Why doesn't anything work out in life? I try but nothing works

You can try to do a lot, work hard, try and hustle. But life turns out to be more cunning, merciless and difficult than we would like. Everyone wants to be happy and dreams of achieving their goal, but it doesn’t always work out. In those moments when everything is difficult, you are dissatisfied with life and nothing is working out, you should stop and think carefully. What to do if nothing works?

Everything is falling out of hand, and life resembles an aimless race in a circle, when you are all in foam, there is no mood and no prospects? At such a moment, it makes no sense to rush forward with all your might. You should stop and think. A lame companion going in the right direction will reach his goal faster than a rider who gallops in the wrong direction. Questions asked at the right time sometimes give rise to the right answers.

What to do if nothing works out? Time to ask yourself questions

1. How consistent and disciplined am I? Changes in life do not come out of nowhere. How consistent and disciplined are you? Do you want to learn English, but study once a week? Do you dream of having a beautiful body, but rarely exercise? Do you want to improve your skills, but hardly do any self-improvement? Success in achieving goals depends on discipline, regularity and consistency of actions.

2. How realistic are my goals and expectations? Sometimes we take on goals that we are already tired of, but we continue to pursue them out of habit. Sometimes we set a goal that is too ambitious and unrealistic. Why fight over something you can never achieve? The ability to give up on impossible goals will help you save time and energy for other dreams. Throw the suitcase without a handle and move on lightly.

3. What do I do over and over again to no avail? We often do the same things in hopes of change. If nothing changes, then you need to stop doing what does not bring the desired result. Maybe we do this out of habit, laziness, or because we don’t want to stress too much? Maybe it's time to do something different and in a completely different direction?

4. Am I taking enough care of myself? How is your physical and emotional health? Are you getting enough sleep and rest? Are you eating well and nutritiously? Do you exercise regularly? How optimistic and confident are you? Only a healthy body and soul can achieve the goal.

5. Who do I spend time with? We often surround ourselves with those who drag us down. If your friends are lazy and losers, then you will be too. How do you spend your time and with whom? Think about it. It is useless to dream of change while sitting in a swamp and waiting for a miracle. Surround yourself with people who want to achieve more, not people who only dream of drinking beer.

6. Am I feeling too sorry for myself? All people love to complain and feel sorry for themselves. But it’s more important to remember that this is a waste of time and effort. What makes you whine, complain about life and others? Why are you afraid to take responsibility for life into your own hands, and prefer to blame others?

7. How many bad habits do I have? Sometimes habits make us those who are unable to achieve more. Lying on the couch, playing computer games, hanging out on social networks and avoiding work? Change the ratio of bad habits versus good ones towards the latter.

8. Am I taking advantage of opportunities and chances? Often people avoid trying something new. They miss opportunities, never take risks, and stay in their comfort zone. This leads to people not realizing themselves to the fullest. They remain in one position, which does not suit them at all. Are you taking advantage of every opportunity and chance?

9. Am I moving forward or stalling? How can you evaluate yourself from the outside? Ask your loved ones to evaluate your actions. Try to understand whether you are moving forward and how fast? If the goal is far away and you are moving in small steps, then you need to change your strategy and action plan. Life is too short to hang around in one place for too long.

10. What can and should I change? Change is always scary, but it is necessary when things don't work out. What needs to change in life? What will the plan look like for the near future and the long term? What actions will bring the maximum effect? 20% of actions bring 80% of results - says Pareto's Law. Concentrate on what you need to do first.

What to do if nothing works out? Ask yourself questions, and the answers will help you find the right path.

Hello, dear readers! Are you watching Game of Thrones? Remember one of the heroes, Theon Greyjoy, who was so psychologically suppressed that he completely lost faith in himself and stopped even trying to do anything.

Perhaps you did not notice or did not attach importance to this fact, but it was the futile attempt to escape that was the last barrier for his psyche, after which the personality to some extent ceased to exist. This, of course, is an exaggerated case, but it very clearly shows some psychological phenomena that everyone needs to know about.

Today I would like to talk about what to do if nothing works out. This is a very dangerous condition, each new mistake greatly affects self-esteem and self-confidence. It destroys a person, makes him give up. Constant mistakes lead to a bad mood and have many other negative consequences for the individual.

What to do: in life, at work, with colleagues, bosses, girls, or according to all criteria at once? How to fix everything? This article contains a lot of valuable tips, so let's get started quickly.

Facts and emotions

The phrase “What is dead cannot die” is often found in the prayers of the ironborn and, as far as I remember, was the motto of the Greyjoy house, only Theon lived with another family for a long time.

In the meantime, this phrase could save his psyche. Moreover, it ends with beautiful words: “But it rises again, stronger and stronger.”

The attitude towards life is built on the basis. The girl left and you are worried that you will never meet anyone better or different in principle. The boss was dissatisfied with your work and it seems that you are not coping with the position. It was sprayed by a passing car and that’s it, the confidence is growing that... The world around is collapsing.

Every situation can be looked at from different angles and there is no solid black line. This is just your attitude, and not an objective and comprehensive one. Positive aspects can always be found, and even if not, you cannot give up hope for a bright future.

It is very difficult to maintain a cheerful mood when you have a lot of troubles, but some... They destroy the psyche, they prove, and if you give up, then along with them joy goes out of life.

Try to temporarily separate facts from emotions. Everything is temporary. Just wait for the moment when you can rise again, stronger and stronger. This will definitely happen. Don't lose hope. A person allows situations to have a detrimental effect on himself. You have all the possibilities in your hands to do this, but most likely, you are still afraid or not ready to do it.


And at work, they have a particularly strong impact on a person’s self-esteem, and under no circumstances should it drop. I can recommend a book to you so that you can work on yourself. "Boost your confidence!" Thomas Lorenz It will help a lot during this difficult period. You will learn what self-awareness is, create and study your psychological portrait, understand how to increase your potential, and also

Reading time: 6 minutes.

Have you ever thought about why in life sometimes things don’t work out the way you want? That you set some goals, plans, schedules, but it just doesn’t work out. Something breaks down, something is not in the mood or the mood is not

Have you ever thought about why in life sometimes things don’t work out the way you want? That you set some goals, plans, schedules, but it just doesn’t work out. Something breaks down, there is no state for something or the mood is not suitable. Random non-coincidences await us at every step. And they really are not random. If everything is going wrong in your life, then there is definitely a reason for it! It is useless to argue about this; it is better to try to understand why everything is like this?

Sooner or later, the mosaic will come together anyway, and the truth will be revealed to you, which you should have understood at the very beginning and because of which you were unable to implement your plans. But it is still unclear. And to clarify the situation, start by understanding that your desires and the desires of the Universe for you do not always coincide. And misunderstandings begin because we are accustomed to keeping life within the strict framework of “shoulds,” maneuvering its flow between the icebergs of familiar concepts, operating only with the knowledge of our own mind, and this cuts off a lot of opportunities and insights from us. Alas, our knowledge will never be perfect. Life is incomprehensible! And what Her Majesty Fate has prepared for us cannot be known in advance. However, we cannot hide from it anywhere, no matter how much we try to control all kinds of life manifestations.

So, let's try to understand the reasons for what is happening.

Why is everything wrong? Possible reasons

If something in your life is not working out the way you want, think about whether this is what is required of you at the moment. I'm talking about this moment, here and now. Perhaps, having understood something, done something, changed something in this moment, you will break through the wall that prevents you from moving on. But this is something you need to understand and definitely do! Don't look into the distance, take a closer look at yourself today. Your success depends on the choices you make now. Be attentive to yourself and to the signs of the Universe, this is the key to the door to a happy future. And even if it is difficult to understand the reasons in the present, do not worry - the mosaic will certainly come together, and the answers will come.

The main thing is to remember that when there is harmony within you, it will not be slow to manifest itself in your whole life.

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Modern life is very dynamic. Every day we face many problems and challenges. But sometimes it happens that we as if we had hit an invisible wall– it seems like we are doing everything right, but we cannot move one step forward in our actions, or we are doing it very, very slowly.

But we all want to become successful people in everything. This is a reason to think about how to change the situation if nothing works out. What to do? These tips apply to work, hobbies, sports, personal life... And in general to our lives. Follow them and you will do great!

The first thing to do is stop, do something else, or just relax. Before this, you worked with information, and its resource for further advancement was exhausted.

Take a break, let the information “settle” in your head, is being restructured. This is done without our knowledge :) After this, you will be able to look at the problem in a new way.

Personal experience

Quite recently, the same thing happened to me: I was working remotely with one of the sites and did not understand why, if I was doing everything correctly and as usual, no expected changes were happening to the project. I spent a lot of time on this until I decided to quit this activity and rest for an hour or two. And as soon as I was a little distracted, the information at my disposal settled in my head, and I realized how obvious the reason for the stop was. All you had to do was switch your attention to another activity and rest a little.

It is very important to be able to look at your actions from a new point of view, to go beyond the usual boundaries. This is the same as in the problem about points.

How to connect 9 dots with four lines without lifting the pencil from the paper?

Most likely, the solution will be closer than you think. It is enough to go beyond the boundaries outlined by the conditions;) A walk in the fresh air or meeting with friends can do us a good service in this. We will give our brain new impressions that will help us see the problem from the other side. They will stimulate our creativity. It's like poets who needed a muse for inspiration.

If it doesn’t work, reformulate the problem.

A lot depends on how exactly we describe to ourselves the tasks that we need to complete. Agree, the more detailed we define the order of actions, the better we will understand what we are doing and why.
In addition, this way we will see our real movement - this will give us strength. This way we will get rid of the problems with our lack of motivation. It will be useful to remember your previous achievements - this will help you feel that we are worth something in this life, believe in our strength!

Keep calm

If you are the type of person who worries about everything and has a hard time coping with failures, you urgently need to do something about it! Remember that negative emotions do not help us solve problems
When you push yourself more and more, you become further and further away from your goals. And in this case, only you and no one else will be to blame. Worrying about failure not only distracts and exhausts you, but can also destroy your self-confidence. How can you achieve something if you think that you can’t do it?

Everything depends on ourselves

Remember that there are no people who never make mistakes. If you meet a person who says that he has never been late in his life (do you know how to manage everything?) - don’t believe him, it doesn’t happen.

We are all human, we are all not perfect. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths, never stop and always move forward!