Letters in Spanish. Spanish alphabet

1. Alphabet

The Spanish alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with the addition of one letter and two digraphs: ch, ll, ñ . Accent marks are sometimes placed above vowels, but they are not transmitted during transcription. Letters k And w found only in words of foreign origin.

2. Transliteration

Some Spanish letters are transmitted unambiguously into Russian:

b b ll l r r
сh h m m s With
d d n n t T
f f ñ no v V
j X p n x ks
k To q To z With

3. Letter combinations with U

Letter combinations in which the letter u unreadable: guege, guigi, quiki, queke. For example: MiguelMiguel, EnriqueEnrique.

Sometimes you can find a recording güegue.

Letter combination gua transcribed as gwa: GuatemalaGuatemala.

4. G, C, H

Before front vowels ( i And e) WithWith, gX: CesarCesar, AngelAngel.

In other contexts cTo, gG: CubaCuba, GabonGabon.

Letter h not translated in transcription, with the exception of traditional spellings of some geographical names: HaitiHaiti, HondurasHonduras etc.

The "transcriptor" knows only a part of such exceptions.

5. Vowels after LL, Ñ, Y

In all cases lll, ñ no. If followed by a vowel a or u, then it is transmitted according to the rules: llaLya, ñaNya, lluI pour, ñunew.

The letter at the beginning of the word y together with the following vowel is transmitted as one Russian letter: yaI, yee, yoe, yuyu. So, YoelYoel.

In the middle of a word in diphthongs there is a letter yth, and yaya, yuyu.

Between consonants, at the end of a word after a consonant and as a separate word yAnd: JilyHealy.

6. I as part of diphthongs

At the end of the word iaand I. The exception is surnames and male personal names, in which i composes a separate syllable and falls under stress - in such cases, two transcription options are possible: iaia, iaand I. For example: GarciaGarcia (Garcia). Always in the middle of a word iaia.

"Transcriber" always translates iaand I at the ends of words unknown to him.

After consonants ieye: FierroFierro.

After vowels ith: RaimundoRaimundo.

7. A couple more notes

At the beginning of the word euh: EstebanEsteban. In other contexts ee.

In names and titles of foreign origin may occur tz, in that case tzts.

In Spain there are ABC books for children. IN primary school All schools pay great attention to a thorough study of the alphabet. Knowing every letter is, of course, very important. In order to find words in the dictionary, you also need to know the Spanish alphabet and the order of the letters of the alphabet.

Spanish language, alphabet pronunciation and its importance for you

It is known that in English There are no strict rules regarding the pronunciation of words, and learning the alphabet is a vital matter because in this language you constantly have to clarify correct spelling new words spelled out.

Fortunately, on Spanish we rarely have to use the Spanish alphabet with transcription to write words we hear for the first time, since the rules of pronunciation are followed 100% of the time. You can become fluent in the Spanish alphabet as you progress vocabulary. In short, in Spanish we rarely use the alphabet as such in everyday life. We just don't have to spell out the words!

Spanish alphabet and its origins

The origin of the Spanish alphabet can be traced back to Greek alphabet, the Etruscan alphabet and, finally, from Latin alphabet. It is on these three pillars that the Spanish alphabet and pronunciation are built. Germanic influences can be seen in the letters “y” and “w”.

The Spanish alphabet and its most famous letter

The most famous letter of the Spanish alphabet, a true icon of our language, is, of course, the letter “ñ”. It consists of the letter “n” with a small symbol above it called a “tilde”. Never forget to use it. “Un año” is not the same as “un ano”.

Spanish alphabet video

In this video we offer a song for learning the Spanish alphabet. Learning is easy, fast and fun. Listen to the Spanish alphabet.

But still, at a certain stage of learning any language, it is necessary to learn the alphabet. We will try to make this process more interesting for children!

Spanish alphabet

Spelling and names of letters (namely letters, not the sounds they can convey in writing):


Spanish name

Russian transcription


ye and griega

Poems about the Spanish alphabet

A,B,C,D la luz se fue ,
I, J, K, no volverá,
R, S, T, vayamos pues, a descansar a descansar.

A todos los niños del mundo
B usco con mucho cariño para
E nseñarle la magia de las letras
C on paciencia y con amor.
E spero que todos aprendan
D ominando cada lección, y
A nsiando con ternura el
R epaso de las lecturas.
I dentifiquen las letras que no queden en el
O lvido, construyan las palabras y señalen los sonidos.

La a lmohada,
por arte de magia,
se vuelve hada
La a
La “A” sabe que es un reto
–no se le puede negar–
hallarse en primer lugar
de todito el alfabeto.
Al mismo tiempo, la “A”,
inveterada viajera,
se aparece donde quiera:
aquí, acá y acullá.
La red,
por más que bebe agua,
se muere de sed.

La r
Otra cosa nadie espere:
un cerro se vuelve “cero”,
y un perro se vuelve “pero”
si la “erre” se hace “ere”.
Al revés, que nadie yerre,
y para que de claro:
deja un carro de ser caro
si la “ere”, se hace “erre”.

El zapato,
con pico y plumas,
parece pato.
La z
Con la “Z” me despido
–y con todo mi respeto–
de este locuaz alfabeto,
y les quedo agradecido.
Me despido con la “Z”
y también se va conmigo
este servidor, amigo,
y affectísimo poeta.

Spanish alphabet games

It will be very good if you play all the games with your child in Spanish. Let these be the simplest sentences, but in Spanish.

1. Draw a few letters on paper, and then, together with your child, draw their eyes, mouth, ears, hair, arms, legs, clothes. They can be turned into people or animals. The names of these creatures will be the names of the corresponding letters. Then the letters can participate in various scenes and visit each other. For example, you can play on the word “family” (familia): let each letter be one of the family members, they will be dressed differently and of different sizes, and together they form the word family.

Examples of possible phrases:

  • Estas son nuestras cartas. El nombre de esta letra es A y el nombre de esta letra es B (These are our letters. This letter is called A, and this letter is called Be)
  • Que los nombres de estas letras. ¿Como te llamas? Me llamo B. Un placer conocerte, B! Me llamo C. (Let's get to know these letters. What's your name? My name is Be. Very nice, Be. My name is Se)
  • ¡Mira! Esta carta es como un conejo. (Look! This letter looks like a hare!)

2. You can also sculpt letters from plasticine (let, for example, funny colorful worms turn into letters), you can make crafts from paper and other materials.

3. You can buy letters with magnets, draw letters (just letters, words or whole sentences) on a magnetic board with a washable felt-tip pen, and then the child must put the corresponding letter in the right place on the board. The same can be done with paper and glue, fabric and Velcro.

4. Variety word games with letters depends on the number of words the child knows in Spanish. You can name each letter with your child in turn:

  • food
  • items in the house
  • body parts
  • objects on the street
  • animals, etc.

If a child is just learning words or doesn’t know how to spell them, name the words from this list yourself.

I offer you a list with tips. Friends! If anyone has ideas about what words can be entered in the empty fields, write in the comments... I’m running out of imagination :)

Letters Animals, birds, insects, fish Home, furniture, dishes Food Cloth
A aves (bird), alces (elk), avestruz (ostrich), ardilla (squirrel) armario (wardrobe) aguacate (avocado), ajo (garlic), aceite (oil), arroz (rice), azúcar (sugar), agua (water) apron (apron), albornoz (robe), abrigo de piel (fur coat), atar (tie)
B búho (eagle owl, owl), ballena (whale) brocoli (broccoli), botas (boots), bufanda (scarf)
C camello (camel), coyote (coyote), ciervos (deer), caballo (horse), canguro (kangaroo), conejo (hare), cisne (swan), cebra (zebra) cama (bed), cortinas (curtains), cocho (car), chimenea (fireplace), casa (house), cuchillo (knife), cuchara (spoon) col (cabbage), cerezas (cherry), creame de hielo (ice cream), carne (meat), cebolla (onion), calabaza (pumpkin), capa (coat), cinta (belt), chaqueta (jacket), camisa (shirt), calcetines (socks),
D dinosaurio (dinosaur) ducha (shower) delantal (apron),
E elefante (elephant), erizo (hedgehog) estufa (stove), estante (shelf), espejo (mirror)
F flamenco (flamingo) frigorífico (refrigerator), fregadero (sink) frijoles (beans), frutas (fruit), frambuesa (raspberries), fresa (strawberries) falda (skirt),
G gallo (rooster), gato (cat), ganso (goose) garten (garden), garaje (garage) guisantes (peas), guantes (gloves)
H hormiga (ant), hipopótamo (hippopotamus) hervidor de agua (teapot) huevo (egg)
J jirafa (giraffe), jaguar (jaguar) jarra (jug), juguetes (toys)
I imagen (picture)
K koala (koala) kiwi (kiwi)
L león (lion), leopardo (leopard), lagarto (lizard), lobo (wolf) libro (book), lámpara (lamp) limón (lemon), lechuga (salad), leche (milk),
M mariposa (butterfly), mariquita ( ladybug), mono (monkey) moqueta (carpet), mesa (table) mantequilla (butter), manzana (apple), melón (melon), mango (mango), melocotón (peach) mitones (mittens)
N naranja (orange),
O ovejas (sheep) otomana (ottoman, footrest), ordinator (computer)
P pescado (fish), perro (dog), paloma (pigeon), pato (duck), pollo (chicken), panda (panda), porcino (pig), pinguin (penguin), piraña (piranha), pantera (panther), pelícano (pelican), pavo (turkey) periódico (newspaper), piso (floor), puerta (door), panel (pan), pared (wall) pescado (fish), pepino (cucumber), plátano (banana), pan (bread), pasta (pasta), pera (pear), papa (potato), piña (pineapple), pantalones (pants), pijamas (pajamas)
Q queso (cheese)
R ratón (mouse), rana (frog), rata (rat), rinoceronte (rhinoceros) revista (magazine), reloj (clock), radio (radio)
S soportar (bear), saltamontes (grasshopper), serpiente (snake), salmón (salmon) sala (room), sofá (sofa), silla (chair) solt (salt), sandía (watermelon) sombrero (hat)
T tiburón (shark), tigre (tiger), tortugas (turtle) techo (roof), TV (TV) torta (pie), tee (tea), tomate (tomato)

So, in the Spanish language there are 6 vowels and 22 consonants.

What I would like to note right away is that Spanish vowels, compared to the Russian language, are characterized by closedness, that is, they are pronounced the same way both under stress and in an unstressed position.

What is the importance: for example, you said “Muchacho/a”, muting the ending. Thus, you introduce the Spaniards into slight bewilderment: “Say, senor, you will still decide whether you are a boy or a girl.” It would seem like one sound, but the meaning has changed dramatically.

Regarding vowels, I would like to note that in Spanish there is no softening of consonant sounds before vowels. You'll see this a little later when we look at pronunciation and I direct you to listen to Spanish words.



ye and griega

Aa [a] - mama", papa, amor

  • at the beginning of a word and after m and n it is similar to the Russian B - bomba.

Note: the consonant [n] before [b] inside a word and at the junction of words sounds like [m] - un vaso

  • - in other cases it is similar to the Russian “B” - beber (to drink), trabajar (to work-travahar)
  • before a, o, y is read as [k] - casa (house), Cuba (Cuba)
  • before i, e - reads like [Ǿ] Imagine that the tongue does not fit in the mouth and is therefore clamped by the front teeth - cine (cinema), cena (dinner).

Ch - reads like the Russian “Ch” - muchacha (girl), chica (girl).

  • at the beginning of the word it reads like the Russian “D” - donde (where)
  • [I didn’t find a symbol for this sound] The sound is produced when the tip of the tongue touches the lower edge of the upper incisors, leaving a wide enough gap for air to pass through. At the end of a word, and especially before a pause and in words ending in -ado, the sound is pronounced very weakly, and in conversation it is almost not pronounced. - Madrid

Ee - similar to the Russian sound “E” - febrero (February - favrelo)

Ff - [f] similar to the Russian “F” - facil (easy - facil), dificil

  • before a, o, u is pronounced like the Russian sound “G” - gato (cat), gusto (taste)
  • before i and e [Russian Х] - gente (people)
  • between the vowel and in other cases - weak G - pagar (to pay). Our teacher warned us not to turn this G into the Ukrainian “He”.

Hh - unreadable - ahora (now/aora)

Jj - [x] - jinete (rider), junta (thought)

Kk - rarely used. If it is used, it is used exclusively as the Russian “K” - kilo, Kremlin

Ll - soft ale! La "mpara (table lamp), lucir (to sparkle)

Double el ll - [th] calle (street), llorar (cry)

Mm - [m] - momento (moment)

Nn - [n] - nueve (tree)

Ňñ - [н] - niña (girl), año (year)

O - [o] - tesoro (treasure)

P - [pe!] pero (preposition but)

  • at the beginning of the word there is a rolling Re like a tiger! - russo, rio (river)
  • in other cases the usual re - prensa (press)

Ss - [from Russian] - sombrero (hat), siesta

Tt - [t Russian] - te" (tea), tintero (inkwell)

Uu - [Russian] club, cucurucho (bag)

Xx - [ks] - e "xito (success)

Zz - [Ǿ] - similar to the pronunciation of Ss in some cases (see above) Zaragoza

qui - quinto (fifth)

que - queso (cheese)

gui [gi] - giitarra

Funny combination of letters nv. Contrary to logic, it reads - mb

that is, the word invitar is read as imbitar.

This completes the study of pronunciation. Now all that remains is to listen and train yourself.

To practice, I advise you to visit the following site, since it is difficult to learn good pronunciation on paper. =)

Method 1: Use International English Layout

The easiest way is to use a keyboard shortcut. Without installing the Spanish language, we add the English keyboard layout - " USA international".

To do this, go to "Control Panel" - "Languages ​​and Regional Standards" - "Languages" - "Add" - "English (United States) / Keyboard layout: US international."

Now you can print specific spanish letters ñ And ü , put above vowels accepto(emphasis): é, á, ú, ó, í ; and also use inverted signs - ¡ And ¿ .


To print Spanish letters, we do this - first press the right one Alt(if right Alt does not work, try left Alt) then type - e, a, u, o, i, as a result we get - é and the remaining letters are stressed. Same thing with the letter ñ and upside down ¡ And ¿ - use right Alt+ n, ! And?.

Accents on Spanish vowels can be placed using the combination - button " + letter

To put umlauts press right Shift+ button " + letter - we get ü ä ö Ä . To change uppercase and lowercase - use Caps Lock.


However, you will have to get used to the fact that when typing “or” characters, in order for them to be displayed after them, you need to press the spacebar.

Method 2. Use Spanish keyboard

This method is not suitable for everyone, because... The English layout is also needed, but using three at the same time - Russian, Spanish and English is not always convenient. But you can try this method, maybe it will suit you, to do this, click on the language bar with the left mouse button again. Next, select: “Language settings” and click on the “Add language” button. Select "Spanish / desired sorting", then "Add".

The same can be done through the "Control Panel" - "Languages ​​and Regional Standards" - "Languages" - "Add" - "Spanish".

Method 3. Use hotkeys

In the text editor MS Word and other editors, this can be done in the following way.

1. In the menu, select Insert → Symbol... In the window that appears, select the desired symbol. We insert it.

2. Required characters You can assign a “Keyboard Shortcut”. Place the cursor in the “New keyboard shortcut” field. Now you need to press the key combination on the keyboard that will correspond to this character. Since a regular question mark is typed using Shift + 1, you can assign Alt + 1 to an inverted question mark. Now we wait for the “Assign” button, and Word will remember this combination.

The same steps must be repeated for all Spanish characters and letters: ¡ ¿ á í é ó ú ñ Á É Ó Ú Ñ Í ü . For capital letters you can use a combination Shift + Alt+ letter, because for regular capitals it is used Shift. For ü you can choose, for example, CTRL+u. Or do not assign any combination, since this symbol is very rarely used. You can simply select it manually through the menu, as you did in the beginning¡.

3. If you often use the “Symbol...” command, it is convenient to place the corresponding button on the Toolbar. To do this, right-click on it and select the very last item in the menu that appears, “Settings...”. In the window that appears, select “Insert” in the left column. On the right, find the “Symbol...” command and drag it to the Toolbar while holding the left mouse button. You can remove it in the same way, open “Settings...” and, holding down the left mouse button, remove it from the panel.