Equal - unequal length ropes. Equal - unequal length ropes Focus with 3 ropes of different lengths training

Illusions with a rope on BorYarik

Other rope tricks

The rope trick is a self-tying rope.

In order for the audience to enjoy the trick, you will have to practice well, because even a simple trick with ropes requires dexterity and dexterity. Learn from simple tricks and gradually move on to complex ones. Take your time and you will succeed. Tricks with knots are considered the simplest; tricks with cutting, tricks with rope and scissors, “reunions” and lengthening of ropes appeared much later.

For this trick you will need a rope.

Announce to your viewers that you have a magic rope that does not hold knots. Show the audience this rope; there should be several ordinary knots on it that are not tightened. To make the audience believe you more, you can tie several knots in front of their eyes. The only condition is that the nodes must be at a short distance from each other. Wrap the rope around your hand, saying the spell: “Alabim-salabim.” Then grab the end of the rope with your other hand and unwind it. Show the rope to the audience - there are no knots on it.

The secret of focus.

Sleight of hand and no magic. As you wrap the rope around your hand, carefully and without the spectators seeing, pull the top end through the knots. When you remove the rope wound in this way, grab the end that went into the knots. As soon as you release the rope, the knots will untie themselves.

Handkerchief and rope

You will need: a rope 1.5-2 m long, a handkerchief, 2 assistants.

You will need two assistants. Give them a rope. One of the spectators must grab the loop with his hand, the other - the free end of the rope. What you should get as a result resembles the letter “I” if you put it on a horizontal surface. Take out a large (most importantly, clean) handkerchief and wrap it around the rope, tying it with a regular knot on top. This knot should not pull the rope too tight. Thread the hanging ends of the scarf into the loops and secure them with two knots at the bottom. Now ask your assistants to release the loops from their hands and pull the loose ends. The handkerchief will hang in the middle of the rope. You approach the handkerchief, say the magic word “conjure-bewitch”, easily turn the handkerchief over so that the ends are at the top, and with a quick movement of your hand, effortlessly remove it from the rope in front of the amazed audience.

The secret of focus.

The trick is in how you tie the handkerchief knot - “towards yourself”.

Focus - living ropes

You will need: 3 ropes of different lengths (40 cm, 30 cm, 20 cm).

Show the audience ropes of different lengths: the longest, medium and short. Place them on your left palm so that their ends hang down. Then clench your left hand into a fist. With your right hand, trim the top ends of all ropes. The viewer sees that the identical ends of three ropes, different in length, protrude from the fist. You need to take these different ends with your right hand and pull them out of your fist, making all three identical. Then throw all the ropes aside and show the audience your empty hands.

The secret of focus.

You must first practice your dexterity, because when holding ropes in your fist, you need to quietly arrange them so that two ends of a long rope and one end of a medium rope hang down, and the other end of a medium rope and two ends of a small rope protrude above your fist. The largest rope and the smallest rope must interlock at their centers. When you line up the bottom ends of all three ropes, they will all appear the same.

Sometimes even the most ordinary props can become simply fantastic objects for spectacular and unusual tricks. The same thing happens with rope. What's unusual about it? A tightly rolled piece of special fabric.

However, real magicians and wizards are able to create miracles with such an ordinary object. In their hands it ties and unties itself, burns without being consumed, hardens to a stone state. It binds tightly, but is untied by the power of thought; it passes through parts of the body. All these rope tricks always go off with a bang and amaze the audience with their seeming unreality.

At one time I was fond of tricks with this prop:

  • Harry Houdini;
  • David Copperfield;
  • Indian fakirs.

In general, almost every modern magician knows how to handle ropes and ropes. Most of the secrets of magic tricks have been revealed, now everyone can learn them, even children.

Those tricks that were performed by great and famous magicians require careful preparation and the presence of a special rope, and not an ordinary one. Therefore, you should not try to repeat them, it is dangerous for health and life!

Passing through the neck

This trick is quite simple to perform and requires only dexterity and a little training. The effect is as follows: the wizard takes the lace and demonstrates to everyone present that it is the most ordinary one. You can let it touch and check. Then he puts it around his neck and wraps it around for greater effect. A sharp movement of the hanging ends of the rope and it “passes through” the neck and ends up completely safe and sound in the hands of the magician. The audience is delighted!

What is the secret of this trick? You can watch the training video here:

For greater effect, you can demonstrate this trick with any spectator's scarf. This way you will prove that your props are not prepared, but completely ordinary, and that you really are a magician.

Famous rope recovery trick

Also a very impressive trick that requires a little more skill and training. Its essence is as follows: the magician takes a short piece of ordinary rope, maybe lace. Then:

  • demonstrates its integrity;
  • folds in half and cuts one of the parts stretched in the form of a loop from the hand;
  • the prop is torn and parts of it are in the hands of the wizard;
  • ties the cut ends together into a knot;
  • several magical movements up and down;
  • a completely intact rope is pulled out from the stuntman’s fist without any knots or damage.

Of course, any viewer will have a question: how is this possible? It’s better to watch the answer to this trick in the video tutorial, since it’s difficult to describe:

This trick requires skillful use of your own hands and dexterity in execution. This can only be achieved with careful training.

Thinking outside the box

This focus is more on the ability to think. Its essence is to tie the rope into a knot without taking your hands off the ends. To begin with, you can offer to do this to any person from the audience. No one can cope because they don’t know the main secret. And it is, in fact, very simple.

The secret of the trick: before you pick up the props to perform, you should cross your hands with each other. Now, returning them to their normal position with the rope, you can easily tie a knot on it.

Rope in a bottle

To perform the trick we will need:

  • the rope is not too thick;
  • an ordinary dark glass bottle;
  • public.

Effect: the wizard asks those present to check the props and make sure that the rope is real and the bottle is empty. Then he takes one end of the rope and lowers it into the bottle. After that, she is turned upside down and hangs on the rope. Breaking the laws of physics, the bottle does not fall, and the rope does not slip out of it.

The secret of the trick: with a deft and imperceptible movement, before lowering the rope inside the bottle, tie a knot in it. It will get stuck in the neck and prevent the props from falling.

Obviously, training is required. After completion, invite any person to do the same, he will not succeed and this will enhance the effect of the focus.

Special props

Very beautiful tricks can be performed if the props are prepared in advance. This is exactly what all the famous magicians did. You can order and buy rope for tricks in special stores. With this you can perform the most incredible tricks.

See an example here:

The magician openly says that his props are completely unusual, prepared in advance, and are based on internal metal inserts with magnets. That is, only from the outside the rope has a normal appearance. In fact, from the inside it consists not of fabric fibers, but of special metal threads. Divided into pieces and equipped with magnetic inserts.

Stone rope

This trick also falls into the category of those that require special props. The effect of the trick is as follows: the magician shows the audience a completely ordinary piece of clothesline, which hangs freely at both ends. Then he takes one side in one hand, leaving the other free, and begins to pull the entire length of the prop forward in sections. Contrary to all common sense, the rope is held in the air like stone. It becomes hard, like a stick.

The secret of the trick: this item is not ordinary, but specially made. If you turn the prop on one side, the rope will dangle freely and resemble a regular one. If you turn it over to another one, it becomes stone, like a stick.

You should turn the props in your hands gradually, making magical movements and passes so that one of the sides remains hanging freely.

You can see this trick in action in this video lesson:

You can order such a rope

The most common item is rope. And how many amazing and unusual tricks! Practice, execute and strive to improve.

There are three ropes on the table. You throw one over your shoulder, and tie the other two with a double knot and wrap it around your hand. Then you touch the tied rope with a magic wand. Then placing the stick on the table, unwind it and show the rope to the audience. It turns out to be intact, and the knot that connected the two segments has disappeared without a trace.

Wrap this rope around your hand again, and on top of it the one that was hanging on your shoulder. Touch the rope wound around your hand with your magic wand again, and then unwind it and show it to the audience. And again, two pieces of rope were connected into one, and the place of their connection was completely invisible.

For the trick you will need three pieces of round clothesline. The first piece is 150 cm long, the second is 75 cm and the third is 20 cm. The long piece of rope needs to be laminated in half, pass the third, short piece through the fold and place them on the table. Place a 75 cm long piece nearby.

Now there are three pieces of rope on your table. Moreover, viewers should not see the loop connecting the longest and shortest segments.
To demonstrate the trick, you will need one more small detail - an ordinary dress button (preferably a light one, because the rope is white).

The button consists of two parts: the bottom and the cap. The bottom should be sewn to the tip of the first piece, and the lid to the tip of the second. When sewing on parts of the button, you must try to ensure that the ends of the rope are not shaggy.

Having prepared the magic rope, you can begin to demonstrate the trick. With your left hand, take three pieces of rope from the table so as to hide the junction of the pieces in your fist. Pull the same piece of rope (75 cm long) from your fist three times by the lower end - the audience is convinced that there are really three pieces. After pulling the rope out of your fist one last time, throw it over your shoulder so that the end with the button is behind your back. Then invite someone from the audience and offer to tie the ends of a secret piece of rope in a knot.

After showing the tied rope to the audience, wind it around your hand and at the same time remove the knotted section with your right hand. Then go to the table for the magic wand, take it, and leave the knotted rope on the table. After this, you can safely continue demonstrating the trick.
To connect this rope to the one over your shoulder, start wrapping the first piece of rope around your hand from the end where there is no button, and the second piece from the end where the button is sewn. After fastening the button, connect the ends of the sections and continue winding the second section of rope after the first.

Touch the rope with your magic wand, unwind it and show it to the audience.

Cut and Reunited Rope (comedy version)

The performer gives a volunteer from among the spectators a rope about a meter long and asks him to cut it into two equal parts. After looking at the result, the magician decides that the spectator can cut both parts in half again. Taking four pieces of rope, the magician drops them one by one into an empty paper bag, closes it and shakes it vigorously, and then tells the spectator that by waving the scissors over the bag, he will magically join the pieces back together into a single rope. The package is opened, and the audience sees: the rope has been restored, but not in the way the magician wanted it. Instead of being reunited into a single rope, the segments were tied together with three knots located at an equal distance from each other. An empty bag is shown to the audience, which the magician then puts aside. To solve the problem, the magician grabs the ends of a rope tied in four pieces and jerks it apart. THREE KNOTS FLY FROM THE ROPE AND EVERYONE SEE THAT IT HAS BEEN COMPLETELY RECOVERED INTO ONE!
Secret and preparation

(A) Prepare two soft ropes a meter long and three pieces about ten centimeters long each, from which you will make fake knots that fly off the rope. Stretch one of the ropes and make marks on it at the quarters so that you know where to tie the false knots that divide the rope into four equal parts.

(B) To make a false knot, fold the rope where the mark is made.
(C) Then tie a piece around the rope fold as shown in the picture.
(D) When you stretch the rope, the knot will look real as shown in the picture. If you pull it with a jerk, the knot will fly off the rope.

(E) Make two more false knots where you marked the rope, making it look like it was tied in four short pieces.

(F) You will also need a DOUBLE WALL PAPER BAG. Open the bag and place a rope with three knots in the main, open compartment, as shown in the picture. DO NOT PLACE IT IN THE SECRET POCKET OF YOUR BAG, as this will be where you will later hide the scraps of rope you start with. Fold the bag as if it were empty and place it on the table.

1. Invite a volunteer on stage to teach him how to perform magic tricks. Hand him the scissors and show the audience a meter-long rope. Ask the spectator to cut the rope: first in half, and then in half again...
2. ...to make four equal segments.

3. Take a paper bag and open it. Be careful: do not accidentally show the inside of the bag; spectators should not see the prepared rope in the bag. Place the four pieces of rope, one at a time, INTO THE SECRET POCKET OF THE BAG.
4. Close the bag and shake it. Invite the viewer to hold the scissors over it so that the rope is restored - “like magic.”

5. Then reach into the bag and take out the prepared rope, the rope with false knots, from the main compartment. The secret pocket must remain closed.
6. Put the rope aside and open the bag wide, showing everyone that it is empty (the scraps are safely hidden in a secret pocket). Put the bag aside, explain to the viewer that he almost achieved his goal, but somewhat differently than he would like, and you will have to complete the trick for him.

7. Grab the ends of the prepared rope as shown in the picture.

8. Pull the ends sharply, jerking the rope: the false knots will fly off it. The rope was restored to its original form! Give the rope to the spectator, inviting him to “practice” at home, and thank him for his help.

Mark Wilson "Tricks and Tricks" EKSMO-PRESS 2002

- these are mini-tricks that give kids the opportunity to touch something magical, unknown. They themselves feel like they are becoming little wizards. Meanwhile, the tricks shown to children lie in chemical and physical components, i.e. easily explained by one science or another. This allows children to slowly but surely learn some of the laws of chemistry and physics, which kids will study in school in a few years.

Many children love magic tricks. Firstly, these are completely simple tricks that do not require any special equipment. Secondly, if you teach such tricks to a child, he will begin to develop spatial thinking.

How to do rope tricks?

In principle, many magicians have a whole arsenal of tricks based on the use of ropes. They can be tied, untied, or threaded through planks. Tricks can be simple, or they can be quite complex.

Living ropes. For this trick, the magician needs three ropes of different lengths: 20, 30 and 40 cm. You need to show the children and other spectators ropes of different lengths - long, medium and short. After this, they must be placed on your left palm so that their three ends hang from it. Next, you need to clench your left hand into a fist, and with your right hand, trim all three ends of the hanging ropes.

Spectators should see that three identical ropes are hanging from the fist of the left hand. Then with your right hand you need to grab the ends of three different ropes, pulling them out of your fist. In this case, all three ropes should become the same! At the end of the trick, they need to be thrown aside, showing the audience empty hands.

The secret of this trick lies in sleight of hand. It is necessary not only to be able to grasp different ropes in your fist, but also to arrange them so that two ends of a long rope and one end of a medium one hang down. In this case, two ends of a small rope and the second end of a medium one should protrude above the fist. It is necessary that the smallest and largest ropes interlock with each other in the middle. If everything is done correctly, then all three ropes will appear identical at the moment when the magician begins to trim their ends.

Magic rope. The audience needs to be convinced that the magician has a magic rope that does not hold any knots at all. It needs to be shown to the audience. The ropes should already have several loose knots prepared. For authenticity, you can tie several knots in front of the audience. Only the nodes should be a short distance from each other. After this, you need to wrap the rope around your hand with the words “Alabim-salabim, akhalay-mahalai” and grab the end of the wrapped rope with your other hand, unwinding it. There should be no knots on the rope!

The secret of this trick is as follows. When wrapping a rope around your hand, you must very carefully and secretly pull each of its upper ends through the existing knots. When the magician begins to remove the rope from his hand, it is necessary to grab the very end that has already passed into the knots. All you have to do is let go of the rope, and the knots will untie themselves!