How to remove a homewrecker from your loved one. Effective methods of eliminating a rival

Before you get down to the business of getting rid of your rival, answer a couple of questions for yourself, just be completely honest:

  • You are sure that the problem is with your rival, and not with your man. Maybe he is not constant by nature, flighty and gets carried away by every new “skirt”? If so, then this woman will soon be replaced by another, then another... Are you sure you want to spend your life getting rid of another “bitch”?
  • Maybe it's you. Analyze what preceded the appearance of your rival? Perhaps you have become too cold with your man, you pay little attention to him, or you have no common interests other than everyday life. Try to change yourself, then your rival will disappear, the man himself will leave her when he feels that your relationship has returned to its previous direction of romance.

Mistakes you shouldn't make

If you want to get rid of your rival and not lose your man, then don’t do rash things:

  • Don't make a scandal, don't be all on your nerves. Through interrogation you are unlikely to find out the whole truth and it is unlikely that a man will leave his new passion after a scandal with you. You'll only fray your nerves, and you'll look terrible in the process. Imagine: you are all “on edge”, and she is waiting for him calmly at her place, all so made up, fragrant, tender and sensual. Who do you think he'll want to stay with? With hysterics you will push him to break off relations with you.
  • Don't let yourself go. Yes, it is difficult, especially if you have small children. But keep in mind that a man always sees his rival as fully prepared for a meeting, and he thinks on a subconscious level that she is always like this.
  • Do not contact his relatives: mother, sister. If you ask them to talk to your man about his behavior and they agree, then such brainwashing will only make him angry.
  • Do not turn to black magicians and witches who promise a love spell “to the grave.” In most cases, these are swindlers, and in the minority, they are strong energy vampires who can undermine the karma not only of a rival, but also of you and your man, and ruin your entire future life, attracting illnesses and failures.

Do not use methods: intimidate, threaten, send threatening letters or call. Moreover, do not resort to assault and do not persuade anyone to save you from your rival for money in this way. All this is fraught with a criminal case, serious problems with the law and even a prison sentence.

How to get rid of your rival forever

Try following one or more of these tips and maybe things will change for the better:

  • Create the effect of novelty. Radically change your image, start a new hobby, change your lifestyle, for example, turn from a homebody into an active girl looking for new experiences and new acquaintances. The goal is to arouse your man’s interest in you, to awaken the old feelings that existed when you first met. He should again look at you with interest, be carried away by your mystery and activity. Strive for change, don't stand still.
  • Develop creatively and professionally. There should always be something to talk about with you. Imagine: a man comes home later than usual and is silent, anticipating the next scene, and instead of a scandal, you smile and enthusiastically tell him the latest news or gossip from the lives of mutual friends, drink tea together. Surely he will be surprised by such a turn and he will wonder what is happening to you and what to expect next. And then you need to act in the same vein and be sweeter and more beautiful than her.

Pretend that there is no rival at all. A man should feel that you are a self-sufficient person with your own aspirations, goals and interests, capable of living a bright and interesting life, and not an angry gray mouse who thinks and lives only for one thing: to destroy all the attractive women hovering around him.

  • Give your man pleasant romantic surprises for no reason. He will come home, and you will be covered in rose petals with a bottle of champagne, or you will be waiting for him in a bath with foam and many small candles around. Dance him a striptease, oriental dances, cook delicious food. Make him want and look forward to the next romantic evening no less than you, then after work he will rush home, and not into the arms of his mistress. Moreover, if you are waiting for him all “like this”, but he is not there and he is not there and you understand that she has him, do not cancel the “show program”! Let him come much later than you expected, don’t show that something is wrong: do everything as planned, according to the full program (dinner, bath, striptease...). If a man returns long after midnight, close your eyes and transfer the surprise to the next day. This method is not morally simple, but it should have an effect.
  • Try having an affair yourself. Go on vacation without your man or find a lover in your own city. Perhaps your man will be afraid of losing you, will understand that he “smells like something fried,” will leave his rival and beg you to come back. However, this method is fraught with the transition of relations to a freer one: systematic betrayals on both sides and life according to the principle “no one owes anything to anyone.”
  • Try to talk to your man directly. Calmly discuss with him the problems of your personal life and the appearance of a rival. Say that you are offended, hurt and unpleasant. Maybe he will reveal to you the reasons that pushed him on the path of betrayal, and together you will decide to change something in your relationship, to work on it.
  • Talk to your opponent in person, write her a letter or call her on the phone. Act calmly and level-headedly. Your goal is to convey to her that a man has a family, and that destroying other people’s relationships is mean and low. Perhaps the rival is not aware that the man has a family; he did not tell her anything about you, because he considered her as a meaningless affair on the side.

One of the ways to eliminate another woman from a man’s life is a conspiracy from a rival. By resorting to magic spells, you can forever turn your loved one away from another woman, return him to the house and save your relationship. A correctly chosen ritual for a homewrecker will help interrupt a man’s relationship on the side.

Rules for Spells

To avoid the negative consequences of your magical actions, you need to follow certain rules. For a quick break in relationships, the energy of the waning moon creates favorable conditions. This rule must be observed, except in cases where a specific day is indicated in the description of the ritual (for example, a church holiday).

  • If the ritual is intended to cool down, turn a man away from his rival, or cool down the ardor, then choose a day of the week with a masculine name. Women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) are suitable for reading a plot directly on a rival. On Sundays, magical rituals are not performed (except when specified in the description).
  • Having chosen a spell from the homewrecker, you need to memorize it so as not to be distracted during execution.
  • A prerequisite for carrying out the ritual is confidence in your actions. You need to firmly believe that the magic will work and the man will stop dating his mistress.
  • If the ritual is carried out not at home, but outdoors, then after completing the necessary actions, you need to go home silently, without turning around.

Conspiracies from a rival - mistress

In order to eliminate the homewrecker, you can use various types of magical influence. Rituals are often used to cool feelings between a loved one and his mistress. This type of witchcraft is aimed at preventing the couple from being together. Instead of love, they begin to feel irritated with each other, quarrel and break up.

You can also choose a conspiracy aimed at turning your loved one away from another woman or a ritual to suppress the feelings of the rival herself. You should carefully analyze the current situation and choose the most suitable ritual.

Slander on a general photo

Having taken out a joint photograph of your husband and mistress, you need to wait until midnight. They take off all their jewelry and let their hair down. The electric light should be turned off and a small candle should be lit. Having concentrated on the desired event (the breakup of a loved one and a rival), the photograph is torn in half, so that the people depicted end up on different scraps.

At the same time they say a powerful conspiracy:

“I’m not tearing up the photo, but the love of (husband’s name) and (rival’s name)! They can’t live together, they can’t sit at the same table, they can’t spend nights together, they can’t baptize their children, they won’t be happy! I break their bonds forever! Truly!

The scrap with the image of the man must be hidden in the house after the ceremony. And the part where his mistress is depicted is finely torn and thrown into the trash.

Lapel from a photo from a homewrecker

If you have an individual photo of your rival, you can perform another ritual. You will need a dark glass bottle, acetic acid, ground black pepper, mustard beans, broken glass, buttons, rusty nails. The words of the spell are written on the back of the photograph, after which it is rolled into a tube and placed inside the bottle. The listed components are sent there and acid is poured in. They read the spell, after which the container is tightly closed and taken away from the house and buried.

The words are:

“He’s afraid of you, but he loves me. My words cannot be reprimanded or interrupted!”

Spell for eternal separation

For the ritual you will need a spool of natural black thread and seven needles. You need to find a place where no one goes. The ears of the needles are broken off (you can use pliers for this), and the needles themselves are stuck into the spool. They dig a small hole in the ground, put threads and broken ears there, sprinkle it with earth, and trample the place well.

During these actions the following plot is read:

“The ears of the needles will not grow, but when they grow, then the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) will be together forever! My word is strong, so be it!”

Words to salt

Salt is considered a powerful magical tool of practice. Regular table salt, which can be purchased in every store. The fact is that this substance perfectly “holds” a magical charge, being in any room, it can emit a program for years. In addition, salt is very difficult to sweep away if it is poured into a room or under a threshold.

When added to a dish, this everyday seasoning will not raise suspicions. And the one who ate it will immediately fall under magical influence. To carry out the ritual you will need a new pack of salt. After opening the package:

“I’m telling salt from my rival: so that (the man’s name) doesn’t look at her, don’t go to her, don’t be happy with her! Let his heart grow cold towards the slave (name of his mistress), let the fire of the flesh subside. I’ll pour salt on your eyes, (man’s name), put a stone on your heart, and stab the road to (name of your rival) with sharp needles. Just as salt is salty, so (woman’s name) is not sweet (man’s name). Truly!

A cruel plot against his mistress

This ritual will not only help get rid of your rival, but will also make her suffer. Therefore, it can only be done under extreme circumstances. For example, when your husband’s mistress not only destroys your relationship, but also tries in every possible way to harm you.

For the ritual you will need a nail, a hammer and a few hairs from your own head. Having prepared and chosen a day, they go to the rival’s house and stand so as not to attract attention to themselves.

They wrap their hair around a nail, while chanting a special spell:

“You are as hard as this nail, and I am soft as this hair. The soft will crush the hard, my husband will leave you for me. I will torment you (the name of my rival) with my gentleness, I will take revenge on you with my own pain. I turn away from you (man’s name) to my pain, to my misfortune: now you can feel and experience this. Now leave him, take over my pain. »

After reading the plot 12 times, a nail is driven into the wall of the husband’s mistress’s house with a hammer. If it is made of stone, you can drive a nail into the ground or tree that grows closest to this structure.

Ritual with poppy seeds

Gray poppy seeds have been used by witches for a long time. It is possible with their help. In the morning you go to a store or shopping arcade and there, without haggling or taking change, you buy some poppy seeds from a woman who is older than you. Then they go to the house where the rival lives and scatter the grains at the threshold of the entrance door.

They say the plot three times:

“Birds will fly, see the poppy and peck it. Just as the birds eat the poppy, so will my rival, the slave (...) leave my husband (name). My word is strong, no one can interrupt it. So be it!”

Spell on apple and needles

To perform this magical act you will need:
  1. Black wax candle;
  2. Big red apple;
  3. 13 needles;
  4. Knife with black handle;
  5. Magic conspiracy.

They light a candle, take an apple in one hand, and with the other they heat a needle on the flame, and stick it into the apple with the following words:

“I do not hold the fruit of paradise, but the feelings of God’s servants (name my husband and mistress), I do not stab with needles, but I destroy love. They can’t sit together, quarrel, swear, or attack each other!”

This is done with each needle, repeating the spell. As soon as the needles run out, you need to cut the fruit into two approximately equal parts with one blow of the knife.

At the same time, say the spell:

“I’m not chopping an apple, but I’m terminating the union (the names of the husband and mistress), I’m creating hatred between them. An apple will never grow together, and you will never grow together!”

You need to bury the apple halves on different sides of the road.

A fish spell will save any rival

Practitioners advise using self-caught fish to perform the ritual. If there is no opportunity to go fishing, then purchased fish will do. You need to purchase it in the morning, without haggling, without taking change.

Having brought the fish home, it is thoroughly cleaned of scales, fins, and the insides are cleaned. Then they prepare fish soup or another dish from it that your beloved man will like. Served at the table for dinner, eaten with the man.

Before cooking fish, a spell is said three times:

“You have neither head, nor tail, nor scales, nor tripe, so my rival (...) has neither beauty nor attractiveness for my husband (...). When the fish’s innards and scales grow back, then only (the name of the rival) and my husband (the name) will be together. Until then he will be with me. As it is said, so it will be done. My will, my word. So be it!”

The entrails, scales, head and tail of the fish must be given to stray animals.

Bread lapel

To perform this ritual you will need to wait until the funeral. The deceased can be of any gender and age. You need to find an opportunity to come close to the coffin, bend down and put a piece of black bread under his head or pillow.

After this they read the hex:

“The dead man is going to rest, God rest your soul! As you are calm, so let the servant of God (name) be calm and the servant of God (name) be calm. Just as your hands are cold, so let the servant of God (name) be cold to the servant of God (...). This is my will, so be it!”

A conspiracy to keep your feet away from the girl

If you know for sure that your loved one is visiting his mistress, you can perform a magical effect so that your feet do not carry him to that house. You will need some table salt, a man's shoes, and a wax candle.

After waiting for the waning month, you need to stay in the room alone, turn off the electric light, light a candle. Go with her to the window and, looking at the night light, say:

“As the month wanes, so does the husband’s love for (name of rival) fade away. As the month ends, so will their love. Truly!

Then you need to sprinkle a little salt on the burning candle, saying the spell:

“Salt does not burn, and (husband’s name) love for me does not disappear.”

After this, pour a few grains of salt into each shoe, preferably under the insole so that the husband does not notice. Say the spell:

“I pour salt on your feet, (name of your beloved) I lock you, I dare you from (name of your rival).”

The ritual begins on the full moon and is carried out daily until the new moon. As the moon wanes completely, the husband will stop going to his mistress.

Conspiracies from a homewrecker - mistress

Many women feel a chill in their relationships. A common reason for a change in behavior of a loved one is a mistress. This is not just the destruction of a family, it is also a strong resentment, anxiety, lack of attention not only to the wife, but also to the children. For those women who often face the problems of infidelity, it is worth using one of the three effective spells against male infidelity.

Powerful Ritual

This spell is one of the most powerful. For the most accurate action, it is best to find a red thread made of natural wool, large scissors, matches and a piece of coal. Place a piece of coal on a plate. Take the scissors in your right hand and the red thread in your left. The thread will need to be cut into seven parts.

When cutting the thread, you should say the following spell:

“I will cut you off, I will cut you off from me, only I will cut you off, only I will cut you off. My husband will take everyone away from you, I will shield you from trouble, I will hide you from prying eyes, I will hide you from someone else’s night and someone else’s moon!”

Place all the pieces on the coal and wrap them together with the plate in a scarf. You need to tie three knots. Take all the contents to the intersection and leave them under the tree with the words:

“Whoever picks it up, the trouble will not go away, the trouble has left me and has not found a new refuge!”

Popular hex

There is also a spell for your husband's mistress. The reason for leaving may not always be the man himself. Alien influence is a strong energy that can influence not only a person’s actions, but also his consciousness. Therefore, before getting rid of your rival, it is recommended to perform a ritual aimed at gaining insight for the faithful.

To do this, you need to find his comb, pour boiling water on it, and then say the spell:

“I don’t melt ice, I don’t light coals, I collect your thoughts and put them in their places. I’ll take someone else’s hand away, I’ll take someone else’s thoughts away, I’ll talk someone else’s woman away. Give your soul clarity, let go of the emptiness, shed light, protect from troubles!”

Conspiracy against a rival

In this article:

Practical magic opens up a huge number of possibilities for a person; with the help of various rituals and conspiracies, one can promote recovery from illnesses, solve money problems and improve relationships with dear people.
Love rituals are the most sought after part of magic.

With the help of such rituals, you can bewitch your loved one, strengthen your spiritual connection, get your husband back and, of course, get rid of your rival.

A woman begins to look for an opportunity to secure her relationship as soon as another contender for her man’s love appears. This is a completely normal reaction to such events, so there is no need to be ashamed if you want to protect your love from your rival with the help of magic.

Rituals against a rival

There are many different rituals that will destroy the connection of a loved one with another woman, these are all kinds of quarrels, cold spells, backlashes and even damage to relationships.

The most powerful lapel rituals are usually used in situations called “love triangles.” With the help of such magic, you can quickly get rid of your rival and protect your relationship with your loved one.

The mechanism of such rituals is quite simple, they destroy the feelings of one person for another, reduce the craving for intimate relationships, and can also cause persistent antipathy.

If your loved one has already left you for someone else, then coldness alone will not be enough to return him to you; in some cases, immediately after the lapel, the performer also performs a love spell ritual.

Lapels are quite simple to perform, which makes them accessible even to beginners in magic. Thus, a woman can independently perform the ritual from a rival without fear of negative consequences. The main thing is to strictly follow all the instructions contained in the ritual being used.

An effective way to remove your opponent

With the help of this ritual, you can easily remove your rival from the life of your beloved man.

To do this, you need to read a special spell on the food and then feed it to your loved one.

If it is not possible to transfer bread or other enchanted food to the purpose of the ritual, you need to feed it to the birds.

Spoken food is one of the most popular ways of working

In this case, there is a significant probability that the lapel will not work, however, this will avoid negative consequences for the performer.

Conspiracy words:

“I will get up without blessing myself, I will go without crossing myself, not through doors or gates, but all along underground paths. I’ll go to the sea-ocean, I’ll find a blue stone, and on that stone sits a goblin with a goblin, Satan with a Satan, and a water-gob with a water-gobble. They sit with their backs to each other, faces apart. They fight, bite, get angry, and swear. So you (man’s name) and (woman’s name) will not know the world, you will quarrel, swear, and then you will break up with her and stop knowing each other. What is said will come true.”

When buying fish, do not take change

Fish spell

To carry out this ritual, you will need fresh fish, which you need to buy in the morning on the day of the magical actions. Gut the fish and give all the insides to a stray cat. Then, holding the fish in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

“This fish has no tail, no bladder, no head, no fin and no intestines. When my rival (name) gets what she wants, the guts of this fish will grow back, the fins will float, and the eyes will open. Until then, she will not be happy, she will not receive the love of (man’s name). What is said will come true. Amen".

Now you need to fry the fish and eat it with your loved one. It is best to perform the ceremony on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Ritual with poppy seeds

To carry out the ritual you will need a pinch of poppy seeds. You need to sprinkle them on the threshold of your home and read the plot:

“Thirty-three crows are flying, carrying thirty-three stones, they will peck the poppy on my threshold, and with their beaks they will curse my rival (name). This poppy will never sprout, it will guard me and my house, protect it from rivals, and preserve family happiness. The crows threw thirty-three stones, on my threshold, whoever wants to destroy my happiness takes all the stones. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The number of poppy seeds is symbolic, you don’t need to take a whole handful

So that the husband returns from his rival

This ritual should be used together with conspiracies against a rival. In this case, in the morning you need to read words from another woman, and in the evening - for the return of your husband.
Evening spell:

“The mountains are high, the mountains are heavy, take your tears and grief for me, servant of God (proper name). Help me, mountains, take your bows, string and shoot arrows into the heart of my husband (name). Let his whole chest hurt, let everything inside burn day and night and midnight. Let his liver stand up, let his lungs stop breathing, let his head begin to remember me. His legs are quick, you rush to my home, let your blood burn, let the thought of me boil, let the memory of me fly in from everywhere. I will call him, I will beckon him, but the longing for me will always oppress him. You (husband's name) hurry to me, break away from your rival. Holy Mother of God, pray for me. Fly an arrow from the mountains into the heart of my husband, you, my husband, come back to me quickly. My work is sculpted, my word is strong, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Our life is very diverse, the experience of my many years of practice shows that not every person can cope on their own with the problems that arise on their way, sometimes the help of a strong magician is simply necessary. Someone wants to cast a love spell, someone needs career growth, and there are those who cannot get rid of annoying rivals. It's the latter that we'll talk about.

As you know, the female population suffers more from problems in the love sphere. After all, when in our world the number of men and women differs sharply, then each young lady tries to “grab” the best one for herself. Therefore, rivalry arises, which entails many problems. Even if a man is already married and has children, he does not stop being a desired object for others. Especially if personal happiness is at stake. I very often witnessed similar stories when girls could not share one gentleman and came up with various tricks to emerge victorious.

So, today I will tell you how to get rid of your rival forever. Just a few days ago, a young lady came to me and said that a certain girl was not giving her husband access. It turned out that they had been married only recently, but had known each other since school, and therefore their feelings were time-tested. And yet, one of the fans turned out to be so annoying that the husband begins to bend under her charms. After all, she watches him everywhere. Tired of this, the girl decided to use her last chance - to come to me. After listening to her story, I decided not to refuse to help her.

I chose one of the most powerful rituals, using a photograph. And now you can also find out how to eliminate your photo rival once and for all. Any professional magician is able to establish an energetic connection between the image and its owner. And only then act on the person himself through this invisible thread. In very difficult situations, you can use a drawn silhouette of someone who caused you pain and suffering. The main thing is to organize and conduct the ceremony correctly. If for some reason you are unable to get to a specialist, here are some tips on how to do everything at home. However, you need to know some features before practicing it yourself.

Features of ritual behavior

Do not rush to carry out this or that ritual, even if it seemed most suitable to you. Everything needs to be done consciously, with an understanding of what exactly you are doing. You need to be able to interact with an external force, which, in essence, is a guarantee that the ritual will work. Without this, any ritual is just a useless set of movements. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a specialist. In addition, there are several more features that need to be taken into account when performing rituals. Let me give you some of them:

It is necessary to carry out rituals to get rid of a rival on the waning moon, this means that the external force will in the same mode reduce the influence of the rival, gradually reducing it to zero.

Rituals must be carried out impartially, removing all your emotions. Everything needs to be done with a cool head. Change your attitude towards your opponent, you can’t wish bad things on her. Remove all hatred and anger, otherwise the external force will not join this process, and your anger and aggression will be directed against you and those around you.

When you pronounce the words of spells or spells, you cannot read them from a piece of paper or from your phone, you must know them by heart and pronounce them freely. And not just pronounce, but delve into the meaning of each word.

You cannot let anyone in on what you are doing or tell anyone about the rituals you performed, even those people you trust. Other people's impulses can involuntarily distort the result you are seeking. Keep everything secret.

There is no need to do rituals out of revenge or just suspicion. If your rival is not like that, and your suspicions are unfounded, the ritual performed can bring very undesirable consequences for yourself. Be careful in this matter.

When performing rituals, you need to see a picture of the expected future. Try to see what you are striving for as if it has already happened.

Get rid of your photo rival yourself

Take a photo of the homewrecker and put it in a glass of water. The ideal time for this action is winter or late autumn. But if time is running out, put the glass in the refrigerator and let the water freeze thoroughly. After ice has formed in the container, remove it from there along with the photograph. Investing all your strength and desire to free yourself from the third wheel in your relationship with your loved one, break the ice and scatter it in all corners of the room. Then say the following words: “Just as ice melts, as water flows away, let the sympathy (name of competitor) evaporate from your heart. And never again will you pursue my beloved (name). Let your love pass, passion decrease and soon you will forget that when “I was so obsessed. My word is strong, my will is strong.”

Another conspiracy on how to punish an enemy can be carried out using a candle. This ritual is suitable if your husband or boyfriend nevertheless succumbed to temptation and ended the relationship with you for the sake of a new passion. The feeling of emptiness and the desire to return the one with whom you were so happy provokes the most daring actions. After all, you have to fight for yours!

For everything to work out, you need to buy two black candles, and also get a joint photo of the couple you are going to destroy. You will place it on a smooth dark surface, face up. When everything is ready, place the candles in such a way that the wax drips onto the faces of the people shown in the photo. Take a knife with a black handle and with a slight movement draw a line between the man and the woman. And then imagine yourself cutting off all connection, love and affection. Clearly paint a picture in your head of how they break up, not wanting to be together anymore. At the same time read the plot: “I am laying a path of discord and misunderstanding between you (the names of the lovers on the card). From now on, you will not be together, because a wall of hostility, resentment and mutual reproaches will stand in your way. You will swear, shed tears, hate each other. You will never be together again. And as the candles melt, so does your attraction decrease.” Repeat these words six times, and then with a sharp movement cut the photo in the middle. Don't wait for the candles to burn out, let them stand all night. The wax should literally soak through the image. In the morning, bury it in the ground, and take the cinders to the place where this couple lives.

Eliminate an opponent with the power of fire

How to destroy a rival if you need to act quickly without performing too complex rituals? For this, there are external sources of strength, for example, fire. From this source you can charge yourself with incredible power that can sweep away any enemy or rival. I did exactly this for one of my clients. She was in a hurry and asked to do everything as soon as possible. A close friend stole her husband from her and she wanted only one thing - to return her beloved. When asked how to eliminate from a photo and win back your betrothed, I offered her this strong, effective method. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to look through the fire and concentrate on a joint photo of your rival and spouse, if, of course, there is such a photo. The most important thing here is to gather within yourself the maximum strength of the element of fire, which basically requires a very serious load. When the concentration is sufficient, you need to invest all this force and tear the picture. We put the halves of the photographs in different vessels and burn them. During this process we read: “Your love will be gone with ashes forever. And if you don’t be together, you won’t experience happiness. Discord and quarrels will come to your home. You won’t find a common language and you won’t be able to save your feelings. Everything goes away, and you won’t be around. My words are true and it will be as I say." At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to scatter the ashes into the wind in different directions.

I want to say that the above method can only be done by an experienced specialist who has a colossal source of Power.

Ritual of breaking

This ritual is carried out in order to break the connection between your loved one and the homewrecker, sow discord and misunderstanding between them, both on one side and on the other. This is a very ancient and effective method that is often used by shamans.

You need to take a sheet of paper and with a simple pencil draw on it the face of your loved one, and next to it the face of the homewrecker. No artistic skills required - just draw how it turns out. Most importantly, imagine, feel that you are drawing this particular person, putting your whole soul into this drawing. When the drawing is ready, sign the names below - your loved one and your rival. Then set the drawing aside for a few hours.

You need to wait until midnight, turn off the lights and light a candle. Take the drawing in your hands and carefully tear it apart to separate his and her images so that they remain on different halves. When performing this action, you need to pronounce the spell: “I am not breaking the drawing, but the connection of the youths (the name of the man and the name of the woman) I am separating. From now on, they won’t live together, won’t love each other, won’t raise children. There will be forests and mountains between them, quarrels and discord. Truly."

After this, part of the drawing with the image of a woman must be torn into small pieces and placed in an ashtray and burned from a candle flame. When the fire lights up, say the spell: “I burn it, I remove it from my path.” Throw the ashes outside, and put the second half of the drawing with the image of your loved one in a secluded place so that it is not accessible to anyone.

Ritual on a man from a rival

This ritual will help cool a man’s feelings for another woman. To implement this, you will need regular table salt. Before preparing any food, set aside a small handful of salt in advance and read this spell on it: “White salt, take away my pain, bring back peace and happiness, turn my betrothed (man’s name) away from (woman’s name). So that he doesn’t look in her direction, doesn’t want her, doesn’t want her. Be that way." Then, when cooking, use this salt and make sure your man eats this food. If you do everything right, he will forever distance himself from your rival.

Ritual for a rival

This ritual is designed for the homewrecker herself, so that she is the one who turns away from the man. For the ritual you will need a fresh chicken egg, preferably not from the store, but from the village. And you also need to know the name of your rival.

So, in the evening, shortly before bed, take an egg prepared in advance and start moving it in a circle, clockwise, over the pillow on which your man always sleeps. At the same time, pronounce the following spell: “I conjure you (the name of the rival), I withdraw your interest in (the man’s name). Don’t have affairs with him, but forget him forever.” While moving the egg over the pillow, this spell must be cast at least ten times. Then, at night, the egg should be placed under the bed, under the side of the bed where your man sleeps.

The next day you need to take the egg out and take it to the forest or nature, break it with the words: “I break the egg, I seal the plot.” And without looking back, go home.

Conspiracy from a rival for fish

This ritual and conspiracy will help cool down your rival’s feelings for your other half. This is done using fresh fish. In the morning you need to go to the market and smoke any fresh fish. When you buy it, do not bargain with the seller and do not take change.

Come home and clean and gut the fish, collect all the insides and take it outside, leave it so that the yard dogs or cats can eat it. Returning home, take the fish in your hands and say the following spell: “Just as this fish will no longer swim in the sea, so my rival (name) and my husband (husband’s name) will not be together.”

Then prepare any dish from this fish and you must have your man try it.

Conspiracy from a rival on her husband's shirt

If you want your rival to stop pursuing your betrothed, you can perform a very effective ritual using your husband’s belongings - his shirt. This is also a very powerful ritual that will allow you to attract your husband’s attention to yourself, refreshing old feelings.

So, take your husband's shirt and cut off the top button. Light a regular candle and start sewing on the button again. While you are doing this, say the following spell: “As strong as this thread is, so will I and (husband’s name) love each other. Hold on tight to the button, and leave your rival with her husband, now and forever.” After the button is sewn, burn the remaining thread in a candle flame.

Then the shirt needs to be washed, ironed and for the husband to wear it.

The Power of Prayer to Eliminate Your Rival

And the last thing I would like to tell you about is how or an ill-wisher prays. Many people have enemies and rivals, but some of them poison life so much that you want to get rid of them once and for all. The steps that I will describe are quite simple and do not require any special accessories. But you need to deeply understand what you are doing. Always carry a coin equal to one penny in your pocket. After all, when you meet your ill-wisher on the street or somewhere else, it will come in handy. When you meet a hated person, take out this money and cross his back, first with your left hand, and then with your right twice. Of course, do this as inconspicuously as possible, even barely moving your hands. Try not to let anyone see this, but say to yourself: “I don’t give you a blessing, but I baptize you. And whatever bad you wish for me, I will return to you. Amen.”.

In conclusion, I would like to warn you that all violent actions have a dual nature and can hook you. You can use them only if you restore justice. It is impossible to perform rituals out of a simple feeling of revenge and a desire to harm. Otherwise, everything can turn out unpredictably, including against you. And if you do not have experience with such rituals, contact me for help. After all, only a strong magician can restore happiness to someone who has undeservedly lost it.

Magic is a mysterious process that results in the movement of the magician’s energy, affecting the human energy field. Passionate desires animate thought forms, and the properties of matter materialize and transform. With the help of certain spells, it is not difficult for a practicing sorcerer to remove a rival from the path.

Food spell

Human words spoken in a certain order have always been seen as more than a message. Conspiracies are still used to fulfill wishes, heal and attract money.

These rituals are usually not associated with black magic. They are allowed by Christian and other religions. The reaction of a normal woman when a rival appears is the desire to eliminate her, to get rid of the homewrecker by any means.

You can destroy the connection between lovers using different methods, including using enchanted foods (coffee, salt, etc.).

To do this, harmless quarrels, withdrawals and cool-downs are carried out. If this does not help, more complex rituals are used: “love triangles”, damage and lapels.

After such rituals, the separation of lovers is inevitable. Their feelings will fade away, the desire for sex will disappear, they will become disgusted with each other. But such rituals should be carried out with caution so that the health of the partner or the performer of the ritual is not affected. After reading a magical plot to eliminate a rival, the performer immediately casts a reverse love spell.

Often and effectively, reading a food plot from a rival is used, which is carried out by a magician or independently after carefully studying the ritual. This is a simple procedure, the main thing is to maintain a clear sequence in words and actions.

For bread

A woman is always aimed at a strong union and rebels against possible obstacles on the way to this, hypothetical and obvious rivals. You can make it cool down and eliminate your rival from life easily and simply with the help of enchanted bread. To make her fall behind, a special text is read. The man must eat the enchanted product. Slandering food as a conspiracy from a rival is the most popular working method of turning away a competitor.

Strong spells from a rival, ostuda are read on the full moon, when it shines in the sky (a prerequisite is that the moon is clearly visible, open, there are no clouds, its light illuminates the earth).

A conspiracy from a rival sounds like this:

“I will get up without blessing myself, I will go without crossing myself, not through doors or gates, but all along underground paths. I’ll go to the sea-ocean, I’ll find a blue stone, and on that stone sits a goblin with a goblin, Satan with a Satan, and a water-gob with a water-gobble. They sit with their backs to each other, faces apart. They fight, bite, get angry, and swear. So you, (man’s name), will not know peace with (woman’s name), you will quarrel, swear, and then you will break up with her and stop knowing each other. What is said will come true.”

If it is not possible to give bread to your loved one after the ritual, it is fed to the birds. Probably, the lapel will not work, but there will be no return from the conspiracy: the performer will avoid consequences and punishment.

For fish

You can remove the homewrecker from the path and return love with a charmed fish. Before the ritual, preparations are made for it:

  • fresh fish is bought;
  • gutted;
  • all entrails are given to any animal.

Everything is done early in the morning, the fish is bought on the same day as the conspiracy. With such a lapel they got rid of an annoying and pestering rival who hangs herself around her neck.

Holding the fish in your right hand, you need to read the following text:

“This fish has no tail, no bladder, no head, no fin and no intestines. When my rival (name) gets what she wants, the guts of this fish will grow back, the fins will float, and the eyes will open. Until then, she will not be happy, she will not receive the love of (man’s name). What is said will come true. Amen".

After the ritual, the fish is fried and served to the loved one, and eaten together. It is advisable for the table to stand near an open window. Cooling is carried out on Mondays, Thursdays and Tuesdays.

Ritual through photography

The best opportunity to make a relationship strong and bring a man home is a special ritual. The most effective way is lapel magic. These are simple rituals and simple spells that can be easily performed independently, without the participation of a magician.

A conspiracy against a rival is made using her photograph or a joint photo. The time of the event is full moon.

During the ritual, an energetic connection is established between a person and his photograph, through which the desired influence is carried out.

If there is no photograph, a graphic, symbolic drawing is used, on the reverse side of which the purpose of the ritual and the person’s name are written.

In this case, the effectiveness is reduced, but the likelihood of impact remains high.

To conduct the ceremony, the following rules and sequence of actions are observed:

  • a photo (or drawing) is prepared, 2 vessels for burning;
  • with a sharp movement the photo is torn in half (in one movement);
  • parts of the photograph are set on fire;
  • thrown into different vessels;
  • the conspiracy is read.

The words of the conspiracy to regain your partner’s interest sound like this:

“Just as the ashes will scatter and flutter, so should you (man’s name) and (woman’s name) be angry and not meet. You will not have love, there will be no friendship, there will be no peace. One day you will break up and never get back together. My word is true; what is spoken will come true.”

At the end, the ashes need to be scattered into the wind in 4 directions.

There is also a method that allows you to return a man who has left the family using a photograph. For the ceremony, they take a joint photo of the lovers; if there is no such photo, then they replace it with separate cards.

Knowing the name of the homewrecker, you need to write it on the back side, without knowing - the word “she”. These photographs are placed in a container of water and placed outside in the cold. If the ceremony is carried out in the summer, then put it in the freezer. This should be done on the waning moon.

After a few hours, the frozen photographs in a piece of ice are pulled out of the container and broken with a hammer. The fragments are scattered in the corners of the house or apartment, the plot is read:

“Just as ice melts and turns into water, just as water flows into the ground, so the love of (man’s name) for (name of rival) will melt, flow away, and disappear. They will no longer be happy, there will be no love, they will quarrel and get angry. Like dogs, you squabble, bark and run away in different corners. My word is strong, my will is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

A ritual of photographing with a candle is done if a “black cat ran through” in a relationship in the form of a homewrecker. To restore relationships, a joint photograph of lovers is placed on a smooth and dark (preferably black) surface, face up. Candles are placed along the edges so that the wax drips and flows onto the face shown in the photo.

Take a knife with a black handle. They are shown one photo at a time between images of people, symbolically breaking their relationship, cutting them off from each other. Say the magic words:

“I cut the path between (man’s name) and (woman’s name) and separate their destinies forever. I create enmity, hatred between them, they will scold, squabble, let them bite out of hatred, let them shake, let them rage, let them get angry, they still have one way - to run away. The candle sheds tears, it fades away forever, and so do your connections, everything that held you, leaves, disappears, is gone. My will be done, Amen."

The words are read 6 times, at the end the tip of the knife is pierced into the photograph, into the space between people’s faces. Everything is left like this overnight. The candles, having burned out, will flood the images with their wax.

At dawn, the knife is removed and the photo is buried in the ground, away from the doors of the house. The remains of the candles are carefully swept into a white sheet of paper and thrown unnoticed into the apartment where the couple lives.

On the waning moon, a spell is read so that the effect occurs faster. Also, to strengthen it, a raw egg is buried under the threshold of the homewrecker. This must be done by reading the plot.

Ritual with poppy seeds

Strong conspiracies help restore a family, guard love and protect the house from a rival with its magical power.

For the poppy ritual, you need to buy a poppy and sprinkle it under your own threshold, reading the words of the spell:

“Thirty-three crows are flying, carrying thirty-three stones, they will peck the poppy on my threshold, and with their beaks they will curse my rival (name). This poppy will never sprout, it will guard me and my house, protect it from rivals, and preserve family happiness. The crows threw thirty-three stones on my threshold; whoever wants to destroy my happiness takes all the stones. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

According to the healer from Siberia, Stepanova Natalya, poppy lapels are the most effective and powerful. They influence a man, cool his ardor for his mistress, break a vicious relationship and return him to his home, family, children, and revive previously lost love.

Other magical influences

There are many other rites, spells and rituals. They use coffee, egg, salt, fish, bread, needle and other attributes (for example, a raw egg). In difficult cases, it is better to resort to the help of a real magician, consult with him and take his advice.

Lapel with a needle

For the ritual, they take a new needle, a spool of unstarted thread, a piece of earth from the cemetery and a photograph of the couple (joint). The owner of the cemetery intervenes in this ritual; performing it by ignorant people entails negative consequences, so it is better to resort to the help of a magician.

The performer stitches the photo together with a needle and thread (back to back), pouring cemetery soil between them, and reads the plot:

“Just as you are God’s servants (man’s name) and (woman’s name) sewn back to back, so your paths together are broken.”

At the end of the ritual, the eyes of the homewrecker are pierced, and the following is said:

“As you used to be beautiful, so now you will be a scythe. You are scary, crooked, (woman’s name), barren and sick. Not in the name of the Holy Spirit, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the father, Amen.”

The photograph is taken to the intersection, torn up and thrown away without witnesses.

To fire and water

It is carried out in exceptional cases when it is known for sure that a love spell was cast on a man. No matter what distance the couple is at, the spell will work. To carry out the ceremony at home, you will need separate photographs of your husband and rival, a thin church candle, a glass container for water and paper napkins.

The ritual begins after sunset, sitting in front of a mirror. A bowl of water is placed on the side of the heart, on the left, and a lit candle on the right. A photograph of the mistress is placed in front of the vessel, and a photograph of the beloved man or husband is placed in front of the candle. The lit torch is taken in the left hand and with a sharp movement is lowered into the water to extinguish it. They recite the following spell:

“As fire avoids water, just as fire avoids water, so the servant of God (name) avoids the servant of God (name), avoids the servant of God (name).

The candle is carefully wiped with a napkin, put in place and set on fire with matches. If it is difficult to light the flame, then everything is done correctly and the flap will work.

“Just as water fears fire, just as water runs away from fire, so the servant of God (name) fears the servant of God (name) and runs away from the servant of God (name).

“Just as fire and water do not come together and will never be together, so the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) cannot come together and will never be together.”

At the end of the ritual, the photo and water are hidden until the next day. The whole process is repeated three times, that is, three days in a row.

Afterwards, the water is poured on the street over the left shoulder, the candle is burned to the end. The remains of it, melted cinders, are thrown out at a deserted intersection, and the woman’s photograph is torn into small pieces and thrown into a pond or flushed down the toilet if there is no river nearby.

A photograph of a loved one or husband is burned on an open fire or candle at arm's length, in one's home. This will make him suffer, get bored and burn with passion for the one performing the ritual or for the customer.

The reversal is strong and irreversible. It should be carried out in silence and solitude so that no one can disturb the order.

A strong turn on salt is carried out when removing a rival’s love spell. The magician's advice will not hurt in this matter. To perform it at home, you will need several attributes: salt, a church candle, a spoon, a tray or dish, a linen scarf.

It should be held exactly at noon so that no one sees.

A lit candle is placed on a clean table. Salt is poured into a tablespoon. You need to hold it over the candle and say the following words:

“Lord God, help and save. Salt, white and clean, take away the dirt from the servant of God (name). Absorb the evil, miserable melancholy, corrupted, vicious thoughts, poisoned feelings. Take off everything that was brought on, drunk with drink, eaten with food, taken with a lining, sent with a bad word. Take it and return it to where it came from. My word is strong, so be it. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, salt is poured onto a tray, covered with a scarf, and a photo of a loved one is placed on it, face down.

This spell is read three times, after which the dish with salt is taken out of the house and thrown away. It should be destroyed secretly and not tell anyone about what was done. Very soon the husband will return to the family hearth.

Reply to radish

If the rival is angry and holds the man tightly, a radish lapel is made to restore marriage ties and life together. To perform it, she sits in the first corner from the exit from the house and pronounces the spell:

“I’m putting you, radish, in separation.

When you, radish, bloom like a rose,

You will sing like a nightingale,

You'll smell honey

Only then the servant of God (name)

They will be together with God's servant (name). Amen".

The more often you water the vegetable, the more often the homewrecker will cry, the worse her fate will be and the faster the man will return to the house. Water it 40 times, and a woman’s happiness will return to the house, and you will be able to bewitch your husband.

Discord in the trash This kind of lapel works flawlessly. To do this, when throwing out garbage, you need to say the words:

“Just as I don’t need this slop, so may the servant of God (name) not need the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen".

After some time, the relationship between the lovers will go wrong, the man will begin to look at his mistress with disgust, disdain intimacy with her and return to the family. This method of helping to get rid of homewrecker is effective and proven.

Magic with earth

Magicians consider the most powerful ritual performed to get rid of someone else's woman forever, the turning of earth from three pieces. It is done on Mondays; it is difficult to remove such a conspiracy without powerful magical intervention.

On Monday, clean soil is taken from three fragments and poured out to the threshold of your house, the spell is read:

“How true it is that the three fragments

Don't be together.

It’s so true that God’s servant (name)

He will forget the servant of God (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the ocean-sea the wind dries the shores.

Don't whine, melancholy, don't cry, sadness.

Forget the servant of God (name), girl.

Forget not for a day, forget not for two,

And for eternity.

Just as the earth does not cry from the edge,

The soul of a wolf does not suffer on the grass,

Rain doesn't cry on fire,

A stone does not cry on sand,

Fence by gate, fish by snail,

Summer to spring,

Servant of God (name) after servant of God (name),

Servant of God (name) after servant of God (name).

Take away, earth, the dull melancholy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Family relationships will be restored quickly, the man will never remember the homewrecker and will not continue to cheat. This conspiracy will make it possible to get rid of your rival, to drive her away from the family threshold forever.

Gypsy way

In the old days, powerful gypsy rituals were performed on Stretenye, chicken parts were dissolved in lime, and a spell was written with a bone on the ground. Rituals forever cemented the family bond. But complex magical actions and black magic were not practiced at home.


Lapels and love spells refer to negative magical influences. Rituals carried out incorrectly lead to dire consequences. Performing magicians always put on powerful protection, and the customer receives the blow. When carrying out conspiracies at home, you should take this into account and not play with higher powers in vain. Before you take on magic spells, you need to do a church ritual of cleansing your home.