“My dad is the best. Project "My dad is the best!" project (middle group) on the topic Interesting project about dad for children

Project in junior group 1 "My Dad"

Author: Portnykh Elena Vasilievna, teacher of MBDOU No. 111, Rostov-on-Don
Description of material: We already have Mother's Day. But Father's Day has been celebrated in our country quite recently. This holiday is very popular in other countries. And I decided to try not to leave this day unnoticed. The structure of the project can be used in different age groups, just change the content of the works. The date of celebration in 2015 is June 21. Father's Day dates in different countries differ, but despite this its essence remains unchanged. The essence of the holiday is to remind people of the role of the family and the values ​​that are embedded in it. Father's Day was first celebrated on June 19, 1910 in the United States. Mrs. Dodd from Washington suggested celebrating this holiday. She wanted to show her gratitude to her father. And it was believed that this holiday would help strengthen the relationship between fathers and their children and at the same time remind fathers of their parental responsibilities. Following the United States, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Japan, China and other countries began to celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday in June. Nowadays there are over 52 of them in the world.
Target: strengthening the institution of family and family values, increasing the social significance of fatherhood.
formation of positive emotional attitude to dad as the main member of the family
reinforcing the knowledge that everyone has a dad, even animals;
memory development, voluntary attention, speech, thinking, visual and auditory perception
development creativity
instilling interest in the surrounding world
The following forms of work with children were used:
Conversation with children about family.
Conversation with children about dad
Looking at illustrations of male professions (policeman, doctor, builder, fireman)
Selection and examination of photographs on the topic: “Me and my daddy”
Watch the video "Father and Son".
Role-playing games: “Family”, “Construction site”, “Car racing”, “Fishing”
Physical exercise “Family”
Listening to songs about dads: “My dad is good”, “Song about dad” music. Ponomareva, “Dad Can” Lyrics by M. Tanich, Music by V. Shainsky, “Daddy” composer V. Drobysh, “Dad, beloved daddy” performed by the children’s choir “Fidgets”, “There is no better friend than daddy” Lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky Music by B. Savelyev, “Song about Father” by I. Nadzhiev, “Daddy’s Daughter” by T. Baykova.
Reading and memorizing poems about dads. "The best!" Olga Chusovitina, “My Dad” by Lika Razumova
Verbal games: “Say kindly” (daddy, daddy, beloved)
Didactic game “Whose dad?” Everyone has a dad, and so do animals, and it is suggested that each baby (calf, foal, gosling, puppy, kitten and chick) find a dad among the figures (or pictures) of different animals.
Finger gymnastics
This big finger -
This is dad dear
The most important, the smartest,
Dad, dear daddy.
Next to dad is our mother.
Next to my mother is my older brother
Following him, his sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong guy -
This is our sweet baby.
Construction games: “Garage”, “Our City”
Wall newspaper with congratulations for dads on the holiday “June 21 – Father’s Day”

Exhibition of children's drawings "My Dad"

Drawing for dads

Creating posters in parent corner:

Coloring pages by theme: “Daddy’s professions”
Consultations for parents “What can dad do with his child”, “Mom is not at home”

Sections: Working with parents

No other sample needed
When your father's example is in your eyes.

Griboyedov A.

Project type: pedagogical.

Participants: teachers, dads and children speech therapy group

Target group: parents-dads.

Scale: implementation period is 1 year, the number of participants is determined by the roster of the speech therapy group - 17 people.

Problem interaction between family and preschool institution has become relevant at the present stage of development of society. According to federal law"On education in Russian Federation” and the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.” The kindergarten is the first non-family social institution encountered on the path of parents and their children, and it is here that the first systematic education begins. But fathers and mothers always need to remember that the upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents and a kindergarten is only an assistant, and therefore they should not shift all responsibility to the teaching staff. In turn, it is necessary to strive for them to become assistant teachers, to develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to instill in them the conviction that they are capable of this and there is no more exciting, nobler thing than learning to understand their child.

IN modern world high-speed transport, computer technology and the desire to earn more, today’s parents find it difficult to allocate time for games, conversations, and organizing activities with the child, and especially for dads. Family demands are growing rapidly and it is fathers who are becoming the main source of meeting financial needs.

The postulate of including parents in the correction process is especially important if we accept that the family is a certain integral system striving to maintain homeostasis. If there are certain hidden problems in such a system, it may happen that the child’s communication problems will serve to maintain the family system. And in turn, I would like to note that the role of the father in this is very large. But practice shows that dads do not want to attend kindergarten, do not know how to cope with the child when the mother is not there, and much more.

Over the course of several years, a certain pattern has emerged: our speech therapy group is mainly attended by boys. And I believe that it is necessary to establish closer relationships with parents - fathers, since it is their example that is a model for a male child. There is no other such institution, except the institution of the family, which so accurately predetermines the patterns of formation of the future person. Behind behavioral problems and the characteristics of children's relationships, adults are visible - their views on the world, their positions and behavioral stereotypes. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes raise the child blindly, intuitively. All this does not bring the desired results.

Based on the above, I have set the following target : ensuring positive dynamics in the development of the preschooler’s intellectual potential and his emotional satisfaction through close contact with his father.


  • establish partnerships with the father of each student;
  • unite the efforts of educators and parents for the development and education of children;
  • create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional support for all project participants;
  • to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents and maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

To successfully cooperate with parents, you must adhere to principles interactions:

1. Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents. Positive attitude communication is the very solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole will be. Daily friendly interaction between teachers and parents means much more than a single well-executed event.

2.Individual approach– is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. The teacher, when communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the teacher’s human and pedagogical ability to reassure the parent, sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation comes in handy.

3. Collaboration, not mentoring. It will be more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and family support in difficult pedagogical situations, demonstrating the interest of the team kindergarten understand the family's problems and have a sincere desire to help.

4.We are preparing seriously. The main thing in this work is the quality, and not the quantity of individual, unrelated events. A weak, poorly prepared parent meeting or seminar can negatively impact the positive image of the institution as a whole.

5.Dynamism. A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work with the family should change.

The most important and time-consuming thing will be the selection and development of forms and techniques that will facilitate the involvement of dads in our common work, because in our group there are different parents, based on the level of interaction and desire to help. Some (the main part) are able to provide assistance only once. Others from time to time, others actively enter into dialogue and become permanent assistants to the teacher. Still others are able to independently determine the main directions of work and organize expanded activities, which have a beneficial effect both on the work of the entire group and on the work of the entire kindergarten.

At the same time, each parent has the opportunity to exchange experiences, learn and teach others, and provide assistance to each other in the form of compassion and empathy. We, speech therapy group teachers, must always be ready to provide support to parents, regardless of the extent to which they or other members of the child’s family choose to participate in the work of the group.

Unobtrusive help and support will allow parents who feel confident enough to work independently; for those who are not so confident in their abilities, they will provide an opportunity for further growth and improvement.

Expected result : I think that thanks to the implementation of this project, parents and fathers will be more interested in the life and activities of their children in the garden and at home. In turn, children, especially boys, will feel satisfaction from close interaction with their dads.

Practical significance consists in developing content and forms, interaction between fathers, children and educators.

Reporting form : photo presentations, reviews from parents, presence and activity of the Internet page.

Long-term work plan.

Event Form of work Goals Deadlines
1. "What kind of father am I" Questioning at the initial and final stages To identify the level of participation of fathers in raising children. Beginning of October 2014 – end of May 2015
2. "Elections to the Parents Committee" Participation in the parent committee Organize the activities of a parent committee consisting of the father of one of the children. October 2014
3. "Evening with Dad" Organization of leisure activities, walks with dad Create conditions for closer cooperation between the child – parent – ​​teacher in a relaxed manner. Once a month at a time convenient for the parent.
4. "Masterilkins" Workshop organization Involve inactive parents to help the teacher fill the subject-spatial educational environment. During the year
5. "My profession" Conversation Introduce children to the professions that dads have. Show the role and significance of these professions for society. Throughout the year, taking into account thematic planning.
6. “We’re waiting for mom for dinner” Newspaper Get to know your parents' favorite recipes December
7. “What to do with a child when mom isn’t around.” Consultation at the stand. Introduce parents to possible ways to realize their role as a father through organizing children’s leisure time. January.
8. "I look like daddy" Drawing according to idea (child - gen.) Drawing a portrait of a couple in profile, reflecting features appearance, the character and mood of specific people (the child draws the father, the father draws the child) February
9. "Gift for Mom" Organization of individual practical classes Make a gift for mom from dad and child. February – March.
10. “Come and visit!” – Creation of a community of parents of a speech therapy group on the Internet.
– Involve parents-dads in communication and interaction via e-mail.
Find new ways of interaction, educate parents on emerging issues, and monitor the group’s activities. Within a year.
11. "Fun Games with Dads" Photo exhibition Get to know the leisure activities of parents and children. April
12. “I am talent!” Organization of joint holidays. To promote the discovery of fathers’ talents through participation in holidays, skits, etc. Within a year.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 1

municipal formation Shcherbinovsky district

village Staroshcherbinovskaya

Social educational project

with parents and children

second junior group.


Yulia Mikhailovna

teacher of the first qualification category

Project topic:"Our dads can do anything."

Implementation deadlines: short.

Project type:"Cognitive", "Social"

Project activity participants: pupils and parents of the second junior group No. 3 MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Gnezdyshko”

Art. Staroshcherbinovskaya.


For children:Raising a sense of pride in your dads.

For parents: Understanding the role of the father in raising children.

Tasks for students:

ü To form children’s ideas about different professions;

ü Develop children's horizons, their communication skills (enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech, develop the ability to express one’s thoughts coherently and consistently, and activate attention

ü Improve children’s work activities to foster a positive attitude towards work;

ü To foster a sense of responsibility and the significance of one’s work for other children and adults participating in joint work;

Tasks for parents:

ü Involve parents in project activities in order to strengthen parent-child relationships.

ü Show the importance of paternal influence in raising children.

ü Activate educational functions father in the family.

The theme of the project “Our Dads Can Do Anything” was chosen by me based on the children’s knowledge of their family and parents (their values, hobbies, place of work). Problem:“Children’s low level of knowledge about their fathers’ professions.” During preliminary conversations with students, it was found that preschoolers’ idea of ​​the work of adults is quite limited - they know only about a small number of professions, especially the most common ones. When answering the question: “Where does your dad work?” The children answer: “There,” and when asked: “What does he do?”, the children answer: “He makes money.” A survey of children's fathers showed the following results:

17 people took part in the survey.

First question“What are the functions of the father in the family?”, The parents answered: “To maintain the family in abundance and protect it”, “Teach everything”, “Protection, support and reliability”, “Maintaining the family”, “The father is the head of everything”, “ Nurses”, “Protection of the family”. Only two people responded: “Raising children”, “Responsibility to the family, raising children.”

Answering the second question“How much time do you spend with your child?” All respondents admitted that, in their opinion, this is very little, but everyone’s numbers were different from 30 minutes to 6 hours a day.”

Third question“What do you do in your free time?” dads were pleased with the variety of answers: “We play”, “Sleep”, “Eat”, “We work around the house”, “We go to the river”, “We talk”, “We read books”, “We ride in a car” ", "We play hide and seek, football", "Walks in the park."

Fourth question:“Does your child ask you to play with him, read to him, tell him about something?” all respondents answered “Yes.”

Sixth question:“What are the difficulties in communicating with children?” Only two respondents are aware of the existing difficulties; the rest of the dads believe that there are no difficulties in communication.

To the question“Who wakes up the child in the morning and gets him ready for kindergarten?”, five fathers answered that he wakes up and gets his child ready for kindergarten - a mother, two fathers - depending on the circumstances, and only one father answered that these are his responsibilities.

Answering the last question questionnaire: “Do you spend your vacation with your children?”, one dad answered that the vacation has not happened yet, the rest of the respondents answered that, of course, they spend their vacation with their children.

Analysis of the survey results led to the conclusion that not all dads imagine the role of the father in raising a child, or the importance of male upbringing. A child in the family needs both female and male attention. The mother, as a rule, acts on the child with affection and kindness, and the formation of purposefulness, perseverance, and courage in children is the concern of the father. Thus, the idea arose of actively including pupils’ fathers in the project. And my project was divided into two types - educational: aimed at children; and social: aimed at the students’ parents, namely, their dads.

At the first stage of introducing my project activities, I decided to introduce children to the professions of their fathers. In order for a child to consolidate certain knowledge, he needs to see, hear, touch. I suggested that dads think through options on how best to do this. The dads of Zakomorny Sasha, Silkina Vasilisa, Kvach Maxim, Old Sonya and others responded. Due to the prevailing circumstances, not all of the parents’ ideas were implemented. Based on age characteristics children, their cognitive interests, dad’s capabilities and desires, we managed to organize an excursion to secondary school No. 1, where Alexander Vladimirovich Zakomorny, Sasha Zakomorny’s dad, works as a physical education teacher. Before the excursion, the children had a conversation about where Sasha’s dad works and who else works at the school. Dad, a teacher, talked about the features of his profession, who he works with, what work activities he uses, what objects of labor he uses. During the excursion, the children saw the place where Alexander Vladimirovich works, how spacious the gym is, what is in the hall: balls, hoops, a net on the windows, there are rings for throwing balls. In the hall you can run, play outdoor games, and do physical education. The children really enjoyed this excursion, the students shared their impressions with the kindergarten staff and with their parents. To consolidate the knowledge gained, we drew balls, a gymnastic ladder, gym. Thus. The children received and consolidated all the necessary knowledge about the profession of a physical education teacher.

Due to the age characteristics of the pupils, we were not able to visit all the places of work of our fathers. Therefore, we invited parents to come to our kindergarten. Kvach Dmitry Valerievich, “refrigeration engineer”, Maxim Kvach’s father, suggested that in order for the pupils to get acquainted with their profession, they should come to our kindergarten in their work car, so that the children could see what is necessary for work. While examining the car and the tools in it, talking with Dmitry Valerievich, the children learned that the working car is semi-passenger, semi-truck; the car has everything necessary to repair or install a refrigerator, split system and air conditioning. The students examined a vacuum cleaner, various keys, wires, tubes, a Karcher, a ladder, and learned from the conversation what equipment and tools are needed for. The children shared the knowledge gained during the meeting with the pupils who were absent that day, with the kindergarten staff, and with their parents. To consolidate the acquired knowledge, we played with children in role-playing games"Workshop", didactic games: “Who needs what”, “The fourth odd one” looked at the subject pictures “Tools”.

Silkina Vasilisa’s family also responded to the request to participate in the project. Dmitry Sergeevich Silkin came to us in a work car, the children were able to sit in the police car, touch all the buttons and sensors, turn on special signals, and examine the walkie-talkie. Dmitry Sergeevich told the children that he works on this machine: he searches for criminals, protects the peace of the residents of our area. During the observation, I drew the children’s attention to the car: what color it is, a truck or a car, the presence of flashing lights, how many seats there are in the car, what the back door is for. The children also saw the special clothes of a policeman, identified its color, distinctive signs, headdress, protective equipment, namely a holster with a weapon. The children got a lot of impressions about learning about the new profession of “Policeman”.

The fathers of our students work in different fields and have different qualifications. This includes a builder-finisher, a veterinarian, a car repairman, a truck driver, a dentist and others. Many dads wanted to take part in this area of ​​project activity, but due to the characteristics of dads’ professions, the age characteristics of children and other objective circumstances, we decided to invite dads to talk about their professions in other acceptable ways. In the course of continuing this work, Katya Oleynik’s dad made a poster-leaflet about his work, where the photographs reflected the work process, tools, and the result of his labor actions. Children talked with pleasure and pride about their dads, about their professional actions, about tools, about the need for this or that profession for other people. The impressions received were reinforced in conversations with children: “All works are good - choose according to your taste.” “My dad”, “Professions of our dads”.

During the project activities, I not only introduced the children to the professions of our fathers, but also tried to show the children the importance of the father in the family, in our kindergarten. We reminisced with the children about what was done in our group by the hands of our dads, and what benefits it brought us. The acquired knowledge was consolidated in role-playing games: “Doctor”, “Chauffeur”, “Builders”, “Cook”. Using nnemotables, we compiled stories about the professions of our parents: “My dad is a teacher”, “My dad is a doctor”, “My dad driver", "My dad is a security guard" and others. In activities with children I used illustrative materials: plot, short-story and subject pictures, photographs “Professions”, “Who to be”, “Tools”, “My dad at work”. Greater emotional and semantic load for children preschool age carry literary works. We read and discussed works with children: V. Mayakovsky. “Who to be”, B. Zakhoder “About professions” and others. They asked and memorized riddles, memorized poems about professions. The children reflected their impressions in productive activity. They drew on the theme “My Dad”, “My Dad at Work”, “How We Spent the Weekend”, “A Gift for Dad”; Using appliqué, we created a collage on the theme: “Who needs what”; applied on the theme “Shirt for Dad”, “How we vacationed with Dad at the seaside”.

The final product of the project activity was an album about the professions of fathers, “Our Dads Can Do Anything,” where each page shows the student’s father and his work activities. Based on illustrations from this album, the group’s students talk almost freely about such professions as a doctor, a builder, a physical education teacher, a driver, and always add “This is the dad of Sasha, Maxim, Varya, etc.” During the project “Our dads can everything,” the children of the group consolidated their knowledge of what a profession is, why a person needs to work, work. Now the preschoolers of the group are more responsible in carrying out assignments, duty, and household work. They try to help others and maintain order in the group. Children began to be more careful with clothes, toys, surrounding objects, and furniture, as many developed a value-based attitude towards their own work and the work of adults.

Solving the tasks of project activities in terms of interaction with parents of students, I talked with parents about the importance of raising children by fathers, because the words “father” and “Fatherland” have the same root, that is, father is the root of the family, an indisputable authority. In the process of preparing for the excursion, for the arrival of dads on the territory of the institution and a story about their profession, I conducted individual consultations with dads about what and how to tell the kids about their profession, in what aspects labor activity draw children's attention to how to summarize a conversation with children. In the process of preparing the album “Professions of Our Dads”, I provided individual assistance to each family. After all, the creative and logistical capabilities of the parents are different, someone can easily and simply make a photo collage, print and bring the finished product, you just have to submit an idea, but with other parents you had to draw up an action plan, control, remind, edit the brought materials. But, most importantly, during joint activities based on mutual respect, acceptance of each parent with his or her characteristics and aimed at achieving a common goal, new facets of cooperation with parents are revealed, their level of pedagogical competence increases, and a desire arises to cooperate with the teachers of the institution.

The final event with parents was a round table with the fathers of the students on the topic “Humanity needs good men even more than great ones.” The purpose of this event was to help fathers optimally build their relationship with their child. At the meeting, I told the dads about the influence of the father on the child, which is 18 times greater than the influence of the mother, and drew the attention of those present to the fact that mothers still spend more time in education than fathers. During round table discussed the results of the survey with parents, answered such global questions as: “Whose participation in upbringing should be greater than the mother or father?”, “How to achieve obedience”, “Is it worth punishing children?”, etc. In preparation for the meeting, a video was taken of the children of the group with statements and answers to the questions: “What does your dad do in the evenings?”, “Who spends more time with you in his free time: mom or dad?”, “What do you like to do with dad?” ?", "What did your dad teach you?", "Is your dad kind or strict", "Why do you think so?", "What does your dad do?", "What does he do at work?". The children were very sincere when answering the questions, because they knew that this video was a greeting to their dads. When demonstrating this material at an event with parents, dads watched the video with great pleasure, a little with anticipation and slight nervousness, because they did not know what their children would answer. As a result, after watching, the dads shared their impressions of what they saw; it turned out that some of the children’s answers confused them and made them think about their role in the child’s life. In conclusion, I invited dads to draw a portrait of their child and talk about him, what he is like now, and how dads imagine him in the future. This simple technique prompted parents to think about how their child would grow up, what educational actions would lead to achieving their plans. The children’s portraits turned out wonderful, the dads were so passionate about their work that they even remembered how to correctly draw a child’s face, the correct position of their children’s eyes and noses. They were happy to talk about their children, how wonderful they are. And with even greater pleasure and already with a sense of pride they told how they imagine their children to be in the future. In conclusion parent meeting, when summing up the results, it was nice to hear a positive assessment of our work, our kindergarten and the event. Parents expressed their wishes for more such events, where dads could communicate with each other, discuss issues of education, see and hear their kids in action.

Today interaction between preschool educational institutions with parents is an important part in working to overcome difficulties in the development and upbringing of preschool children. Only in close cooperation and mutual understanding between teachers and parents can high results be achieved. Project activities aimed at interacting with parents, solves all problems of interaction with parents.

Passport of the project "My Dad"

Educator: Kutsenko Faina Akhmedzagirovna

Musical director: Bogdanova Veronika Vladimirovna

Type of project: informational and creative.

Project duration: short-term.

Project participants: children of senior preschool age, teachers, parents.

Children's age: 5-6 years


The games of our kindergarten students and the children’s conversations with each other helped us see a big problem: all children’s issues are most often resolved by the mother, the mother satisfies both the cognitive interests of the children and the lack of emotional communication. Modern men are very busy, but raising a child cannot be put off “for later”

Project goal:

  • maintaining traditions of respect for the father, strengthening traditional family foundations;
  • the formation of partnership and cooperation relations between father and child in the family;
  • psychological and pedagogical assistance to fathers of kindergarten students in understanding their role in raising a healthy, successful child;
  • instilling in children a sense of pride in and respect for their fathers.

Project objectives:

  • informing fathers about their rights and responsibilities in raising children, the rights of the child and his mother;
  • introduction and exercise in organizing games and communication with children of different ages and gender - boys and girls;
  • cooperation between teachers and fathers of pupils in organizing playful, creative, constructive and labor activities of children in kindergarten.

Form of conduct final lesson: leisure time shared with parents.

The name of the final event of the project: “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

Equipment, materials: exhibition design in the book cornerillustrations aboutpeople of different professions, family photographs of children, portraits of dad drawn by children, congratulations, balloons for room decoration, crafts, Use of information and communication technologies: laptop, projector, projector screen, speakers.

Working with parents:

  • practical workshop “Papa the Master”.
  • Information at the stand “The role of the father in raising a child”
  • Organization ingroup of exhibition of works (products)"Daddy's Skillful Hands"
  • Conducting a survey of children (see Questionnaire “What do I know about dad?”)
  • Calendar planning and conducting classes, joint activities, play activity within the project .
  • Drawing a portrait of dad. Registration in a group inexhibitions "Dad can»

The role of the father in the life of a childimportant. For a child, a father is an example of a man, a symbol of masculinity, masculinity. And raising a child by a father brings its own important results. What prompted me to start this project was the attitude of children towards their fathers. As a rule, they obey dad, there are fewer whims, and the children’s behavior is adequate. And it was very interesting to work with children, parents, and dads in preparation for the holiday.

Fathergreatly influences the development of such qualities in a child as:
- restraint;
- slowness;
- emotional balance;
- serenity;
- calmness;
- optimism;
- diligence;
- responsibility.

The role of a father in a boy's life:

In contact with his father, the boy develops truly masculine traits:
- the need and ability to protect;
- take responsibility;
- internal energy and mental strength.

The role of the father in a girl's life

The father contributes to the formation of a positive self-esteem in his daughter, expressing approval of her actions, abilities, and appearance.

The daughter's daily communication with her father teaches her to understand male psychology, adapt to her, teaches not to be afraid of men. As an adult, every girl will try to build her relationships with men by analogy with those she had with her father .

Questionnaire for children of senior preschool age

“What do I know about dad?”

_____________________________ (child's full name)

1. What is your dad's name? Give your last name, first name, patronymic. ________________________________________________________________________

2. How old is your dad? ___________________________________________________

3. Do you know: where does your dad work, what is the name of his position, what does he do while doing his job? ___________________________________________


Goals and objectives Forming a habit of healthy image life. Formation of friendly family relations. Fostering respect for dads, the ability to experience joyful communication with adults, and develop a sense of unity and trust in each other. Creation good mood in children, and the joy of communicating with peers.

Dear dads! Probably all fathers want their children to be hardworking, purposeful, persistent, and courageous. But this cannot be achieved with words, no matter how correct they may be. The child must see how you, his dad, act in one situation or another - at play, at work, in relationships with loved ones and strangers. We invite you to take part in creative project“MY DAD IS THE BEST DAD.” Dear dads, show yourself to your child with the best side, demonstrate the qualities that you would like to convey to him! The project will run from February.

Plan of activities 1. “Winter fun” Form of implementation: walk 2. “Morning of health” Form of implementation: exercise 3. “Let’s play a fairy tale” Form of implementation: game-dramatization 4. “ Winter fun» Form of conduct - relay race on a walk 5. “Drawing a car” Form of conduct: teamwork 6. “Let’s take care of our little brothers” Conducted in a master class 7. “Happy Bunnies” Conducted in a master class 8. “Interesting hobby” Conducted in a group drawing 9. “Let’s work with a hammer” Conducted in a master class 10. “Author’s car” Form of delivery: master class

Creative work with Masha Getsman's dad went off with a bang! A bird feeder is very useful in cold weather. Creative work with Masha Getsman’s dad went off with a bang! A bird feeder is very useful in cold weather. Finding a tree where birds like to stay is also important. Finding a tree where birds like to stay is also important.

It’s interesting to watch Natasha Zvereva’s dad as he fastens the parts of the future machine with nails, and it’s even more interesting to try to make it yourself. It’s interesting to watch Natasha Zvereva’s dad as he fastens the parts of the future machine with nails, and it’s even more interesting to try to make it yourself.