How it is customary to celebrate the New Year in Japan, traditions: how the New Year is celebrated in Japan. How is New Year celebrated in Japan? New Year in Japan skit for children

The title of the scene: “Our Adventures in Japan!! New Year's morning!!”
Theme of the scene: New Year
1) Egor Alexandrovich
2) Vladimir
3) Viktor Andreevich
4) Evgeniy Vitalievich
5) Egor's inner voice
6) Director of the company Tanaka Seiichi (Misha Neklyudov)
1) Table (preferably round)
2) A bottle of juice (for every taste)
3) Children's champagne (or lemonade)
4) A plate of sweets (for every taste)
5) Five mugs (or cups, optional)
6) Four chairs
7) Glasses (if any)
Appearance characters. Notes:
1) Yegor Aleksandrovich is dressed in loose (casual) clothes, looking sloppy;
2) Vladimir is dressed in loose (casual) clothes, appearance ordinary (i.e. “inspired handsome man”);
3) Viktor Andreevich is dressed in a casual robe and slippers (you can also wear loose casual clothes). The appearance is quite decent (not hungover, but sober);
4) Evgeny Vitalievich is dressed in whatever clothes he wants. The view is so-so;
5) Tanaka is dressed in a formal suit; looking terribly (nightmarish!!!) sloppy, very tipsy.
The interior does NOT matter!!!

Plot: Russian citizens living in Tokyo Prefecture (Japan) have not celebrated the New Year in Russian for a long time. Unfortunately, in 2018 they decided to celebrate this wonderful holiday according to Russian customs.

The table is set. Four heroes are lying on it and under it. One of them (Yegor Aleksandrovich) rises to his feet. Yegor's inner voice enters the stage.

Egor's inner voice: New Year is family holiday. It is celebrated all over the world, but nowhere has it acquired such a national connotation as in Russia. Since childhood, we know that New Year is best holiday in the year after the birthday. And I don’t remember that on my birthday they spent twenty thousand rubles buying caviar and expensive champagne. But, despite the fact that the New Year is a family holiday, it can be celebrated well with close friends, and not only in Russia. So, on the morning of January 1st, somewhere in Tokyo, Japan.

An inner voice looks at Yegor as he tries to recover from his hangover. Yegor looks around, not understanding where he ended up. He grabs his head.
Egor: Oh, damn it! Good morning... Japan. Ooh! ...
Egor falls onto a chair and looks at the bottle of juice. Then he takes it and starts drinking it.
Egor: Oh, damn it!
Egor puts the bottle on the table and looks at the others.
Egor: Well, guys! And whose idea was this? What fool came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year in Russian in Japan? ... Oh, you! So that's what I suggested. Damn it! Stupid!
Egor jerks Vladimir's leg. He wakes up abruptly.
Vladimir: Huh? What? What do you need? Is it Monday already? What about work? We have to deliver the mail... (Yawns) I'm going to bed!
Vladimir falls into a chair and snores. Egor shakes his head and sighs heavily.
Egor: No, of course, I understand that the initiative to buy the strongest children’s champagne came from me, but... Why am I not ashamed about this? Uh! Eh! Hello, garage! Can you hear me, no?
The rest of the heroes also began to rise. Egor waves his arms.
Egor: Welcome! Houston, we have problems! Do you know what I mean?
Victor stretches and feels great.
Victor: Egor Alexandrovich. What are you arguing about? Look out the window. What kind of sun rises over Moscow.
Egor: What?! Whereeeee?!
Evgeniy: Damn, Egor! How is that possible? Where else could this... sun be?
Egor: So that’s it, the sun is not over Moscow now! In Moscow, idiots like us have not yet woken up. WITH good morning, garage! Welcome to Japan. What, have you tried the strongest children's champagne in all of Japan? Huh? I can't hear! Garage! Gara-a-ha! Can you hear me? What? I can't hear.
All: Oh! Egor, don't do it now, listen! Please. Not up to you now.
Egor: What did you say, colleagues? “We need to go to work, but we can’t because we’re not in good condition”? Can you even understand what could have happened that night WHILE WE WERE DRUNK?
Vladimir: Oh, screw him; Egor Alexandrovich! Be optimistic about this. What could we do with Tokyo? This city is huge.
Victor: Well-o-o-o... This is...
Evgeniy: What?
Egor: Come on, come on, I'm listening!
Vladimir: Vitek, shoot!
Victor: Well, actually, we did a lot of business.
All: What? What other business?
Egor puts his hands on Victor’s shoulders and practically sobs.
Egor: Viktor Andreevich! Victor! Victor! Vityusha! Please don't tell me we did it? No please! I beg you, don't! Victor, don't talk about it. Please! Brother! Bro! Brother! Ahhhh!
Victor shrugs.
Victor: Okay, I won’t. Since you ask...
Egor pushes Victor and exclaims.
Egor: Come on, come on! Have we done something? We don't need to keep secrets here!
Victor speaks slowly and clearly.
Victor: Yegor Alexandrovich, we... robbed... a van... with ice cream...
Egor: What? ... Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh?!!! That's all, right? Heh! Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha!.. Ha!
Victor: We also ate seven tons of ice cream from a local factory, got sick, went to the hospital, but they didn’t admit us there and we caused a pogrom, but then the police came and forced us to build a house for women in labor. The best builder turned out to be Vladimir, whose record was: 60 houses for women in labor per hour. We were given a bonus of 50,000 yen and decided to celebrate. We bought a restaurant, called it “Sushi from Russia” and went bankrupt because we didn’t have a single customer the whole night. You were upset and climbed to the top of Fuji, where you found joy again. And then we stole the car of your boss, Tanaka-san, and came here to his house. Wow! That seems to be it!
The heroes stand with their mouths agape, and Victor silently smiles.
Victor: And you also don’t know that I don’t like juice or lemonade. I know how to drink, unlike you.
Egor's inner voice: Viktorchik-Viktorchik! You're wrong. You are extremely mistaken! I know more about all of you than I think.
Egor: And I know who brushed his teeth with my brush!
Evgeniy: What?
Egor: Ma-a-ah... I’m talking about my own things. Doesn't matter! A three-time execution awaits us, guys. Tanaka-san will never forgive the theft of his car.
Yegor's phone rings. The ringtone plays “55x55 – NOT A MUSICIAN’S MUSIC” (first 18 seconds). Egor tries to answer, but nothing works for him. He throws the phone and the music stops. Tanaka runs onto the stage in an inappropriate state with a phone to his ear.

Tanaka: Who?
Egor: You.
Tanaka: Me?
Egor: Yes.
Tanaka: What about you?
Egor: What?
Tanaka: Well, you!
Egor: What am I?
Tanaka: Well, who are you?
Egor: Yeah! Am I you? What about me?
Tanaka: You are me.
Egor: I think I agree.
Tanaka: Oh, you!..
Tanaka grabs Egor by the gate.
Tanaka: You made the stupidest mistake, Egor-san. The dumbest one. … YOU!
Egor: I am.
Tanaka: You! Stolen!
Egor: Stolen. Yes!
Tanaka: My...
Egor: Yours...
Tanaka: The car!
Egor: Stolen. A car, yes. Yours. Yes, yes!
Tanaka: So I have to go to the police on New Year's Eve. You're sitting with your friends in my apartment! With my car! Moreover, you are promoting children's alcoholism! Aren't you ashamed?
Egor's inner voice: Well, let's say I'm ashamed. But this is not my fault. And these guys who still haven’t said a toast.
Tanaka: And lastly... Egor-san, why didn’t you invite me to the table?
Egor quietly tugs at Vladimir. He whispers to him.
Egor: Vovan. Vovan. Shh!
Vladimir: Yeah, what?
Egor: Pour it!
Vladimir pours lemonade into the fifth mug. Egor makes Tanaka sit in his place. Egor gives his boss some candy, and he eats it.
Evgeniy: Egor, what kind of person is this?

Egor: This is not a guy, but my boss.
Victor: Ahh!
Vladimir: What a turn!
Evgeniy: So we stole his car.
Egor: Stop, my friends! So you want to tell me now that my boss and I will calmly drink lemonade?
Tanaka: Well, yes, but what? Today is a holiday, New Year! In this wonderful moment, everyone should be together.
Vladimir: Well, what, guys? Remember how in Russia, in the ninth grade, in school No. 31, there was a New Year, when everyone had fun, walked and rejoiced. But I remember how much we suffered in those days, grew up and became “smart.” (pause) Egor, I used a toothbrush!
Everyone clinks glasses.
Egor: Come on, Vovan, thank you. Happy New Year everyone. So, wait, what? But I knew! How did I know!
A postman runs onto the stage with a box. On the box there is the inscription “From Russia with love” and three bottles (any). The postman gives Yegor a piece of paper and a pen.
Postman: Sign, please.
Vladimir: Oh, hello, colleague. (extends his hand to shake hands, but the postman bows and runs away).
Egor looks into the box and pulls out one bottle.
Egor: Well, guys. Happy New Year?
Victor: With new happiness!
Vladimir: With a new brush! (hands Yegor a brush)
Evgeniy: Congratulations, damn it! Happy past!
Tanaka: (Improvises)
Evgeniy, Egor and Vladimir distribute soda from a box to each class. Then they stand in one line and hug each other by the shoulders.
Vladimir: There is a laxative in the soda!
Vladimir quickly runs away. The others look at each other and run after him.

Scenario for New Year 2013

"New Year's Journey of Santa Claus"

Target:nurturing spiritual and moral qualities and tolerance among students; leisure organization

DateDecember 27, 2012

Responsible: 9th grade students, class teacher


The last leaf is torn off,

The calendar was taken from the wall.

Congratulations have been waiting for a long time

January is just outside the door.

Leaves old year,

Its last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away,

And the worst cannot happen again.

May the New Year be generous,

Let him not skimp on happiness,

Let him light the stars on time,

May all your wishes come true.

1st reader:

Let the frost play more merrily

Let it freeze your cheeks.

Happy New Year,

Happy year of joy, happiness, love!

2nd reader:

Hours go by, days pass -

This is the law of nature.

And today we want you

Happy New Year!

3rd reader:

We wish you a Happy New Year

All the joys in the world,

Health for a hundred years ahead

For both you and your children.

4th reader:

May the New Year you celebrate

A happy year will come into your life.

And all the good things you dream of,

Let it come true and definitely come.

Music is playing, for example, the song “New Year’s” by the group “Disco Accident”. Snegurochka 1 and Snegurochka 2 appear on the stage.

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up?

Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Year is coming soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate the children on the holiday and give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: Why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? We are both granddaughters of Father Frost, both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I have to go. Why do we need such junk like you at a holiday?

Snow Maiden 1: Better look at yourself, you’ll also get me a present for the holiday! It would be better if there was snow.

Snow Maiden 2:Am I worse than snow? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase a gift like you, no matter how you draw it, you can’t turn it around with a bulldozer, you can’t ride it around on a crooked mare!

Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my eldest sister, Snow Maiden veteran! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come and he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!

Snow Maiden 1:Let's call him!

Shouting together:

Grandfather Frost, get up, it's time,

Children are waiting for gifts!

(A sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back.)

Father Frost: I slept for almost a whole year, although there was a lot to do. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate them on the holiday, give gifts. As always, the New Year is sweeping across the world, and every time the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation hands out tasks on where to go this year. I’ll tell you, my dear granddaughters, that this year I was given a difficult task, to congratulate... Why are you so gloomy, what happened, what happened?

Snow Maiden 1:Well, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!

Father Frost: Why? They have already given me gifts. Look - a whole bag!

(Puts the bag in a visible place).

Snow Maiden 2: The fact is, Grandfather, that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.

Snow Maiden 1:And you don’t take my centuries-old experience and experience into account at all? Just imagine, you come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children won’t even recognize you, they’ll be scared. But I am a completely different matter!

Father Frost:Granddaughters, don't quarrel!

(Snow Maiden 1 slowly takes the bag with gifts).

Snow Maiden 2: Well, of course, Grandfather! It's a shame. I waited a whole year, prepared congratulations for a whole month, dressed up...

Snow Maiden 1: I've been on a diet all day...

Snow Maiden 2:And you spent the whole day doing makeup, covering up wrinkles...

Snow Maiden 1:It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me... Yes, I...

(Chases her and tries to hit her with a bag. She runs away. As a result, Snow Maiden 1 hits Santa Claus on the head with the bag).

Snow Maiden 2: Oh! What have we done!

Father Frost: Stop arguing. In my opinion, something terribly irreparable happened. I'm afraid that no one will go to the holiday. And someone will be left without gifts this year.

Snow Maidens (together): Why?

Father Frost: At my age, it is very reckless to make sudden movements in the head area. And you, my kind granddaughters, my dear granddaughters (he speaks maliciously), hit her, so to speak, with a blunt object - a bag. And now, now (almost crying) I forgot where I was supposed to go, where the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation sent me for the holiday. Now everything is gone!

Snow Maidens (together): Horror!

Father Frost: I know it’s terrible! There is nothing more terrible than a holiday that doesn't exist.

Snow Maiden 1: We need to do something!

Snow Maiden 2: What can we do now?

Snow Maiden 1:Calm, just calm. My life experience suggests that if you lose something, you need to look for it.

Snow Maiden 2: Well, you're a head! That's right, let's get ready to go! Let's go and find our holiday!

Father Frost:I just have no idea which way to go! I forgot everything! I only remember that the place is so unusual, somehow exotic, not nearby, not far away, the name is so warm, warm, almost native.

Snow Maiden 2: If it’s warm and exotic, then it’s probably Africa!

Snow Maiden 1: What Africa! A distant and nearby place! But Africa is definitely far away. So I think that distant, nearby, warm and exotic is something like the Baltic states. Right?

Father Frost: Maybe let's go have a look.

Scene 1 - 7th grade dance “Lambada”.

Father Frost: The place is, of course, exotic, but somehow too much! And not that warm. Maybe look for something warmer?

(The song “For Four Seas” by the group “Brilliant” is played).

Father Frost:Phew, I'm tired, granddaughters!

Snow Maiden 1: Don’t worry, grandpa, we have already reached a very warm and exotic country.

Snow Maiden 2: There are palm trees and elephants here. Look, people are so cheerful, smart, all in colorful sheets!

Father Frost: Bah! Yes, this is India!

The skit for grades 2 - 9 shows the New Year in India.

Dress code consisting of a sari and bindi (Indian forehead decoration) for women and a turban for men; behind the stage there is an image of the Taj Mahal, bright fabrics in the interior, imitation precious stones, crystal figurines and... Elephants. It doesn’t matter big or small, it doesn’t matter what material they are made of, but they must be there. Indian dances and scenes from Indian films on television. Of course, Santa Claus must be Hindu, as well as his granddaughter, who will appear on this stage. Santa Claus in a turban and white outfit; and the Snow Maiden in a blue sari and with a bindi (colored dot in the center of the forehead).

Father Frost:Hello, my children. It’s me, your Grandfather Frost, I brought you gifts. What? Not similar, you say?

Snow Maiden: We are from India, and there, you know, the climate is different and the culture is special. And most importantly, animals, look how many elephants we have. Where is your snake?


Father Frost (looks around):A? What? Have you heard?

And then a man in a black suit and white turban comes out:

Serpent: I am the Serpent! Did you call me?

Father Frost:Who are you? I didn't mean a person.

Serpent: But I came here to fight for all the treasures that are in your bag.

Snow Maiden:You won't take them with you! My grandfather is so strong and smart that he will give a head start even to such a young and arrogant scoundrel like you!

Serpent:Haha. Stupid girl, and you are an old man, show me what you can do! Let's!

And then Santa Claus puts the bag on the floor and says:

Father Frost:I wouldn’t like to brag about my fighting techniques, but apparently I’ll have to thwart the plans of this insidious young man!

It is here that, like the hero of Indian cinema, Santa Claus fights with an evil character, over whom he ultimately wins! Therefore, both Santa Claus and the negative character must master several fighting techniques in order to show the guests an unforgettable show. After evil is defeated, the Snow Maiden says:

Snow Maiden: Well then! Let the holiday begin!

Dance "Jimmy-Jimmy".

Father Frost: This heat just started to melt my brain. I think they couldn’t send me to such a noisy place, it’s for young Santa Clauses. I have no idea where I had to go!

Snow Maiden 1: And I think I do. If the place is calm, balanced, with strict rules, centuries-old traditions, then we are heading to the United Kingdom, to Great Britain.

Sketch 3rd – 6th grade performs the song “ Jingle Bells ».

Father Frost:Oh, and it's good in the UK! And the porridge is delicious, just right for me, an old man. And how romantic it sounds: “Oatmeal, sir!”

Snow Maiden 1: How exotic this is! I have not tolerated this scumbag since childhood. That's the thing with all kinds of seafood: mussels, squid, crabs and sushi with them.

Snow Maiden 2: And pick at it with chopsticks.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, at least with chopsticks. But you know how interesting it is. After all, the main thing in eating is the process, the ceremony, as in Japan.

Father Frost: And maybe we’ll really rush to Japan.

Japanese music is playing.

Leading: Winter has come to the Japanese islands. Snowflakes began to swirl, covering the ground with a white fluffy carpet, and all ordinary Japanese began to expect the arrival of the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the Japanese decorate their home. Pine branches and colored paper are hung on bamboo sticks.

The 4th - 5th grade skit shows the New Year in Japan.

Several people depict a house, two people represent Japanese people in kimonos who “decorate” the “house.”

First Japanese: Akutagawa, Kadamatsu! Kadamatsu!

Presenter (translates): Masha, let's decorate our house with pine - it's a symbol of longevity and strength!

Second Japanese: Aha, aha! Take, take, Yamamoto! Harakiri, samurai!

Presenter (translates): Of course, Vanya, come on! And we also need to decorate with bamboo, it will help us become hardy next year, add strength and help us resist the blows of fate.

Japanese (together):Ikebana, banzai!

Two guests enter. On skis, also dressed in a kimono.

Guests (together): Akutagawa, Yamomoto, ryunesuke!

Presenter (translates): Masha, Vanya, hello!

Japanese (together): Runesuke, yakuza! Kimono!

Presenter (translates): Hello friends! Take off your clothes.

First Japanese: Takeshi Kitano! Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki!

Presenter (translates): Since everyone is ready for the start of the holiday, we need to call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Japanese and guests (shouting together): Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki!

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden enter. They are also in kimonos.

Moroki's grandfathers: Banzai, Pokemon!

Presenter (translates): Hello children! How long have I not seen you! How well you decorated your house and prepared for the New Year!

Snowmen: Sensei, ding!

Presenter (translates): It's time to get the bell, each blow of which drives away one of the evils.

He takes out the bell. Every time she hits it, the host translates.

Leading: Ring!

Snow Maiden 1: What a country! Not a country, but pure exoticism! Everything is so amazing and extraordinary!

Snow Maiden 2:What's the point, they weren't expecting us there anyway.

Father Frost:You, granddaughters, do as you wish, but I’m already tired. It’s hard for me, an old man, to run around the world, looking for someone to congratulate on the holiday. There's nothing you can do, you'll have to return home with nothing.

Snow Maiden 1: This means that this year someone will still be left without a holiday, congratulations, or a gift. But there's nothing you can do, you have to go home.

Snow Maiden 2: Or maybe we'll stop by somewhere else on the way home? For example, I know a riddle about one country, which we will just have a look at on the way. Listen:

Everything that is worn to holes

Forks, spoons and glasses,

Chairs, bedside tables, sofas,

It flies down towards you in... (Italy).

And here Italy is visible!

The skit for grades 5 - 8 shows the New Year in Italy.

An Italian melody sounds. The presenters come on stage with a saucepan on their head.

Presenter 1. Where are we?

Presenter 2. Don't you see it yourself?

Presenter 1. I don't see it.

Presenter 2.Really. What's wrong with your head? (Takes the pan off him.)

Presenter 1. I see you!

Presenter 2. Likewise! (Puts the pan on his head again.)

Presenter 1(starts to rummage with his hands). How quickly it got dark... Chief... Chief...(At this time, Babbo Natalle appears on stage. Presenter 1 bumps into him.) No, it's not the Chief... (Removes the pan).

Babbo Natalle.Bon gerno, senors! What brought you to Italy at this time?

Presenter 2.Let me introduce myself. Chief

Babbo Natalle.Very nice. Babbo Natalle.

Presenter 1.My grandmother's name is also Natalia.

Presenter 2. Likewise.

Babbo Natalle.I'm not a grandmother, I'm an Italian Santa Claus. And I must warn you that in Italy on New Year’s it is dangerous to walk around the city, since, according to our custom, you need to throw old things out of the windows in order to buy new ones next year.

Presenter 1 (looking at the pan).Now everything is clear to me.

Presenter 2.Likewise! ( They leave the stage).

Two guest participants act as an Italian and a translator, who come out to the song “Uno-uno-uno-momento.” The Italian pronounces a phrase, the translator translates.

Respectatos puzatos mafia!

Dear Sirs!

Bella di bitch spender!

Beautiful ladies!

Drunk parasite nationale!

Dear Guests!

Bandito canagiento macaroni

Warm hearts of the people of Italy

Oggiganto e collectedo caballero del uno unexpected comediclabde!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Veselianto collectedto begging sacramente del obozhantos

We sincerely wish everyone

Del crepciano gradusate normate,


Le Fortuno unexpectedly comes to the house,


Any unnecessary junk,

The house is a full cup,

Umma mano, saving the coin in the bankotresto, not counting the money in the pocket!


Translator:We welcome everyone to Italy, where, according to legend, on New Year's Eve the good Fairy Befana flies on a magic broom. She opens the doors with a small golden key and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills the children's stockings, specially hung by the fireplace, with gifts. In Italy there is a belief that we should start the New Year by freeing ourselves from everything old. Therefore, in New Year's Eve It is customary to throw old things out of windows. It's dangerous to walk the streets of Italy on New Year's Eve!

At the end of the speech, Santa Claus must be hit on the head.

Father Frost: Oh, Mama Mia, Santa Lucia, presto contabele, legato, stocatto!

Snow Maiden 1:Grandfather, do you know Italian?

Father Frost: Si, bella donna!

Snow Maiden 2:Grandfather, do you still remember the Russian language?

Father Frost: Oh, oh-oh-oh! It seems that the second blow to my poor head also did not go unnoticed. I seem to remember who to congratulate and where to go!

Snow Maidens (in unison): Can't be!

Father Frost: The place is so unusual, exotic, not nearby, nearby, the name is so warm, warm, almost native - this is a school from. Udelno-Duvanei!

Snow Maidens (together): We invite everyone

In a friendly round dance,

Have fun

New Year is with you!

Children lead a round dance around the Christmas tree to the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”

Snow Maiden 1:Well, who will you take with you to the holiday: her or me?

Father Frost: This is a common cause! And then, we have been together since first grade, and we are also responsible for everything we do together.

Snow Maiden 1: Okay, grandpa, we agree.

Snow Maiden 2: We won't let you down. After all, we are one family!

Father Frost:My dear guys! I congratulate you on the New Year, in which one of you will graduate from school and, I hope, will successfully enter college.

Snow Maidens (in unison): We wish it to come true!

Father Frost: In order for this dream of yours to come true, you need to be healthy, hardworking, and resilient!

Snow Maidens (in unison): We wish it to come true!

Father Frost: Well, let those who are still in the 10th grade also back up their successes with excellent grades and good mood!

Snow Maidens (in unison): We wish it to come true!

9th grade performs the song of the group Blestyashchiye “New Year’s”.

Snow Maiden 1:What are we worth? Who are we waiting for?

Snow Maiden 2: Happy New Year! (Claps the cracker).

Father Frost: I completely forgot about the gifts, here they are! What's in the bag, I wonder? Some kind of discs, cassettes, DJ? What would that mean?

Snow Maiden 1: This means that our gift is a New Year's disco!

Father Frost: DJ, DJ, let's call him together, guys.

(Everyone shouts along with the guys. The DJ comes out).

Here you have, young man, discs and cassettes for the disco, I hope that everyone will be satisfied with the music.

Snow Maiden 2: Everyone dances!

Competitions during the disco


(small prizes, such as candy, are awarded for correct answers).

Where do Siberian cats come from? (From South Asia)

It begins with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (Voronezh)

Who has the longest tongue? (At the anteater)

Santa Claus's informer. (Staff)

Object artistic creativity Santa Claus? (Window)

Nickname of Santa Claus? (Frost-Red Nose)

Supposed historical name of Santa Claus? (Nikolai)

Guess the proverb

The presenter reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and offers to name it.

They don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give... (Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.)

You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live forever and learn!)

If you start something, bring it to the end, even if it’s difficult! (Took hold of the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty!)

Trouble and disaster usually happen where something is unreliable and fragile. (Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks.)

How you treat others is how you will be treated. (As it comes back, so will it respond.)

Don't take on unfamiliar tasks. (If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water.)

What is this?

The same thing, but with animals.

“Repetition is the mother of learning!” - parrot

"Keep your pocket wider!" - kangaroo

“Tears won’t help your grief!” - crocodile

"There is safety in numbers!" - locust

"Keeping pace" - caterpillar

Competition 1.

(props: paper balls).

The students are tied in twos, one by the left, the other by the right arm and leg, one is blindfolded and given a basket in his free hand. The tied pairs must use their free hand to collect the mice scattered around the hall. The faster and more productive pair wins.

Competition 2 – dance

It is based on the usual competition with a missing chair. At the beginning, 10 volunteers (girls) are selected, and 9 boys stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle. Teenagers dance to modern rhythms; when the music stops, the girls must grab the boys. Each time one girl leaves and takes any boy with her. The most dexterous one wins and the prize goes to the best dancer.

Competition 3. "Theatrical"

Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:

woman with heavy bags;

a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;

sentry guarding the food warehouse;

a baby who has just learned to walk;

Alla Pugacheva performing a song.

Competition 4. "Field of Miracles"

The presenter reads the question and names the number of letters in the word. For each word guessed, players receive a prize (a small answer symbol).

First and last name of an elderly man. Ladies' man, dressed in Winter-2letter fashion). Answer: Santa Claus.

A dairy product that maintains winter temperature, but is more often consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.

A tree whose absence of leaves indicates its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: Christmas tree.

A fashion model with a brown braid, always participating in winter holidays. Always appears accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.

Placement long-awaited joy for people who have survived until winter. It has always been a symbol located under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.

A liquid that is taken internally during great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.


1. http://www. *****

2. http://ny. *****

3. http://*****

4. http://sneguroschka. *****

5. http://www. *****

6. http://www. *****

7. answer *****

8. prazd. info

9. *****

10. *****

Greeting card from Japan

Japanese music is playing. The Japanese come out and dance.

Leading:Winter has come to the Japanese islands. Snowflakes began to swirl, covering the ground with a white fluffy carpet, and all ordinary Japanese began to await the arrival of the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the Japanese decorate their home.

(Pine branches and colored paper are hung on bamboo sticks.)

First Japanese:Akutagawa, Kadamatsu! Kadamatsu!

Presenter (translates): Masha, let's decorate our house with pine - it's a symbol of longevity and strength!

Second Japanese: Aha, agi! Take, take, Yamamoto! Harakiri, samurai!

Presenter (translates): Of course, Vanya, come on! And we also need to decorate with bamboo, it will help us become hardy next year, add strength and help us resist the blows of fate.

They bow. Japanese (together): Ikebana, banzai!

Leading:Christmas tree, light up!

Guests enter.

1 guest:Yamamoto, kanichuwa! (bow to the first Japanese)

2nd guestAkutagawa, ryunesuke! (bow to the second Japanese)

Presenter (translates): Masha, Vanya, hello!

Japanese (bow to guests, together)

Kanichuwa, yakuza! Runesuke, Kimono! (gestures for them to undress and pass)

Presenter (translates): Hello friends! Take off your clothes and come in!

Guests and hosts sit around the “Christmas tree” - sakura. They bow.

3rd guest: Kusudama! (Hangs up Kusudamuna sakura and everyone bows)

Japanese (together):Ikebana, banzai! -2 times

Leading:Christmas tree, light up!

First Japanese:Takeshi Kitano! Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki!

Presenter (translates): Since everyone is ready for the start of the holiday, we need to call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Japanese and guests (shouting together): Grandfathers Moroki and Sneguraki! – 2 times

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden enter.

Moroki's grandfathers:Banzai, Pokemon!

Presenter (translates): Hello children! How long have I not seen you! How well you decorated your house and prepared for the New Year!

The Japanese and guests bow to Deduc Moroki and Sneguraki.

Snowmen (addressing Grandfather Frost): Sensei, ding!

Presenter (translates): Grandfather Frost, it's time to get the bell, each blow of which drives away some evil.

(Santa Claus takes out the bell and hands it to the Snow Maiden.)

The Snow Maiden rings the bell. Every time she hits it, everyone bows, and the leader translates.

Leading:Ring! Hatred!

Leading: Ring! Enmity!

Leading: Ring! Deception!

Leading:Ring! Betrayal!

Leading:Ring! Bad scenes!

Leading:What a country! Not a country, but pure exoticism! And what amazing songs they sing!

Snow Maiden: Sensei, music!

Song "A Million Scarlet Roses" in Japanese

Use of site materials is possible only if there is an active link to

New Year - the biggest holiday for all countries and peoples. This is a holiday that allows you to let downthe results of the past year, remember what happened over the past year, rejoice at the happy events and, conversely, sadly remember and see off those who were lost, leave unfulfilled plans in the past and tune in to the new year, in which everything will definitely come true. This is a holiday of new aspirations and hopes, and many peoples have a tradition of making wishes for the New Year, which simply must come true!

In distant Japan, New Year is also one of the main holidays, the celebration of which has preserved ancient traditions, which after the Second World War were layered with elements of Western culture. Japan celebrates the New Year along with the whole world on January 1, but until 1873, the Japanese New Year was celebrated in Chinese lunar calendar and did not have an exact date. The first day of the new year was “floating” and fell at the beginning of spring.

New Year is public holiday As a rule, the New Year holidays fall from December 29 to January 3 and most institutions in the country do not work during this time.

But for example, for Japanese mail, January 1 is the most important and busy day of the year,

because it is on this day that postal workers will have to deliver New Year's greeting cards to all citizens, which the Japanese traditionally send to their relatives and friends. The number of cards sent with congratulations, wishes of good luck and health in the new year is simply mind-boggling. On average, each Japanese person receives up to 40 postcards, and more than 127 million people live in Japan.

New Year in Japan is considered more of a religious holiday and, as a rule, there are no feasts, but The New Year in Japan is preceded by. Christmas, unlike the New Year, although it is not a public holiday, is nevertheless celebrated by the residents of Japan on a larger scale and more fun.

In pre-war times, the New Year in Japan was celebrated throughout January; after a while, the New Year began to be celebrated only in the first week of January. matsu-no-uchi, Now New Year is celebrated for three days.

They prepare for this holiday long ago and already at the beginning of December, tall and festively decorated Christmas trees appear on city streets, squares and supermarkets. It is forbidden to cut down living Christmas trees, so only artificial ones can be found everywhere. An indispensable attribute is Santa Claus and cheerful New Year's melodies. Additional stalls appear that sell Christmas and Christmas items; postcards depict images of the coming year, such as a horse and a horseshoe. There are also many holiday fairs and sales,

Just like everyone else, before the New Year, every housewife in Japan is immersed in worries and troubles. It is necessary to clean up the house, buy gifts for family and friends, and be sure to dress up the symbol of the New Year - kadomatsu.

Kadomatsu is Japanese christmas decoration, which is located both in front of the house and inside the home. Previously, it was a pine tree, a symbol of longevity, but now kadomatsu consists of three obligatory parts, this is bamboo, its presence in the composition speaks of the wish that the children in the family grow up quickly like bamboo, the presence of a plum carries the wish of strong helpers for parents, and the pine tree wishes longevity to the whole family. All this is tied with a straw rope, definitely this year. According to legend, the New Year's deity lives in Kadomatsu, this is his temporary sanctuary.

Trees for kadomatsu (where real trees are used) are cut down on the lucky day of December 13th, and the kadomatsu is removed on January 4th, 7th or 14th.

If a kadomatsu (literally “pine tree at the entrance”) is placed in front of the house, then they must be placed in pairs, and between them hang a rope woven from straw, which acts as a talisman.

work katorisi

Since New Year is a religious holiday for the Japanese, many reserve their places in Buddhist and Shinto temples in advance; entrance to such temples can be free, or it can cost a lot of money.

If we are used to celebrating the New Year with the chimes ringing, then the Japanese celebrate the New Year with the ringing of bells, which immediately begin to ring throughout Japan and this ringing is heard in every corner of the country. The ringing of the bells will be marked by 108 strikes - with each strike the bells go away human vices and the person, purified and renewed, enters the new year. Temples invite Japanese people to take part in this action.

December 31st in Japan is called oomi juice, these are the final preparations for the New Year, this means that all work must be completed this year, on this day everyone pays off their debts, if they left them at the end of the year, clean their homes and cook holiday dishes, everything should be completed this passing year.

Since all Japanese equally attend both Shinto and New Year celebrations, the New Year celebration is clearly divided into two parts. This is a celebration last day of the passing year, everything that is connected with death, and the passing old year also refers to this number, relates to Buddhism, and therefore it is to Buddhist temples that richly dressed Japanese go to pray and give thanks for all the good that happened in the passing year and to the ringing of 108 strokes of the bell, cleanse yourself of all sins.

I present to your attention detailed Japanese party script which my friend and I held for our guests. Japanese granddaughter was dedicated on March 8, but you can easily remake the script for any occasion, be it a friends party, a birthday, or even an unusual wedding.

Japanese Party: Gathering of Guests

Invite guests to introduce themselves or introduce them yourself, diluting the names with vowels and redoing them in the Japanese style. Replace the letter “l” with “r”. TO female names add endings: -i, -ko, -mi, -yo, -e, -ki, -ra, -na, -ri, -ka. And after the name add the respectful title “san”. For example, Anna - Annako-san, Ira - Iri or Iriko-san, Natasha - Natami-san, etc.

TO male names add endings: -o, -hiko, -go, -ru, -ro, -si, -ke, -zu, -ki, -ya, -ti, -mu, -hey, -to, -ta, -bu , -n, -sa, -iti, -give. After the name we add the title “san”. For example, Maxim - Makishimo-san, Vitaly - Vitarizu-san, Dima - Dimaru-san, etc. Such appeals will sound interesting and funny. You could even make name tags to place next to each guest's plate, or name tags to be pinned to the clothing of everyone entering the party. We prepared name badges, remade in the Japanese style.

Musical background used modern Japanese compositions: AAA group, Ai Otsuka, Utada Hikaru, Meiko Kaji and others. At the same time we got acquainted with modern Japanese music, it was very interesting.

When the guests had gathered and sat down, Japanese party has begun.


There were two presenters: me, Vikatori-san, and my friend Aniko-san.

IN.: Konichiwa!

A: Hello!

IN: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Noble samurai, charming Japanese women...

A: Thank you for coming to our Japanese garden to spend this romantic evening together. Let me introduce you (and introduce you to each other)


IN: Aniko-san

We're having a Japanese party., therefore, we will now call everything accordingly, that is, in Japanese.

Aniko-san, is this what the Japanese call the city of San Francisco?

A: Well, Francisco-san, of course!

IN: This is how we will help our guests transform and we will call them exclusively in Japanese!

(We hand over name badges)

Competition "Japanese Proverbs"

IN: By the way, Aniko-san, do you know that a new dish called USSR is becoming increasingly popular in Japan? As it turned out, this is 1/6 of the land.

A: Many of you are familiar with Japanese cuisine, and some of you will try exotic dishes for the first time. That's why we provide you with a choice of cutlery - chopsticks for amateurs and forks for professionals! And in order for us to start our little feast, we will hold the next competition.

IN: The Japanese are great aesthetes when it comes to food. And Japanese proverbs are as beautiful as Japanese dishes. And to get the desired device you need to find an analogue to the famous Japanese proverbs.

(we read proverbs and give the one who correctly finds the analog a choice of sticks or forks)

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

You can't catch a horsefly and a bee at the same time.“If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.”

If you fall in love, then you will forget about ugliness.- Love is evil, you will love a goat. Love is blind.

Negotiate the price for an uncaught badger.- Share the skin of an unkilled bear.

While we are alive we don’t appreciate it, but when we die we regret it.“We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry.”

It was as if a bird suddenly flew out from under my feet.- Like a bolt from the blue.

Fifty today is better than a hundred tomorrow.- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

A silent bug gnaws at the wall.- There are devils in still waters.

Fear creates black devils. - Fear has big eyes.

Bitten by a snake, afraid of rotten rope.- Having been burned by milk, they blow on the water.

The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of Buddha. — Money opens all doors.

He who does not know is as happy as Buddha.– The less you know, the better you sleep.

Then - even fields, even mountains. - After us there might be a flood.

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den.. – If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

And you will wait for good weather for a sea voyage. “And there will be a holiday on our street.”

A falling drop breaks through a stone.- Water wears away stones.

If you are poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison.- They knock out a wedge with a wedge.

A: Now let's raise our sakazuki(we take glasses in our hands), let's drink to love and beautiful ladies! Kanpai!

IN: And now bon appetit - itadakimas!

White Day in Japan

A: In Japan, by the way, there is a holiday similar to the one we are used to on March 8, when men give women gifts and congratulate them. This holiday is celebrated on March 14th and is called White Day. White Day- This is a continuation of St. Valentine's Day, which was proposed for celebration by confectionery companies so that the ladies would not be offended. After all, on Valentine's Day, only women congratulate men.

IN: During these two holidays, more than half of the annual chocolate turnover in Japan is sold. There are two types of gifts on Valentine's Day and White day: giri-choko and honmei-choko. The Japanese would not be Japanese if they had not added something of their own to a foreign custom. So it turns out that every year many women buy tons of chocolate on Valentine's Day to give it to their father, brother, work colleague, boss, neighbor, etc. only because “it’s necessary”, “it’s customary” and in general they are obliged to do so, because it’s weights. Honmei-choco is intended for those who are truly dear to the donor and, as a rule, they try to make it themselves.

A: On White Day, the triple return rule applies, according to which the value of a White Day gift must be two to three times the value of the corresponding Valentine's Day gift.

IN: And following the Japanese tradition, we first invite the girls to make their men sweet gift practically with your own hands to encourage them to return the gift.

Competition with fishing rods

Props: bamboo sticks, candy, tray. We take out a tray of candies and give the girls fishing rods with a rope attached to them and a hook at the end. Sweets with loops tied to them are laid out on trays at a decent distance from the participants. Using a long fishing rod, holding it by the edge, you need to hook the candy. We give it one minute. Who will collect more sweets as a gift for your loved one?

Origami (hearts)

A: Dear ladies, did you congratulate your men over the past holidays? And you, gentlemen, have you prepared gifts for your loved ones? If not, remember that best gift for them it is your heart.

IN: And how to quickly and easily give your heart to your beloved or loved one - we will now show and teach you!

We give all the guests a square of red colored paper and show them step by step how to make a heart out of paper. Download the diagram online.

Guessing haiku on a children's theme

IN: The ancient tradition of versification in Japan, passed down from generation to generation, has developed its own rules and manners of writing. Haiku, Japanese poetry, combines minimalism and contemplative immersion in the subject. This is high art, which we will also touch upon tonight. We will unravel the deep meaning of each haiku. The most insightful of you will receive prizes!

IN: Aniko-san - explain the deep meaning of this haiku and translate it into Russian:

Tanya-chan lost her face -

Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.

Pull yourself together, daughter of a samurai.

A:(Our Tanya is crying loudly and dropped a ball into the river)

IN: Arigato, Aniko-san!

So let's get started! We read haiku, you explain!

1. We lived with an old woman

Two puffer fish.

One is white, the other is gray - two cheerful fish.

(Grandma lived with 2 funny geese)

2. The son of a gray goat lived with an old woman.

He went into the bamboo grove to graze.

Everything in this world is changeable, only the horns and legs are eternal.

(Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother)

3. Came out of the fog

Moon with the face of a samurai.

He drew his sword from his kimono pocket.

(The hedgehog came out of the fog and took a knife out of his pocket)

4. Brothers Enike and Benike

We enjoyed sushi.

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t drink sake.

(Eniki Beniki ate dumplings)

5. Old woman

Sowing rice on the slope of Fuji.

(Baba was sowing peas and said loudly Oh)

6. The cat died.

The fur on the tail is not the same.

Keep quiet or taste it.

(The cat is dead, its tail is peeling off, whoever says a word will eat it)

7. A greedy person is like beef meat,

To the ram of distant Turkey,

Salted cucumber fruit.

(Greedy beef – pickled cucumber)

8. Happy rice traders are dancing on one leg -

Fooled a stupid man

For four nunchucks.

(They fooled a fool with 4 fists)

9. The son of the bull moves with an uneven gait.

Take a deep breath - the tatami ends,

Falling is inevitable.

(The bull walks and sways)

10. Take a close look at the grass -

There sat a green grasshopper that looked like a cucumber fruit.

Oh yes frog.

(A grasshopper was sitting in the grass)

11. It, ni, san, si, go - a carefree walking hare.

Got hit by hunting nunchucks.

Slap-slap, oh-oh-oh.

(One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk)

12. Geisha ice cream, sakura for children...

Inattentive man

From Basho Street.

(That’s how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street)

13. Playful summer fly

Sat down on sakura jam.

That's the end of haiku.

(a fly landed on the jam, that’s the whole poem)

Prizes – candy and chopsticks

Sakura Competition

A: On White Day, a month after Valentine's Day, young people pamper their girlfriends and show them reciprocal signs of attention.

IN: Therefore, we invite men to reciprocate the gesture right now and shower their loved ones with sakura petals.

A: But in order to give our competition a real samurai spirit, we decided to hold it in the best traditions of Sumo wrestlers. (we say this after the men have left). But what is sumo without uniforms - a special “mawashi” belt?

We invite three men and attach inflated balloons to their bellies with tape.

Q: Your task is to collect sakura petals from the floor so that the “belly” does not burst. Whoever collects the most petals and remains safe and sound will receive a prize.

We pour a mountain of pink petals on the floor and give each participant a basket.

The prize is wind music.

Presentation of the nominees for the competition for girls “Miss Sakura in Bloom”

IN: What the women's holiday without a competition of femininity, beauty, charm and Japanese style? Cherry blossoms are considered the standard of Japanese beauty and grace, so we will choose Miss Cherry Blossoms from our guests!

A: We conducted a secret survey of our guests, who nominated several nominees for this title. Greetings!

A: Iriko-san! Please go out and take a lap of honor.

Dance with fans

A: We were visited by a charming geisha, who will now show us her art of dancing. Meet Mariko-san!

My sister Maria, wearing a kimono and carrying two fans, performed this dance wonderfully.

Competition "Russian-Japanese Translator"

IN: Aniko-san, after all, everything is romantic in Japan: geisha, sake, hara-kiri...

A: Yes, not what we have: women, vodka, stabbings...

IN: And you are well versed in Japanese words, just like a Russian-Japanese translator.

A: I think among our guests there are many best translators. Let's invite them to participate in the competition.

We select three participants.

A: I call Russian word, and you must remember the corresponding Japanese. It may not be a completely accurate analogue, but it is appropriate in meaning.

IN: Humor is welcome. The most active and resourceful “Japanese scholar” is given the title “Russian-Japanese translator” and awarded a prize.

Aniko-san names the words, I count who has how many correct answers.

Examples of words and analogues:

Singing to a backing track - karaoke

Sacred Mountain - Fuji

Raw fish - sushi

Hitman - ninja

Sword - katana

Lover - geisha

Paper plastic - origami

Suicide - kamikaze

Suicide is hara-kiri

Fate is karma

Robe - kimono

Vodka – sake

Hooray! - Banzai!

Letter - hieroglyph

Fat Man - Sumo Wrestler

Pet – Tamagotchi

Warrior - samurai

Vanka-Vstanka – Daruma

Rhyme - haiku

Cartoon - anime

Bouquet – ikebana

Mat - tatami

Crossword – Sudoku

Mustard – wasabi

Soy cheese - tofu

Wrestling – karate, aikido, judo

Military leader - shogun

Comics - manga

Funny haiku again

IN: And again poetry. This time it's a haiku reading competition. After all, reading beautifully can be just as difficult as composing.

We distribute leaflets with funny haiku to the guests in advance and now invite them to read the works, calling them by their Japanese names.

1. Die for the great Nippon

I'll leave my wife only debts

Yes, three Tamagotchis, a little less...

2. My plane is buzzing,

It's hard for my plane.

Hurry up to Pearl Harbor.

IN: Orego-san!

1. Three samyrayas in the winter wind

Sake is drunk cold

It would be better if we took port wine...

2. The samurai blade is like a ray -

And he became blunt

Damn sprat in tomato!!

3. What about you, neighbor Isyjima

Do you grab your sword right away?

Let's fight in Nintendo...

A:*** - san!

1. Sakura white branch

She lay down quietly on the ground.

I'm happy with the new saw.

2. From Monday

I'll start a new life -

I will change my avatar on VKontakte.

3. Everyone in the village has a haiku

Learned to compose

The rice harvest was lost...

Funny haiku about love and family

Read our nominees for the title “Miss Sakura Blossoms”

1. I was waiting for the prince
Didn't come. Slush, rain...
Is your horse sick?

2. In the land of the rising sun, the cherry blossoms have already faded,
Not a hieroglyph from you,
Lest the ginger root dry out.

3. I only like one thing about him.
But I need to get married
Go out entirely.

4. Your answer shakes
Flowers on my ears...
Ikebana is sad.

5. With a sweetheart, heaven in a hut.
To strengthen your will -
I'm going there too!

6. Dew drops
fly from your lips,
Please keep your voice down.

7. I don’t need a star from the sky!
I just ask you -
Change the light bulb in the chandelier already.

8. Great is the talent of a samurai’s wife -
With a single blow of the rolling pin she gives her husband
Bright stars in the night...

9. The samurai sword is all sticky...
The little son smears with a sword
Jam for bread.

Japanese calligraphy

IN: The Japanese love to give each other exquisite cards with congratulations and wishes of happiness, love, and good luck.

A: We also invite you to create your own now greeting card and put a special meaning into it.

We invite all men to come up to the table and draw a hieroglyph with a gouache brush on a sheet of paper. In front of the participants we place leaves with printed hieroglyphs denoting “happiness,” “love,” and joy. Each participant chooses a hieroglyph with which he would like to congratulate his other half and draws the hieroglyph. Whose hieroglyph turns out to be more beautiful and neat, that participant becomes the winner, and his wish will certainly come true.

Details: Table, paper, brushes, black and red gouache, examples of hieroglyphs, 1 prize.

Another poetic moment

Walk through the rock garden

I wandered into a rock garden,

I didn’t find any -

Someone took it away.

Stone from the top of Fuji

I dropped it on my leg.

He shouted for a long time.

Sakura handful of petals

I insisted on sake.

Easy to drink...

Garden of watching stones,

I thought about eternity.

Game "Japanese impromptu theater"

The presenters read the text expressively. The actors, when mentioning their hero, pronounce a line and reproduce this or that movement in accordance with the text. There are seven actors and one presenter.

A: Ladies and gentlemen! We present to your attention the production of the legendary Kabuki Theater “The Last Samurai”. Roles performed by: (roles are printed out for everyone)

Heroes and lines:

Sakura(pleadingly): “TokasE is not ikebana!” (which translates to: “just don’t make an ikebana out of me!”).

Sparrow (proudly): “Japanese bird!”

Horses (two people) (sad):"We're pretty bad."

Grass(provocatively):“Tickle something!”

Samurai (two people) (menacingly): "Banzai!"


IN: Beautiful SAKURA grew in the endless Japanese steppe. SAKURA branches swayed. A small SPARROW was sitting in the branches of SAKURA. Two purebred Japanese HORSE horses were grazing nearby. And beneath them the lush Japanese GRASS grew and stretched. Oh, how it extended! The stallions energetically and very greedily plucked the GRASS. At the same time, the GRASS tenderly tickled the bellies of the stallions. THE ROOMS neighed contentedly.

A: Two Japanese SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba appeared in the steppe. SAMURAI Tamagotchi was a sumo wrestler, and Samurai Toshiba was a karateka. What a Tamagotchi sumo wrestler! What a karateka Toshiba is!

The two SAMURAI hated each other and were constantly bullying. And now they were making faces and teasing each other. SPARROW, looking at this, laughed and chirped. The SAMURAI threatened the SPARROW, and it flew away from SAKURA.

IN: SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba saw ROOMS. The SAMURAI wanted to ride the HORSE and made an attempt to do so. And another try, and another. Not immediately, but the SAMURAI managed and saddled the obstinate HORSE. The stallions impatiently beat their hooves and neighed displeasedly. The SAMURAI fidgeted nervously on their horses, wanting to fight the enemy.

A: They went their separate ways to different parties and, taking off from their place, rushed towards each other. Tamagotchi hit Toshiba and he fell from his MOUNT. While falling, Toshiba bit the Tamagotchi. Now SAMURAI Tamagotchi has fallen from his MOUNT. The defeated SAMURAI lay on the GRASS. The beautiful SAKURA towered above them, bowing its branches sadly. A SPARROW flew past, looked at the lying SAMURAI and fell to the ground. SAKURA was left alone. Suddenly thunder roared and lightning struck SAKURA. She fell noisily.

IN: Epilogue. In the endless Japanese steppe, a broken, crooked SAKURA grew. A plucked SPARROW was sitting on it. Under the tree lay the GRASS, crumpled and limp. SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba were lying in the GRASS and hugging each other. THE HORSE HORSES nibbled the GRASS and neighed joyfully. Peace reigned in the endless Japanese steppe.

Cinema "Irony of Fate in Japanese".

We show guests an 8-minute film parody from Big Difference “The Irony of Fate in Japanese”

The Japanese party ends with the announcement of the results of the Miss Cherry Blossoms contest.

And now there is a disco and mass fun.