psychologist)

4. Psychological TRAINING for teachers “Together we are strong!”

Goal: to promote positive relationships and mutual understanding between teachers. (Teacher-psychologist)

5. Training “Psychology of Pedagogical Communication”

Goal: development and formation of emotionally expressive behavior among teachers of preschool educational institutions (Teacher-psychologist)

6. Presentation of the book "A book about me and for me"

Goal: organizing interaction between kindergarten teachers and parents for a creative approach to writing a fascinating story for a child about himself and about himself. (Teacher-psychologist, PARENTS, TEACHERS)

Theme day: "City of Friendship"

Motto of the day: A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.

1. Action - “Spring of psychological relief”.

The purpose of the action is psychological relief, creating a positive emotional tone (opinions, statements, impressions) Psychological game “Tree of Moods”

Purpose: to study the mood of children and adults in kindergarten.

Training “How good it is to have friends!” senior gr.

Goal: to introduce the concept of “friendship”, to give each child the opportunity to express their individuality.

Interview - survey “What is friendship?” (older age)

Psychological campaign “Friendship Corner” - take care of your friendship (Making a corner in middle, high, pre-graduate groups)

Younger age


Goal: relieving emotional stress, creating a positive emotional background. (Teachers of the first junior group)

Theme day: City "Moods"


If you want to attract attention, surprise.

If you want people to think about you for a long time, make them angry.

If you want people to communicate with you for a long time, arouse interest.

Mikhail Litvak

Morning Promotion – Lottery “The morning begins with surprises.” A lottery with the inscription surprise, those who get a lucky ticket receive candy, dry goods or just a surprise from a wonderful bag. (All groups)

Entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Fair of Emotions”.

Goal: to develop imagination, pantomimic and verbal expressiveness, to help distinguish the emotional state by its external manifestation and expression through facial expressions, pantomimics, and intonation. (Senior, middle groups)

Conversation “What is happiness?”, “What is joy?” Design of posters on the topic.

Goal: harmonization of emotional state; stabilization of mental processes, stress relief. (Older age)

"Drawing happiness" - training using fairy tale therapy (Preparatory group)

Competition "Gallery of wall newspapers "Meet me - it's me!", "My portrait in the rays of the sun" .

Goals and objectives: to develop aesthetic taste in parents through the exchange of experiences. Express the love of parents for their children through the work done in the form of a poster, collage. (1st junior group, 2nd junior group)

Training exercise “Learning to manage your emotions”

Target: games and exercises to relieve muscle tension, fatigue, overexcitation, overcome shyness, increase self-esteem (All groups

Theme day: City of "Wizards"

Motto of the day:

“A person who believes in a fairy tale ends up in it one day, because he has a heart...”

Sergey Korolev

A book about me and for me- preparation of a joint project between teachers and parents.

Designed to write a fascinating story for a child about himself and himself. (All groups at the request of parents)

Conversation “What are compliments!”

Making a surprise “Compliment” to close the week.

Goal: raising the general emotional tone (Middle and older age)

Skill development games process information

Develop the ability to understand each other, to delve into the essence of the information received;

Develop the ability to work with information through establishing logical and cause-and-effect relationships, as well as inferences; (Older age)

Games to develop cooperation skills

Learn to hear, understand and follow the rules of the game;

Develop control over movements and the ability to work according to instructions;

Develop a trusting attitude towards each other; (Middle age)


Goal: relieving emotional stress, creating a positive emotional background. (Early and younger ages)

Thematic day: City of “Impressions”

Motto of the day:

Be impressed, create and give the warmth of your soul to all people!

Theatrical performance "Circus lights up"(Preparatory group)

Games and exercises to relieve muscle tension, fatigue, overexcitation (older age)

Psychological game “Portrait of a group”(drawing up a collage by the teacher together with the children) (Senior, middle age)

Finger games “Our fingers are always our best friends.”

Drawing "Tree of Fingers"

Goal: relieving emotional stress, creating a positive emotional background (Younger age)

Theme day: City of Compliments


“Let's exclaim, admire each other,

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love!

B. Okudzhava

Promotion “Box of Good Deeds”

Goal: strengthening the skills of effective communication and play. (All groups)

Psycho-gymnastics “Compliments”

Purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the technique of complimenting. (Older age)

Psycho-sports event “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Goal: formation of a healthy lifestyle through exercises aimed at solving problems of a psycho-emotional nature and maintaining the mental well-being of the child. (Preparatory group No. 6)

Games and exercises to relieve muscle tension, fatigue, and overexcitation. (All groups)

Closing of Psychology Week.

Training “Psychology of Pedagogical Communication”, presentation of “compliments”;

Watching Pixar's How to Be Positive in Life

Presentation of the book "A book about me and for me"(All teachers)

Working with parents

Competition “Get to know me – it’s me!” (During the week. Early and younger ages)

Competition “My portrait in the rays of the sun” (During the week. Early and junior ages)t

Memos for parents:

“Basic rules of communication with a child”, “Prevention of computer addiction in a child.” (During the week. All groups)

Wall newspaper gallery: “This is interesting”, “About our children”, “Three-year crisis”, “Advice for parents”. (During the week. teacher-psychologist)

Parent club “Learning to communicate with a child” for parents of young children.

Goal: optimization of parent-child relationships. (Teacher-psychologist)

The week of psychology turned out to be holistic and complete thanks to the help and support of all kindergarten employees, the understanding of parents and the activity of children. Every child needs the love of an adult. Love is the most reliable foundation of a calm childhood. If adults understand this, the child will grow up to be a generous, warm-hearted person. The results of our activities showed that together we ensured the emotional well-being of all participants in the educational process.

"The Magic Garden of Kindness"

Primary school teacher

Semyonova O.V.

G. Michurinsk.

April 2014.

Target: To form students’ ethical ideas and knowledge

Tasks: 1. Develop the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing,


2. Develop the ability to work together in groups.

3. Cultivate a kind attitude towards people around you, and

desire to do good deeds.

Equipment: Recording of songs “Dear Goodness”, “If you are kind”,

multimedia projector. Cards with scattered

proverbs. Fragments of the picture.

Progress of the event.

The children enter the classroom to the song “On the Road of Good.” Seated in groups.

Teacher: Guys, what a wonderful song! Why do you think this particular song was played today? (because today we will talk about kindness).

The teacher prepares the children for the event.

Hold hands.

If we are frowning in the morning, kindness will help us.

If it rains in the morning, kindness will help us.

If we feel a little sad, kindness will help us (in unison).

And today we smiled at each other and wish everyone (in unison) well.

Teacher: One wise man remarked: “A man has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child.” Let us now also do one common good deed. Today we will plant a magical garden of Kindness. What do we need? Loosen the soil and plant a seed of kindness.

So what is good? Where did you meet him?

(Yes, this is all good, kind, beautiful. For example: sun, spring, smile, mom, dad,.... Good is when people contribute, help each other.

A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times, loves nature and takes care of it, is polite in communication, respectful to adults and younger ones, loves birds, helps them survive in the winter cold. A kind person notices the good in others, first of all. Kindness - responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others).

1 Task. The teacher reads his part of the poem to each group.

I must admit, I'm surprised

I'll tell you this.

Met the nimble Nastenka

I'm on the street now

Nastya is a good girl -

She goes to first grade.

But long ago from Nastya

I don’t hear the word... (hello).

Grandfather got angry with his granddaughter -

What a shame:

He gave her a briefcase

I thought I'd be happy

But why be silent like a fish,

Well, I would say... (thank you).

I met Vitya, I am a neighbor,

The meeting was sad:

He hits me like a torpedo

Came from around the corner!

But in vain I left Vitya

I was just waiting for the words... (sorry)

Teacher: Let's, guys, say kind and just good words to each other. Ball game. (Children stand in a circle. The student is asked to pass the ball to another person in the circle and say kind words (kind words), wishes, congratulations.) What was the first step you and I took towards kindness? (this is a good word or a magic word).

The next step is kind words(grass has grown).

2. Task. Each team is given scattered proverbs:

A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.

Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.

Live kinder - you will be nicer to everyone.

Teacher: You need to collect a proverb from words, discuss in a group what the meaning of this proverb is, and then tell everyone your general opinion (children collect proverbs, explain the meaning of these proverbs).

Teacher: It’s good if not only our lips, but also our thoughts and thoughts are in agreement with kind words. What's the next step we took? (good thoughts). Next step- good thoughts (tree).

Teacher: What do you think kind words and kind thoughts can turn into? And we will find out now.


Thinking about parents - Comforting a crying person

Rejoice at your classmate's failure

Help older people

Envy - Make a bird feeder

Breaking tree branches for a fire

Give up your seat on the bus to older people

Shouting in public places

Explain the problem to your classmate -

Summing up the work in the group: the game “Yes”, “No”. (If this is a good deed, you go to the wall where the corresponding word hangs; if you think that it is not, then you go to the wall with the word “No”).

Teacher: What can good thoughts and words turn into?

The next step is good deeds( leaves with good deeds that you have already done in your class and at home)

4. Assignment.

Fairy-tale heroes

One of the main themes of Russian folk tales has always been the theme of good and evil. I will name the fairy-tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap your hands; if you are evil, you cover your face with your palms.

Ivan Tsarevich (d) Thumbelina (d)

Koschey the Immortal (D)

Goldfish (d) Baba Yaga (h)

Cinderella (d) Morozko (d)

Malvina Karabas-Barabas (d)

Little Red Riding Hood (d) Water

Geese-swans (h)

(Group 1) A person with a kind soul and a gentle character, unforgiving, is called...

(Group 2) A person who has a kind heart is called.....

(Group 3) A person who wishes only the best for others is called.....

We add the following elements to the Garden of Kindness: integrity, good-heartedness, good nature, good morals, goodwill.

3. Training game “Magic flower of goodness”

Children stand in a circle, stretch your arms slightly forward, palms up, and close your eyes. Imagine what I'm going to tell you now.

Draw in your imagination a flower of kindness and good mood. Place it on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your arms, your soul. Feel how goodness enters you and gives you joy. A warm gentle breeze blows around you. You are in a good fairytale mood. Work in pairs (drawing a magic flower for two)

Game "Good Dwarf"

Each student writes their name on a piece of paper and folds the piece of paper. The teacher mixes the leaves and distributes them to the students, and no one should pull themselves out or tell who they got. Rules of the game: for the one who got you, you are a “good gnome”. This means that you must do something pleasant for a certain time, such as a week, without attracting attention to yourself. Who was the “good gnome” for whom will be found out later. One of the main conditions is that no money should be spent on all good deeds.

Conclusion: How many deeds and good deeds have you done? Well done! Why do you need to do good deeds? (children's answers).

If you wish well, do good. The path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which a person expects ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternation of good and evil. Learning to be truly kind is difficult. A person should stop more often and reflect on his committed actions. Good deeds make your soul warmer, brighter and more joyful. What is missing from our picture? (the sun's rays that give warmth and warm us). On your tables there are rays for our future sun of kindness. If you liked our event, it became warm and cozy, then attach yellow rays to our sun, and if you were anxious, sad red rays.

In addition to this, I would like the rays of the sun penetrating into your home to bring you: love, beauty, health, kindness, mercy, responsiveness.


It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness is like the sun shining,

Adults and children rejoice.

And I propose to end our class hour with the song of the cat Leopold “If you are kind”, let’s sing it together.

Rain barefoot Rain passed barefoot on the ground,

Maples clapped his shoulders,

And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.

If it's a clear day it's good

And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.

You can hear them ringing high in the sky

strings of sun rays,

But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.

If you're kind, it's always easy

But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.

Scattering loud laughter,

And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.

If you sing songs, it’s more fun with them,

And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.

Teacher: In spring the water will rustle,

In winter the winds will sing.

Come on, friends, always

Wish each other well!

Thank you for your attention!

As part of the week of self-knowledge at our school, on February 11, in the 3 “A” class, a QUEST - the game “On the Path of Good” - was held in a fun and exciting way. The topic of kindness is important and relevant for absolutely everyone. Kindness is the most valuable quality of a person. To complete the good deeds quest, students were given route sheets. From that moment on, an interactive quest of a whole series of good deeds began. The children traveled through 6 “stations”. Stream of Kindness station. Pioneer leader Arailym greets the students in the assembly hall. She suggests creating a collage of words that refer to kind people and sticking them like rays. He tells the children: “The earth is covered with fog. Let's make the sun shine bright and bright on this earth. To do this, the team will depict the sun on this sheet for us. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says: kindness is like the sun. And kind people, like the rays of this sun, warm people with their kindness.”

The “Island of Good Hopes” station is located in the dressing room. Here the cloakroom attendant Almagul Bazaralynovna is waiting for them. She is glad to have guests and good news. Making up a proverb from the proposed words, the guys talked about such concepts as kindness, goodwill, mutual assistance.

At the “Castle of Good Deeds” station, animals are waiting for the guys. Nurse Zhanar Melisovna turns to the children with a request to help them. And for this you need to bandage the animals’ paws and arms. And the guys did a great job with this task! The children realized that everyone needs love and kindness. While making the trip, the kids went to “Prospect of Good”, where the game “Cryptor” was interesting: they solved kind words - “Shifters”, played the game “Friendship”.

A festively decorated school library with book characters greeted third-graders at the “Garden of Good” station. The presentation of the book and illustrated exhibition “Kindness on the Bookshelf” began with a kind smile and warm words from librarian Kulyanda Nurtayevna. The children were interested in meeting the kind heroes of the books. They listened attentively and answered all questions promptly, supplementing the message with examples from their lives. The guys also visited the station “How beautiful this world is!” The assistants at this station were students of grade 7 “B” - Daria Koryak and Snezhana Chirkova.

In the competition, the guys showed their talents, erudition, ingenuity, and showed united and friendly work. We passed all the tests, passed all the stations, earned a large number of points, and realized how important it is to be kind and attentive every day, in any situation. The event ended with the presentation of certificates and a sweet surprise. The “Rays” team won in the “Kind Soul” nomination, the “Stars” team – in the “Kind Heart” nomination, the “Friendship” team – in the “Good Thoughts” nomination, and the “Friendly Family” team in the “Kind Hands” nomination.

All participants received a lot of positive emotions from the game. Indeed, it turned out to be a wonderful quest of GOOD deeds!

Development of emotional intelligence in the youngest children.

Kindness is the willingness to help the little, the needy and the weak. Children are initially (as a rule) not kind and self-centered, so teaching kindness, at least as a pattern of behavior, is a step forward in the direction of the child’s socialization.

In childhood and adolescence, kindness is one of the most reliable means of turning a child and adolescent into the world of another person, cultivating responsiveness and willingness to cooperate.

Games that develop the moral qualities of a child!

"Treasury of good deeds"

Cut out circles or hearts from colored paper. At the end of each day, invite your child to put in the “piggy bank” as many circles as the number of good deeds he has done today. If your child finds it difficult, help him find this good deed even in the slightest positive deeds. Such a game will encourage the baby to do something good.

« Let's throw away the anger"

Give your child black clouds or dark blots and offer to put them in a bag. At the same time, encourage the child to tell what bad things he did today. Agree with your child that you put your anger, resentment or other negative emotion in this bag and go throw it away.

"Tender names"

The game is a collective game that fosters a friendly attitude from one child to another. Players must stand in a circle. One of the participants throws the ball to the other, calling him affectionately by name. For example: Serezhenka, Bogdanchik, Olechka, etc. The second player throws to the next one. The one who named more affectionate names wins.


Invite the children to sit in a circle facing each other and hold hands. Each child should say something kind and pleasant to his neighbor sitting next to him. The one to whom the praise is intended says: “Thank you, I am very pleased.” And then he compliments the next child. When a child finds it difficult to say something, an adult should help him find the right words.

"Pyramid of Love"

Remember with your children that we all love something. For some it's a family, for others it's a doll, and for some they just like ice cream. Invite the children to build a pyramid of love. The adult begins to build it, naming what he loves and placing his hand in the center. Then each of the children names what he likes or likes and puts his hand on top. Thus, a whole pyramid was created.

Development of emotional intelligence

in preschool children

Color therapy


Exercise No. 1


Progress: Pour red finger paint into plastic plates. To the music, use the little fingers of your left hand and right hand to place dots on a piece of paper. Ask your child, “What does the picture you drew look like?”

Game No. 2 “Red object in my palm”

Target: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

Progress: close your eyes and prepare your palm. When there is an object in your palm, clench your fist.(The adult places a small red object in the child’s palm.)Open your eyes, but don't open your palm. Try to guess what's in your palm.(The child expresses his guesses). Well done! Now look at your subject. Describe what he is like.(Large or small, round, oval, smooth, rough, patterned, with a hole in the middle, etc.)

Exercise No. 3

Target: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

Progress: prepare pieces of velvet paper and red floss threads, woolen threads of the same color. Draw the outline of a flower on a piece of paper. To the music, stick the prepared pieces of different materials onto the outline of the drawn flower.


Exercise No. 1


Progress: Apply glue to thick cardboard, sprinkle millet cereal, spreading it over the entire sheet, wait until it dries. To the music, paint the millet with orange finger paint.

Exercise No. 2 Relaxation.

Target: correction of shyness, isolation, stiffness.

Progress: The teacher gives the children the task of cutting out butterflies in two colors: red and yellow. After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we begin painting the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done! Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a large orange butterfly. (Music turns on). Take a closer look at it. When the music ends, open your eyes and go to the table.

You and I just imagined ourselves as orange butterflies. Now we will cut out a butterfly from a sheet of white paper. See how it's done. (An adult explains and shows the technology of cutting out and mixing two colors: red and yellow.) After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we begin to paint the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done!


Exercise No. 1


Progress: Draw a mimosa branch on a sheet of watercolor paper. Make confetti from yellow velvet paper. To the music, stick confetti on the image of a branch, paint the branch and leaves with green watercolor paint.

Exercise No. 2

Target: correction of hyperreactivity, formation of self-control, increase in self-esteem.

Progress: The child sticks his piece of paper on the paper. The leaf can be a head, a torso, a dress, or anything else. With colored pencils they complete everything necessary to create a self-portrait. If a child refuses to depict himself, then he can depict what he wants.


Exercise No. 1


Progress: Draw bunches of grapes on a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard. Cut a small piece from a piece of green plasticine and roll it into a ball. To the music, separate pieces from the ball and smear them over the image of the berries; paint the leaves with light green watercolor paint.

Game No. 2 “Green inhabitants of the forest”

Target: correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

Progress: name the forest inhabitants - animals, birds, insects - green in color (green lizard, green snake, frog, caterpillar, butterfly, bug, grasshopper, etc.). Now each of you will turn into any green creature, and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, the butterfly will fly, the grasshoppers will jump, the snake will crawl, the frog will jump. Show how you will move. Fine! When the music stops, your hero should freeze in place.(The game is repeated several times).

Exercise No. 3

Target: correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

Progress: Cut green velvet paper into strips 15 cm long. To the music, stick the strips onto a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, paint the gaps with finger paints, mixing green paint with yellow. Show children how to mix paints to achieve the desired shades and how to use a palette.


Exercise No. 1


Progress: Glue several pieces of cotton wool (clouds) on watercolor paper. To the music “Sounds of Nature. Birds singing" use blue finger paint to paint the sky. Show children how to mix blue and white to create the desired shade of blue.

Exercise No. 2

Target: correction of anxiety, aggression, increased excitability.

Progress: prepare 10 pieces of blue floss. On a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, draw several wavy lines one above the other. To the music, stick the threads on the lines, trying to maintain the shape.

Cards - emotions

You can cut them from a magazine or print them from the Internet. Let them have faces with a variety of emotions.

You can invite your child to: guess how the person in each picture feels; try to make the same face as in the selected picture; come up with different situations in which a person experiences certain emotions.

"Acting courses."

Prepare cards with descriptions of various situations in the lives of children. The child must use gestures, sounds and facial expressions to depict how the hero of the situation feels.


Cover your face with your hands, and when you open it, some kind of emotion should be depicted on it. Invite your child to guess what you depicted. Then switch roles with the child.

“How do I speak?”

Try saying the same ordinary phrase, for example: “Good morning!”, with different intonations(happy, sad, angry, surprised, scared, etc.)Let the child try to guess the emotion. Come up with another phrase and switch roles.

« Let's say hello!"

Target: The exercise continues familiarity and creates a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

At the beginning of the exercise, we talk about different ways of greeting, real and comic. Children are invited to greet with their shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, come up with their own unusual way of greeting for today's lesson and say hello to them. (For each subsequent lesson, a new, previously unused way of greeting is invented!

"Stand up those who..."

Target: The exercise is aimed at developing attention, observation, as well as continuing group acquaintance.

The presenter gives the task: “Stand up, all those who...

Loves to run

Enjoys the good weather

Has a younger sister

Likes to give flowers, etc.

If desired, children can play the role of leader.

After completing the exercise, children are asked questions summarizing the game:

Now we will see who was the most attentive in our group. Which of the guys remember who in our group loves sweets? Who has a younger sister? etc.

Then the questions become more complex (involving two variables):

Who in our group loves sweets and has a younger sister? Each question is addressed to a specific child; if he cannot answer himself, the group helps him.”

"Describe a friend"

Target: development of attentiveness and the ability to describe what he saw, continuation of acquaintance.

The exercise is performed in pairs (by all participants at the same time). Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner.

Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is drawn about how accurate the child was.

“What has changed?”

Target: development of attention and observation necessary for effective communication.

Each child takes turns becoming a driver. The driver leaves the room. During this time, the group makes several changes in the children’s clothing and hairstyle; you can move to another place (but no more than two or three changes; all changes made must be visible). The driver’s task is to correctly notice the changes that have occurred.

"How do you feel?"

Target: development of attentiveness, empathy, the ability to feel the mood of another.

The exercise is performed in a circle.

Each child carefully looks at his neighbor on the left and tries to guess how he feels and talks about it.

The child, whose condition is described, listens and then agrees with what was said or disagrees, complements.

"My Mood"

Target: developing the ability to describe one’s mood, recognize the moods of others, and developing empathy.

Children are invited to tell others about their mood: you can draw it, you can compare it with some color, animal, state, you can show it in motion - it all depends on the child’s imagination and desire.

“A gift for everyone (flower - seven flowers)”

Target: development of a sense of team, the ability to make friends, make the right choice, and cooperate with peers.

The children are given the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give to all of us now?” Or: “If we had a seven-flowered flower, what wish would you make?” Each child makes one wish by tearing one petal from a common flower.

Fly, fly, petal, from west to east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, be it in my opinion.

Order that... At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.

"Portrait of the Best Friend"

Target: development of analysis and self-analysis.

Children are given the task of drawing a portrait of their best friend. Then the conversation takes place:

Who do you consider your best, best friend? What qualities does this person have? Do you want to be considered a good friend? What should you do for this, how should you behave?

During the general discussion, rules for joyful communication are formulated, which are drawn in a schematic form accessible to children or written down on a piece of Whatman paper in block letters (if the children already know how to read). For example:

Help your friends.

Share with them, learn to play and practice together.

Stop your friend if he is doing something bad. Tell him if he is wrong about something.

Don't quarrel, don't argue over trifles; play together with everyone.

Don't be jealous.

If you did something bad, don’t be afraid to admit it, apologize.

Calmly accept advice and help from other guys.

Don't be happy when someone loses. If you can, help him.

If you lose yourself, don’t take your anger out on others, maybe you’ll win next time.

“Study on various positions in communication”

Target: experiencing different positions in communication.

Children are given the task to split into pairs. Communication in pairs takes place in a dialogue mode. Interesting and relevant topics for children are offered for communication: “My favorite animal”, “My happiest day last month”, etc.

First, a communication situation is organized when both children sit facing each other, then one child sits on a chair and the other stands near his chair (the children change places), then the children, sitting on a chair with their backs to each other, continue the conversation.

Afterwards, the children are asked about the impressions and mood that arose during the communication process. How did you like to communicate? Why?

“Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace”

Target: correlation of a person and his tactile image, removal of bodily barriers; developing the ability to express one’s feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

The exercise is performed in pairs with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length.Adult gives tasks (each task is completed in 2-3 minutes): - Close your eyes, stretch out your hands towards each other, introduce yourself with just your hands. Try to get to know your neighbor better. Put your hands down"

Stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands. Your hands are fighting. Put your hands down.

Your hands search for each other again. They want to make peace. Your hands make peace, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?

"Magic Means of Understanding"

Introductory conversation.

Target: the realization that it is possible to help a person who is sad or ill, that everyone has the power to provide help to everyone who needs it, an understanding of what exactly can be done for this.

What helps you when it’s difficult, bad, when you’ve done something wrong, when you’ve been offended?

What special things can people do with whom we enjoy communicating, what sets them apart? (smile, ability to listen, eye contact, kind gentle voice, soft unsharp gestures, pleasant touches, polite words, ability to understand a person).

Why can we call these means of understanding “magical”?

Can you and I use these “magic” remedies when?


Target: Helps develop understanding of facial expressions and facial expressions.

The leader hangs various pictures and masks on the board:

Joy, surprise, interest,

Anger, rage, fear, shame,

Contempt, disgust,

The children's task is to determine what feeling the mask expresses.


Target: the ability to distinguish between facial expressions and to consciously use facial expressions to express one’s emotions.

Each of the participants is given a task - to express grief, joy, pain, fear, surprise with the help of facial expressions... The remaining participants must determine what the participant was trying to portray.

Target: The exercise is performed in pairs, it is aimed at specific elaboration, the use of “magic” means of understanding, the development of empathy, and the use of already familiar means of understanding.

Using the “magic” means of understanding, children should help:

1) a crying child, he lost the ball;

2) mom came home from work, she was very tired;

3) a friend in class is sitting sad, his mother is sick;

4) your friend is crying, he received a bad grade;

5) the girl next door asked you to make an applique for her... It is necessary to select so many situations so that each child can complete the task.


Target: development of empathy, creativityimagination .

The children are given the task: “Draw a kind animal and call it by an affectionate name, reward it with some magical means of understanding.”

Drawing is carried out to the accompaniment of quiet, calm music, with paints or bright crayons, felt-tip pens on unlined white sheets. Then a competition is held for the kindest animal. The winner is awarded a certificate.

"Word Artist"

Target: development of the ability to describe what is observed, the ability to highlight details essential for the description, the use of acceptable, non-offensive words, expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children.

Each child takes turns thinking of someone from the group and begins to draw his verbal portrait - his external characteristics (and, if possible, internal, psychological ones), without specifically naming the name of this person.

Taking into account the level of development of children, you can offer them exercises on associative perception. (What animal does it look like? What flower? What piece of furniture? etc.)

“Let’s make a gift to each other in a circle”

Target: development in children of feeling each other, understanding the mood of others, developing empathy.

The presenter instructs everyone to give their neighbor on the right a gift, but not a specific gift, but a fictitious one: “What would you like to give to this particular person? Give the gift that, in your opinion, he especially needs now.”

A gift can be described in words or shown with gestures.


Target: role-playing situations, practicing skills of effective interaction, empathy, and the ability to cooperate.

The exercise is performed in pairs. One child from the couple is the owner of a beautiful and very beloved toy, which he loves to play with. Another child really wants to play with this toy. His task is to persuade the owner of the toy to let him play with it.

Important: when performing this exercise, the child who owns the toy is given any toy that he should present as his favorite.

As soon as the owner of the toy gives it to the asking child, the exercise is interrupted and the child is asked why he gave the toy.

"Role playing out situations"

Target: The task is aimed at specific elaboration and application of “magic” means of communication, the development of empathy, and the use of already familiar means of understanding.

Children are given game situations that they stage. The exercise is performed collectively (participants role-playing the situation and observers are selected from the group). The task of the actors is to play out the given situation as naturally as possible, while the observers analyze what they see. After a collective discussion, you can play the situation again with the same actors (if they did it unsuccessfully before) or with new ones (to consolidate the magical means of understanding in practice).

Examples of playable situations:

You went out into the yard and saw two unfamiliar boys fighting there.

You really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your class. Ask her.

You really offended your friend. Apologize and try to make peace.

"I'm good - I'm bad"

Target: development of reflection and self-analysis.

Children are asked to draw a picture, a self-portrait, in which both their good and bad qualities should be drawn. If children find it difficult, then you can talk to them about which qualities they consider bad and which are good and why. How can you draw a bad quality, and how can you draw a good one? What color and shape can they be?

" Mood"

Target: the ability to describe one’s mood, development of understanding the mood of others, development of empathy, associative thinking.

A color painting of the group's mood is created. For example, on a common sheet of Whatman paper, using paints, each child draws his or her mood in the form of a stripe, or a cloud, or simply as a spot. Another option is possible: from a basket with multi-colored petals made of colored paper, each child chooses for himself a petal, the color of which most matches the color of his mood. Then all the petals are collected into a common chamomile. You can invite children to create a spontaneous mood dance.

"School of Smiles"

Target: development of empathy and cultural communication skills.

Introductory conversation:

When do people smile?

What types of smiles are there?

Try to show them.

Children try to smile reservedly, slyly, sincerely...

Draw a smiling person.

Smiling man, what is he like?

"General mood"

Target: developing understanding and feeling the mood of the interlocutor.

Stage 1: A competition is announced for the best image of joy, fear, anger, grief (the set of emotions can be expanded in the future). The mood is depicted using facial expressions and gestures. Then, when the expression of emotion is found, the presenter asks to come up with and make a sound that each child associates with this state. If the task is difficult to complete, then you can associate it with a situation from the children’s specific life experience: “Remember yourself, when you were happy, when you had some unpleasant event happened, etc."

If children begin to copy each other’s movements, then the task can be done with their eyes closed and open them only when the expression of the desired state is found.

Stage 2 : Work in pairs. Several basic emotions are selected, for example, fear, surprise, joy, grief. Children stand with their backs to each other, and on the count of one, two, three, show the same state without saying a word. It is important to learn to feel each other as best as possible. It is successful when the choice of state in a pair coincides 2-3 times in a row.

Stage 3 : A single one is being developed; a universal sign for depicting basic emotions, for example, fear, grief, joy...

At this stage, it is important to work on discussing visible signs that express a certain state.

"The wind blows on..."

With the words “The wind blows on...” the leader begins the game. In order for the participants in the game to learn more about each other, the questions could be as follows: “The wind blows on the one with blond hair” - all the blond ones gather in one pile. “The wind blows on the one who... has a sister”, “who loves animals”, “who cries a lot”, “who has no friends”, etc. The leader must be changed, giving everyone the opportunity to ask the participants.

"Find a Friend"

The exercise is performed among children or between parents and children. One half is blindfolded, given the opportunity to walk around the room and asked to find and recognize a friend (or their parent). You can find out with your hands, feeling your hair, clothes, hands. Then, when a friend is found, the players switch roles.


To play, you need mittens cut out of paper; the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. The presenter scatters mittens with the same pattern, but not painted, around the room. The children scatter around the hall. They find their “pair,” go to a corner and, using three pencils of different colors, try to color the mittens exactly the same as quickly as possible. Note: The facilitator observes how the couples organize their joint work, how they share pencils, and how they negotiate. The winners are congratulated.

"Let's make a story"

The presenter begins the story: “Once upon a time...”, the next participant continues, and so on in a circle. When it’s the host’s turn again, he directs the plot of the story, sharpens it, makes it more meaningful, and the exercise continues.


The players stand in a line, holding their shoulders. The first participant is the * head”, the last one is the “tail” of the dragon. The “head” should reach out and touch the tail. The dragon's "body" is inseparable. Once the "head" grabs the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant plays two roles.

“Yes or not?”

The players stand in a circle and join hands, the leader is in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout “Yes,” if they disagree, they lower their hands and shout “No!”

Is there a field of fireflies? Are there any fish in the sea? Does a calf have wings? Does a piglet have a beak? Does the mountain have a ridge? Does a rooster have a tail? Does the violin have a key? Does the verse rhyme? Does it have errors?

“Roar, lion, roar; knock, train, knock"

The presenter says: “We are all lions; large lion family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say: “Roar, lion, roar!” let the loudest roar be heard.”

“Who can growl even louder? Roar well, lions." You need to ask the children to roar as loudly as possible, while pretending to be a lion.

Then everyone stands one after another, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. This is a steam locomotive. It puffs, whistles, the wheels work clearly, in time, everyone listens and adapts to their neighbors. The locomotive travels around the room in different directions, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes turning, sometimes bending, making loud sounds and whistles. The driver at the stations changes. At the end of the game there may be a "crash" and everyone falls to the floor.


One player walks around the room and makes different movements, unexpected turns, squats, bends to the sides, nods his head, waves his arms, etc. Everyone else stands in a line behind him at a short distance. They are his shadow and must quickly and clearly repeat his movements. Then the leader changes.

"What's the mood like?"

Participants in the game take turns saying what time of year, natural phenomenon, or weather their current mood is similar to. It’s better for an adult to start making comparisons: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, what about yours?” The exercise is carried out in a circle.Adult generalizes what the mood of the whole group is today: sad, cheerful, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting children’s answers, keep in mind that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy skies, aggressive elements indicate emotional distress.

"Psychological modeling"

In this matter, much depends on the adult’s imagination. He asks the children to mold one common figure from their bodies: a “starfish” (you can lie on the carpet) - and show how it moves. A shell, a cat, a bird, a flower, a car, etc. Children not only “sculpt” the figure, but also “revive” it, moving smoothly and synchronously, without violating its integrity.

"Walk Along the Stream"

A stream is drawn on the floor with chalk, winding, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes shallow, sometimes deep. Tourists line up one after another in one “chain”, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, spread their legs the width of the stream in the place where their path begins, slowly move all together, changing the width of their spread legs, stepping along the banks of the stream. The one who stumbles lands with his foot in the stream and stands at the end of the chain.


Children are asked to imagine that they entered a mirror store. One half of the group is mirrors, the other is various animals.

The animals walk past the mirrors, jump, make faces - the mirrors must accurately reflect the movements and facial expressions of the animals.

Development of emotional intelligence in adults

It is also worth noting some approaches and techniques that can be used to develop emotional intelligence not only with children, but also with adolescents and adults.

To develop emotional competence and mastery of emotions, it is very important to improve the process of perception and emotional assessment of reality. There are two main ways of perceiving the surrounding reality and recreating its image - associated and dissociated.Associated approachmeans that a person is inside the experienced situation, looks at it with his own eyes and has direct access to his own emotions.Dissociated methodallows you to evaluate an event as if from the outside, as a result of which a person loses touch with the feelings and experiences that took place in the real situation.

To stop experiencing negative emotions and discomfort, many experts recommend dissociating from the disturbing, unpleasant memory. To do this, you need to mentally get out of the experiencing situation and look at this event from the outside. By watching a movie about yourself in your imagination, you can reduce the brightness of the image and replace color images with black and white. As a result of such actions, the unpleasant situation gradually ceases to worry the person, which allows him to later return to it and calmly analyze all his actions.

The reverse procedure is also very effective. association with pleasant memories. Everyone can remember many events that were associated with positive emotions and high spirits. In order to regain the freshness of joyful memories, it is enough to re-enter “inside” a once pleasant event, see it with your own eyes and try to experience the same emotions as then (visualization technique). Association can also help when communicating with other people. Since in the process of communication many are associated only with unpleasant details, interaction with communication partners sometimes causes rejection. If you carry out the opposite action and associate yourself with pleasant feelings in communication, you can find pleasant interlocutors nearby.

Thus, emotions are directly dependent on thinking. Thanks to thinking and imagination, a person can have various images of the past and future, as well as emotional experiences associated with them. Therefore, the one who controls his imagination also controls his emotions well.

In order to be able to control not only your own states, but also the emotions of your communication partner, which will greatly increase your emotional intelligence, you can do an exercise“Help me calm down.”A couple of people are presented with some kind of emotionally intense situation. The task of one member of the couple is to relieve the tension of his partner. Situations are usually abstract or even fantastic in nature in order to avoid personal involvement of the participants. Time is limited to 2-3 minutes. The partner and situations change every time. At the end of the exercise, there is a discussion about what techniques the participants used to relieve tension, and which of them succeeded best.

Exercises to find similarities with other people are also useful for developing emotional intelligence, which is one of the ways to learn to better understand yourself and others. For this purpose the task is used“Emphasising commonality”:you need to mentally find 20 common qualities with a person you met a few days ago or even half an hour ago. This simultaneously develops the ability for reflection and adequate self-esteem.

To develop your knowledge of emotions and emotional states, you can develop your own Dictionary of emotions . It should have four sections: positive, negative, neutral and ambivalent (contradictory) emotions. The dictionary needs to be replenished every time a new term describing an emotional state is remembered.

The ability to unconditionally accept people, which, according to many authors, also refers to emotional intelligence, can be developed in a fairly simple way. You can use the exercise for this“Emphasis of importance”:you need to set a goal during the day at least two (three, four, five) times to emphasize the importance of those people with whom you work or communicate - to note their successful ideas, suggestions, to express respect and sympathy to them.

Thus, the range of techniques and ways to develop emotional intelligence is quite rich. The choice of a specific approach depends in each individual case on the goals and those people involved in the work. I sincerely hope that the experience presented in this article will be interesting and useful to teachers and psychologists in a variety of fields.

6 exercises to develop emotional intelligence in children

The ability to correctly recognize and manage your emotions is the key to both professional success and a happy life. Therefore, it is important to develop emotional intelligence, and you need to start from an early age. Psychologist Victoria Shimanskaya offers 6 exercises that will be useful for your child - and for you.


What we teach our children is not as important as the example we set. And the most important example is the ability to be happy.


It is useful to create your own box of happiness in your imagination. “Put” into it everything that you associate with happiness visually, hearing, taste, smell and touch. And then create the same box with your child, discussing his emotions in detail with him. Example:

  • Vision: a child's happy smile.
  • Hearing: the sound of a sea wave.
  • Flavor: sweet strawberry.
  • Smell: aromas of the forest after rain.
  • Touch: hugging a loved one.


It will not only help you understand your own feelings, but will also allow others to understand you better. Such communication with your partner, colleagues and especially with your child will become the basis of mutual understanding in the family and at work. To do this, introduce the formula into your speech: “I feel... because..., and I would like to...”.

Using the example of communication with a child, this formula may sound like this: “I’m upset that you spilled the water with paints. I wish you would pay more attention. Now let’s clean up together.”


The essence of the game is that every evening the child himself chooses the emotion of the day. “Today I felt joy (sadness, curiosity, anger...) when...” To do this, print out all the emotions of your child’s favorite character, which he will choose to represent his experiences. This game teaches awareness and acceptance of one's own feelings.


It’s interesting to photograph not only in the “me and the sights” style. Try taking emotional photographs: “Ah! This palm tree is like a huge cactus - you have to try it,” “The tower isn’t falling?!”, “Zhuuuuk!”

Believe me, such photos are very pleasant to look at with the whole family. You can also use them to make a travel story. Print out several photos, mix them up and create a new story of your trip.


You can make your own gallery of emotions, where each picture is an emotion expressed in the colors and composition that the child chooses. It’s very cool to draw at the same time and compare how you turned out to be happy, sad, and angry.


A unique game that not only introduces a child to emotions, but also shows how a person feels in a given situation. The essence of the game: everyone receives a set of 8 cards: joy, fear, interest, inspiration, doubt, surprise, trust, anger. The list can be supplemented.

The guessing player comes up with a word-concept-situation and, choosing an appropriate emotion for it, places the card in the circle closed. The rest of the players must guess what emotion the mystery situation evokes in the player.

For example, a mother can choose a “joy” card for the concept “September 1,” and a daughter can choose “fear.” Children find it difficult to talk about their emotions. And in the game they reveal them.

And don't forget about reading books and good music. These are timeless resources for understanding yourself, others and the whole world.