The guy is reluctant to answer messages. Here's what not to do when he doesn't respond to your text.

Before you start freaking out about this, let me save you from disaster by asking you not to do the following:

You write a message to your boyfriend, lover, ex, acquaintance, friend you like, and do not receive an answer. Before you start freaking out about this, let me save you from disaster by asking you not to do the following:

1. Don't text it to your friends.

Do you want them to know you as a crazy hysterical woman? You should never contact a guy's friends to find out why he isn't responding to you. Not only will they consider you intrusive, but they will also simply ignore your message or laugh at it in a large company.

2. Do not duplicate your messages on different social networks.

If you wrote an SMS to a guy, then you don’t need to duplicate it online. Even if it's online. He received your message. And if he doesn't answer, then he has a reason. And the fact that you also write to him on FB or VK will only reduce his desire to answer you.

3. Don't call from an unidentified number.

You might want to call him from someone else's number - you know, just to know that he's alive and doesn't want to answer you specifically. But such a strategy will also only distance him from you. He will understand that it is you calling. Don't get so desperate.

4. Don't go where he might be.

Even if you know where he hangs out on Friday nights, don't go there specifically to run into him. You will only embarrass yourself in front of his friends, and this may be the last time you meet.

5. Don't bombard him with messages.

If you've already sent one message and he hasn't responded, don't write him another one. It's just the kiss of death. He may eventually answer, but only so that you leave him alone. Forever. So it's better not to bombard him with messages.

6. Don't make hints on social networks.

Of course you get angry when he doesn't answer you. Yes, if he’s still online. And to attract his attention, you post some unambiguous ma’am. But this will not make him answer you faster. This will only show him that you are an immature emotional girl.

7. Don't worry about it.

There could be a million reasons why he doesn't respond, so don't torture yourself with such trifles.

8. No need to sit and wait.

Keep yourself busy and then you will forget about all the unanswered messages.

You can always find a reason to worry. For suspicious people, any event can become a reason for worry.

However, sometimes even the most persistent and unemotional girls and women have bad thoughts, for example, why a man does not respond to SMS. This is especially suspicious if there are no apparent reasons for this. Here you can think of anything: your phone was stolen, you ran out of money, it’s out of range, the battery is dead, and so on. However, the reasons may be more prosaic, for example, the guy is simply tired of your relationship.

Everything is fine

If nothing foreshadowed trouble, then there is no trouble. Yes, the guy simply does not attach the same importance to SMS that you reward him with. For him, the telephone is just a means of communication and nothing more. He won’t write you a message in response to every “How are you, darling.” He's doing well. There's just no time to do such nonsense. And don’t even think about attacking him at the first meeting with reproaches - men have real men’s affairs, and not all that fuss-pussy stuff.

By the way, You can really irritate him with your messages. In any case, when it turns out that this is your case, you need to talk to your boyfriend about this topic. You can say that you are pleased when he writes to you, because this indicates reciprocity of feelings. Promise yourself not to text too often.

He is no longer interested in you, so he does not respond to SMS

This is also a fairly common reason, especially if the relationship is completely green. You just met a guy, you seemed to go on a first date, which was quite interesting. And suddenly there was no answer or greeting from him. If it seems to you that he, like you, exclusively enjoyed the communication, you are greatly mistaken. He looked closely at you and drew conclusions. Apparently, you said too much unnecessary things, maybe you drank a little too much and allowed him too much. If he got everything he expected from your relationship, you will no longer receive messages or calls from him.

The guy just doesn't know what to say

If a man does not answer, there is no need to write to him again and again. Maintain your dignity, don’t bother him, don’t ask unnecessary questions. Maybe he just doesn't know what to answer you. Not all men are decisive and self-confident. Sometimes they too fall into a stupor.

It’s easier for you, as a woman, to adapt to his rhythm of communication than for him to chase you at fifth speed. Let him determine the dynamics himself, and you find yourself more interesting activity than sending a guy SMS messages. Then you both will enjoy

"Hi, how are you?".

“Did you receive my message?”

“I don't understand what's going on. Reply as soon as you receive this message!”

“Okay, I understand. Bye".

We've all experienced the uncomfortable silence of someone we like or would like to be in a relationship with.

You sent him a message or SMS and are sure that he read it (damn technology), but there is still no response. Panic seizes you, and your friends witness your despair.

Why don't men respond to messages?

First, you need to realize that men approach communication (and especially written messages) differently. Women tend to exaggerate the importance of this means of communication, believing that it clearly demonstrates our attention and interest. Men, on the other hand, don't view texts or other small messages as a barometer of a relationship.

But don't despair, there are still several possible explanations. Here are the 10 most plausible reasons for silence!

1. He prefers face-to-face communication

The man doesn't answer right away because he knows it will lead to a conversation and he doesn't want to start a text chat. Or he just doesn't like texting and prefers a real face-to-face conversation instead of trying to figure out the meaning of your emojis. Hence his laconic answers (if any).

2. He doesn't really know what he wants at the moment, so he's avoiding you.

You texted all day long for a week and suddenly there was dead silence. In fact, he may feel some pressure from you because he understands that things are moving quickly and he needs to make a decision regarding possible relationships. In short, he does not yet know what he wants and therefore prefers to remain neutral.

3. He's testing you to see if you're really interested in him.

We are not alone in wanting to feel like “prey”; men also love to play cat and mouse. If he feels that you are not too interested in him or show little initiative, he may try to revive his interest by playing the silent game.

4. He is (really) busy

He saw the message, but after work he was caught up in the whirlpool of meetings and events and therefore will respond late at night or the next day. Have patience!

5. He is offended by something

Try to remember if you may have said or done something offensive. Men are not very good at expressing what they feel and prefer the easy way out - ignoring them. Give it time to cool down!

6. He loves to conquer a woman

Perhaps this man loves to conquer, and in your case he feels that everything has been won in advance. In other words, don't chase him, but play and maintain some mystery.

7. He doesn't want a serious relationship and is trying to make you understand it.

If you spent the night together and it seems to you that this is the beginning serious relationship, whereas this is not at all in his plans. By responding to messages, a man will give false hope, which is why he chooses the strategy of silence, believing that this is more eloquent than any words.

8. He is not free

It's sad, but at least it won't hurt your ego as much. The other girl turned out to be more fortunate, being earlier than you at the right time and in the right place. If a man periodically appears from time to time and offers to meet, we can conclude that he often takes walks. Do you need this kind of relationship?

9. He is no longer interested in you.

Yes, it's terrible, but sometimes it's the simplest explanation. If you feel that the relationship cannot be returned, the best thing you can do is delete his number and move on. Brace yourself, it happens to everyone!

10. He thinks his silence will signal your breakup.

Even worse than being dumped via text is being dumped by not texting. People's cowardice sometimes reaches unprecedented heights simply because it is easier for them! They know very well that a ton of explanation will be required and that they will have no arguments. And the silence seems the best solution, because this way they will avoid scandals and tears.

Women in relationships are very suspicious and restless. They see problems and warning signs in every little thing. For example, many people panic about the question of why a man does not answer messages and calls. Is it worth worrying so much about this? What are the possible reasons for this?

Phone problems

The first thing that should come to mind when thinking about why a man doesn’t respond to messages is problems with his phone. The mobile phone could simply run out of charge or remain out of sight (audibility) of the owner. After all, gadgets tend to break down, fall, drown, and so on. And of course, you shouldn’t write off attackers who are greedy for other people’s smartphones.

Thus, before stressing yourself out, think about the objective reasons for silence and wait a few hours. This is a common everyday situation that can happen to anyone (including you).


If you are trying to contact a gentleman during working hours, it is foolish to be surprised and perplexed why the man does not answer messages and calls. A man is a breadwinner, so it’s stupid to blame him for preferring work to communicating with you. In addition, some professions require complete concentration (doctor, accountant, etc.) or even refusal to use the phone while working job responsibilities(for example, a lifeguard). Thus, you must respect your date's busy schedule.

If your lover is having a day off, he might just be meeting up with a friend. Agree, it is not very decent to chat on the phone or write SMS during live communication. After all, he just might be in the bathroom. Before you panic, just think about how many times in your life there are times when you feel completely uncomfortable texting or talking on the phone.

Lack of interest

If a man does not respond to messages and calls for a long time, this may be a reason to seriously think about it (especially if you have known each other only recently). It is possible that he is not interested in you. Unfortunately, not all people are tactful and well-mannered enough to politely explain the situation and, without offending, refuse to communicate. Many people simply prefer to ignore persistent ladies.

This disappointing option should never be dismissed. Still you must have a feeling self-esteem. Stop calling your man and bombarding him with messages. By doing this, you not only irritate him, but also expose yourself in an unsightly light.

Frivolous attitude

A common reason why a man does not respond to messages is banal frivolity. The fact is that the stronger sex is a much simpler people than women. A man can read a message and forget about it for several hours, without even writing a short reply. Exactly until he is in the mood and wants to communicate with you. Unfortunately, some gentlemen sincerely do not understand the feelings of women who can “hypnotize” their phone for hours, suffering while waiting for an answer.


They say that women are often offended over trifles. Nevertheless, in matters of touchiness, representatives of the stronger sex can give a head start to the ladies. Often it is for this reason that men do not respond to messages and calls from their other halves. IN in this case All that remains is to wait until your lover moves away from the conflict and calms down. And you will have time to analyze the situation and draw conclusions from it for the future.


If you don’t understand why a man doesn’t immediately respond to a message, try to carefully read what was written again. The fact is that in a fit of emotion, a woman can compose something so profound and confusing that a representative of the stronger sex (whose thinking is structured somewhat differently) simply will not understand what exactly you want. Of course, you can ask a clarifying question, but some choose to ignore what they cannot decipher.

If, after re-reading the text of the SMS, you find it too ornate, try duplicating the message, but somewhat shorter and in a simplified form.


If you're worried that ex-man does not respond to messages, think about whether your further communication is advisable. Perhaps the gentleman decided not. And it may not be a matter of resentment or neglect. It is possible that he already has new lover and he fears that correspondence with his ex could become a reason for jealousy and conflict.

How to respond to silence

What should a woman’s reaction be if a man does not immediately respond to messages and calls (or does not respond at all)? You definitely shouldn’t get all worked up, get offended, and accuse your gentleman of all mortal sins. Here are some recommendations you should listen to:

  • Analyze your message and call history. How often do you write or call your man? How often does the initiative come from you? It is possible that you are too persistent and even intrusive. Some men find this unpleasant, and some are simply put off by it.
  • Think carefully about what to write, reread the message several times before sending. An incoherent or overly emotional flow of words is not the best best option to start correspondence. Even if you are overly excited or angry, try to express your thoughts briefly and clearly. Although if a man ignores incomprehensible messages without trying to clarify their meaning or put you at ease, think about it. Perhaps he doesn't take you seriously.
  • Don't rush to conclusions. When your boyfriend does get in touch, you shouldn’t attack him with accusations. Calmly and politely try to find out the reason for his silence, motivating him with excitement. Perhaps there really is an objective explanation for this behavior, which absolves the “defendant” of all blame.
  • Call back. A short signal about a message may simply not be heard if the phone is in a pocket, bag or another room. Perhaps, instead of languishing while waiting for an answer, you should just call.
  • Try to smooth things over. If the reason for your gentleman's silence is a quarrel, think about whether this situation is your fault. It may be worth putting pride and principles aside, asking for forgiveness for words spoken in the heat of the moment.


Of course, every woman wants love and romance, and therefore, having met her prince, she tries to surround him with care and attention (which in modern world finds its expression, in particular, in calls and SMS). But do not forget that this desire must be mutual. If you constantly initiate communication, if a man often ignores your messages and calls for no apparent reason, this is a reason to think about it. Think about whether he is interested in you. Have the wisdom and pride not to impose yourself on a person who does not want to communicate with you or takes your attention for granted.

Hello it's again Lesha Dar.

In this article, I will answer the question “ Why doesn't the man respond to messages?»

By the way, if you want find the man you love


I'll answer you personally.

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

So there are 2 types of men, these are real worthy men and weaklings(selfish) people who only think about their own skin don’t care about the girl!

And so that you understand me, I will give several examples from life!

Situation No. 1 (worthy man)

The man met you and he really liked you, and so he invited you on a first date.

And here you are walking because of your great love ( since before this you haven’t dated a guy for three years, and you haven’t had sex for about the same amount), you start complimenting him, looking at him with super loving eyes!

You constantly flatter him very clumsily(that any fool will notice this), although you are seeing the guy for the first time and know absolutely nothing about him...

After the meeting, you start bombarding him with thousands of text messages(in which you confess how much you adore and love him, etc.), constantly calling him on business and without business!

And then the guy understands that this girl is sick, she is very needy and obsessed with him, and concludes that she should stay away from such a girl!

And he calls her and says, that they are different and do not suit each other!

But since the girl is sick with this guy, she ignores this phrase and continues to flood him with SMS, but the guy no longer answers them!

To become successful in a relationship with strong man, you urgently need to develop femininity and work on yourself (I write how to do this in my newsletter, now it’s free)

So, back to the question " The man does not answer messages and calls, why?»

Situation No. 2 (selfish)

A man met you and he liked you very much, because you super figure, has breasts and a beautiful butt (that’s quite enough for him).

And the first 2 days (on longer time it's missing) this guy plays the role of a super strong guy, he takes care of you, takes you to places where you have never been before, tells fables, what a great and cheerful fellow he is.

And over time, you begin to trust such a man, and little by little you get used to him.

He takes you to an expensive restaurant pays for everything in full and takes you home by car. In general, you find yourself in a fairy tale, since you haven’t had something like this for a very long time!

And then it comes to sex, you get a lot of emotions because the sex is just incredible, and then he takes you home and disappears forever, since he got everything he wanted from you!

You start writing and calling him, but he doesn’t respond to SMS and doesn’t pick up the phone! And this is where the whole fairy tale ends!

Conclusion: If you have lost your femininity and ability to understand men, and you also don’t understand at all how to behave with a strong man, then in the end you will be alone and unhappy all the time!

This article is just a small part of what is on my site, it contains a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics that interest you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with a man, without wasting your time.


By the way, if you want find the man you love or want to change your boyfriend/husband in better side right now then


If you have a question for me, then write, I I'll answer you personally. I have been giving advice to girls for 5 years, I have a huge experience. (all confidential). Copy my email from here below and write.

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

What girls say about the articles:

“Thank you so much Lesha!!! The advice from your articles is useful, it changes your own psychology and attitude towards the world and men. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thank you!”
Anna, Ukraine

“Lesha, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of how girls behave with guys. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with men and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)”
Katya, Minsk.