Levels of knowledge of the German language table. Level B1: relatively good knowledge of the German language. Mittelstufe B2: advanced threshold level of language proficiency

The study of any language is always divided into levels, the same with the German language. The following levels exist in German: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Entry levels are considered A1, A2. The average level in German is B1, B2,. Well, high levels of the language - C1, C2.

So, let's take a closer look at each level and what it gives to the student of the German language.

Knowledge of German for a bachelor's degree

The undergraduate courses offered at the University of Potsdam are German-language and very good knowledge German language is therefore an important precondition for successful learning. A number of other certifications may also be presented to demonstrate this language competency. What evidence can be found here.

Knowledge of German for obtaining a master's degree

Some master's courses may also require various German language skills. For study courses English language in English in some cases, or only limited knowledge of German is required. Please always communicate the application requirements for primary research in relation to language learning in the proposed current study.

How long will it take to master each level?

To begin with, each of the levels is further divided into sub-levels. And each sub-level requires 90 hours of language study. Thus, to master each full level you will need:

Level A1 consists of A1.1AndA1.2. There are 180 academic hours to study the entire level.

Knowledge of German for the doctoral program

No general rules to promote German or other language skills. You can find out what language requirements apply to your doctoral dissertation. Please contact your supervisor.

Certificates to confirm German knowledge for studying

In order to be admitted to the University of Vienna for regular study, German language skills are a prerequisite.

You have the opportunity to attend a German language course before enrolling in a regular course. At least three years of completed study of German at a public university abroad. The evidence presented here is valid without limitation.

Level A2 = A2.1+ A2.2.

Level B1= B1.1+ B1.2 + B1.3.

Level B2= B2.1 + B2.2 180 academic hours to study.

Level C1= C1.1+ C1.2 + C1.3 There are 270 academic hours to study.

Level C2= C2.1 + C2.2 180 academic hours to study.

German language levels A1-A2:

Let's start, of course, with the initial levels A1/2. These two levels provide elementary knowledge of the German language, the most basic. You will also need them if you are going to marry a German citizen - in this case (if you do not know German at all) you will need to take the Certificate exam Start Deutsch A1-2 (about what it is and how to take it in detail in my other article).

Preliminary German course

The University of Vienna itself does not offer this option. If you do not upload any evidence of your German language skills when applying for entry into space, you have the option of taking German language courses as part of the pre-course at Vienna universities or their cooperation partners.

Once you are admitted as an extraordinary student on your pre-study course, only the pre-study German language exam will be accepted as evidence of German! It is not possible to unsubscribe from a pre-diploma course or interrupt it and take the German language exam in another educational institution. Failure to do so may result in serious consequences for your stay.

Thanks to ownership levelA1 you will be able to:

    demonstrate initial, very basic knowledge of the language

    understand simple everyday sentences and phrases

    answer and ask simple everyday questions. For example, you can ask people where they are from, how they are, who they know, what they have.

    introduce yourself and other people to someone

    If you provide other proof of German language, you may get visa problems. You can, of course, first study the necessary German level abroad and then allow yourself entry into the University of Vienna. Unfortunately no, only the certificates and certifications in the above list can be accepted by the University of Vienna.

    Submissions are not possible! A good knowledge of the German language is a prerequisite for successful study. Therefore, for your admission to a German language course, you must provide a language certificate of sufficient knowledge of German at the beginning of the semester no later than. Planning and preparation for your German language exam should begin before you start studying.

    maintain a basic conversation, provided that the interlocutor speaks to you slowly and clearly.

    Find out the information you need (at the airport, taxi, etc.)

    write simple cards, questionnaires, enter your personal information on the registration form (for example, at a hotel).

Level A2
somewhat similar to A1, only with a little more vocabulary and grammar. With level A2 you will be able to:

The "German Examination for Higher Education" is taken from German universities and consists of examination parts for speech comprehension, written expression, reading comprehension and scientific-language structures, as well as oral expression. In the current test report. A list of university examination centers recognized in Germany by the Conference of German Rectors and the Association for German as a Foreign Language can be found here.

All universities in Germany have different terms conducting examinations. The results will be announced for the oral exam approximately 2 weeks after the written exam. The Language Center of the University of Hamburg does not charge fees for internal candidates. For external candidates the exam costs 150 euros.

    understand commonly used/colloquial phrases

    understand individual more complex sentences (for example, information about your interlocutor, his family, shopping, work, etc.), as well as general information during the conversation

    maintain a conversation about everyday life matters (but still you will not understand enough to carry on a conversation on your own)

    Test of German as a Foreign Language

    German exams at the language center of the University of Hamburg

    German language exam for university admission. The oral examinations, including results, are expected to take place within a week. The oral examination lasts 30 minutes for each candidate.

    Pay attention to publishing opportunities

    It is expected that the German test as a foreign language will be offered on the following dates at the Language Center of the University of Hamburg. If you are unable to confirm your required German exam in time before the start of the semester, you still have the following options.

    tell in simple sentences about your education, origin, loved ones and basic household needs

    write short notes/letters of a personal nature (for example, thanking someone in writing for something)

B1, B2: these are more serious levels in all respects.

Here you get a lot more grammar, vocabulary, and listening will also be more difficult. Of course you will have to work hard. But gradually you will get used to it and this level will also seem to you, later, not so difficult.

October or no later. Would you like to take advantage of this additional opportunity? At the end of October or in October or until the last, by the time the exam results are received. October or until very recently. . Registration for subsequent exam dates will not be accepted.

Therefore, for your admission to a course of study, you must provide a language certificate of sufficient knowledge of the German language at the beginning of the semester no later than. You can increase your chances of obtaining a bachelor's or bachelor's degree if you have already submitted a language certificate in your application: you will receive bonus points in the selection process for particularly good German language skills.

What will you get after mastering the level?B1?

You will learn:

    understand the content and main idea of ​​complex texts on topics that one has to deal with in life (school, study, work, home, leisure, etc.).

    understand what is being said in TV/radio programs, as well as some German songs (you will not understand everything specifically, but the general idea and perhaps something specific). At the same time, the speech of German speakers must be clear and relatively slow in order for you to understand everything well.

    If you are unable to confirm the required German exam before the start of the semester, you have the following options. You can register for the German language exam, in which you can submit your exam results by October or no later.

    Proof of German knowledge

    October or until the very end Until the end of October or October or until the last. Registration for subsequent exam dates will not be accepted, unfortunately no further exceptions are possible! The following table shows which German level is required for the application for your site.

    Maintain and set the topic of conversation. You will be able to participate in dialogues/discussions on a topic that is interesting and familiar to you without preliminary preparation(for example, hobbies, recreation, travel, family, current events, work, study)

    express your thoughts, emotions, point of view, talk about your impressions and dreams, albeit in simple sentences.

    You can fill this out at the Language Center of the University of Würzburg. You will find sample exams. . An alphabetical list can be found here language schools in Wurzburg. One writes about "safe negotiations" as soon as they can order coffee. Of course, your own language skills belong to each application.

    But how do you describe it correctly? Applicants from abroad who want to work for a German company must clearly state in their documents how well they can speak German, what their native language and on which foreign languages they can take over. But how do you assess your own language level? And how do you describe it correctly in your resume? There is a widespread distinction among current applicants between basic, good, very good, smart and confident, although individual stages are not always defined.

    Write letters of a personal nature, on topics that are familiar and interesting to you, while expressing your emotions, experiences, plans for the future and impressions

Now let's move on to level B2 - this is a more advanced level compared to the above. Most often, this level of language allows you to work in Germany without having a serious language barrier between employer and colleagues.

Do employers know the frame of reference?

Today, most linguistic institutes are focused on it. Nadja Fügert has been working as a lecturer in German as a foreign language for twenty years and has also developed an application program for people learning German as a second language. But when it comes to office work, for example, or when there is a person responsible for personnel, it can already be assumed that these differentiated terms are known.

If language skills are clearly required for the job, applicants should mention them not only in their curriculum vitae, but also in their motivation letters. Instead, he recommends that applicants describe what knowledge they bring and where they acquired it. The more specific the information, the better the employer can get an idea of ​​the level of language proficiency. To avoid stress, candidates should consider appropriate answers to common questions in advance. In a conversation, first of all, you need to remain calm. Many non-native speakers say that if they use the wrong adjectives, the application crashes.

With level B2, you will be able to:

    understand fairly complex and extensive reports, texts, lectures on professional topics and more

    understand the basic and more detailed content of films, news, reports

    understand articles and modern prose

    participate in dialogues without preparation, defend your opinion, speak fluently enough

    But of course this is not true. For communicative competence and specialist knowledge, it is more important in case of doubt, says Nadja Fügert. Even if language skills are discussed in an interview, applicants should understand the topic and say how they will deal with possible linguistic difficulties in the workplace and why work processes are not devalued. Various institutes also offer special training courses for non-native speakers, which can be a great help and is partly supported by the Federal Labor Agency.

    speak out on a wide range of issues

    write detailed messages/letters/essays/reports on almost any topic that interests you

C1, C2:

These levels are already the most difficult and professional. You need to prepare diligently for them and not give up, even if something doesn’t work out (this, in principle, applies to studying all levels).

The second click allows you to agree to enable the social media feature. The language of instruction is usually German and good German language skills are therefore a prerequisite for successful study. You can prove the necessary German language skills through.

For more information on terms and conditions, costs and course, click here. A prerequisite for this is timely application for study. If you have not yet achieved the knowledge required for your studies at the time of application, you cannot access the course directly.

Level C1- is the level of professional knowledge of the German language. What knowledge, skills and abilities will you have after completing this level?

You will be able to:

    understand almost all TV/radio programs, films

    understand any messages, even logically unclear ones

    understand large literary and non-fiction texts (+their stylistics), technical literature

    Learn German before studying

    If you do not have sufficient knowledge of the German language, you can apply for a German language course. This application is possible all year round. A university degree is also required. During their studies in Germany you have the opportunity to enroll as a student German course at the University of Duisburg-Essen. You will then receive documents for the semester, such as a student ID number, semester ticket, and access to university facilities. Unfortunately, the University of Duisburg-Essen does not offer its own German language courses.

    speak spontaneously and fluently, without thinking about the choice of words on any topic / speech will be full of a variety of linguistic means

    express your thoughts in writing, highlight your point of view and views in detail

    express your point of view in letters/written reports/essays and clearly and clearly reveal the essence of the problem and important points

    Below you will find a list of possible language course providers in the campus area. The language course is not included in the course. During the German language course they focus exclusively on language acquisition and the German language. After successful completion of the German language course, depending on the research request, a new, timely application for the case study must be carried out.

    The language of instruction at Ruhr-University Bochum is German. The exception is English-language "international studies", which are subject to their own language requirements and some of their own application procedures. To study successfully you need very good knowledge of the German language. They must be proven with passing a German exam.

    also use different language styles in writing

Well, the last and most difficult level of the German languageC2.This is the level of language proficiency in perfection. And, by the way, not every German can boast of this level.

LevelC2, in principle, there is no need to describe it. Having achieved it, you will be able to communicate absolutely freely, without any problems, express opinions, debate, understand, read, write anything and on any topic. This is the level of the ideal and having received it, you can already consider yourself a German, although not a real one.

By the way, you can check your level of German =)

I wish everyone to achieve heights in learning any languages, and in in this case German If you are now at the beginning or middle of your journey, then I wish you not to stop and not give up - you will definitely succeed! Follow the phrase - Patience and work will grind everything =) work and persist in everything!

Also interesting:

To determine your German language level and consultation (specify a convenient day and time):

In contrast to knowledge of, say, English, which is often denoted by abstract concepts (Upper Intermediate), the level of proficiency in German is almost always determined in German precisely and strictly.

How to understand which level is higher and what characterizes each of them?

Everything is much simpler than it might seem: it’s not at all difficult to figure it out. Knowledge of the German language is assessed in three groups A, B and C, where A is the lowest level and C is the highest level. In order to put all the diversity of people into these three graphemes, each of them is divided into two level: 1 and 2. And the levels for training are already divided into sublevels/modules: say A 1.2 or B 1.1. Each level also has two such sublevels; an exception is levels B 2 - C 2: here there can be from three to five modules, depending on the number of hours for each of them (the total number of academic hours for the entire level B2 is 240, and for level C1 - at least 180).

Listener, just a beginner master the German language, corresponds to the zero level and works towards achieving sublevel A1.1. And a person who feels completely free in a German-speaking environment meets the requirements of level C2.2.

Level A

Level A is otherwise called “survival level”: speaking German at this level, you will be able to communicate on simple topics in a German-speaking environment.

You recognize familiar words and phrases by hearing and reading, use catalogs, and understand the contents of posters. You can carry on a conversation in German on some topic you know if, at your request, the interlocutor speaks slowly and simply.

In addition, this level is sufficient for filling out simple questionnaires and forms - for example, in hotels.

This level is not yet sufficient for confident presence in a German-speaking environment, but it allows you to pick out individual phrases in live German speech and approximately understand the content of some not too complex songs.

You will be able to talk with a policeman on topics that are usually discussed with policemen: what is your name, where did you come from, where do you live, for how long... You can easily write a simple letter in German, congratulating or thanking the addressee.

Level B

This group includes all listeners who already feel confident enough not to be called beginners in learning German.

You understand the main provisions of written and oral speech, composed on a relatively familiar topic within the framework of the literary norm: not replete with metaphors, not containing slang expressions and neologisms. You can also talk about something abstract on your own: about art or, say, about your political views.

When traveling to Germany, Austria, Switzerland and any other country, you may sometimes experience the awkwardness of having to ask your interlocutor again or ask him to restate what was said, but most likely you will not experience any serious problems. In a personal letter, you can easily tell about your impressions and experiences.

This is the last step before declaring “fluent” language proficiency. You understand articles, reports, lectures on almost any topic that does not require knowledge of special terminology. By listening and writing, you not only understand the events described, but also easily form a comprehensive picture of the views and feelings of the author. you are reading fiction“in the original” and, if you have talent, you can write something brilliant yourself.

Level C

Level C corresponds to fluency in German. “Free” is also a relative value; this level is divided into two subcategories. But even level C1 is enough to feel absolutely confident and not think about the language in most life situations

At level C1, you understand detailed reports on any topic, even one that is not at all close to you; you grasp implicitly expressed logical connections and understand many jargons and slang.

In short, C1 is the level of proficiency in German at a professional level.

Highest level. You understand the speech of a native speaker speaking at any pace and with almost any articulation defects - and you can carry on a conversation. You speak German as well as your native language.

At what level does the DasPROJECT School teach German?

The staff of the dasPROJECT school has been selected, and it is designed in such a way that our listener can become any person: neither a native German nor a beginner will find it too difficult or boring.

Our work is German. Our method is to use the entire wealth of German culture in the learning process. It is the desire to follow this principle that allows us to “talk” listeners of very different levels within a short period of time.

Please pay attention to the list of standardized training programs. Since both classes and additional events are usually held in groups arranged according to their level of German language proficiency, no one has to feel uncomfortable with us.

It's always good at dasPROJECT. And it brings results.

To take a free German language test to determine your level, please leave a request! We will invite you as soon as possible!