The independent activity of the child includes. Organization of independent activities of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard up to


Main part



Curriculum for PM 03. Organization of various activities and communicationinvolves educational and industrial pedagogical practice in:

MDK.02.01.Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing play activities for children of early and preschool age

MDK.02.02.Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of labor activity of preschoolers

MDK.02.03.Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization productive species activities of preschool children

MDK.02.04.Workshop on artistic processing of materials and fine arts

MDK.02.05.Theory and methods of musical education with a workshop

MDK.02.06.Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of communication of preschool children

Practice goals:

combination of theoretical and practical training in a single process of formation of professional competence;

adaptation of students to the real conditions of the pedagogical process;

preparation of students for independent professional pedagogical activity;

mastery of all types of activities of a teacher - educator for preschool education, pedagogical culture;

formation of one's own professional position.

Practice objectives:

1. Consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge, test them in real educational work;

preschooler musical labor education

2. To form the ability to navigate in the modern educational system of preschool education, to analyze and select the most advanced and acceptable directions for independent practical activity;

3. To study the age characteristics of preschool children, take them into account in work;

4. Develop interest and desire for creative, research teaching activities;

5. Work out an individual style of work;

6. Implement methodological and methodological culture, diagnostic work.

The basis of practice is MBDOU DSKB No. 98, equipped with the necessary means for conducting practice.

Kindergarten No. 98 is located in Bratsk, railway station Osinovka, st. Sportivnaya 4 A.

Tel: 302-571; 302-564

AT kindergarten there are 14 groups of them:

2 groups of early age,

groups for preschool children, including: the youngest - 3gr.,

medium - 2 gr.,


preparatory for school-3 gr.,

of these, 2 groups operate on the basis of secondary school No. 43;

compensatory group for children with speech disorders,

supervision and care group without implementation educational program preschool education for pupils of primary preschool age on the basis of the DDTDiM "Harmony".

payrollfor the 2013-2014 academic year was 295 children. I junior group (2-3 years old) - 50 children; II junior group (3-4 years old) - 81; middle group (4-5 years old) - 45 children; senior group (5-6 years old) - 46 children; preparatory group (6-7 years old) - 58 children; compensatory group for children with speech disorders (5-7 years old) - 15 children.

Mission preschool - to create conditions for the upbringing and education of each child at the level of his age and individual capabilities, to promote their full development, to provide equal starting opportunities for education in general education institutions.

Priority areas in the work of the preschool educational institution -provision of qualified correctional assistance to children with speech impairment.

Material and technical basethe kindergarten is located in a typical two-story building, there are functional rooms: music and sports halls, a methodological office, a psychologist's office, a speech therapist's office; catering department; medical block; laundry block.

The kindergarten works according to the program "From Birth to School", scientific editor N.E. Verax.

Main part

Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing play activities for children of early and preschool age

While getting to know the experience work of preschool educational institution on the organization of gaming activities, viewed 2 thematic weeks. The educator uses all types of games (D / i, C / r, P / i, P / i, etc.) The games are displayed as in a joint one. So in independent activity. Games are also used in GCD.

In independent activities, children can play on their own, but due to their age, the games are monotonous.

All kinds of games are reflected in the plan. Thus, the educator in his activities uses different types of games: both creative and games with rules.

When studying the subject environment of the "Daisy" group in terms of the formation of gaming skills and abilities, zones for gaming activities were identified:

1. The corner of role-playing games contains games appropriate for the age of children: a hospital, a hairdresser, a driver, a shop, a sailor. All games are equipped with the necessary equipment. Containers with inventory for games are marked with corresponding pictures. Children can independently take, play, move games around the group.

2. The zone of printed board games is equipped with various didactic games, during which children learn to combine similar features of objects, group objects according to the named feature. Games are located on the shelves in a place accessible to children.

3. play corner equipped with various toys: dolls, cars, phones, bags, kitchenette.

4. In the corner for building games, there are various types of constructor: floor, table, "Lego", soft modules.

5. In the area for theatrical games there are various types of theater: finger, "bibabo", theater on flannelgraph, rubber characters from fairy tales, theater on cubes, theater in pictures.

6. In the zone musical development: sounding toys, sets of noise boxes, contrasting in timbre and nature of sound extraction (bells, drum, rubber tweeters, rattles, tambourine, pipes, metallophone, etc.), musical didactic games, music books, tape recorder.

The subject environment in the group is organized taking into account the needs of children, corresponds to the principles: activity, taking into account gender and age differences, modernity, safety.

The formation of a subject-developing environment is a dynamic process that allows the educator to be creative, involving parents in the work.

Pay attention to the zone of water and sand and the corner of experimentation. Children are rarely allowed to play with them.

Pay attention to the frequency of the director's games. They are absent from the teacher's perspective.

Pay attention to the spatial organization of the environment, it should take into account for the child the possibility of sufficiently wide, well-visible paths of movement.

Separate aspects of planning gaming activities in kindergarten:the plan gives the educator the opportunity to think in advance about the methods and techniques of teaching and educating children, to see ways to achieve the goal. Everything that the educator plans should provide harmonious development personality of each child. It should be remembered that planning must be flexible, because unforeseen factors can affect its implementation. The plan is not a formality, but an indispensable condition for successful and fruitful work with children, where the main thing is not the scheme and form, but the content.

Let us consider the planning of a plot-role-playing creative game, in which the meaningful gaming activity of preschoolers and their relationships are successfully formed. An analysis of educational work plans showed that between gaming activity and the content of classes on familiarization with the surrounding reality, observations (for example, on a walk) often have no connection. But such observations are accidental, ill-conceived and of little value to general development child. Also, the lack of connection between learning in the classroom.
Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of labor activity of preschoolers

According to the plan for this MDT, a conversation was held with the teacher of the "Romashka" group (2nd junior) on the main directions and tasks of the labor education of children.

The work is based on the program "Labor education in kindergarten" edited by T.S. Komarova, L.V. Kutsakova, L.Yu. Pavlova for classes with children 2 - 7 years old.

Main tasks in self-service:

continue to teach children how to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, folding, hanging clothes, etc.).

to cultivate neatness, the ability to notice a mess in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults.

The main tasks in economic and household work:

encourage children to independently complete elementary tasks: prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.), after playing, put away toys and building materials.

to teach to observe order and cleanliness in the room and on the site of the kindergarten.

in the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for dining room duty: help set the table for dinner (lay out spoons and forks, arrange bread boxes, plates, cups, etc.).

The main tasks in labor in nature:

to cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants and animals in a corner of nature and on the site.

teach with the help of an adult to feed fish, birds, water indoor plants, plants in the beds, plant onions, pick vegetables, clear paths from snow, clean it from benches.

The main tasks in getting acquainted with the work of adults:

to form a positive attitude towards the work of adults.

to cultivate a desire to take part in a feasible pile, the ability to overcome small difficulties.

continue to cultivate respect for people of familiar professions.

to encourage them to help adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work.

to form a careful attitude to their own crafts and crafts of their peers. Encourage them to talk about them.

When studying the conditions of the group for the formation of labor skills, we found out where the equipment for labor is stored:

aprons for duty are hung in the washing room so that children can get them on their own;

aprons for washing toys and for working in a corner of nature hang next to a corner of nature:

buckets, watering cans lie on shelves in a corner of nature;

rakes and panicles are stored in the reception room in the corner for external material;

inventory for manual labor stored in the center of artistic creativity.

it is necessary to bring a brush and a dustpan to sweep the crumbs from the table for duty in the dining room.

for manual labor, a variety of fabrics needs to be replenished.

Supervision of the work of the educator in the process of washing.

Sonya M. Masha H. Denis K. Dasha C. Katya L. Nastya K. Rolling up their sleeves++++++Using soap++++++Soaping their hands++++++Wringing out their hands---+++ Take off towel++++++

Supervision of the work of the educator during the training for a walk and returning from a walk (dressing, undressing).

Sonya M. Masha Kh. Denis K. Dasha Ch. Katya L. Nastya K. know the sequence of dressing + + +++ + neatly fold clothes - - - + + + know how to put on clothes ++++++ fasten ++-+ ++tie up------help each other++-+++thanks for the service++++++

Based on the analysis, it was concluded that it is necessary:

1. Continue to develop the ability of children to wring out their hands in the process of washing.

2. Develop the ability to neatly fold things.

3. To form the ability to tie shoelaces.

A plan was made for labor education based on tables in the second junior group. It contains specific names of types of labor, their purpose and who was involved.

It was also observed the work of the educator on the use of labor assignments:

"Washing indoor plants" - work in the corner of nature.

1. Consolidate the name of the plants and children's knowledge about them.

2. Learn to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

3. Maintain interest in plants and care for them.

4. Encourage children to use the words: ficus, care, water, wipe the leaves. Equipment: 2 flowers, 2 watering cans, 2 rags

Scheduled tasks have been completed. Children willingly watered the flowers and wiped the leaves. All equipment was prepared in sufficient quantity.

In the beginning, the technique of introducing a flower was used, which helped to attract the attention of children.

In the course of work, the teacher used a step-by-step demonstration and explanation (how to use a watering can, how to properly wipe the sheets). The children performed together with the teacher. The show was complete.

In the course of work, the teacher uses help for children, a word of art, instructions, praise.

The order was carried out methodically competently.

The work of the educator in managing the duty was monitored:

"Preparing for Dinner"

Purpose: to teach children to set tables in a certain sequence, to properly lay out cutlery.

1. Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results. To cultivate the desire to take part in feasible work, the ability to overcome small difficulties.

2. Develop thinking, activate vocabulary.

3. Continue to teach children to set the table in a certain sequence.

Equipment: plates, spoons, cups, napkin holders, bread boxes, aprons, scarves for 5 children.

The assigned tasks were completed in full.

At the beginning, the method of the problem situation "Lunch is coming soon, and the tables are not set" was used, which helped to activate the children.

In the course of work, the teacher used the help of children, art. word.

The assignment ended with the transfer of children to quiet games. The order was carried out methodically correctly.

We observed the work of the educator in managing collective work in the second junior group: "Clean site"

1. Educate labor activity children to teach to keep order and cleanliness. Encourage adults to help.

2. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of labor.

Equipment: buckets, brooms.

The children were given a goal. The distribution of responsibilities was at the request of the children.

In the course of work, the teacher helped the children, showed how to properly hold the broom and revenge, used an artistic word. The assigned tasks were completed. When summarizing the results, the teacher used praise and encouragement. He emphasized that the garbage must be thrown out in the place designated for this.

In the course of monitoring the work of the educator, we saw that in the "Chamomile" group, all types of labor are used to achieve the goal of forming a positive attitude towards work.

Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing productive activities for preschool children and a workshop on artistic processing of materials and fine arts

The productive activities of preschoolers include: drawing, sculpting, designing, appliqué; is of great importance for comprehensive development. It attracts children, pleases them with the opportunity to create something beautiful on their own. Starting to involve children in a preschool educational institution should be from 2 to 3 years.

Productive activity is part of the entire educational - educational work in the preschool educational institution and is interconnected with all its directions. Especially important for the upbringing and development of the child is the connection with the game.

We got acquainted with the aesthetic developmental environment in the preschool educational institution.

One of the most important factors in the formation and development of a child's personality is the environment; in a preschool educational institution, this is the environment in which the child lives, develops, and rests. The environment created according to the laws of beauty contributes to the understanding of beauty by children, the formation of aesthetic, artistic taste, the natural formation of their aesthetic attitude to the environment, the formation of artistic creativity.

Constantly influencing through the senses, it without words and edification forms an idea of ​​beauty, taste, value orientations.

The developing environment in the "Chamomile" group is aesthetically organized and contains the possibilities for children to exercise various games, occupations, leisure and can contribute to their development. It meets sanitary and hygienic requirements and safety requirements.

The aesthetic development environment should be:

changeable, variable.

interconnected with all its parts and the environment, which will allow children to engage in various activities, interact with each other.

located so that materials and equipment are within sight of children.

appropriate for the age of the children.

The work of the educator was monitored visual activity(drawing with paints "Dandelions in the grass").

The room was prepared for the lesson in compliance with hygienic conditions. Tables are placed in accordance with the correct lighting.

The teacher prepared visual material (colorful, required size, at eye level). In preparation for the lesson, the children were given instructions: pour water into glasses, lay out napkins.

The theme of the lesson corresponds to the program, the time of the year, and the visual abilities of children.

The teacher has a plan and outline of the lesson. The children were tasked to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers.

The illustrations with flowers were examined, their main parts were highlighted. During the lesson, the teacher gave instructions to the children. For those children who did not succeed, he provided assistance by showing the child's hand.

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, of which 5 minutes are devoted to the introductory part.

The teacher allowed the children to analyze each other's work on their own. After that, she herself noted that the children did especially well.

It is necessary to carry out individual work with children who do not hold brushes correctly.

At the end of the work, the children put things in order on the tables. The teacher gives instructions: wash brushes and glasses, wipe tables.

In general, the tasks set by the educator are fulfilled.

In the "Romashka" group, a subject-developing environment has been created to stimulate independent activity and the development of children's creativity.

In the area of ​​artistic creativity, located in a place accessible to children, there is all the necessary equipment. Children can come and choose their own activity of their choice.

We analyzed the observation of the independent productive activity of children in modeling ("pies for grandmother"):

Children are able to sculpt on their own. They like to work with plasticine, depict objects in volume. They know how to separate small pieces from a large piece of plasticine, roll them out in a circular motion with their palms, sculpt various objects using a variety of modeling techniques. Lay the plasticine on the board. They choose the material they need.

In the course of the training practice, technological maps for modeling, application, drawing, design were developed and abstracts of classes for production practice were drawn up for them.

Theory and methods of musical education with a workshop

Development of musical and artistic activity;

Introduction to the art of music.

The educational area "Music" integrates with the following areas:

Health Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, the formation of ideas about healthy way life, relaxation. Labor Formation of labor skills and abilities, education of industriousness, education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results Safety Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life in various types of musical activity. Socialization Formation of ideas about musical culture and musical art; development of gaming activities; the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community. CognitionExpanding the horizons of children in the field of music; sensory development, the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the field of musical art, creativity. Reading thin. Literature The use of musical works in order to enhance the emotional perception of works of art. Hood. creativity Development of children's creativity, familiarization with various types of art, the use of works of art to enrich the content of the "Music" area, to consolidate the results of music perception. Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality; development of children's creativity. Communication Development of free communication with adults and children in the field of music; development of all components of oral speech in theatrical activities; practical mastering of the norms of speech by pupils. Phys. culture development physical qualities for musical and rhythmic activities, the use of musical works as musical accompaniment for various types of children's activities and physical activity.

In kindergarten, we do musical activities every day. We are working on the development of musical abilities, instilling aesthetic taste. The kindergarten and the family are the two main teams responsible for the development and upbringing of the child. Musical art is of great importance in the mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. We start working with children from the age of one and a half years and accompany them to school. At this stage of the journey, lasting six years, the guys are systematically, consistently engaged in all types of musical activities. We teach children to sing, dance, listen, play musical instruments. In the process of learning, singing, children develop memory, vocal cords become stronger, the ability to breathe correctly. There is a constant work on diction, the child learns to sing sounds, words, sentences correctly. We teach children to dance expressively, rhythmically, beautifully. Express your feelings and emotions through dance. Children learn to invite each other to dance and see each other off after the dance. Dancing is very good for health, the child develops the correct posture, in the future he will feel confident in any situation. We also instill a love for classical music, broadening our horizons. With systematic listening to music, children develop perseverance, attention, and this is already preparation for school and later life.

To achieve the main goal and objectives of musical education, the educator draws up a work plan on the topic for the week, which reflects Team work teacher with children individual work, independent activities of children and interaction with parents. Forms of work: group, subgroup, individual.

The following consultations were prepared for parents:

1. "How to teach a child to listen to music in a concert hall"

2. "How to teach a child to listen to music at home"

For the development of auditory perception and attention and the formation of performing skills in the "Romashka" group, a zone of musical development was created. It contains necessary materials and equipment:

sounding toys

noise box sets

contrasting in timbre and nature of sound extraction (bells, drum, rubber tweeters, rattles, tambourine, pipes, metallophone, etc.)

musical didactic games

music books

record player.

Musical instruments bring many joyful moments and develop phonemic hearing and a sense of rhythm.

A conversation was held with the teacher of the 2nd junior group "Daisy" on the issues of musical education. During the analysis of the conversation, it was revealed that Sonya M., Masha Kh., Dasha Ch., Bogdan Kh., Katya L., Nastya K. show the greatest interest in the use of music and musical-rhythmic movements. In the classroom, children prefer dance and game creativity. In independent play activities, children are engaged at will several times during the day. There are 3-4 people in the zone of independent activity every day. They prefer playing the metallophone and pipes, maracas. Also, in independent activities, children use in their games the movements learned in music classes. The educator includes musical and rhythmic activities with children in his practice.

Observing the joint work with children on the use of music in everyday life, preschool educational institutions revealed:

Regime processesListening: rus. nar. song "The sun has friends" Singing a song: "I sing a song to my mother" muz.T. Potapenko, sl. E Avdienko. Walk Pronunciation of tongue twisters for the formation of chesky diction "The crow blew the crow" (with a subgroup) Musical lesson According to the plan of music. Organizer.

On the basis of which the conclusion was drawn.

Children emotionally react to music, listen carefully to the work, but due to age characteristics, not everyone can listen to the end. Also, children with great desire move to the music, actively perform movements. Children know and perform various songs, they are able to distinguish between sad (minor) and cheerful (major) music.

During the practice, questions were developed to identify knowledge of musical and educational activities for children of primary preschool age:

1. Listening:

listens carefully

recognizes familiar melodies

distinguishes sounds (high, low)

sing and sing along with the teacher

sing without tension

start and end singing together

3. Musically rhythmic movements:

moves according to the nature of the music

performs dance movements (teacher's show)

moves to music with objects

game on DMI (distinguishes and names)

And in the older preschool age, the content of musical educational activities becomes more complicated:

continue to develop aesthetic perception, interest, love for music,

to form a musical culture based on acquaintance with composers, with classical, folk and modern music.

continue to develop the musical abilities of children: pitch, rhythm, timbre, dynamic hearing; emotional responsiveness and creativity.

contribute to the further development of singing skills, movements to music, playing and improvising melodies on children's musical instruments.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of communication of preschool children

In the course of educational practice, the process of communication of children in a group, between themselves and with adults in independent and joint activities was observed. During the observation, it was revealed that the communication of children is extra-situational. Mostly children communicate calmly without screaming, but sometimes conflicts arise over a toy. When talking with each other, children use the most unexpected, unpredictable words, combinations of words and sounds, phrases. In contacts with other children, it is much more important for a child to speak out himself than to listen to another. In the group, several categories of kids were noticed according to the degree of their activity in establishing contacts with their peers. Someone takes the initiative himself and, after a series of trial and error, finds his own group, in which he enjoys spending time. Someone looks closely at the games of their peers for a long time, he likes the way they play, and he himself would not mind playing, but he cannot overcome shyness and join the team. Although, if another child takes the initiative, the shy kid will quite successfully interact with him and will not spoil the game.

The attitude towards each other in children is friendly, there is an ability to share a toy. Attempts are made to pity a peer, hug him, help him. Children turn to the teacher by name, patronymic, if something is needed, then they come up with a request. They are happy to talk with the teacher on various topics and engage in various activities. There is a culture of behavior, they know how to say "thank you" and "please".

An analysis of the developing environment in the educational field "Communication" helped to see that the microenvironment (internal design of the group) meets the requirements of the Program in the second junior group: the equipment of the premises is safe, aesthetically attractive, health-saving and developing. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys provide the maximum developmental effect for a given age.

Space group room organized in the form of well-demarcated zones: ("centers", "corners"), equipped with a large number of developing materials (toys, materials for creativity, books, developing equipment, etc.). All items are available to children.

The organization of space allows children to choose activities that are interesting for themselves, alternate them during the day, and the teacher makes it possible to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. The equipment of the corners changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process.

These development centers are:

role play corner

zone of table-printed games;

exhibitions of children's drawings, children's creativity;

corner of nature;

sports section;

play corner (with toys, building material);

corners for various types of independent activities of children - constructive, visual, musical.

The child's world, like the adult world, has its own culture, which does not arise by itself, but is passed down from generation to generation through a variety of games and exercises. But children are interested in more than one game, they would like to communicate with each other and with adults. All preschool childhood of a child is built on winning the attention of adults and peers, showing others their uniqueness. The child is building the world as he sees it, in a form accessible to him. He not only plays, but also designs, draws, sculpts, dances, that is, he manifests himself in different types children's activities. And at the same time, it is important for a child to be appreciated and correctly understood, first of all, by close people, because the culture of childhood begins with a sense of personal significance for parents, which gives rise to a desire to be like mom or dad.

At preschool age, the child's world is no longer limited to the family. Significant people for him now are not only mom, dad or grandmother, but also other children, peers. And as the baby grows older, contacts and conflicts with peers will be more important for him. In almost every kindergarten group, a complex and sometimes dramatic scenario unfolds. interpersonal relationships children. Preschoolers make friends, quarrel, reconcile, get offended, jealous, help each other, and sometimes do small "dirty things". All these relationships are acutely experienced by the child and are colored by a mass of various emotions.

Organized surveillance in senior group to develop communication skills among themselves and with adults.

In the course of observation, it was found that game interactions are accompanied by speech corresponding both in content and intonation of the role taken. They use complex sentences of various types, when retelling they use direct and indirect speech. Tell each other about events personal experience. They write their own endings for fairy tales. Use words related to the world of human relationships. Relations between children are friendly, there is an ability to play together. There is a desire to please the teacher with good deeds. In the dictionary of children there are polite words.

The growing need for older preschoolers to communicate with peers, in joint games and activities leads to the emergence of a children's community.A system of interpersonal relations, mutual sympathies and attachments is developing. Formation social status Each child is largely determined by the assessment of his teacher. By his behavior, the educator shows examples of a kind, caring attitude towards people.

At the older preschool age, the attitude towards peers of the same age again changes significantly among children. At this time, the child is capable of extra-situational communication, in no way connected with what is happening here and now. Children tell each other about where they have been and what they have seen, share their plans or preferences, evaluate the qualities and actions of other children. At this age, communication is already possible between them in the usual sense of the word for us, that is, not related to games and toys. Children can simply talk for a long time (which they did not know how to do at a younger preschool age), without performing any practical actions. The relationship between them also changes significantly. The friendliness and emotional involvement of the child in the activities and experiences of peers increases significantly. Often older preschoolers carefully observe the actions of their peers and are emotionally included in them. Quite often, even contrary to the rules of the game, they seek to help the same age, tell him the right move. If four-five-year-old children, following an adult, willingly condemn the actions of their peers, then six-year-olds, on the contrary, defend a friend or can even support his "opposition" to an adult. At the same time, the competitive, competitive beginning in the communication of children is preserved.

An analysis was made of the work of the educator in organizing joint activities in the educational field "Communication"

The analysis revealed that the educator uses different types of activities to implement tasks in this area. Conducts GCD, conversations, viewing illustrations, observation.

The main goal of the educator is to help children master constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them.

The teacher develops the ability of children to understand and use the language, develops communication skills and coherent speech, helps to master the various properties of expressiveness, helps to develop the ability to analyze and introspect the products of speech activity in accordance with the goal.

The teacher uses:

1. Joint activities in regime moments and in GCD:

situational conversations

free communication conversations on various topics

special communication games

word didactic games.

theatrical games

mobile and round dance games with speech accompaniment

learning poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, fables

composing riddles

free dialogues with children in games, observations, when perceiving pictures, illustrations, photographs, cartoons

talking with children about events from personal experience.

2. In independent activities, games are used jointly with peers:




fantasy games;


developing intellectual;


building material games.

During the practice, a consultation for parents "Constructive communication with children" was compiled.

The diagnostics of communication skills of preschool children was carried out, on the basis of which the following conclusion was made:

Determining the level of development of communication, it must be remembered that communication necessarily implies reciprocity, reciprocity. This is by no means an influence on another and not subordination to him. In communication, both partners should be active and the appeal of each is aimed at the response of the other. When diagnosing communication, two aspects must be taken into account - activityand sensitivity to partner.

Activitymanifests itself in the desire to draw attention to oneself, to express something of one’s own, to develop the topic of conversation, to offer something unusual, etc.

Sensitivity to partnerexpressed in attention to him (in interest in his words and actions, in views), in the readiness to respond to his proposal, in the ability to hear and understand the other.

Both sides are equally important for meaningful communication, but their severity can be different in different children and in different situations.

To identify the form of communication, it is necessary to carry out various types of interaction with the child in different situations that model one or another form of communication. For simulation:

situational business form of communicationthe optimal situation is a joint game,

extra-situational-cognitive- book talk

extra-situational-personal- "intimate talk".

Let us dwell on a specific description of these situations.

The teacher gave the child a choice different forms interactions. Ask him what he wants to do more with him: play with toys, read a new book, or just talk about something. If a child confidently and unambiguously chooses a joint game, it means that he prefers situational business communication with an adult. The choice of a new book means an interest in cognitive communication, and a preference for conversation may indicate a child's desire for personal communication with an adult. However, conscious choice, although highly indicative, cannot be the only way to determine the form of communication. If a child chooses to play together, this does not mean that he is incapable of personal communication. In addition, some children cannot immediately make such a choice or choose all three forms of interaction at once, since they are equally attractive to them. Therefore, in order to more accurately determine the form of communication, it is important to conduct all three types of interaction with one child.

It is better to start with the simplest and most accessible for preschoolers - situational business communication, i.e. with joint play. Any toys are suitable for this - cubes, dolls, cars, a designer, etc. When playing with a child, you need to pay attention not to his ability to play with objects, but to the ability to play with an adult. To do this, it is important to note whether the child knows how to focus on a partner, whether he takes into account his interests, whether he is passionate about joint activities or prefers to play alone. As a rule, all preschoolers show the desire and ability for situational business communication.


Educational practice made it possible to come to the following conclusion: the full development of the child is possible only thanks to the skillful guidance of an adult. However, the activity of the child himself plays an equally important role in mental development. It is not enough that the baby has a normal heredity, a plastic brain, so that he is brought up in a cultural environment, it is necessary that he himself perform certain forms of activity, which are controlled by an adult. These forms of activity are organized into complex systems of activity, the development of which is the main task in the development of the child's psyche. In the process of mastering various types of activity, the child develops the brain, which is physiological basis complex types of mental activity. It is important to note that the brain is not so much a condition mental development how much is the result of the organization of the child's own activity under the control of an adult.

We proceed from the fact that the most productive strategy in educational work with children is amplification (enrichment of the development of the child as a person), according to which the life of the child must be maximally saturated with various types and forms of activity that form the basis of childhood and allow him to successfully enter adulthood in the future. . It is important to emphasize that childhood is not a stage of "dragging" a child into adulthood, but a valuable period in itself, which has its own rich content, which should be presented as fully as possible in educational work with children.

Thus, educational work with children makes special demands on adults. On the one hand, he acts as an intermediary between culture and the child and offers him various samples of it. On the other hand, it is an intermediary between a preschooler and culture, supporting his initiative, trying to adapt the child to culture. The extreme forms are acceleration and such an approach in which educational work entirely follows children's development.

All the variety of forms of work with children is carried out in specific educational situations that the teacher creates, or that arise spontaneously when the child interacts with the outside world. Therefore, the teacher faces a special task - to think over and analyze the specific situations in which educational work with children takes place.

In conclusion of my report, I would like to say that there were no particular difficulties during the training and familiarization practice. It was very interesting to get acquainted with the work of an educator and to be an educator myself. After my stay in the training and production practice, I learned about the rights and duties, ethical principles, tasks and functions of an educator in this institution and in general in the preschool sphere. I got acquainted with the methods and methods of work of an experienced educator, received a lot of advice.

Tags: Organization of various activities and communication of preschoolers Practice report Pedagogy

The stage of preschool childhood plays a significant role in the manifestation of the creative abilities of the baby, the awakening of independence, the formation and development of the personality of a person as a whole. The decisive condition for the formation of the child's individuality is his entry into a special dimension of children's activity. The leading model of behavior and exploration of the world for a child, of course, is the game. During the game, the baby gets to know and communicate with other children, learns to make friends and build relationships, imitates adults, masters the unknown, learns what is good and what is bad. Below we will analyze what conditions the Federal State Educational Standard prescribes when shaping the play activities of preschoolers.

Modern gaming activities for preschoolers according to GEF

Children's games are not games at all, and it is more correct to look at them as the most significant and thoughtful occupation of this age.

Michel de Montaigne

Meaning, goals and objectives of the game

The game is the main form of manifestation of the activity of a preschooler, enriching his imagination and emotional world, awakening creative forces, developing communication skills with people around him.

In paragraph 2.7 of the Standard of Preschool Education, the game is defined as a tool for organizing the activities of the child, his multifaceted development in socio-communicative, speech, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic and physical educational areas. The personal psycho-emotional characteristics of the baby, his age, abilities and inclinations will determine the meaningful context of the game process.

GEF DO indicates the specific features of the preschooler's gameplay, depending on the age category:

  • infant stage (two months - one year) - object game, acquaintance with the objective world, acquisition of elementary skills in manipulating objects, close emotional contact with relatives;
  • early childhood (one to three years) - playing with combined and dynamic toys, communicating and playing with other children under the supervision of adults;
  • preschool period (three - eight years) - a more complex plot-role-playing format of game activity, a communicative game in compliance with certain rules.

Goals and objectives of the game

Paragraph 4.6 of the GEF DO stipulates the importance of developing gaming activities in the development of the social and normative foundations of the child's behavior, as well as in improving the efficiency of the educational process:

  • Awakening interest - the process of learning in game form entertains, gives pleasure and joy, neutralizes stressful tension, turns the knowledge of the world around and the development of new practical skills into an exciting journey.
  • Self-knowledge and self-realization - the baby learns his inner world, learns to show initiative, express his opinion in communication, rely on independence in design, make a conscious choice of occupation and game partners;
  • Formation of a culture of cooperation - joint play helps to develop the psychological skills of solidarity, teaches collective activity, the ability to hear not only oneself, but also partners in the game, is an excellent practical training in the art of conflict resolution and the ability to find a compromise, cultivates respect for other people, forms a sense of justice and self-esteem;
  • Socialization - the child learns to distinguish between reality and conditional (“pretend”), develops the volitional qualities of self-discipline and understands the need to follow the rules and regulations;
  • The development of communication skills - the baby masters such a tool as speech to solve the problem of mutual understanding and transfer of information.
  • Play therapy - helps in overcoming the difficulties that have arisen in any area of ​​the child's activity.

Organization principles

  • a free form of the child's activity, excluding coercion, performed for the sake of obtaining positive emotions from the process itself, and not only from the final result of such activity;
  • creative character, built on the principle of initiative, original improvisation and originality;
  • emotional excitement, manifested in the spirit of rivalry and competition;
  • following the rules that directly or indirectly reflect the logical sequence and meaningful pattern of the game.

Typology of play activity of preschoolers


Games initiated by the children themselves (independent games):

  • plot-display;
  • role-playing game;
  • director's production;
  • theatrical improvisation.

Games that are born on the initiative of adults.Games with a pronounced educational character:

  • didactic games with a plot pattern;
  • game-experiment, game-journey with search elements;
  • moving at different levels of intensity;
  • didactic games with musical accompaniment.

Games that are a form of recreation or a change of activity:

  • entertaining games;
  • intellectual puzzles and competitions;
  • calendar and thematic holidays, carnival performances;
  • theatrical costumes;
  • folk games and folklore traditions that came to modern world from the historical past.

Independent play

Between the ages of three and five, the child begins to discover wonderful world role-playing game, mastering the basics of role-playing, imitation of the behavior of any character from the outside world. The basic basis of such a game is the plot, at this age everyday scenes from family life. Mastering at first the simplest manipulations with objects, later with their symbolic substitutes, then imitating the social roles of adults, the child improves the mechanisms of abstract thinking and goes through the game practice of studying various models of behavior in society.

Storytelling game

The plot-displaying game appears from the age of three and precedes a more complex plot-role-playing game. The peculiarity of this game is that the child plays alone, focuses the game actions on the toy, but spiritually displays the world of human relations, emotions of joy or disappointment, replicas of dispute or approval, behavior of obedience or rebellion. Thus, the baby does not take on the role in full, but in playing actions in relation to the toy reproduces the behavior model characteristic of a particular person.

At the age of four or five, toys are still the main characters in the game, but a brighter emotional embodiment appears in gestures and facial expressions, dynamic poses of the child or the object itself. The so-called game attributes, for example, a car for the driver, a pointer for the teacher, medical gown doctor, military cap, etc.

All children, playing with dolls, dream that their favorite dolls, bears and bunnies will actually come to life. Mechanical puppets are not capable of this, they have a limited set of actions. But puppet theater puppets give the child great opportunities to develop a range of skills and abilities.

Director's game

The director's game is the least studied phenomenon, it has an exceptionally individual character when the kid, acting as a director and screenwriter at the same time, comes up with words for the characters and himself plays their roles, being the author and actor in one person. You can often observe how a child, completely absorbed in building a house or playing with his favorite doll, plays scenes between fictional characters and, pronouncing their words, does not seem to notice those around him.

Types of director's theatrical play:

  • tabletop theater of pictures or sustainable toys;
  • shadow theater, when images of characters are transmitted by supplying light to the screen and dark figures;
  • games with finger pictures that the child puts on his fingertips;
  • improvisations with bibabo dolls consisting of a head and a dress
  • book stand with flipping plot illustrations

Theatrical play

On the basis of a literary plot, children act out a scene in their faces using costumes or puppet theater characters (floor or bibabo dolls), musical accompaniment or pantomime, choreography can be connected, but then the help of adults is needed. Such games teach children to read the mood or emotional state of another person by their facial expressions and gestures, develop a sense of empathy, learn to understand and feel the people around them, and therefore, build adequate behavior. In addition, heroes are usually the fairy-tale embodiment of good and evil, light and dark forces, and as you know, good always defeats evil in the end of a fairy tale. Such an unconditional victory of good attracts children and becomes the basis of life optimism, stimulates the desire to imitate positive characters who are the embodiment of honor and nobility.

Video: game "Theater of the Young Spectator"

Role-playing game

For older preschoolers (6–7 years old), it will be important not to turn to the toy, but to communicate with children who play the role of characters in the game plot. At this age, the child goes beyond everyday subjects, he is inspired by larger-scale, “global” projects, for example, flying into space or traveling around the world, building a railway line, etc.

Classification of role-playing games:

  • games on everyday scenes from real life (“daughters-mothers”, “visiting”, “household chores”), in which the main character is a doll;
  • games to reproduce the professional activities of people - an educator, a salesman, a driver, a pilot, a shop, a school, etc .;
  • games, the plot of which is the military theme of the historical past;
  • games on the theme of popular plots of literary works, cinema or animated films.

Video: role-playing game in the senior group "Construction of a sports stadium"

At the beginning of the game, you need to show ingenuity by coming up with an idea around which the game's storyline will be built with specific scenes and episodes. As the child's life experience is enriched, the idea of ​​the game becomes more complex and independent, but at first, children of primary preschool age often turn to adults for help.

Development in the context of GEF

The complication of the child's playing skills goes through three phases: first, adults are the initiators of the game and the authors of the plot idea, then only their prompting is required, and finally, the child improves his playing skills to the level of complete independence.

The rich imagination of the child and creative improvisation will make the game original and varied in its design, therefore, more interesting and exciting. In order for the games to be really interesting and varied, serious work is required on the part of adults to involve the child in cognitive activity(Clause 2.6 of GEF DO). An erudite child with a developed understanding of the world around him for his age, gushing with new ideas, involving new participants in the game and filling it with deep content.

Means of pedagogical support for independent games in accordance with the age of children:

  • The first junior group is an object game built around a simple plot, the gradual introduction of a child into a meaningful game in the context of a specific situation.
  • The second junior group - understanding the conditional nature of the game, developing individual skills, teaching game interaction in small groups.
  • The middle group - expanding the range of games, supporting the understanding of the need to follow the rules, encouraging independent action, enriching the gaming experience by complicating the plot.
  • The older group is a further complication of multidirectional games in joint activities with the teacher.
  • Preparatory group - building a children's team on the principles of gaming cooperation and solidarity, supporting initiative and self-organization, including elements of role-playing dialogue, creative fantasy in an amateur gaming environment.

Basic requirements for the effective organization and conduct of the game

Two patterns of adult behavior:

  • an adult is the inspirer, organizer and coordinator of the game based on a pre-prepared plot and improvised means;
  • the adult is included in the children's spontaneous initiative, taking an equal position with the other players, and can influence the course of the game in ways common to all. He can suggest a new character, come up with a plot twist, etc.

The tasks of managing children's play activities:

  1. To stimulate the game reproduction of the events of everyday life, thus, to achieve acquaintance with the purpose of objects and mastering the skills of their practical application.
  2. Help to master the ability to see, understand and formulate the task of the game.
  3. Teach search variety of options use of toys during the game.
  4. Encourage the use of symbolic objects that replace objects from real life.
  5. Think of game situations with fictitious objects.
  6. To form the experience of replacing some game actions with images of a verbal form of expression.
  7. Awaken in children the desire to find various options solving a game problem using new combinations with objects.
  8. To develop independence in decision-making and the search for a variety of tasks and goals of the game.
  9. To instill a gaming culture, i.e. to teach to recognize the right of each participant to their own gaming space and respect the interests of all players.
  10. Stimulate the manifestation of a keen interest in the games of peers.
  11. Learn to set a game task yourself and accept the task set by others.
  12. Encourage the invention of interesting and unusual game ideas.
  13. Teach negotiation skills.

However, it is not advisable to purposefully train children for patterned game actions, since this can have a detrimental effect on the manifestation of free creativity.

Video: development of children's initiative in the process of creating conditions for teachers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The role behavior of the child should be filled with a high level artistic expressiveness, the emotional means of which will be gestures and facial expressions.

Game educational situations

Game training situations:

  • visual illustration - usually used in working with younger preschoolers, the educator, with the help of visual material, plays out everyday situations from the real experience of children, demonstrating socially acceptable norms of behavior;
  • training exercises - practiced in the middle group, pupils take an active part in playing the plot, learning role regulation, managing their behavior;
  • situation-problem - an older preschooler in active action learns to master his feelings, find a socially acceptable outlet for emotions, realize and understand his experiences, control his speech reactions when interacting with other people;
  • assessment - pupils preparatory group undergo the practice of analyzing their behavior, trying to give a reasonable, reasoned assessment of their decisions and actions. This is the final part of the game situation, it requires qualified assistance from the teacher.

The core of the game learning situation is the scenario around which the discussion is built: a conversation, an experiment, a theatrical production, a journey, construction, etc.

Video: interactive learning exercises to learn the rules of the road

Video: children's performance about small teeth

Game experiment - a kind of didactic game, an interactive form of conducting a training session, during which visual modeling is organized, imitation of the studied phenomena.

The child acquires new knowledge or acquires skills through experimental research activities.

"How sound travels"

With the help of simple devices, such as a basin of water or a small pool, coins or designer parts, the teacher offers the kids to understand the origin of the physical phenomenon of sound transmission. Children, throwing coins into a container of water, notice circles undulating in the water. The teacher explains that with the same waves, but through the air, sounds from the interlocutor or from another sound source reach us.

Video: fragment of the lesson - the experiment "Air around us"

Video: role-playing game situation "Journey"

Socio-gaming technology for preschoolers according to GEF

This technology is the organization of learning in conditional situations that help to reproduce and master social experience in all its diversity, i.e. knowledge, skills, emotional activity and social assessments. Simply put, it is education in the form of entertainment, games.

The program is aimed at developing the following educational skills:

  • the ability to determine the main thing, analyze, compare;
  • perform the operation of generalization by a group of features;
  • to distinguish real events from conditional ones;
  • mastering the psychological skills of self-control, the speed of reaction to the word, the development of intelligence.

This modern technology is a form of game education, but focuses on the social and communicative sphere of child development.

The technology is based on freethinking, freedom of choice and action of the child with the obligatory consideration of a preliminary agreement and compliance with the established rules. This technology develops the skills of exchanging opinions, conducting a lively discussion, but at the same time introducing business orderliness and organization into the behavior of pupils. Such a pedagogical method suggests the organization of children's work in small groups (companies) as optimal for achieving educational goals. The most important condition for socio-gaming technology is the principle of frequent changes in the composition of groups in order to avoid the opposition of "us" - "strangers", in addition, a change in the circumstances of communication will allow the child to fully reveal his character.

Video: a socio-game approach in the development of communication skills of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Rules of behavior of the educator in the practical implementation of socio-gaming technology:

  • absolutely exclude authoritarianism and dictate, except for those situations that may pose a potential danger to the health of children;
  • take a democratic position on an equal footing with all participants in joint activities;
  • keep a pause of non-intervention and silence, such behavior will give children the opportunity to show independence in solving a problem or conflict;
  • take into account the real possibilities of children, but try to expand the zones of independence, not chew knowledge and not give ready-made algorithms;
  • help the child overcome shyness and insecurity, having in the pedagogical reserve a set of exercises that will increase self-esteem, give self-confidence;
  • move away from a clear goal setting, it is more acceptable to create conditions for discovering the intellectual and creative potential of the child;
  • in the presentation stage, give the first word to inactive children.

Organization of the playing space based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Clause 3.3 provides:

  • For the pupils of the younger group, the object-spatial environment must be equipped taking into account the preservation of a large free space to meet the needs of children of this age in free, active movement, such as climbing, playing on the floor.
  • Children who have moved into middle group it is necessary to equip the center of role-playing situations with bright, interesting equipment, a soft corner with cozy furniture and toys. For example, it would be great to organize a theatrical art center, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Kitchen”, “Beauty Salon” in the premises of the group.
  • The subject space of the middle and senior groups should be filled with designers, building materials, zones board games(lotto, checkers, dominoes), a variety of developing layouts, since five-year-olds and six-year-olds create entire game worlds, involving their peers in them, gaining a joint experience of collective cooperation. Do not forget that the organization of the space in which the child is located should not deprive him of the right to privacy and quiet concentrated activity.

Clause 3.3.5 allows educational organization independently determine the gaming equipment. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the set of toys should be replenished gradually, periodically changing in accordance with the age and life experience of children.

Video: organizing a play space for role-playing activities for children

Computer-game complex

Classes under the program of computer education, based on modern scientific developments in the field of developing technologies, are intended for pupils of the senior and preparatory groups.

  • intellectual development, problem solving training;
  • formation mental abilities to analysis and synthesis;
  • training of attention, memory;
  • development logical operations, associative and spatial thinking;
  • expanding the circle of mathematical knowledge;
  • development of curiosity, enrichment of knowledge about the world around;
  • formation of graphic skills, development of creative abilities;
  • development of practical computer skills.

Example of computer learning tasks

Logic task Study geometric shapes Teaching counting and comparison skills (more-less) Teaching schematic map reading skills

Conducting an analysis

Diagnostics of game activity is carried out by the teacher on the basis of observation of game situations that children play on their own. AT junior groups it is recommended to carry out diagnostics three times a year in order to correct the activities of the teacher to improve the playing skills of pupils. In older preschool age, it is advisable to conduct a diagnostic study at the beginning of the school year and at the end.

An analysis of the professional skills of the educator is carried out by a senior educator or methodologist.

What to look for:

  • Which of the children acted as the initiator of the game.
  • Was there a plan?
  • How many children took part in the game.
  • List of roles and their distribution.
  • What game actions did the players perform.
  • What was the focus of attention of children: objects or relationships.
  • What new game situations have been introduced.
  • Game duration.
  • The situation was lost completely or ended unexpectedly.
  • The level of independence of children in the game.
  • How did the relationship develop between the children?
  • Did any of the children leave the game spontaneously.
  • Have there been any conflicts?
  • The relationship between teacher and children.

Pedagogical techniques that the teacher used to improve the plot-role-playing skills of children:

  • through conversations, reading fiction, showing illustrations, he sought to expand the knowledge of children, which would help make the game more interesting;
  • showed interest in the play activities of children;
  • suggested a new plot twist or new characters;
  • provided the necessary equipment for the game or conducted a lesson in making it by hand;
  • coordinated the actions of the pupils with direct instructions or additional questions: “Comb the doll”, “Build a house”, “Who will be the train driver?” etc.;
  • Did the teacher play a primary or secondary role?

Techniques for developing relationships between children during the game:

  • he tried to interest and captivate the game of timid, timid pupils;
  • brought children together to play;
  • encouraged the independent distribution of roles or toys by the children themselves;
  • smoothed out or neutralized conflicts between pupils due to violation of the rules or unfair distribution of roles.

Diagnostic Protocol for the Level of Development of Children's Playing Skills

Development indicators

Surname, name of the child

1 2
I. Game content
1. The idea of ​​the game appears:
a) with the help of an adult;
b) independently
2. Variety of designs
3. Number of game tasks
4. Variety of game tasks
5. Independence in setting goals:
a) insert an adult;
b) with the help of an adult;
c) independently
II. Ways to solve game problems
6. Variety of play activities with toys
7. Degree of generalization of game actions with toys:
a) deployed;
b) generalized
8. Game actions with substitute items:
a) with the help of an adult;
b) independently
9. Game actions with imaginary objects:
a) with the help of an adult;
b) independently
10. Takes on a role
11. Variety of role-playing activities
12. Expressiveness of role-playing statements
13. The presence of role-playing statements
14. Role statements arise on the initiative of:
a) an adult;
b) a child
15. Role-playing conversation occurs:
a) with an adult;
b) with a peer
16. Role-playing conversation occurs on the initiative of:
a) an adult;
b) a child
17. The content of role-playing conversation
III. Interaction of children in the game
18. Interacts:
a) with an adult;
b) with a peer
19. Sets game tasks:
a) an adult;
b) peer
20. Accepts game tasks:
a) from an adult;
b) from a peer;
c) refuses
21. Duration of interaction:
a) short term
b) long

Card file of games for preschoolers

The skill of the teacher is most eloquently manifested in his ability to organize the independent activities of his pupils. The educator needs to skillfully direct each kid to an entertaining, but at the same time useful game, while it is important to rely on initiative and develop the child's curiosity. An attentive and caring teacher will correctly distribute the children according to the game tasks so that they do not interfere with each other, show sensitivity and fairness in resolving the conflict situation that arose during the game. Thus, from the level vocational training the educator depends on the harmonious creative development of children.

Annotation: The paper reveals the essence of the concept of "independent activity of children" and the role of the educator in the organization of this activity. The material will be useful to preschool teachers when planning their work with children.

Organization of independent activities of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, taking into account the FGT

One of the main forms in the process of education and upbringing of children in kindergarten is the independent activity of children. Before turning to the issue of organizing this independent activity in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, I will talk about what should be understood by independence.

About the concept of "independence" in the scientific literature

In scientific pedagogical literature There are different points of view on the definition of the concept of "independence"

1. This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one's views and beliefs.

2. It general characteristics regulation (management) of the personality of its activities, relationships and behavior.

3. This is a gradually developing quality, a high degree of which is characterized by the desire to solve the problems of activity without the help of other people, the ability to set the goal of the activity, carry out elementary planning, implement the plan and get a result that is adequate to the goal, as well as contribute to the manifestation of initiative and creativity in solving emerging problems.

Scientific studies show that under conditions of optimal upbringing and education, children can achieve a certain level of development of independence in various types of activities: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive (drawing, modeling, artistic work), labor, musical-artistic , reading.

The development of independence is facilitated by the development of children's skills to set a goal (or accept it from the educator), think about the way to achieve it, implement their plan, evaluate the result from the position of the goal.

Thus, the independent work of children in a preschool educational institution is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the educator, on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while the child consciously strives to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions.

AI Zimnyaya emphasizes that the performance of such independent work requires a sufficiently high level of self-awareness, reflexivity, self-discipline, personal responsibility, and gives the child satisfaction as a process of self-improvement and self-knowledge.

So: independent activity of children- one of the main models for organizing the educational process of preschool children:

1) free activity of pupils in the conditions of the subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, ensuring the choice of each child's activities according to interests and allowing him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) the activities of pupils organized by the educator, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.).

On the role of the educator in the organization of independent activities of children in preschool

The teacher must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution), which should provide the child with cognitive activity, should correspond to his interests and be of a developmental nature. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing a mandatory joint activity.

The educator can connect to the activities of children in cases of conflict situations that require the intervention of an adult, or, if necessary, help a particular child enter a peer group.

The subject-developing environment should be organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. Such an environment should meet the individual and age characteristics of children, their leading activity - the game.

It is the simulation of the game at the choice of the child, his scenario that contributes to the development of creative abilities, awakens imagination, activity of actions, teaches communication, vivid expression of one's feelings.

Play in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between a teacher and children, where an adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a bearer of a specific "language" of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the educator, who accepts any children's ideas, guarantees freedom and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master the game methods themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, the game should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the resources available to them. game tools, freely unite and interact with each other, where a world of childhood independent of adults is provided to a certain extent.

Along with the game, free play occupies a significant place in the life of a child. productive activity children (constructive, visual, etc.) Just like in the game, here the possibilities for the development of the child are enriched.

The teacher can plan in advance the independent activities of children, taking into account the current day (or week) topic, the goals and objectives of educational work in the daily routine, that is, the principle of a complex - thematic construction of the educational process in the preschool educational institution should be implemented. The teacher "starts" from this topic when organizing independent activities of children.

So, for example, in the senior group, the topic of the week is “Honey Shrovetide is coming ...”

How can teachers organize independent activities of children:

1. On the eve of the group, organize the exhibition "Maslenitsa Doll" using demonstration material: paintings, children's drawings, newspaper clippings, children's books, rag dolls.

2. An introductory conversation between the teacher and the children on the topic.

Purpose and exhibitions and talks: motivation of children for independent study, consideration of demonstration material.

3. Bring in material of various properties for artistic creativity (pencils, brushes, paints, wax crayons, paper for applications). Using the pedagogical method of advance payment (i.e., praise the child in advance, make him believe in himself), the teacher motivates children to independent artistic creativity(applications "The Sun", drawings "Maslenitsa Doll", etc.)

4. During the walk, tell the children about the rules of the mobile holiday game (which is played on the Maslenitsa holiday): a goat went through the forest, a freckle - spring, cold - hot. And invite them to play them on their own, as well as tell other children about the games and play together.

5. Children, if they wish, take pre-made crafts "Sun" and through these crafts the teacher can encourage round dance games. (The role of the educator is to direct, the children do the rest themselves)

6. In the “Hostess” corner, invite the children to bake pancakes (after reading the fiction of invocations and poems about pancakes), s.r.i. "Cooks"

Thus, the organization of independent activities of children in a preschool educational institution should allocate a large amount of time during the day. And if in joint activities with children the teacher is an equal partner, then in independent activities the teacher is only an observer.

At the end I want to note that thanks to the transition to a new form of scheduling, the organization of independent activities is clearly reflected and intersects (integrates) with other forms of work during the day (walk, regime moments, group - subgroup, joint activities). But in the complex - thematic planning of the preschool educational institution, no emphasis is placed on the independent activities of pupils, this activity is not separately prescribed, but only implied. Therefore, the following question remains open: the inclusion of the section organization of independent activity in a comprehensive - thematic planning DOW.

List of used literature:

1. Kononova I., Ezhkova N. Preparing children for independent activity. // preschool education, 1991 - No. 6. - S. 11-14

2. Educational environment and organization of independent activities of senior preschool age [Text]: guidelines/ ed. O.V.Dybinoy / -M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2008

3. Raising independent preschoolers: Collection of articles - Russian state. Ped. Hertsin University, St. Petersburg: Childhood-PRESS 2000-192 p.

The independent activity of children in the third year of life is diverse: plot-role-playing, construction, didactic games, objective activities, movements, orienting cognitive activity, observations, looking at books, pictures, visual activity, the manifestation of elements of labor in the form of self-service, fulfillment of practical assignments of an adult.

For the correct organization of independent children's activities, the teacher must first of all observe a number of general conditions:

1. Free up enough time for activities. This can be achieved only under the condition of a methodically correct organization of regime processes, if the principle of gradualness is strictly observed. This frees up more time for independent activities of the child.

2. Create sufficient room for movement and an environment for all other activities.

3. Ensure the selection of material for children of the third year of life in all types of activities. Game material needs to be changed from time to time, which increases interest in it and contributes to better use. So, if the teacher sees that the children have stopped playing with a large builder or pyramids, it is advisable to remove these toys for a while.

4. Properly position game material in the group room. For each type of activity, it is imperative to allocate a specific place: children should know well where this or that material is stored, where to get the right toy and where to put it after the game. However, this does not mean at all that kids should play only in those places in the group room where this material is located. Taking a toy, kids can act with it anywhere, but the teacher must make sure that the child is comfortable playing, that other children do not interfere with him, and that this place is convenient for this type of activity. If the kid took small building material and began to work with him on the floor, where other children play with large toys, it is better to offer him to play at the table, but, which should be mandatory, ask him to put everything in the allotted place after the game. This teaches the baby to order.

5. During the activity, it is advisable that at this age stage the educator use individual communication with the child; at the same time, he can use such a method of influence that is more in line with the level of development and individual characteristics of the baby.

6. Proper management of all activities must be ensured.

Leading the independent activities of children, the educator directs his attention primarily to ensuring that all the kids are busy and in a cheerful, calm state. Depending on their behavior and mood, the teacher determines with which of the children and what exactly it is advisable to do at the moment. It is especially important to direct the activities of those who are engaged in insufficient interest, play primitive for their age, monotonous or unstable. Children also need the active participation of the teacher, who, although they can play with interest, they need help, advice, and guidance from an adult. For example, a child began to build something, makes an overlap, but it does not work out. The teacher shows how best to put the cubes and what shape to choose for overlapping. But, helping the child to cope with the task, the teacher must take into account that in this age period of the child's development he should not be given ready-made recipes for action, as was done in the previous group: you need to encourage the child to perform a familiar action, figure out how to work faster and better.

Let us dwell on some guidelines for the management of the plot game.

In order for the story game to be diverse in content, it is necessary to have toys and various attributes that would help the child reflect his impressions. In the practice of children's institutions, the material is more often arranged in the form of ready-made plot corners (a plot corner for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop, etc.). Such an arrangement of aids for the development of story games at this age stage is unfortunate, since it does not take into account the changes that occur in the development of the child in the third year of life. Everything has already been thought out for him, certain plots have been given and the necessary material has been fully selected. Therefore, often children play monotonously, uninterestingly, the plots are repeated every day.

How do you place the benefits in the group room?

In a group room where there is large furniture (table, chairs, beds, a closet for storing clean dishes), it is necessary to allocate space for plot games. Here you can place a wardrobe for dolls (it changes depending on the time of year), a stove, a sofa on which the dolls will be located, and other plot toys. In this part of the room, children can play with toys, displaying various everyday scenes. It is also a good idea to install an open cabinet or rack for various toys or attributes. For example, to play shop you will need scales, some vegetables, fruits (you can use toys or dummies), handbags, baskets or other equipment, such as playing doctor. This material is replenished depending on the enrichment of children with impressions, new knowledge.

For the development of the story game, children need a variety of experiences. Children's impressions are replenished on thematic excursions, during observations (in the doctor's office, in the kitchen, at work as a janitor, nanny in a group). During excursions and observations, the teacher draws the attention of the kids to the main, essential. Thus, he helps the child not only to remember what he sees, but also to understand the relationship between actions, in the relationships between adults. The impressions received give the child material for new plot games.

As in the second year of life, an important means of enriching the content of the game are specially organized performances by the educator. They help children understand the good deeds and deeds of people. For example, having staged a performance of “Stubborn Lambs” (they didn’t want to give way to each other across the bridge and therefore fell into the water), the teacher contrasts the shown behavior of two girls - Masha and Dasha: they also walked across the bridge, but gave way to each other and overcame the obstacle safely . The plot for such dramatizations can be fairy tales with the participation of toys familiar to kids. This expands the possibilities of their use in everyday games.

To enrich the plot games, you can use mock-ups from toys, for example, a winter plot: winter, dolls make a snowman, sledding, skiing; or layouts that are made for the holidays: smart dolls ride in cars with balloons and flags.

It is useful to look at the layouts together with the children, talk about where the elegant dolls go, etc. Joint games of the teacher and children - effective method enrichment of their activities. Playing with the kids, the teacher maintains their interest in the game, trying to complicate its content. If he sees that one of the children is playing inactively, remains indifferent, sits down to him, asks questions during the game, evokes memories, stimulates the reproduction of past impressions. This not only lengthens and enriches the game, but also exercises the baby's memory. The questions of the educator cause children to talk, and this, in turn, has a positive effect on the development of speech. Or, for example, the teacher sees how the child ties his hand with a bandage, but he does not succeed well, and now he is ready to quit this business without reaching the goal. The teacher, turning to the baby, says: "I'm a doctor, let me fly you." He carefully examines his hand, wipes it with cotton, bandages it. Then he suggests: "Go ask the guys if someone's doll is sick, I'll fly." With his actions, the teacher leads the child to a role-playing game.

Communicating with children in the game and directing their actions, the teacher does this with great care, sensitive to the interests of the kids. It is impossible to interfere with the emergence of their independent play, the participation of an adult in it should in no case turn into coaching.

A special place in the independent activity of children of the third year of life is occupied by story games with building materials. At this age, children can be given all kinds of existing kits and all forms of building material. The group should have a large building material, from which the kids build buildings on the floor, as well as medium and small ones, with which they work at the table. Playing with building materials, the child consolidates and improves the skills acquired in the second year of life. In addition, children of the third year of life are brought to the plot building, they are taught to build. This type of activity is also used to familiarize the child with the shape of objects, to develop spatial relationships. Therefore, the guidance of the educator in the games of children with this material is important and necessary. For example, a teacher in the presence of kids creates different structures, then combines them into a plot building. While working, he plans his actions aloud, explains what he is going to build: he organizes the work so that the children help him, choose the right form. Leading the games of the kids, the educator clarifies their ideas about the shape and size of objects, maintains interest in the building material, offering to complete the structures necessary for the game. For example, a child is playing in the zoo. The teacher asks if he knows where the animals live, what can be built for them. Together they decide: it is necessary to make a house out of cubes. It is desirable to supplement sets of building material with toys (dolls, animals, birds), various attributes for decorating buildings (flags, stars, Christmas trees, etc.).

At the end of the game, children are taught to remove the building material in the closet or put it on the racks in accordance with the form. Such storage helps to keep it always in order. In addition, the child's idea of ​​​​the shape of objects is fixed.

Along with building material, children of this age can also be given simple constructors, with the help of which the child can make simple objects, for example, a house from the parts of the designer, connected by the method of adhesion, etc. If, while acting with the designer, the kid finds it difficult in some way, do not rush to help him. But if a child cannot do without an adult without doing absolutely everything for him, he must be shown and explained what can be done from the details and why exactly so that in the future he can solve a similar problem himself.

For the development of independent activity of children are of great importance observations. Through observation, kids get acquainted with the properties of objects, their shape, size, color. The objects of observation can be animals in a group, fish in an aquarium, plants, paintings depicting landscapes, flowers (they need to be changed from time to time). Examining the environment with the children, the educator awakens in them the desire to observe on their own. If the educator sees that the child is observing something, he must be supported, helped to see the main, essential in the observed object or phenomenon. At the same time, kids can ask questions, which will indicate the level of their cognitive activity.

Good for kids to use didactic games. While playing, the child clarifies the knowledge of the properties of objects - color, shape, size. After that, the kids successfully assemble the pyramid in shape and size. Children from 2 to 2.5 years old can be given pyramids of 6-8 rings, children from 2.5 to 3 years old - a pyramid of 8-10 (12) rings and even figured pyramids.

Babies love to play with nesting dolls. In the first half of the year (at the age of 2 to 2.5 years) they assemble and disassemble 4-5-seat toys, and in the second half of the year - 6-7-seat toys.

With passion, kids are engaged with geometric mosaic. For self-study with her, children are given samples of simple drawings of geometric shapes. Drawing according to the model, the child should focus on the shape and color. So, while playing, he consolidates the knowledge of the properties of the object.

The group must have game material, different in color. Place toys in a way that children can use them. The teacher helps the children organize the game. For example, a box contains a variety of items of primary colors: mushrooms, balls, sticks, rings. They are given colored boards of the same colors. Having taken a manual for the game, the child must himself lay out these objects on boards of the appropriate colors.

For exercises in the perception and memorization of primary colors, you must have toys, objects painted in these colors. For example, dolls should have red and yellow dresses, bears should have blue pants, other dolls should have red headscarves. The building material should also have a different color. During independent activities, children can be offered, for example, the following task: “Let's take a closer look, what do we have in the group of red, yellow, green or blue?” Such tasks contribute to the development of children's orientation in the environment, observation.

Of great interest in independent games in children are folding cubes: from their parts you can assemble a whole object. Children from 2 to 2.5 years old can be given 2 to 4 parts, children from 2.5 to 3 years - up to 6 parts. The pictures should show objects and their parts that are well known to the kids so that they can put the whole object together.

In independent activities, the child uses a variety of lotto(“Lotto for kids”, botanical, zoological, lotto “Transport”, “Furniture”, “Dishes”). These games were used in class and the children know what to do.

In work with children of the third year of life, they widely use books, series of pictures to develop the ability to independently use a book, pictures. Examining images, telling about them, carefully, carefully treating books, after looking at them, putting them back in their place - the educator solves all these tasks by organizing the child’s independent activities. The choice of a place to store books and pictures should be taken very carefully. The place should be calm, bright, so that the kid who wants to study the book is not disturbed by other children. Books are stored on a shelf or in a cabinet so that they can be freely taken. For self-study, children are given those books and pictures that were used in the lesson and are familiar to them. But it is quite natural that you can offer for independent use something that is not familiar to kids. At the same time, the content of illustrations in a book or pictures should be such that, having some experience, the child can navigate in it himself, for example, thematic albums (furniture, clothes, dishes, vegetables, fruits, etc.). We must strive to ensure that while looking at the illustrations, the children speak more. If the teacher sees that the child has lost interest in the book, you must either connect yourself and support the child’s interest with your participation, or switch it to another type of activity. But it is to the book that the child should be brought up with a special attitude from the very beginning, and this completely depends on the adult.

To consolidate skills visual activity in the third year of life, a child can only be given chalk and a board for independent use. It is not advisable to use pencils and plasticine, since children do not yet have a stable attitude to the use of this material, therefore, without the attention of the educator, kids can use it for other purposes. The group should have a wall-mounted or portable board with legs.

In the independent activity of the child, a special place should be occupied by actions that contribute to the formation of elementary labor activity, associated mainly with self-service and the execution of some assignments. The kid makes them with great pleasure. But an assignment should not be offered to a child just to keep him occupied with something. It should be one of the means of labor education, as well as contribute to solving the problems of developing orienting reactions and speech. When giving a task to a child, it is necessary to make sure that the baby is able to complete it, since at this age stage children are often distracted and forget about the task. It is necessary to select such assignments for the child, during which he will need to make an effort, think about how to act. A variety of verbal instructions are useful: “go tell”, “go call”, etc. They contribute to the development of communication with both peers and adults.

A large place in the independent activity of children of the third year of life is occupied by movement, but even at this age the child gets tired of their monotony. Children cannot walk, run, move in the same way for a long time. There are many means for the development of movements. To this end, they use regime and hygiene processes, involve children in the work of adults, give various feasible instructions - to bring or carry something. Such techniques expand the orientation of children in the environment, complicate and diversify their activities, increase motor activity.

But a particularly effective means of developing a child's movements is the game. During the game, the baby creates conditions for movements both in the group and on the site. There should be enough space in the playroom where children can run freely, play ball and other outdoor games. The group should have toys that encourage children to move: balls of different sizes, wide hoops, tricycles, all kinds of carts, toy cars, small boards, boxes. This is especially important when children do not walk on the site for any reason. In a group room, if the area allows, or in any other room, you can allow kids to ride a bike (under the supervision of an adult), play ball, inviting the child not to throw it aimlessly, but to be caught by one of the children or an adult, and show what movements to do.

There should be special aids on the site - hexagons, ladders, boards of various widths, devices for playing ball, so that during walks children can move sufficiently and in a variety of ways: develop coordination of general movements, learn to overcome small obstacles, go up and down stairs in alternating steps, coordinate their movements with the movements of other children.

Exercise aids must be stored outside the group premises.

Creating conditions for all types of activities, the correct guidance of the educator with independent children's games contribute to the mental development and formation of the child's personality.

Organization of independent activities of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

One of the main forms in the process of education and upbringing of children in kindergarten is the independent activity of children.

About the concept of "independence" in the scientific literature

In the scientific pedagogical literature, there are different points of view on the definition of the concept of "independence"

1. This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one's views and beliefs.

2. This is a general characteristic of the regulation (management) of the personality of its activities, relationships and behavior.

3. This is a gradually developing quality, a high degree of which is characterized by the desire to solve the problems of activity without the help of other people, the ability to set the goal of the activity, carry out elementary planning, implement the plan and get a result that is adequate to the goal, as well as contribute to the manifestation of initiative and creativity in solving emerging problems.

Scientific studies show that under conditions of optimal upbringing and education, children can achieve a certain level of development of independence in various types of activities: play, communication, motor, cognitive-research, productive (drawing, modeling, art work), labor, music.

FROMindependent activities of children - one of the main models of organizing the educational process of preschool children:

1) free activity of pupils in the conditions of the subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, ensuring the choice of each child's activities according to interests and allowing him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) the activities of pupils organized by the educator, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.).

The teacher must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution), which should provide the child with cognitive activity, should correspond to his interests and be of a developmental nature. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing a mandatory joint activity.

The educator can connect to the activities of children in cases of conflict situations that require the intervention of an adult, or, if necessary, help a particular child enter a peer group.

The subject - developing environment should be organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. Such an environment should meet the individual and age characteristics of children, their leading activity - the game.

At the same time, it should contribute to the development of creative abilities, awakens imagination, activity of actions, teaches communication, vivid expression of one's feelings.

Play in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between a teacher and children, where an adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a bearer of a specific "language" of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the educator, who accepts any children's ideas, guarantees freedom and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master the game methods themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, play should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the play tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where the world of childhood is provided to a certain extent independent of adults.

Along with play, a significant place in a child's life is occupied by the free productive activity of children (constructive, visual, etc.). Just as in play, the possibilities for the development of the child are enriched here.

In order to organize independent artistic activity, the child must have the artistic experience that the child acquires in the classroom. Systematic learning allows you to gradually accumulate and increase the volume of skills and abilities, and already on their own initiative, children can manifest themselves in various types of artistic activities: musical, artistic and speech, visual, theatrical and gaming.

In accordance with the federal state requirements, the mathematical development of preschoolers is carried out through a joint educational activities educator and children, as well as through the independent cognitive-playing activity of the children themselves. A preschool child, even an older one, is a playing creature, and the game is of the greatest interest to him, game exercises. But, very often, the method of teaching elementary mathematical concepts should not only give the simplest knowledge and skills, but also, on their basis, develop thinking, imagination, ingenuity, and speed of reaction in a preschooler. Math should be fun and entertaining. In order for independent cognitive-game mathematical activity to be effective, it is necessary:

Create a special subject-developing environment;

To offer children in an independent cognitive-playing activity a complex of entertaining game mathematical material;

Use special techniques for managing independent cognitive and gaming mathematical activities.

The effectiveness of independent cognitive-game mathematical activity can be tracked by:

The level of children's independence;

Cognitive activity of children;

The level of motivation.

For the organization of children's activities, a variety of educational games, didactic aids, materials are used to "train" children in establishing relationships, addictions. The ratio of gaming and cognitive motives at preschool age determines that the most successful process of cognition will be in situations that require the ingenuity of children. In kindergarten, in the morning and evening, games of mathematical content were held, table-printed, such as: “Domino figures”, “Compose a picture”, “Arithmetic domino”, “Logic loto”, “Lotto”, “Find the difference” , games of checkers and chess, solving labyrinths and others.

A variety of entertaining material allows each of the children to choose a game according to their interests. These are desktop-printed games, games for development logical thinking leading children to mastering the game of checkers and chess: "Fox and Geese", "Mill", "Wolves and Sheep", etc.; puzzle, logical tasks and cubes; labyrinths, games for making a whole out of parts; to recreate silhouette figures from special sets of figures; movement games.

The teacher can plan in advance the independent activities of children, taking into account the current topic for the day (or week), the goals and objectives of educational work in the daily routine, that is, the principle of a complex - thematic construction of the educational process in preschool educational institutions should be implemented. The teacher "starts" from this topic when organizing independent activities of children.

Thus, the organization of independent activities of children in a preschool educational institution should allocate a large amount of time during the day. And if in joint activities with children the teacher is an equal partner, then in independent activities the teacher is only an observer.

Thanks to the transition to a new form of scheduling, the organization of independent activities is clearly reflected and intersects (integrates) with other forms of work during the day (walk, regime moments, group - subgroup, joint activities). But in the complex - thematic planning of the preschool educational institution, no emphasis is placed on the independent activities of pupils, this activity is not separately prescribed, but only implied. Therefore, the following question remains open: the inclusion of a section on the organization of independent activity in the complex - thematic planning of a preschool educational institution.

Thus, the independent work of children in a preschool educational institution is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the educator, on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while the child consciously seeks to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions.