Sample minutes of parents' meeting in kindergarten. Minutes of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten (sample)

Sample form of the protocol parent meeting.

Protocol No.____

Parent meeting of group No.______ Topic:_______________________________________________________

from " "_____________201_______.

Present: ______person.
Absent: _______ people.

Invited: (full name, position) ________________________________

Parent meeting agenda:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

On the first question we heard: (Full name, position ). She (he) ……………. (it is necessary to briefly summarize the main idea of ​​the speaker)
Next, the teacher invited the parents to jointly discuss this issue, express their opinions, suggestions, comments, questions, etc.
In the protocol, the secretary specifically indicates who (full name) and what thoughts expressed, proposed, expressed disagreement and on what issue.)

Resolved: accept unanimously (accept by majority vote, not accept).

On the second question they heard: ... (similarly for all agenda items ).

Meeting decision:
1_______________________________Responsible_______ (Full name .).

2______________________________Responsible_________ (Full name).

Execution date._________________________________________________

3___________________________Responsible_______________(Full name).

Execution date._________________________________________________


Secretary: __________________ (signature) _______________ (transcript).

1. In the “attended” column, you must indicate the number of parents present at the meeting.
2. It is necessary to acquaint those absent at the meeting with the decision of the parent meeting through an announcement in the parent corner or individually.
3. The protocol should indicate the specific names of the parents and their questions and proposals that arise during the discussion of the issue.
4. Educators do not have the right to impose their opinion on parents. There is a joint discussion of the issues on the agenda.
5. The meeting should discuss and decide first
pedagogical issues related to the education, training and development of children.
6. Results pedagogical diagnostics they are not subject to general discussion. Data about children is given to the parent (legal representative) only on an individual basis (confidentially).
7. Decisions are made on each issue separately, by
voting. The secretary records the number of votes: how many people are for and how many are against (who specifically is against, indicating their full name).
8. The wording of the decision must be clear, specific, indicating the deadlines for execution and those responsible.
9. The minutes of the parent meeting is a document included in the list of files of the MDOU, and is completed in a timely manner (within 3 days).
10. Responsibility for the timely completion and correct execution of the minutes of parent meetings lies with:
for general parent meetings - senior teacher of the preschool educational institution;
for group parent meetings - teachers.
11. The texts of speeches, consultations of group teachers and other preschool employees who spoke at the parent meeting must be attached to the minutes of parent meetings.

The parent staff is a reliable and efficient assistant for any educator. Sometimes questions arise that the teacher does not have any special right to decide without the participation of parents. Usually, they are brought to the general meeting, and the conclusions are included in a special document, formed in the form of minutes of the parent meeting. It is simply necessary to maintain such documents, as they sort out the accumulated issues and their solutions.

The procedure for maintaining minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten

The list of mandatory documents and important papers always includes a journal in which all minutes of parent meetings are kept. In some cases, they start a new one every year, but this is not true. It will be better if there is a voluminous journal in the garden for several years in which all entries will be kept. In the kindergarten, parents participate and help as much as they can: in decorating and renovating the group’s premises, staging matinees, accompanying and organizing events, excursions, and providing children with toys and materials for creativity. The child feels especially good in this group if his parents are interested in the moments happening in the kindergarten.

There are several types of active participation of parents in the life of the group, which are important to constantly discuss, and, therefore, enter their status into the protocol. This protocol is completed by the appointed secretary, elected at the beginning of the year. It would be great if the parent team has an executive person who has the opportunity to fill out minutes at each general meeting. At first, everything is written in a draft, and then transferred to the journal. Drawing up such a protocol should not be the responsibility of the teacher-educator. All he can do is provide a sample to the secretary. For clear example You can ask for a protocol log from a neighboring group of your children's educational institution. Try to stick to the same filling style.

How to draw up a protocol correctly

Each meeting should begin with summing up the results and completed tasks. If this information is entered into the journal, then each time write information about kindergarten makes no sense since they are indicated on the cover. The title of the document is simply written in the middle, and below is the date of the parent meeting. After that, write down what issue was considered on the agenda and what decision was made. Below must be a list of present and absent parents. In the upper right corner there is a “header” that contains information about the preschool educational institution, characteristics of the group (what age it is intended for), and its leader. In the lower right corner after the text, the secretary puts his signature, after which he passes it to the teacher for signing.

As you can see, there are no special tricks in keeping minutes of meetings in kindergarten. Everything is quite simple and intelligible. Proper maintenance of this journal will help the parent team not to lose sight of important points life of the group and resolve issues that arise in a timely manner. Try to regularly fill out the protocol according to the above requirements, and you will be able to systematize the accumulated and solved tasks. Keep the journals for each year until your group graduates from kindergarten.

Elena Komolova
Minutes of parent meetings

"Fairy tale"

Shchelkovsky district, village. Fryanovo,

st. Tekstilshchikov, 9

tel 8 (496) 56-3-55-58

Protocol No. 1




Invited: Trunova N.N. - head of the kindergarten.

Invited: Teacher-psychologist Grishkina A.L.

There were 10 people present, the list is attached.

Subject: "Children's adaptation early age to the conditions of a preschool institution"


1. "First time in kindergarten"- speech by the head Trunova N.N.

2. “Adaptation with or without a smile?”- Speech by psychologist A. L. Grishkina

3. Speech by teacher Meshcheryakova O. V. “On the program of training, education and development, annual tasks of the preschool educational institution for the 2011-2012 academic year”

4. Choice parental committee - Komolova E.V.


1. We heard a speech from the head of Trunova N.N. about the situation of the preschool educational institution,

on the basis of which it works and functions preschool. It was also reported about the operating hours of the kindergarten. Trunova N.N. was asked parents, try not to disturb the children’s stay in the garden.

2. The teacher-psychologist introduced parents with the general results of adaptation of children in the group. Suggested several recommendations: try to create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family, be patient, and develop self-care and personal hygiene skills in children.

A. M. asked a question: “What to do if the child still has difficulty separating and experiences negative emotions?” - “Kiss him as if nothing is happening and leave without stopping. Have confidence in the teacher." - Grishkina A.L.

M.E. asked “How long does the adaptation period last?”- “On average, the duration of adaptation in young children lasts 2-3 weeks.”

And also a teacher-psychologist invited parents for individual consultations.

Distributed reminders for parents"First time in kindergarten".

3. Meshcheryakova O. V., introducing parents with the tasks of education for the new school year, drew attention to the fact that, taking into account modern requirements, teachers complement edited by M. A. Vasilyeva elements of partial programs ( "Mental education of young children"- A. N. Frolova., “Game activities with children 1-2 years old” D. N. Koldina., “Development and education of young children in preschool educational institutions”- E. S. Demina). The teacher spoke about the tasks educational activities children in the early age group by main directions: physical development, cognitive and speech development, social and moral development and artistic and aesthetic development (message text attached). Smirnova Y.: “Tell us how the day will go for our children in kindergarten”. – Olga Vladimirovna introduced parents with a daily routine in the group and a schedule of activities that will be conducted with children throughout the year. This information will always be available parent's corner. You will also receive various information about the life of the group.

4. Teacher Komolova E.V. explained parents powers and responsibilities parent committee. She also proposed to select members of the Governing Council and parent committee of preschool educational institution.

Smirnova Yu. proposed candidates for parent committee:.

Komolova E.V. – suggested parents to choose a topic that they would like to discuss at parent meetings this year. Of these, the most interesting for parents groups and approved date parent meetings the following topics: , "A toy in a child's life", "Hello, sunny summer" (final meeting) .


1. Comply with the requirements in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the provisions.

2. Teachers and parents interact with each other

3. Strive to fulfill the main task - creating a favorable climate for the upbringing and education of children. Teachers should be regularly informed parents about group life.

4. Unanimously elected to parent committee:. Chairman parent committee elected G. E.

Chairman: ___ Meshcheryakova O. V

Secretary: ___ Komolova E. V.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 68 "Fairy tale"

The village of Fryanovo Shchelkovsky municipal district Moscow region

141147 Moscow region, E-mail: [email protected]

Shchelkovsky district, village. Fryanovo,

st. Tekstilshchikov, 9

tel 8 (496) 56-3-55-58

Protocol No. 2

Parent meeting in the group"Pock"

Chairman: Meshcheryakova O.V. - teacher.

Secretary: Grigolevich E. N – chairman of the family. advice.

Invited: Tyurina S.V. - teacher-speech therapist.

Present: 14 people, list attached.

Subject: “The role of books in raising a child”


1 Speech by speech therapist Tyurina S.V. “Developing memory from an early age”

2. Speech by teacher Meshcheryakova O.V. “Where does literary education begin?”

3. Speech by teacher Komolova E.V. “Reading fairy tales with expression”


1. We heard speech therapist S.V. Tyurina - The book plays an important role in the development of the baby. Listening to poems and fairy tales, the child learns and remembers new words; the contents and illustrations of the book help broaden his horizons, develop memory and attention. The book lays the foundation for such an important quality as curiosity. The book helps to master speech - the key to understanding the world around us, nature, things, human relationships. Therefore, it is necessary to instill an interest in books from early childhood.

U. M asked:- “How many times a day can you read a book to your child?”- “Read to your children as often as possible; a book gives you the opportunity to speculate, to fantasize.” It teaches you to think about new information, develops creativity, creativity, the ability to think independently.” - Tyurina S.V.

Distributed reminders for parents.

2. Teacher Meshcheryakova O.V. spoke about the development moral education by using fiction. Fiction is an important means of shaping a child’s personality and speech development, a means of aesthetic and moral education of children. Literature influences the formation of moral feelings and assessments, norms of behavior, and the education of aesthetic perception and aesthetic feelings. A child’s introduction to fiction begins with miniatures folk art- nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens folk tales available to him.

3. We listened to teacher E.V. Komolova about the emotional expressiveness of reading.

She told me what rules should be followed when reading a book to a child - “Clarity, simplicity and expressiveness.” The adult’s task is to interest the child, to attract his attention for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, the adult is required to read expressively, be able to convey the emotional mood of the characters in the work, and generally show maximum artistry. If an adult reads the words of a bear, then in a deep voice, if it is a mouse, then nothing can be done, you will have to squeak diligently! But in gratitude you will receive complete delight and attentiveness of your beloved baby!

S. Yu. - “How to teach a child to listen to fairy tales?”- “To teach a child to listen carefully, you need to create a favorable situation: The room should be quiet and no one should distract him. Children of this age need to be told stories. Such Russian folk tales as "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Ryaba Chicken", "Kolobok", "Three Bears" etc.” - Komolova E.V.

4 Presentation of favorite books "Baby Book"


1. Take note of the contents of the speech therapist’s memo.

2. Instill in your child a love of books, do not tear them, take care of them.

3. Instill in your child an emotional interest when reading books.

Chairman: ___ Meshcheryakova O. V

Secretary: ___Grigolevich E. N.

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 68 "Fairy tale"

The village of Fryanovo, Shchelkovo municipal district, Moscow region

141147 Moscow region, E-mail: [email protected]

Shchelkovsky district, village. Fryanovo,

st. Tekstilshchikov, 9

tel 8 (496) 56-3-55-58

Protocol No. 3

Parent meeting in the group"Pock"

Chairman: Komolova E. V - teacher

Secretary: Meshcheryakova O.V. - teacher

Present: 14 people, list attached

Subject: “Game and toy in the life of a preschooler”


1. “The role of toys in the life of a 1.5-2 year old child”- Komolova E.V.

2. “Grow and develop with the game!”- Meshcheryakova O. V.

3. "My favorite toy"- tasks for parents: find out your child's favorite toy

4. Summing up, sharing our experience (story parents, what games do children play at home).


1. Komolova E. V. – “A toy for a child is not just fun, but also an effective development tool, improving movements, senses, speech understanding” (text attached).

P.N.: “What should I do if my son only likes cars?”- “Offer to build a garage, bridges, roads, transport goods, passengers, collect car from a designer."

Y. E.: “Vitalik really likes toys in the form "cartoon" monsters. How harmful is this? “Such toys can contribute to the accumulation of aggressive fantasies in the child, so it is advisable to control such games.”

M.E.: “Nastya still only falls asleep with an old plush hare”- “Why not? This attitude towards a toy develops tenderness and care in a child, and relieves anxiety.”

2. Meshcheryakova O. V. – “Game - effective remedy nurturing cognitive interests and enhancing student activity. A game properly organized taking into account the specifics of the material trains memory and helps students develop speech skills. The game stimulates the mental activity of students, develops attention and cognitive interest in the subject."

She spoke about the role of mobile, didactic, role-playing games in the development of young children (text attached.).

3. Parents an exhibition of children's toys is proposed "My favorite toy". Exercise: recognize your child's toy (which he often plays in kindergarten) and talk about the toy. 5 people completed the task.

The teachers thank parents for attentive attention to the interests of their children.

S.Yu.: “At home we learn to sort objects (by shape, size, color, assemble simple puzzles or pictures cut into two parts.”

M.E. told how she and Nastya play games "Find Mom"- game of hide and seek: “I hide so that it is very easy to find me, sometimes I give a hint - calling my daughter to me,” - "find a similar pattern" using scarves, mittens, hats with the same or different patterns.

Ya. E. said that Vitaly loves to assemble various models from construction sets with his older brother.

“Let's remember that a toy for children is not just fun, a pastime, but a cultural tool with the help of which he masters a huge, complex world” - Komolova E. V.

1. Take note of the contents of the teacher’s report. Take into account the acquired knowledge when purchasing toys for children.

2. Organize your home various types games.

3. Combine the efforts of the family and kindergarten to develop gaming skills and interests in preschoolers.

Chairman ___ Komolova E.V.

Secretary ___ Meshcheryakova O. V.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 68 "Fairy tale"

The village of Fryanovo, Shchelkovo municipal district, Moscow region

141147 Moscow region, E-mail: [email protected]

Shchelkovsky district, village. Fryanovo,

st. Tekstilshchikov, 9

tel 8 (496) 56-3-55-58

Protocol No. 4

Parent meeting in the group"Pock"

Chairman: Komolova E.V. -educator.

Secretary: Meshcheryakova O.V. -educator.

Subject: "Hello, sunny summer"


1. Creative report educators: “According to the results of the school year!”. "Congratulations to the children and parents for participation in the educational process."

2. "Summer vacation with benefits"- Meshcheryakova O. V.

3. “What to play with children in the summer”- Komolova E.V.

4. Master class for parents(playing with sand).


1. Teachers talked about the children’s achievements based on the diagnostic results. “I would like to acknowledge the active assistance parents in creation comfortable conditions for children to stay in kindergarten. During the school year, they helped create a subject-development environment for the group, where now children willingly play and develop. Thank you parents who participated in the organization of thematic exhibitions” - Meshcheryakova O. V.

Parents of the group"Pock" expressed great gratitude to the teachers for their sensitive attitude towards children, care, attention, individual approach to each child, and kindness.

2. Meshcheryakova O.V.: “The summer health season will begin soon. The preschool educational institution has developed and approved a summer plan health work. To summer holiday not overshadowed by troubles that worsen the well-being of children, it is necessary to follow generally accepted recommendations.” Parents of the group, it was proposed to hold joint recreational activities (text attached).

3. Komolova E.V.: “So, summer has come! And now I really want to leave the stuffy apartment and go out of town or to the sea. Of course parents When planning such a trip, they take their children with them. At the same time, they need to make sure that the trip is to the liking of the child, develops his cognitive interest, activity, promotes health and development of mental processes. Therefore, you need to think in advance about how you will spend your time and what to do with your child! Children will have fun building sand castles and houses. Such games will not only delight your baby, but will also contribute to the development fine motor skills hands, which will undoubtedly have the most positive impact on the development of the child. You can also take a large inflatable ball to the beach; all children will enjoy playing with it. Ball games help develop dexterity, reaction and coordination.”

4. The teachers offered several options for summer games with sand and water. Parents Together with the teachers they try out some games.


1. Continue to provide active assistance in creating comfortable conditions for children in kindergarten.

2. Introduce a healthy lifestyle into every family.

3. Develop the child’s cognitive interest in the summer.

4. Create conditions in the family for children to play with water and sand.

Chairman: ___ Komolova E. V.

Secretary: ___Meshcheryakova O. V.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 68 "Fairy tale"

The village of Fryanovo, Shchelkovo municipal district, Moscow region

141147 Moscow region, E-mail: [email protected]

Shchelkovsky district, village. Fryanovo,

st. Tekstilshchikov, 9

tel 8 (496) 56-3-55-58

Protocol No. 2

Parent meeting in the group"Pock"

Chairman: Meshcheryakova O.V. -educator

Secretary: Komolova E.V. -educator

Subject: "Family and family values"


1.« Family traditions and their significance in the upbringing and development of a child". - Meshcheryakova O. V.

2.“Traditions – do children need them”- Komolova E.V.

3. Game "Finish the sentence"


1. We heard O. V. Meshcheryakova: “The priority in raising a child, undoubtedly, belongs to the family; kindergartens are family assistants. The family is a material and spiritual unit for raising children, for marital happiness and joy.”

"Only the happy ones parents happy children grow up".

(A. S. Makarenko)

“In order to achieve an optimal level of interaction between kindergarten and family, we are introducing new, most effective forms of work; we create conditions for joint activities children and parents; we encourage the desire to see your child’s problems from the inside and collaborate with teachers (by preschool educational institution specialists) in order to solve them” - Meshcheryakova O. V.

Zh.N. shared one of her traditions: “Every weekend we go for a walk, whether it’s a walk in the forest or a trip to the zoo - it’s always a positive mood, new impressions from what we see.”

P.N.: “And we like to spend time playing lotto games”.

“A holiday for a child is a good family tradition. It is laid down in the family

respect and love for family traditions" - Komolova E. V.

3. Played a game "Finish the sentence", in which all those present were actively involved parents.


1. Involve parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten.

2. Study the family and establish contacts with its members to coordinate educational influences on the child.

3. Create conditions at home for joint activities of children and their parents.

Chairman: ___ Meshcheryakova O. V.

Secretary: ___ Komolova E. V

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 68 "Fairy tale"

The village of Fryanovo, Shchelkovo municipal district, Moscow region

141147 Moscow region, E-mail: [email protected]

Shchelkovsky district, village. Fryanovo,

st. Tekstilshchikov, 9

tel 8 (496) 56-3-55-58

Protocol No. 1

Parent meeting in the group"Pock"

Chairman: Komolova E.V. - teacher


There were 15 people present, the list is attached.

Subject: “Can a child be independent?”


1. “Age characteristics of children 2-3 years old”. – Komolova E.V.

2. “Goals and objectives of a preschool educational institution for the academic year”- Komolova E.V.

3. "Can small child to be independent?- Komkova S. A.

4. Choice parent committee.


1. Komolova E.V. – introduced parents with the age characteristics of children of the third year of life. Gave a description intellectual development baby (text of the report is attached).

G.S. asked: “If a child quickly loses interest in the work he has started, what should he do?”. – A 2-3 year old child cannot work for a long time: 5-10 minutes is the limit, and then he should rest, get distracted. Therefore, all classes should last 5-10 minutes. Much easier to hold children's attention, if the work is not one-time, but with "continuation". Don't forget to praise your child for a job done correctly, even if not everything was done and not exactly right.

2. Teacher Komolova E.V. Introducing parents with the tasks of education for the new school year, drew attention to the fact that teachers complement “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva such as ( "Speech development"-L. N. Smirnova., “Formation of elementary mathematical representations in young children" -O. E. Gromova., “Game activities with children 2-3 years old”- D.N. Koldina., “Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old”- D.N. Koldina.

The teacher introduced the tasks for the school year. Continue to strengthen and preserve the health of children. Form perception, attention, memory of children. Continue to develop children's speech. Expand them vocabulary. Learn to understand adult speech without visual support. to ensure that by the end of the year speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication with each other.

Introduced me to the schedule of classes in the first junior group. Further information about the life of the kindergarten will be found in parent's corner.

3. Educator Komkova S.A. Independence is a valuable quality that a person needs in life, it is necessary to educate it from early childhood. Very often they tend to perform various actions on their own. And it is important for us, adults, to support them in this.

“What do you think? Can a small child be independent?

F.M. "Yes, it can".

G.E. “No, they are small and need the help of an adult.”. - “In an effort to do everything for the child, you cause him great harm, depriving him of independence.”

By the age of three, the child’s desire for independence sharply increases. In no case should these impulses of children be suppressed; this can lead to negativism, stubbornness, disobedience, and a desire to do the opposite.

4. Komolova E.V. offered to evaluate the work parental committee last year.

P.Yu.: “I think that the members parental committee did not fully cope with their work and I propose replacing them. on. I suggest choosing G.E. and U.M.” Parents voted unanimously.


1. Parents consider age characteristics their children, set them feasible tasks in accordance with their age.

2. Teachers and parents interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating a favorable climate for the upbringing and education of children in the existing team. Teachers should be regularly informed parents about group life.

3. As a result of the conversation parents identified their shortcomings and mistakes in communicating with children and decided to intensify their game form their desire to be independent. Consider individual characteristics your child in the process of upbringing.

4. 3. Initiative group parents it was decided to replace the previous one parent committee. Chairman parent committee elected G. Evgenia, U. M.

Chairman:___ Komolova E. V.

Secretary: ___ Komkova S. A.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 68 "Fairy tale"

The village of Fryanovo, Shchelkovo municipal district, Moscow region

141147 Moscow region, E-mail: [email protected]

Shchelkovsky district, village. Fryanovo,

st. Tekstilshchikov, 9

tel 8 (496) 56-3-55-58

Protocol No. 3

Parent meeting in the group"Pock"

Chairman: Komolova E. V - teacher

Secretary: Komkova S.A. - teacher.

There were 13 people present, the list is attached.

Subject: "Child safety younger age» or "The ABC of Little Pedestrians"


1. "Children's life safety"- Komolova E.V.

2. "Child at home and on the street"- Komkova S. A.

3. “The role of the family in reducing road traffic injuries”- Komolova E.V.

4. Blitz - survey for parents.


1. Komolova E.V.: “Today our meeting is dedicated to a very important problem - educating our children in safe behavior skills. The safety of our children is one of the most important issues for us. parents and teachers» (abstract attached).

Kochegarova N.: “Why explain safety rules to children if he is always nearby? “The formation of conscious behavior is a long process, today the child walks hand in hand with his mother, and tomorrow he will become independent. The work of teaching children safety is not just one day’s work, only theoretical knowledge is not enough for children, it must be applied in practice” - Komolova E. V.

In our group, we have compiled a comprehensive program for several sections: "Child and Nature", "The Child and Other People", The child is at home and on the street.”

2. Komkova S. A: “I want to tell you how to take precautions at home and outside. Accidents are a common cause of death in children and account for the majority of emergency admissions to hospital. But most of the cases might not have happened if precautions had been taken to ensure home safety and some efforts had been made to reduce the risk of street incidents. Keep an eye on your child when you are on the playground. If there are many children on the slide, supervise their play so that children do not push each other. Make sure that the child does not approach the swing when they are riding on it, and do not allow the child to run with a stick in his hands, he can harm himself and other children. At home, keep your child away from the stove while food is being prepared. Try to cook food on distant burners. Cover electrical outlets with special covers.” Distributed reminders for parents.

P.Yu.: “I take my child to kindergarten by car, they installed a car seat to protect the child on the road, and at the same time I explain to the child why this needs to be done.”

M.E.: “We try to cross the road at the pedestrian crossing, while looking to the left, and then to the right.”


1. Parents collaborate with teachers, develop safe behavior skills in children.

2. Take note and implement the contents of the teacher’s report.

3. Parents be attentive to the problem of road injuries in children.

Chairman:___ Komolova E. V

Secretary: ___ Komkova S. A.

We present to your attention a large collection of minutes of parent meetings on a wide variety of topics. Among them are “Peculiarities of psychological development” and “Age-related characteristics” of children of a certain age, “Children’s readiness for school”, “Children’s safety is the concern of adults”, “Raising a child healthy!”, “Family traditions” and many others, always relevant, topics.

Familiarize yourself with the positive experience of holding group and garden-wide meetings and drawing up their minutes. This will be useful to you when preparing your own event.

Together with MAAM, there are no difficulties in holding a meeting and drawing up its minutes!

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Minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten - Minutes of parent meetings “Adaptation period” in the first junior group

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The theme of our meeting is quality education!

The main form of interaction between teachers and parents has been and remains parent meetings.

This thematic section presents the minutes of parent meetings held in kindergartens and schools on a variety of topics. Such as: “Age-related characteristics of the development of children” (of a certain age); “Children’s safety is the concern of adults”; “Do you know your child?”; “Raising a healthy baby”; “Preparing for school”, and many others. If you are organizing a thematic parent meeting, you will easily find useful and relevant material on these pages.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 22 "Bunny"

Protocol No. 1

general parent meeting

Subject meetings:“The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its students”

Educators and specialists arranged theme weeks“On a visit to nature”, “Let us be healthy”, “Safety Week”. Competitions were held for the best reciter of poems about summer, drawings on the asphalt, and for the best sand building.

Preschool teachers held sporting events: “Mom, Dad, I - sports family", "Fun starts", "Journey along the path of health."

The kindergarten celebrated the summer of 2015 with a cheerful children's holiday “Hello, Sun! Hello, Summer!” dedicated to Children's Day. The children showed high activity and interest. The teachers approached the organization of the holiday creatively; the program included games with elements of team and individual competitions and relay races.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institutions in teaching the rules of safe behavior on the streets, in preventing children from road traffic injuries, a “Safety Week” was organized and held. Teachers held consultations for parents and conversations for children. Cartoon shows, puppet theaters, etc. were successfully organized.

A competition of drawings on asphalt “Space Fantasies” was held. Accompanied by cheerful music, children created their masterpieces with enthusiasm and interest on the kindergarten playground, played games, actively participated in competitions and danced.

As part of the work with parents, the following activities were planned and carried out: prepared and placed in parent corners visual propaganda on the topics: “Prevention of sun heatstroke”, “Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases in the summer”, “Organization of hardening procedures”, “Class schedules”, “Day regimen for the summer period”.

In order to develop joint creativity between adults and children in all age groups, an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials was organized and held.

In the summer, music classes were held 2 times a week and physical education classes 3 times a week. Free activities included: visual arts, reading educational and fiction literature, artistic work.

During the summer, the drinking regime was observed, overheating and hypothermia of the children’s bodies were monitored, and hardening was carried out using natural factors.

Speakers: teacher, proposed to recognize the work of the 2015 summer health campaign at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 22 “Bunny” as satisfactory.

DECIDED:recognize the work of the 2015 summer health campaign “Bunny” as satisfactory.

4. On the fourth question, we listened to the head, who introduced parents to the main directions of the kindergarten’s work in the 2015-2016 academic year, spoke about the features of the educational process in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, and the tasks of education and training for the new school year.

Olga Vladimirovna presented the parents with a work plan for the new school, daily routine, and educational activities schedule.

The goal of our activities is to create conditions for the maximum development of children, as well as the development of their creative potential based on the formation of psycho-emotional development and well-being. To achieve this goal, we have set the following tasks:

1) Optimization of health activities in preschool educational institutions: ensuring emotional well-being and meeting the spiritual and physical needs of children; building a pedagogical process based on game pedagogical technologies.

2) Put it into work New preschool educational institutions forms of cooperation between teachers and parents to provide psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

3) Create organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions. Develop planning and regulating working documentation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

4) Enrichment and improvement of children's speech.

5) Ensuring continuity of preschool and primary school education.

Currently, in MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 22 “Bunny” there are 3 groups of general developmental focus and 1 group of compensatory focus day stay 10.5 hours. The educational process is based on the educational program developed by the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

A speech therapist works with children in the compensatory group, whose goal is to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work through speech therapy of the educational process in the group.

The work of a teacher-psychologist is planned to prepare future first-graders for school.

DECIDED: Take note of the head’s speech about creating the necessary conditions to improve the quality of the educational process and take a more active part in the life of the kindergarten.

5. On the fifth question, we listened to the head of the preschool educational institution about the organization of meals in the MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 22 “Bunny”. Olga Vladimirovna informed parents on what principles the organization of nutrition in preschool educational institutions is based.

In a kindergarten, meals are organized in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work schedule in preschool organizations. When compiling the menu, the age characteristics of children and the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients are taken into account. The menu is compiled on the basis of approved technological maps. The preschool educational institution organizes 4 meals a day (2 breakfasts - additional) based on an approximate 10-day menu. This makes it possible to correctly distribute food throughout the week, provide a variety of dishes, spend money most efficiently and, most importantly, order the necessary products in a timely manner. The menu provides for alternating dishes, especially the main ones, so that they are not repeated over the course of 10 days. The food consumption for each dish is determined according to the card index or recipes presented in the baby food guides.

During the day, the child’s food should be varied; repetition of the same dishes is not allowed.

The nurse daily monitors the quality of delivered products, the organization of their proper storage, and compliance with sales deadlines; controls the quality of food preparation and its compliance with physiological standards; present when storing products (at least once a month is required).

Speakers:(parent): “Due to the increase in food prices, will the parental fee for kindergarten change, or will it remain at the same level?”

Olga Vladimirovna explained that the increase in fees for kindergarten occurs on the basis of the Resolution of the Administration of the Krasnosulinsky District. At the moment, there has been no new Resolution, so the fee for kindergarten (per student per day) remains the same - 62 rubles 27 kopecks.

DECIDED: Conduct a quarterly express survey of parents for coordination interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on the conditions and quality of children’s nutrition. Discuss the results at group parent meetings.

6. On the sixth issue, a member of the parent committee spoke and put to a vote a list of candidates for the parent committee for the 2015-2016 school year, 1 person per group, having previously agreed with the parents of the groups. There are 4 people, and all proposed candidates were accepted unanimously.

Chairman of the meeting

Secretary of the meeting