Light makeup for school for teenagers. Set of cosmetics for girls

We'll tell you what kind of makeup you can do for school when you're 14 years old. In her youth, every schoolgirl has the opportunity to experiment with makeup. At this age, many teenage girls either do not use decorative cosmetics at all, or simply do not know how to do it correctly. Using cosmetics, teenage girls want to appear older than their age or simply want to look more beautiful compared to their classmates. To achieve this, you need to regularly take care of yourself and apply light makeup for school.

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  • Makeup for school at age 14: proper skin care during adolescence

    Many mothers are completely wrong when they forbid their girls to wear makeup to school, believing that they will only ruin their faces with decorative cosmetics. But they should know that the foundation for attractive and healthy skin begins to be laid precisely at school age. The skin pores of not only girls and women, but also teenage girls, are subject to regular contamination.

    If you do not cleanse your skin with special cosmetics, then as a result various skin diseases may arise or small pimples will simply begin to appear on the face. Therefore, before applying makeup to school, 14-year-olds should thoroughly cleanse their skin. It is better to use it to cleanse young skin; this is necessary in order to protect the girl’s skin from the negative effects of environmental factors. At the very end, you need to lubricate your face with a light nourishing cream. The nourishing cream should be applied in a very thin layer, so it will be invisible on the face.

    All tonics, creams and other cosmetics must be fully appropriate for the age of a teenage girl. Never use cosmetics on adult skin to avoid teenage skin problems in the future.

    Choosing suitable cosmetics for school at 14 years old

    To avoid looking too vulgar while attending school, you should give preference not to bright colors, but to decorative cosmetics in pastel shades. It’s quite easy to choose makeup for school for 14 years old if you follow our tips. Of course, it is very difficult for schoolgirls to resist purchasing eye shadow in rich blue or bright purple shades, pink lipstick and multi-colored glitter, but using such flashy makeup cosmetics, girls risk being considered too stupid and tasteless among their classmates. Therefore, to avoid this, you should use pastel-colored cosmetics.

    When applying school makeup, it is advisable to give preference to eye shadow in light shades. Depending on what eye color the girl has, you can give preference to shades of light brown, cream, light blue, and green. But whatever shadows you choose to create your makeup, you shouldn’t overuse them on your eyelids. Eye shadow is recognized to enhance the color of the eyes rather than overshadow them. By applying pearl shades, you can add more charm to a girl’s look.

    If we talk about lipstick, then it is better to give preference to its analogue - translucent lip gloss. Because lip gloss visually enlarges the lips, making them more attractive in appearance. Makeup for school for 14 years old will only look better because of this. You need to give preference to natural shades. For example, it could be peach, light beige or completely transparent.

    Mascara is a special accessory that every schoolgirl must have in her makeup bag. For teenage girls with sparse and long eyelashes, mascara that gives volume is most suitable, but for girls with short eyelashes, it is advisable to give preference to lengthening mascara. But no matter what kind of eyelashes you have, you shouldn’t paint them too boldly.

    Proper makeup application for school

    Girls usually don't have much time to apply makeup when they wake up in the morning before going to school. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be in too much of a hurry to apply makeup for school at the age of 14, so that your classmates don’t laugh at you as a result of improperly applied makeup. If you don't have that much time, you can simply paint your lips with translucent gloss and apply one coat of mascara to your eyelashes. This will make your appearance more expressive.

    Teen makeup

    If you have much more time, then you can take a more thorough approach to applying school makeup. Applying makeup should begin with face powder or foundation, but if the girl’s skin is perfectly smooth without rashes or redness, then there is no need to apply foundation at all.

    The selected eyeshadow should be applied from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer corners. In the area of ​​the brow ridges and in the middle of the eyelids directly above the eyelashes, you can apply a little white shadow. At the very end, you should apply mascara. You should dye your eyelashes no more than twice, and you need to make sure that there are no lumps on the eyelashes.

    If you want to grow your hair quickly, then you should read our tips.

    To complete your makeup, apply a translucent peach or soft brown gloss to your lips. If your skin is too pale, then apply a little blush to your cheeks. Apply blush very carefully to avoid the effect of too red cheeks. Our tips will help 14-year-old girls create makeup for school and be the center of attention.

    Adolescence is one of the most difficult and unstable periods in a person’s life. And not in vain, because at this time not only the physiology, but also the personality of the child as a whole undergoes changes. Searching for oneself often leads young man to various extremes, and his parents - into horror and panic. Among such experiments among girls is appearance. Makeup is the simplest field for changing yourself, but at the same time the most subtle and requiring certain knowledge and experience. How can you learn to do something easy to please yourself and not create disagreements with your parents and teachers?

    Youth, freshness of face, smooth and natural skin - this is what a young girl can boast of. This is exactly what will always be in fashion and what older women strive for. Of course, 14 years, for example, is both a way to “be like everyone else” and “to be unique.” Therefore, you should not be very categorical and deny your child this. It is much more important to teach him how to use cosmetics and follow these simple rules:

    • bright decorative cosmetics are inappropriate during the daytime;
    • the color palette of cosmetics should be harmoniously combined with the tone of the face - pink is suitable for light, cool skin tones, caramel and peach are suitable for warm skin tones;
    • It is better to choose shadows and lipstick as transparent as possible, which create only a hint of emphasizing a certain area of ​​the face.

    Face tone and cosmetics

    To keep your face fresh and not look like you’re wearing a mask, you should use a little foundation that is as close as possible to your natural skin tone. It will be enough to hide minor imperfections.

    To get rid of unwanted shine and give the skin a matte look, you can apply a little powder. It is better to use not a sponge, but a special brush that will help evenly distribute a minimum of powder. As for blush, you should save it for a more festive occasion. To create a light makeup for school, foundation and powder will be enough.

    Light lip makeup

    Cosmetics for lips in adolescence are more likely to be preventive and therapeutic in nature than aesthetic. For example, for those girls who wear braces, a cream or balm will be simply necessary, since in such cases the lips become very dry.

    If you want to do lip makeup only for reasons of beauty, you should choose light tones that are close to natural color. Soft pink, peach lip glosses are most suitable.

    Light makeup for school also involves the use of discreet eye highlighting. This means that it is best to use one mascara to create an open look. For dark-haired girls, a black shade is suitable, for fair-haired, red and fair-haired girls - brown or dark gray.

    The same applies to a pencil. It should match the eye color as closely as possible, highlight it, and not contrast it. The universal shades remain grayish, ashy and brown. It is better to draw a line along the growth of eyelashes on the outer corners of the eyes.

    As for eyeliners, they can turn light make-up for school for a teenager into a very rough and age-inappropriate one. Eyeliner visually narrows the eye and makes the face look older.

    It is also better to use natural shades for shadows. They should not be pearlescent or matte. It is preferable if the shadows shine naturally. Milky, creamy, grayish, golden, peach shades harmonize well with almost any eye and hair color.

    Often teenage girls have a complex about the sloppy shape of their eyebrows and begin unsuccessfully experimenting with plucking and coloring them. To prevent this, you can teach your teenager to use a special gel. It will help style unruly hairs so that you don’t have to adjust the shape of your eyebrows early.

    Cosmetics for problem skin

    Before you put on makeup for school, you need to take care of your facial health. A common and natural problem for every second teenager is rashes and redness on the face. This is a natural reaction of the body to hormonal changes, puberty. But it’s no secret how many complexes, insecurities and spoiled moods these pimples, blackheads and unevenness on the face cost.

    That is why you should first take care of proper cleansing of your facial skin. Without it, no decorative cosmetics can hide imperfections. The kit may include the following hygiene products:

    • a light cleansing milk or scrub for problem skin (you should definitely look at the series of products - it should be designed specifically for the young skin of teenagers);
    • to dry out acne and get rid of oily shine, you can use white clay - natural powder is sold in pharmacies, diluted with water and used as a mask;
    • concealer, which is applied pointwise to problem areas and allows you to disguise them.

    Another feature that often causes discomfort to teenagers is the appearance of freckles. Of course, nothing to do with problem skin they do not, on the contrary, are part of the individuality and beauty of an individual, but at a young age they can be perceived as a flaw. In this case, you can recommend a light sunscreen that will reduce or completely prevent pigmentation.

    Not limited solely to cosmetics. You also need tools to apply these products. Here are the main ones:

    • comb for styling eyebrows;
    • disposable toner sponges;
    • applicator for applying eye shadow.

    This set is enough to do light makeup for school quickly and accurately.

    In order to always meet the requirements of the educational institution, as well as highlight the advantages of her appearance, a young girl should avoid:

    • foundations that are too dense in texture;
    • very bright lipsticks and eye shadows;
    • false eyelashes.

    Looking beautiful is every girl's dream. Starting from adolescence, a whole arsenal of cosmetics is used. Often the look of makeup on young people looks repulsive. When applying makeup, it is worth considering the fact that makeup for teenagers is a separate topic that deserves special attention.


    There is nothing wrong with wanting to appear grown up. However, high-quality make-up involves not only emphasizing facial features: it is important to be able to hide imperfections.

    Teenage makeup cannot be bright and flashy: today any girl knows that it is ugly and looks ridiculous. However, without the necessary skills and rules for using cosmetics, the result simply cannot be flawless.

    It is important to understand that cosmetics are selected taking into account age. If you use the arsenal from your mother’s cosmetic bag, you can harm the health of the skin, cause allergies, irritation of the dermis or itchy skin.

    The first rule of cosmetics is naturalness. Makeup should be invisible and light. Exactly cute, natural appearance will create a better impression.

    The second rule of makeup is facial skin care. Due to changes in hormonal levels (against the background of maturation of the body), during this period the skin often experiences a deterioration in its condition. If a girl considers herself an adult, she needs to start with careful facial skin care. Otherwise, you can lose the beauty and health of the dermis, and also become a hostage to your own complexes.

    If you ignore the condition of your skin and apply cosmetics to uncleaned and diseased skin, not only your health will suffer, but also your appearance.

    The skin of adolescence is especially vulnerable. When choosing your first cosmetics, you need to give preference to good, high-quality mineral products. It is desirable that the preparations are hypoallergenic and suitable for particularly sensitive, delicate skin. Rule number three is choosing high-quality cosmetics with a calming and healing effect.

    The fourth rule is age emphasis. Professional stylists emphasize that the purpose of teenagers' makeup is to accentuate the charm of youth. Under no circumstances should facial features be coarsened using all available beauty artillery.

    First cosmetic bag: accessories and cosmetics

    High-quality makeup involves the use of special tools. There shouldn’t be a lot of them: the main thing is that they are used correctly:

    • large brush round shape– for powder;
    • small brush – for blush;
    • two small ones (flat and volumetric) - for shading shadows;
    • eyelash curler;
    • small brush- for stretching lipstick.

    Essential makeup products for teenagers include:

    • bactericidal concealer;
    • loose powder;
    • shadow base;
    • shadows;
    • dark gray mascara or brown;
    • pomade;
    • transparent lip gloss.

    Young people are not recommended to use pencil or eyeliner: this can change facial features for the worse and add age. If you don’t want to give up a pencil, you need to purchase a tool that matches your hair color. Moreover, the task will be to ensure that the pencil is not visible on the face: it needs to be gently shaded to create a natural effect.

    It is important to understand that any appropriate makeup is not a reason to demonstrate the entire available arsenal of cosmetics. You shouldn’t look up to grown women whose make-up screams acid colors.

    Whatever the occasion for makeup (daytime, evening, casual, summer, school), the real art of a stylist is to apply makeup as if it is not on the face. It is necessary to emphasize the flawlessness of the skin and show the beauty of the eyes.

    Color solutions

    The choice of shade of powder and blush should tend towards natural paints, as close as possible to the natural skin tone. Shades with the addition of peach and pinkish undertones are allowed (depending on skin type). The concealer should be half a shade lighter than your natural complexion.

    Shadows can be taken in two or four shades. This will create a natural effect when shading. You should not buy acidic, pink or blue shades: cold colors look ugly, pink and reddish ones will give your eyes a sick and swollen look. Experiments with aggressive tones are unacceptable: natural beauty cannot be destroyed.

    The ideal lipstick color is transparent. In adolescence, a girl’s lips are naturally bright. You can buy transparent gloss. And if you want a little accent, then you should take a closer look at coral, coffee, nude and light colors terracotta shades. It is better to abstain from mother-of-pearl: this effect requires clean skin and white teeth.

    A greasy gloss effect is undesirable: this type of lipstick is not suitable for teenagers.

    Eyebrow shadows and pencil are a separate issue. Teenagers think that overly bright and wide eyebrows are the standard of beauty. They really shouldn't stand out, it's tasteless and looks rude.

    You cannot allow a sea of ​​accents on your face: in this case, they cease to be accents, creating the image of a gypsy out of the girl. At any age, it is important to emphasize the health of the skin and the expressiveness of the look. Their natural beauty needs to be shown.

    Therefore, an ideal eyebrow color should be one shade lighter than your hair color.

    Stylists working in the fashion industry recommend that teenagers start using cosmetics simultaneously with a facial skin care series. Make-up should not be applied to uncleaned skin. In addition, makeup must be removed in the evening: it is unacceptable to sleep with makeup on your face.

    Among the tips there are several undeniable rules:

    • with sick and injured skin, makeup looks deplorable;
    • before applying cosmetics, it is important to moisturize and prepare the dermis;
    • you need to select shades of cosmetics in accordance with the color of your eyes, skin and hair, as well as taking into account the specific occasion (for lessons, a birthday, a disco);
    • You cannot use a thick masking agent: it will create a mask effect and emphasize the areas of rashes;
    • the dramatic tone in makeup should be kept to a minimum (fewer dark colors that create a negative effect);
    • You should never copy someone’s style by imitating a specific person: it is important to remain yourself, this will allow you to be individual;
    • There is no need to use mascara every day: this may cause a decrease in the number of eyelashes.

    One of the terrible trends common among schoolgirls is the “duck lips” effect. You need to understand one thing: it is beautiful to be natural. Even if you put on lipstick, you don’t need to show off your makeup and shape in this way.

    Beautiful teenage makeup is self-expression, apparent simplicity, but a carefully thought out image.

    What is appropriate and when?

    Each age has its own limitations. What is good at 16 and 17 years old is completely inappropriate at 12. In order not to oversaturate your face with excess cosmetics, you should pay attention to the girl’s age:

    • 12 years old– emphasis on healthy skin, subtle shadows and transparent gloss instead of lipstick. An alternative option (transparent mascara-gel with vitamins A, E) is suitable as mascara.
    • 13 years old– skin cleansing components, adding concealer to mask skin imperfections, medicated mascara and translucent peach-colored lipstick.
    • 14 years old– light mineral powder is added to the concealer (to correct imperfections in the dermis). Makeup allows for slight variations in eye shadow shades, light pinkish lipstick and the appearance of mascara (1 layer).
    • 15 years– time for the appearance of light foundation, eyeliner and eyebrows. Mascara is still used in a minimal amount, carefully combing the eyelashes and preventing them from sticking. The lipstick becomes a little richer.
    • 16 years old– honing work with eye and eyebrow pencil, natural color shadows with a smooth transition of shades, a minimum of lipstick. The 16-year-old girl's makeup allows her to accentuate the expressiveness of her eyes.
    • 17 years old– selection of makeup shades for a specific style. Time for thoughtful experimentation. Allowed foundation, powder, concealer, brown eyebrow pencil or gel, light lipstick texture.

    To school

    In most cases, the purpose of everyday makeup will be related to school:

    • Everyday. A girl's school make-up is subject to a strict dress code, just like that of adult women working in an office. Bright colors are unacceptable - it is inappropriate. There can be no arrows or weighting of the image: this day makeup, which is light and emphasizes the freshness of the face. The main emphasis is skin health.
    • On September 1. A special day allows for some solemnity. You definitely need to highlight the blush and show a fresh, rested complexion. It is better to enhance a good impression with a neat hairstyle.
    • For the last call. 9th and 11th grade – transitional time. The days of farewell to school are a little sad, but especially solemn. In these cases, some freedom in makeup is allowed. You can enhance the emphasis of the eyes, choose a more saturated color of the shadows.

    In addition, there are other cases for using teenage cosmetics:

    • Club, extracurricular activity. Traditional modesty, minimum shine and moderation of shadows. If possible, you should do without a pencil. This is the case when class (6, 7, 9, etc.) is not important: it is important to make a good impression on others.
    • For birthday. A reason to diversify your style, emphasizing your sense of taste. You can add a pink lipstick tone, a darker brown shade of eyeshadow and a little shimmer for the eyes.
    • To the disco. Vivid experiments within reason. Matte lipstick in nude tones, black mascara and slight highlighting of the eyebrow line are allowed. At 16-17 summer age You can accentuate your look with a thin strip of eyeliner without the “cat eyes” effect.
    • Stage makeup. The intensity depends on the specific character. In some cases, make-up requires extensive makeup using foundation, concealer, eyeliner and several layers of mascara (for the effect of big eyes).

    How to do it?

    Putting on beautiful makeup yourself step by step is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. By following all the steps of the instructions step by step, you can easily master simple teenage makeup techniques.

    Standard technology is used as a basis. If it does not involve the use of foundation (the skin is clean and does not need it), this step is skipped.

    • Reveals clear skin. Before applying cosmetics, it is important to wash your skin and rinse it with cold water: this will tighten the pores.
    • Apply a pea-sized amount of foundation to dry skin, spreading over the T-zone, nose, forehead, chin and cheeks.
    • For shading, use a large brush. The layer should be thin and invisible.
    • By hiding skin imperfections, concealer helps get rid of dark circles around the eyes, visible pimples or inflammation.
    • The finishing touch to flawless skin is a light layer of mineral powder, which is applied with a puff.
    • Using a brown pencil, make the eyebrows a little brighter by outlining the shape and shading it. There should be no visible contour lines: everything is as natural as possible.

    School makeup - is it necessary at all, because in many educational institutions The teaching staff may not at all approve of the fact that students can wear bright makeup even at the age of 14. Of course, too much makeup in a school environment is inappropriate, but any teenage girl wants to at least a little emphasize her natural beauty and hide imperfections on her face, which can appear in large numbers during puberty. During this period, girls ask permission to wear light makeup to school in order to please boys and look good in front of their friends.

    But first of all, you should take care of sufficient self-care, because a light layer of cosmetics will not be able to hide obvious inflammation, blackheads and overly enlarged pores. Care cosmetics should be selected according to age and take into account the individual needs of the skin.

    So, if your parents allow you to use makeup, you need to know how to wear makeup for school correctly in order to look fresh, natural and not irritate strict teachers.

    How to choose decorative products?

    First you need to figure out what cosmetics to buy to create invisible makeup for school. Soft pastel, muted shades are best. Of course, girls aged 14 and older always want to look bright and very noticeable, using purple, blue eye shadow, bright lipsticks or lip glosses. But it’s better to leave all this for discos and walks with friends, since this is absolutely not suitable for school.

    The most important thing in makeup is an even, beautiful skin tone.

    This can be achieved with the help of a properly selected foundation, which should match the shade, completely merging with the complexion. There should be no color contrast between the face and the neck, it looks strange and ridiculous. In order for the foundation to last better throughout the day, it is recommended to powder your face with transparent or translucent powder, which should also match the shade. If you don’t want to use a lot of cosmetics, but your complexion needs to be evened out, you can turn your attention to compact powders that provide dense coverage.

    To highlight your eyes and make them expressive, you will need shadows in natural shades (champagne, beige, beige-pink), you can also choose pearlescent ones with a delicate shine. But even here it is necessary to observe moderation and not overload the eyes with shadows, since they are intended only to emphasize the beautiful color of the eyes.

    Makeup for high school girls

    To accentuate your eyes, you can't do without mascara. For discreet makeup, the best choice is not black, but brown or even gray mascara. For a girl who has never worn mascara, there are several tips: you should try to paint your eyelashes from the very roots to the tips, slightly curling and lifting them; There should be few layers of mascara on the eyelashes - 1-2 will be quite enough. This product should be selected individually, based on the type of eyelashes: for long and thin ones, voluminous mascara is more suitable, for thick and short ones - lengthening and separating.

    It is very important to pay attention to the eyebrows, since they are the ones who “make the face”.

    For eyebrows, you can choose either a pencil of a natural shade or a tint gel, which will not only add color to the hairs, but also lay them in the desired direction. The eyebrow pencil should not be too soft, so that you don’t end up with greasy, unsightly strokes, but also not too hard - then the eyebrow will not be painted well at all. To keep your eyebrows always looking well-groomed, you need to pluck them. For the first few times, it is better to entrust this matter to the hands of a professional, and after that you can handle it on your own - already at the age of 14 you can start learning this.

    To highlight your lips, it is better to use gloss in neutral, delicate colors (pink, peach, beige or completely transparent) rather than lipstick. The gloss will make your lips visually fuller and will also moisturize them well.

    Some additional measures

    To do beautiful makeup to school, it is important not only to buy suitable means decorative cosmetics, but also apply them correctly to the face. First of all, you should prepare your skin for applying cosmetics. To do this, you should first wash your face, apply toner and light moisturizer, let it absorb for 2-5 minutes. After this, you can apply foundation, powder, eyebrow and eye makeup. You can’t rush, because then the movements will be sloppy and the makeup won’t fit well.

    We must not forget that after the school day, makeup should be removed from the face. You can use milk, micellar water or cleansing wipes as makeup removers. After removing makeup, you need to wash your face and apply face cream.

    Even with the help of a small amount of decorative cosmetics you can make your face look fresher, more attractive, and if you use it in moderation, you can even do makeup for school.

    There is no consensus on the age at which girls can use cosmetics, neither among parents nor among specialists. This is not surprising, because the appearance of each person is unique and inimitable. And a special approach to it is required in each case, determined by individual traits, not only external appearance, but also character, as well as behavioral model.

    Only dermatologists have a definite opinion about the age at which you can start wearing makeup. They believe that this can be done no earlier than a year after the first menstruation.

    During this time, the skin manages to acquire a certain immunity against external irritants, which may include cosmetics.

    But be that as it may, now it is difficult to meet a girl of 15-16 years old who does not wear makeup. It is at this age that the natural desire to present the advantages of one’s appearance in the most favorable light and to obscure its shortcomings is fully formed.

    It is impossible to hinder this desire with prohibitions, but you can direct it in a constructive direction. During this period of time, the girl can be taught the necessary skills in handling cosmetics and taught to maintain a sense of proportion. Here it is difficult to overestimate the role of the mother, whose advice will help to avoid many mistakes characteristic of her age.

    Where to start

    Girls begin to develop an interest in cosmetics at the age of 12-13, or even earlier. And they often satisfy it at the expense of the cosmetics of their adult relatives.

    Important. Age 12-13 years in the best possible way Suitable for teaching girls the basics of proper attitude towards their appearance, basic knowledge about cosmetology and the first rules of applying makeup.

    All cosmetologists agree that makeup for teenagers 12-13 years old must satisfy the following rules:

    1. It should be minimal in terms of decor.
    2. The emphasis should be on skin care products.

    In this case, you should try to switch interest 12-13 year old girl on the process of familiarization with cosmetic accessories. These can be curling machines, applicators, various brushes, brushes and much more.

    Important. It should not be overlooked that the first experience of a 12-13 year old teenager with cosmetic techniques should take place under close but unobtrusive maternal control.

    First cosmetics

    Choosing makeup for a 12-13 year old teenager is greatly facilitated by the fact that there is a whole class of cosmetics designed for this age. They usually have a fruity or confectionery flavor and come in packages that are attractive to children's eyes.

    Strictly speaking, these are hygiene products with an additional decorative function, but they can already be used to equip a children's cosmetic bag so that it resembles the cosmetic bag of an adult woman. This will give the process of familiarization and learning additional attractiveness.

    Makeup for a teenager 12-13 years old may include:

    • Lipstick;
    • Shine;
    • Light varnish.

    All this should have natural, flesh tones. The use of more complex drugs should be postponed until 14-15 years of age.

    You should definitely add skin care products to this list:

    • Baby soap;
    • Non-greasy cream;
    • Light tonic;
    • Lotion.

    Children's delicate skin is susceptible to age-related phenomena such as pimples and blackheads. When trying to retouch them, you should not use corrective agents such as thick foundation or powder. If necessary, you can use more gentle mineral cosmetics.

    From 14 to 16

    At the age of 14-15, every teenager already considers himself old enough. Therefore, quite often he strives to imitate his older comrades in everything. For girls, this can be expressed in the use of cosmetics that are not typical for their age. It is enough to go to any school to see this with your own eyes.

    Every parent should keep this in mind and be prepared to intervene delicately but firmly. At the same time, the period of growing up requires an expansion of the cosmetic arsenal.

    • Light powders;
    • Pencils for eyebrows and eyes, gray or brownish shades;
    • Mascara to match eyebrow and eye pencils;
    • Dim, light shadows;
    • Set of brushes.

    You must understand that at the age of 14-15 years, cosmetics should be used mainly to emphasize the natural freshness and beauty of a girl’s face. Therefore, you should give preference to gentle, not bright tones.

    The composition of skin care products also needs to be expanded. The fact is that a teenager’s skin, like a child’s, is characterized by increased sensitivity to allergic irritants contained in cosmetics. These can be fixatives, dyes, flavors and many other substances that are part of a particular product.

    Therefore, the preference that should be given to products that have a non-harsh, natural tone is also explained by the fact that they, as a rule, contain fewer allergens.

    But this, nevertheless, cannot completely protect young skin from irritation and bacterial infections. Therefore, makeup for teenagers necessarily involves the use of a bactericidal corrector. It is easily recognized by its green color.

    When using a regular concealer, be sure to use a cosmetic sponge. The fact is that bacteria can remain on the concealer, causing acne to appear on the face. Therefore, the corrector is first applied to a sponge, which is used to treat the skin. After this, the sponge is thoroughly washed with soapy water.

    For the same reason, it is unacceptable to rub foundation with your fingers. It should also first be placed on a sponge, and only then applied to the skin.