Orthodox birthday greetings to a woman. Christian happy birthday greetings to a woman

I won't wish on your birthday
No wealth, no fame, no big house.
May the Lord grant His blissful peace
And he doesn’t judge you harshly for your failures.

I wish you happiness in life for many years to come.
May your prayers be heard,
So that your look is bright, no adversity
And the storms of life could not darken it.

We wish that on your birthday
The Lord blessed you
So that His divine providence
Gave me more strength for life.

May the angels protect you
They didn’t let evil come to you.
So that temptations do not beckon,
And faith grew stronger and stronger.

God bless you every day,
And let the warm light fill your soul,
And on your birthday, accept happiness,
And the bouquet collected out of delight.

Let your life know no sorrows,
And breathe calmly and easily,
And the angel helps behind my back,
When you walk a thorny path.

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday,
Let flowers grow around!
I wish you peace, joy,

Lots of God's kindness.
May God bless you,
Holds you firmly on the path
The steps lead to good,
So as not to pass the goal.

May it be in a peaceful environment
They will say a lot of kind words
And not only on birthdays
They give many flowers.

I wish you the best with all my heart, love without measure,
Let life, as it extends, leave a glorious mark in the years,
And may God’s faith not weaken in life,
And may the Lord protect you from storms and troubles.

The candle does not go out, hope strengthens,
May there be joy in your heart and blissful peace,
May your clothes always be snow-white,
So that at the hour of the trumpet the Lord will call you to the wedding feast.

I wish you from my heart for your birthday
I wish you so much happiness,
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore my prayer to God
So that in the future, by His grace,
The sun was shining on your road,
And in the light of God, everything is easy to bear.
And happiness is what you give to others
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
Let Him shine brighter through those windows of the house,
Behind the glass you live...

I wish you on your birthday
And continue to live in the light of God,
Far from all corruption
Always walk with Christ in your soul.

May God bless you,
May it give joy to your soul,
Rain pours down in abundance
In His great generosity.

Years pass, setting milestones,
And we are flying somewhere into the distance.
Sometimes we see success
There is also sadness in life.

When we hand over our lives to God,
And there is peace in the house, love reigns,
Then, of course, we know for sure
That time doesn't fly in vain,

But it leads us to the eternal goal
The earthly path to the land of heaven,
Where the sun of truth never sets,
There is God's peace, there is a land of miracles.

May God help you on your earthly journey
Don't live the rest of your days in vain
And he will add goodness to your days,
Keeping you in His holy love.

The streams ring like bells,
They're singing something springtime...
Our dear brother,
Happy birthday to you.

I want to wish you an abundance of warmth and light,
So that your soul is warmed with goodness.
May it always be over you
God's blessing hand!

Years pass in succession
You're standing on the line again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.

God Himself protected you with His hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief I was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.

He carried you, and together the burden
He helped you carry it
And with a strong hand all the time
He has delivered you more than once.

Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be difficult
Nowhere on your earthly path.

I want to congratulate you
With all my heart I wish:
May there be in your life
Love and grace.
A diligent student
Be at Jesus' feet
And by the Spirit who lives in us
Keep the holy pledge.
Love, patience, faith
Multiply in your heart.
And all the wealth of the sky
Pass it on to your loved ones.
I want to congratulate you
With all my heart I wish:
Be a model for the faithful
And grow in God!

Happy birthday!
May God be with you...
I bless you
For success and love...
Let faith not leave
And sustains the soul.
And drives me out of my heart
Mistrust and cold.

Health and joy,
Faith and humility
And love until old age
I wish you on your birthday!

All God's laws
Honor and observe.
On earth we are guests,
Don't forget...

Kindness, participation
Don't be sorry for your neighbors.
And great happiness
Waiting in your destiny!

May the Lord bless you on your long and bright path!
A good heart beats - Warming the chest with faith...
The soul will not change in the mortal vanity of the world.
I wish you to live slowly. On your birthday!

It's a wonderful world!
And every day
You treat him wiser...

I think:
we don't grow old
But we simply live more correctly...

Years polish the beauty -
Not the usual vain one,
But the real one, the living one,
Souls high dream...

How would you like to extend the countdown?
Have a wonderful year!
Let life excite you
Let your heart cry and rejoice,
And he also lives reverently!!!

There are times when we have to attend the most unusual holidays. Or you just know that at the holiday you will be a guest among a special audience. This means that a well-mannered person will behave appropriately, dress appropriately, give gifts and make toasts that are acceptable in this situation.

For example, if you are going to a birthday party with a priest, or a church minister, or any employee of the church hierarchy, you need to thoroughly prepare and determine your line of behavior. The same applies to the case when, for example, you are invited to a birthday celebration with a God-loving person who does not occupy any church line, but, nevertheless, everyone knows him as a zealous Orthodox person.

In this case, you need to come up with something special. Orthodox congratulations Happy birthday. Remember that you should dress modestly; unnecessary makeup and jewelry will be unnecessary. Say your congratulations not too loudly, without unnecessary gestures and without jokes.

For a long time already in Orthodoxy, in fact since ancient times, they came up with the idea of ​​congratulating different holidays only in writing, the Orthodox have always been known for their writing, gift of speech, and were good speakers. So, it will be very beautiful and solemn if you write your Orthodox birthday greetings on a large card, or even better - on paper, making it seem like it comes from ancient times - let it be rolled up like ancient papyri.

Burn the edges, making it yellowish-brown. Or you can even write your words (only very carefully) with lemon juice or milk. They will be almost invisible, and then, by heating the paper from below, all the words will appear. You can even do this immediately before reading - it will be unusual, solemn and mysterious.

When writing an Orthodox birthday greeting, remember what to mention. Be sure to refer to quotes from the Bible, wish the birthday person a long and happy life, life peace and joy, God's affection.

On your bright birthday we wish you warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that you know you have known neither grief nor troubles.

What you have in mind, let it come true,
Let everything pleasant be remembered.
Just let your eyes glow with happiness,
You will meet good people everywhere.

May this Day that you celebrate
A happy date will come into your life,
And all the good things you dream of,
Let it come true and let it come.

Let the doors open to happiness
And everything that will be lived will not be in vain.
You know: we really believe in you
And we love you very much!

Let this day not be a noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar,
But he is happy and beautiful -
You appeared on earth!

And on this day there are no fireworks,
And many people don’t know about him.
Let many not notice him,
But the main thing is that I remember him!

Today you have matured a year,
Just don't be sad, don't be sad.
You've gotten better this year
Have fun and laugh heartily.

Forget grievances and adversity,
Smile with your heart and soul
In heat and cold, in rain and bad weather
Sing about happiness with your heart!

Be such that life loves you,
And may you not live in vain.
Your birthday is coming
And on this wonderful summer day

Your close friend wishes you
So that the sun's ray is not hidden by the shadow.
So that joy always shines
In the house where you are,

So that your laughter brings joy to your friends,
Let all your dreams come true.
I wish you to live long in the world
And don't be bored for a minute,

Live and know that life is beautiful,
And no matter how much evil there is,
Don't hurt your friends needlessly
Know how to forgive and be kind.

In the fog of life's dreams
Sometimes alone at night
Someday among dreams
Quietly remember me!

Just like a brand new fifty-kopeck piece,
What sparkles and glitters
There is a birthday boy in this house -
Dazzling to look at!

Because in a close circle
The whole family has already gathered,
Here sit friends, girlfriends,
That's why I'm here!

So that, having expressed participation
(My soul is on fire)
Wish you success, happiness
And keep it looking great!

Without unnecessary words, without unnecessary phrases,
With deep respect
Let us congratulate you
On the bright day of your birth.

What to wish you on this day,
What benefits, what happiness?
So that you never lose heart,
Not knowing illness and misfortune.

So that you never know
No grief, no sadness,
So that comrades, friends
You were greeted with a smile everywhere.

A bright moment on your birthday
Oh, time, don't rush!
Love, health, eternal bloom

We wish you sincerely, with all our hearts!
And may your soul never know cold,
Be as beautiful as a garden in bloom,
After all, your heart is forever young,
You will save this beauty to the world!

On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very happy day
We would like to wish:

There may be wrinkles, but from laughter.
No problem with gray hair.
Let there be tears, but from happiness
They always accompany you.

To smile in life
Your clear eyes
For happiness and health
Have always been a companion.

I wish you with all my heart
Great happiness and goodness.
I wish what you dream of
What are you always thinking about?

So that pain and grief do not meet,
So that your laughter can always be heard,
I wish you good health,
Smiles, sun and warmth.

And let what you want come true,
What goes wrong will be forgotten,
Let the good things in life multiply
And, like in a fairy tale, everything in life will work out.

17 years, like the morning dawn!
The best is ahead of you,
But nothing is more important now,
Than the choice of a friend, goal and path.

May the birds of happiness have strong wings
They will take you to a magical land,
So that you find unearthly joy,
The one I dreamed about in my dreams.

Let everything bloom around you,
Let spring reign in your soul,
May your peace and affection illuminate your home,
Let your life be full of this light.

On this day, on your birthday
Everyone is so happy and nice.
Show us some treats
On wide tables.

Every guest is your friend
I wanted to wish now
Happiness at home and at work,
Long life and good deeds.

We wish you well-being
Wealth, great joys...
But everything that the world offers,
Compared to Heaven - just pennies!..

What to wish for a Christian
What is the happiness of a child of God?
Live by Christ! Let it not cool down
Neither your faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives,
And celebrate your birthday with God!
That's all I could wish for!

Christian on his birthday
It's so hard to wish for something...
There is no better salvation than God's!!
Who can give more than God?

Empty stamps about health...
Why should they, if you are Christ’s?
You are healed by the Holy Blood
And by faith - truly healthy!

Luck, change is a bird...
Wishing for her is a waste of time!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Happy birthday,
Let flowers grow around!
I wish you peace, joy,
Lots of God's kindness.

May God bless you,
Holds you firmly on the path
The steps lead to good,
So as not to pass the goal.

May it be in a peaceful environment
They will say a lot of kind words
And not only on birthdays
They give many flowers.

May God bless you,
May it give joy to your soul,
Rain pours down in abundance
In His great generosity.

I wish you from my heart for your birthday
I wish you so much happiness,
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.

Therefore my prayer to God
So that in the future, by His grace,
The sun was shining on your road,
And in the light of God, everything is easy to bear.

And happiness is what you give to others
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
Let Him shine brighter through those windows of the house,
Behind the glass you live...

Years pass in succession
You're standing on the line again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself protected you with His hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief I was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped you carry it
And with a strong hand all the time
He has delivered you more than once.
Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be difficult
Nowhere on your earthly path.

Original Orthodox Happy Birthday greetings

You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will reproach!
Serve the pie!

Straw beard!
You are the owner, little man,
Open the chest
Give me a penny!

Me, little boy,
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Happy holiday,
I wish you good health!

Orthodox birthday greetings in verse

The bells are ringing in the soul
And there is grace in the heart.
It's your birthday already
It's time to meet.
May you have in your life
Only happiness and goodness.
And fate will take you away forever
Any grief, evil...
Even if not only in small things,
Big luck!
Keep your head on your shoulders
Then success will come!

Orthodox best birthday greetings

May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, goodness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.

Let the love for the Creator not fade away,
But it is getting stronger. In a prayer of thanks
Open your dreams and desires to Christ -
He will be your Helper Himself.

Orthodox birthday greetings to the birthday boy

What to wish for a Christian
What is the happiness of a child of God?
Neither your faith nor your love!
which God gives,
This is my wish!
Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight,
Praise Christ for your justification,
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work hard and be young at heart,
So as not to know despondency!
My dear friend, the Lord is with you!
What better could you ask for!

A short Orthodox birthday greeting

May the Lord protect you throughout life,
Sends happiness, joy, peace.
Please accept congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you all the best!

Orthodox funny birthday greetings

May the Lord bless
For worthy causes!
And guides with his hand
On the righteous path you!

You trust him for this
And serve well.
Happy birthday
Live without sin!

Orthodox birthday greetings in verse

Christian on his birthday
It's so hard to wish for something...
There is no better salvation than God's!!
Who can give more than God?
Empty stamps about health...
Why should they, if you are Christ’s?
You are healed by the Holy Blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Good luck, change is a bird...
Wishing for her is a waste of time!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Short Orthodox birthday greetings

Be brave like Christ, always,
Let them praise God for you!
Warm everyone up. comfort, warm,
lead to salvation quickly!

Orthodox birthday greeting-poem

I really want to congratulate you on your birthday,
And wish so much kind words.
So that you are sensitive to God's commands,
He was humble. Not looking for ranks.
Today is your birthday,
Happy, best day of the year.
So let all the blessings
Today they will come into your life!

Orthodox Happy Birthday Greetings

You're over..., but you're so energetic.
You, as before, are on the front line.
And I wish you excellent health
And strength on your birthday!

Let the dacha be a hobby for someone,
And let the other one lie on the sofa,
You fulfill Christ’s commission,
And He will bless you in everything!

Beautiful Orthodox birthday greetings

We wish you well-being
Wealth, great joys...
But everything that the world offers,
Compared to Heaven - just pennies!..

What to wish for a Christian
What is the happiness of a child of God?
Live by Christ! Let it not cool down
Neither your faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives,
And celebrate your birthday with God!
That's all I could wish for!

This life was given to you by God,
Everything happens with his permission.
Take it in full today
Birthday wishes!

And may the Lord grant warmth,
Wisdom is for thoughts, and health is for the body.
So that you can live with God in your soul,
Well, in the heart - with one love!

Let the angel guide you
Does not allow you to fall or stumble.
So that friends are faithful,
To have someone to smile.

I wish you on your birthday
May there be peace in your soul,
God bless you
And may the angel protect you along the way.
Start the day loving the whole world,
Forgive those who offended you.
Let your thoughts be pure
There will be no empty days in life.
May your birthday give again
Hope, faith and love.

On this day, God gave you life, and I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you peace of mind and harmony, bright hopes and unquenchable faith. May true love give you strength and inspiration to accomplish good deeds. May all your prayers be heard, may happiness knock on your door every day, and may your nature always remain merciful.

Happy birthday, I sincerely congratulate you
And I wish God’s help in everything.
May an angel in the sky protect you,
And let the house be a full cup.

Let love fill everything in life,
Faith will always help her.
May your health never fail you.
Many years of happiness to you!

I wish God's help in business,
Bodily, spiritual health,
And look for truth only in heaven,
And treat people only with love.

I want to thank God for everything:
For joy, for lessons, for talents.
I wish you to be able to live your life,
To leave diamonds for good deeds.

And finally, on this birthday
I wish you many, blessed summers!

Let harmony reign in your soul
May God protect you throughout life,
And all your dreams will come true,
Let the smile on your face shine!

Let your heart be filled with goodness
And let all sadness turn into joy!
Let your home always be cozy,
And happiness will knock on your door!

The Lord sent a blessing
Congratulations on your birthday.
May the Holy Spirit strengthen you,
The Lord adds health!

May peace reign in your soul
And grace flows like a river.
And it will be bright and happy
Your path of service is earthly!

The years go by, and you become more and more beautiful,
God protects you with his warmth,
You've become a little older
And you greet everyone with kindness!

Everyone loves and respects you,
You are valued by your loved ones, friends,
Everyone calls you an angel,
You cannot be called anything else!

May God grant you health,
Good luck, happiness, long years,
Also - peace of mind...
There is simply no better person in the world!

God chose this day for you
And brought it to earth, to this house,
Purely, sincerely loving you,
So that good person grew up

Happy holiday! And let
Your angel protects you
So that sadness does not take over your soul,
So that all those who wish evil leave.

May all your days be filled with happiness,
May Divine love be in your heart
Scatters its rays,
So that I can warm up next to you

Every person who comes.
Let your health be heroic!
May love reign in your soul forever,
All your family will be nearby!

Let your soul be filled with bright faith,
And God will forever be in your heart.
Let him guard your every step
And gives strength if you fall off your feet!

May the Lord reward you with health
Because you follow God's commandments.
And let love reign in your soul,
After all, there is nothing more expensive in the world!

May God be your support,
Your mentor in life,
Let him lead you dear
Only bright and selfless.

His prayer makes my heart feel better
Survive any doubts.
Believe and will always support you
Heavenly blessing!

Happy birthday to you,
May God give you strength, goodness and health,
Faith will fill the soul with humility,
And it will warm your heart with love.

Let the angel with his kind wing,
Shelters from troubles and worries,
Let hope lead you through life
And God will hear your prayers.

Happy birthday
May the Lord protect you
Let there be a mood
Love reigns in your soul.

May the angels be with you,
And they will protect you from evil,
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Good luck, joy, kindness!

On your birthday I wish you
Peace and humility,
May the Lord give you strength,
Meekness, inspiration.

May your health be strong,
Let the light of faith lead,
Tenderness fills the heart,
The will to move gives.

Be happy, loved,
Let the family be happy.
Women's wisdom and affection
I want to wish you.

You appreciate every moment
What does God give you from heaven?
So on your birthday
I wish you happiness in fate!

May your dreams be good
The Lord will make it easy
And let all the problems of the world
He takes you far away!

I wish you happiness and goodness,
Always answered prayers.
Blessings, inspiration
And deliverance from sorrows.
And may your birthday
Brings warmth, a good glow.

We wish you on your birthday
Just peace of mind.
So that your guardian angel
It was nearby - at the headboard!

I would never know
Your soul is evil, thunderstorms.
So that you can be calm,
I cherished meekness in my soul.

So that always with priceless faith
You moved forward in life.
I knew that the Lord sees everything,
And he will save you.

Happy birthday,
Joy and love.
May they be blessed
Your deeds and works.

Strive for the grace of the Almighty,
Let your soul be pure.
Live by helping your neighbor
According to the bright covenants of Christ.

Happy birthday,
A wonderful holiday,
Let faith always warm
A bright ray of you.

May love for family and friends
Helps in life
May hope be the door to happiness
It opens wide.

On your birthday I wish you
God's grace
To wisdom, love
You were rich.

So that it always burns comfortably,
The hearth warmed the hearth.
Peace and prosperity to you,
Faith in the heart, happiness, blessings.

Happy birthday to you,
I sincerely congratulate you
May God always protect you!
From sorrows and sorrows!

I wish you many happy days,
Filled with faith and happiness,
May your Guardian Angel protect you
From envy and misfortune.