Determining the sex of a child using calculators and medicine. You can determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient China

Every expectant mother really wants to know who has settled in her tummy: a boy or a girl? Modern medicine makes it possible to find out the sex of the fetus only after 9 weeks of pregnancy. But what to do if you want to meet your baby as early as possible? Is it possible to find out the gender of a baby before conception?

Japanese baby gender prediction table

Today, Japanese medicine is known throughout the world for its quality and highly qualified doctors. Even in ancient times, Japanese scientists developed their own methods of diagnosing and treating patients of all ages. Among other materials that have survived to this day, the Japanese table for predicting the sex of the fetus is very popular. How to use this technique?

The scheme for determining the sex of the fetus consists of two parts. In the first table, the month of birth of the expectant mother is indicated vertically. Horizontally, you can also find the month of birth of the future father. At the intersection of these lines there is a certain number that needs to be found and remembered. We will need the discovered number for the second table and for calculating the sex of the unborn child.

The second table shows numbers from 1 to 12 horizontally. We find the number we need and under it we see lines indicating the month the child was conceived. In the center of the table, opposite the desired month, the probability of having a child of a certain gender is indicated. The chances of having a boy or a girl are expressed in crosses. The more crosses, the higher the probability of conceiving a male or female child at a certain point in time.

  1. Mother's date of birth is March 13.
  2. Father's date of birth is August 27 (August).
  3. The date of conception of the child is June 5 (June).

In the first table, at the intersection of the lines for the required months, we find the number 11.

In the second table, under the number 11, we find the month of conception - June. In June, for this couple the probability of conceiving a boy is very high - 5 crosses. But the chances of a girl appearing are small and amount to only one cross. If we convert the data obtained into percentages, we get the following picture:

  • probability of having a boy – 83%;
  • the probability of having a girl is 17%.

How does the Japanese table work?

Modern scientists have not been able to fully decipher the methodology of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. Probably, the ancient Japanese studied the influence of the Moon or other celestial bodies on the conception of children and, based on the data obtained, compiled this table. At its core, the proposed scheme is closer to astrology than to classical medicine, so it is difficult for practicing doctors to assess the value of this technique.

Classical medicine does not use the achievements of ancient Japanese scientists to calculate the sex of the fetus. Modern obstetrics knows nothing about how the date of birth of future parents can affect the gender of the unborn child. Doctors prefer to use more conventional methods. The sex of the fetus can be determined at 7-9 weeks by detecting the special SRY gene in the mother’s blood. After 12 weeks, ultrasound successfully copes with the same task.

Calculator for predicting the gender of a child using a Japanese table

Mother's birth month:

Dad's birthday month:

Month of conception:

Gender Probability: 0%/0%

Why do you need to know the sex of the child?

Some women, denying the achievements of modern medicine, refuse to find out the sex of the fetus even during a routine ultrasound. Expectant mothers are preparing a surprise for themselves and their spouse, wanting to find out about everything only at the time of birth. Is this tactic justified?

The desire to find out the sex of the child as early as possible is not simple curiosity. Many women would like to be able to predict the gender of their baby even before conception. This question arises especially acutely when a married couple is planning a second child. Not many women decide to have many children, and in this situation the desire to be the mother of two children of different sexes is quite understandable.

There are also more serious reasons for predicting the sex of the baby before conception. Some hereditary pathologies are transmitted to a fetus of a certain sex (only a boy or only a girl). Desire to give birth healthy child forces expectant mothers to look for any ways to determine the sex of the baby even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Since modern medicine, as an alternative, can only offer IVF with the transfer of an embryo of the desired sex, parents have no choice but to turn their attention to the ancient methods of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Whether or not to believe the Japanese table is up to the parents to decide. The accuracy of this technique is about 50%. You can try to predict the sex of the child, but you shouldn’t hope too much for the result. In the end, everything is decided by fate - and the one sperm that gets to the egg first. If he carries the X chromosome, a girl will be born, while the Y chromosome will give birth to a boy. It is not possible to seriously influence this process at this stage of human development.

Pregnancy... Such an exciting, wonderful period of experiences, dreams of the future... And also this time - who lives in mom’s tummy? This question is probably one of the first to arise for future parents as soon as they find out about pregnancy.

Although most scientists agree on the relationship between the sex of the child and the age of the pregnant woman (the older she is, the higher the probability), many couples still try to plan the birth of a son or daughter themselves.

Planning the gender of the child by ovulation date

Many married couples Even before conceiving a child, they try to independently “program” his gender using scientific methods. Thus, it has long been proven that a baby’s gender is determined at the moment of conception (fertilization of an egg with a sperm). The egg has only an X chromosome, so everything depends on the sperm, or rather on the chromosome that it “brings” to it. If it was an X chromosome, expect a girl, but if it was a Y, it will be a boy.

But how can you guess the one you need in this case? This is possible only during ovulation, which usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Sperm that carry the Y chromosome are faster than their “colleagues” with the X chromosome, but their ability to “live” in the female genital tract is much less. If you guessed right with ovulation, you can be sure that sperm with the Y chromosome will be the first to “get” to the egg and fertilize it. And this means that you will have a boy. But if ovulation has not yet occurred during the period of conception, these sperm will die, “giving way” to sperm with an X chromosome, which are “responsible” for the birth of a girl. That is, the moment of ovulation is very important for planning the gender of the child. If you really want to, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for a couple of days before ovulation.

French diet when planning the gender of the child

A popular method of planning the sex of a child is to follow the so-called “French diet,” the main requirement of which is to consume foods containing potassium and salt if the couple wants a son, or magnesium and calcium if they want to conceive a daughter. Strict adherence to the diet is recommended for both spouses for 3 weeks before conceiving a child, after which the pregnant woman must adhere to it for another seven weeks.

Renewing the blood of spouses and determining the sex of the child based on it

A method based on calculating blood renewal in spouses is considered quite interesting. It is known that the process of blood renewal in women occurs once every 3 years. For men it takes 4 years. Following this method, it turns out that the sex of the child depends on the parent whose blood is “fresh”. If it's mom, then expect the birth of a girl, if dad - a boy.

This method is simple. Let's give an example of how to calculate the gender of a child in a married couple in which the man is 35 years old and the woman is 27:

That is, the man's blood is younger - this couple will have a son.

Gender of the child and blood type of the parents

You can determine the sex of the unborn child by the blood type of the parents, but this method is far from accurate, because many couples have children of different sexes. For this method, tables are used with the blood groups of men and women indicated vertically and horizontally, respectively. The intersection of the blood groups of the spouses “lies” the gender of the unborn child. Based on these tables, we can say the following:

  • with blood type I, both parents are expected to give birth to a girl;
  • with group I from the mother and group II from the father, expect a boy;
  • if a woman has group I, and a man has group III, there will be a girl;
  • there will be a boy with blood group I in a woman and with blood group IV in a man.

With blood type II in the expectant mother, the sign is repeated exactly the opposite (that is, the boy should start). The same thing happens when calculating blood groups III and IV - accordingly, in the first case you need to “start” with a girl, in the second with a boy.

Also, when determining the sex of the child, the Rh factor of the spouses is also taken into account. For example, if it is the same for both, you should expect the birth of a girl. If the future parents were “different rhesus”, the child would be a boy.

Determining the sex of a child using an ancient Chinese table

Since ancient times, future parents have tried to find out the gender of their unborn child. One of the simplest known methods that has come to us is, in which you just need to indicate the month the baby was conceived and the age of the mother at that moment.

Now this table is in the Beijing Institute of Sciences, but before that it lay in a crypt near Beijing for more than 700 years. Institute scientists claim that the data obtained with its help is accurate with an accuracy of 98% (almost like ultrasound).

The table consists of vertical and horizontal columns. Firstly, you need to choose your age, and secondly, the month of conception. Where they intersect will indicate the sex of your unborn child.

If you are at the stage of planning pregnancy and the gender of the child, in the table row, select your age and month, which will indicate the gender of the child you need. Then, by counting 9 months, you will get the date of conception.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child

For this table, you need to know exactly the birth dates of both parents and the month of conception.

It is a kind of table consisting of two tables, in the first of which you need to indicate the month of birth of the father and mother and find the number at the place of their intersection, with the help of which the gender of the child will be planned. You need to remember this number and find it in the second table at the intersection with the month in which you plan to conceive. The gender of the child will be indicated in the cell at the intersection of both columns.

Amniopuncture or chorionic villus sampling

Both the first and second mean a genetic study of amniotic fluid (or chorion - tissue that is more later called the placenta). This procedure is unsafe and quite difficult because during the procedure the doctor needs to take a small sample of uterine tissue. It is not prescribed to all pregnant women in order to identify genetic disorders in the child. It is unlikely that any doctor will undertake it just to determine the sex of the baby.

Blood test of the expectant mother

This method is called the most accurate when determining the sex of a child, because in the blood of a woman with early dates pregnancy contains fetal DNA. So, if Y chromosomes are detected in it, it can be said that a boy will be born. If they don’t come, wait for a girl. But it is worth noting that, despite all the accuracy of the method, it is very expensive and not affordable for every family.

Determining the sex of a child using ultrasound

It’s possible in the second trimester of pregnancy, and only on the condition that he doesn’t decide to play pranks and turns his butt towards you. The accuracy of determining the child’s gender largely depends on the duration of pregnancy and the experience of the doctor. According to experts, the most accurate identification of the baby’s sex is possible from the 15th week of pregnancy.

Folk signs when determining the sex of a child

Or you can try to “solve” this “problem” with a smile, trusting the centuries-old observations of our ancestors. Here are some of them:

  • if the expectant mother, who is heavily pregnant, has a preserved waist (when you look at her from behind), a boy will be born;
  • more active in mother's womb are boys;
  • women suffering from toxicosis are more likely to give birth to girls;
  • if a pregnant woman is constantly craving sweets, she will be a girl, if she is craving meat, she will be a boy;
  • the shorter the interval between births, the higher the likelihood of having a child of a different sex;
  • with a round belly, like a ball, that grows forward and is slightly pointed, you will have a son;
  • when expecting a girl, the belly becomes spherical, round and wide;
  • if pregnancy has not changed your appearance, this is also for a boy (after all, according to popular wisdom, a girl takes away her mother’s beauty. By the way, it should be noted that many doctors agree with this belief).

You can use one of the above methods to determine the gender of the child (or take all the proposed “tests”). You can completely trust the results of ultrasound, which is also sometimes wrong. You can compare all the results obtained using various methods and tables with ultrasound indicators and draw your own conclusions, which may be needed when planning your next pregnancy. But it would be best to calmly wait for the birth of the child, because, you must agree, the main thing is not to become a child, but to ensure that he is healthy.

Especially for Anna Zhirko

If the family was not involved in pregnancy planning, and pregnancy occurred spontaneously, then it will no longer be possible to predict a successful day for conceiving a boy or girl. But it is usually possible to determine the sex of a child by the date of conception with a fairly high degree of accuracy. True, for this it is desirable to know exactly on what day ovulation occurred - once, and when the sexual intercourse closest to the day of ovulation took place - twice.

Sometimes women know very precisely the answer to these delicate questions and, therefore, have the opportunity to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception. But it is also not uncommon for a couple to deliberately choose the day on which they want to conceive in order to increase the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.

A calendar that calculates the days most conducive to conceiving a boy or a girl can be successfully used to calculate the sex of a child based on the date of conception.

The calculator provided by our website can be used by any woman expecting a child or planning a pregnancy. It is extremely easy to use and will very quickly be able to determine the gender of the unborn child depending on the age

the expectant mother and in what month of the year the conception occurred. Just enter this data into the appropriate windows and give the calculator the “calculate” command.

Calculate the boy's conception calendar

Let’s make a reservation right away that it is impossible to accurately calculate the day on which you can accurately conceive a boy, because these processes are very complex and depend on a huge variety of different factors. Meanwhile, it is known that the sex of a child is ultimately determined by the type of sperm - there are two of them, and in a man’s sperm they are formed in approximately the same quantity.

The conception of a boy occurs when an egg fuses with a sperm carrying a Y chromosome. Such sperm are quite active, but do not live long. Therefore, if you dream of a boy, you need to plan sexual intercourse 1-2 days (or 24-48 hours) before the expected date of ovulation. Shortly after this, the Y-type sperm die, increasing the chances of success of the X-type sperm.

Calculate a girl's conception calendar

If a man and woman want to give birth to a girl, then they should work on conceiving her in advance. Unlike the previous option, sperm with the X chromosome, necessary for the formation of a female fetus, are lazier, but quite hardy: they reach their intended goal within 3-5 days - exactly the same number of days before ovulation that sexual intercourse should take place in this case.

There is also an ancient Chinese table, which, according to some, allows one to determine with a high degree of certainty the sex of a child both by the date of conception and by the age of the woman at the time of conception. However, happy parents of babies who have already been born know: it doesn’t matter what gender the baby is. The main thing is that he is desired!

Life realities do not always coincide with what a person plans for himself, but most people continue to believe that the most important points your life can be subordinated to a plan. And even refusing such a wonderful surprise as the news about the gender of the newborn heir, they try to calculate the gender of the child.

There would be nothing reprehensible in this, especially in cases where the question is about the prevention of hereditary pathologies in children of a certain sex. But, unfortunately, they have nothing to do with science and only mislead parents. Let's see what these methods are, how to calculate the sex of a child, all sorts of calendars and tables for calculating the sex of a child are offered, and whether they are reliable.

Tables for calculating the sex of a child and so-called pregnancy calendars seem simple and accessible. You can calculate the sex of a child using the table in a matter of minutes; the main thing is to tune in to intercourse on the very day when the action plan requires it.

Planning the gender of a child is a very complex issue.

Women began to widely use the Chinese method to calculate the gender of a child from a table around the middle of the last century, when pseudo-scientific trends such as astrology and numerology became popular. The popularity of this technique can be explained by the authority of the state that gave the world Chinese sages and ancient Chinese medicine, as well as by its ease of use.

Judge for yourself, for the calculations you only need a couple of accurate data:

  • date of conception (month only, not even the date);
  • the age of the woman at the planned time of birth of the child.

Anyone who has ever played " sea ​​battle” or simply loved math in elementary school.

  1. The top line of the table is a list of months of conceiving a child from January to December.
  2. The left vertical is the age of the expectant mother.
  3. At the intersection of the horizontal line with the vertical line, a “forecast” is imprinted - in the form of the letters “M” (boy) or “D” (girl). The method couldn’t be simpler.

Any sane person understands that predicting, let alone calculating the sex of a child using a table, is the same as casting lots; the reliability is approximately the same.

Why is the method of calculating the gender of a child using a table so popular? Well, extremely dubious theories, therapies and techniques often become popular; this has always been the case - two hundred, a thousand years ago, and even in our sophisticated age.

There is a little more brilliance in another eastern method - Japanese, which uses the conception calendar. It is suggested to calculate the sex of the child using the table.

The theory of blood renewal is deeply unscientific, since the composition of human blood is renewed much faster than the stated 3 years for women and 4 years for men.

Nevertheless, the table exists, and you can familiarize yourself with it:

  1. The upper horizontal column is the full age of the father at the time of conception (from 18 years old).
  2. The left vertical column is the mother's full age at the time of conception.
  3. At the intersection of the lines, as in the Chinese table, there are letters that determine the gender of the unborn baby.

Example: if the father is 30 years old and the mother is 25, then according to the table they will have a girl. How to calculate the gender of a child if they want a boy? Let's look at the table:

  • a year later (when the father is 31 and the mother is 26), the table again predicts the birth of a girl;
  • after 2 years - the table depicts a riddle in the form of M/D, that is, the gender of the child can be any with equal probability;
  • finally, only after 3 years (when father is 33 and mother is 28) the table promises the coveted “M”.

This is what the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child looks like

Will we really have to wait that long? No, proponents of the idea of ​​blood renewal explain that the results of this technique may vary depending on the month in which conception occurs. For example, the father is still 30 years old, and the mother turns 26 years old in 3 months, at this moment the table “predicts” a boy, this time can be used to conceive an heir until the father turns 31 years old. Taking into account all these nuances, it is proposed to create your own conception calendar.

And not according to the table, but according to the formula? Yes, the theory of blood renewal offers such an option. For example, let’s continue the calculations with an already “familiar” couple – he is 30, she is 25 years old.

  1. Divide the man's age by 4 (30:4=7.5).
  2. Divide the woman's age by 3 (25:3=8.3).
  3. Let's compare the results: 7.5< 8,3.
  4. Whoever has the higher result “wins”.

In our case, the woman won, which means that the couple will conceive a girl when they reach the age of 30 and 25 full years. As you can see, the data coincided with the predictions of the Japanese table, but this is not surprising - the table was compiled according to such calculations.

How reliable are these methods?

You shouldn’t even think about the reliability of the methods discussed. They are no more accurate than the prediction of a tossed coin, and the possible coincidences that 50 percent of married couples can boast of are nothing more than just coincidences. Anyone who knows what affects the sex of a child, how fertilization occurs, and will never trust Eastern theories and will not look for “a table to calculate the sex of a child” (the spelling of the searchers has been preserved intentionally).

Let us remember that a person’s sex is determined during fertilization and depends on the set of chromosomes of the sperm that manages to penetrate the egg. During penetration, fertilization occurs - the fusion of female and male reproductive cells into one whole, called a zygote, which will already have 46 pairs of chromosomes that determine the sex of the conceived child.

Fertilization is possible only after ovulation, and another popular way to calculate the sex of a child is associated with the moment of its occurrence.

What is the method of planning the gender of a child based on the time of conception based on? In this technique, the main role is given to ovulation, around which all calculations are made on how to calculate the sex of a child.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the release of a mature germ cell from the ovary and its release from the elastic membrane - the follicle.

  1. Since birth, a woman’s ovaries contain several million immature eggs of different quality.
  2. By the time they reach reproductive age, their number is reduced to several hundred thousand.
  3. By ovulation, only one or two eggs have matured and are ready for fertilization.
  4. The growth of the follicle and the entire ovulatory process are stimulated by the pituitary gland, which produces a special substance - luteinizing hormone. If LH production is insufficient, ovulation does not occur and pregnancy cannot occur.

What is the significance of ovulation for the question of how to calculate the sex of a child? The egg lives only for one day. If the cell is not fertilized, it will die, and after 14 days the woman will begin to (regulate). It is believed that if you plan fertilization on the date of ovulation or a day before it, then the more efficient sperm containing the Y chromosome, carriers of male gene material, will be the first to approach the egg. This is what parents who are interested in how to calculate the sex of a child so that a son is born are trying to use.

How to calculate the time of ovulation?

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, calculating the moment of ovulation is not at all difficult - it usually occurs 14 days before the start of the cycle. The first day of the cycle is the day a woman begins to experience bleeding from the vagina, even if it is not too intense. The duration of the discharge is not important, it can be 2 days or 8, the count should be started from the first day of regulation.

How do you know if your cycle is regular? You will have to monitor your cycle for at least 3 months:

  1. Mark the first day of your period in the current month.
  2. Wait for the next regulation to start.
  3. Count how many days have passed since the previous start of your period.
  4. Count down from the beginning of your next period as many days forward as you counted last time, mark the day on the calendar.
  5. When your next period arrives (this is your third period), compare its start date with your mark on the calendar - if it comes earlier or later than the “scheduled” date, it means your menstrual cycle is irregular. If they arrived on time, we can consider it regular.

How does a cycle go without pregnancy?

In general, the regularity of the cycle can be judged by the results of observation for at least a year, since menstruation can spontaneously change its cyclicity, especially in young girls. If you are sure that your cycle is regular, subtract 14 days from its expected beginning, this will be the day of ovulation.

How to calculate with an irregular cycle?

It is more difficult to calculate the date of ovulation for women with irregular cycles. In this case, there are several ways to track ovulation:

  • use of pharmacy tests;
  • charting your basal temperature.

With ultrasound control (folliculometry), it is possible to obtain the most accurate data with a forecast accuracy of up to 12 hours. But this technique cannot be called cheap, because to obtain evidence of ovulation occurring, you will have to undergo not one, but several ultrasound examinations(3-5 procedures).

A pharmacy ovulation test, similar to a pregnancy test and consisting in determining the LH hormone in female urine (its level rises during the ovulatory period), will cost less. However, this technique cannot be called accurate, since an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone is sometimes associated not with ovulation, but with gynecological and other pathologies.

This is what an ovulation test looks like

Finally, a technique that does not require any financial investment is measuring basal temperature. It is measured in a state of complete rest, so it requires some preparation.

Preparation for calculation

To chart your basal temperature you will need:

  • notepad or notebook;
  • a specially designated thermometer;
  • If the thermometer is not electronic, but mercury, you will also need a watch.

Everything listed above should be at hand, next to the sleeping place, even the thermometer should be shaken off from its previous readings in advance (in the evening). This is necessary to maintain complete rest after sleep, when the temperature will be measured.

During the measurement of basal temperature, you should avoid late dinners and, especially, “night snacks”, so that at least 8 hours pass from the last meal to the time of measurement.

Measurement procedure:

  1. Measurements should begin on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Having woken up, you should, without getting out of bed, take a thermometer and carefully insert it into the rectum.
  2. After 5 minutes, pull out the thermometer and take readings. Write down the readings in a notepad.
  3. From the readings, make a graph with the origin in the lower left corner.

The lower horizontal line should be divided into days, and the vertical line into temperature divisions. Each division should correspond to 0.1 degrees, since only 0.4 degrees have diagnostic value in this process. So it is recommended to start the vertical count from 36.1o C.

A noticeable increase in basal temperature usually appears from 12-14 days (with a 28-day menstrual cycle); if the temperature remains at an elevated level (+0.4 or +0.5 degrees) for three days, it means ovulation has taken place. How to calculate the sex of a child at conception based on the moment of ovulation?

The principle is this:

  • if you want to conceive a boy, intercourse should occur no earlier than one day before ovulation;
  • if you want a daughter, you should have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation.

Nothing complicated. This is not a conception table; certain dates help to calculate the gender of the child.

How to build a basal temperature chart

What is the connection, you ask. The fact is that carriers of the male genome, that is, Y-chromosomal sperm, are much more mobile than X-chromosomal sperm, that is, carriers of female gene material. However, the former live only 24 hours, and the latter - as much as 72. So it turns out that by the time of ovulation, only those sperm that are carriers of the desired genome can be present around the egg.

  1. If sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or the day before it, then the nimble Y-chromosomal ones will be the first to reach the woman’s mature reproductive cell.
  2. If sexual intercourse occurred 2-3 days before ovulation, then the Y chromosomes will have already died by the time of fertilization, and only the X chromosomes will remain.

There is nothing complicated, but there is nothing scientifically proven in this theory on how to calculate the sex of a child. The table has the same 100 percent chance of justifying the forecast as the ovulation calculation method.

Is it possible to calculate the gender of a future baby 100%?

Anticipating the disappointment of future parents who realized that it would not be possible to calculate, we will try to offer the most desperate option. True, you can only use it for a lot of money and strictly for medical reasons.

We are talking about in vitro fertilization, or the IVF procedure combined with preimplantation genotyping (ICSI technique):

  1. The ICSI assisted reproductive technology procedure does not involve calculations; it is designed for people with sperm quality disorders and other sexual abnormalities.
  2. The procedure uses the father's sperm (ejaculate), in which, even though complex shapes infertility, a morphologically healthy seed can be isolated.
  3. Fertilization of selected germ cells occurs in vitro, that is, in a test tube, which makes it possible to test zygotes for the presence of hereditary diseases and gender.
  4. Having selected the highest quality embryo, it is implanted into the expectant mother intracervically (that is, introduced through the cervical canal, located between the uterine cavity and its cervix).

Nothing can interfere with the gender of the finished embryo, therefore the IVF + ICSI method is 100% gender planning, but not its calculation.


  1. Unfortunately, the search for methods on how to calculate the sex of a child using a table is completely useless; the predictions of the tables are not scientifically substantiated.
  2. You shouldn’t place much hope on calculating the moment of ovulation; few people succeed in programming the fertilization of an egg with a specific sperm; this process is subject solely to the will of chance.

Although some couples still ask doctors not to tell doctors whether they are having a boy or a girl, in most cases spouses still prefer to know, and the sooner the better. This is understandable; this is the second most important news after “Your baby is absolutely healthy.” After that, you know how to address your baby, you think about what name to give him, you go to the store for specific things and toys. Let's talk about how to calculate the sex of a child 100 percent.

How to determine the sex of a child - what people say

People believe in omens and have been collecting evidence of various cause-and-effect relationships for centuries. So, by looking at a pregnant woman and carefully observing her, you can predict who she will have - a boy or a girl. Let's see how many points you match!

How to determine the gender of a child by the shape of the belly

Each pregnancy proceeds individually, and this concerns not only internal processes, but also external manifestations. For example, the shape of the abdomen is not the same among expectant mothers. Depending on it, it is possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby - this is what people believe. So, if a woman has a sharp belly, growing only forward, not smoothing out the outline of the waist, then she will have a boy. If you look at her from behind, you’ll never guess that she’s pregnant! But if a woman is expecting a girl, then the belly grows in all directions, the outline of the waist is lost, and its new position is noticeable from all angles.

How to determine the gender of a child by appearance

If future mommy she shines, she has beautiful skin, everyone gives her compliments, then she will have a boy. Because girls steal their mother's beauty - that's what people say. In this case, facial features become blurred (especially in the nasolabial area), the skin “blooms” with acne, and pigmentation spreads across the face and nipple area.

How to determine the gender of a child based on eating habits

In pregnant women, due to a hormonal surge, eating habits can change very globally and are extremely unusual for others. But everyone has their own preferences. So, if a woman is drawn to all kinds of sweets and citrus fruits, then she is expecting a daughter, but if different types meat, salty or even alcohol - son has that effect on her.

How to determine the sex of a child by toxicosis

This is a fairly common companion for expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy. If it is heavy and does not go away for a long time, then there will be a daughter. But with my son it’s much simpler: there are symptoms, but toxicosis is much easier to tolerate, and it ends faster.

How to determine the sex of a child using the mother's age table

How to determine the gender of a child using the Chinese table

The question of the gender of the future baby worries not only modern mothers and fathers. This question has been asked long before we were born. An example of this is a table of the sex of a child by the age of the mother, discovered in China in the tomb of the Great Emperor (at least that’s what the legend says). It is very real - today it can be found in the Beijing Institute of Sciences.

It is alleged that the Chinese still use a table to determine the sex of future babies, but there is no evidence of this. Its accuracy does not exceed 50%, although the Chinese would not agree with this. The fact is that in the table there are two determining genders of the future baby: the age of the mother at the time of conception and the month in which conception occurred. But some sources claim that in China they believe that human life begins not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception. Therefore, try adding 9 months to your age, and perhaps the result will be correct.

How to determine the sex of a child using Vanga's table

How to determine the sex of a child using Vanga's table? Absolutely the same as in the previous method, you just need to know the month of conception and the age of the mother at that moment. We see that Vanga’s table is in many ways similar to the ancient Chinese one, but there are also differences. Yes, such methods for determining sex often contradict each other; none of them gives a 100% result. The only thing that can be added to the table below is that it was compiled not by the famous soothsayer, but by her student, Lyudmila Kim. A dark green cell means a boy, and a light green cell means a girl.

How to determine the gender of a child using the Japanese table

A more accurate method for determining the sex of the unborn baby, if we take the statistics of the women surveyed. For about 80% of respondents, what the Japanese table predicted came true.

So, for convenience, let’s split one table into two. In the first part, you need to know exactly the month of birth of the baby’s future parents. Let's say she was born in December, he in April. At the intersection of the corresponding columns we see the code number 4. It will be useful to us in the second table.

Gender of the child by date of birth of parents: table 1.

Here you need to know exactly the month of conception. When you go to the doctor for the first time, he will tell you the exact date, so there should be no problems determining the month. Let's assume that conception occurred in June. We find the intersection of the corresponding columns (in our case, this is the code number 4 and the month of June), and we see that the number of X is greater in the “girl” column, which means that, accordingly, there will be a daughter!

Table of the child's gender by month of conception: table 2.

How to determine the sex of a child using the father's age chart

This method can also be found on the Internet, although much less frequently than all the others, but according to reviews, this calculation method is quite accurate.

You only need to know a few basic data: the exact age of the future father and the month in which conception occurred or is planned to occur. The following formula is taken as a basis: 49–A+1+B+3, where A is age, and B is the month number. An even number indicates a boy, an odd number indicates a girl. For example, the future parent is 28 years old, and conception occurred in June.

49-28+1+6+3=31, odd number - there will be a daughter!

How to determine the sex of a child using the parents' blood update table

An original theory that can also be used to calculate the sex of the unborn baby. It is believed that every person undergoes complete blood renewal after a certain period of time. For women this is every 3 years, for men - 4. Whoever has younger blood at the time of conception will determine the sex. Let's take an example. For the expectant mother 25 years old, and dad is 27.

Mom’s result was greater, which means her blood was younger at the time of conception. That is, most likely, there will be a girl if the couple takes up this issue right now.

By the way, by blood type you can also predict the gender of the unborn baby, this time regardless of the age of either parent or the month of conception. See table:

How to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation

Let's forget about folk signs and fortune telling and turn to medicine. Based on ovulation, it is very easy to calculate the gender of the child if you know some of the features of the conception process. So, it is important to understand that the gender of the child depends entirely on his father! An egg always has one X chromosome, but each sperm initially contains male and female principles: X or Y chromosome. If you combine XX you will get a girl, and if you combine XY you will get a boy.

Sperm Y shoots forward, overtaking the others, but does not live very long. And if we talk about X chromosomes, then such sperm move more slowly, but their survival rate is quite high - they can wait up to 1 week for the release of the egg in the female body. Knowing such nuances, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that if conception occurred a few days before ovulation, then it will be a girl, if at the time of ovulation or 1-2 days after it, then it will be a boy. Ovulation in modern world not difficult to determine. You just need to do special tests, sold in every pharmacy, or measure your basal temperature(in the rectum). As soon as it increases a little, it means ovulation has occurred.

Of course, the probability of conceiving a baby of the desired gender is not 100%, but it is still quite high.

Let's sum it up

You should not enter such search queries into Yandex: “conception table for the sex of a child is one hundred percent.” No method gives 100% results. All the methods considered often contradict each other, which indicates their inconsistency. Treat them like a game, with a smile. How else can you take such advice: to conceive a boy, place your wife’s head to the north, and an ax under her pillow, sing loudly during intercourse... What can you not find on the Internet!

But seriously, only a doctor after an ultrasound procedure can tell you to expect a boy or a girl with high accuracy. So, in essence, what difference does it make who is born to you? In any case, this will be a part of you, your continuation, your very strong love in this world! Everything else is secondary!

Video “How to calculate the sex of a child”