Chinese shoes: how to eliminate the smell? How to remove rubber smell from shoes and clothes.

Today it is popular to order goods and necessary things for the home via the Internet. And no one is safe from Bad quality materials from which the purchased accessories are made. It happens that when opening a package of shoes or other items, a person feels a sharp and pungent smell of rubber.

Of course, in the store you can check all this and buy things without the annoying stench. But still, having saved money and become the owner of just such a product, the question of how to get rid of the smell of rubber begins to worry. This is possible, the main thing is to choose the right method.

These things bring suffering to the owner

Most often, the problem of unpleasant odor is characteristic of the following things:

These are just some of the products that may lead the buyer to search for an answer to the question: “How to get rid of the smell of rubber?” Consequently, everyone can face such a problem, because every modern person has ordered products through different websites or directly from China at least once in their life.

Why does rubber have an unpleasant odor?

When purchasing goods in stores, people rarely encounter the problem of unpleasant odor. Most often, the products are located in an open space, and therefore, even if there was initially a stench, it evaporates. Usually, a sharp and acrid smell of rubber is inherent in goods ordered via the Internet. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Not the best quality of the material from which the item is made.
  • Tight packaging without ventilation also leads to the spread of rubber aroma.
  • Poor quality of glue or other connecting substances, which, if stored improperly, lead to a stench.

These are the main reasons why domestic producers exude bad smell. But when the purchase has already been made, all that remains is to figure out the question: “How to get rid of the smell of rubber?” Fortunately, there are many methods to solve this problem.

Even leather or suede shoes can emit a terrible “aroma” that can be felt after a person has brought the desired purchase home. It happens that the smell goes away on its own after a few wears. And it happens that the stench remains, so a person will have to either throw away the product or find measures to help get rid of the problem.

There are several ways to forget about the fetid “aroma” from new shoes. The most popular of them are:

1. Airing shoes. This is the most gentle method that is worth trying. To do this, you need to place your newly purchased shoes outside, on a balcony or in any room with good ventilation. The time the shoes or sneakers are exposed to air may vary. In some cases, a few hours are enough to forget about the smell of rubber forever. And sometimes it takes several days. It also happens that this method does not solve the problem.

2. Exposing shoes to the sun can also be one of the options to resolve the issue. Ultraviolet rays destroy unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to choose the sunny side of the apartment and “warm” the “clothing” for your feet under the rays from all sides. You should be careful with this method. Ultraviolet light not only helps eliminate odors, but can also negatively affect the quality of the material. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it here.

3. Regular vinegar can also help you forget about the foul “odors” emanating from new shoes. For such a preventive measure, you need to take a bucket or bowl of water. Pour half a glass of vinegar into the liquid. Then immerse the shoes in this container for one hour. After this, the rubber smell usually disappears.

4. Peppermint oil can also be a solution to the question: “How to get rid of rubber smell?” This method is not able to eliminate the “aroma”, but it will help to overcome the acrid smell of rubber with a more pleasant one. To try this method, you need to dip a damp sponge in oil and wipe your shoes with it on all sides. Within a few minutes you will find that the rubber smell has disappeared.

These methods are the most common for eliminating the stench coming from shoes. Each method must be approached with caution and prudence so as not to damage the product or make it unsuitable for wearing.

Today, goods from China have become very popular among domestic consumers. This applies to both clothes, toys, and children's transport, for example, bicycles. Having brought home the desired purchase and placed it in the hallway, some people begin to smell the unpleasant smell of rubber. This problem is quite common because inexpensive products are not always made from high-quality raw materials. In such a situation, the question certainly arises of how to get rid of the smell. Chinese rubber. Fortunately, there are enough methods and you can correct the situation. The most common methods are the following:

As a rule, one of the manipulations is enough to stop the bike from upsetting its owners.

When getting rid of rubber smell, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try the method on a small piece of material to check how the mixture affects the product.
  2. Initially, try the most harmless methods to eliminate the smell of rubber.
  3. If possible, change the product if it doesn’t work out.

By taking note of the above methods to eliminate the fetid “aroma,” you can completely forget about the original smell of the purchased product. The main thing is to do everything with caution, then the money saved will not be thrown away.

Today, many people order or buy a wide variety of things from China. However, such purchases have one thing in common - an unpleasant smell. The aroma can be so strong that it becomes impossible to use the purchased item. There are two solutions here: throw away the purchase or give it a more pleasant amber. Below we will tell you what tools you can use for this.

New things that were made in China almost always have a characteristic unpleasant smell of rubber or plastic. Moreover, a variety of things can smell bad: bags, children's toys, shoes, etc.

It is difficult to determine what is causing the stench, because bags, toys, clothes and shoes are made of different materials:

  • textile;
  • plastic;
  • rubber, etc.

The reason for this characteristic feature of almost any Chinese product is, most likely, the ability of the materials used in the production to absorb various aromas. The very technology of production of certain components can provoke the appearance of such unpleasant odors that they do not disappear even during transportation.

Processing of clothes, shoes, toys, bags and other products to give them the desired appearance in China it often involves impregnation with special substances. That’s why new products have such a recognizable and problematic aroma. Moreover, it is most pronounced in products made of rubber and plastic.

Due to this peculiarity of this product and its distribution throughout the world, it is important to know how to get rid of the smell and use the purchased item for its intended purpose.

What remedy will help?

If you encounter an unpleasant odor when purchasing Chinese items, you need to find out how to remove it. After all, placing a bag or shoes in the fresh air, even for a long period, cannot always solve the problem.

First, you need to determine what exactly emits the disgusting aroma. After all, it’s rare that the whole thing smells fragrant. The insole or rubber sole of your shoes may stink. Often bags stink either from the inside or everywhere. In children's toys, all parts made of this material can emit a plastic aroma. Also, rubber inserts almost always stink.

Based on what exactly emits an unpleasant aroma, you can select the most effective remedy. After all, a wide variety of means can eliminate a strong aroma. This can cause irreparable damage to the product itself. Some cleaning products, if used incorrectly, can not only remove stench, but also seriously damage fabric or leather. After improper processing, you will have to say goodbye to such things (even if the smell goes away), since holes and colored spots may appear on them.

Therefore, it is important to know how to remove the smell without damaging the item. Let's look at the most popular means for eliminating unpleasant aroma.

Peroxide or potassium permanganate

Quite often, potassium peroxide or peroxide is used to remove the Chinese smell from a purchased item. To remove amber, peroxide/potassium permanganate solution is applied to a cotton pad. After this, the surface of the product is wiped, which emits a stench. The surface must be wiped thoroughly. If necessary, the procedure is performed several times. But only if the aroma has become less noticeable. This fact proves the effectiveness of the product used.

It is allowed to alternately treat things with potassium permanganate and peroxide.


Many people fight unpleasant odors with alcohol. This method is only suitable for products made of rubber or plastic. Shoes, children's toys, etc. are wiped with alcohol. But a handbag treated with alcohol will already smell like it. Women are unlikely to like this development of events.

To eliminate the unpleasant odor, apply alcohol to a cotton pad. Then the problem areas of the purchased product are wiped with a damp disc. To completely eliminate the stench, you need to wipe things down for several weeks.


A special deodorant that can be purchased at the store removes odor perfectly. If finding such a product is problematic, then you can use long-lasting perfume instead of deodorant. Bags and clothes can be treated this way.

Perfumes and deodorants should be used outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Activated carbon

Another product that can help get rid of unpleasant odors is activated carbon. The product can only be used if it can be placed in the product for some time (preferably a couple of days). Therefore, charcoal is useful in the presence of stench emanating from bags, shoes and certain types of children's toys.

Soda and flour

To eliminate an unpleasant odor, you can use seemingly unusual means. For example, you can get rid of stench using flour and soda. Such products are used to give shoes a normal smell. To do this, soda is mixed with flour and poured inside a small bag, which is placed in the shoes for a while. After eliminating the stench, the product must be cleaned of any remaining flour.

Fabric softener or soap

Fabric items (bags, clothes) are washed in conditioner or soap. After this they acquire a pleasant aroma. The same products can be used to wipe down toys and shoes. After using conditioner and soap, things should be rinsed well and dried in fresh air.


A universal remedy for eliminating unpleasant odors is vinegar. Here a solution is prepared or a cotton pad is simply soaked in vinegar, after which the smelly thing is treated. Vinegar should be used outdoors.

Knowing how to remove the persistent Chinese smell from purchased items, you can solve this problem for yourself and actively use the products of this country.

Video “Eliminating the smell of rubber”

From this video you will learn how to quickly get rid of the unpleasant smell of rubber.

If you have ever encountered in your life an obsessive and very specific smell from shoes, car tires or even children's toys, the question probably immediately arose of how to remove the smell of rubber. This smell is dangerous to the human body because it is toxic, which means it can cause a headache or even an allergic reaction. And also the specific aroma from this material warns of a low-quality product. But, if a child can be protected from Chinese chemicals by removing these same toys from his sight, then what to do with the shoes that he likes so much and wears very well? Different ways You will learn how to get rid of rubber smell from this article.

How to get rid of the smell of Chinese rubber?

Many people consider it impossible to get rid of the smell of Chinese rubber due to the inherently poor quality of the material. This is not true at all. For example, you can put the item in the fresh air so that the smell disappears.

There is also an effective remedy:

  1. Take a small amount of mint or lemon balm and steam with boiling water.
  2. Afterwards, dip the toys into the solution and leave overnight.

In the morning there will be no more unpleasant aroma!

But with the carpets in the car, any fragrance will help, and of course, frequent airing of the car.

How to remove rubber smell from shoes?

If you are faced with the problem of how to remove the smell of rubber from shoes, because the money has already been paid, and the thing does not oppress anywhere and you even really like it, you must first find the source of this fetid aroma. It may come from insoles that the manufacturer made from low-quality material. If this is the main problem, then simply replace them with natural ones. But, if the problem is not with the insoles, then you can try folk remedies to eliminate the foul odor.

Peroxide or potassium permanganate:

  1. Take a cotton pad.
  2. Soak the swab in peroxide or diluted potassium permanganate.
  3. Wipe the surface of the material. If the aroma remains, repeat the steps in order, several times, you can alternate the products.

Important! If you are bothered by the smell of rubber shoes, you now know how to deal with it. In the future, you will need advice on what it should be like.


To remove the smell of rubber from shoes, wipe them for several weeks. inner part things with alcohol.

Special deodorants

Stores sell a special spray or you can replace it with long-lasting perfume. Apply to the item and take it out into the fresh air so that the item is well ventilated.

Activated carbon

Put it inside your shoes and the scent will disappear in a couple of days.

Soda and flour

You can use flour or soda to remove the unpleasant aroma coming from shoes. In this case, fill the inside of the product with powder, leave it for a while, and then vacuum it well.

Fabric softener or soap solution:

  1. Take a bowl of water.
  2. Pour in a small amount of conditioner.
  3. Place your shoes if they can be washed.
  4. Leave it for a while.
  5. Afterwards, wash under running warm water.
  6. Dry in fresh air.


Vinegar is a universal remedy for removing any unpleasant odors. IN in this case it can be applied in several ways:

  1. Treat the product with vinegar solution. Afterwards, leave it for airing.
  2. Take a few cotton pads, soak in vinegar, place the tampons in the boots and leave for a while.

Video material

Be careful! Remember, no matter what methods you use above, the smell of rubber is toxic and cannot be ignored. If it already turns out that you bought an item of not very high quality, use all means to get rid of it.

If you bought new rubber floor mats for your car, anyone who gets into your car will immediately know about it - by the smell. You can try to drown out the aroma using a car air freshener, but this is ineffective. However, there are several ways to freshen the air in the cabin.

Why do car mats smell?

Before you figure out ways to eliminate odor, think about whether you need such car mats. The fact is that products made from low-quality rubber have a pungent odor, and it appears due to the release of phenols, which increase the risk of cancer and generally have a toxic effect on the body. If, after driving a car with new rubber mats, you have a headache or feel unwell, it is better to get rid of such carpets immediately.

High-quality rubber also emits a smell, but it is not so pungent and disappears quite quickly, appearing again only in the heat. By the way, low-quality tires do not always mean “cheap.” There are cases when drivers paid quite impressive sums for a set and were very disappointed when a “rubber” odor appeared.

Not only rubber mats, but also textile ones emit an unpleasant odor. This is due to the fact that the pile is impregnated with various adhesives, which can also be toxic.

Traditional methods for eliminating rubber smell

If not all, then many car enthusiasts who prefer rubber mats have encountered this problem, which is why many means of getting rid of the smell have been invented:

  • Soaking. Soaking them overnight in mint infusion with a few drops will help eliminate the smell of new carpets. essential oil mint or lemon balm.
  • Use of absorbent materials. Terry towels, newspapers, and other materials that absorb odors well are suitable. You can also use baking soda or salt. The main thing is not to forget to change it as the smell accumulates.
  • Washing. When washing your car, you can ask the car wash employees to pay attention to the mats. Special attention and washed them thoroughly with shampoo. Even if the smell does not completely disappear, it will at least become less intense.
  • Treatment with an industrial cleaner for a car dealership. This product is intended for cleansing and degreasing various surfaces. It has a rather pleasant smell that will overcome the smell of rubber.

How to remove odor using special products

In addition to the methods listed above, you can also use a special odor eliminator, which is sold in most car dealerships.

However, no matter which option you choose for cleaning the air in the cabin, there is no guarantee that the smell will disappear completely or will not appear again with the onset of warm days. Even expensive rubber mats can suddenly begin to smell a few months after purchase when the outside temperature rises to 30°C.

There is also a risk that while the smell disappears from the mats themselves, it will be absorbed by the carpet that is upholstered in the interior, and in this case it will be even more difficult to eliminate it, and also much more expensive.

Therefore, for those who want to make their stay in the car as comfortable as possible, we can recommend replacing rubber mats with products made from ethylene vinyl acetate (Sevilen, EVA). This material does not smell and is absolutely safe for health: shoes and children's toys are made from it.

By the way, EVA also does not absorb foreign odors: such mats are perfect for smokers, those who have children, and also those who transport pets in their cars. You can spill anything on them: dirt is easily washed off with a strong stream of water, and if necessary, they can be cleaned even with aggressive solvents without fear of damage.

Recently, people's well-being is not at the highest level, so many are forced to save on everything. We often purchase children's toys or car mats on Chinese websites. At the same time, we receive a product that is not of the best quality. What to do with a smelly product, and how to get rid of the smell of rubber?

Please note that an unpleasant odor indicates that the rubber is made of cheap materials. A foul odor is released by the evaporation of phenols, which are poisonous substances.

How to remove odor from rubber toys?

If the product is small and there are no batteries inside the toy, then use grandma’s methods:

What to do with a children's bicycle or stroller?

The best option to get rid of the stench is to put the vehicle outside or on the balcony. You need to wait for the item to air out on its own. There is no need to water or lubricate the product with anything.

If you purchased rubber floor mats for the interior of your car and it has already become saturated with an unpleasant odor, open the windows and ventilate the car.

After this, it is advisable to wash the rugs with soap and a mixture of glycerin. Hang a Herringbone air freshener or a special perfume in your car. A damp towel soaked in a vinegar solution perfectly absorbs odors. For a liter of water you need to add half a glass of vinegar.

How to get rid of rubber smell | Life hacker

Get rid of rubber smell

No more rubber smell

Have you purchased new dumbbells with rubberized plates, but they smell like Chinese rubber? In this case, try removing the odor using a mixture of ammonia and alcohol. Mix the liquids in equal quantities and moisten a cotton swab with the solution. Wipe the plates on the dumbbells.

You can try to get rid of the aroma using lemon juice.

You can wash each pancake with a mixture of salt, vodka, lemon juice and ketchup. Next, simply wash off the reddish substance with soap and water. Usually, the scent of rubber from dumbbells takes a very long time to dissipate, so give preference to metal dumbbells.