Milk peeling for the face 30. How is milk peeling performed?

Peel Medical Lactic Acid 30% pH 2.0 (Milk peeling 30%)

Code: 00001314582

The product is intended for superficial chemical peeling. Great for sensitive or young skin. Does not cause skin irritation. Can be used as an initial step in a chemical peel program.

Code: 00001314582

Type of facial treatment:

Lactic acid belongs to the group of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). It was first discovered in sour milk, beer and old fermented wine. It has been used in cosmetology for more than 200 years. Indications for use: dehydration of the epidermis, comedones, post-acne, fresh shallow stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, hypersensitive skin, sagging skin, dull skin color, photoaging, fine wrinkles, peeling the area around the eyes.

Result of application:

  • It has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect - being part of the hydro-lipid mantle of the skin, lactic acid creates an acidic environment that is harmful to many microorganisms;
  • Reduces the density of comedones and pore sizes and, thanks to this property, is used in products for the care of problematic and oily skin;
  • Moisturizes, whitens and brightens the skin;
  • Exfoliates dead epidermal cells,
  • Stimulates the process of cell renewal, which slows down with age;
  • Smoothes out fine wrinkles, reduces their depth, refreshes and strengthens sagging, dehydrated skin;
  • Improves its elasticity and color.

Product composition:

Lactic acid 30%.

Directions for use:

1. Makeup removal. Apply 2 ml of pre-foamed skin to damp skin. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. If necessary, repeat until the skin in the treated area is completely cleansed and degreased. Dry the skin with a napkin.

2. Peeling. Shake the peeling solution vigorously before use. Apply 2 ml of the drug to cleansed and degreased skin with a fan brush, starting from the roughest areas (forehead, nose, chin, cheeks). Exposure time 3-10 minutes. 1 minute before the end of the exposure time, apply the gel to the lower eyelid area and immediately proceed to the next step.

3. Neutralization. Cotton swabs Apply 2 ml to the skin of the face, starting with the most delicate or sensitive areas (lower eyelid, cheeks, chin, nose, forehead). Rinse off with cold water. Dry the skin with a napkin.

4. Hydration. Using your fingertips, apply and spread evenly using gentle movements or.

Release form:

Bottle 30 ml and 50 ml.


At one time I was interested in Belarusian cosmetics, and I saw this peeling with 30% lactic acid from Belita, and even from the professional series. Before this, I tried several interesting working products with lactic acid in the composition, and I liked them. And here is pure Lactic acid and even 30%. Of course, I immediately signed up on the site and started trying.

***Peeling is

a procedure during which the upper keratinized layers of skin are removed.

Belita has three peelings from the professional Face Care series: glycolic peeling, almond peeling and lactopilling (lactic acid).

Professional Face Care – this is the name given to the line of cosmetic products from Belita-Vitex, which is aimed at effective facial skin care and is recommended for professional use.

***I settled on Lactoping and here’s why:

  • I have combination skin faces;
  • small wrinkles;
  • age spots(post acne);
  • enlarged pores, sometimes acne;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

And most importantly, very often white closed pimples appear on my face. Previously, I had them removed by a cosmetologist. The cosmetologist steamed the face with a steam bath to open the pores and only after that, using sterile needles, these white tubercles were removed. The upper film is torn with a needle and the contents are carefully and sterilely squeezed out. And the contents are a white ball. The cost of removal is from 100 rubles per piece. After several times of removal by a cosmetologist, I remove them at home myself. The main thing is to do it very sterile with antibacterial solutions!

So, it is lactic acid that prevents the appearance of such closed white tubercles.

They appear due to the fact that the skin is not cleansed well enough from the upper stratum corneum and the exit from the pore is blocked. The contents accumulate under a thin layer of skin and such a disgusting lump appears. People with combination and oily skin are prone to their formation.

*** Description Lactopiling Belita for face

Helps unblock comedones and reduce sebum secretion (weakens intercellular connections of corneocytes).

The drug (pH 2, allows lactic acid to penetrate the skin evenly and in a controlled manner, reducing the risk of irritation.

Previously, I had peelings done at a beauty salon and I liked the effect. True, their cost is from 2000 rubles and more per procedure. And here for 820r for several times! I also chose Lactopiling 30% Lactic acid due to the fact that Lactic acid is the most gentle among the others.

I have been using lactopilling since spring, yes, since spring. Before going out in the sun, I make sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50. If I sunbathe, and I love to sunbathe within reasonable limits, of course, then I cover my face.

***Tip for using lactic acid:

In spring and summer I use it once a month. I do this so that my skin gets used to it. But with the onset of autumn, I’ll try to do it once every two weeks.

***From the manufacturer:

The lactopiling process involves influencing fibroblasts, as well as activating the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

Due to its milky composition, the product under discussion can bind water in the dermis and retain it due to ionic interaction. In the process, a hydration shell is formed, which ensures the flexibility of the horny scales and provokes a softening of the epidermis.

The lactopilling comes in a nice 250 ml bottle. The texture is liquid, the smell is peculiar, sour. The appearance of the epidermis improves immediately after the procedure, and the product has a cumulative effect.

***How ​​I use lactic acid peeling.

I apply the peeling evenly with a brush, because... Lactic acid can severely dry out the skin on your hands. Also, for use at home, you will need to buy a special product to neutralize the main active substance. Here they are in tandem

I purchased Neutralizer Tonic Gel, 300ml, from the same series. A gentle tonic gel is designed to stop the action of acids and prepare the skin for the completion of the peeling procedure. Soothes, protects and strengthens the skin.

After applying Lactopilang, the skin tingles and tingles strongly at first, then subsides. This phenomenon is considered normal and the unpleasant sensations disappear after removal and neutralization. I keep the peeling on for 8 minutes. After 8 minutes, I remove the peeling from my face with a dry cotton pad and only then apply the neutralizer. If you apply a neutralizer without removing the peeling from your facial skin, they will come into contact and a strong burning sensation will begin. After lactopiling, the skin feels very smooth to the touch. Immediately after lactopiling, I apply a nourishing mask (it’s great to apply a nourishing serum, and after 5-10 minutes an alginate mask, for example this one). Light uneven redness after peeling disappears within 3-4 hours.

You can, of course, not buy Tonic Gel Neutralizer (its price is 500 rubles), but prepare a neutralizing solution yourself:

For the final stage of cleaning, it is advisable to prepare a neutralizing solution: half a glass of distilled water, 0.5 tsp. soda

The consumption of small products for 4 procedures was 1/5 bottles. Those. one 250ml bottle is enough for 20 procedures (if used only on the face). Milk peeling is recommended for use not only on the face, but also in the neck, arms, and décolleté.

***Lactopiling has contraindications:

***Here are photos before, during and immediately after the procedure:


  • For 4 months (once a month, a total of 4 times) of lactopiling, not a single closed white pimple formed.
  • The photo shows that pigmentation has decreased and complexion has evened out.
  • I didn’t notice any lifting effect.
  • There is no redness or peeling after peeling, so peeling can be used any day of the week.
  • The oiliness of the skin decreases and, as a result, the pores are not clogged and the number of blackheads is reduced.

By the way, professional peelings from Belit do not contain fragrances, dyes or preservatives.

Lactopiling 30% Lactic acid I advise you to buy from Belita. I give it a 5. I will definitely try the almond and glycolic peels from this line.


I continue to use Lactopiling 30% Lactic acid from Belita.

I performed this peeling 08/18/2018, also at home, as described above.

I hasten to share the result of application.

Left photo- BEFORE peeling on 08/18/2018.

Photo in the middle- Immediately AFTER peeling on the same day 08/18/2018. A lifting effect appeared in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and corner of the mouth. The nasolabial fold seemed to straighten. Post-acne and pigmentation spots have turned slightly red.

Photo on the right- A week AFTER peeling 08/24/2018. The complexion has become more even. A very slight lifting effect in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold was preserved.

As you can see, I have THREE big problems:

  1. very deep and enlarged pores, their constant greasyness and, as a result, blackheads;
  2. uneven complexion due to post-acne and tendency to pigmentation;
  3. pronounced nasolabial folds with the formation of wrinkles and sagging corners of the mouth.

👉 Updated findings:

  • Also, not a single closed white pimple formed.
  • Pigmentation gradually decreases, complexion evens out.
  • The relief and unevenness of the skin remained the same.
  • I noticed a lifting effect in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, but the effect is very slight.
  • The oiliness of the skin has not decreased, the pores become oily as usual and the number of blackheads remains the same. !!! Perhaps this is due to the fact that I use nourishing and moisturizing masks less often than usual, and use drying products more often.

After the next Lactopiling I will definitely UPDATE the review.

Milk peeling is a chemical cleansing that helps improve complexion, making it smooth and soft. Lactic acid acts extremely delicately: it helps remove the stratum corneum, moisturizes the skin, stimulates collagen production and improves metabolic processes.

Such peeling will not cause stress to the body, since it is not a synthetic compound.

Lactic acid is a unique natural component that can regulate the water balance of any skin type, as well as restore its protective functions. Since the time of the famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra, it has been known that milk is a source of youth, health and beauty.

Ancient representatives of the fair sex believed that milk was a natural storehouse useful substances and various vitamins. Milk does an excellent job of whitening the face and successfully fights age-related changes, moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin.


Lactic acid has a number of undeniable advantages and features:

  1. Keratolytic action. Thanks to this property, it becomes possible to exfoliate dead cells and renew the basal layer of the skin.
  2. Moisturizing effect. Lactic acid has the ability to attract and retain moisture, thereby increasing skin elasticity and promoting epidermal renewal. Due to the latter, living keratinocytes replace dead ones (these are active cells formed in the layer just above the dermis), providing skin hydration, that is, its moisturizing at a deep level.
  3. Lifting effect. This effect is achieved through cell division and stimulation of the activity of cells of the papillary dermis layer. They produce elastin, fibronectin and collagen, and are also responsible for the synthesis of certain molecules that are responsible for the natural lubricant in our body.
  4. Whitening effect. This occurs due to exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin. Moreover, lactic acid helps to properly distribute melanin granules in the epidermis, which leads to an even complexion.
  5. Anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect. It is carried out thanks to the “acidifying effect”, which ensures the appearance of a barrier. Thus, unfavorable living conditions are created for bacteria and fungi and they die.
  6. Antioxidant action. The acid significantly reduces the production of free radicals and protects the skin from aggressive environments.

Video: How the procedure works

The essence of the procedure

This is a rejuvenating procedure based on the action of lactic acid obtained through milk fermentation. In addition to it, the peeling includes glycolic and salicylic acids. The complex effect of these acids allows you to even out the tone and texture of the skin, reduce the depth of existing wrinkles, increase the protective functions of the skin, and reduce the severity of acne and age spots.

The procedure itself takes from fifteen minutes to half an hour. The duration of the session and their frequency are prescribed by a specialist.

On average, a milk peeling course ranges from three to five sessions, depending on the depth of the problems, skin type and characteristics of the patient’s body. The frequency is most often two weeks.

Peeling looks like this:

  • With the help of removing lotion, makeup is completely removed;
  • Before the procedure, the facial skin is wiped with alcohol. In this way it is degreased;
  • Apply the composition using a cotton pad. It is applied in strict sequence: forehead, temples, cheeks, décolleté, neck surface, chin, nose, skin around the eyes;
  • it lasts on the patient’s skin from two to twenty minutes;
  • the neutralizer is applied in reverse order and directly onto the peeling layer;
  • the solutions are washed off with plenty of cold water (in no case, not hot, as it reacts with lactic acid and can cause irritation);
  • the skin is dried and then moisturized. Most often, masks with seaweed are used for this, as they do not need to be washed off and have a cooling effect.
The effect of this type of peeling becomes noticeable almost immediately - after the first procedure, and for the most pronounced effect a course of treatment is required, after which it is necessary to use supporting and restorative cosmetic skin care products.


To achieve the most pronounced effect, it is necessary to undergo four to eight procedures with an interval of two weeks. The frequency of the session may vary depending on individual characteristics patient's skin.

The results of the procedure last for one year with periodic use of home remedies containing lactic acid.


This cleaning has a number of advantages:

  • no allergies due to the naturalness of the ingredients used;
  • gentle action (milk peeling is recognized as the most gentle peeling);
  • absence of redness and irritation after the procedure;
  • no peeling of the skin;
  • no drying effect on the skin;
  • Possibility of use at any time of the year;
  • effect noticeable after the first procedure;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • Possibility of use on various parts of the body;
  • safety for patients with dark complexions and dark skin(no risk of hyperpigmentation).

Superficial skin cleansing using fruit acids, obtained from apples, grapes, and citrus fruits, cleanses the skin of dead cells. Find out how to make it at home.

Gas-liquid peeling jet peel is a real breakthrough in cosmetology. This unique technology allows you to simultaneously perform facial cleansing, pore tightening, peeling of varying depths, facial massage, etc. Read more about this.


  • for dry, dull and dehydrated skin;
  • in the presence of wrinkles (especially small ones);
  • for acne and post-acne;
  • unevenness and redness;
  • for hypersensitive skin;
  • sagging, loss of skin tone;
  • fresh stretch marks on the face;
  • photoaging;
  • for shallow wrinkles.


The milk peeling procedure has its contraindications:

  • herpes in active form;
  • recent hair removal;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • elevated temperature;
  • fresh tan;
  • rosacea;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.


At the beginning of the procedure, the dead layer of cells is removed from the skin and existing inflammation is eliminated. Subsequently, the complexion changes and improves, but most importantly, successful cell renewal begins.

Often, peeling with lactic acid acts as a preparatory procedure before other cosmetic procedures. As a result of this peeling, important metabolic processes are activated, which prepare the skin for further exposure.

As a result, you can get the following:

  • epidermis renewal;
  • removal of the keratinized layer of cells;
  • getting rid of inflammation;
  • lightening pigmented areas of the skin;
  • stimulation of collagen and elastane production;
  • acquiring elasticity and freshness.

Here are some features that you should pay attention to before starting the procedure:

  1. Before you start milk peeling, check with your cosmetologist how much he uses this product and what results he got. Some milk peeling companies use very aggressive components, and as a result the peeling is not superficial, as its essence implies, but superficial-medium or even intermediate.
  2. Find out what ingredients are included in the peeling. In some cases, for the best possible whitening effect, manufacturers add toxic hydroquinone, which causes disruption of the endocrine system.
  3. If the peeling contains glycerin, it is worth considering its ability to suck water from the depths of the skin and hold it on the surface instead of taking it from the air. Subsequently, this feature leads to dry skin.
  • do not touch or scratch areas of the skin that have been peeled;
  • stop using cosmetics for 24 hours;
  • stop using aggressive detergents for three days;
  • avoid direct exposure to sunlight;
  • Avoid hair removal on treated areas.

Side effects

Possible side effects include the following:

  • peeling of the skin for several days after peeling;
  • slight erythema for one or two days;
  • burning sensation (passes immediately after neutralization and moisturizing);
  • increased skin sensitivity (shea butter or panthenol helps);
  • burns (if peeling technique is violated).

Milk peeling at home

Milk peeling belongs to a number of chemical peelings, so it must be carried out at home according to a strict algorithm in order to avoid negative consequences.

  1. The necessary components for home peeling: cotton pads, medical alcohol, face lotion, a special solution (with lactic acid) and a hair dryer. Very often, instead of lactic acid, drops of Hilak Forte are used, which contain 90% acid. Pay attention! For peeling at home, it is better to use a lower acid value and special peeling from reputable cosmetic manufacturers.
  2. The peeling procedure begins with washing your face. Then it is gently wiped with a suitable lotion.
  3. The skin is degreased with alcohol, which is applied evenly using a cotton pad.
  4. A cotton pad is moistened with a solution of lactic acid and distributed over the face in the following order: forehead, temples, chin, neck, nose, skin around the eyes. Do not apply the solution to the lips or nasolabial area.
  5. The applied solution lasts for one to two minutes. At this time, you may feel a burning sensation or a slight tingling sensation - these are normal reactions. If the burning becomes unbearable, you must stop the procedure immediately to avoid irritation or chemical burns.
  6. After two minutes, the solution is washed off with cold water.

Video: Facial cleansing with lactic acid at home

  1. If you feel any discomfort during the procedure, direct a cold stream from a hairdryer onto your face and they will go away.
  2. If you have very dry skin, before the procedure you need to lubricate it with a rich cream in the area of ​​​​the eyes, lips and nose.
  3. The duration of the procedure should be increased gradually. This way, the skin will have time to get used to the effects of lactic acid.
  4. When it's time to moisturize your skin after finishing the procedure, be sure to use a cream that suits your skin type.
  5. Experts do not recommend using lactic acid with a concentration exceeding forty percent. In the case of this peeling, it is better to achieve improvements gradually.
  6. The best time for lactic acid peeling is from October to March, as the sun is not very active.
  7. After the procedure, the skin should be protected with photoprotective creams with a high degree of protection - 30-50.

Body peeling

Body peeling with lactic acid is carried out in the shower. To do this you will need the following:

  • special scrub;
  • hard washcloth;
  • body lotion;
  • pumice.

If you have tanned skin or wounds, then it is better for you to abstain from the peeling procedure for a while.

If everything is in order, then it should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The massage begins with a hard washcloth. This tones the skin and gradually prepares it for the procedure.
  2. Next, take a shower to warm up the body under streams of warm water.
  3. The soles of the feet are rubbed using pumice.
  4. The scrub is distributed over the body in a circular motion from bottom to top, starting from the sole. To exfoliate your back, use a long-handled brush.


During the procedure, the following precautions should be followed:

  1. Be careful not to get the product into your eyes.
  2. Try to avoid the area between your nose and lips; the skin in this area is very sensitive.
  3. Before starting peeling, you can apply Vaseline to the skin around the eyes and nose, this will protect them.
  4. Be sure to take the time.
  5. The cream that will be applied must contain retinoids and acids.
  6. Gradually increase the procedure time.

Cosmetic line TianDe

Tiande is an international brand that has established itself in the beauty industry. It is a collection cosmetics, developed on the basis of recipes of ancient oriental medicine and at the same time incorporating the latest developments of scientists.

The Tiande brand produces more than 500 types of products, which include face, body, hair care products, decorative cosmetics, peelings and much more. The main producers are quite large state-owned enterprises in China, which have international quality certificates.

Here is one of the products from this company: Universal peeling “Milk”.

  • It contains: protein, vitamin complex, whole milk and alpha hydroxy acids.
  • This product helps to effectively cleanse the skin, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  • Whitens, evens out overall skin tone, nourishes, moisturizes, returns natural color and increases skin elasticity.

Price: 240 rubles.

Brand Mediderma

Mediderma company has a wide range of chemical peels, including milk peels. Mediderma produces about forty types of chemical peels, ranging from superficial to deep.

Any product from this manufacturer is a first-class and high-quality drug, created using the latest technologies, as well as in accordance with European standards for the manufacture of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Here are a few products from this company:

1.Milk peeling “LACTIPEEL”

This product is based on lactic acid and is an ideal product for moisturizing and cleansing the skin. Its effect is delicate, but at the same time its penetrating ability does not decrease.

It is this that allows beneficial components to penetrate the layers of the dermis and moisturize the skin at a deep level. It is best suited for dry and dehydrated skin, smoothes and tightens wrinkles, and has a brightening effect. Price: 2500 rubles.

2.Peeling “Argipeel”

Contains: allantoin, lactic acid, arganine, urea. This peeling is suitable for pigmented and especially sensitive skin. As a result, it significantly improves skin microcirculation, reduces the depth of static wrinkles and improves overall skin tone. Price: 900 rubles.


Prices, first of all, consist of the cost of the peelings used, and this is what can explain the cost of one procedure, which ranges from 700 to 2500 rubles.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often can it be done?

It all depends on the depth of the problem and skin type. Most often, the interval between procedures is from ten to fourteen days.

Is it dangerous to do at home?

Any cosmetic procedure carries a small amount of risk, but milk peeling is safe procedure. The only danger that can await you at home is the inability to correctly calculate the time during which the mask will remain on your face. If you overexpose it, irritation or even a burn may occur.

Is it possible to spend it in summer?

It is possible, but not advisable. Like any other type of peeling, milk peeling is best done either in autumn or winter.

How many procedures do you need to do so that the effect is not only noticeable, but also remains for a long time?

The best option is considered to be eight procedures. The effect of their implementation will last for a whole year. To do this, you need to use cosmetics with care containing lactic acid.

Can this be done for teenagers with acne?

Yes, you can. Firstly, acne is an indication for milk peeling, and secondly, it is recognized as the most gentle, so it is ideal for young skin and a fragile body.

Even at home, using this procedure you can restore beauty and health to your skin. But here it is very important to choose the right peeling products. Find out more about how to do it right.

“Hollywood cleansing” is the name for “peeling” using calcium chloride, which was used by Soviet cosmetologists when there was not such a variety of peelings as now. .

Pyruvic peeling comes with a pyruvic acid content of 25%, 40%, 50%. See prices for the procedure.

Photos before and after

Lactic acid belongs to the group of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). It was first discovered in sour milk, beer and old fermented wine. It has been used in cosmetology for more than 200 years.

Milk peeling 30% Lactic Acid 30% pH 2.0 PEEL MEDICAL indications:

Dehydration of the epidermis, comedones, post-acne, fresh shallow stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, hypersensitive skin, sagging skin, dull skin color, photoaging, fine wrinkles, peeling of the area around the eyes.

Milk peeling 30% Lactic Acid 30% pH 2.0 PEEL MEDICAL effect of application:

It has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect - being part of the hydro-lipid mantle of the skin, lactic acid creates an acidic environment that is harmful to many microorganisms;
- Reduces the density of comedones and pore sizes and, thanks to this property, is used in products for the care of problematic and oily skin;
- Moisturizes, whitens and brightens the skin;
- Exfoliates dead epidermal cells,
- Stimulates the process of cell renewal, which slows down with age; smoothes fine wrinkles, reduces their depth, refreshes and strengthens sagging, dehydrated skin; improves its elasticity and color.

Milk peeling 30% Lactic Acid 30% pH 2.0 PEEL MEDICAL application:

The product is intended for superficial chemical peeling. Great for sensitive or young skin. Does not cause skin irritation. Can be used as an initial step in a chemical peel program.

Products for professional use!

Milk peeling 30% Lactic Acid 30% pH 2.0 PEEL MEDICAL procedure protocol:

1. Makeup remover
Apply 2 ml of pre-foaming Gel to damp skin. deep cleansing(AHA Deep Cleansing Gel). Rinse thoroughly with warm water. If necessary, repeat until the skin in the treated area is completely cleansed and degreased. Dry the skin with a napkin.
2. Peeling
Shake the peeling solution vigorously before use. Apply 2 ml of the product (Milk peeling 30%) to cleansed and degreased skin with a fan brush, starting with the roughest areas (forehead, nose, chin, cheeks). Exposure time is 8-15 minutes. 1 minute before the end of the exposure time, apply the gel to the lower eyelid area and immediately proceed to the next step.
3. Neutralization
Using cotton swabs, apply 2 ml of Neutralizer Solution to the skin of the face, starting with the most delicate or sensitive areas (lower eyelid, cheeks, chin, nose, forehead). Rinse off with cold water. Dry the skin with a napkin.
4. Hydration
Using your fingertips, apply and evenly distribute with gentle movements Hydratant Cream with hyaluronic acid or Serum with hyaluronic acid 100% Pure Hyaluronic Serum.
5. Completion
Apply sunscreen Anti-age + Moisturizing SPF 30

Every girl who cares for her skin is familiar with the procedure of peeling, at home or in the salon.

Without regular cleansing, complete care is simply impossible, because removing dead scales stimulates the growth of new cells and improves the supply of oxygen to the dermis.

Cosmetologists offer a fairly wide choice of peelings - from deep chemical to gentle almond. For those ladies who are not fans of aggressive cleansing methods, delicate milk peeling is ideal, helping to maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

We will describe below how the facial peeling procedure using lactic acid works, what contraindications it has and average prices.

Peeling is based on the use of lactic acid in high concentration, which is widely used in various cosmetics. Milk peeling can be called one of the least traumatic and gentle; it is suitable for any skin type, including the most sensitive.

Since the effect of lactic acid is superficial, it can only cope with minor problems.

Peeling is best suited for young girls with the first signs of aging or to eliminate dry skin.

Dull complexion, excess sebum secretion - these are the problems that lactic acid can cope with “excellently”.

Properties of lactic acid

Lactic acid is included in many cosmetic products, including intimate hygiene products.

This widespread use is due to its excellent moisturizing and healing properties.

It is also important that lactic acid has the ability to penetrate deeply into cell membranes, ensuring uniform distribution of the active substance.

In homemade masks, you can only use products with a low acid content. Concentrated acid is used for peeling - safe for health, and at the same time highly effective.

Lactic acid has the following properties:

  • stimulates the renewal of dermal cells;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • moisturizes the upper layers of the skin;
  • accelerates collagenogenesis processes;
  • whitens pigmented areas;
  • enhances the protective properties of the epidermis.

You can find out what the technique is, the pros and cons of the procedure and much more from a separate article on our website.

Is hydromassage possible during pregnancy? You can read here.

Well, read how pneumomassage of the lower extremities works and how it works.

Pros and cons

The advantages of milk peeling are the gentle effect of acid on the skin:

  • the procedure is suitable for the most sensitive skin;
  • the recovery period is minimal, as there is no noticeable exfoliation;
  • there is no need for preparatory measures;
  • acid rarely causes an allergic reaction;
  • peeling richly moisturizes the skin, unlike most similar procedures;
  • peeling can be carried out in the summer;
  • there is no need to use special care products after the procedure;
  • peeling is safe even when used on dark skin.

Another advantage is the good compatibility of lactic acid with other components. Thanks to the combination of active substances, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of milk peeling to a medium peel, in which not only the upper layer of the dermis is exposed, but also the epidermis.

The most significant disadvantage is the lack of efficiency for mature skin. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the peeling product - sometimes, to increase its effectiveness, substances that can negatively affect health are added to it.

If the mixture contains glycerol, its concentration is of great importance - high content can lead to dehydration of the skin.

Burns are likely to occur on the treated area - the procedure requires careful adherence to the instructions and a preliminary test.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure is ideal for young girls under 35 years of age. Lactic acid exfoliation will help prevent the signs of aging rather than combat existing ones.

Indications for the use of lactic acid include:

  • unhealthy complexion;
  • small wrinkles;
  • freckles and age spots;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne;
  • dry, dehydrated skin;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • fresh stretch marks;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • preparation for other cosmetic procedures.

Milk peeling is mainly used for the face and décolleté; in addition, it is ideal for other areas of the body when dealing with scars and stretch marks.

Peeling with milk is not recommended for chronic diseases in the acute stage, oncology, or with an increase in temperature. Also, peeling should be temporarily postponed for expectant mothers, nursing women, and those who have damaged skin.

Herpes, individual intolerance to components, taking antibiotics, rosacea - all this can become a serious contraindication. You should also not resort to peeling in the first week after hair removal.

Session Stages

If you decide to undergo milk peeling, it is recommended to prepare for the procedure in advance - you should avoid being in direct sunlight for at least two weeks. Sometimes daily use of a cream with low lactic or fruit acid content is required.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist carefully removes makeup and treats the skin with a preparation with a low content of active substance - this is necessary for preliminary softening of the epidermis and removal of keratinized scales.

Then the specialist applies concentrated acid to the face in two stages for a period of 10 to 40 minutes. The concentration varies from 30 to 90 percent and is selected individually, taking into account the condition of the epidermis and its sensitivity.

The specialist monitors the patient’s reaction to the drug; if signs of burns are observed, the solution must be immediately neutralized. If the reaction of the epidermis is normal, then in the following procedures it is possible to use a more concentrated drug.

The session ends by washing off the active substance with cold water and applying a moisturizing mask - most often an alginate algae mask is used. Then moisturizer is applied. Milky peeling is completely painless; some patients note a slight burning sensation in the first minute after applying the drug.

How is the recovery period going?

After peeling, slight redness is observed, which may last for several days. Over the course of a week, the epidermis actively peels off; it is necessary to endure this period and, if possible, not touch your face with your hands. It is also undesirable to use cosmetics at this time.

The appearance of the skin allows you to maintain a normal lifestyle during the recovery period, just do not forget to apply sunscreen before going outside. It is not recommended to resort to other cosmetic methods in the first weeks after peeling, or to visit the gym or sauna.


The results from the effect of lactic acid on the dermis are noticeable after the first sessions:

  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • healthy complexion returns;
  • freckles and age spots become less noticeable;
  • acne spots are aligned in tone with skin color;
  • dryness and flaking are eliminated;
  • sebum production decreases.

See what the skin looks like after peeling with lactic acid, before and after photos:

Possible complications

In rare cases, persistent redness and irritation may occur after peeling. An incorrect concentration may cause a slight burn on the treated area. To speed up healing, it is recommended to use vegetable oils or Panthenol.

To prevent negative consequences, you should strictly adhere to your doctor’s recommendations and approach the use of cosmetics with caution.

What are the advantages, reviews about the procedure, all the pros and cons of the technique can be found in a separate article.

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Course duration and average prices

Good results are observed after the first procedures. For lasting results, it is recommended to complete a full course of 4 – 5 sessions with breaks of two weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course after six months. Prices in clinics vary significantly - from 1000 to 5000 rubles per session.

Milk peeling is gaining popularity every day; its gentle effects can effectively heal the skin.

You should not experiment at home - only a specialist will help you avoid burns and achieve lasting results.

Approach the cleansing procedure responsibly, and lactic acid will give you a youthful and beautiful face.

What those who have undergone the procedure say

We invite you to read the reviews of those who have done milk peeling for the face in the salon:

  • Varya, 28 years old:

    “After winter, I always have a kind of gray face with red spots around the wings of my nose. Cosmetics do little to hide the defect and only add vulgarity.

    I haven’t decided on serious methods yet; I chose milk peeling.

    I haven’t noticed any itching or irritation, I can go to work safely. The course was very inexpensive, I like the result!”

  • Olga, 29 years old:

    “I have had very dry skin since I was a teenager. I've tried a lot of creams, but they don't help for long. Last year I decided to undergo biorevitalization, the result was very good. The cosmetologist recommended lactic acid. I’m going through this for the third time, my face has become soft and velvety.”

  • Masha, 24 years old:

    “No peeling helped my freckles. They remain as they were, maybe a little paler than they have become. Just wasted my time and money. So, girls, don’t be fooled by advertising!”

  • Katya, 32 years old:

    “At school I constantly squeezed out pimples, over time the problem went away, but the acne spots remained on my face. I’m used to fighting them with homemade lightening masks. I read a lot about different methods peeling, I decided to try the safest one. The effect is good - the face is clean! I hope the results will last for a long time.”

We invite you to watch a video about how the lactic acid peeling procedure works: