Modern methods of mastering the spelling of words with unchecked spellings. Methodical piggy bank

The technology of working on words with unverifiable or hard-to-verify spellings


Developed and tested the technology on three graduations of students primary school MOU "Azeevskaya secondary school" Ermishinsky district of the Ryazan region Sergeeva Nailya Umidovna

Explanatory note ……………………………

1. The relevance of studying words with unverifiable and

hard-to-verify spellings…………………………………….

2. Goals and objectives of technology…………………………………………………

3. Principles of technology construction………………………………………

Methodological principles of teaching

5. Means and methods of teaching unchecked spellings……….

Methods and forms of work on a dictionary word

in Russian lessons

Tasks and exercises

Material for exercises in writing the most

frequently occurring words with unverifiable

unstressed vowels and doubled consonants

Thematic planning………………………….

Lesson notes……………………………………...


Azeevo 2005

Explanatory note.

1 . The relevance of teaching unchecked spellings in elementary school.

From the point of view of spelling, the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language can be divided into two main groups: words whose spelling is regulated by the rules of our spelling, and words with unchecked (unregulated), difficult to check spellings. The first group of words from the side of their spelling is studied in the elementary grades in connection with the courses of phonetics and grammar and on their basis. Work on the words of the second group is carried out "in dictionary order". In practice, this means that in order to assimilate such words, one thing is required of students: to write such words as much as possible, moreover, mechanically, without being guided by any rules. To a certain extent, the rule “to write more” is psychologically justified: in the end, the assimilation of the spelling of specific words, including words with unchecked spellings, depends on the number of “encounters” of the writer with these spellings. But it’s one thing when thought is involved in the process of mastering spelling (relying on a rule, and therefore analysis-synthesis), it’s another thing when there is no connection with phonetics, grammar, spelling and a given word from the side of its spelling just needs to be memorized, memorized mechanically. In this case, the number of "meetings" with such words should be significantly increased. As the observations of psychologists, in particular Professor D.N. Bogoyavlensky, show, in order to master the spelling of such words as aquarium, library and the like, even high school students must “meet” them at least 10 times (see and write). It is clear that it is impossible to provide students with such a number of "meetings" with all the running words in elementary school. It should be borne in mind that the number of such words in educational literature quite large for an elementary school. According to rough estimates, this group makes up more than 500 words in the texts of textbooks for elementary school. There is no need to prove that the most common of these words should be mastered by all primary school students. But long-term observations show that students graduating from elementary school make mistakes in writing a large number of very common words with unchecked spellings. One of the reasons for this situation is the undeveloped methodology for teaching unchecked spellings, primarily the disorder of the didactic material on which to work on spellings of this type, and the lack of scientifically based recommendations on what methods to teach these spellings. But without the assimilation of common words with unverifiable spellings, students cannot fully master literary speech, its written form. Hence the relevance of the problem of teaching unchecked spellings. The formation of spelling skills in the study of unchecked spellings should be based on the active educational work of students. The teacher must guide it, bearing in mind the following conditions that ensure the effectiveness of this work:

Activation of mental activity of students and their memory;

Teaching character learning activities;

Regularity in working on words with the indicated orthograms.

Teaching unchecked spellings should be carried out on didactic material, including the most common words. They should be selected from textbooks (in all disciplines) studied in this class, works of art, dictionaries. The main shortcomings in working on unchecked spellings are that assignments for academic work are often mechanical in nature; from students performing such tasks, the teacher usually requires only a ready answer to the question posed, not being interested in either the course of students' reasoning or possible options solution to this issue. Another typical drawback is the monotony of exercises: underline the indicated spellings, insert missing letters, add endings. The third drawback is the lack of proper guidance on the work of students when they perform practical tasks. Often one of the students writes down the didactic material offered by the teacher on the blackboard, while the rest write off this material, sometimes not delving into the essence of the matter to the proper extent. Thus, there are serious shortcomings in the organization and conduct of educational work. The main one is that it is aimed not so much at activating the mental activity of students as at the mechanical implementation of the proposed tasks. Spelling literacy is the main part of the general language culture of any person, an indicator of the accuracy of the expression of thought and mutual understanding. On the basis of this postulate, one of the directions for the development of spelling skills and abilities of students is based - vocabulary work. This section of the Russian language program is studied throughout the school year in grades 1-4 and, as a rule, is based on the rote memorization of "vocabulary" words. But the student does not always remember how this or that word is spelled, although at the lesson attention was paid to the peculiarities of spelling, the necessary letter was underlined and the word, as usual, was entered in the dictionary.

2. Goals and objectives of technology

In the process of teaching unregulated spellings, students should develop:

Formation of the concept of words with unverifiable (unregulated), hard-to-verify spellings.

Learn to recognize words with unchecked (unregulated), difficult to check spellings in speech and writing.

Formation of spelling skills for words with unverifiable, hard-to-verify spellings.

Develop the skill of spelling words with unverifiable, hard-to-verify spellings

(make it automatic).

Formation of skills to consciously and competently use words with unverifiable spellings in oral and written speech.

Quantitative and qualitative enrichment of children's vocabulary.

3 . Principles of building technology.

The teacher knows that the management of the educational activities of schoolchildren should be based primarily on the principles of didactics - the principles of scientific character, accessibility, the principles of developing and educating education, and others. In addition, the teacher, when organizing and conducting educational work, should also be guided by special methodological principles. The leading task of our school is to prepare thinking, mentally mature people. A graduate should be able to independently analyze, generalize and evaluate facts, perceive them consciously. And this approach to educational material needs to be taught to children. Teaching an analytical approach to facts, events, and phenomena means teaching schoolchildren to learn. It follows from this that educational work on unchecked spellings should also be teaching character . This is one of the leading conditions for the effectiveness of teaching these spellings.

Learning work reaches its goal when it is carried out in the system. Here we rely on the didactic principle of systematicity. It is necessary that teaching unregulated spellings be not an episode in the educational process in the Russian language as a whole, but that work on these spellings is a set of interrelated types of educational activities. Hence another condition for the effectiveness of work on words with difficult spellings - its systematic .

Russian language lessons should equip students with speech as an instrument of thought and a means of communication. Since the Russian language course has its own main goal the formation of speech skills, then practical tasks should prevail in the educational work. Hence the following conditions for the effectiveness of work on unregulated spellings. - her practical .

Another related condition is purposefulness at work. The teacher should strive to ensure that children learn to write as many common words as possible with these spellings. This is the ultimate goal of learning words with such orthograms.

Educational work gives high efficiency if carried out regularly. It is known from psychology that spelling skills are the stronger, the more often students "meet" with spelling. Hence, another condition of work - its regularity . It is the regularity of work on educational material that contributes to the formation of skills and abilities leading to the creation of what I.P. Pavlov called the dynamic stereotype.

Schematically, these conditions (provisions) can be represented as follows:

Conditions for the effectiveness of educational work on unchecked spellings









The management of any kind of educational activity should be based on the principles of didactics. Let us briefly consider those principles of didactics that should guide the teaching of unchecked spellings.

Didactic principles of teaching spelling.

The principle of science. Science is the basic principle of teaching any school subject at any stage of education in our school. This principle requires that information about the facts and phenomena studied at school be presented in full accordance with the data obtained by science, without deviations from generally accepted scientific provisions. The foregoing fully applies to educational work on spelling. For example, students mix stressed and unstressed syllables, and hence errors in writing unstressed vowels. To prevent this mistake means to teach students, first of all, to distinguish between stressed and unstressed vowels of the root, to help students realize the corresponding phonetic phenomena. To implement this principle in working on unchecked spellings, students need to be taught:

    analyze words from the side of their sound-letter composition;

    distinguish stressed and unstressed syllables in words;

    match words and word forms.

The principle of systematicity. It is known that the phenomena of reality are interconnected, which means that their understanding is based on analysis and synthesis. Orthographic facts should not be studied in isolation either, they should be considered in close connection with one another. For example, the spelling of unstressed vowels, including unverified vowels, is associated with stress, and with the alternation of sounds, and with the morphological composition of the word and word formation. Therefore, in order to master the spelling of unstressed vowels, you need to know the composition of the word, the forms of word change, and the ways of forming words. The main ways to implement the principle of systematicity in work on spelling can be formulated as follows:

1. teach students to see spelling;

2. teach students to change and form words;

3. to form matching skills in schoolchildren.

Activity principle. Conscious assimilation of spelling presupposes active analytical-synthetic mental activity. It is especially important to activate the work of thought, and, consequently, memory when teaching unchecked spellings. When studying such spellings, students should not just “write”, but actively perform exercises. These exercises should encourage students to actively work their thoughts, to compare them, and so on. This is also possible when performing exercises on words with unchecked spellings. Here, tasks can be used to select related words, synonyms for given words, form other parts of speech, group words according to some criteria (for example, words with unstressed vowels are written in one column a, in the other - with unstressed about etc.).

The principle of visibility. It has been established (by psychologists, methodologists and the experience of teachers) that those spellings that are perceived visually are better absorbed. Therefore, in the process of studying unchecked spellings, the role of visual aids should be strengthened: tables with difficult words, blackboards, student notebooks, spelling and explanatory dictionaries, handwritten dictionaries. At the same time, it is important that visual aids are not just “present”, they must participate in the work. The following types of tasks contribute to the activation of educational work with the help of visual aids:

    answer the question to the table;

    analyze the examples given in the table;

    choose your own examples.

Principles of connection between learning and life. The most profound and concrete principle of the connection between language learning and life is revealed in the works of Professor

L.P. Fedorenko. She sees the meaning of this principle in that: 1) learning is “learned from life”; 2) teach "for life". The implementation of this principle is served by all educational work as a whole. After all, the main task of education is to prepare students for active participation in life, and activity is formed in the process of learning activities. The connection of learning with life in work on spelling is such a principle, the implementation of which ensures the assimilation of not only those words that children have already worked on under the guidance of a teacher, but also words with a given spelling that were not included in the exercises during school work. Implementing this principle in the course of work on unregulated spellings, you need to:

1. select the most popular words for study;

2. to form students' skills in automated writing;

3. teach children to use words with difficult spellings in their speech.

Principles of nurturing education. To teach “for life” in relation to the Russian language means, first of all, “to awaken love and respect for mother tongue and to the people - the creator of this language"

(L. P. Fedorenko) To implement this principle, you need:

    to reveal to students the lexical richness of the Russian language;

    show the social function of literate writing;

    to cultivate in students the desire for a conscious and lasting mastery of spelling.

Methodical principles of teaching.

The principle of differentiation of linguistic factors.

In the course of the Russian language there are many outwardly similar, and therefore mixed facts. So, elementary school students mix parts of speech, spelling. The initial stage in the language at school is teaching students to differentiate (distinguish) the facts of the language, the ability to “recognize” and distinguish them, to distinguish them from others that are outwardly similar. One of the effective methods here is selective dictation. For example, students are asked to select (write out) from a given text and write down words with checked unstressed vowels in one column, and words with unstressed vowels in another column. Without the ability to differentiate (distinguish) words with the studied spellings, spelling training is ineffective.

The principle of matching mixed spellings.

This principle is especially important when teaching spelling, because in Russian writing there is an overwhelming majority of such spellings: unstressed a-o, e-i fundamentally, f-and in case endings of nouns and personal endings of verbs, spellings of words like alley - scarlet, cavalry - artillery. The initial stage in working on such spellings is the formation of the students' skill of distinguishing words with mixed spellings, and then the inclusion of such words in exercises in such a way that students have the opportunity to compare their spelling.

The principle of connection of classes in spelling with vocabulary work.

One of the reasons for spelling errors in student papers is their limited vocabulary. But in the end, mastering spelling is the assimilation of the spelling of specific words, and the more a child learns words with difficult spellings for him, the more competently he writes.

As the content chosen for solving the tasks set, the program of V.P. Kanakina on the Russian language for elementary grades was taken as a basis.


Matveeva A.N. "Thematic and final test papers in Russian in elementary school "

Tikunova L.I., Kanakina V.P. "Collection of dictations and creative works»

Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. "Handbook on the Russian language"

    Means and methods of teaching unchecked spellings

Methodists rightly believe that the basis of language teaching is didactic material. This fully applies to the study of spelling. Requirements for didactic material:

    For exercises, words should be used in which this spelling is reflected, if possible, in all variants.

    When selecting examples for classes, one should take into account the most typical mistakes in the work of students for this spelling.

    One of the most effective techniques learning spelling is the opposition of some spellings to others.

    At school, there is no opportunity to study all the words in the Russian literary language with difficult spellings. So, for work in the classroom and at home, you need to select the most common of them.

    As you know, individual words, sentences and connected texts can serve as material for spelling classes.

Didactic material should be as useful as possible in a cognitive and educational sense; words for spelling exercises should be selected taking into account the level of development of students.

Methods for teaching unchecked spellings

Writing words alphabetically

Students learn the alphabet by the end of their first year of study. The teacher's knowledge of the order of the letters in the alphabet can also be used by the teacher in working on unchecked spellings. So, having written a few words with such spellings on the board, the teacher invites the children to rewrite these words in notebooks, arranging them alphabetically. As the students learn the alphabet, the tasks become more difficult. Children are invited to write down words, adhering to the alphabetical arrangement of not only the first, but also subsequent letters. Then the tasks get even more difficult. On the board are mixed words that begin, for example, in a, g, p. Students are required to write these words, respectively, in three columns and inside the columns strictly alphabetically.

Selective dictation

The initial stage in working on unchecked spellings is teaching students the ability to distinguish, identify words with such spellings in the text. The most effective method by which such a skill is formed is selective dictation. The technique is simple. The teacher reads aloud the text in which there are words with unchecked spellings, and the students, after listening to the sentence, write down the words encountered in it with these spellings. In the future, this type of work can be complicated: in one column from the given text, students write down words with checked unstressed vowels, and in the other - with unchecked ones. In the course of such work, children not only learn to distinguish between words with checked and unchecked unstressed vowels, but also fix the spelling of both.

Selective response

Offering students a task (exercise, question), the teacher accompanies it with several answers, of which one is correct (or complete), and the rest are incorrect (or incomplete). Students must choose the correct (full) answer.

For example:

The words Answers





Having checked all the answers in the dictionary, the student chooses the correct one, in this case- the third answer: you need to write fox, bear, pencil case, notebook.

Grouping and recording words by spelling

This The method consists in the fact that students write down the words dictated or given on the board both alphabetically and in groups in accordance with the spelling features of the words. So, students in grade 2 are given words with unchecked unstressed vowels scarf, sparrow, coat, notebook, Moscow, raspberry, pencil case, frost, good, wind, bear, car, and it is proposed to write them down in columns: in one column alphabetically with an unstressed vowel a, in the other - with an unstressed vowel about etc. Accordingly, students write:

a e o

raspberry wind sparrow

car bear frost

coat pencil case Moscow

scarf notebook good

Selection of single-root words - other parts of speech

When studying (and repeating) parts of speech, it is useful to offer students tasks for the formation of some parts of speech from others.

The wind is windy. Frost - frosty, freeze. The class is awesome. Saturday - Saturday.

Matching and recording words with "opposite" spellings

Here we mean words like territory - corridor (pp - p), students are invited to write two or three such pairs in the lesson (from dictation or from the blackboard), grouping them by the presence of two or one consonants.

rr r ss s

platform corridor ticket office rope

terrace director mass sailor

territory kapron highway thermos

Selection and recording of synonyms and antonyms

One of the effective methods of vocabulary and orthographic work is the selection by students of words that are close or opposite in meaning. For example, homework is offered to select synonyms for words.

Storm - blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard;

Border - frontier, boundary, edge, edge, limit;

Polite - courteous, amiable, delicate, courteous, correct.

To be afraid - to be afraid, to be frightened, to be afraid, to be horrified, to be shy, to be afraid, to tremble.

Making sentences with these words

This type of work contributes to the consolidation of spelling skills, the enrichment of students' vocabulary and the assimilation of syntactic speech. For example, children are invited to make sentences with the words

class, camp, attendant, team . Students make and write sentences.

Essay on key words

Close to the previous type of work is an essay on key words.

So, students are invited to write an essay using the words luggage, wagon, station, duty officer, passenger, platform, signal. Children can compose a text, for example, on the topic “At the station”, using the suggested words.

Adding spelling tables

To fix unchecked spellings can be used

reception of appending tables. For example, students, starting from grade 2, are invited, using a spelling dictionary, to complete the following table:

Selection and recording of words with foreign language elements

By introducing students to some foreign language elements

words, the teacher can offer a word selection task with these elements. Write words with elements auto-, call-, gram-

road team grammar

car collection kilogram

bus station editorial board spelling

Replacing descriptive phrases with synonymous words

When using this method, instead of a descriptive phrase, it is proposed to choose a word corresponding to it in meaning with an unchecked vowel or a doubled consonant

The writing on the board might look like this:

The guys choose the appropriate words from the right column and write them down next to the descriptive phrases: drawer for pens, pencils - pencil case etc.

Written retelling of the text using the given words

This method consists in the fact that students briefly convey the content of a text in writing, using in their retelling the words written on the board with unchecked unstressed vowels and doubled consonants. For example, students are invited to briefly retell the description of the life of Vanka Zhukov, using the words October Revolution, village shoemaker, Moscow, here, very, kindness, cruelty, no one, Konstantin Makarych, address.

The systematic application of these methods makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching unchecked spellings.

In my work, I am guided by knowledge of psychology: in order to remember better, you need to use different types of memory. In some words, for example, for better memory we draw a difficult letter in the form of an object symbolizing the word. The drawing is associated with meaning and emotionally colored. With such mastery of spelling, both figurative and emotional memory actively work.

The word is difficult -

That, brothers, is not a problem.

Let's draw in word letter,

Let's never forget .

The advantages of this approach:

    The lesson solves the problem of alienation of the child from educational process. “The teaching method should reduce the difficulties of learning so that it does not arouse displeasure in students and does not turn away from further studies” Ya.A. Comenius.

    The reception teaches children to think outside the box, to see unusual in every word, to perceive the word emotionally.

    Cognitive activity is activated.

    The child teaches himself.

    Through this technique, students experience job satisfaction.

    Pictures-images of letters develop children's imagination and strengthen memory.

At the lessons of labor training, we draw up similar cards with dictionary words


After all, what you did yourself, you will remember for a long time.

“I heard and forgot.

I saw and remembered.

I did - and I understood ”(the motto of the Babbage school )

Successful memorization is facilitated by the observance of certain conditions:

    setting for memorization: the student must want to remember what he needs to remember;

    interest: it is easier to remember what is interesting;

    brightness of perception: everything bright, evoking certain emotions, is better remembered;

    imagery of imprinting: memorization based on images is better than mechanical memorization.

Being first-graders, the guys sculpt a letter from plasticine, with their eyes closed, by touch they find the word I need for the dictionary word I proposed. Students like to look for a letter from a cool magnetic alphabet in this way. In this case, there is a reliance on tactile memory. In some words, for better memorization, we write a “difficult” letter in a larger size, more convex, color it.

An interesting version of the work of S. Yashenkova (newspaper " elementary School"No. 4, 2000), offering to memorize vocabulary words using a link mnemonic system, which is as follows:

    memorization is easier if a person imagines objects or actions that denote words;

    objects combined in groups should “come to life”, “move”

about d n a f d y Wow! Once a walnut grew on an aspen

about s and n a and an apple! When we are very strong

about p e x wonder then open wide

i b l about to about eyes, they look like

to the letter "O"

Together with the guys we made cards with printed vocabulary words and highlighting part of the word in a different color. Some cards depicted a certain image that this word evokes.

On the back:

We compose thematic groups of words with the guys, drawing and sticking pictures corresponding to this topic.

basket, apple, apple tree,

girl, scarf, berries .

When getting acquainted with a word with an unverifiable spelling, the student is usually assigned a passive role: the word is presented and analyzed by the teacher himself. But after all, as you know, children remember better what they think they found themselves. If children are able to determine the “difficult” place in a word before writing, then the writing process becomes more conscious for them. The teacher can repeat for a whole year that the word “ coat » spelled through a, that it is indeclinable, and the result will be unsuccessful. Or maybe everything is different. To do this, for one lesson you need to turn into a fashion designer, look at fashion magazines, come up with and sketch new coat models, pick up boots and mittens for them. Shadow theater will help you learn the names of animals: hare, cow, fox ... The culture of telephone communication is acquired in the process of memorizing the word " telephone" . Such assimilation of concepts does not take much time when studying the topic of the lesson, but, on the contrary, works for it. After all, it was not for nothing that K. Chukovsky wrote: “A child unconsciously demands that there be meaning in sound.” In some cases, you can pay attention to a feature that is unique to this word and then associate this feature with the spelling. For example, we study the word « Birch » , we highlight the feature that distinguishes it from other trees: white birch. The essence of this method: the difficult spelling of a dictionary word is associated with a vivid associative image that is remembered when writing this dictionary word.

b e r e z a r dina l e s T n i c a about p e x

l R O Russia

a st person h

i m squa k a p u s t a

An associative link can be by color, shape, action, quantity, location.

It is advisable to organize the process of teaching schoolchildren in such a way that, in a certain relationship, work is carried out on phonetics, spelling, word formation, morphology, vocabulary and syntax, so that all aspects of the word (its lexical meaning, grammatical features, morphemic composition, as well as pronunciation and spelling) are considered in unity . Thus, conditions are created under which students develop a versatile approach to the word. It is possible to classify the types of exercises on words with unchecked vowels according to the directions that traditionally make up the language system.

Techniques and forms of work on vocabulary words in Russian language lessons

Basic meaning phonetic exercises consists in the fact that children learn to easily hear a sounding word, each sound separately and the position of this sound, are able to analyze the sound form of words. All this contributes to the formation of phonemic hearing and speech-motor skills. As a result practical exercises students develop knowledge about the syllable, voiced and deaf, hard and soft consonants, stress, stressed and unstressed vowels. With the help of exercises, students begin to understand that sounds and letters are not the same thing, that sometimes a word is not spelled the way it is heard. A large role is given to visual perception. Therefore, work on words using cards, picture dictionary dictations, dictionary dictations are of no small importance.

Examples of exercises for the formation of phonetic concepts.

    Write down the words that have soft consonants: ber..g, v..kzal, z..mlyanika, zh..lezo, g..rokh, student..nick, square..current,

    Write the words in two columns: in the first column - with voiceless consonants at the end of the word, in the second - with voiced consonants at the end of the word: breakfast, people, address, drawing, carrot, portrait, luggage, salute.

    Write down words that start with a letter p(t, n, o etc.)

    Write the words in alphabetical order. Insert missing letters, put an accent mark: g..roy, addr..s, ur..zhai, r..keta, t..por, p..suda.

    Write down words with a soft sign in the middle of a word, at the end of a word.

    Give examples of words with stress on the first, second, third syllable.

    The game "What words did vowels fall out of?" D. jealousy, small l. current, k.nki, p. portrait, s.

    Game "Guess what the word"

9. The game "Guess the word."

The teacher shows the cards on which the first syllable of the desired word is written (for example, th city, peas, horizon).

And vice versa, it can give the end of the word, and students come up with the beginning. (for example, -court, -reza)

10. "Chineward". In the cells of the circle in the direction indicated by the arrow, write the dictionary words. The last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next.

11. "Gather the words."

ka, that, pus; roses, mo; torus, truck

12. Write out from the dictionary in alphabetical order the words on the topic "Birds", "Clothes".

13. Selective dictation.

Children write down only words with unchecked spellings.

A car is driving along the highway. The children lit a fire by the river. The attendant keeps order in the classroom.

14. Find vocabulary words for a given letter of the alphabet, remember their spelling and write it down from memory in a notebook.

15. The game "Who will come up with more words."

Several letters are given. You need to make as many words as possible with these letters. S H O T L E Y R A L I

16. Game "Decipher the word"

Replace numbers with letters of the alphabet and read the word

    10 13 6 20 (ticket)

26 16 22 7 18 (driver)

33 2 13 16 12 16 (apple)

17. Game "Step"

Words are written in a column so that each next word has one letter more.




18. Puzzles 40 a

The subject of special attention in the lessons of the Russian language is the development of students' spelling vigilance. For these purposes, children perform exercises to underline "dangerous" places in a word, do work on editing material that contains a grammatical error. Students are of great interest work on the composition of the word . As a result of the repetition of the morphemic composition of a word, the ability to recognize and select words with the same root is improved, students' understanding of the word-building role of prefixes and suffixes is deepened, and the ability to parse words by composition is formed.

Exercise examples:

    From words birch, holiday, apple form related words. State how they were formed.

    Choose words for these diagrams

(prefix, root, ending), (root, ending), (root, suffix, ending)

3. From words newspaper, iron, painting form new words with suffix

4. "Find an extra word."

Birch, birch, birch forest, boletus, birch, birch, birches.

holiday, festive, holidays, celebrate

    Make up phrases, inserting the necessary endings into the names of adjectives.

The guys are joyful ... the street is crowded ... curly birch ...

    Make phrases. Indicate how the case of a noun changes due to a change in the ending

Gave, said, was friends (girl). I love, I think, I'm proud (dog).

7. Work on a deformed proposal.

My dad advertised in (newspaper). On the (horizon) lightning flashed.

8. Find the same-root words in the text.

Passion wanted a raspberry bear. Secretly from the bear, he ran into the raspberry bush. How good it is in raspberries: silence, it smells like raspberry jam.

    Charade. Find out the word that is intended.

The conceived word has the same root as the word beautiful. The prefix in it is the same as in the word turn, the suffix, as in the word colored, the ending, as in the word carrot.

Morphological exercises have as their goal the students' awareness of the morphological structure of the Russian language. When studying parts of speech, various types of practical exercises help to combine individual words into certain groups; to distinguish and determine the forms of parts of speech: declension, case, time, number, in order to consciously use words with unverifiable spellings in oral and written speech in correct form.

1. Pick up dictionary words denoting an object, a sign of an object,

action of the subject.

2. Write out from the dictionary 3 words of 1st declension, 2nd declension, 3rd declension.

    Make phrases. Determine the case of adjectives

Sparrow (what?)…….. newspaper (what?)…….. milk (what?)…….

4. Write down the sentences, inserting the necessary words from the dictionary,

answering the question who?

.. stepped on my ear. The word is not ......, it will fly out - you won’t catch it.

5. Pick up words with the same root different parts speech.

Address (address, address, address)

6. Compose sentences with these phrases.

An interesting case, a neat student, a birch grove.

    Write out the words from the dictionary in three columns: in the first column - feminine words, in the second - masculine words, in the third - neuter words.

    Make sentences using the right prepositions. Write it down. Underline the suggestions. Determine the case of the noun.

The car stopped ... (house).

Children read books ... (cosmonaut).

The hare quickly rushed ... (forest).

    Answer the questions with one vocabulary word. Change this word by case.

Who lives in the forest? s..ts

Where are pens and pencils stored? p…l

What vegetable grows in the garden? o….c

Syntactic exercises set themselves the task of consolidating the theoretical information that children have received in syntax, helping to understand the structure of phrases that are simple in their construction and composition. Punctuation exercises are usually combined with syntactic exercises.

    Match the words in the left column with the correct words in the right column. Make suggestions.

birch in the sky

cucumber in the house

sparrow at school

room in the forest

student in the garden

    Make up a sentence with these words.

Wind, cabbage, aspen, comrade

    With vocabulary words, make up sentences that differ in purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory.

    Insert the appropriate words in place of the dots. Make up your own phrases with these words.

Drawing in the book - .... (picture)

A kilogram is a thousand .... (grams)

Dear mother - .... beloved (homeland)

    Make up sentences from words.

vegetable garden, grows, in, potatoes

    Make up sentences with these phrases.

Happy holiday, beautiful clothes, children's drawing, narrow staircase

    Replace the sentences with one dictionary word.

A road lined with trees and bushes on both sides. The edge of the earth at the water surface.

    Arrange the sentences in a certain order to make a text.

I'm going to visit my friend the rooster. Met a hedgehog fox. He invited me. Where are you heading? Hello little fox!

    Divide the text into sentences. Read each sentence

separately. Set up punctuation marks. Write the sentences according to the rule.

This place used to be a dense taiga, now a city has grown here wide avenues are filled with asphalt in the city there is a lot of greenery in the center of the square there is a fountain in the city there are libraries

    Model the proposal according to the scheme.

What? …..what do they do? .... in what? ...... how? into what?...

(For example: Sparrows gather in noisy flocks)

In connection with the study of grammar, lexical exercises , i.e. children explain the meanings of words both direct and and figurative, find out the polysemy of words, understand the relationship between synonyms and antonyms, make phrases and sentences with them.

1. Write out from the dictionary words on a given topic: "Vegetables", "School".

2. Find an extra word in each line.

car, harvest, tram, plane.

cabbage, tomato, straw, carrot

pencil case, notebook, phone, pencil

3. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the right column.

An old castle rises on the shore.

The apartment was locked up.

4. Group words by topic.

raspberry, fox, strawberry, hare, notebook, pencil case, cow, pencil.

5. Use the key words to compose short story on the topic "School", "Birds", etc.

6. By the way luggage, together, girl, nice choose synonyms. Make suggestions.

7. To the words fun, girl, nice choose antonyms. Make up a short story using these words.

8. Name in one word:

September October November

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Head of school (principal)

9. Choose the most appropriate word.

From (old, old, ancient) f. climb we made a bucket.

M. Dwedi were very frightened and (went, ran, rushed) to the side.

10. In this text, insert the most appropriate of the following words that are similar in meaning: splash, pour, pour.

The waves are quiet ... near the shore.

Milk .... from a bucket.

The worker continues...steel.

11. It is good to show the variety of figurative meanings of words on such examples: clean notebook, clean hands, clear sky.

To make it clearer the difference in the meanings of such words, synonyms are selected for them, for example: clean, unwritten notebook; clean, washed hands; clear, cloudless, clear sky.

12. Students are led to understanding figurative meaning words and the ability to use these words in one's own speech.

At the girl short hair. The girl has a short memory.

The guys go to the park. - The clock is correct.

13. In order to bring students to the ability to use in their speech the most vivid definition of the subject that is needed at the moment of speech, such an exercise is proposed. Choose from the given words the words that are more suitable for the sentences.

Words for reference: cold, piercing, strong, violent, mournful, free.

In autumn it blows ... .. the wind. …..the wind walks in the open space. .... the wind drives flocks of clouds to the ends of the earth.

14. Helps in developing the ability to select words that are appropriate in meaning, work on comparisons. The text is given, and the students themselves must find comparisons:

The tractor was making noise...

Strawberries sparkled in the sun, as if ….

The manual of V.P. helps me in my work. Kanakina "Work on difficult words in primary school", M., Enlightenment, 1991. This dictionary of difficult words from A to Z contains information about the dictionary word. I will give an example of one dictionary entry.

alley , -i, f. A road planted on both sides with trees, shrubs, or a path in a garden or park. We walked along the shady path of the park.

to the origins of the word. The word is borrowed from French.

One-word words. Alley, alley.

Offers, texts. 1. On the main alley, at the very crossroads, autumn birches have not yet flown around. (A. Barto) 2. But I love a modest garden: it is to my soul a mile of dull city gardens with a network of regular alleys. (A. Pleshcheev) 3. A little girl was walking along a sandy alley. (A. Gaidar)

The book itself is nothing more than a dictionary of difficult words from A to Z. But the dictionary is special: it contains the most diverse information about each difficult word. In each dictionary entry you can see:

Interpretation of the word;

Information about its origin ("to the origins of the word");

A group of single-root words;

A set of phrases with a given word;

Synonyms and antonyms for it;

Phraseological turns with the word ("When they say so");

Proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, sentences and texts from works of art and business articles that contain the word in question. All this "sea" of information is contained on a page or a little more.

The guys love to work with rhymes, which I ordered from the newspapers “First of September”, “Teacher's Newspaper”.

Cow, vegetable garden, straw,

Milk, mosquito, crow,

Okay, highway, chauffeur,

Kolobok, fire, bonfire,

Basket, cutlet, penny, trough,

Peas, tomato, cucumber and trough.

I suggest reading and memorizing such rhymes. Literate writing skills are formed in the process of exercises, and the strength of these skills is directly dependent on the number of "meetings" of students with difficult spellings (Bogoyavlensky D.N. "Psychology of mastering spelling")

A very interesting find described by T.I. Utkina in the sixth issue of the magazine "Primary School" for 1989. She grouped words with unverifiable spellings into: o, a, i, e, and. with these words she made (drawn) plot pictures, each covered a lot of words. For example, one picture shows a dressmaker. Words in o are associated with it: dressmaker, button, suit, clothes, blue, scarf, knees, suit, brown. The text might be something like this: a blue scarf is on the dressmaker's head. She is dressed lightly and has a brown suit on her knees. The dressmaker sews on a button. Children write in the notebook the words shown in the picture, make up sentences and connected texts.

The Etymological Dictionary is of great help to me in my work.

(Magazine "Primary School" No. 2, 1992). The dictionary entry in it consists of several parts. The first one gives an interpretation of the modern lexical meaning of the word. The second part contains an etymological reference about the source of the origin of the word, its original meaning is interpreted. The article ends with a text illustrating the original, historical meaning analyzed word.

The newspaper Primary School No. 4 of 2000 published "An Entertaining Dictionary". This manual, as it were, continues, complements those mentioned above. The main form of presentation of vocabulary material is poetic (rhymed riddles, tongue twisters, songs, poems). Part of the material is provided with tasks that encourage students to think and are aimed at developing the oral monologue of children, their figurative memory. We work on words with unverifiable spellings every day. The guys from the first grade are "Glossary". On Monday, we add another group of words to it. All vocabulary words of each class recommended for memorization from the manual "Programs educational institutions. Primary classes. 1 - 4 ", united by thematic groups. We work with each group of words for a week, sometimes two, in the future, when all the groups recommended for memorization in this class have been worked out, we repeat what we have learned, returning and consolidating.

1. pencil, notebook, pencil case;

2. class, student, surname, duty officer, teacher;

3. Moscow, homeland, factory, work, worker;

4. crow, sparrow, magpie, rooster;

5. dog, bear, fox, cow, milk, hare;

6. birch, wind, frost;

7. city, car, people;

8. fun, fast, soon, good;

9. village, harvest, berry, spade, cabbage;

10. Saturday, Russian, language;

11. comrade, guys, skates;

12. thank you, hello;

13. clothes, coats, boots;

14. dishes, scarf, girl.

Every day, the guys write down a group of words while doing their homework. In the lessons, I use various exercises to reinforce: writing sentences with dictionary words, copying from the board, inserting a missing letter, writing from dictation, selective dictation, working on punched cards, reading words on a simulator, and others. At the end of the week - a dictionary dictation, where at the same time we selectively check other thematic groups of words.

All vocabulary dictations are classified:

a) by the form of work (simple and creative);

b) by type of perception (auditory and visual)

Scheme - classification of vocabulary dictations and works.





Use of riddles

Use of descriptive phrases

short term

Recording a chain of words

Recording related words

Writing words according to the characteristic features of the subject





Cheating off riddles

Use of riddles

- use of descriptive phrases

short term


Work on punched cards

Grouping and recording by spelling

Grouping and recording by phonetic features

Grouping and recording by morphological features

Using a dictionary, textbook

Using the Spelling Dictionary P.A. Grushnikova

Recording related words

Writing words with foreign elements

Recording synonyms and antonyms

Working on polysemous words

Composing and writing phrases

Writing words according to meaning

Writing words according to characteristic features

Working on deformed words

Working on puzzles

Work on crosswords

Use of proverbs

Writing a proposal according to its scheme

Recording a sentence on key words

Essay on key words

Etymological analysis of the word

Adding spelling tables

Reproducing words in tables

Selective response

Tasks and exercises

Theme "Dividing soft sign"

Compose and write down phrases using reference words (pen, lair, voices, trills, traces). Insert the missing letters. ....., sparrow.other ....., childish.and ....., hare.and ..., nightingale.other ...

Divide the words into two columns: in the first - words with a separating soft sign, in the second - words where the soft sign is an indicator of the softness of consonants in writing.

S.lovi, k.nki, p.lto, for.whose, potato, v.selye, ob.zyana, .album

Write the words in alphabetical order. Explain the spelling of the missing letters.,, atel.e, stat.i,, lull.e, squadron.i, liver.e, vnich.yu

Topic "Words with double consonants"

Underline spellings (unstressed vowels, double consonants, double consonants)

This work is carried out both on the basis of auditory and visual perception. Each word is first commented and then written down. The teacher dictates the words (or writes on the blackboard, skipping double consonants).

Buzz, collection, Saturday, appetite, program, passenger, column, pool, platform.

This work is carried out as a short-term dictation. Its purpose is to develop the attention and memory of students.

a) The teacher quickly shows the word written on the card. The children should have time to read the word and write it in a notebook. Verification is carried out after writing all the words.

b) The teacher demonstrates a chain of three words for 4-5 seconds and does not repeat it anymore. Then he pauses, during which the children write down what they remember. Shows a new chain of words and pauses again. After writing the dictation, it is checked.

Word table:

Aggressor accordion accumulator neat alley apparatus appetite assistant attraction ballad balloon barricade swimming pool bulletin bath flu group discussion long yeast illusion illumination illustration intelligentsia passenger passive ticket office class collegium collective collection column commissar commission comment compromise congress correspondent crystal cross crossword puzzle mass array metal millimeter million mission eleven parallel chassis highway platform press program progress propeller profession process story director spring Russia Russian Saturday sum telegram tennis terrace territory ton track trolleybus troupe tunnel hockey express effect

Write down the word according to its interpretation (which is carried out orally or in writing).

Sixth day of the week (Saturday)

Road with rows of trees planted on both sides (alley)

A collection of similar items (collection)

To complete the task, you must use the "Spelling Dictionary" of Grushnikov P.A. Write out from the words beginning with the letter "a", "k" words with double consonants.

From the given table of words, write out the words related to the field of transport, literature and theater, science and technology.

Theme "Proposal".

Write the proverbs by filling in the missing letters.

Every other horn is more fun together.

Do not hurry with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds.

K. Rova has M. L. Ko on her tongue.

Write down the proverbs, inserting words that fit the meaning.

Not great ...., yes, the nose turns red.

.loves cleanliness.

Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - ....

..a person remembers well.

Words for reference: frost, dishes, raspberries, Russian.

Illustrations are given. Make and write sentences according to the schemes.

……. and ...... - ... .. (sparrow and magpie - birds)

(peas and oats - plants)

(hare and bear are animals)

Making sentences based on key words. Make sentences with these words.

Station, platform, passenger.

Theme "The composition of the word."

Form from this word "wind" as many related words as possible, write them down with pronunciation, highlight the common part - the root.

With the help of the suffix "to" form the same root from these words.

Carrot, apartment, guys, berry, notebook, work, shovel, weather.

Write down the words containing only the root.

Frost, birch, city, aspen, north, sand, room, class, clothes.

The teacher makes a note on the blackboard and gives the interpretation of some words. Write down only those words that match the given meanings.

Aspen, aspen, aspen, aspen, boletus.

Words on the board: frost, frost, frost, freezer, frost, frost resistance.

Write the words in the order of the given meanings:

    slight mild frost.

    cold, cold.

    hard, bitter cold.

    light morning frost in autumn or spring.

    ability to withstand frost.

    refrigerator chamber designed for deep freezing of products.

Determine which word is “superfluous”, write down only single-root words, highlight the root.

Road, path, road, plantain, roadside, off-road.

Hero, heroic, valor, heroism.

Wind, weather, wind, whirlwind, wind.

Dog, dog, doggy, doggy.

Sort the words into groups of single-root words.

City, fence, garden, suburban, city, gardener, hedge, garden.

Material for exercises in writing the most common words with unchecked unstressed vowels and doubled consonants.

Exercise 1. Write off. Put the stress mark in the words and underline the unstressed vowels:

alphabet kilometer driver

watermelon combiner revolution

portrait library engineer

surname shop sorrel

Exercise 2. Write the words in alphabetical order. Underline the unchecked unstressed vowels in the words.

Sandwich, aquarium, ocean, stuff, sofa, vacation, attendant, corridor, mandate, shop.

Exercise 3. Make sentences with the words: briefcase, shop, kilometer.

Exercise 4. Using the Spelling Dictionary, complete the table.

kk ll ss

neat collective commission

Exercise 5. Compose phrases with the words: loaf - concrete, territory - corridor, artillery - cavalry.

Exercise 6. Write off by inserting one or two consonants.

s (ss) k (kk) l (ll)

class..ny a..ord tro..eibus re..rd control..naya

sho..e a..urate method..odia

Exercise 7. Write down the words in two columns: in the first column with checked unstressed vowels, in the second - with unchecked unstressed vowels.

Library, horizon, sing, portrait, statement, clearing, phone, driver, look, blossoms, tram.

Exercise 8. Make a coherent story on the topic "Our school" with the words: lobby, corridor, portrait, hero, veteran, director, attendant, radio, basketball, volleyball, tennis.

Exercise 9. Choose the correct answer.

the words






river chum














Exercise 1. Write off. Put an accent mark in the words. Underline unchecked spellings. Orally explain the meaning of these words.

Lampshade, library, astronaut, Saturday, notebook, Thursday.

Exercise 2. Make sentences or phrases with these words. Address, astronaut, last name, highway.

Exercise 3. Replace these expressions with separate words - nouns. Underline the unchecked unstressed vowels in the words. A group of musicians who jointly perform a work on various instruments - ...; a small fenced garden in front of the house - ...; a view of some area, a drawing, a picture depicting nature, - ....; an exact excerpt from some text - ... ..; a bird of prey with a short hooked beak and long claws - ...

Words for reference: quote, hawk, landscape, orchestra, front garden.

Exercise 4. Write down, choosing related words - nouns.

On duty - duty, command - ..., win - ...., travel - ... .., work - ...

Exercise 5. Write off by inserting the missing letters.

D. Rector, D. Horn, K. Lhoz, Monday, S. Lute, F. Milia.


Exercise 1. Write off by inserting the missing letters.

D. Zhurny, k. introlny, st.

Exercise 2. Write off, forming adjectives.

Office - office, station - ...., discipline - ..., September - ….

Make sentences with adjectives.

Exercise 3. Make sentences or phrases with these adjectives.

Library, collective, birch, cool, sixteenth.

Exercise 4. Write off by inserting missing letters and adding endings.

Exercise 5. Write the words in alphabetical order.

Collective, sixteenth, automobile, office, lilac, yellow.

Exercise 6. Write out from the "Spelling Dictionary" 5 words each with unchecked unstressed vowels and doubled consonants. Explain the meaning of the words you have written.


Exercise 1. Write the words in alphabetical order.

To be on duty, to control, to beat, to strive, to try.

Exercise 2. Make sentences with verbs : thresh, draw, sparkle, sow, be on duty.

Exercise 3. Make up a story on the topic "In the library" with the words: showcase, library, poster, author, portrait.

Exercise 4. Write off by inserting the missing letters.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that in the process of teaching unregulated spellings, students should be formed:

The skill of recognizing words with such spellings;

The skill of automated writing of words with these spellings;

The ability to use learned words in writing.

Teaching and control works show that reliance on these provisions and the use of appropriate methods makes it possible to achieve a stronger assimilation of the most popular words with unverifiable spellings.


1. Alekseeva T.V. “My experience in studying words with unverifiable spellings”, Primary School magazine No. 5, 2000.

3. Aryamova O.S. "Etymological Dictionary", magazine "Primary School" No. 2, 1992.

4. Besschastnaya E.I. "Once again about dictionary work", magazine "Primary School" No. 8, 1999.

5. Eratkina V.V. "Methods of teaching unchecked spellings in elementary school", Ryazan, 1989.

6. Kanakina V.P. "Work on words with unverifiable spellings", Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1991.

7. Kanakina V.P. “Lexico - spelling exercises for independent work students with vocabulary words, Vladimir, 1992.

8. Kozhina L. "Let's talk about vocabulary words" supplement to the newspaper "First of September" newspaper "Primary School" No. 20, 1998.

9. Prystupa G.N. "Ways to improve the effectiveness of Russian language lessons in elementary school", Ryazan, 1988.

10. Khovanskaya V. "Entertaining Dictionary", supplement to the newspaper "First of September" newspaper "Primary School" No. 4, 2000.

11. Yashenkova S. “Learning vocabulary words is easy and interesting”, supplement to the newspaper “First of September”, newspaper “Elementary School” No. 3, 2000.

In the Russian language, as you know, there are a lot of words with unstressed vowels that are not checked by stress, as well as words with unchecked consonants. The writing of such words is not related to pronunciation, does not rely on comparison and live sounding language, is not regulated by the application of rules. Consequently, the main way to master words with unverifiable spellings is to memorize their spelling and, in this regard, to select such a system of exercises that will allow you to master the spelling of such words in a short time.

At each lesson of the Russian language, the teacher allocates time for the so-called "vocabulary" work. However, as control works show, this does not always give the desired results. The main reason for the poor mastery of words with unverifiable spellings by schoolchildren is, in my opinion, the incorrect construction of work with such words. There are a lot of "dictionary words" in the textbooks of the Russian language by R.N. Buneev, but they are all given separately, unsystematically. When studying in this way, the spelling of words in students does not remain in memory, when repeated, the child finds it difficult to remember which letter to write. Therefore, all words should not be given separately, but in groups related by the meaning of words, or by topics, or by graphic similarity, contrast, or by grammatical topics. And you need to study one group of words every day during the school week.

The primary school program defines the minimum of words that students must learn to spell. According to the system of R.N. Buneev, there are about 400 such words. Together with the primary school teacher I.A. Semyonova, we divided all the words into small groups and study each of them with children for four or five lessons in a row. During this time, work with words with unchecked spellings consists of the following components:

  1. Initial acquaintance with a group of words, identification common features of these words.
  2. Exercises aimed at memorizing words.
  3. Checking the assimilation of the spelling of a group of words.

I will show an example of the study of one of the groups.

Learning words: FORTY, CROW, COW, SPARROW(1 class)

1st day (acquaintance with a group of words)

The words being studied are hanging on the board, but they are hidden from the students.

Teacher: Today we are starting to learn a new group of words with unchecked vowels. Let's try to guess what these words are. The first word is encrypted in the form of a rebus: 40 A. (forty) Correct. The magpie is a bird of the crow family, with white feathers in its wings, emitting a characteristic cry - chirping. (a picture with the image of a magpie is posted). Own name magpie received from the original word forty conveying the features of her singing. The magpie is called a chirper, a rattle. And who else can be called "forty"? (a person who talks a lot). How is this word spelled? (the written word is opened) What unchecked vowel should be remembered in this word? (first O) Read this word in chorus spelling, that is, by syllables, as it is written (SO-RO-KA). Write it down in your notebook, underline the unstressed vowel, put the stress.

Now guess the riddle:

Coloration - greyish.
Habit - thieving,
hoarse screamer,
Famous person.
Who is she? (crow)

It is a bird with black and gray plumage, related to the crow. (a picture of a crow is posted).

crow and crow related to the word crow"black". The birds were named so for their black plumage.

A crow is also called an absent-minded and inattentive person. How is this word spelled? (opens the word). What letter should be remembered? (first vowel O) Read the word spelling. Write it down in your notebook, underline the unchecked vowel, put the stress.

Listen to the text and say what it is about. “Pestruha is standing on a green meadow, chewing and chewing grass. Pestruha's horns are steep, the sides are thick and the udder is full of milk. She waves her tail: flies and horseflies drive away. Eat, eat, Pestruha, it will taste better - your milk will be sweeter. A milkmaid will come to milk you - she will milk a full bucket of delicious, sweet milk. (According to E. Charushina) ”(cow) This is a large horned domestic animal that gives milk. (a picture of a cow is posted) Its name cow received by the presence of horns: from Latin core- "horn" root- "horned". How is this word spelled? (word opens) What letter should be remembered? (first vowel O) Read the word spelling, write it down in a notebook, stress it, underline the unstressed vowel.

And the last word - guess the riddle again:

Little boy in a gray coat
Snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,
He roams the fields, stealing hemp. (sparrow)

This is a small bird with brownish-gray plumage, usually living near residential buildings. (image posted) Sparrow named after his chirp, from onomatopoeic thief- "cooing, making iridescent sounds." How is this word spelled? (word opens) What letter should be remembered in this word? (unstressed vowel O) Read the word spelling in chorus, write it down in a notebook, underline the vowel and put the stress.

In grades 3-4, you can not open the finished word, but give students the opportunity to express their own assumptions about the spelling of a particular word and only then open the finished word. After getting acquainted with the group of words being studied, the teacher can ask the following questions and tasks: “What unites these words into one group? (in this example, a combination of ORO) What word is “extra” here and why? What two groups can these words be classified into? (animate-inanimate objects, plants - animals, disyllabic - trisyllabic, with emphasis on the first - second syllables, start with a vowel - a consonant letter, etc.) At home, students write down a new group of words in an individual "dictionary", which children start during the period of literacy and lead it throughout the elementary school.

Day 2 (exercises to memorize words).

The same group of words is written on the board, but with missing letters that require memorization.

from ... rock
in ... ron
to ... ditch
in ... shy

Students remember the words they learned in the last lesson. Read each of them spelling and insert the desired vowel. Here it is also useful to conduct exercises in the selection of cognate words for the word being studied. It is useful to write them down in a column or ladder, so that those parts of the word that are spelled the same stand out more clearly:

magpie crow cow sparrow
magpie funnel ladybug sparrows
shirt little crow cow sparrow
crow barn little sparrow
crow's cow passerine

This form of recording will help to better remember the spelling of the studied words. You can put questions to the selected single-root words and indicate which part of speech they belong to.

Exercises in composing phrases with these words are also of great benefit. The work on the phrase can be complicated as the program material is studied, combining it with a grammar task. For example, when studying the name of a noun, one can offer to compose and write down a phrase with the studied nouns, using them in the instrumental or prepositional case, with or without a preposition, underline the endings, indicate the declension and case of these nouns.

Phrasing exercises will not only help to consolidate the spelling of words with unchecked spellings, but will also help students quickly highlight phrases in the text, which in turn will have a positive impact on children's literacy.

AT 3 day repetition of the studied words can be started by guessing anagrams.

On the desk:


Students, rearranging the letters in the anagram, remember the "dictionary words". Then the children make sentences with the studied words. The work can be carried out both orally and in writing, be collective and individual. The correct composition of sentences indicates students' understanding of the meanings of words, teaches them to use them in speech. At home, students in grades 2-3, and students in grade 4 and in the lesson are given the task of compiling a story using the “vocabulary words” studied at this stage.

AT Day 4 continues to work with a group of words. Here you can already give suggestions under dictation with subsequent verification. For example:

“Sparrows, playful, like orphan children, nestled at the window. The sparrow chirped more cheerfully on the roof.

The crow croaked at the top of its throat. The crow pinched Druzhok by the tail.

Cow Burenka grazed in the meadow. It is very useful to drink cow's milk.

Magpie loves everything bright and shiny. Magpie brings news.

At this stage, "dictionary work" can be carried out in conjunction with work on the development of speech. For example, instead of suggestions, remember and write down proverbs and sayings under dictation: “The cow is black, but her milk is white. Love sour cream, feed a cow.

Magpie chirps - prophesies guests.
The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it.
Burnt child dreads the fire."

The teacher can introduce children to phraseological units and explain their meaning:

« shot sparrow- about a highly experienced person who is difficult to deceive, deceive;

White crow- about someone who is sharply different from others, not like others;

As a cow licked with her tongue - something quickly and disappeared without a trace;

Magpie on the tail brought- about news, information, taken from nowhere, received;

Cracks like a magpie - speaks quickly, loudly.

AT Day 5 studying a group of words, you can also give a variety of exercises to consolidate the spelling of words: write off the text, insert the missing letters, guess the crossword puzzle, etc. Then the students' knowledge is tested. As a check on the spelling of words with unverifiable spellings, both control copying and dictionary auditory dictations, picture dictations are used, which can be carried out for the purpose of current checking the quality of assimilation of spellings of words, and for the purpose of control. In the latter case, they take the form of control dictionary dictations. In the lessons of consolidating the material covered, it is necessary to repeat the groups of words studied during this time.

Below are the words with unchecked spellings, provided by the program according to R.N. Buneev's textbooks, divided into groups.

Words with unchecked spellings studied in Grade 1.

group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 group 5
lemon picture magpie cross boots
cabbage painting crow Class city
tomato pencil cow ton drum
garden sparrow Saturday
group 6 group 7 group 8 group 9 group 10
dinner Apple tree guys more ram
basket Apple girl walked dog
berry Rowan teacher what hare
cup teacher well bear
milk student rooster
group 11 group 12
sofa cardboard
baggage axe
suitcase skates
the car wind

Words with unchecked spellings studied in grade 2.

group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 group 5
freezing Russia citizens artist vegetables
weather Fatherland citizen theatre Birch
Moscow people Job Rowan
city Human
the street
group 6 group 7 group 8 group 9 group 10
alphabet student all of a sudden sometimes only
language teacher funny soon so many
Russian teacher loud after how many
notebook at first
story then
group 11 group 12 group 13 group 14
today sparrow guys road
once dog boy pencil
left girl knapsack
around tram

Work cowords withunverifiablespellings Articles devoted to the problem of teaching unchecked spellings have already appeared on the pages of the journal. This article aims to offer some additional guidance and specific educational materials to work on the words traditionally referred to in school practice as "dictionaries". Teachers know how hard it is junior schoolchildren learning these words. One of the reasons for this is seen in the fact that work on unchecked unstressed vowels is carried out in the classroom in isolation, in isolation from all other spelling work. Thus, the spelling of unverifiable unstressed vowels is mastered in isolation from the study of verified ones, although their spelling is based on the same skill: to detect a vowel in a weak position, that is, in an unstressed position. Only relying on a generalized ability to set a spelling task, it is possible to carry out further work on ways to solve it, depending on the variety of spelling. Another reason can be attributed to the fact that when getting acquainted with "dictionary" words, the child is assigned, as a rule, a passive role: the word is presented and analyzed by the teacher himself. The student is only asked to copy and memorize it. However, the mechanical memorization of words tires the student and does not form his interest in the language. Just as ineffective is the mechanical writing out of words when working on mistakes. The work on mastering such words is recommended to be built in several stages, each of which is designed to solve a specific problem. The first step in this work is the introduction of a new word. At this stage, it is planned to carry out multifaceted work. 1. Presentation of the word. Currently, the following methods are used: a) reading a riddle, guessing it by students; b) listening to a recording and identifying the subject in question; c) examining a subject picture (from the “picture dictionary” set); d) description of the features of the object or the presentation of a word-synonym. Children determine which word they will learn. Then the students begin to work on the so-called "auditory" image of words. 2. Work on the "auditory" image of words.
In school practice, the following way of presenting a “dictionary” word is common: first, students guess a riddle (or look at a picture). Then the teacher explains: “Today we will learn a new word. Look at how it is spelled, remember its spelling. Now let's break this word down! A sound analysis is carried out, an unstressed vowel is identified, etc. This order of work is unsuccessful, since students passively get acquainted with a new word, which reduces the effectiveness of its perception. It's better to do otherwise. Students pronounce the word in chorus, then one by one orthoepic, without singling out syllables, determine the “difficult” place. This is very important for all subsequent work, since it is here that the children themselves set the spelling task. If during the period of literacy, students were introduced to the signs of orthograms (with weak positions for vowels and consonants: for the first - the position without stress, for the second - the position at the end of the word and before another consonant), then after orthoepic pronunciation, the children immediately can name a “difficult” place in this word. As you know, children remember better what they think they found themselves. If children are able to determine the “difficult” place in a word before writing, then the writing process becomes more conscious for them. 3. Writing a word with a "window" ("hole-
coy"). After the children identify the stressed and unstressed syllables, they write down the "dictionary" word in a notebook. The most important condition is that the students, writing down the word, themselves show the “difficult” 53

place by skipping a letter - the so-called "window" or "hole". Children write down a word, skipping, for example, the letter of an unstressed vowel and placing an emphasis. However, with this form of recording, it is important to observe one more condition: instead of the missing letter, some kind of “danger signal” must be put, for example, a dot: b. cut.

After the necessary work students independently insert the desired letter and write down the word again, having previously spoken it spelling, that is, the way it is written. (It is advisable to write down the word in accordance with all the recommendations for cheating, see: Zhedek P.S., Timchen-ko M.I. Copying in teaching spelling / Primary school .- 1989.- No. 8). The specific form of writing a word with the omission of a "difficult" place (with a "window") is a method offered to children for fixing the assigned spelling task. It is important that students, when working with words with with unverifiable spellings, they first of all learned to detect spelling, improved their spelling vigilance.The same form of recording is used when studying spellings that obey the rules: "Having found a" difficult "place, do not write at random, but leave a" window "where necessary solve a spelling problem, and only then proceed to solve it. ”Sometimes teachers show children a card, on the which the word is written with a missing letter: bPreza. This technique is not equivalent to the method of writing down a word with a “hole” by the student himself, since the student is dealing with a spelling task that has already been set. It is important that he put it on his own. After the students have written down the word with the “window”, they try to pick up a test word and determine the desired letter. When this fails, children turn to an authoritative source. According to the traditional method, the teacher himself shows the spelling of a new word: writes it down on the blackboard, presents it with a highlighted spelling on a card, or asks to look in the textbook on the corresponding page. Here it is advisable to make some improvements. 4. Work on the "visual" image of the word. Students can get an answer to the question posed (about the desired letter) by referring to the spelling dictionary (or to the dictionary of the textbook). This will contribute, firstly, to the accumulation of experience in working with dictionaries, and secondly, to the formation of the ability not only to set, but also to solve the spelling problem on their own. For a better assimilation of the spelling appearance of the word at this stage of work, it is useful to use elements of etymological analysis (if it helps to explain the spelling of the word). Let's illustrate everything said with an example from practice. Here is a fragment of a lesson in grade II (program I-IV). Word work in progress Birch: 1. Suggested riddle: In a white sundress
stood in the field. Children name the answer
report signs by which (they op-
figured out the answer. 2. Students pronounce the word Birch
orthoepic, determine the shock and without
percussion syllables. 3. Students are tasked with:
write the word in your notebook
skipping the spelling ("difficult" place). 4. Next, the teacher says: - Before we insert into the "window"
the right letter, listen to what he writes about be-
rese L. Uspensky. The teacher reads to us a somewhat adapted story by L. Uspensky from the book “Why not otherwise?”: Birch. We consider this tree to be ours, a Russian tree, but its name is familiar to most kindred peoples. It goes back to ... the root "bhe" (be), going back to ancient times, meaning "brilliance", "whiteness". After all, its bark - “birch bark” - bears a name associated with the same root. - So the word Birch formed from that
the same root as the word white, and tree
so named for the white color of the bark. After this etymological reference, the teacher asks the question: what letter, as this story suggests, should be written in the first syllable? The correctness of the answer is proposed to be checked in the dictionary of the textbook. - Let's talk about how we write it
word. Insert the desired letter into the "window". Then the word is read again orthographically, closed and written down under orthographic self-dictation by each student, after which the record is checked against the sample. Thus, at the stage of introducing a new word, work on an unverifiable spelling includes: oral presentation of the word, setting a spelling problem, which is fixed by omitting the corresponding letter, choosing a solution method, and actually solving the spelling problem.

tasks, including, if appropriate, using etymological analysis. The final step is the recording of the word, organized in such a way as to ensure the memorization of its orthographic appearance.

Of all the considered components of the work, one would like to comment and illustrate additionally. This is the use of elements of etymological analysis. As M. R. Lvov writes, “sometimes spelling, which is considered traditional and unverifiable, can be verified on the basis of knowledge of etymology and historical changes in the phonetics of the Russian language (Lvov M. R. Spelling in elementary grades .- M ., 1990.- S. 12.). Turning to the history of words can help children in learning the spelling of individual words. Teachers are aware of the possibility of using elements of etymological analysis to solve spelling problems, but they rarely resort to it due to the lack of their own methodological laboratory required material. To help the teacher, we will give examples of etymological references taken from various dictionaries (Zhivitskaya L.V., Gud-z and to I.F. Dictionary of the Russian language. - Kyiv, 1988; Uspensky L.V. Why not otherwise ? - M., 1967; Shansky N. M., Ivanov V. V., Shanskaya T. V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M, 1971). WEALTH (rich). Associated with the word the God. Once its meaning was: “endowed from above with all the blessings of a happy man” (compare with the Ukrainian heavenly- "poor", "beggar"). RAILWAY STATION. About three hundred years ago in London (England), a certain enterprising lady named Jane Waugh turned her estate into a place for public celebrations and, having built a pavilion there, called it "Box Hall", that is, "Mistress Waugh's Hall." Soon other places of entertainment with gardens began to be called that; the word became a common noun. Finally, turning into railway station, this word in our Russian language has become simply the name of the station building for passengers on any type of transport: bus station. SOLDIER. It is related to the Italian "soldo". Soldo- this is the name of the coin and "salary". A person who received "salt-do", that is, a salary, was called soldier. THURSDAY. In the old days, Thursday was called quarter, i.e. "day, fourth in order", a quarter of a week. Test words: quarter, four. When working on the so-called dictionary words, a certain difficulty for schoolchildren is a strong memorization of the spelling appearance of the word. It is known that memorization is facilitated by the involvement of various analyzers in the process of perception. Consequently, the exercises should also be based on various types of memory. Good assimilation of the correct spelling
niya words contributes to the use of already
the mentioned system of writing off, developed
nerd psychologist P. S. Zhedek. Zapo-
the use of words also contributes to the attraction
mnemonic tricks. o v Mnemonics include such poems, stories, drawings, puzzles, groupings of words that, by causing certain associations, help children remember a difficult word. These techniques are especially useful in cases where etymological information cannot help. Let's give examples. organization work thematic groups words are described in his book “Methods of anticipatory learning” (M., 1988) by S. N. Lysenkov. Often teachers combine words with an unstressed vowel in the first syllable, for example: carrot \potato\ tomato| cabbage ) Small stories of children's writers help memorization, for example, the story of N. Sladkov "The Magpie and the Bear", the story of A. Voznesensky "The Dog". I would like to talk about how a conversation with students about a read work can help memorize the spelling of a certain word, for example, the word dog. First, the children look at the picture of the dog. After writing down the word (see lesson fragment), students listen to A. Voznesensky's story "Dog". Does a dog deserve a medal for its faithful service? (Yes.) A medal shaped like a buffalo is attached to the image of a dog. about. Due to the lack of literary and artistic material for use in working on "dictionary" words, one often has to use one's own compositions, for example: I'll come tomorrow \ ra \,I'll bring tomorrow \ cancer \,On breakfast- [cancer!, Scream: "U\ra\!" Difficult words to learnThe game helps us. 55

The rooster was named "Petya"- He loves to sing at dawn.

The bear, on the other hand,He does not like to sing, he loves fox, lookHe loves the letter very much ... (and). So that the cow is not offendedAnd the milk didn't sourWe are both of these friendly words,Let's write in the root with the letter o.With children are very interested in drawings, diagrams, for example:

(nut round shape)

(rocket in the form of a letter BUT)

word memorization work berries(berry) you can start by looking at pictures of raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc. The children are asked the question: “How can you call all these objects in one word?” (Berries.) Students write down the word with “window” (see lesson fragment). To memorize spelling, a picture is offered: (Instead of a basket, the letter about can be depicted in the form of a berry.) You can not get around the work with words that have unpronounceable consonants. Take for example the word stairs. After presenting the word, students are asked to (orally) conduct a sound analysis of this word. Students cannot determine the “difficult” place in the word and designate it with a “window”. After sound analysis one of the students is given cards with the letters: E; T; H; L; i, s, a, c, which need to be placed on the steps of the stairs (Fig.) Difficulties may arise with the placement of the letter T. Then the teacher should help the children, explain what place and why is “difficult” in this word, and give an etymological reference. The final stage in the work is the consolidation of a new word. At this stage, children, under the guidance of a teacher, select and write down words with the same root. This work can be combined with grammar and spelling analysis of sentences and other exercises. Thus, in order to improve learning, it is necessary, firstly, to include work with words with unverifiable spellings in the general system for the formation of spelling and graphic skills. The ease and strength of students' assimilation of these words depends on the degree of development of certain skills: the ability to hear a sounding word (that is, on the degree of development of phonemic hearing); the ability to find spelling before writing; ability to determine the type of spelling. Special attention at the same time, one should pay attention to the basic skill - the ability to detect spellings (i.e., spelling vigilance). Secondly, it is necessary to diversify the work by using various means and methods of training. A special role in solving this problem is called upon to play the use of etymological analysis

Words with unchecked spelling

Ivanova S.V.,

primary school teacher

GBOU gymnasium No. 540 of the city of St. Petersburg

Primary school students must memorize a large number of words with unchecked spellings. Teaching a child to write these words without errors is one of the the most difficult tasks facing the teacher. In the work on the assimilation of words with unchecked spelling, a variety of methods and techniques that contribute to a strong memorization of the correct spelling are of particular relevance.

The formation of spelling skills in the study of words with unchecked spellings should be based on the active educational work of students. The teacher directs it, keeping in mind the following conditions that ensure the effectiveness of this work: the activation of the mental activity of students and their memory, the teaching nature of educational activity, the regularity in working on words with the indicated spellings.

The best practices of teachers and specially conducted experiments indicate that the work on words with unchecked spellings can be rationalized and not studied in their spelling in "dictionary order". The innovative teacher S.N. Lysenkova grouped all the words with unchecked spellings by topic. Work on a group of words is carried out within a week, and sometimes more.

In the first lesson, children are introduced to new words. As you know, children remember better what they found themselves. After they determine the stressed and unstressed syllables, they write the words in a notebook. The most important condition is that the students, writing down the words, themselves show a difficult place. To consolidate the spelling of words with unchecked spellings, the following types of work are used in subsequent lessons: selective dictations, dictations using riddles, creative dictations (replace detailed definitions with one word), rebuses, composing phrases, sentences, writing miniature essays.

Using the experience of Lysenkova S.N., I grouped vocabulary words for grade 3 students studying according to the traditional program.

This material is recommended to be used in the form of a fragment of the development of students' speech (vocabulary work) planned in the structure of the lesson, lasting from 7-8 to 15 minutes. In the process of work, students develop attention to the word, to its meaning and shades of meaning, to its relevance in the sentence and in the text; speed and accuracy of word selection are developed. The systematic use of this material in the classroom not only improves spelling literacy, enriches and activates the child's vocabulary, but also gradually forms the concept of language as a functioning system. Such an approach to working on vocabulary words increases interest in the native language, provides the best developmental effect and motivation for learning, and removes inhibitory factors.

Dictionary words (1st group)

The words: clothes, coat, mittens, felt boots, cap, scarf, suit.

1 lesson.

clothing- a set of objects with which a person covers the body: a coat, dress, trousers, etc.

Coat- outerwear. The word appeared in the second half of the 19th century from the Latin "pala" - outer dress.

Mittens- knitted or sewn mittens.

Felt boots- winter shoes, boots made of wool.

Cap- a headdress with a band and a visor.

Handkerchief- a piece of clothing, a piece of fabric, usually square, or a knitted, knitted product of this shape.

Suit - clothes, dress. Male: jacket, trousers. Female: jacket and skirt.

2 lesson.

Selective dictation.

Not clothes paints a person, but good deeds. Winter is on the nose, it's time to change a T-shirt for a fur coat, sandals - for felt boots. On someone else's mouth, do not throw handkerchief. Mom and grandmother brought for Katya coat and dress. Take this hour of mine suit.

Pavel had a uniform railway cap. Masha grabbed her mittens and ran into the street.

3 lesson.

1) It is cold and cold outside, you need to dress warmly.

Any ignorant winter will understand this ...... (clothes)

2) Two sisters, two braids of fine sheep's yarn.

How to walk - put them on so that five and five do not freeze (mittens)

3) He lay down in his pocket and guarded the roar, crybaby and dirty.

They will morning streams of tears, I will not forget about the nose (handkerchief)

4) Men's and ladies' top dress, sometimes theatrical (costume)

5) Not shoes, not boots, but legs also wear them.

We run in them in winter: in the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home (boots)

6) Outerwear, usually below the knee (coat)

7) Headdress with a band and a visor (cap)

4 lesson.

Make phrases. clothes

p..lto fleecy

shaft..nki downy

var.. gymnasium

wagon..ka fashionable

pl..current male

k..styum woolen

Lesson 5

Choose and write a synonym for the words.

1) dress, attire, vestment - clothing

2) outerwear - coat

3) subject winter clothes for feet - felt boots

4) clothes for hands in the winter season - mittens

5) nasal, head, downy .... Handkerchief

6) men's clothing, women's clothing, theatrical - costume

7) uniform headdress - cap

Dictionary words (2nd group)

The words: peas, harvest, tomato, potatoes, carrots, wheat, peasants.

1 lesson.

Peas- a plant of the legume family, as well as its seeds, grains.

Harvest- something that was born (grew, ripened) on earth by a certain date.

Tomato- a garden plant of the nightshade family, as well as its rounded juicy fruit of red or, less often, yellow color, tomato.

Potato- a tuber of the nightshade family with tubers rich in starch, as well as the tubers themselves.

Carrot- a garden plant, a root vegetable with an orange sweetish thickened root. In Ukraine, carrots are called "carrots".

Wheat- cereal, as well as its grains, from which white flour is prepared.

Peasants- those who are engaged in the cultivation of the land, as the main profession, farmers.

2 lesson.

1. I grow up in the garden. And when I ripen, they boil a tomato out of me, put it in cabbage soup and eat like that. (tomato)

2. There is only one beauty - both blush and slender, even though she lives in a dugout for a century, but she is highly respected by everyone. Who passes close - bows low. (carrot)

3. It grew in the field, was under the millstone, came from the stove to the table in a loaf. (wheat)

4. We baked a loaf, as we collected ... (harvest)

5. Pods hang - hooks at the ends. (peas)

6. A synonym for the word farmers. (peasants)

7. What did they dug from the ground, roasted, boiled, what did we bake in the ashes, ate and praised? (potato)

3 lesson.

Selective dictation.

crumbled peas for seventy roads. Potato- help bread. Green tomato not tasty, the young man is not skillful. Harvest he won’t come himself - the crops need care. Planted in the field wheat peasants. hold your tail carrot.

4 lesson.

Lesson 5

Miniature essay letter.

Peasants harvest in their gardens…….

Use all the words in this group.

Dictionary words (3rd group)

1 lesson.

The words: wind, weather, horizon, north, south, west, east, dawn.

Wind- movement of air flow in a horizontal direction.

Weather- the state of the atmosphere (clearness, cloudiness, precipitation, air temperature, humidity) in a given place at a given time.

Horizon- 1) all the space visible around the observer; 2) the visible boundary of the sky and the earth or water surface. To the origins of the word: the word horizon goes back to the Greek "horizon" - limit, boundary, "gorizo" - to outline the border.

North- one of the four cardinal directions and the direction opposite to the south.

South the side of the horizon opposite north.

West one of the four cardinal directions.

East the side opposite the west.

Dawn- bright illumination of the horizon before sunrise and after sunset.

2 lesson.

Selective dictation.

Suggestions: there in the distance, across the river, lights were lit, in the sky clear dawn burning out. Wind, breeze windmill What are you scouring the world for? Ruddy dawn covered East. And north we have and south. Gardens bloom in the south, in the north there is snow around - there is cold and blizzards. To the left, all the way horizon, stretches the golden sea of ​​ripening rye. That year autumn weather stood in the yard for a long time. We got off at the metro station "Yugo- western".

3 lesson.

Dictation using riddles, creative dictation.

1. He roams the field, sings and whistles, breaks trees, bends grass to the ground (wind).

2. He is both in summer and in winter - between heaven and earth. At least go to him all your life - he will always be ahead (horizon).

3. The state of the atmosphere in a given place at a given time (weather).

4. The side of the horizon towards which the ants build their home (south)

5. Side opposite the previous one (north).

6. The side of the horizon where the sun rises (east).

7. The side of the horizon where the sun sets (west).

8. Bright illumination of the horizon after sunset or before sunrise (dawn).

4 lesson.

1. Grammatical analysis of the sentence by members of the sentence and parts of speech.

Spread m ... I str ..on from the north ..ra to the south.

2. Write down from memory the rest of the words from this group (west, east, weather, horizon, dawn, wind).

Lesson 5

Dictionary words (4th group)

The words: road, highway, car, driver, subway, street, tram.

1 lesson.

Road- a narrow strip of land along which cars move, people go. To pave the road, you need to clear a strip of land from trees, shrubs, turf. Apparently, that's why the road was formed from "pull" - a space torn in the forest, a strip of land from which the forest was uprooted.

Highway- a paved road designed for the movement of trackless vehicles. The word is borrowed from French.

Automobile- self-propelled machine with an internal combustion engine for the transport of passengers and goods. Automobile is a word made up of the Greek pronoun "autos", meaning "self", and the Latin adjective "lubis", which means "mobile". The car is “mobile by itself”.

Chauffeur- car driver. Word from French.

Underground- urban electric railway, usually underground. Word from French. French engineers called the Paris railway "metro" - "metropolitan". The Parisians shortened the word to subway.

The street- two rows of houses and space between them for passage and passage.

Tram- a train consisting of one or more wagons. This is English word: "tram" - wagon, "way" - road. This word is from Belgium.

2 lesson.

1. Runs, buzzes, looks into two eyes. And it will - a bright red eye will glance. (automobile)

2. Inanimate, but walking. Motionless, but moving. (road)

3. Crowded, noisy, young, the city rumbles underground. And houses with people here run along the street. (underground)

4. A paved road designed for off-road traffic. (highway)

5. A house under an arc goes from the edge of the city to another. (tram)

6. Car driver (chauffeur)

7. There are two rows of houses - 10, 20, 100 in a row - and everyone looks at each other with square eyes. (the street)

3 lesson.

Composition of phrases.

passenger car driver

winding subway

highway yellow

moscow car

busy street

the road is smooth

experienced tram

4 lesson.

Miniature essay letter.

The teacher offers 2 options for starting.

1) We went to the bus station in the car. A car was speeding down the highway...

2) My brother got a driver's license. Now he can drive a car….

Lesson 5

Dictionary words (5th group)

The words: plant, oats, strawberry, raspberry, apple, walnut, grew, aspen.

1 lesson.

Plant- an organism that usually develops in a stationary state and feeds on inorganic and organic substances of the soil and air.

oats- spring cereal, the grains of which are usually fed to horses, and are also processed into cereals (oatmeal, oatmeal).

strawberries- a perennial plant with white flowers, giving fragrant sweet berries of red color.

Raspberry- a shrub plant with sweet dark red berries, as well as its berries themselves.

Apple- the fruit of an apple tree, often round in shape with a skin color from whitish to greenish, from yellow to red.

Nut- 1) the fruit of some trees with an edible core in a hard shell; 2) a tree that bears such fruits, as well as hardwood, going to carpentry.

Aspen is a deciduous tree from the willow family.

Rosli- become bigger, taller, longer as a result of ongoing life processes.

2 lesson.

1) Round, ruddy, juicy and sweet, very fragrant,

Poured, sweet, heavy, big. What it is? (Apple)

2) Red beads are hanging, they are looking at us from the bushes.

These children, birds and bears are very fond of beads. (raspberry)

3) I am in a strong shell, growing, friends, on a branch. (nut)

4) No one scares, but everything trembles. (aspen)

5) Breathes and grows, but cannot walk. (plant)

6) In the field with a whisk, in a bag of gold. (oats)

7) I am a drop of summer on a thin leg.

Weave boxes and baskets for me.

Whoever loves me is glad to bow

And the name was given to me by my native land. (strawberry)

8) Become longer, taller - grew.

3 lesson.

Selective dictation.

Along the stream aspens grew. Plant- land decoration. oats does not go to the horse. The forest smells of ripe fragrant strawberries. Raspberry from seven ailments. For fun gnaw nuts. Apple falls not far from the apple tree.

4 lesson.

Make phrases.

R.. the wall is green

weight slender useful

m..line in the forest slender

Reh ripe

r..sli sweet

Sina earthen

Lesson 5

Recording words from dictation: aspen, grew, walnut, apple, raspberry, plant, oats, strawberries.

Dictionary words (6th group)

The words: breakfast, lunch, dinner, plate, dishes, glass, pan.

1 lesson.

Breakfast- 1) morning meal; 2) food prepared for the morning meal.

Dinner- 1) eating usually in the middle of the day; 2) the food prepared for that meal.

Dinner- 1) evening meal; 2) food prepared for the evening meal.

Dishes- 1) household utensils for eating, drinking, storing supplies; 2) a separate item from such utensils.

Plate- 1) round tableware with raised edges and a wide flat bottom; 2) percussion musical instrument - two metal disks.

Cup- 1) a glass cylindrical vessel without a handle, used for drinking;

2) a cylindrical metal shell, the body of an artillery projectile;

3) the name of various parts in the form of a full cylinder.

Pot- metal utensils for cooking.

2 lesson.

1) I sparkle with a smooth side,

I treat you with sweet juice. (cup)

2) Round tableware with raised edges (plate)

3) I will help my mother

I will wash with her ...... .. (dishes)

4) There is a fat woman - a metal belly (pan)

5) Morning meal (breakfast)

6) Food prepared for the evening meal (dinner)

7) Break from work for eating (lunch)

3 lesson.

Selective dictation.

BUT dishes forward and forward through the fields, through the marshes. Baba would cook cabbage soup, yes pots go look! And the cups are gone and glasses, only cockroaches remained. Hey you are stupid dishes that you jump like squirrels? Feed breakfasts. Everyone needs and dinner, and dinner.

4 lesson.

Make phrases.

P..the court is delicious

K..strill plentiful

St..kan enameled

T .. the relay is clean the glass

The trouble is deep

Already .. morning

Lesson 5

Recording words from dictation in green: plate, breakfast, glass, lunch, saucepan, dinner, lunch.

Dictionary words (7th group)

The words Keywords: capital, Motherland, people, Russian, Red Square, hero, patriot.

1 lesson.

Capital- the main city of the state, the seat of the government and government agencies.

Motherland- 1) Fatherland, homeland; 2) the place of birth, the origin of someone, something, the occurrence of something.

People- 1) the population of the state; 2) nation, nationality or nationality; 3) people, a group of people.

Russian- relating to the indigenous population of Russia (to Russians), to Russia; the people constituting the indigenous population of Russia.

Red Square- the square in front of the Kremlin in Moscow, paved with cobblestones. Red Square is the main square of the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow, one of the symbols of Russia.

Hero- 1) a person who is outstanding for his courage, valor, selflessness, performing feats; 2) main actor literary work.

Patriot- a person devoted to the interests of some business, passionately loving something.

2 lesson.

Selective dictation.

Motherland beloved - mother dear. Moscow for everyone capitals road. In the songs of the soul people. Russian soldier knows no barriers . On the Red Square parade, scarlet banners are burning. Hero not chasing glory. He was patriot of his people.

3 lesson.

Make phrases. golden-domed

Odin Soviet

st..person hardworking

n .. rod beloved

… red square main

Roy in Moscow

4 lesson.

Write down single words:

Hero - heroic, heroine.

The people are folk.

Red Square is beautiful.

Russian - Russify.

Motherland - parents.

Patriot - patriotism.

Capital - metropolitan.

Lesson 5

Recording from dictation: hero, Motherland, people, capital, patriot, Red Square, Russian.

Dictionary words (8th group)

The words: furniture, picture, sofa, bed, room, apartment.

1 lesson.

Furniture- items for sitting, lying, placing things and other household needs.

Painting- 1) a work of painting in colors on canvas, board, paper; 2) the same as a movie; 3) what can be seen or imagined in specific images; 4) oral or written lively and vivid image.

Sofa- upholstered furniture for sitting and lying, with a back and handles or rollers.

Bed- a piece of furniture for sleeping - a long frame with legs and two side backs, on which a mattress and bedding are placed.

Room- a separate room for housing in an apartment, in a hostel, as well as a separate service room.

Flat- 1) living quarters in the house, which has a separate entrance, usually with a kitchen, front; 2) a room rented from someone for housing; 3) the place of temporary location of troops, as well as in general the temporary location of members of some detachment, working group.

2 lesson.

1) If you are tired of playing, then lie down .... (on the bed)

2) He is the first enemy of work, he is very happy with lazy people:

Let them rest on it, but the matter will wait.

How easy it is to sit on it, and how pleasant, sweetly you sleep!

The back is soft, pillows ... .. What else is needed for happiness? (sofa)

3) A work of painting painted with paints (picture)

4) Having walked up, I’m in a hurry to run from the yard ... where to?

And where does mom, dad come with Kolya and sister?

Where do we paint, whiten, wash, glue wallpaper on the wall?

What is the name of this house where we live with the whole family? (flat)

5) Room furnishings (furniture)

6) Separate premises in the apartment for housing (rooms)

3 lesson.

Selective dictation.

AT apartment above them lived the boy Andryushka. Around the room He scattered toys all over. Dunno and Kozlik found themselves in the room. Here was the necessary furniture and utensils. hung on the wall painting in a black wide frame. Dunno lay on the bed, drowning in a featherbed, and Kozlik settled down on sofa.

4 lesson.

Make phrases.

The furniture is comfortable

Wooden carton

D..van office

Cru..oil oil

Room..that leather

The apartment is clean

Lesson 5

Make up a mini-composition with the words of this group.

Dictionary words (9th group)

The words: city, factory, work, shop, library.

1 lesson.

City- a large settlement, a place of a large settlement of people, an administrative, industrial, commercial and cultural center.

Plant- a large industrial enterprise that produces any product: cars, bicycles, machine tools, ships (automobile, shipbuilding plants) or breed animals (horse, fish farms).

Work- 1) occupation, work; 2) service in some enterprise, institution as a source of income; 3) product of labor, finished product; 4) quality, execution method (excellent work)

Score- a building or premises for the sale of some goods.

Library- 1) an institution that collects and stores printed works and manuscripts for general use; 2) the name of books on a certain subject (teacher's library); 3) a place, a room, a room for storing books: a book depository.

2 lesson.

1) Guess live, girls, boys -

Svetlana, Tatyana, Artyom and Kostya;

Where do your good friends live - books?

Where do you often visit? (library)

2) Majestic, beautiful and young, grew up behind the dam ... .. (city).

3) Pipes - bulks, hulls a little lower,

We produce KamAZ and Izhi

What do you call these houses?

Where can your mother work? …. (plant)

4) I pick up a basket,

To walk on... (to the store)

5) What is the master - such is ... .. (work).

3 lesson.

Selective dictation.

No hunting work. AT store We visited and saw a Barbie doll. AT library for the children, there are books in a row on the shelves. Moscow for everyone cities mother. On our factory marriage is out of fashion.

4 lesson.

Composition of phrases.

city ​​mental

factory school

ancient work

car shop

grocery library

Lesson 5

Memory dictation. Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

Dictionary words (10th group)

The words: rocket, month, ship, space, astronaut.

1 lesson.

Rocket- 1) an aircraft moving under the influence of a reactive force arising from the rejection of a mass of burning rocket fuel (combat rockets); 2) a projectile used for fireworks and signaling with a cartridge case filled with a powder composition, which, after being fired, glows brightly in the air (flare); 3) high-speed hydrofoil passenger river vessel.

Space- the world, the universe.

Astronaut- the one who makes flights into outer space.

Ship- 1) sea, naval vessel; 2) high power aircraft (spacecraft).

Month- 1) a unit of time calculation equal to 1/12 of a year or 30 (31) days; 2) the same as the moon.

2 lesson.

1) Miracle bird - scarlet tail - flew into a flock of stars (rocket)

2) Now a pancake, then half a pancake, then that, then that side (month)

3) The giant city goes to work in the ocean (ship)

4) He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket. Children, who, tell me, is it?

5) Name the universe differently.

3 lesson.

Selective dictation.

April 12, 1961 took off into the space ship"Vostok-1". On it for the first time in the world in space a man flew. The ship flew around the earth. Pilot controlled the ship astronaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. Until the very last moment, Znayka hoped that he would see rocket. Above the forest month peeked through and swam out a little.

4 lesson.

R.. chum military

K..smos signal young

K..slave..l brave

Month..ts unlimited

Lesson 5

Recording words from dictation. Highlight spellings with a green pen.

Dictionary words (11 group)

The words: then, around, tool, metal, hammer, axe, repair.

1 lesson.

Then- after some time, after.

Around- from all sides, nearby, near, not far, in the neighborhood, all around,

about, on the circumference of a circle.

gun- a technical device with which

work or some activity.

Metal- a chemically simple substance (or an alloy with a special luster,

malleability, good thermal and electrical conductivity).

A hammer- 1) a tool for hammering something, for hitting - metal

or a wooden block, mounted at a right angle on the handle

(shoe hammer)

2) manual percussion machine with a mechanical drive


3) about an active and persistent, stubborn person (figurative meaning - hammer guy)

Axe- mounted on the handle of a metal tool for cutting with a blade and

Repair- repair of damages, replacement of elements, repair.

2 lesson.

Selective dictation.

Think first and after do. What you write with a pen, you can't cut out axe. The house needs major repair. Around you good people lot. Long-range fired from a high-rise tool. Dmitry had metal in the voice (phraseologism; strictly, demandingly, severely). Without hammer and saws do not see the hut.

3 lesson.

Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

then, around, tool, metal, hammer, axe, repair

4 lesson.

Make phrases.

hammer agricultural

ax current

precious tool

metal "yes around"

shoe repair

talk around

then sharp

Lesson 5

Make up sentences with the words of this group.