How to make a bracelet out of paper. Paper bracelets with hearts Weaving a paper bracelet

Paper is an ideal material for creativity. You can draw on it, make appliqués, and use it to create all kinds of crafts.

Paper bracelets

Jewelry will be no exception. Yes, using just paper, you can easily make a bracelet, necklace, tiara or the whole set at once.

In the 60s paper decorations were very popular. They were made at home on their own. Below we will look at several examples of how to make a bracelet out of paper.

Different ways

There are many ways to make a paper bracelet.

Idea number 1.

Prepare the following materials:

  • thick multi-colored A4 paper;
  • fishing line;
  • glue;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • a thin plastic or wooden stick (as for sushi).

You can start working.

Ready. A simple way to make a paper bracelet with your own hands.

Idea number 2.

Using this method, even a five-year-old child can make a bracelet for himself. Although for the first time it is better to do it with him.

You will need:

  • three multi-colored thick sheets of paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

It is necessary to cut three multi-colored strips of the same length. Now carefully braid them into a braid. In this case, it is advisable to glue the strips with each bend. But use a little glue so that the paper doesn't get wet.

This was the second way to make a paper bracelet. As you can see, it turns out to be a very simple but beautiful bracelet.

Idea number 3.

Egyptus Bracelet

You can also make an Egyptian bracelet from the cartoon of the same name.

To do this you will need thick but flexible paper. golden color, glue, 3 large blue beads, 1 blue bead, and a blue felt-tip pen.

  1. Cut a sheet of paper crosswise, attach it to your wrist and glue the ends together, cut off the unnecessary part.
  2. Using a felt-tip pen, draw the eye of Horus.
  3. Glue a blue bead in the center of the eye, blue beads on the bottom and sides.

The fabulous decoration is ready. Now you know how to make an Egyptus bracelet out of paper. This will be very relevant for little fans of the cartoon or for those interested in Egyptian themes.

Positive aspects of creativity

These are the easiest ways to make paper decorations. Show them to your child and he will be delighted. Girls will especially enjoy this process. After all, in the same way they can make additions to the bracelet - beads or a necklace.

As for boys, the same Egyptian bracelet will suit them perfectly and will give them the opportunity to imagine themselves as the last pharaoh of Egypt.

This will perfectly develop their spatial thinking and creative skills. Weaving bracelets will help little children develop fine motor skills and finger dexterity.

You can also experiment with design and translate all your ideas into creativity. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize.

Continuing the theme of summer crafts, let's talk about how to make jewelry with your own hands. Bright bracelets, fashionable beads, unusual rings and other decorations for summer outfits will be interesting for girls to make with their own hands. Of course, mothers will help them in this exciting creative activity.

Bracelets made from wooden sticks

It's very easy to make wooden bracelets ice cream sticks or medical spatulas. To do this, you must first soak them in water for 24 hours so that they become flexible. To speed up this process, it is sometimes advised to “cook” them for 15 minutes, but after this the sticks may darken.

Now you need to take them out of the water and very carefully place them in a glass or cup of a suitable diameter so that the sticks take their shape. Leave them in this position to dry. Make sure the sticks are completely dry before removing them from the cups.

These are the blanks for bracelets you should get.

All that remains is to paint the bracelets with your own paints, decorate them with fabric, paper appliqué using the decoupage technique, beads, buttons, etc.

Important! It’s better to make a bracelet with a slightly smaller diameter than you need, because... When decorating a bracelet, in particular when treating it with paint and glue, it may straighten out a little and become larger.

Paper bracelet using origami technique

It’s easy to make a bracelet with your own hands using the origami technique from candy wrappers. Detailed wizard origami bracelet making class. If you don’t have the opportunity to collect so many candy wrappers, you can make an origami bracelet from colored paper.

Bracelets from plastic bottles

We will talk about how you can make fashionable bracelets from plastic bottles. Let us remind you about this craft again.

Floss bracelet

To make these bright bracelets from floss threads, you will need:

Bead bracelet

The easiest way to make an elegant bead bracelet is to buy an inexpensive bracelet and some cute beads from the jewelry department, and then “tie” the beads to the bracelet with colored yarn or thread.

Making such jewelry with your own hands is quick, simple and inexpensive, so you can afford to have bracelets of different colors to suit different outfits. This is what the finished product looks like on hand.

You can use a homemade bracelet instead of a store-bought bracelet.

Or you can “tie” store-bought beads to a leather cord. This bracelet made of beads looks very stylish. It can be wrapped around your wrist several times.

We looked at easy-to-make DIY bracelets that parents can make even with their children preschool age. Now let's move on to more complex master classes on how to make a bracelet.

Bracelets made of beads or nuts

Now we will teach you how to weave bracelets from beads and beads in the most in a simple way, accessible even to those just starting to master the science of beading.

Do you know how to braid a regular braid? If the answer is yes, then you can completely cope with the task of making such a bracelet from small beads (seed beads) and waxed cord. You will just need to sequentially weave the beads into the braid, which is woven from the cord.

In the same way, you can weave a bracelet from thick rope and hexagonal nuts.

One of the most beautiful and stylish, in our opinion, bead bracelets, which even beginners in beadwork can make.

To make such a bracelet with your own hands, we need:

  • any beads small size (4-6 mm). The number of beads depends on how long the bracelet you want. Decide in advance whether it will wrap around your wrist once or several times.

  • leather cord

  • durable threads suitable color. The threads do not have to match the leather cord; they can be of a contrasting color. A prerequisite: the thread must be of such thickness that, folded in half twice, it can pass through the hole in the bead.

  • beautiful button for clasp

  • needle, scissors, clip for attaching the bracelet during weaving

Work plan:

1. Measure the desired length of leather cord. Keep in mind that the cord folds in half and that you need to leave extra length for the fastener.

2. Measure the thread of the required length, thread it through a needle, and tie a knot. The thread must be double.

3. Fold the leather cord in half, attach the thread to it with the knot facing up, with the needle hanging at the bottom. Leave a small distance for the clasp loop and make a knot by tying the lace and thread together. Before making a knot, make sure the fastening button fits through the loop.

4. Attach the string with clips to a piece of cardboard on both sides for ease of use. There is no need to attach a thread. Now we proceed directly to weaving the bracelet.

5. First we will make a few stitches without adding beads. Pull the thread OVER the right end of the lace, now back UNDER it, then OVER the left end of the lace and back UNDER it. The stitch is shaped like 8. Do this 5-6 times.

6. Now let's start adding beads between the two ends of the lace. When the thread comes FROM UNDER the left end of the cord, add a bead. Now pass the thread OVER and back UNDER the right end, again through the bead, then OVER and back UNDER the left end of the cord. Now add another bead and so on.

7. Tie a button at the end for a fastener. The bracelet is ready.

Due to the fact that IzobretayK mainly publishes materials dedicated to, so to speak, boy crafts, we decided to add variety and tell the girls how to make an origami bracelet.

For folding origami bracelet you will need a square piece of paper. It will be ideal if you can choose paper like in the pictures. The product made from it looks very beautiful and impressive.

Making a paper bracelet

At folding crafts the sheet of paper should be arranged in a diamond shape.

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half (top to bottom and right to left). After this, we unfold it to its original position.
  2. Fold the top and bottom corners to the center bend line.

  3. Then we unfold the bottom corner and bend it to the new bend line.

  4. Unfold the bottom corner again and bend it to the top edge of the sheet.

  5. We unfold the sheet and perform steps 3-4 with the other half of the sheet.

  6. Now you need to turn the sheet over and bend the bottom corner until it intersects with the first bend.

  7. Unfold the previous fold and bend it again, but to the second bend.

    We perform similar actions so that your sheet is divided into sixteen equal parts.

  8. We unfold the sheet so that the folds are vertical and begin folding the folds.

  9. It should look like in the picture.

  10. We do the same actions with the other side of the sheet.

  11. Now turn the workpiece over and smooth it with your fingers.

  12. We bend the workpiece into a ring and insert one edge into the pocket of the other until they form a rhombus.

  13. All that remains is to smooth out the origami bracelet and give it a round shape.

Children's crafts for February 14 (Valentine's Day): DIY paper heart bracelets.

Bracelets with hearts - crafts for February 14

Bracelets with hearts are simple children's paper crafts for February 14th, which can be made even with children from three years old. Children can give these bracelets to each other, mother, grandmother or kindergarten teacher.

How to make a paper bracelet with hearts

For kids who do not yet know how to use scissors, to make crafts, give them ready-made bases for bracelets - strips of paper (preferably thick paper, for example, landscape paper), with cuts.

The length of the strip depends on the circumference of the children's wrist - to this value you need to add 3.5 - 4 cm for the clasp and a more free placement on the hand. Make cuts at a distance of 1.5 cm from each edge of the strip, one to the middle of the width of the strip from the bottom, the other to the middle of the width of the strip from the top.

The children’s task is to draw bright hearts on these strips independently or using a template. The template must be made from cardboard in advance: using nail scissors or a stationery knife, cut a heart-shaped hole in the cardboard. Tracing the inner contour for small children is much easier than tracing the outer contour of a small cardboard figure.

Paper is a very short-lived material, so such bracelets made from it are disposable. They tear along the cut lines made for fastening. To make the bracelet last longer, you can cover it with transparent adhesive tape.

Children who know how to cut can make the strips for the base of the bracelets based on the pattern themselves, and draw the hearts either on the base or separately, then cut them out and glue them to the base.

You can also cut hearts out of paper-based foil, colored paper, wrapping paper, or even glue ready-made stickers with hearts.

To fasten the bracelet, you need to insert the ends paper strip into each other at the incision sites. Place the bracelet on your hand with the clasp to back side wrists.

This is what one of these bracelets looks like on my eldest daughter’s hand.

How to make a paper bracelet with one heart

Stages of making a paper bracelet with one heart.

Place the bracelet on your hand with the clasp disguised as a heart facing outwards.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https://site

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