New Year's gifts for girls. What to give a girl for her ninth birthday What to buy for a 9 year old girl

Sincere children's laughter and the child's eyes burning with joy are the best moments for every parent. And sometimes we want to surprise our children with some an interesting gift, which will cause real delight and remain in memory for a long time for many years. What to completely please a young lady?

Of course, it is much easier to decide on a particular gift if it is your own daughter or close relative’s birthday. Then you at least have an idea of ​​what your child is interested in and what interests him. At the age of nine, personality formation is already in full swing, therefore, if you need to give a gift to a 9-year-old girl for her birthday, then you need to take into account her tastes and opinions. But how to decide on the choice of a present if you need to congratulate the child of your friends or distant relatives? After all, times change, and what was interesting to you at the age of nine may no longer be relevant.

Things you shouldn't give as a gift

What to give a girl for her 9th birthday if she already has everything she needs? First of all, you need to determine what should not be presented. The worst decision would be to give money. The fact is that, regardless of the amount of money donated, the child will not be able to fully appreciate the significance of the gift, since he does not yet fully understand the value of these colored pieces of paper. for a birthday should be a surprise - then the event will be remembered for many years.

A bad solution for congratulations would be a gift card for the purchase of goods in a store. After all, a thing that a child will like can cost significantly more than the amount for which the certificate is designed - and then the baby will be upset that she cannot get what she wants.

Not the best best gift for a 9 year old girl's birthday - jewelry. And even if the child’s parents are completely delighted with it, the little fashionista still doesn’t quite understand the significance of such generous purchases. In fact, she doesn’t care at all whether the jewelry is made of gold or plastic - as long as it is beautiful, and therefore such gifts are quite often lost.

Development girls

It has long been known that the best gift is a book. In a bookstore, a sales assistant will help you choose printed materials that are most suitable for a nine-year-old child. A young and romantic person who is keen on studying and reading will be sincerely pleased with an adventure story about brave pirates or an encyclopedia about animals and flora. You can choose a book based on your hobbies - for example, a guide to embroidery, knitting or beadwork.

The little quiet one will be delighted with the needlework kit, the range of which is very diverse nowadays. These can be kits for embroidery with ribbons and beads, soap making and much more. Every girl will definitely need such skills, and such gifts will develop perseverance and the ability to concentrate on small details in the child.

Gifts for sports girls

What can you give a girl for her birthday (9 years old) so that the child can move more? A sporty tomboy will be delighted by roller or ice skates, which are always popular among children of this age. It is better to check with the child’s parents in advance about the size of the birthday girl’s feet so as not to get into trouble. It is also better to find out if the girl has any medical contraindications to active exercise. sports games. If a nine-year-old is interested in skiing or cycling, then you can purchase a variety of accessories for practicing your favorite sport.

If there is a dance or rock climbing school in your city, you can purchase a subscription to visit such institutions. Also a great gift will be a subscription to a swimming pool or martial arts school. But it is better to discuss such gifts in advance with the child’s parents.

What do nine year old girls play?

If you think that at this age ordinary toys are no longer interesting, then you are deeply mistaken. Girls of any age are completely delighted with a variety of soft toys: teddy bears, knitted dogs, fabric tilde dolls. Beautiful bright toy Will always be a great decoration for a girl's room.

In toy stores, stunning baby dolls that need to be fed, watered, taught to talk, heroines from Disney cartoons, fairies, monsters, Barbie with her own world look at us from the shelves. In addition to the dolls themselves, you can purchase doll houses, carriages with horses, clothes for Barbie, sets of dishes and much more. Toys that repeat individual words and entire phrases have become extremely popular among children. These can be soft hamsters, bears or dogs - they will certainly cause a fountain of emotions not only in the baby, but also in adults.

Little fashionista's wardrobe

What to give a 9 year old girl, besides toys? An excellent solution would be to buy clothes, since kids at this age love to be fashionable and often imagine themselves as famous singers or actresses. It is better to consult with the child’s parents about the appropriate size. But you should give not everyday jeans or sweaters, but fluffy dresses, like a princess, or shiny shoes, like a fairy from a cartoon. An excellent addition to this outfit would be a shoulder strap, an original hairpin or bracelet.

And a cosmetic bag, like mom's

(girl) for her 9th birthday to become a real wizard? At this age, little princesses try to be like their mothers in everything, because mother is the most beautiful. The little ones are already showing interest in their mother’s cosmetics - they secretly paint their lips with their mother’s lipstick, ask to have their nails varnished or their eyelashes lined. There is no need to scold your child for such interests. The desire to become older and more attractive is quite normal for girls of this age. It is better to give special children's cosmetics that will not harm the child's delicate skin. This could be eye shadow, soft pink children's lipstick, or even perfume for a little princess.

Vivid emotions are the most memorable gift

What to give to a 9-year-old girl so that it will remain in her memory for a long time? IN in this case the best solution there will be vivid impressions. For example, a trip to a zoo, aquarium, cinema, or amusement park is perfect. Children at this age are very interested in going to the water park and dolphinarium. In the latter case, you can even swim with dolphins, which will bring the child into indescribable delight. You can also purchase a certificate for attending clay modeling classes or drawing classes.

Four-legged friend

All children are crazy about pets. After asking permission from the child’s parents to buy a four-legged friend, you can buy a puppy in a nursery, a hamster or a decorative rabbit in a pet store.

When deciding what to give a 9-year-old girl, it is important to remember that the gift should be given from pure heart, with love and tenderness - after all, it is feelings that remain priceless.

Choosing a gift for a 9-year-old girl sometimes becomes a real challenge, because few people remember themselves at that age. And how modern children live in general is sometimes a mystery.

At 9 years old, children are very different from each other: some still dream of a dollhouse, while others don’t need anything other than modern gadgets. If your birthday is just around the corner and you still haven’t decided on a gift, we offer a selection of gift ideas for a 9-year-old girl.

Future ladies

Nine years is the threshold of adolescence. Girls are already forming their tastes, showing interest in their appearance, trying to stand out and be original. Special gifts have been selected for this occasion:

Every 9-year-old child wants to be counted a separate person, and therefore will be incredibly happy with gifts that will emphasize his “separateness” and show respect for him as an independent person.

Little needlewomen

Almost all girls are interested in one form of creativity or another, be it painting, music or weaving figures from rubber bands. In stationery stores and specialized departments for handicrafts, you can always select materials and blanks for crafts.

Young professionals

Most parents try to discover the interests and abilities of their little princesses and send them to all sorts of clubs. Here is another area in which your gift may come in handy; the main thing is to find out in advance what the birthday girl is doing.

Growing geniuses

Every parent wants their child to be the smartest. At the age of 9, only a few who are truly destined to become geniuses show a persistent interest in learning more than just the school curriculum. But you can instill a love of knowledge in a simpler way - with the help of educational games and modern gadgets.

Still childhood

Over the next few years, all kinds of toys will still be relevant. And parents should encourage their children’s passion for games, because such activities develop the child’s imagination. A well-developed imagination is one of the signs of high intelligence.

Education and entertainment

One of the greatest achievements of our time is gift certificates, because in this way you can give a master class, some new clothes, or a visit to an event. And the service sector offers an incredible range of entertainment. By the way, we also recommend watching a video review of your gifts from one of the birthday girls.

As you can see, you can give a 9-year-old girl a lot of things, the main thing is to know her interests. Therefore, first of all, conduct reconnaissance, taking the birthday girl’s parents as accomplices. And then take our list into your hands and go ahead, give children joy!

Your little princess is slowly growing up. She already chooses what to wear, who to be friends with, forbids coddling with her and shows remarkable independence. At this age, girls are drawn to girls and best friends appear. And 8-9 year old girls love to daydream, so it is advisable to have a corner of privacy in the house to read a book or just wander into the clouds.

So to your girl 8-9 years. How to guess with a gift? He must:

  • Be aesthetically beautiful or terribly fashionable among her friends
  • Inspire experimentation, promote self-expression, develop creativity

Everything for beauty and style

All girls tend to doubt their beauty. And during growing up this happens especially acutely. Therefore, from a very tender age, emphasize your daughter’s virtues, raise her to be a beauty. Let him study himself in the mirror, get used to loving himself, and take care of his appearance. What will she need for this?

Construction sets and puzzles

We choose thematic construction sets and puzzles as a gift for an 8-9 year old girl. Of the construction sets you can buy - the girl's series, which allows you to build an entire town with a hairdresser, cafe, houses, shops, ranch, etc. And also with your favorite Barbie doll in different images.

A good educational gift for a girl would be 700-3000 pieces. Choose beautiful landscapes, animals, fairytale castles, and favorite characters. Puzzles captivate young ladies, just like needlework.

Sports toys

But our young beauties love not only to do needlework, but also to roller skate, jump on a grasshopper, play badminton and Cossack robbers. And they shoot with a slingshot no worse than boys! We don’t recommend a slingshot... But a bow, like Princess Merida’s, why not)) with colored soft arrows - a stylish weapon especially for girls over 8 years old.

Board games

Girls of this age are attracted to everything mystical. They tell fortunes, believe in predictions and magic. You can't go wrong if you give the birthday girl a fantasy game or. Now there will be something to do with your friends at a pajama party)) At 8-9 years old, girls are actively interested in adulthood. Therefore, games in which you can get into various life situations, are very useful. In the game everything is like in life - players give birth to children, quarrel, get divorced, make peace, work, go on vacation and plan their family budget. Interesting and educational!

A nine-year-old girl is no longer a child, but not yet a teenager; a girl at this age begins to pay attention to fashion and imitate adults, although she has plenty of childish spontaneity and enthusiasm. At the age of 9, girls strive for active communication with peers, they have their first secrets and their first real girlfriends. You can, of course, remember yourself at this age and what gift you once wanted to receive. But times change, priorities change, new technologies appear, and completely different heroes become objects of adoration. SuperHelper knows what to give a modern 9-year-old girl, who will tell you how to find the best one - both for a little robber and for an exquisite princess.

She loves soft toys

There are girls who, even after growing up, remain fans of soft toys. Even if her room is filled to the limit with plush representatives, in the vast assortment of toys Super Helper will find a toy that will bring joy to the most picky 9-year-old person who does not accept banal small bears and hares. She will only be able to appreciate huge or functional soft toys:

  • a giant snow-white bear, an exclusive bouquet of soft toys or an anti-stress hippopotamus;
  • a pillow in the shape of a starfish or a fur handbag with your favorite cartoon character.

She likes electronic gadgets

IN modern world It is impossible to do without electronic devices and gadgets. Some contribute to the development of the child, others are an integral part of life. Therefore wonderful gift for a 9 year old girl- everything related to modern electronic devices:

  • functional new items: a glamorous phone, a tablet, headphones in the shape of funny animals or soft slippers with LED backlight - a wonderful gift for a 9-year-old girl. New Year;
  • accessories: a bag for a netbook, a cute case or a bauble for your phone.

She still plays with dolls

A 9-year-old girl still plays with dolls, feels like the mistress of her doll kingdom and tries on the image of a future housekeeper. For such a hostess, the site will be able to find a gift that is so lacking in the birthday girl’s household. You can give the future homemaker, a 9-year-old girl:

  • doll: blonde or brunette, princess or monster. This could be an exclusive porcelain doll that is not enough for the collection, or a soft doll self made;
  • doll attributes: porcelain set similar to an adult, sets of clothes, doll houses and furniture.

She is a craftswoman and smart

For a girl who loves to create beautiful things, does handicrafts and prefers to conduct various experiments, you can find everything your heart desires in the huge variety of children's assortment.

  • For needlework - a set for embroidery or beadwork.
  • For creativity - a set of smalt or a set “Sewing from scraps”.
  • For experiments -

Nine years is a difficult age when it comes to choosing a gift. On the one hand, the girl is still small and sighs with tenderness, looking at the dolls and pink ruffles. On the other hand, she is already a schoolgirl and more and more wants to feel “on par”, imitates her mother, and is fashionable. What to give a 9 year old girl? More than one generation of parents has puzzled over this question, because they want the present to be memorable, useful, and not boring at the same time.

The shelves of children's goods stores are bursting with toys, your eyes are running wild, your head is ready to burst from the abundance of options and doubts... It’s good if you are not strapped for finances and don’t blush at the price tags. What if the budget is limited and giving an impressive gift to a girl seems like an impossible task?

Children at this age do not yet understand the full value of money, and a girl can be much more delighted by an incredible ring made of painted plastic and bright clips than by a set made of pure gold.

What to give a 9-year-old girl: take into account interests

The giver’s imagination is not always enough to accurately guess what the birthday girl is dreaming about. And it doesn’t matter if they are parents, godparents, or friends. Even those closest to you can miss the mark with a gift. The simplest way- ask the question directly and get a clear answer about what the girl really wants.

What if you were given a thoughtful “well, I don’t know” and no specifics? Don't despair. There are no children who are not interested in or interested in anything at all - there is always an activity that is dear to a girl’s heart, and it is not at all difficult to figure out. A gift for a nine-year-old girl that matches her interests will always be a welcome gift for the birthday girl, even if it’s the third LEGO in her collection!

How to please a quiet person

Girls are calm and love activities that do not require unnecessary movements and fuss. Usually the following things arouse interest in a quiet girl.

  • Handicrafts. Kits for embroidery, beadwork, macrame, and knitting toys will be received with a bang. And if you supplement the gift with an educational book, girlish delight is guaranteed! For example, along with a set of beads, a girl can be given a tutorial on beadwork.
  • Dolls and accessories. A gift for a 9-year-old girl does not have to be “adult”. Some people are still interested in dolls. Perhaps these will be dolls - heroines of your favorite animated series, for which you can separately purchase various pieces of furniture and wardrobe, and complement their “world” with new storylines, friends, animals. Or maybe a little girl’s heart will be won by a toddler doll, which can be fed, taught new words and even changed diapers, like a real baby.
  • Interactive pet. First of all, this is soft toy, pleasant and cozy, and such a little animal will fit very nicely into the interior of the room. And at the same time, this is a “friend” with whom you can walk on the street; you are not ashamed to show him to your girlfriends. He also makes sounds, moves around and even, excuse me, relieves himself.
  • Constructor. Most girls are crazy about LEGO and the like. No, this is not just boys' fun. There are even special series for girls, for example, LEGO Friends. Have no doubt, the construction set is a wonderful gift for a 9-year-old girl.

Gifts for the “battery” girl

What to give a 9-year-old daughter whose temperament is simply gushing? She does everything at once, mostly upside down. Food is a waste of time, books and cartoons are dull, handicrafts last exactly three minutes, sleep is only for “recharging”!

Your “battery” girl will be happy if she receives anything from the following list as a gift.

  • Skate, roller skates, bicycle. This is where you can throw out your energy and finally get tired. And with what pride the girl will show off her new clothes to the kids in the yard! Another trend - fashion sneakers on wheels. In such wonderful shoes, your girl will be guaranteed attention and admiration.
  • Ball and rope. If you choose a ball, then with the image of your favorite character or the autograph of your favorite singer. If it’s a jump rope, it’s not an ordinary one, but without a rope and with a jump counter on the handles. It is quite appropriate to receive a gift of this kind from a godfather.
  • Dance mat. This kind of entertainment will appeal not only to the birthday girl. Family competitions are a lot of fun. And if girlfriends come to visit, you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the home while the children are actively spending time.
  • Children's sports corner. If funds and room dimensions allow, the sports corner will become a girl’s favorite place to spend time for a long time, because there are stairs, rings, and ropes! You can assemble it yourself, not forgetting to involve your daughter in the process. This will allow her to make her contribution to the common cause. In addition, the corner is not only a children's equipment, you can start teaching the girl to healthy image life, performing daily activities on it morning exercises the whole family.

Gifts for the smart girl

  • Book . Well, of course! No matter how banal it may sound, a book is the best gift for an erudite. Does the girl love animals? Great encyclopedia about the life of predators, fish or birds, or even better - a thick book about all of them at once. Does the girl love adventure? A collection of travel stories, preferably with the participation of children, which can be supplemented with a large wall map of the world or a globe. This set will definitely delight the young know-it-all. By the way, a similar gift can be given to a girl on any other holiday, for example, on March 8th.
  • Album for collecting. You can collect whatever your heart desires in it: postage stamps, photographs of birds, butterflies, herbariums of various plants and herbs. Yes, even candy wrappers, if the girl likes them.
  • Microscope. A girl who is passionate about understanding the world and biology will be glad to be able to see in detail, every cell on a blade of grass or scales on a butterfly’s wing. Do you know what an ordinary fly looks like up close to the eyes?

For her birthday, we boldly give a young artist an easel, a set of good brushes, and high-quality paints. An athlete always needs a new uniform. This could be a kimono, pointe shoes, a swimsuit, or running shoes. You can give a girl musician a high-quality instrument: violin, flute, synthesizer. And, for example, for the New Year, a good microphone would be an excellent gift for a 9-year-old girl, which would be so fun to sing karaoke with friends and relatives.

Family board games

Is your girl withdrawn and taciturn? The younger generation of children is moving more and more into the virtual world, and communicating less and less with family and friends in person... Yes, adults also often “sin” with this. Let’s correct the situation - turn off the computer and TV, put the phones away and begin to spend time together in an interesting, and most importantly, fun way, getting to know each other again.

Joint board games can motivate even the most introverted child into close and trusting communication. Choosing board game, take into account individual characteristics girls, her interests, rely on reviews, fortunately there are a great many of them on the Internet.

Buying modern technical innovations is more the destiny of parents than of other relatives or friends. Here, each family decides whether it is necessary to purchase expensive equipment and what model the budget is for. And a girl will be pleased to receive a beautiful phone case, bright headphones or an unusual computer mouse from her friend.

Give emotions, or Budget does not mean bad

Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to give an expensive gift. For parents, this question is especially relevant, because in addition to the present itself, it is also necessary to prepare treats and entertainment for the girl’s guests. There is a way out. Give your daughter a gift that is inexpensive, for example, a beautiful diary with a lock, because a growing girl already has her own little secrets and mysteries. Or a fashionable bag, children's cosmetics, perfume. And let the main surprise be an unusual holiday with girlfriends.

  • pajama party. It's a lot of fun: girls whispering under the covers, eating cookies right on the bed and jumping on the mattress to the ceiling. In addition, there is additional savings on the outfit: the girl does not need to buy a new dress and shoes.
  • "Samodelkino". The birthday girl and her friends independently cut out decorations for the room from colored paper and any other available materials, and prepare treats for themselves. Yes, yes! You buy buns with sesame seeds, cheese, sausage, tomatoes, lettuce, olives, pizza base and voila - a satisfied mother is busy with her business, and happy children assemble sandwiches, hamburgers, pizzas, adding ingredients to taste, and then eat their own masterpieces with appetite. And milk and berries make a tasty and healthy cocktail.

What kind of entertainment do you dream up? Be bold, children love fun experiments. They also like hand-made things. Therefore, with a modest budget, parents can prepare a creative gift for the girl from themselves. For example, publish a wall newspaper dedicated to the birthday girl. Or edit a film from excerpts of archival family videos. Make a candy bouquet. Create felt dolls and a set of clothes for them.

Gifts that can ruin the holiday

Even the most carefully thought out gift can unexpectedly disappoint the birthday girl. Some tips on how not to get into trouble and avoid pitfalls.

  • Animals . If you are planning to give a living creature as a gift, be sure to first get approval from your parents and be sure to clarify what kind of animal is acceptable to keep in their home. A cute puppy, so desired by a girl, will not always be liked by her parents. What if there is no way to support him and there is no one to walk him? In this case, an alternative could be a parrot, hamster or fish.
  • Certificate . Are you afraid of not pleasing and decide to present a certificate to a children's clothing store? Like, let the girl choose a new thing she likes. It would seem that the idea is not bad. But imagine the situation: a girl came to the store and chose the fashionable jeans that she had long dreamed of, goes to the checkout and then it turns out that the amount of the gift certificate is not enough for the purchase and she needs to pay extra... Instead of joy and gratitude - a crying child and a ruined holiday. If you have already decided to give a certificate, it is better to go to the store with the birthday girl. But be prepared to voice an affordable amount or pay the difference in price at the checkout without regret.
  • Clothes and shoes. Don't buy clothes and shoes yourself. Children grow quickly and it is very easy to miss the size. Consult with your mother, find out the exact parameters of the girl, and only then feel free to go and please the birthday girl with a new thing.

Be sure to ask the parents if the girl is allergic to anything, otherwise even the most harmless-looking surprise can turn a holiday into a tragedy.

It’s not easy to choose a gift for a 9-year-old girl, but with a little more observation, it’s not difficult to understand what children’s eyes “light up” on. And in conclusion, a little advice: do not rush to reveal all your cards at once, because the girl has an anniversary ahead.
