World of foreign languages. Material for the competition "I can speak beautifully!" I can speak beautifully competition results

Festival "The World of Foreign Languages" is held as part of the World of Words Festival and offers students of Moscow educational organizations the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements in learning English, Spanish, German, French and other foreign languages.

The festival presents several thematic areas to choose from:

  • public speaking competition “I can speak beautifully” (April 2017);
  • scientific-practical conference "Polyglot" (March 2017);
  • French reading competition Le Salon poétique (March 2017);
  • competition of theatrical projects "The World of Foreign Languages" (April 2017).

Young speakers, students in grades 8–11, are invited to Oratory competition “I can speak beautifully.” Participants in the competition must present an oral report in the form of a public oratory in a foreign language (English, Spanish, German, French) on one of the proposed topics:

  • “There are no shortcuts to a worthy goal.” (Helen Keller)
  • “Knowledge is a treasure that follows the possessor everywhere” (Chinese proverb)
  • “To speak a second language means to have a second soul” (Charlemagne)

Participants conference "Polyglot" students of grades 5–11 who present the result of research or project activities can become candidates. Research or project work must be completed in two (or more) foreign languages. The bulk of the research or project work must be completed in the foreign language being studied as a first language, and at least one quarter of the content must be presented in the foreign language being studied as a second language.

Students in grades 5–11 can take part in a competition for reciting poetry and prose in French Le Salon poétique. The competition provides a unique opportunity to realize one’s creative, intellectual and aesthetic potential through mastering public speaking skills. The competition provides for both individual and collective performances, which can be theatrical or performed with musical accompaniment.

Students in grades 5–7 can participate in competition of theatrical projects “World of Foreign Languages”. Participation in the Competition involves the presentation of a single collective project on the topics: “The contribution of the country’s great people to history and culture” or “The power of tradition and the power of creativity in their combination is the life-giving source of any culture” in a foreign language studied at school. The creative work must be a literary, musical or theatrical composition, including information about the history, culture, traditions and customs of any selected country. The performance may include songs, dances, poems, excerpts from various works, and games of the peoples of this country.

The World of Foreign Languages ​​festival is distinguished by the fact that, in addition to external assessment of knowledge of foreign languages, it gives students the opportunity to take a creative approach to their study and perform in front of a large audience.

Regulations of the Le Salon poétique competition
Download position [

March 20 at 18:00; 19:00

Children from 1 to 12 years old perform on stage with a microphone. They recite poems in costumes, with intonation, emotions, gestures and facial expressions. Prizes for the winners, medals and certificates for all participants. Register on the site! Venue: ZIL Cultural Center: Avtozavodskaya metro station, Vostochnaya st., 4, building 1.

Age of participants:

Children are welcome from 1 year to 12 years inclusive

What the participant needs to do:

Perform on stage, recite a poem on the topic of the competition into a microphone, convey the image with intonation, emotions, gestures, facial expressions, etc.

Why participate:

It is necessary to train so that the child can speak easily, calmly, and beautifully on any topic. Our competition for a child is TRAINING the ability to express one’s thoughts convincingly and clearly! Our competition is an opportunity to see how proud parents are of his success. And also MOTIVATION for the child to continue doing what causes such emotions of happiness and joy in parents.

Participation in an oratory competition for a child is an opportunity to develop skills and abilities:

Speak in such a way that others are interested in listening;
- be confident in yourself, don’t be afraid of speaking, don’t worry;
- collect your thoughts and speak freely in public.

Many people think that a child from 1 to 12 years old is not capable of this, and we will once again destroy this stereotype! Come!


The jury of the competition will include the organizing committee, teachers and parents. Each parent who will be present will be able to evaluate their child and other competitors. Electronic voting is carried out. The assessment will be based on a ten-point system.

Competitive assessment

The competition jury will evaluate:

1. Compliance of the poem with the stated topic
2. Expressive reading and artistry
3. Creating an image: using costume, props, music
4. The emotions that the performance evoked in the audience, sincerity, spontaneity.

The jury's assessment is not affected by the length of the poem or situations where the child forgot the text out of excitement.

Organizer: School of Early Development "Az-bu-ka"

Organizing committee: Model Natalya, Agapova Irina, Kovaleva Elena, Teselkina Natalya, Cherutova Natalya, Telysheva Maria, Korzh Tatyana, Kudiyarova Guzel, Malchenko Anastasia, Minaeva Tatyana, Sorokina Olga, Bobrovskaya Natalya.

Chairman of the organizing committee: Vasilkova Tatyana.

Conditions of participation

Apply for participation on the website: website/poem.

The cost of participation is 2000 rubles.
For kids studying at Az-bu-ka - 1000 rubles
If more than one child from a family participates in the competition - 750 rubles.

This amount is necessary to reimburse expenses for REWARDS FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS, hall rental and equipment rental.


The winners of the competition who take 1st place receive a 7% discount on a subscription, 2nd and 3rd place - 5% on a subscription.

Each participant will receive a MEDAL and CARD.

The jury will determine the winners of the competition for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. There will be no awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place during the event as time is required for scoring. We also don’t want to upset the kids, because the age of the participants is from 1 year. Let this event become a holiday for children and a motivating factor to learn poetry, perform on stage, and receive awards. Parents will learn about their children’s personal achievements and places they have taken here:

And also:
The competition takes place at the address: Moscow, st. Vostochnaya, 4, bldg. 1. The best speakers from all the contestants will be invited as PRESENTERS to participate in the unique Children's musical performance "Children's TV channel "Az-bu-ka", which will take place on May 24.
Unique, because during the entire performance (about 40 minutes) only children from 1 year old will perform on stage and there will not be a single adult, the children will do everything THEMSELVES.

How to prepare your child for successful participation in a competition

1. Take a poem whose meaning and words are clear to the child, a poem that he likes. Children love poems with dialogue or first-person narration.

2. Take a short poem from one to four quatrains. It's better to be short, BUT bright. The length of the poem is not assessed and does not give additional points to the contestant.

3. Performances where you can convey the character of the hero and have emotions look winning.

4. Learn the poem in advance so that the contestant has a good command of the text and does not forget it even in a moment of excitement. The duration of preparation, according to experience, takes about three weeks.

The first week we learn the text and tell it with expression.

The second week we talk with a microphone (use a dummy: comb, tablespoon). You can add musical accompaniment (pick a melody without words and play it on a tape recorder).

The third week we add rehearsals in stage costume. You can invite your child to recite a poem in front of a mirror, this is what real artists do.

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!!!

See you in the auditorium!


"To possess a second language means having a second soul" (Charlemagne)

Let me introduce myself. I’m_______, I am Russian. My mother language is Russian which is considered to be one of the richest but the most difficult languages ​​in the world. Russian language has a large vocabulary. Moreover, there are many synonyms that greatly enrich the language. So we can totally exactly and clearly express your personal feelings and thoughts. I’m sure, by learning Russian literature, history and language culture, I’m creating my First Soul.

While learning a foreign language, I realized that it’s a very complicated but fascinating and exciting process. For example, let's take English. It is a bit easier on its structure than Russian, but English is beautiful and laconic as well. You would never understand it if you don’t dive deep into the language’s knowledge. Sure, you can tell that our life consists of only a job and the “net” of friends where anyone hardly speaks English. It seems - you don’t need this knowledge. But you're mistaken. Just begin learning the history of England and its language then you will defiantly feel how your Second Soul is creating!

In my opinion, the Second Soul appears only when you study the culture and plunge headlong in the traditions of the English-speaking country. Let's assume that the Second Soul appears only if you start thinking in this foreign language feeling both formal and informal atmosphere. Only in this way you"re getting closer to the Native speakers possessing skills and deep understanding of the traditions, details and standards of the foreign culture. It goes without saying, language environment and constant communication with native speakers are necessary conditions for the appearance of a personal Second Soul.
I'm totally sure that n
owadays the knowledge of a foreign language is increasingly important ‘cause it helps people in the world get a better understanding. So, in my opinion, it’s extremely necessary! This means that with the knowledge of every new language and every new culture we discover another soul which enriches personal identity over and over again. As for me, I would also like to develop myself during the adult life and find the same multifaceted Soulmates to come together & join our souls. Why not?

"Knowledge is a treasure that everywhere follows the one who possesses it" (Chinese proverb)

Knowledge is “the state of awareness or understanding gained from experience or study…learning specific information about something. Soknowledge stands for information about the world and understanding of what a human being gained through learning and experience. According to Francis Bacon`s words knowledge makes people able to promote and control human progress.

At home we have a lot of modern equipment, like smartphone, we can't use it without knowledge. At work place, have a great knowledge can help us to success. For entertiment, internet or many communicate tips should under knowledge.
But ,in my opoinin,practice is the key to knowledge .As we know ,knowledge comes from ancestors" wise .But how did they know that? From practice ! Everything should practice many times before they were punished.In china ,we named" bookcase" as a person who just read,like zhaokuo.Thousand years ago,there were two countries in war.At that time a man famous in his great knowledge in warcraft.But in the end,he was fail in the war.He just know it how to practice it. From that story we can know: knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.

I agree that knowledge is a great treasure that accompanies its owner everywhere.
To begin with, intelligent and well-informed man is successful person. Knowledge has an influence on our life. On twenty first century knowledge have a first position in the world.
It builds our lookout and fixes condition in society. Clever person always find enter in different situation. Moreover, intelligent man tries to improve himself. That person is usually rich and famous.

"To a worthy goal, no short cuts." (Helen Keller)

I have a dream, a song to sing. To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale. You can take the future even if you fail

The truth is that goals accomplished through taking shortcuts are never quite as gratifying as those obtained through hard work, persistence and dedication. When you know you have earned your success through sheer effort, a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment can be found.

Nowadayswe are always looking for the quickest way to do anything. It would be great to be able to accomplish every goalyou have swiftly. However this way isthe pushing throughdisappointmentsandfailureswhich teaches youdetermination. It’s the consistency of taking action day in and day out, that teaches youself-disciplineanddedication. Believe me, much experience you should haveto achieve your goals that will make the biggest impact on your life. Those benefits are the ones that far outweigh any immediate effect from any single goal.Thoseresults obtained fromhard workandstruggle, along the uneven roadsuccess, which buildsself-confidenceandself-esteem

I have a dream, a fantasy to help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile

The lessons of life needed for personal growth, all lie on the road paved byhard work.Hard work will be rewarded! Have you ever been a success? As for me, I have! So now I can state thattrue success does not happen overnight, it’s a road paved by mastery. The road to accomplishing your goals and dreams will be a long and bumpy one, but don’t get discouraged by that fact. Stay patient,staypersistent,staypositive, and most of all enjoy the journey! Accomplishing your goals and dreams through hard work will make everyone feel satisfied."There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." This Helen Keller's quote really speaks to the heart.

I believe in angels - Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels - When I know the time is right for me
I"ll cross the stream - I have a dream, I"ll cross the stream - I have a dream