Decluttering your closet for profit: how to sell unnecessary clothes? How to sell unwanted clothes How to sell unnecessary things quickly.

If you like to declutter, then you've probably already cleaned out your closet (maybe more than once) of unnecessary things. Me too. And the unnecessary clothes that I found at home were not just a lot, but a lot. Why?

Personal experience: where to sell unwanted clothes?

When I first realized that unwanted clothes could be sold, I was faced with a choice: where to do it? I outlined 3 options - give paper advertisements, hand them over to a consignment store, or sell used items online.

The first option is paper advertisements– I dismissed it immediately because of its time-consuming nature.

The second option is to take it to a second-hand shop.– I tried it once and gave up. The story turned out to be comical, I’ll be honest: I wanted to sell shoes that I had only worn 1 or 2 times. She came and gave it away. For three months, no one bought my boots, they called me and asked me to come pick them up (such are the conditions they have). On the spot, it turned out that in order to pick up my boots, I also had to pay for “storing them in the store” (that’s what I was told). This is how we ended up with a “mutually beneficial” cooperation) We had to pay a pittance, but... the story “How I sold boots” turned out to be ridiculous, don’t you think?))

And finally, the third option is to sell unwanted clothes online. I settled on it. The optimal solution is a minimum of time and a maximum of audience. Almost no hassle. By the way, mine came out recently.

In the case of excess in the wardrobe, the option with social media worked for me. networks: unwanted clothes were sold very quickly through advertisements in groups such as “Flea Market”, “Sell” and “Sell Cheap”. In Belarus, I also place advertisements on or In Russia there are,,,

If you decide to sell unwanted clothes and shoes...

If you start selling excess clothes, you will often receive questions like: “can I come and try them on?” Be prepared that you will have to let a stranger into your home. You can offer the option of coming to his home if it is convenient for you. Or a compromise - meet near a hypermarket or a place where there is a fitting room or toilet - so that the buyer tries on the item there.

How to sell unwanted clothes and shoes: nuances

  1. Be sure to add a real photo of your item! Not taken from the Internet, but exactly your own! If it's clothing, it's best to take a photo of yourself in this thing - from different angles. In the description, indicate your parameters, weight and height - so that the person understands how and on what figure this item of clothing looks.
  2. Indicate how long you wore this item (either it’s completely new, or you just tried it on). Write in such a way as not to mislead the buyer: if you have had the coat for two years, and you wore it for a total of 1 month, indicate this in the ad. If you remember exactly that you wore the item 1-2-3 times, also indicate - this is a plus!
  3. Show the defects in the photo: small hole, stain, broken zipper. Be honest with buyers!
  4. Specify the item's parameters: sleeve length, back length, waist width, insole length - for shoes. The more precise parameters in the ad, the better.
  5. Consider seasonality! Don’t waste your energy and don’t post an advertisement for the sale of summer dresses in winter or knitted hats in summer. Publish an ad during the season - then the clothes will have a much greater chance of selling quickly.
  6. Please indicate the price. Many people post an ad with the tag “negotiable price,” but I’m not a fan of this approach: the buyer will have to do too many things (text you or call you) to agree on a price. Why do this if there is another advertisement where the price is indicated and there is no need to make unnecessary gestures? And yes, an interested buyer will write to you, even if the price is high, asking for a discount.
  7. If there are price tags left, don’t cut them off. And if there is a price there, and you sell much cheaper, that’s generally good: the buyer immediately sees his benefit!
  8. Wipe off dust, glue, clean off pellets, remove stain- such little things not only speed up the sale of unnecessary clothes, but also increase their cost. Don't neglect this. Or honestly indicate that the thing is not so hot, that’s why it’s so cheap.
  9. If you meet on the street, take care of a package for the buyer: so that he doesn’t have to walk around with your skirt in his hands all day.

What unwanted clothes can you sell?

  • Party dresses, even if you have worn them several times, as well as men's suits
  • Any new items at a reduced cost: not only clothes, but also shoes,
  • Children's used clothes
  • Seasonal items - in season
  • Used clothing in excellent or good condition - be sure to indicate how long you used it

What unnecessary clothes should definitely not be sold?

  • Linen. You can try selling used linens only in one case: if they are items for newborns and they have been washed thoroughly. The second option for selling unwanted linen is if it is completely new.
  • Dirty things
  • Heavily worn items. You shouldn’t give outright tatters to charity either (think, can this thing be worn?). Very old things (but clean!) can be placed in a shelter for homeless animals.

Have you ever sold used items or new clothes from your own closet?

I think that there is no girl in Ukraine now who does not know about the existence of the huge eBay trading platform. Here you can find everything: from antique jewelry and rare vintage items to an unsuitable skirt from the latest Zara collection.

The best auction sellers know well how not to get lost among hundreds of thousands of other advertisements and present their item in such a way that people want to buy it. And these tips can be easily adapted for those who want to. And it doesn’t matter whether you want to quickly and inexpensively add items from your own closet or are promoting your mini-shop, it makes sense to listen to these simple rules. We've added a little more information from ourselves to the pros' advice.

How to sell things on the Internet - 5 rules

1) Photos, photos and more photos

Photos are very important. Use the power of photos to the fullest. After all, it is from the photograph that the first impression of your item is formed; based on them, the buyer decides whether it is worth further spending time on considering your offer. Take clear, high-quality photos.

Take photos from different angles, show the item as much as possible, the texture of the fabric, important details and defects. Don’t forget that you are the one who chooses which photo will be the main one; it should be placed in first place. Shafa allows you to upload up to five photos for each product. When adding an item to Shafu, simply drag the best photo to the first place. Choose the most “talking” image that catches your eye. You have a chance to stand out in the general gallery of other advertisements.

2) Write as detailed a description as possible

There is a great temptation to limit ourselves to the simple and dry - size and price in one sentence. Not worth it! Give a detailed description. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes, what would you like to know about the item? and the detailed status of the state is the bare minimum. Add something expressive that attracts attention. Tell us how long ago you bought this item and where. Especially if you brought it from abroad or ordered it from a foreign online store. Explain why you decided to part with the item - a good reason (the size did not fit, the item was not “in style” and was simply missing in your closet) will always evoke sympathy.

Detailed, but not formal descriptions sell better. Trust us, we know)

3) Reply to messages as quickly as possible

A potential buyer is interested in your item and you receive a message with a question. Try to respond to messages as quickly as possible. When registering in any sales service, carefully indicate your email, there you will receive notifications from the service (this is how it works in Shafa). Set up appropriate alerts on your mobile phone. The more quickly you respond, the greater the chance that the buyer will not go looking for another item.

If several people write to you about one thing and you have already agreed with someone, still do not forget to answer the others. Firstly, the first person to come can change his mind. Secondly, no one has canceled elementary politeness. Having met a polite and attentive seller, the buyer may well add your profile to “favorites” and become interested in your other things.

4) Negotiate with buyers

Don't deny customers additional information! Take additional measurements, send additional photos to the buyer if requested. You can understand the buyer; buying clothes online is not always an easy task, especially for those who are doing it for the first time.

Carefully discuss payment and delivery terms. If you live in the same city, offer a place for the meeting where the buyer can calmly and carefully examine the item and try it on if necessary.

Write down in your profile the payment and delivery scheme for buyers from other cities. Discuss all the conditions in advance, offer options for returning the item if it is not suitable - especially if the item is not cheap.

5) Be brutally honest

Be 100% honest. Every potential item can meet its buyer, especially if it has an adequate price. Even if this thing has a small defect. Don't try to sell a used item as new. A new thing is only one that was tried on in a store or at home and that’s it.

If an item has been worn only a few times and shows no signs of wear, then its condition can be described as “perfect.” If it has been actively worn, but has not lost its quality, the condition is “good”. And if an item has small defects, you shouldn’t think that “this will do” - write to the buyer, show close-up photographs of the defect.

An adequate price is also part of your honesty. Study the price offer in the category of similar items and try to adequately evaluate your offer. If you bought a dress five years ago and have never worn it, you shouldn't put the price on it that you can buy a fashion item at this season's sale.

If you think that your item is worthy of a higher price, it is worth explaining in detail to the future buyer what its charm, difference and uniqueness are. It is especially important here that points 1) and 2) are, as they say, at your level.

Sell ​​your items in Shafa right now >>>

With the development of information technology, many more opportunities for earning money have appeared. If you organize your own online store, you can earn income without leaving home. How to sell things online? There is nothing easier even with minimal capital. The main thing is to find the target audience and approach the issue of communicating with potential buyers correctly.

Why is it worth selling things online?

Before you start thinking about how to sell things online, you should understand whether you want to do just such a thing. It should be remembered that any work requires perseverance and patience. You will have to communicate with a variety of people. Sometimes you have to find an approach even to not the most pleasant customers. If such difficulties do not stop a potential businessman, then only benefits await him in the future.

Firstly, products can be offered to a larger target audience via the Internet. Where can you sell things in real life? Only at the market or in the store. This means that the product will only be seen by people passing by. The World Wide Web provides many more opportunities. Many popular online stores were organized in the outback, and their owners began their careers sitting at their home computer.

What items are best to sell?

Selling clothes and shoes online is quite in demand today. This is due to the fact that online stores, as a rule, offer products at a reduced cost. But it is worth considering that men are more practical. They won't buy jeans or a shirt without trying them on. It’s easier for them to overpay, but be sure that the product is perfect. Products intended for women and children sell out much faster on the Internet.

What things to sell? First of all, you should pay attention to seasonality. No one will buy T-shirts and tank tops in winter and down jackets in summer. Before you sell things online, you should draw up a sound business plan. It is important to understand when sales will start. Based on this, it is worth purchasing goods. You can start selling summer items as early as mid-April, and winter items closer to October.

Practice shows that you can earn much more on clothes and shoes for children. Firstly, kids grow quickly, and parents have to regularly update their children’s wardrobe, and this can be done more profitably through the Internet. Secondly, mothers and fathers strive to dress their children in a truly fashionable manner. A seller who has good taste will be able to make good money.

Where to sell things?

There are several options for organizing online sales. Those who are just starting to run such a business should pay attention to social networks. You can create commercial pages here absolutely free of charge. But it is worth considering that the owners of sites such as Odnoklassniki or VKontakte do not welcome the organization of online sales with their help. Accounts are often blocked. Therefore, it is worth creating several profiles at once.

Another option is electronic bulletin boards. You can also start selling here for free. It is worth choosing resources that offer rating systems. As the indicators increase, the number of buyers will increase. In addition, on such sites, as a rule, buyers can leave reviews.

Those who have already tried their hand at online sales and realized that they can do this kind of work well should not delay in organizing their own online store. It is not recommended to skimp in this matter. It is better to entrust the creation and promotion of your own website to a professional web studio. The costs will quickly pay off.

Photo preparation

How to sell things quickly? It's very simple! All you need to do is present the product in a favorable light. We are talking about photographs that will be posted on a bulletin board or in your own online store. Of course, it is much better if the product is filmed on a professional camera. But you can also take good pictures with a smartphone. If we are talking about clothes, then it is worth purchasing a mannequin. The product will look even better on a live model. You can ask someone you know to pose.

The background of the shooting also matters. If there is no suitable place indoors, it is better to photograph the product outside. Shoe models will look beautiful, for example, on green grass. It is recommended to photograph the product from several angles at once so that the buyer can examine it from all sides. Don't forget to write captions under the photos. How to quickly sell things online? It is necessary to provide the potential buyer with the most complete information (available sizes, seasonality, possible defects).

Marketing and advertising

The proverb “water does not flow under a lying stone” can also be applied to the sales field. If you don’t advertise your product and come up with interesting promotions to attract customers, you won’t be able to make money. How to present things? You need to declare yourself! At the initial stage, you will have to spend money on advertising on social networks. All electronic message boards also offer paid promotion. You will have to spend money to earn a good reputation. And in the future, word of mouth will work, but on the condition that a truly high-quality product will be offered at an affordable price.

Various promotions will also help increase sales. For example, you can offer free shipping with every third item purchased. Or you can have a sale every Friday, offering discounted items. People who buy an item on sale will want to cooperate with the store in the future.

How much to wind up?

In this matter, it is worth choosing a middle ground. Most offline stores set markup at 100%. That is, if an item in purchase costs 200 rubles, then the retail price will be 400 rubles. This is justified because you have to pay rent. Prices on the Internet are often much lower. The markup usually does not rise above 60%. And some sellers set a minimum price (add no more than 20%) and thereby increase sales significantly. You can make great money not thanks to the difference between the wholesale and retail prices, but thanks to sales volumes.

Things are a little different with branded items. For those who have decided to occupy this market segment, it is not advisable to set a minimum price for a product. Customers will decide that they are being offered a fake and will no longer want to return to the store.

What things can you sell online? The most different! There is always a buyer for every product. But the price must be appropriate. So, no one will buy a natural fur coat for 5,000 rubles or a knitted T-shirt made in China for 10,000 rubles.

Buyer Feedback

In order for the number of sales to increase, it is worth communicating correctly with potential buyers and answering any questions that arise. The larger the volume of products offered, the more time you will have to devote to the business. If you already have your own online store, it is worth creating a feedback window through which the buyer can find out all the necessary information from the sales manager. The process should be automated as much as possible. It is advisable to enable SMS notifications that will notify you when new messages arrive on the site.

Buyers need to create maximum convenient conditions. It is recommended to purchase several mobile phone numbers so that the client can call within his own operator. In addition, it is advisable to offer several payment options for the goods. The more extensive the service, the faster the number of customers will grow.

How to set up an online store?

How to sell things online? In order for a business to generate maximum income and a minimum of problems, everything needs to be formalized. This can not be done immediately, but several months after the start. It is worth making sure that the business is going really well and will continue to develop. Most entrepreneurs who sell things online operate on a single tax basis. Paperwork will not take much time. Financial costs will also be small. At the same time, it will be possible to avoid fines for illegal trade.

Once a quarter you will have to submit a tax return taking into account your income. For those who do not understand the nuances, it is better to entrust this work to an accountant. It is better to pay for the services of a professional than to pay a fine again.

How to earn more?

To earn even more income, you should think about opening a real store in your own city. This could be a showroom where anyone can come and see the product on offer. A potential buyer will only want to come to a real store once. In the future, he will only buy things online if the products are of good quality. In addition, it is worth considering that there are still people who are not computer friendly and do not know how to use the capabilities of the World Wide Web.

You can make good money selling online. You just have to delve into all the nuances, know how to sell things, study the market, see what products are already offered in the selected segment. To take an advantageous position, it is worth offering even more convenient conditions for a potential buyer. And, of course, you need to love your job.

Greetings, dear reader. If you are wondering how to sell used items online, then you undoubtedly need to get rid of excess personal goods quickly. Using the global network in this matter is quite profitable, because millions of users who may be interested in your products while away their hours every day.

I bring to your attention a review that will include:

  • the advantages of selling via the Internet are considered;
  • sales methods are shown;
  • Popular sites for posting goods are indicated.

Interested? Then read carefully and do not forget about the unique selling proposition, which will become a real magnet for Internet users and will allow you to get rid of unnecessary goods in the shortest possible time.

Why the Internet

When clearing out a closet, pantry or garage, many people find a bunch of things and objects that were purchased spontaneously, thoughtlessly. Have you ever had this happen? Having noticed such a product, a person begins to “brainstorm” (“where did I buy it?”, “why did I stop wearing it?”, etc.). Having found answers to all sorts of questions, some decide to keep the thing, while others decide to get rid of it.

I’ll say right away that I’m on the side of the other half, because unnecessary trash in the apartment serves not only as a place for dust to accumulate, but also as a vessel that attracts negative emotions. It’s not for nothing that they say: “...if a person does not have free space, then the Universe will not help fill it...”. Have you noticed that after you get rid of junk, you have additional income and new opportunities? If not, then it's time to try this principle for yourself.

So why is it more profitable to sell things, even used ones, via the Internet? The answers received to this question are advantages this method of selling goods:

  1. High speed of transaction execution. This is due to the fact that most of modern society uses the Internet in everyday life, therefore, it is easier for them to look at advertisements and purchase goods rather than run around stores looking for the right thing.
  2. There is no need to search and visit thrift stores to hand over goods, and then return to them in order to receive the proceeds. Value your time and don’t waste it on unnecessary actions.
  3. The cost of an item is set only by you and no one else. If you turn to the same consignment store, then they choose this indicator based on existing rules (taking into account markups for their work, according to the external condition of the product, etc.).

This list could be continued for quite a long time, but it seems to me that you understand and appreciate the advantage of selling goods via the Internet.

Ways to sell things online

So, you've decided to sell something online, but don't know how to do it? Everything is quite simple, because there are several ways to implement it:

  • use bulletin boards;
  • post on social networks;
  • use trading platforms.

Currently, you can find a lot of resources on the Internet where Internet users post all kinds of advertisements. Naturally, they are divided according to purpose(work, hobbies, personal belongings, real estate, etc.). Among them: (section “Ads”),, etc.

In order to place your ad, you will have to go through a short registration, then log into your personal account and make a sale from there. Be sure to post high-quality photographs of the product you are selling, because this way you increase the likelihood of its speedy sale.

If you don’t want to register on the suggested resources, you can use your own social media profile. Now Facebook, VK, Instagram provide excellent opportunities for generating additional income. I talked about this in previous articles, so read, explore new opportunities for modern business, and most importantly, use the acquired knowledge in practice.

On social networks you can find a lot of groups in which you just need to post an ad to sell any product. You yourself know that such resources have an audience of millions, therefore, someone will be interested in your offer.

For example, your baby has grown up, therefore, there are still children's things. What to do with them? There are 3 options: put it in a closet, give it to those in need and sell it. To do this, just find a community with a relevant topic (YU-MOM, My baby, Products for newborns, etc.) and post there a photo of the things you want to sell.

When creating a post, be sure to indicate the size and condition of the product, its cost, and area of ​​residence (it’s not convenient for everyone to get to the other end of the city). Why am I talking about this? It’s just that when your proposal is published, you will start receiving a bunch of messages with questions, but is this what you need?

Your task is to create a profitable unique selling proposition and duplicate it on your page. This way, this ad will be seen by a large number of users and in the near future you will sell your product.

For those who do not want to use the first 2 methods, trading platforms are perfect. The thing is that on these sites you can sell the product in different ways:

  • at a fixed price (you place an ad and wait for a buyer);
  • put the product up for auction (naturally, it must be a unique and high-quality product);
  • select a buyer based on his offer (you offer the item, and people – the amount they are willing to pay).

The presented implementation methods are quite interesting, but you will have to choose one. To do this, just carefully study the offer agreement that you accept upon registration, or continue reading the review and get a brief description of well-known sites.

Popular sites for selling things

On the Internet you can find a large number of platforms that allow you to sell goods of any value, however, each of them has its own characteristics. I will only focus on a couple of popular ones to point out to you those points that few people notice.– a free resource that provides excellent opportunities for selling any product. Even an unregistered user can view posted advertisements - this is a great plus. To sell an item, you need to go through the registration procedure and gain access to your personal account.

Advertisements are posted completely free of charge and are stored for 50-60 days, however, there is an offer from the creators: “if you want to secure your offer at the top of the page, purchase a package of services.” You don't have to agree to this.– a global platform that allows you to sell various products. Its sellers are not only ordinary people with unnecessary things, but also entire corporations. Free registration is a definite plus of the resource, however, for each lot displayed, you will have to pay a small percentage. Unfortunately, this is a significant disadvantage.

Bag. ru– a resource that provides the opportunity to put things up for auction completely free of charge. To do this, you will have to register on the official website, select high-quality photographs of your product and carefully think through the description. For completing a transaction, the seller must give 2-3% of the amount earned to the owners of the site for the opportunity to sell the goods.

If you have accumulated quite a lot of things and you want to start selling them, then you can create your own online store, because then you won’t have to share your honestly earned money with anyone. To implement this idea, you can use Evgeniy Popov’s proposal “Quick creation of an online store on the InSales platform”

That's all. If you still have questions regarding the sale of used items or have suggestions for profitable ways to sell on the Internet, then, of course, leave your comments. Well, I say goodbye to you, but not for long, since in the near future I plan to publish a new review that will help many Internet users find the answer to their question.

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

In the modern world, new products enter the market every minute. It’s not for nothing that the 21st century has been called the “era of consumption” - people are constantly selling and buying something. If you live in a city, then, most likely, you are not alien to the desire to update your things or car, replacing the old and boring ones with new ones. So why not make money from it? The Avito website provides this opportunity to everyone, and you can read about how to quickly sell your goods on it in this article.

Advantages of selling on Avito

Nowadays, the phrase from the famous cartoon “In order to buy something unnecessary, you must first sell something unnecessary” takes on a new meaning. You want to buy a new car, but first you need to sell your old one. Or you have your eye on a new smartphone model, but why do you need two? Or a new collection of clothes has appeared in the store, but the closet is no longer closed? It is in such cases that intermediary sites for selling things come to the rescue.

You can find a lot of such companies, so why Avito? There are many reasons for this. The company appeared on the market in 2007. The site was originally conceived as an analogue of Ebay, but its creator quickly realized that you couldn’t get far at auctions. Therefore, since 2009, Avito began to position itself as a site with advertisements for the resale of things. Now it is one of the most visited sites on the Runet. Thousands of people sell goods on it every day. And where else, if not to him, should you turn your attention when selling equipment, cars and clothing. Avito will help you do this simply, quickly and efficiently. But the amount of time you spend waiting for buyers directly depends on how correctly you formatted the text and ad settings. How to quickly sell goods on Avito?

How to write an ad correctly

The mistake many newbies make in sales is underestimating the importance of ad copy. However, not only the time of sale, but also its price will depend on how attractively the product is described. It’s better to spend an extra 20 minutes and write a good text than to then explain everything a hundred times to every person who calls you. What needs to be done in order to quickly sell on Avito?

  1. Before selling an item, you must first carefully inspect it for possible damage. Maybe it has been lying on the far shelf of the closet for a long time and you will have to explain for a long time where the crack on the glass of your smartphone came from. It would also be a good idea to collect all the receipts and documents left with you after purchasing it.
  2. Correct pricing of the product is also very important. Look at items of a similar category on Avito and compare them with the quality of your product. But the final cost also depends on how urgently you need to sell the item. The faster, the lower the price.
  3. Take a photo of the product in its best condition. If you sell clothing, be sure to ask someone to “pose” in it for a photo. If you want to sell your car, wash and clean it. The visual component is very important for successful sales.
  4. After you go to Avito and click the “Submit an ad” button, select the correct section. Products listed in the wrong category are simply rejected by moderators.
  5. Come up with a capacious and attractive title. The rule is similar to writing a book: a good title is already 50% of success. Among thousands of identical products, people need to catch their eye on something in order to open the link. The name must contain the type of product and some characteristics. For example, instead of “Used sweater,” you can write “Very warm wool sweater.” Simple but meaningful phrases immediately attract the attention of buyers.

If you have created an advertisement correctly, but still there are no calls, and you need money urgently, then do not despair. There are several ways to quickly sell on Avito. How? There are several tricks for this:

  • Reduce the price little by little. If no one wants to buy your item or equipment, reduce its price by 100 rubles. They will be displayed at a discount in the search column, which will attract new customers.
  • Call to action. It is not enough to indicate the parameters of the item: add at the end of the ad something like “Call us, the sale is valid only until the 27th.” This will make it more likely that someone will call you.
  • Leave the opportunity to contact you not only by phone number. Modern people don't really like talking to strangers on the phone. Many people find it much more comfortable to write a message on the website. Avito provides this service for free: the main thing is not to forget to view your personal account on time.
  • Respect seasonality. How to sell faster on Avito? Nobody canceled the tricks. Sell ​​winter goods in December or November. Then you can sell it at a higher price.

How to take a good product photo

Most of all clothes and shoes are sold on Avito. Due to high competition, this type of used items sells the worst. But how to sell clothes faster on Avito? Take a good photo! A 2003 point-and-shoot camera is not suitable for this. Take a high-quality photo with a smartphone with a good camera or an inexpensive DSLR. Believe me, such photographs stand out noticeably from the general gray mass.

How to write a selling text

Apart from a good and eye-catching title, writing quality copy is also a very important task. You can read entire lectures on how to sell shoes on Avito quickly. But try not to confuse your readers with too long headlines and characteristics copied from the Internet. It will be better if the description is written from the heart. Tell us honestly about the advantages, smooth out the shortcomings a little. Be sure to include the reason for sale. It is better to break the text itself into small paragraphs with subheadings, which will indicate the name, parameters, status and other important details. Write simply and clearly, in your own words.

Free or paid sale

Most ads on the Avito website are free. However, there are certain restrictions. In a number of cities and in certain areas, the submission of free advertisements may be limited to 1-3 advertisements. This is not due to the greed of the site, but to the increased number of stores that have literally flooded the site with their duplicate products. What are the advantages of paid sales?

  • Your ad will be visible at the top of the page.
  • The product will be seen by more users.
  • They will buy it faster.

It makes sense to use paid services when selling expensive items: cars or real estate. If you have your own store, then you will most likely need this option too. How to sell a fur coat on Avito quickly? Take advantage of the VIP announcement. In other cases, standard placement will be sufficient.

How to make money selling things

Now there are many ways to make money on the Internet. On Avito you can also organize your own small income and even build a business. How to make money on this platform?

  • Use for its intended purpose. Everyone understands that it is more profitable to sell things rather than throw them away. Maybe a door that you think is unnecessary is very suitable for another person. Post all your excess junk on Avito - you’ll earn money and free up space.
  • Resell - yes, this is not an entirely honest business, but it is very effective. At least once a day, products appear on the site at 1.5-2 times lower than usual. If you have time to buy such an item, you can resell it with a 50 or even 100% profit.
  • Buy in summer - sell in winter. If you have some available funds, you can invest it in seasonal goods. For example, if you buy a motorcycle in December and repair it a little, you can sell it in May for several times more. There are few such product categories, but enough to make money.

What products can be sold fastest on Avito?

You can sell everything on Avito, but not every item on display is bought. To find out how to quickly sell on Avito, you must first select the most popular product categories:

  • Equipment: computers, laptops, tablets. Things from top manufacturers are especially in demand.
  • Household appliances: microwaves, small refrigerators, multicookers. Such products are always in demand and popular.
  • Children's goods: strollers, cribs, outerwear. Toys that can be purchased at a low price in regular stores sell much worse.
  • Furniture: sofas, cabinets, tables - all this can also be quickly sold on the website.
  • Cars: "Avito Auto" has become one of the most visited sections in the last year. By listing your car on this site, you significantly increase your chances of selling your car.
  • Outerwear: fur coats, down jackets, warm clothes. The main conditions for the quick sale of such goods are adequate cost and good quality of the item.