The best cosmetics for the face: good or bad. What must be written on the label? What does not contain

How to choose the right washing powder for yourself so as not to harm your baby? What are organic and non-organic dishwashing detergents? What can I use instead of a floor cleaner to avoid using chemicals at all? A specialist answers these and other questions.

Ekaterina Yusupova, ecoblogger ( with higher environmental education

Floor cleaner

— It is especially important to choose a safe floor cleaner for those who have children. After all, crawling on the floor, babies collect the remnants of this product with their hands and then put their hands in their mouths. Therefore, the safer and more environmentally friendly the chosen packaging, the better.

What should not be included:

— Ethoxylated surfactants. They can be hidden under the designations: A-surfactants (anionic surfactants or - another name - A-tensides), nonionic surfactants. Most of these substances are obtained through petrochemical reaction chains. They are aggressive and dangerous to health.

Hexylcinnamaldehydes are a potential allergen. Another unwanted allergen is limonene. It can trigger asthma.

— It is better to choose products based on plant and sugar surfactants. But their concentration should be within 5-15%. As for preservatives and fragrances, you should pay attention to detailed information.

If there is no clarification on specific ingredients and percentages, most likely toxic synthetic ones are used.

For example, soap nuts (a natural detergent that is sold in eco-stores - I.R.'s note), natural laundry soap (the usual one is very aggressive, smells bad, but has a natural composition), soda. You can add tea tree oil to the water for washing floors. It has excellent bactericidal properties.

Dishwashing liquid


The main ingredient of such detergents is surfactants (surfactants), which remove contaminants from the surface. However, they have a negative effect on the human body. Promote premature aging of the skin, increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and cause allergies.

Surfactants exist in four types:

anionic- cheap and effective, but the most dangerous to health. They can accumulate in the body and cause various diseases, for example, liver, heart, kidneys;

cationic - less toxic and have bactericidal properties, but cope less well with pollution;

amphoteric - can act on the body as cationic or anionic surfactants depending on the environment (acidic or alkaline);

non-ionic (non-ionic)- safer substances because they completely decompose during dishwashing. But they can also be ethoxidized.

To reduce the negative impact of surfactants (primarily anionic ones), it is better to choose products in which their content does not exceed 5%.

Foaming directly depends on the amount of surfactants in it: the better the detergent foams, the more of these substances it contains.

Natural eco-friendly

These detergents are based on substances of plant origin that completely decompose during the washing process. Such products are safe for health: they do not corrode the skin, are completely washed off from the surface of the dishes, and do not cause allergies.

— Dishwashing detergents should not contain ethoxylated surfactants, dangerous preservatives (phenoxyethanol, katon), or synthetic azo dyes.

In addition to surfactants, inorganic detergents also contain other harmful substances, such as phosphates or (phosphonates), chlorine, alkalis, and triclosan.

Which, on the contrary, is welcome

Natural dyes can be designated in the composition as follows: Cl 77….

Toilet (sometimes bathtub) cleaner

It is better not to choose a universal product that is suitable for both the bathroom and the toilet. Each of these rooms is ideally cleaned with its own product.

Most toilet bowl cleaners contain:

  1. Surfactants that break down contaminants.
  2. Acid to remove rust and enhance the effect of surfactants.
  3. Alkali as a solvent for fatty deposits and organic blockages, partially eliminating plaque and rust.
  4. Chlorine for disinfection and subsequent elimination of unpleasant odors.

What should not be included

It is better not to choose a product with chlorine. This is a toxic substance. It can cause difficulty or rapid breathing, chest pain, coughing, eye irritation, increased heart rate, and even death.

Which, on the contrary, is welcome

Fortunately, safe disinfectants using natural essential oils have long been invented.

What can you choose instead of a special product?

— Place 30 grams in a bowl of warm water laundry soap , add a tablespoon of shampoo, shake. Rub the bath or toilet thoroughly with this soapy water, leave for about thirty minutes, then rinse.

Powder or gel for washing

— A common mistake parents make is the opinion that only children need the best and eco-friendly things. We forget that babies come into contact with our clothes, for example, during hugs, play... If our powder consists of critical ingredients, most of which are not rinsed with water, but accumulate in the fabrics, then this will harm not only our health, but also the health of children. It is especially dangerous when it comes to allergy sufferers.

What should not be included

A-surfactant content above 15% is undesirable. The composition should also be free of enzymes and zeolites, as they can be of low quality and then be harmful to health. Such substances are allowed only if the product has the highest level of eco-certificate, for example, Ecogarantie.

Preservatives and fragrances are also undesirable, because they are often synthetic and harmful not only to allergy sufferers, but also to ordinary people.

There should be no phosphates, phosphonates, or optical brighteners.

Which, on the contrary, is welcome

It is better if the surfactants are herbal or sugar. Oxygen bleaches are also safe.

Tile cleaner

What should not be included

When using such products, it is better to use gloves and choose an A-surfactant content of less than 15%.

What can you choose instead of a special product?

Ordinary table vinegar has a fairly effective cleaning effect. They are easy to clean using a spray bottle. We take a bottle equipped with a spray bottle and pour table vinegar into it. When working with vinegar solution, you should protect your hands by wearing rubber gloves.

The specialist adds: the high price and popularity of a product do not always indicate its safety. If a product has a strict international eco-certificate, it usually costs more. This is explained by the fact that certification is a rather expensive thing, and besides, such a product usually uses the best and most expensive ingredients, often of organic origin. instead of cheap synthetic ones.

— If you choose safe, eco-natural chemistry, then protective equipment is optional. However, in the case of using aggressive products from mass market shelves, protection is necessary on all fronts. For example, a mask (if the product is a spray or contains chlorine) and gloves.

This compound is a derivative of petroleum products. It is the second most popular component of moisturizers after water. This compound may cause eye and skin irritation. Propylene glycol is found in shaving products, baby oils, and shampoos. If the label contains Propylene Glycol, Proptylene Glycol, 1,2-Propanediol, we don’t take it!

2. Formaldehyde

It's formaldehyde. This is a common preservative. You can find it in nail polishes, shampoos, and whitening products. On the label it can be designated as 4 formaldehyde, formalin, formic aldehyde, oxomethane, oxymethylene. Toxic and carcinogenic. No way.

3. Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is a popular ingredient in whitening cosmetics, hair lighteners, concealers, face washes and sunscreens with an SPF greater than 15. Hydroquinone reduces the production of melanin pigment in the skin. This leads to increased exposure to UVA and UVB rays in the deeper layers of the skin. You understand how dangerous this is. May appear on the label as 1,4-Benzenediol, 1,4-Dihydroxybenzene, P-Dioxybenzene, 4-Hydroxyphenol, P-Hydroxyphenol, 1,4 Benzenediol.


4. Sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate

These substances remove fat and salt from the skin. May cause irritation to the skin and eyes, but pose a real threat only after prolonged (more than an hour at a time) contact with the skin. So if your shampoo contains it, don’t panic, but in the future try to choose products that do not contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, Anhydrous Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Irium, SLS, SLES, MSDS, ALES , A.L.S.

5. Paraben

Any cream contains substances whose names end in -paraben. For example, butylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben. These substances are used as preservatives. Parabens are considered safe, but recent research has confirmed that methylparaben may interact with UVB rays and accelerate skin aging. Be careful with him!

6. Aluminum acetate

Used in face creams as an astringent. It was originally developed to create waterproof fabrics... interesting analogy with leather, isn't it? With prolonged use, Aluminum Acetate causes peeling of the skin.

7. Bithionol

Used in creams as a bactericidal agent. May cause increased skin sensitivity to sunlight, itching and redness. If you have sensitive skin, then the mention of Bithionol on the label is a stop sign!

8. Triclosan

The latest achievement in antibacterial chemistry. Used in cleaning products and detergents for household needs, as well as in cosmetics. But scientists noticed that bacteria began to “learn” and form strains resistant to triclosan. Since regular soap cleanses the skin just as well as triclosan, let's not help bacteria prepare universal soldiers? Triclosan will not work!

9. Glycerin/Vaseline

Chemical compounds of fat and water in which fat is broken down into smaller components. Contrary to advertising, they are not a moisturizer, but cause dehydration and drying of the skin (at air humidity below 65-70%, they “pull” moisture from the deep layers of the skin, which increases the drying of the deep layers of the epidermis, making dry skin even drier). It’s easy to identify them in the composition: Glycerin and Vaselin, there are no pseudonyms.

10. Dihydroxyacetone

This chemical compound is most often found in low-quality auto bronzers. It can worsen asthma. Particularly harmful for pregnant and lactating women. Hiding under the name Glycerone, 1,3-dihydroxypropanone-2. Armed and very dangerous.

11. Fluorocarbon

Commonly used in hairsprays under the name Fluorocarbons. Toxic to the respiratory tract.

12. Phenoxyethanol

Causes serious allergic reactions. Trade name: Arosol, Dowanol EPH, Phenyl Cellosolve, Phenoxethol, Phenoxetol and Phenonip.

13. Fluoride

For many years, this ingredient has been advertised as being good for teeth, strengthening enamel, and protecting against caries. It was introduced into toothpastes and recommended to children as “a component necessary during the development of permanent teeth.” But the National Toxicology Program, with the assistance of the US National Health Service, conducted studies that confirmed that fluoride, although one of the natural components of dental tissue, should not enter the body in the form of fluoride. Fluoride is needed in small quantities and can be absorbed in organic forms through food.

14. Talc

Terribly toxic. This is especially true for powder. Make sure yours is marked “Talc free”.

15. Butane and propane

Found in deodorant sprays, they are very harmful to both the skin and the respiratory tract. Do you need it?

The variety of cosmetics for body and hair care very often makes it difficult to make the right choice. We buy into bright and colorful advertising that promises our hair unprecedented strength, shine, accelerated growth and volume, but the paradox is that really good hair cosmetics are not advertised as zealously as budget shampoos, stuffed with all sorts of chemicals, parabens, and perfumes. , silicone, sulfates and other components harmful to hair health.

I wrote this article for quite a long time, while I was studying the compositions of various shampoos and conditioners for hair care. Today you will learn how to choose natural hair cosmetics by reading the ingredients and trusting truly reliable and trusted manufacturers.

What should not be in a good shampoo?

First, a little background. Previously, I did not pay much attention to the choice of shampoo; the main criterion for purchasing were the inscriptions: “for normal, oily or dry hair”, “easy combing”, etc. The composition of the product was a mystery to me and I became addicted to one shampoo, which I used for a month. Then my head began to itch terribly after using it and even small ulcers began to appear, I changed the shampoo to a representative of a different brand, but the same story repeated itself with a new and new washing friend, and it didn’t feel funny to me. I had to delve deeper into this matter.

How to choose a shampoo based on its composition?

A good shampoo must have the following inscription: free of SLS, SLES, mineral oils, silicones and parabens. It is in this composition that if any component from the above is not indicated as missing, then the manufacturer is being cunning.

For example, this manufacturer writes on the packaging of its shampoo: no silicone, no parabens, but when we carefully study the composition, we see the inscription “Ammonium lautyl sulfate”. Sulfate in shampoo is a fairly inexpensive detergent that is absorbed into the scalp and is not completely harmless to health. That's it, you shouldn't buy this shampoo anymore.

It’s also not very good when the shampoo contains perfume in addition to sulfates. This is a flavoring or fragrance. Most often chemical, and only occasionally natural.

Determining that a shampoo contains parabens or silicone is also quite simple. Parabens are highly toxic substances that tend to accumulate in the body, which can lead to permanent allergies to something. Take a careful look at the composition, if you see a word with the ending “Paraben”, for example Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben, then this means that the manufacturer has added parabens to the shampoo.

You can recognize silicone in shampoo by the end “thicone” (Amodimethicone, Behenoxy Dimethicone, Stearoxy Dimethicone, etc.), or “siloxane” (Polysiloxane, etc.).

All these chemical components can make your hair healthy only visually, but at the same time they will deplete your hair from the inside and saturate your scalp with substances that are harmful to your health.

It is worth noting that natural shampoos foam much less, while others only need a small amount of water to create a large and rich foam.

Among my favorite and trusted manufacturers of natural hair cosmetics, I should highlight: Korres, Natura Siberica, Planeta Organica, Fresh Line, La Roshe. Korres shampoo does not cause any irritation to my scalp, it foams very poorly and it is absolutely impossible to comb my hair after using it. It should only be used in conjunction with a conditioning balm from the same manufacturer. Natura Siberica is a Russian organic cosmetics that is very affordable and I love it, but it is not suitable for everyone. The situation is the same with Planeta Organica shampoo.

Cream is an integral part of any woman’s daily care routine. Nowadays there is such a huge number of creams on the cosmetic market that it can be quite difficult to understand their diversity.

Not all remedies are equally effective, and some of them can even bring relief. And of course, to understand how the cream will work, first of all, you need to pay attention to its composition.

The components of any facial product can be classified into several large groups.

We would like to remind you that All ingredients are listed on the label in descending order.. That is, if mineral oil is in the first or second place in the composition of your jar, then it makes up the majority of the cream.

The components written at the very end have minimal concentration and have almost no effect. That's why choose a cream whose active ingredients will be located in the middle or beginning of the composition.

The basis of any cream is water. The quality of the water is usually not specified.

But remember that good or luxury products are most often made on water from thermal springs, while products from budget brands are made at regular filtered water.

2nd place is usually occupied by moisturizing or nourishing components. This could be glycerin, which acts only on the surface of the epidermis, or silicones, which penetrate deeper into the pores. It is also possible to have mineral oil, the purpose of which is intensive nutrition. But a more suitable option would be various natural oils rather than petroleum products.

Quite often alcohol is added to the cream, since it is a good and at the same time cheap solvent. But there are safer solvent options.

Of course, each product contains emulsifiers and texture formers, which promote quick application of the cream and its easy penetration into the skin.

And of course, perhaps the most important thing in any tool is its active ingredients. They can be used hyaluronic acid, extracts of various plants, vitamins, natural oils, and much more.

Please note: These substances should not be at the end of the composition to bring maximum benefit to your skin.

The difference between creams in composition depending on their purpose

Creams are divided into many different groups: day, night, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging and others.

How does their composition differ?

  1. Day and night cream in terms of the content of certain components they almost do not differ from each other. But the texture of night cream is usually lighter; it does not contain silicones, which give the skin an instant glow and a well-groomed appearance. Substances that are incompatible with ultraviolet rays are added to the night cream.
  2. Anti-aging product has more differences. It usually contains vitamins C and A, coenzyme Q10, and peptides. These substances smooth out small and even large wrinkles, restore elasticity to the skin and tighten the oval of the face.
  3. Moisturizing and nourishing cream are also different from each other. A moisturizer contains ingredients that provide moisture to the skin as well as moisture-retaining ingredients. The most popular of them is hyaluronic acid. The consistency of the nourishing cream is thicker and is less absorbed. Its main part is vegetable and animal fats. In its composition you can often find fat-soluble vitamins and. Cosmetologists usually recommend using a moisturizing cream in summer and a nourishing cream in winter.
  4. Product for problem skin, first of all, should contain antimicrobial, exfoliating components. These include salicylic and azelaic acid, copper and zinc, clay, sulfur, AHA acids, retinoids, triclosan. It is better to use such a product as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to harm yourself.
  5. Massage cream for the face is made on the basis of natural oils, which, when massaged, penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and act from the inside. In such a product you can often find extracts of various plants, ceramides and peptides, amino acids.
  6. They went on sale a few years ago BB and CC creams. Their composition is no different from regular moisturizers, but they also contain tinting ingredients that create an even complexion and disguise imperfections.

What should be the composition of a face cream?

First of all, we would like to say that choosing a cream is a very individual matter, and what is ideal for one person will cause allergies in another. But there are still general recommendations for selection.

Attention : see if your cream contains mineral oil. It is a petroleum product and can clog pores, cause inflammation and provoke the formation of comedones. Mineral oil can only be used by girls with very dry skin and narrow pores. For those with oily and combination skin types, it is better to avoid this component.

A good face cream should not contain alcohol.. It causes allergies and irritation in sensitive skin, and also dries it out.

Should be avoided aluminum acetate. It is used as an astringent, but with prolonged use it can cause flaking, tightness and dryness.

Ingredients breakdown

In the table below we provide a breakdown of the components in face creams. When purchasing, you can use this list to avoid dangerous or unnecessary ingredients.

International name Russian name Description
Сyclohexasiloxane Cyclohexasiloxane Silicone that instantly creates a smooth, soft skin feeling. Does not provoke inflammation.
Karite oil Shea Butter Nourishing oil, contains a large amount of vitamin E. Non-comedogenic.
Magnesium Magnesium A macronutrient that improves blood circulation and complexion.
Glycerine Glycerol An inexpensive moisturizer that works only in the upper layers of the epidermis.
Limonene Limonene A natural preservative obtained from citrus fruits.
Argania Oil Argan oil An expensive and very healthy oil, it perfectly nourishes the skin and smoothes out facial wrinkles.
Aloe Aloe extract A natural ingredient that perfectly moisturizes the dermis, promotes the healing of microtraumas, and soothes.
Vitamin E, a-tocoferol Vitamin E Antioxidant, has remarkable anti-aging properties.
Propylene glycol Pripylene glycol A preservative, responsible for creating the texture of the product, in high concentrations it can be toxic.
Urea pura Hydrolyzed urea A powerful moisturizer that easily penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis due to its small molecular size.
Betaine Betaine A soothing component that forms a film on the skin and protects it from harmful external factors.
Lanolin Alcohol Lanolin A rather comedogenic substance, it often causes unpredictable individual reactions. Suitable only for very dry and chapped skin.
Sodium Hyaluronate Hyaluronic acid salt An excellent moisturizer that penetrates deep into the dermis.
Retinol Vitamin A, which is fat soluble. Fights wrinkles and other age-related changes.
Elastin Elastin Protein responsible for elasticity and firmness.
ANA alpha hydroxy acids Removes redness and acne marks, evens out facial tone. Cannot be used without additional protection from UV rays!

Useful video

Check out an expert's opinion on the ingredients in modern face creams.

Carefully read the composition of the cream before purchasing it. to make sure it meets all your requirements. Try to avoid aggressive and comedogenic components, and also be sure to pay attention to the ratio of nutrients. Don't forget... And then your skin will delight you for many years to come!