German language levels for resumes. German language levels

To determine the level German language and consultation (specify a convenient day and time):

You can explain your opinion by current problem and present the advantages and disadvantages various options. You can express yourself spontaneously and smoothly without appearing to be searching for words. You can use the language successfully and flexibly in social and professional life and use the language effectively and flexibly during teaching and learning.

Ability to speak clearly, structuredly, and in depth on complex topics and issues and use adequate tools to produce one's own text. You can summarize information from different written and oral sources and provide explanations and explanations in the appropriate text. You can express yourself spontaneously, very smoothly and accurately, even in difficult situations.

In contrast to knowledge of, say, English, which is often denoted by abstract concepts (Upper Intermediate), the level of proficiency in German is almost always determined in German precisely and strictly.

You can differentiate meanings and express better shades. We provide free photocopied textbooks and study books, as well as a certificate for a completed language course. The course is intended for all of you who want to gain complete and systematic knowledge Spanish, master the mechanisms and intricacies of language as a means of communication and become fluent in using the acquired skills after graduation. Each of the stages of training prepares you for the International Spanish Certificate Examination.

They are practical and emphasize the application of language knowledge in a practical and realistic context, developing all four communication skills - listening, speaking, reading, writing. The curriculum is clearly structured, which facilitates its implementation and application in practice. It covers contemporary and intriguing topics related to the real needs of students. Lexical and grammatical material and its various applications in context are reinforced and worked through in a variety of exercises in pairs and groups, using audio-visual techniques and additional interactive activities.

How to understand which level is higher and what characterizes each of them?

Everything is much simpler than it might seem: it’s not at all difficult to figure it out. Knowledge of the German language is assessed in three groups A, B and C, where A is the lowest level and C is the highest level. In order to put all the diversity of people into these three graphemes, each of them is divided into two level: 1 and 2. And the levels for training are already divided into sublevels/modules: say A 1.2 or B 1.1. Each level also has two such sublevels; an exception is levels B 2 - C 2: here there can be from three to five modules, depending on the number of hours for each of them (the total number of academic hours for the entire level B2 is 240, and for level C1 - at least 180).

Communication skills are practiced in a realistic context in the form of dialogues and games of realistic situations. Also included are sections to explore the culture and social life of Spanish-speaking countries, as well as audio lessons to familiarize yourself with differences in pronunciation in Latin American countries.

The system offers the option of additional services. If you have already studied the language, it is recommended to take a free placement test to determine your level of language skills. The test results are also taken into account by the teacher during training, taking into account “disadvantages” that need to be given more attention.

Listener, just a beginner master the German language, corresponds to the zero level and works towards achieving sublevel A1.1. And a person who feels completely free in a German-speaking environment meets the requirements of level C2.2.

Level A

Level A is otherwise called “survival level”: speaking German at this level, you will be able to communicate on simple topics in a German-speaking environment.

Meaning of a language certificate

Language certificates are often required when applying to study at universities abroad, and university exchange programs are a suitable addition to a curriculum vitae and can sometimes be sufficient to demonstrate language proficiency. Some language certificates replace graduation or entrance exams. . You can recognize familiar words and basic phrases about you and your family if people with your friends speak slowly and clearly. Reading: You understand very simple sentences and familiar names and words.

You recognize familiar words and phrases by hearing and reading, use catalogs, and understand the contents of posters. You can carry on a conversation in German on some topic you know if, at your request, the interlocutor speaks slowly and simply.

In addition, this level is sufficient for filling out simple questionnaires and forms - for example, in hotels.

Verbal interaction: you can communicate in a simple way, provided your communication partner is willing to repeat your report more slowly. You can ask simple questions about your interests or familiar issues. Individual spoken language: You can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where you live and the people you know.

Writing: You can write a short simple message, fill in the forms with personal details, name, nationality and address on the hotel registration form. You can get the message across with short, clear and simple messages and announcements. Reading: You can read comprehension through simple plain texts from brochures, newspapers or magazines. Oral Interaction: You can communicate in simple and general situations that require direct exchange of information about familiar topics and activities. Separate oral speech. You can use a range of phrases and sentences to describe your family and friends, your living conditions, your education, and your current or previous job.

This level is not yet sufficient for confident presence in a German-speaking environment, but it allows you to pick out individual phrases in live German speech and approximately understand the content of some not too complex songs.

You will be able to talk with a policeman on topics that are usually discussed with policemen: what is your name, where did you come from, where do you live, for how long... You can easily write a simple letter in German, congratulating or thanking the addressee.

Writing: You can write short, simple announcements and reports relevant to your immediate needs. You can write a very simple personal note like thank you. Reading: You understand texts that consist of vocabulary used in everyday life or related to your work. You can understand the description of events, feelings and desires in personal documents. Verbal Communication: You can handle most situations that may arise while traveling. You are not ready to engage in conversation on topics that you know personally or relate to your personal daily life.

Level B

This group includes all listeners who already feel confident enough not to be called beginners in learning German.

You understand the main provisions of written and oral speech, composed on a relatively familiar topic within the framework of the literary norm: not replete with metaphors, not containing slang expressions and neologisms. You can also talk about something abstract on your own: about art or, say, about your political views.

Individual spoken language: You can combine phrases in a simple way to describe your experiences and events, your plans, hopes and ambitions. You can briefly explain the reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. You can tell the story or plot of a book or movie and describe your feelings. Writing: You can write simple, coherent text on topics that are familiar to you or of personal interest to you.

You can write a report describing the experience and impressions. You can understand most television news and current affairs programs. Reading: You can read articles and news about current issues, and understand TV, English speaking, moderator or guest. Oral Interaction: You can communicate at a level of fluency and spontaneity, allowing you to have regular conversations with English-speaking partners. You can actively participate in discussions on familiar topics and express and promote your views.

When traveling to Germany, Austria, Switzerland and any other country, you may sometimes experience the awkwardness of having to ask your interlocutor again or ask him to restate what was said, but most likely you will not experience any serious problems. In a personal letter, you can easily tell about your impressions and experiences.

Individual oral presentation: Can you provide clear descriptions of a wide range of issues related to your area of ​​interest. Can you explain your views on current issues with the advantages and disadvantages of different options. Writing: You can write a detailed text about something that concerns your interests.

You may write a document or report, present information, or provide evidence to support or oppose a particular opinion. You can easily understand TV programs and movies. Reading: You understand long and complex factual and literary texts, recognizing differences in style. You understand articles and longer instructions. Verbal Interaction: You can express yourself freely and spontaneously without obvious expression. You can use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes.

This is the last step before declaring “fluent” language proficiency. You understand articles, reports, lectures on almost any topic that does not require knowledge of special terminology. By listening and writing, you not only understand the events described, but also easily form a comprehensive picture of the views and feelings of the author. you are reading fiction“in the original” and, if you have talent, you can write something brilliant yourself.

You can accurately articulate your thoughts and opinions, and you can build on the contributions of other speakers accordingly. Individual Oral Communication: You can describe complex topics clearly and in detail, expand on subtopics, develop specific points, and conclude with relevant conclusions. Writing: You can articulate, organize your writing well, and express your opinions professionally. You can write about complex subjects in a letter, report, or report, and highlight what you think is most important.

You can choose the style of the recipient for whom the text is intended. You don't have a problem with randomness and smooth communication with rodents if you have enough time to get used to the pronunciation. Reading: Read generally all forms of writing with ease, including abstract texts that require structure and language, such as reference books, professional articles, and literary works. Verbal interaction: you can without special effort participate in any conversation or discussion and manage idiomatic and colloquial expressions.

Level C

Level C corresponds to fluency in German. “Free” is also a relative value; this level is divided into two subcategories. But even level C1 is enough to feel absolutely confident and not think about the language in most life situations

At level C1, you understand detailed reports on any topic, even one that is not at all close to you; you grasp implicitly expressed logical connections and understand many jargons and slang.

You can express subtle tones of meaning freely and accurately. Individual spoken language: You can give a clear and flexible description or argument in a style appropriate to the context and with an effective logical structure that helps the recipient notice important points and remember them. Writing: you can write compound sheets, reports or articles that present a case with an effective logical structure that will help the recipient notice the important points and remember them.

You can write resumes and reviews professional work or literary works. Our institute will prepare you at selected branches for the following language certificates. These certificates are valid indefinitely and do not need to be renewed. The numbers are marked from 1 after.

In short, C1 is the level of proficiency in German at a professional level.

Highest level. You understand the speech of a native speaker speaking at any pace and with almost any articulation defects - and you can carry on a conversation. You speak German as well as your native language.

At what level does the DasPROJECT School teach German?

The staff of the dasPROJECT school has been selected, and it is designed in such a way that our listener can become any person: neither a native German nor a beginner will find it too difficult or boring.

Ability to understand and use basic phrases and expressions of everyday life Ability to enter and answer basic questions Ability to communicate with English speakers who speak slowly and clearly. Reading and Writing: You will need to understand simple written information such as tags, pamphlets, newspapers and magazines. You will be required to correctly fill in the gap in the sentences in the simple exercises and write a short passage of approximately 25 words. Listening: You will have to describe a conversation while speaking at a slow pace. Conversation: You will need to demonstrate the ability to conduct an interview through questions and answers to simple questions. It includes all four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Our work is German. Our method is to use the entire wealth of German culture in the learning process. It is the desire to follow this principle that allows us to “talk” listeners of very different levels within a short period of time.

Please pay attention to the list of standardized training programs. Since both classes and additional events are usually held in groups arranged according to their level of German language proficiency, no one has to feel uncomfortable with us.

This is recognized by many employers as evidence of the ability to use English language in positions, secretarial and management positions. It is also widely recognized in the tourism, retail, construction, manufacturing and manufacturing sectors.

Opportunity to negotiate while traveling as a tourist in an English-speaking country. Candidates' ability to answer simple questions from their professional environment and the ability to develop a conversation. The candidate must demonstrate the ability to write letters of various types. Reading and Writing: You must demonstrate the ability to read text from magazines, newspapers and understand the main idea. You will need to complete exercises, write short text messages and write a story or 100 word worksheet. Listening: You will need to understand daily life, following the attitudes and intentions of individual participants. Also participate in the conversation.

  • Ability to understand instructor instructions.
  • Discussion.
  • The conversation takes place in pairs on any topic.
This perfect test for people who want to use English for work or study.

It's always good at dasPROJECT. And it brings results.

To take a free German language test to determine your level, please leave a request! We will invite you as soon as possible!

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If you plan to study in Austria, even in an English-language program, you definitely need to know German. Practice shows that not all service personnel in markets, post offices speaks English. And there is no question of entering state universities without successfully passing a language exam.

From A to C – levels of knowledge of the German language

According to the pan-European standards CEFR, three levels are distinguished: A - initial, B - intermediate, C - high. Each of them is divided into two more stages - the first and second.

Grundstufe A1: elementary level

A person knows some words, understands general outline other people's phrases, intuitively guesses vocabulary. It is possible to survive in Austria with such a base; it is enough to maintain a simple conversation, clarify directions and other everyday issues. Someone else's speech is somewhat understandable, provided that it is slow and intelligible; complex structures are very far from being understood. Fruitful learning with such skills will not work.

Grundstufe A2: “school” level of language proficiency

The basis of this level is formed on the basis of the school German language course. It gives you the opportunity to talk with an Austrian or German on simple topics and ask the seller about the product. Short simple texts and commonly used constructions are understandable, but a long conversation even in everyday life is difficult. A person is able to compose a story about himself, his country and certain aspects of life.

Mittelstufe B1: sufficient threshold level

Not bad vocabulary enough to express your thoughts, emotions and feelings, discuss educational, work or everyday issues. The conversation of local residents is clear and productive communication is possible with them. Knowledge is already enough not only to describe something, but also to express one’s point of view, express one’s views.

Mittelstufe B2: advanced threshold level of language proficiency

This level indicates that in addition to the already existing skills of free communication and understanding of language, a person has the ability to read texts in his specialty and understand terminology. It is this kind of knowledge that is enough for admission to universities in Austria: the student freely takes notes on lectures, asks questions and discusses the subject.

Oberstufe C1: high level

Or carrier level. It gives you the opportunity to work in your specialty and “be like a German,” fully participate in public events, and communicate on an equal basis with your employer. Complex texts are easily perceived and understood; there is the ability to act as a speaker on complex topics without preparation.

Oberstufe C2: professional

The level is mastered after studying directly at the workplace. Highly qualified specialists study scientific journals, give presentations, and teach at universities. They speak quickly, understand and know how to use intonations and emotional nuances of the language.

The rules of division are the same. To understand how much knowledge you already have and whether it is worth spending time and money on additional courses, you need to undergo appropriate testing. This is done with the help of online services, individual tutors or by forming language learning groups.

If the level is low, the ideal option is to apply to study at a university and go to one-year preparatory courses. You can raise the bar of knowledge for free by participating in the Au-Pair, Social Year programs or taking advantage of various offers from volunteer organizations.

Company Education in Vienna cooperates directly with universities in Austria. Our specialists know everything about German language certificates and other documents required for admission. Contact us and start building a successful future right now.