Phonetic exercises in the German language. German phonetics training


1. learning objectives.

3. Method of working on pronunciation

4. exercises.

1. We can distinguish practical, developmental, educational and educational goals of teaching phonetics.

Practical goals teaching pronunciation skills involves:

1) development of phonemic hearing of students, that is, the ability to listen and hear, distinguish phrases, words, sounds

In the city center Regensburg is the most beautiful city in Germany. Located in the heart of the city center, the Vikonny Miracle School of Residence is in the middle of the most beautiful village. In the international atmosphere of the school, you will be introduced to different teaching methods, combining cognitive, communication, spontaneous and creative elements. Our teachers are teaching specialists German language in non-school. One lesson lasts 45 minutes.

We want to introduce you to Germany and the Germans. Every second Saturday there is a day trip to an interesting city or place in Bavaria and every Wednesday afternoon. The events are free, except for entrance and transportation costs. We offer the following options.

2) development of pronunciation skills, that is, automated proficiency in the articulatory base of the German language.

3) Development of internal pronunciation as the psychophysiological basis of external speech.

Developmental goals involve the development of attention, speech apparatus, auditory memory.

Educational purpose involves the aesthetic education of students on the basis of samples and standards of German-language speech.

  • A school dormitory providing direct access to the school.
  • Both are located on the fourth floor of a large building in the city center.
  • Single and double rooms are available only for non-smokers.
  • Each room has a bathroom and toilet.
Single rooms are reserved unless otherwise requested. Placement depends on vacancies.

Send us a test to assess your entry level or registration request or at least two weeks before the start of the course. The final level of your German language is determined upon your arrival, so you will be allocated to the appropriate group. Upon completion of the course, all participants receive a certificate of completion.

In relation to school pronunciation standards, the principle of approximation applies (pronunciation standards are close to the standard). The main share of teaching pronunciation skills falls on the first year of study. Here students master the pronunciation of all German sounds and the basic intonation patterns of a German sentence. First of all, this is an affirmative sentence with a decrease in intonation and an interrogative sentence without a question word with an increase in intonation, including those expressing doubt and surprise. Questions with a question word, pronunciation with lowering intonation, already for the purpose of requesting information.

An earlier request is recommended. You can subscribe online, by fax or by mail. Please send the deposit along with your request or after receiving confirmation from us. Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer, check, check or postal order. Payment of the balance is due before the start of the course or no later than upon arrival.

Arrival usually occurs on Sundays. If you stay in foster family, We will send you your address and telephone number in advance. If you are booking a room in a hostel or university hall, your arrival time should be between 00 and 00. There are convenient and regular bus and train services between Munich and Regensburg.

2. It is generally believed that mastering German pronunciation does not cause difficulties for students. However, work on pronunciation should be carried out constantly, throughout the entire course of study: through phonetic exercises, phonetic exercises, including the use of technical teaching aids. The content of teaching German pronunciation includes, first of all, sounds German language. For educational purposes german sounds and others phonetic phenomena share into three groups:

Our courses focus on: modern written and spoken German, intensification of communication skills and introduction to the current social, political and cultural situation in Germany. Most of our students come to us because we were recommended by previous participants, who, in particular, appreciated. Our comprehensive program Pragmatic and highly effective communication-oriented teaching methods Our qualified and dedicated teachers Friendly and personal small school atmosphere Small international groups Place and residence in the city center Our cultural and entertainment program Our competitive prices. Regensburg Regensburg is located at the northernmost point of the Danube River, in the heart of Bavaria.

1) sounds similar to the native language (relatively similar). For example, a, d, m, n.

2) Sounds that have some differences (o, t, l).

3) Sounds that are very different from sounds native language(s, R, η, labialized vowels absent in Russian (ü, ö), hard attack).

In this regard, the problem of the phonetic minimum arises. At school, as a rule, there is no division into an active or passive phonetic minimum (as when teaching vocabulary and grammar).

With its unique medieval center, where historic buildings have foundations dating back to Roman times, Regensburg is one of Germany's most beautiful cities. You will feel at home in the streets and narrow streets, as well as in the picturesque and lively squares of the city center with an abundance of beer, bars, pubs, restaurants and cafes. The semicircles of parks that surround the city center and the Danube and its tributaries offer a variety of active recreation opportunities. Our wonderful school and residence is located in a building in the historical center of the city and overlooks the medieval cathedral.

The phonetic minimum includes:

1) All sounds of the German language that are studied in the first year of study;

2) Phonetic phenomena that cause difficulties for students:

· Longness and shortness of vowels, because it has a distinctive meaning;

· Closed and open vowels, especially e, ε;

· Stability of articulation of long vowels;

In the international atmosphere of the school you will find a variety of teaching methods combining cognitive, communicative, spontaneous and creative elements. Our dedicated teachers are specialists in teaching German to adults. Our courses are generally divided into six different levels, from Elementary 1 to Advanced. The lesson takes 45 minutes.

We want you to know Germany and the Germans. Every second Saturday you can take a day trip to a city or point of interest in Bavaria, and every Wednesday there is a day trip. Accommodation We offer you the following options.

  • School residence providing direct access to the school.
  • Both are located on the 4th floor of a huge building in the city center.
  • There are single rooms and double rooms, strictly non-smoking.
  • Each room has a shower and toilet.
Single rooms are available upon request only.

· Hard attack;

· Aspiration of voiceless vowels;

· Muffling of voiced consonants and muffling at the end (Buch, ausgeben);

· Reduction (or lack thereof);

· Lack of palatalization;

· Phrase stress, unstressed articulation of function words, negations;

· Stress in words with separable and inseparable prefixes;

The reason for accessibility is accommodation. You must send us proof of your initial grade along with your registration within the last two weeks before the start of the course. A final German language assessment takes place upon arrival so we can place you in the desired group. Upon completion of the course, all participants will receive a certificate.

It is recommended to register early and this can be done online, by fax or by mail. Submit your payment after you have registered or received our confirmation. Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer, check, traveler's check or mail order. Payment deadline is before the start of the course or no later than upon arrival.

· Emphasis on compound words

· Intonation patterns of sentences.

3. Work on pronunciation is often carried out in the form of phonetic exercises (Die Mundgymnastik). Rhymed material is most often presented at the beginning of the lesson in order to adjust the speech apparatus to a new pronunciation, and an attempt is made to create a foreign language environment. Phonetic exercise can be carried out in the middle of the lesson, using a technique called “collecting errors”.

If you are a host family, we will send you your address and telephone number earlier. There are good and regular bus and train connections between Munich and Regensburg. Additional information in German, English. This fun and educational game is a mobile keeper for self-teaching vocabulary and entry-level phonics. List of specially selected words from different topics used in everyday life. This lesson allows you to effectively learn correct pronunciation and spelling due to the presence of visual and audio accompaniment.

Work on a poem. We can suggest the following sequence.

1) presentation of a poem (teacher or cassette), preferably with visual support;

2) provide presentation of unfamiliar vocabulary;

3) translation (frontally, individually, with the help of a teacher);

4) phonetic practice after sample, the teacher has the right to stop to practice individual sounds;

Learn more words quickly and easily help organize educational materials, and the learning process is built in several stages: Learning - makes it easy to remember nouns, adjectives, alphabets of verbs with transcripts and pronunciation, which help you learn how to pronounce letters and sounds correctly and beautifully. Test and review learned words organized into fun, easy and meaningful games: Reading and Association: Selecting the correct version of the word for the picture. View: Dynamically move an image into a word list.

Spell Checker: Spell words and check spelling. Full list thematic groups: vegetables, fruits, wild animals, pets, animal body parts, birds, big life, house, bathroom, clothes, colors, transport, human body parts, dishes, toys, school, nature, natural phenomena, insects, numbers, geometric shapes, musical instruments, instruments, sports, summer sports, winter sports, travel, entertainment, office, infrastructure, store, society, professions, technology information, prepositions.

5) collective reading;

6) individual reading.

Principles of working on pronunciation. I.L. Beam identifies the following principles:

1. A communicative focus should be ensured when teaching pronunciation. This means that teaching pronunciation should not be perceived as an end in itself, but should be subject to the requirements of speech communication. That is why (c) is given to students already in the first lesson, so that they learn to say hello and so on. Therefore, many exercises are given a conditionally communicative character, rhymes, songs, etc. are used.

This means you or your child can be in the shape of an exciting vocabulary game foreign words from scratch, which is the basis for quality and speech writing. Interactive learning - easy and affordable way studying language lessons. For children, this application is not only a quick and easy way to learn to speak and write, but also to improve the knowledge acquired at school or in kindergarten. Parents can use this app as a map according to Glenn Domain's method for their children.

About translating words into more than 10 languages. In fact, this illustrated German dictionary and German language game that helps to learn German for beginners and children in which the game teaches several german words with sound. This free application works offline.

2. It is necessary to ensure the situational and thematic conditionality of the phonetic material;

3. It is necessary to combine consciousness and intuition. This means that you should imitate only those sounds that do not pose difficulties for students. In other cases you need to go analytically, i.e. explain the pronunciation of a sound, or combine explanation and imitation.

Articles and research in the country and abroad

Under the scientific guidance of prof. Faculty, teachers, scientific schools. Editor.

Participation in congresses and symposiums

Other research activities. Yearly course program. German morphology is a nominal group. The theoretical course is designed to provide the formation of a rough overview and description of the nominal group and the use of the German language belonging to the nominal parts of speech: noun, articles and words with part of the article, adjective and numeral, pronoun, preposition.

4. It is necessary to ensure the clarity of the presented sound or phonetic phenomenon. For example, “conducting techniques”, exemplary presentation of phonetic material by the teacher and the use of technical teaching aids;

5. Prerequisite for assimilation German pronunciation is activity students, therefore it is very important, especially during frontal work, to monitor the active activity of each student;

The seminar will cover alternative exercises for A1-B1 and B2-C1, applying basic morphological rules for each part of speech knowledge and deepening the German language. Assessment: The assessment written in the middle and at the end of the semester consists of 2 theoretical and practical questions. The final assessment is an active presence that contributes to the seminar.

Theory and practice of the text. Topic: German language dictionary. The course reports describes and analyzes basic word formations, but also specifically applies to various parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. He will describe and analyze semantic field theory and word families, phonetic trends of change, and new vocabulary. References: Wolfgang Fleischer et al. Assessment: The final assessment consists of two written assessments, which contributes to activities throughout the semester.

6. An individual approach to the formation of the pronunciation side of students’ speech in collective learning conditions is necessary. Mastering pronunciation is not the same for everyone, so it’s important to consider individual characteristics each student: mobility of the speech apparatus, development of phonemic hearing, timidity and other character traits.

Written assessment at mid-semester and end-of-semester. German as a foreign language for beginners and advanced. The German student at the Alexandrio Ioan Cuza University in Iasi offers the opportunity to reach any level so that any student at the Alexandrio Ioan Cuza University in Iasi from any discipline has the opportunity to learn German, starting at any level, even during their studies. Through selected grammar problems, students' existing grammar knowledge is brought into play or solidified.

Thanks to exercises with gradual difficulty, students reach the level of correct expression, since when learning a language, language learning is facilitated by communicative methods, starting from the reception stage, through imitation and reaching the productive stage. The courses cover typical situations and topics of conversation in everyday student, university and student circles, such as documents, presentations and speeches in German. The focus is on facilitating communication through the German lexical approach by practical application theoretically learned things.

7. It is advisable to correct phonetic errors without interrupting the student’s speech, but by giving a sample after the answer or by asking again. The most common mistakes should be recorded so that additional exercises on these sounds can then be given.

4. There are preparatory exercises and speech exercises. A speech exercise in phonetics is speech itself in compliance with phonetic rules. Preparatory exercises vary by levels:

A. at the sound level (imitation, differentiation or comparison)

b. at the word level;

c. at the level of phrases;

d. at the supply level.

Today, much attention is paid to man as an individual, his consciousness, spirituality, culture, morality, education, as well as new thinking, highly developed intelligence and intellectual potential, which constitutes the resources of society.

Accordingly, we must ensure that students have knowledge of the fundamentals of science, general culture, the ability to think independently and flexibly and to solve life and professional issues proactively and creatively.

To do this, there must be a constant search, the goal of which is to find new forms and techniques that would make the lesson creative, rich, and interesting.

The lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process. All achievements should be reflected in it modern pedagogy. An important factor in learning foreign language is interest in the subject.

The teacher must have a considerable supply of means, forms and techniques to awaken this interest in schoolchildren, then maintain it throughout the entire course of study.

Learning a language needs to start with something simple, something that is easy to remember and learn.

When teaching a foreign language, games, proverbs, sayings, and rhymes are often used.


Counting books- very valuable material for grafting correct pronunciation. At school age, students have a highly developed ability to imitate. Students imitate well, easily hear, produce sounds and intonation correctly. They are usually used as speech phonetic exercises (Abzahlreime).

1) Eins, zweidrei, unddubistfrei.

2) Eins, zwei, drei, Butter in den Brei.

3) Eins, zwei, drei, alt ist nicht neu, neu ist nicht alt, warm ist nicht kalt.

4) Eins, zwei, drei, vier

in die Schule gehen wir,

in die Schule gehen wir,

und bekommen "Fünf" und "Vier".

5) Eins, zwei, drei, vier,

wie viele Schüler stehen hier?

6) Langsam ist nicht schnell,

dunkel ist nicht hell,

gut ist nicht schlimm,

dick ist nicht dünn,

gerade ist nicht krumm,

Du bist nicht dumm.

7) Eins, zwei, drei, vier,

heute sind wir alle hier.

Fünf, sechs, sieben,

deine Schule musst du lieben,

Acht, neun, zehn,

wir wollen jetzt nach Hause gehn.

8) Eins, zwei drei, fertig ist der Brei.

9) Eins, zwei - Polizei,

drei, vier - Offizier,

fünf, sechs - alte Hex,

sieben, acht - Gute Nacht.

10) Ene, bene, Tintefaß,

Geh in die Schul und lerne was!

Wenn du was gelernet hast,

komm nach Hause und sag mir das.

11) Wenn die Kinder Spiele treiben,

wollen sie beim Rechten bleiben

und sie zählen ehrlich aus,

denn der letzte muss hinaus!

12) Hopp, hopp, hei,

hopp, hopp, hei, springt ein Hase schnell vorbei!

Hopp, hopp, hei,

hopp, hopp, hei, springt er in den Wald hinein!

13) Ich bin Hops, und du bist Hoppel,

ich bin Trops, und du bist Troppel,

hopp, hopp, hei, hopp, hopp, hei, lustig, lustig, eins, zwei drei!

II. Tongue twisters

Tongue twisters help you to practice the pronunciation of individual consonants in a relaxed manner, especially those that are absent in the Russian language (Zungenbrecher).

Fischer Fritz fischt frische Fische.

Kurze Kleider, kleine Kappen kleiden kleine- krausköpfige Kinder.

Zwischen zwei Steinen liegen zwei Schlangen und zischen dazwischen.

Bürsten mit schwarzen Borsten bürsten besser als Bürsten mit weißen Borsten.

Die Katze tritt die Treppe herunter.

Esel fressen Nesseln nicht, Nesseln fressen Esel nicht.

Hans hackt heute Holz hinter Hoffmanns Haus.

Hinter Hannes Hermanns Haus hängen hundert Hemden raus.

Kritze - kratzi macht die Katze mit der Tatze.

Mieze-mieze, Kätzchen, wie weich sind deine Tätzchen.

Sieben Schneeschipper schippen sieben Schippen Schnee.

Des Schneiders Schneidet scharf, scharf schneidet des Schneiders Schere.

Zwischen zwei Zwetschenzweigen saßen zwei zwitschernde Schwalben.

Zehn Ziegen ziehen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zug.
Selten esse ich Essig, ich esse Essig im Salat.

Wiener Waschweiber waschen weiße Wäsche, weiße Wäsche waschen Wiener Waschweiber.


Memorizing riddles in poetic form is no less useful than memorizing poetry. Riddles ensure long-term memorization and enrich our speech (RÄTSEL)

1. Im Garten steht ein schönes Haus,

die Kinder gehen ein und aus,

sie lernen, singen, turnen hier.

Wie heißt das Haus? Wer sagt mir?

2. Ich habe vier Füße und kann nicht gehen, ich werde niemals müde und werde immer stehen.

3. Beine hab ich und kann nicht gehen,

viele Menschen muss ich tragen,

in jedem Zimmer kannst du mich sehen.

4. Weich und rund, glatt und bunt, es springt hin, es springt her, dieses Rätsel ist nicht schwer!

5. Es ist kein Baum und hat doch Blätter, hat keinen Mund und spricht vom Wetter. Ja, es erzählt gar viele - Sachen: manche zum Weinen, und manche zum Lachen. (das Buch)

6. Was kann zu gleicher Zeit stehen und gehen, hängen und stehen, gehen und liegen?

7. Ich bin ein kleines Männchen, hab einen runden Kopf, und streicht man mir mein Köpfchen, gleich brennt der ganze Schopf.

(das Streichholz)

8. Sie stehen nah zusammen, aber sie können einander nicht sehen. Was it das?

9. Zwei Mütter haben jede fünf Söhne, und alle haben den gleichen Namen.

(die Hände und fünf Finger)

10. Einer spricht, zwei sehen und zwei hören.

(der Mund, die Augen, die Ohren)

11. Was ist aus Glas und sitzt auf der Nas"?

12. Es hat viele Häute und beißt alle Leute.

13. Ein Haus ist voll Essen und die Tür ist vergessen.

14. Du siehst: es steht bei Sonnenschein, zu Mittag ist es kurz und klein,

und wächst bei Sonnenuntergang, und wird gar wie ein Baum so lang.

15. Du siehst mich nicht, du hörst mich nicht, doch überall bin ich um dich,

Das Leben kann ich dir nicht geben, doch ohne mich kannst du nicht leben.

16. Aus den Wolken fliegt es, auf der Erde liegt es,

von den Bäumen fällt es, jedem Kind gefällt es.

In der Hand muss es zergehen, jeden Winter kannst du sehen.

(die Schneeflocke)

17. Wenn es regnet, ist es nass, wenn es schneit, ist es weiß, wenn es friert ist es Eis. (das Wasser)

18. Draußen steht ein weißer Mann, der sich niemals wärmen kann.

Wenn die Frühlingssonne scheint, schwitzt der weiße Mann und weint.

Er wird klein und immer kleiner. Sag, was it das wohl für einer?

(der Schneemann)

19. Erst weiß wie Schnee, dann grün wie Klee, dann rot wie Blut, schmeckt allen Kindern gut! (Kirsch)

20. Er hat nur eine kleine Tür und kann doch alles sehen. Die ganze weite Welt kann durch diese Tür reingehen.

21. Erst ist es grün, dann gelb und rot, und fliegt es weg, dann ist es tot!

22. Ach, ich liebe dich so sehr - weites, schönes, blaues... (Meer)

23. Da am Himmel in der Ferne blitzen große goldene…. (Sterne)

24. Lange Ohren, stumpfe Nase hat das Tierchen Namens... (Hase)

25. Vom Himmel fällt es und tut nicht, ist weiß und kalt, das ist der... (Schnee)

26. Sie gibt uns Milch und Butter und frisst gern Silofutter. (die Kuh)

27. Der Hund bewacht das Haus, die Katze fängt die... (Maus)

28. Dieses Kind mit Namen Klaus wohnt in einem schönen... (Haus)