Report from the head of the weaving club in kindergarten. Report on the "Merry Crafts" club

Report on club work for the 2013-2014 academic year
IN preparatory group №4
The purpose of the circle work I conducted in preparatory group No. 4 was to create conditions for the child’s creative self-realization.
The club's activities were carried out in accordance with the long-term plan drawn up by me for the 2013-2014 academic year. In accordance with the purpose of the circle work, the following tasks were set and completed:
 expanding knowledge and skills fine arts;
 training in how to work with tools;
 training in the ability to plan your work;
 training in techniques and technology for making compositions; studying the properties of various materials;
 training in how to work with various materials;
 training in techniques for independently developing crafts.
 development of artistic taste and creative potential in children;
 development of imaginative thinking and imagination;
 creating conditions for students’ self-development;
 development in children of aesthetic perception of the world around them;
 training in techniques teamwork, self-control and mutual control.
 fostering respect for work and working people;
 education of hard work and accuracy;
 development of activity and independence;
 fostering a culture of communication and the ability to work in a team.
I planned the work in the circle so that it would not duplicate the main program material, but that the classes would expand and deepen the information on working with paper and cardboard, natural materials, foil and candy wrappers, shells and sand, salt dough, colored threads, shells, corrugated paper. The work of the circle was organized taking into account the experience of children and their age characteristics. With children who do not have the skills to work with paper, foil and other materials, I started with simpler crafts.
Working in the “Masterilka” circle provided an excellent means of developing creativity, mental abilities, aesthetic taste, as well as the design thinking of children.
The proposed program had an artistic and aesthetic orientation, which was an important direction in development and education. The program assumed the development of artistic taste in children and creativity.
The “Masterilka” circle program was designed for children aged 6-7 years. The program is designed for 1 year: September-May, once a week, 30 minutes club lesson, (Tuesday or Thursday).
Practical exercises make up a large part of the program.
The group consists of 26 people.
The circle was divided into two subgroups, 13 children each.
One subgroup for one week.
The leading idea of ​​this program was also achieved. (Creating a comfortable communication environment, developing the abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization).
The structure of each lesson included motor minutes, which avoided overwork and relieved emotional stress in children, which contributed to the activation of various analytical systems, and therefore faster and better perception of program material. Motor minutes were spent in the form of exercises of the main type of movements, outdoor games, game exercises, finger and breathing exercises, speech motor games, motor tasks, accompanied by texts related or not related to the content of the lesson. Conducted vocabulary work on unfamiliar expressions.
During a circle class, children in game form consolidated the knowledge acquired in classes according to the main training program. The children waited with great pleasure and worked with me in completely different directions and techniques for performing work.
As a result of studying under this program
Children have developed:
- attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination;
- fine motor skills hand and eye;
- artistic taste, creativity and imagination;
mastered work culture skills; improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.
- safety precautions when working with tools;
- product manufacturing techniques;
- various techniques for working with paper, natural materials, foil, candy wrappers, shells, salt dough, fabric and threads, shells;
- information about souvenirs.
will be able to:
- use templates correctly;
- aesthetically design the product;
- focus on product quality;
The principles, basic methods and forms of work, requirements for the level of training of preschoolers, and the expected results underlying the program have been completely fulfilled and implemented by me. The assigned tasks have been completed, but I believe that it is necessary to continue to develop in children the skills of creating conditions for creative self-realization.
Photo report
"The Frog Princess"

"Sea Pot"

Our “Magic Butterflies”

And also “Unusual vase”

There was time for rest

"Extraordinary Snowflakes"

They also made a Christmas tree

There was a time for animals

We made a heart for mom and gave it to her

Well, dad’s jacket was made by working hard

They even decorated the eggs and didn’t get tired of it

We loved to work and play

Working with natural materials

Working with threads and napkins

We made our own personalized “See you soon” palms as a souvenir

report on the work done by the circle" Skillful hands"Report on the work done by the "Skillful Hands" circle. Teacher of the first category Elena Gennadievna Safronova MBDOU No. 25 of the combined type, Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region Dear colleagues! I present to you the experience of the "Skillful Hands" circle in working with children in the field of "Artistic and Aesthetic development.” I have been leading the “Skillful Hands” club since 2013 with older children. preschool age. In our kindergarten There is an island of creativity where it is interesting for both children and adults - this is the creative workshop “Skillful Hands”, which is designed for children of senior preschool age. The age of children is determined by a significant increase in physical capabilities, especially the active development of small muscles of the hands, a change in psychological position and the desire to show their individuality and creative abilities. The development of creative abilities is a process that must begin from childhood. Some children do not have developed imagination, willpower, perseverance, and at this stage I activated their potential with older preschoolers. The relevance of the “Skillful Hands” circle program lies in the fact that it provides an opportunity for the teacher to take an individual approach to each child, reveal his personal inclinations, and instill a love for folk art, develop artistic and aesthetic taste. The main goal in working with preschoolers is to help the child feel like a creator. And since children are naturally endowed with bright abilities, the task of adults: both teachers and parents: to interest the child artistic activity, awaken the desire to create various crafts, develop the most important mental processes: imagination, thinking, help master simple manual operations, prepare the child for school. To implement your plan, depending on the assigned tasks, various methods are used: verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story); visual (display of multimedia materials, illustrations, observation); practical (performing work according to instruction cards, maps); The work plan of the circle was developed in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN. The duration of classes is no more than 25-30 minutes. The composition of the mini-group of simultaneously working children changes. Classic themes for children's crafts are themes based on the time of year. Along with being used as a picture on the wall or in other decorations, crafts can also serve a great gift; And of course, the holidays that everyone adores, starting with Christmas (“Feather Fantasies”), Mother’s Day (making cards for mothers) and ending with other, no less beloved holidays, offer an abundance of all kinds of topics for creativity. Recommendations for fellow educators: children can play with crafts made play corners, do it at home with parents, and teachers with other children in their free time in individual work. You can use various materials. In working with children the following were used: - individual work, - excursions to: school No. 12, city park, creative center "Rainbow", - work with parents; making costumes for a fairy tale show for children, for a costume contest from waste material, making creative Christmas trees. Great job was held with parents: in the corner for parents there were video consultations “Motor skills and its role in the development of a child”, “Developing interest in working with paper”, “Paper crafts (quilling)”. Final exhibition for parents “City of Masters”. The joint work of parents and children in making crafts satisfies the child’s need for active activity, the desire to complete the work, and gives a real embodiment of thoughts and imagination. Forms of work used in the circle: - looking at illustrations, - watching a video about reverse sculpting, - getting to know the method of working with quilling paper, and more. Some children do not have developed imagination, willpower, perseverance, and therefore, while making various crafts in a circle, children not only perform certain movements, they also learn to analyze the task, plan the course of its implementation, and think about the arrangement of various materials. At the end of the school year it was compiled long-term plan for the next school year based on a survey of children and their interests. They were most interested in working with paper using the quilling technique. The final events were: *exhibition of children's works for children; *exhibition of children's works for parents and other educators. IN summer period Together with the parents, a group plot was designed using waste material. Work with waste materials continued in the creative workshop “Fairytale Crafts Workshop”.

Report of the “Skillful Hands” circle from 2012-2013.

The “Skillful Hands” circle in the preparatory group began its work in September 2012. 10 people attended the circle, 1 time per week (4 times a month - 32 lessons per year for 30 minutes). Having determined the direction of my work, I began to implement them.

The classes used games and gaming techniques that create a relaxed creative atmosphere and promote the development of imagination.

Dialogues in the classroom between the teacher and the child were aimed at joint discussion of the situation and require the active participation of both parties. Conversation is one of the main methods of forming moral and evaluative criteria in children. A conversation on the topic “why do you like...” or “why don’t you like...” with the help of leading questions encourages the child to comprehend the object. It is necessary for the child to clarify for himself the criteria by which he evaluates the subject.

Much attention was paid creative works. This allows you to combine all the acquired knowledge and skills with your own imagination and imaginative thinking, and forms creative and cognitive activity in the child. Visual aids were widely used during the learning process. This helps reduce the time for presenting the theory.

The purpose of my work is: the development of creative abilities in preschool children through artistic work.


1. Development of creative abilities in children, originality of approach to

2. Improving fine motor skills of the hand;

3. Formation of skills and abilities to work with various materials,

4. Developing accuracy and independence.

The work reveals organizational and substantive approaches to organizing work with preschool children to develop creative abilities through educational, developmental, play activity in the production of crafts from non-traditional artistic materials on the basis of a free additional service at the preschool educational institution: in the “Skillful Hands” circle.

The program provides methods and technologies for solving pedagogical problems aimed at developing the creative abilities of a preschooler through productive activities in independent activity, joint activities child with a teacher.

Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

Generalization of the results of the implementation of pedagogical experience.

Expected results of work

1. Children's creative abilities are developed; originality of approach to

Solving problems, the ability to freely navigate the world around them;

2. Improved fine motor skills of the hand;

3. Developed skills and abilities to work with various materials,

Devices and tools;

4. Developed accuracy and independence when performing creative tasks.

The development of the creative abilities of preschoolers took place in the conditions of one or another activity while mastering socially developed means. However in the best possible way this was facilitated by the children’s practical activities, including classes manual labor. Making crafts from various materials (paper, woolen threads, salt dough, plant fruits, waste material, etc.) fully met the needs, interests and capabilities of preschool children. Such work, due to its accessibility, high efficiency and expediency, allowed the child to directly implement his plans, improve, create and see the final product

In the process of manual labor, conditions were created for the development of an analytical-synthetic way of thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination, and improving the cognitive and artistic-constructive abilities of children. This, in turn, ensured successful mastery of more complex educational material.

In the process of studying in the “Skillful Hands” circle, through artistic work, all mental processes were formed in preschool children, developing creative abilities and a positive-emotional perception of the world around them.

The formation of labor skills and abilities took place in a single process of familiarizing children with creativity, culture and aesthetic values.

At the end of the school year, preschool children can:

Possess basic labor skills when working with paper, cardboard, salt dough, self-adhesive paper, woolen threads, natural materials, waste materials and tools such as (scissors).

Follow the rules for the safe use of scissors and glue;

Plan work, clearly talk about the main stages of implementing the plan;

Cut the paper according to the marks;

Work with plasticine and salt dough using parallel and circular rolling techniques;

Make crafts from natural and waste materials.

They have skills that ensure work culture at all stages of the labor process: economical use of material; careful handling of tools; maintaining order in the workplace.

Summarizing the results of the initial diagnosis of creative abilities, it should be stated that one child’s creative abilities in manual labor are at a low level, in most of the children examined, creative abilities in manual labor are at an average (imitative-performing) level, in four at the highest level.

The organization of the work of the artistic circle “Skillful Hands” with preschool children activated the creative potential of children: the crafts performed by the children were enriched with new original images, the skills and abilities acquired in the process of making crafts from various materials were consolidated, and also contributed to the development of manual skill, independence, perseverance, creating the opportunity to use products of one’s own creativity in the game, theatrical activities in the group.

In general, summing up the results of the work done, it should be noted that the system for developing the creative abilities of preschool children through artistic work is an exceptional opportunity for developing, creative manual labor in pedagogical work with preschoolers, allows developing students’ abilities to create an original product, product, in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, abilities, skills are independently applied, to show deviations from the model, showing individuality, artistry, to develop children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, to express one’s point of view on the surrounding reality.

At the beginning of the circle’s work, the level of development of creative abilities of preschoolers in the group was 72%.

At the end of the work, the manual labor circle is 86%.

2 slide Nowadays, the issue of developing children's creative abilities is especially acute. This is probably due to the fact that children began to spend more time with the computer and other means of technological progress. Parents are paying less and less attention to activities with their children in drawing, modeling, appliqué and manual labor. Children are naturally endowed with bright abilities. And the task adults: both teachers and parents - to interest the child in artistic activities, awaken the desire to create various crafts, develop the most important mental processes: imagination, thinking, etc., help master simple manual operations, prepare the child for school.

Improving a child’s personality presupposes the development of various abilities, abilities, and skills that develop in productive artistic activity.

3 slide . Before starting the work of the circle, I studied the literature in this area, a program of additional education was developed,

was prepared subject environment, work was carried out with parents.

Programdesigned for children of middle preschool age (4-5 years)

This is due to the fact that at this age it is characterized by a significant increase in physical capabilities, especially the active development of small muscles of the hands, a change in the psychological position and the preschoolers’ feeling of “adulthood”, the desire to show their individuality and creative abilities

4 slide . Novelty of the program

5 slide. The purpose of the program: to develop the cognitive, creative and artistic abilities of children in the process productive activity through the activation of fine motor skills of the fingers and hands.

6 slide. Tasks :

Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.

To develop the ability to convey the simplest images of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world through volumetric applique, modeling, artistic work.

Introduce unconventional technology performing creative work.

Introduce children to various materials, their properties and methods of transformation.

Develop children's speech function through activating fine motor skills of fingers and hands.

Develop tactile sensations and fine motor skills of fingers and hands.

Foster a desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective works.

Develop a sense of teamwork and communication skills.

Cultivate children's interest in productive species activities, forming imaginative ideas in children, nurturing and developing their creative abilities

Slide 7 Expected results:

Children will learn how to create independent crafts, simple plot compositions in different types visual and artistic-constructive activities;

Children have developed an interest in artistic manual labor, formed a figurative idea, and developed creative abilities;

In children's works there is a sense of proportion, color harmony, a sense of composition and rhythm;

Technical skills and skills in working with different materials have been developed (children know what can be made from various materials, what is needed for this, they can talk about the properties of materials);

Children's crafts have artistic taste.

Slide 9 The motto of the circle is: “I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and understand.” This means that the goals will be achieved under the condition “I want to do it myself.”

The content of the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle was compiled taking into account the age characteristics of children, subject to systematic and planned training, as well as taking into account complex thematic planning. Children's creativity develops successfully in conditions where the process of upbringing and learning is planned and systematic. In connection with these tasks, a rough planning of the work of the “Skillful Hands” circle was drawn up.

Classic themes for children's crafts are themes related to the time of year and crafts that can serve as gifts for the holidays (“Flowers for grandma on March 8,” “Postcard for dad on February 23,” etc.

Training was carried out once a week, in the afternoon, for 20 minutes, with 2 subgroups of children as desired (approximately 6 children each). But, as a rule, almost all the children wanted to study, so the work of the circle was carried out in any free time. During the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle, I tried to implement an individual approach, built taking into account the quality of perception, associated with the development of technical skills and emotional responsiveness of each child to the proposed task. I did not set myself the goal of introducing children to any one technique, since the children in the group are still small and it is difficult to maintain their interest in one thing for a long time. Therefore, we created crafts with the children using various techniques using different materials. This was also done to cover the interests of the largest number of children.

10 slide. For the work of the circle the following were used:

Basic materials: paper, cardboard, plasticine, glue, waste and natural materials, cotton pads, napkins, additional means for decoration.

Visual aids: compositions, illustrations, coloring pages, tables, diagrams, samples of work.

Internet resources for children to gain vivid impressions from works of art and expand their knowledge and impressions.

Technical means: music, presentations.

The use of these tools in work allows you to increase the activity and attention of children, develop imagination and fantasy. Children become interested.

I tried to make the organizational part of the lesson unusual, interesting, exciting and creative. A bright, intriguing beginning will help to form a positive attitude towards the lesson and the teacher, create a favorable emotional mood, liberate the children and awaken the desire to experiment and create. To activate cognitive interest, search activity and attention of pupils in the introductory part of the lesson, I used a variety of motivating material in combination with pedagogical techniques: a surprise moment - introducing a toy character, a favorite fairy tale hero who will ask for help, puzzle and delight, invite children on an exciting journey to fairyland. poems and riddles; reading a fragment of a work fiction; didactic and outdoor games; educational conversation; problematic situation; music, viewing pictures, showing presentations, videos or animated films.

Slide 11, 12. 13. 14, 15, 16, During the club’s classes, techniques such as plasticineography,

This technique is good because it is accessible to children, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and introduces a certain novelty into children’s activities, making it more interesting and exciting.

Origami technique: The art of origami is an intriguing mystery, and it attracts every child with the incredible transformations of an ordinary square of paper. It's not even a trick, it's a miracle! Many images and objects are hidden in one piece of paper: a boat, an airplane, a house, a hat, fancy dragons, birds, animals, and other interesting things. And from a simple module you can add beautiful balls, favorite cartoon characters, luxurious flowers, animals, birds and even cars, ships and castles. The use of preliminary oral planning, working on maps and according to a diagram contributes to the development of speech, the formation of skills in planning one’s work, and the ability to consistently carry it out.

She built methods of teaching design from waste material on an imitative basis: a detailed analysis of a sample of a future product: she offered to look at a picture or drawn image; planned and thought about step-by-step progress towards the goal, i.e. a holistic perception of the entire work process: in what sequence the parts are made, from what material, which tool would be preferable, involved active work with diagrams and supporting plans in the form of schematic sketches drawn by the children themselves. Then a method of fastening the parts and parts of the structure is thought out: plasticine was used as a connecting material. Children made their own selection required material and tools for work. And as a result, the children independently coped with the entire process of making crafts, from the emergence of a mental prototype of a toy to the substantive embodiment of a creative idea. Here it is important to encourage the manifestation of creative imagination and the child’s desire for independence in the process of practical implementation. And in conclusion - summing up, analysis and evaluation of finished products. It is important to find positive aspects in the work of each child, support and inspire. An excellent technique at this stage would be an exciting role-playing or theatrical game using toys made by children, this will help them feel the significance of their work

In the application, the children and I expanded our understanding of the possibilities of this type visual arts. Children mastered appliqué using various materials: cotton pads, napkins, fabric and threads, natural material.

Each lesson is not just an activity, but a whole “country of skillful hands”, where everyone can show their talents. Each child takes part in the classes with special interest, where he completes the task beautifully, carefully, creatively. (The children took their crafts home, framed them, took them to play, children use some crafts for play in the kindergarten).

A special feature of the work is that as a result of the efforts made, children immediately receive a finished craft. They see the result, create a finished product with a sample, and evaluate the quality of the craft. Making something with your own hands that has practical significance attracts children.

By creating crafts with their own hands and seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions. Rejoice in what has been done with my own hands the toy works: the boat floats, the plane flies, the turntable rotates even from a slight gust of wind, the panel decorates the wall of the room.

Slide 19. Working with parents:

The group has compiled an album of the best works;

Exhibitions of children's work from the circle were regularly held;

Reports on the work of the circle on the kindergarten website, consultations; photo reports;

Visual information: “Developing interest in working with paper”, “Crafts from natural materials”, “Crafting together with children”.

Slide 21. The criteria by which I assessed the child’s mastery of manual labor:

Has an idea of ​​the material from which the craft is made;

Knows how to work with various materials; various artistic techniques;

Independently determines the sequence of work;

Able to independently analyze a craft;

Uses his own constructive solutions in the process of work;

Takes into account brightness and originality when performing crafts;

Performs work as planned;

Knows how to choose a material that corresponds to a given design and methods of fastening and connecting parts;

Shows the level of imagination and fantasy;

Uses at work different ways manual labor.

When monitoring at the end of the school year, we can conclude that those children who were happy to do manual labor in the classes of the “Skillful Hands” club show a fairly high level. They are happy to sculpt, make crafts in their free time, show their creativity and imagination, work They are rich in detail and unusual. Almost all children easily and with great desire respond to the teacher’s suggestions to make something. I consider the work done useful for children. I would like to continue it next academic year.

Thank you for your attention!

Report on club work in kindergarten: sample report

Club work in kindergarten allows you to unleash the child’s creative potential and creates conditions for its successful implementation.

Classes with children were held in accordance with the approved annual work plan of the circle. The following tasks were solved in the process.


    formation of artistic taste;

    creating an environment for self-development;

    development of aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality;

    following teamwork techniques.


    training in the use of applied tools;

    learning how to independently create compositions;

    replenishment of knowledge about fine arts;

    formation of independent planning skills.


    nurturing a love of work and accuracy;

    formation of a culture of communication;

    nurturing activity and independence.

A report on circle work in kindergarten showed that self-creation The product allowed the child to learn how to complete a task. In the process, many things did not work out; the child saw the successes of his peers, which created additional obstacles on the way to the goal. The pupils' abilities are not identical, so time was allocated for individual work.

The activities of the circle began with simple activities, gradually becoming more complex in the process of developing skills in preschoolers.

The materials for making crafts are paper, cotton pads, tree leaves, cardboard, colored threads, salt dough, shells and corrugated paper and much more. The choice of material is limited only by the imagination of the teacher and preschoolers.

Working with a variety of materials develops fine motor skills and also expands knowledge about the world around us.

The activities of the circle were planned in such a way that they did not duplicate the work on the main program material. Making crafts should deepen knowledge and improve skills in working with available materials.

The degree of complexity of the crafts depends on the skills of the group. Variable tasks are possible, when a simple product is supplemented with details to complicate the manufacturing technology.

The circle program used in kindergarten had an artistic and aesthetic orientation and gave an incentive to the development of artistic taste and the ability to see beauty in ordinary things.

A report on circle work in kindergarten describes a program designed for 1 year (from September to May), subject to classes with preschoolers once a week. The duration of the lesson is approximately 30 minutes.

During the lesson, physical education sessions are held to relieve children’s stress, thereby facilitating better assimilation of the material. Suitable for a break game exercises, accompanied by text, breathing exercises, .

This activity allows your child to develop:

    figurative and spatial thinking;

    fine motor skills of hands;

    eye gauge;

    imagination and creativity.

In the process of work, preschoolers became acquainted with:

    techniques for manufacturing various products;

    safety precautions;

    methods of working with a variety of materials;

    the basics of composition.

To make the crafts, preliminary work was carried out, which consisted of collecting leaves, small branches, plant seeds, and unusual stones.

Visual aids were used in the form of illustrations, paintings by famous artists, and thematic posters.

Parents were also actively involved in the work of the circle. For example, a competition was held for the best bird feeder and a joint exhibition of works dedicated to the New Year.

Organized activity brought results:

    a developmental environment has been created in the group;

    an understanding of natural phenomena and their value arose;

    the beginning of the formation of the perception of beauty has begun;

    creative thinking develops;

    The group of children has become more united.

Further work will be aimed at developing already established skills, learning new creative techniques and methods, and creating many unusual children's crafts.