Pension benefits for military veterans. Veterans of military service

1. According to Art. 22 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ “On Veterans” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Veterans), measures of social support for labor veterans, as well as citizens equated to them as of December 31, 2004, are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

List of social support measures (benefits) provided to labor veterans and persons equivalent to them in Moscow, in accordance with Art. 6 of the Moscow City Law of November 3, 2004 N 70 “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow” (hereinafter referred to as the Moscow City Law) is as follows:

the right to free travel in Moscow on all types of urban passenger transport (except taxis and minibuses);

the right to free travel by rail commuter transport;

50% discount on payment for housing and utilities;

monthly for telephone network subscribers monetary compensation to pay for local telephone services provided in Moscow in the amount of 190 rubles. The amount of said compensation for subsequent years is determined by the Moscow City Law on the Moscow City Budget for the next financial year and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Government;

free production and repair of dentures (except for the cost of paying the cost precious metals and metal ceramics);

providing, in the presence of medical indications, unemployed veterans of labor with free sanatorium and resort vouchers through the social protection authorities and reimbursement of expenses for long-distance railway travel to the place of treatment under the specified vouchers.

Please note that according to paragraph 2 of the above article of the Moscow Law, the listed benefits are provided to labor veterans after the assignment of a pension in accordance with Federal law dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On labor pensions V Russian Federation", and for labor veterans receiving pensions or lifelong allowance on other grounds, these benefits are provided upon reaching the age entitling them to an old-age pension in accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation.”

In addition, in accordance with clause 2, part 2, art. 10, clause 3, part 1, art. 11 of the Moscow Law, labor veterans living in Moscow are provided with a monthly city cash payment in the amount of 200 rubles.

2. The Veterans Law does not contain a list of benefits extended to veterans military service.

However, by virtue of clause 3 of Art. 10 of this law, measures of social support for veterans, including veterans of military service, may be established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and normative legal acts adopted in accordance with them.

So, for example, clause 2, part 1, art. 3 of the Moscow Law, veterans of military service are equal to veterans of labor, and the benefits provided to veterans of labor apply equally to veterans of military service.

3. The procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”, as well as measures of social support for labor veterans, are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 4 of Article 7 of the Law on Veterans).

For conferment of the title “Veteran of Labor” by virtue of paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 7 of the Law on Veterans, persons have the rights, including those who are veterans of military service, awarded orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation or awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental signs distinctions for merit in labor (service) and long-term work (service) of at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy) and having a labor (insurance) length of service taken into account for the assignment of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or the length of service necessary to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms; persons who started labor activity under age during the Great Patriotic War and having a labor (insurance) experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

Welcome to website. Every citizen who has a military service veteran certificate has the right to receive benefits for military service veterans.

The state does its best to provide assistance in many areas to this category of citizens. But not everyone knows full list benefits and benefits to which they are entitled.

First, you need to find out who receives military veteran status. At the moment, there are no problems in assigning it, since it is assigned in accordance with Law No. 5 “On Veterans”. The law stipulates who is eligible to receive military veteran status:

  1. Military of any type of troops.
  2. Employees of bodies in which you can serve.
  3. Citizens who were included in the Armed Forces of the CIS countries.
  4. Citizens who were awarded medals and orders of the USSR and Russia.
  5. Citizens who have departmental insignia.
  6. Citizens who were injured during service and became disabled.
  7. Retired military personnel, or those who have retired.

All listed citizens are veterans of military service. State and regional municipalities are responsible for providing benefits to this category of citizens. But it is worth knowing that a person has the right to apply for this status only if his total period of service in the military forces is more than 20 years, this condition becomes the main one.

All rights and benefits are established on the basis of Presidential Decree No. 501 “On approval of the procedure and conditions for conferring the title of veteran of military service.” This law also prescribes how to obtain the title “Veteran of Military Service”.

To obtain status, a person needs to write an application at the territorial office of the Pension Fund or in the human resources department at the place of work. A package is attached to the application necessary documents. Within 21 days, all documents will be reviewed by the administration, where a positive or negative decision for conferment of this title.

If a positive decision is made, the person will be awarded this title and issued a confirming certificate. The certificate is an official document that has no limited validity period and is valid throughout our country. The certificate specifies all the basic powers of the veteran. For the document to be authentic, it must be signed by the employee who issues it and the veteran himself, after which three seals are placed on it.

If a person is denied status, he should receive a letter about this, which will indicate the reason for the refusal and references to the laws on the basis of which he was refused.

What laws govern benefits?

Today, many categories of citizens require government support, and military veterans are no exception. Therefore, there are a number of laws on the basis of which benefits are granted to veterans of military service in 2020, such laws include:

  • Law of the Russian Federation No. 35 of January 12, 1995.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 19, 1995.

A short list of benefits for military veterans

It is established at the legislative level what benefits a military service veteran has; the following types are currently available: state support this category of citizens:

  1. Tax benefits are provided on the basis of federal and regional laws.
  2. Pension provision and payment of benefits.
  3. Obtaining and maintaining housing.
  4. Help with paying utility bills.
  5. Providing medical care.
  6. Preferential purchase of medicines and medical products in accordance with government regulations.
  7. Provision of prosthetic and orthopedic services.
  8. Funeral services include compensation for the transportation and burial of a deceased veteran, as well as the installation of a tombstone.

Tax preferences

The government decree spells out everything tax benefits veterans of military service. This document states that every veteran with 20 years of service can submit documents for compensation. To receive compensation, a citizen must be among:

  • Persons who were dismissed from the ranks of the military due to the onset of retirement age.
  • Persons who were dismissed with retirement due to length of service.
  • Persons who were laid off due to staff reduction.
  • Persons who were fired due to a serious illness or health condition.

To apply for this compensation, a person needs to write an application, to which is attached a tax notice, a document confirming the payment of tax, and a document that confirms the person’s status and his right to receive this compensation.

Military veterans are exempt from paying state fees in courts

The Tax Code stipulates that a veteran does not pay state duties for cases that are considered in military courts of the Russian Federation, magistrates' courts and courts of general jurisdiction.

Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 333.36, if a veteran files statement of claim value less than 1,000,000 rubles to a magistrate’s court or a court of general jurisdiction, then he does not need to pay a state fee.

The exemption from paying the fee applies to property claims, or if the claim contains both property and non-property claims.

Social benefits

Military veterans have the right to social support, which includes:

  • Pension payments.
  • Benefits for funeral services.
  • The right to receive 60 days of leave once a year.
  • Increased pension.

The state also provides benefits to veterans of military service in Moscow and the region. Today, this category of citizens receives the following types of social benefits:

  • Provision of living quarters.
  • Help with housing and communal services payments.
  • Service in all medical institutions without waiting lists.
  • Benefits and pensions are calculated in increased amounts.
  • Assistance with the funeral of a veteran.
  • Assistance in purchasing medications and means for the rehabilitation of a veteran.
  • Tax benefits.
  • Free dental prosthetics.

Veterans receive all benefits provided in full. Moscow veterans also have the right to free travel on public transport, compensation for costs when using a landline telephone and radio, as well as the right to free trip for treatment in a sanatorium.

Housing benefits

In our country, housing benefits are provided to military pensioners and veterans of military service; at the moment they are considered one of the most popular services, these include:

  • Payment of 50% of the total cost of housing and communal services.
  • Providing housing by providing a ready-made apartment or allocating funds for the construction of a house if a veteran is recognized as in need of housing.

Also, in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow government, veterans living in the capital have the right to receive the following housing benefits:

  • 50% discount on housing costs.
  • Payment of 50% of utilities, which includes payment for electricity, heating, gas, sewerage, hot and cold water. Payment is made within the limits of the standard area of ​​​​residential premises and the standards for the consumption of utilities.
  • 50% discount on payment for removal of household waste and disposal of solid waste.

Medical care and medications

Veterans of military service have the right to receive benefits in the medical field; in accordance with the law, this category of citizens is provided with the following types of medical support:

  • Medical care in public clinics is provided free of charge. This benefit does not apply to private and commercial clinics.
  • Appointments with a doctor are made out of turn.
  • Some medications are provided to veterans on a preferential basis, that is, with discounts.
  • Free access to some categories of dentures; the state does not pay for dentures that contain expensive materials, such as gems and metal ceramics.

Regional support measures are established by the authorities of a certain region. These measures do not become mandatory. That is, the region accepts independent decision whether they will act or not. This happens due to the fact that the allocation of financial resources is carried out not from the federal budget, but from the local one.

If the region considers it possible to provide certain benefits, then they will work in the region. If there are no regional benefits, then the person receives only benefits that are established at the federal level.

Veterans who live in Moscow are entitled to receive the following regional benefits:

  • Travel by public and intercity transport, and railway transport.
  • Compensation of 50% of the cost of renting housing and its repairs.
  • If a veteran is officially recognized as needy, he can apply for his own apartment.
  • Benefits for paying for housing and communal services.
  • Dental prosthetics are provided free of charge.
  • Joining various cooperatives on preferential terms.
  • Discount when using telephone service.
  • Benefits according to transport tax veterans of military service.

All listed benefits are regulated by Law No. 70.

In St. Petersburg, veterans of this category are provided with the following social benefits:

  • Monthly payments of a set amount.
  • Payment of utilities with a 50% discount.
  • Travel tickets on a discounted basis.
  • During the summer season, discounts on transport.
  • Exemption from payment of tax on transport if its power does not exceed 80 horsepower.

Such benefits do not exist in all regions of the country; in the Sverdlovsk region, veterans of this category are equated with labor veterans.

In the Perm region and many other regions of the country, the benefits are the same, the difference is only in the amount of the monthly allowance. The Nizhny Novgorod region provides benefits for the purchase of vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts.

Compensation for housing and communal services is a discount of half the cost of electricity, gas, water and heat. IN in this case changes were made, previously veterans already received a receipt for the calculated half of the cost of services, but now they pay the receipts in full, but then receive 50% compensation for them.

Financial support for the family

The country has benefits that are aimed at the veteran’s family. That is, the wife of a serviceman, who was with him in hot spots, gets three years of service added.

If the husband dies, the wife has the right to a survivor's pension. In this case, the deceased’s pension or funds from the Pension Fund will be paid. The size of the pension in this case will be influenced by rank, salary, length of service and other factors. This pension is paid only until the second marriage, if any.

If a wife needs to come to her husband’s burial place, travel is provided free of charge.

If a person dies in service or receives an injury that results in death, then his family receives insurance payment, which is equally divided among all his family members.

Free public transport in Moscow

Few people know what benefits a military veteran is entitled to in the transport sector. This category of citizens has the right to free travel on public transport. This benefit operates on trains and buses, both in the capital itself and throughout the region. Many minibuses also provide this benefit.

It is often said that transport benefits will be abolished, but such a law has not entered into force, which means that veterans of the capital have the right to use this support and not pay for travel.

How to apply for a benefit

At the legislative level, it is spelled out not only who has the right to the title of veteran of military service, but also how the required benefits should be formalized.

To receive benefits you must complete the following steps:

  1. The applicant must write an application for benefits and attach the necessary documents to it.
  2. Contact the social security department, Pension fund, management company or tax authorities, depending on how the benefit is issued.
  3. Wait for an answer. There are cases when a veteran is denied these benefits, but this requires justified reasons.

There are almost never any problems with applying for benefits; they can only arise when collecting the necessary documentation.

Each type of benefit may require different documents. But most often the following package is required:

  • Application for benefits.
  • Passport.
  • SNILS.
  • Veteran's ID.
  • The account to which compensation will be transferred.
  • Documents for payment of tax fees - for tax benefits.
  • Certificate of ownership of the car - for transport tax.
  • Pension certificate, if available.
  • Work book.

The social security department requires a complete list of documents. Veterans of military service are eligible for all benefits that have been listed. The list of benefits to date has not changed, either at the federal or regional levels.

In the course of their activities, military personnel have the opportunity to demonstrate heroism, professional knowledge, valor, and courage. The experience and skills of those who have given a huge part of their lives to military service are especially valued. As a sign of gratitude and respect, various medals are established by the Ministry of Defense or public organizations. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, upon the recommendation of the unit command, a current or former serviceman may receive a medal as a veteran of the Russian Armed Forces as a reward.

Exterior design

The classic form of the “Veteran of the Russian Armed Forces” medal is a circle. The fusion of copper, nickel and zinc is called new silver. Nickel silver has the characteristic silvery sheen of a noble metal, but due to the listed components it is its inexpensive analogue. The diameter of the medal is 32 mm, which is considered a template. The obverse is represented by the symbol of the Armed Forces, for which the image of a double-headed eagle is used. On the chest there is an image of St. George the Victorious with a striking spear. In the center of the circle in the form of an engraving there is the inscription: “RUSSIA”. Along the perimeter of the lower semicircle there is a ribbon containing the name of the medal: “Veteran of the Armed Forces.”

The reverse of the medal is decorated with a map of the Russian Federation in the form of a border outline. The inscription consists of two parts. At the top is part of the phrase: “In memory,” and at the bottom is its continuation: “about the service.” Under appearance a certain standard is implied not only for the medal itself, but also for its pad. A silver, metallic moire ribbon is used as a background. The border of the ribbon is decorated with longitudinal stripes on both sides. The right side is framed by red stripes, and the left side is framed by yellow-black stripes, as a symbol St. George's ribbon. In general, the color of the ribbon and the color of the medal are almost the same. A medal with the appropriate certificate is awarded. His form contains all the information about the awardee.

Awarding the title of Armed Forces Veteran

Full compliance with veteran status is stipulated in the law of the same name dated 1995. Moreover, not only military personnel can be considered veterans, but also categories that are equated to them, these are employees of internal agencies, special services and other law enforcement agencies. Since Russia is considered the successor of the Soviet Union, this status can be obtained by a military personnel who served in the Russian Federation or in the USSR.

Citizens of the CIS countries are awarded a medal only if they already have similar awards or orders established by structures of the Russian Federation or the USSR. A citizen who has given more than 20 years of his life to military service deserves the right to receive the title of veteran.

In the absence of such a long military service, there are several more rules for assigning veteran status. Participants in armed conflicts both on the territory of the Russian Federation and in battles outside its borders can count on it. To be awarded this award, it is not at all necessary that a citizen be enrolled in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Persons in reserve can also be awarded the title of veteran.

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Award procedure

The initiator for awarding a citizen with the medal “Veteran of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” is the military commissariat or other executive authorities in regions where military service is provided. The legislative basis for the award procedure is the Presidential Decree of 1995, registered under number 501.

If a citizen independently takes the initiative, he must draw up an appropriate application and attach to it documentary evidence of the right to the title of veteran. After contacting the military registration and enlistment office, you will have to wait about three weeks for the information provided to be processed.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that checking the relevance of information and processing it are two different things, so the general period for making a decision on an award is about a month. The award process will be carried out within the specified period, at the personal initiative of the citizen, but may be timed to national holiday on the initiative of the military registration and enlistment office.

Benefits for veterans

In most cases, a citizen whose track record includes a large number of awards has the right to receive certain benefits from the state under several headings at once. Unfortunately, they either cannot be summed up or are only partially summed up. Then a war participant, a WWII veteran or a wounded serviceman must choose for himself larger-scale preferences from the state.

The status of an Armed Forces veteran was considered as the status of a labor veteran. This is where certain controversial issues arose. The question was whether the benefits overlap or are considered separately? Today there are such controversial issues can be avoided, since all state guarantees for military pensioners are strictly regulated.

  • In the regions, according to internal regulations, some tax benefits are provided for military veterans. That is, there is no unified federal legislation regulating benefits in this area, however, preferences for property taxes are provided at the level of local governments.
  • Federal law defines additional payments to pensions for military personnel who are combatants or veterans of the armed forces.
  • Certain benefits are also provided for obtaining living space. Thus, participants in various government programs may have privileges in the priority of housing provision or in increasing the total amount of the subsidy.
  • A citizen awarded the Armed Forces Veteran Medal has the right to receive free medical care. Standards of medical care are similar to those for combatants. They include treatment in a military hospital, a free package of medicines and free prosthetics.

Separately, it is necessary to emphasize that in the matter of monthly payments the following applies: regional component, this means that a fixed additional payment is determined by decree of the Governor to the due pension.