How to give brown hair a darker shade. How to give your hair a beautiful shade using natural products

It is worth noting that many girls think how to dye your hair without dye after all, it contains many components that negatively affect the hair follicle, even if they do not contain such a harmful component as ammonia. Those girls who want their hair to always be beautiful and healthy are recommended to use simple tips and dye their hair without using special dyes. More details below.

What's the secret?

How to dye your hair without dye and become attractive and beautiful? Unfortunately, not many people know how to give their hair color without the help of conventional dyes. stunning color. Fortunately, a woman is able to choose the best option for herself and achieve the desired effect. You can easily prepare the dye yourself, because it only requires decoctions containing plants and herbs. Thanks to such dyes the hair will only become stronger, will become shiny and beautiful.

But, despite the many advantages, there is one main drawback- hair color doesn’t change much and the paint washes off quickly, especially if you wash your hair frequently. But if you look a little deeper, it turns out that all this can even become an advantage.

Using similar herbal combinations, hair getting better, getting stronger, and if you didn’t get the color right, you can easily get rid of it by washing your hair frequently and choose another, more optimal result.

If you are a charming owner of blond hair, then dyeing it with dyes of natural origin is a pleasure, because it opens up space for imagination and you can get many completely different shades!

For example, for golden color you need to take about 150 grams dried chamomile flowers and add 500 milliliters of boiling water, leave the resulting decoction to infuse for fifteen minutes, then heat over the fire and boil, strain well. What you get must be applied to your hair and left until the mixture is completely dry. Rinse with warm running water, do not use shampoo.

To receive yellow with a straw tint is necessary stock up on rhubarb root. Take the dry product, previously crushed, add water and put on fire for 20 minutes. Rub the broth thoroughly into your hair.

Miracle dye for red hair

Red hair using natural herbal ingredients will become even brighter and stronger. To obtain a rich golden hue, you will need onion peels at the rate of 200 grams per liter of hot water. Infuse the resulting composition in a water bath for twenty minutes. After this, the dye should be filtered through cheesecloth and applied to clean hair.

Orange-red tint can be obtained thanks to onion peels, which must first be well boiled in water. You need to take 50 grams of husk, add one glass of water to it and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. Then take gauze and strain the broth and thoroughly rub it into your hair along its entire length.

How to dye dark hair with herbal infusions

Unfortunately, dark hair They don’t allow you to use a lot of dyes, but despite this, you can still make their color richer if you use the tips below.

In order to brown has become even busier, need to stock up lime color. You need to take about five tablespoons of finely chopped linden and add two glasses of water to this mixture. Place the saucepan with the broth on the fire and simmer until most of the water has evaporated. Cool the broth and rub it well into your hair.

Reach rich chestnut color the same linden will help, only in the composition with oak bark and nettle. Take one glass of the above plants, previously crushed, add water to it all and put it on low heat so that it boils for sixty minutes.

Ultimately a very rich dye is formed, which will help you answer the question of how to dye your hair without dye and give it a stunning chestnut shade!

Becoming a redhead is not as easy as it seems. How to find the perfect hair dye? Even experienced hairdressers believe that it is difficult to get the desired shade right away. Some ladies prefer not to resort to radical measures, using aggressive chemicals, “getting” ideal red hair at home.

Secrets from redheads

Of course, natural dyes are not suitable if a woman has a lot of gray hair. Then you will have to settle on choosing paint with ammonia. The red tone of natural products and tinted shampoos does not cover gray hairs at all, but gives them a pinkish tint.

Naturally redheads can safely experiment with shades. For this purpose, it is better to choose adjacent tones and, depending on the desired result, increase the exposure time when painting. To prevent your hair color from becoming dull, which is the main “treachery” of red hair, you can use special products for rinsing and glossing your hair.

When natural color curls are far from “red”; preference is best given to chestnut and copper tones. Of course, if the goal is not to achieve a red tint.

You need to take special care of your “red mane.” Brightness and shine depends on the shampoo. It is important to regularly use special masks, conditioners and hair oils.

Herbal assistants for the home hairdresser

To make red hair strong and beautiful at home, you can use herbal remedies. Which assistants should you call for help?

  • A reddish-reddish tint will be given by masks and rinses, the basis of which is onion peel.
  • Those who like brownish color can use juice from young green walnuts.
  • The queen of red is henna. The famous plant dye is famous not only for its environmental friendliness and naturalness, but also for its pronounced healing effect.

Henna dyeing has its own secrets

Henna can stay on curls for a long time, and the natural property of this dye can be called selfish. Any other dye does not adhere well to hair dyed with henna. You will have to wait a couple of months to use another product.

To prevent the shade from fading, hairdressers advise diluting henna powder with heated natural dyes:

A fiery shine with redness will be given by beet juice, and a yellowish tint by an infusion of chamomile with turmeric. Only infusions must be at the required temperature (see instructions).

Contents of the article

Achieving red hair is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Even professional stylists say that it is difficult to get the perfect red color the first time. Some women prefer to use aggressive chemicals to get the perfect red color at home.

Secrets of red color

Of course, if you have a lot of gray hair, natural dyes will not suit you. You will have to use paints with ammonia. Natural dyes and red-colored shampoos do not cover gray hair. They can only give your hair pink tint.

If you have naturally red hair, you can safely experiment with red shades. Choose adjacent shades and keep them on for different times, depending on the result you want to get. To prevent the color from becoming dull, use special products for glossing or rinsing your hair.

If your natural hair color is far from red, it is better to use a copper or chestnut shade of red. Unless you're going for red, of course.

Caring for red hair should also be special. Their shine and brightness will depend on the shampoo used. It is very important to regularly use special masks, oils and hair conditioners.

Herbal remedies

To ensure that your hair dyed red at home is always beautiful and strong, use herbal remedies.

Rinses and masks based on onion peels can give your hair a reddish-reddish tint.
If you like a brownish tint, use the juice of green young walnuts.

What to do if you really want to change your hair color, but coloring products do not inspire confidence? Is it possible to change the shade without paint? Let's try to find out and consider several ways.

Is it possible to change the shade without paint?

In principle, minor changes in color without the use of coloring agents are possible, but not always. So, if you have light and thin hair, then you can make them darker by several tones. But if the curls are black and have a dense structure, then you cannot do without coloring and pre-lightening.

How to change the shade?

It is worth noting that previously there were no coloring agents, but at the same time women managed to change their image, including hair tone. And they managed to do this with the help of some gifts of nature or improvised means. And the most successful recipes and methods have reached modern girls. Moreover, changes can be varied.

Slight lightening

How to change hair color without dyeing and make it lighter? This is possible, but you should not expect significant lightening, and yet the color will change by one tone. As a result, the effect of slight fading in the sun will be created, which has remained at the peak of fashion for several seasons in a row.


  • Kefir contains an acid that can slightly neutralize the natural hair pigment responsible for its color.
  • Mix 150-200 grams of rhubarb root with two glasses of white wine. Boil the mixture for fifteen minutes, cool, strain and distribute evenly over all strands, leaving for an hour. After the specified time, wash your hair (without shampoo, with clean water)
  • Lemon juice will also do the job. It can be applied along the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots, using a brush or sponge. And to enhance the effect, after distribution, go into the sun. After an hour, return home and just wash your hair.

Giving a red tint

If you want to become a bright red-haired girl, then you can experiment and use the following recipes:

  • Cinnamon. It can be boiled in water for ten minutes (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water) or mixed with a base, the role of which can be played by honey or olive oil. Leave the mixture on your strands for two hours and then rinse them thoroughly.
  • Use onion skins. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over one hundred grams of raw materials. Boil the mixture for ten minutes, then strain and use for light natural coloring. The exposure time depends on the desired tone intensity.

Beautiful golden tones

Many people like flirty golden tones, and they can be achieved at home, without paint. For this you can use:

  • Natural honey. A mask made from such a product will not only be beneficial for your hair and ensure its strengthening and nutrition, but will also give you a beautiful shade.
  • Pour 100 grams of dried chamomile into two glasses of boiling water, cook for half an hour, then strain and apply to the entire length of your curls. After a couple of hours, wash your hair.
  • Use cognac, it will provide an interesting amber tone.
  • Linden flowers are suitable; you can make a decoction or infusion from them (50 grams of raw material per glass of boiling water).

Deep dark shades

If you want to make the tone darker and more saturated, then use the following folk remedies:

  • Regular black tea will give your curls a beautiful chestnut hue. It’s simple to use: brew a few tablespoons of loose leaf natural black tea in a glass of boiling water to get a strong and dark brew. Let it sit and cool slightly, then apply to your hair and leave for an hour or two. Next, simply wash your hair without shampoo. If you repeat the procedure several times a week, the tone will be maintained. You can also vary its intensity by changing the amount of tea.
  • If you want to get a dark but unusual shade, use beet juice or a decoction obtained by squeezing or cooking beets for a long time. Apply the liquid to your curls, leave for a couple of hours, and then rinse. Gorgeous creative color with a cherry tint is guaranteed!
  • Natural ground coffee will help give your hair a beautiful and deep tone. Pour three or four tablespoons of boiling water into a glass, keep the mixture on the fire for five minutes, then cool and distribute over your curls, leaving for an hour or two, and then rinsing.
  • Use a decoction of oak bark. Pour five tablespoons of dry raw materials with a liter of boiling water and simmer the mixture over low heat for half an hour. Strain it, cool it and use it for natural coloring. After a couple of hours, wash your hair.
  • For a wine-chic tone, use red wine.

Usually, when a woman’s hair color changes, her usual lifestyle also changes. Some people notice that with a change in hair color, even a woman’s character changes. Blondes are characterized by frivolity, brunettes are characterized by prudence and order, and redheads are characterized by passion. It’s not for nothing that such women are also called “red-haired beasts.”

It is best to dye your hair with natural dyes; they will help both give a red tint to your hair and not harm the hair structure. All the chemical dyes that are so popular these days actually harm your hair. Let it be written on them at least a hundred times that they do no harm. Natural remedies are still better. Henna and basma are mainly used as dyes to obtain a red tint.

If a girl has brown hair, then to get a red color you need to pour boiling water over two glasses of henna. Mix all this and add olive oil, one yolk, and 100-150 ml of kefir. Apply to dry hair, then wrap the hair in cellophane.

You can use coffee, it will help both give your hair a slightly darker shade and strengthen the hair itself. A glass of boiling water is poured into 4 teaspoons of any coffee. Then boil the coffee for a while and strain through cheesecloth. Add henna and you can safely apply it to your hair.

If a girl has black hair, then it will be more difficult when transitioning to red. To find out how to choose the right hair shade, you will need to calculate all the proportions correctly, and prepare the hair itself for this color. Black hair is very difficult to dye, since not every dye accepts correct color. It is better to lighten such hair first with perhydrol and ammonia. After this, you can start coloring with henna.

With the help of tea and nut leaves, you can get the same effect as giving your hair dark shade, such as chestnut. Pour a mixture of leaves (2 tablespoons each) into half a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat. Then let it brew. After which this decoction should be applied to damp and clean hair. But sometimes the desired red color turns yellowish.

In this case, you can use tinted shampoos; they will help both give your hair an ashy shade and not harm your hair. Using onion skins you can get a dark red color. You can also use beet juice and infusion of chamomile and turmeric for coloring. Dyes depend on what shade of red color is needed. Here they are simple ways how to get red hair color using only natural dyes.

CHAMOMILE (golden hue or lightening)

1. To obtain a golden hue. Suitable for blonde hair only.
Pour 200 g of chamomile into 1 liter of boiling water (the concentration can be varied). After 30 - 40 minutes, strain the resulting mixture. Wet your hair with the golden liquid and let it dry completely, do not rinse. Chamomile for hair can be used as a rinse after each hair wash.
2. To lighten hair.

Make the same infusion as above and add the juice of one lemon to it. Rinse your hair, pat dry with a towel (but not too much, just to remove the bulk of the liquid) and sit in direct sunlight until it dries completely.
After this procedure, your hair will become much lighter, softer and silkier.

ONION PEEL (copper)

Depending on the original color, hair can acquire a chestnut, red, golden or copper hue.
More suitable for blondes or fair-haired women.

Take 200 g of onion peel and pour 1 liter of hot water, keep the composition in a water bath for about half an hour (it is not recommended to place the composition directly on the fire). Cool, strain and rinse your hair. The more intense the shade you want to get, the more husks you need to take and the longer you need to keep it on the fire (determined empirically). Cover your head with a cap and keep it on for half an hour. After this, rinse your hair with water without soap and shampoo.
The scalp may also become stained; use a pharmaceutical solution of hydrogen peroxide to wash off the stains.

Onion peel is also a well-known ancient remedy for strengthening hair and stimulating its growth. Therefore, this method of coloring is also very useful for your hair!

LINDEN (chestnut).

Linden was used for hair coloring back in Ancient Rus'. This means that natural remedies have always been relevant and have been used with pleasure by women in all centuries.
Linden gives hair a chestnut or brown tint.

1. To give your hair a chestnut tint: 5 tbsp. spoons of linden flowers are filled with 1.5 glasses of water. The composition is placed on low heat and, with constant stirring, evaporates until approximately 1 glass of broth remains. Cool and strain. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair and left until the desired shade.
2. Brown Add a decoction of linden twigs and leaves. The rest is the same as described above.

HONEY (lightening)

Honey is also good for lightening hair at home.

1. Add the juice of a whole lemon to honey and apply to hair. Put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a sweatshirt or scarf and walk like this for an hour. Then rinse with warm water.
2. Add a few spoons to honey olive oil and use as a mask before washing your hair.

Many women are accustomed to dyeing their hair. But at the same time, not everyone thinks about the harm they cause to their hair by applying chemical dye to it, which contains many aggressive and skin-irritating substances such as ammonia or alkali (you can’t do without them - otherwise the dye will not stick to hair and will be washed off in a few days). Ammonia is very damaging to hair; with constant use, it destroys its structure; ammonia also aggressively opens the hair scales and removes its own pigment. Store-bought paints also contain parabens, which accumulate in our bodies and can cause very serious diseases. And also...

We will not describe here in detail why it is better not to use chemical paints, but rather we will tell you how you can do without them.

How to give your hair a beautiful shade WITHOUT chemicals? Let's turn to old proven recipes.

For many centuries, our ancestors used only natural remedies to give their hair a beautiful shade. Such natural paints have many advantages:

✔ they do not damage hair
✔ they preserve the hair structure and nourish it
✔ many natural remedies are used simultaneously both as natural dyes and as masks for hair restoration and growth, to reduce fragility and hair loss.
✔ they can be easily prepared and used at home
✔ unlike chemical ones, natural dyes can be mixed in any combination to achieve the desired shade, and a variety of ingredients can be added to them to nourish the hair and scalp
✔ they are much cheaper than store-bought and, especially, salon paints

Natural ingredients will not dye you a radically different color, but they will either give a new shade to your hair or make your own hair color richer and more beautiful. Natural dyes begin to gradually wash off, mainly after the second or third wash.

When dyeing your hair at home, you can use two methods:

1. Rinse your hair after washing
2. Apply to hair evenly from roots to ends with a brush or sponge.

Which method is more suitable for you personally - you need to find out through experience. After application natural paint It’s better to wrap your head in a plastic cap and a towel (to create warmth).

After coloring, it is better not to use a hairdryer!

CHAMOMILE (golden hue or lightening)

1. To obtain a golden hue. Suitable for blonde hair only.
Pour 200 g of chamomile into 1 liter of boiling water (the concentration can be varied). After 30 - 40 minutes, strain the resulting mixture. Wet your hair with the golden liquid and let it dry completely, do not rinse.
Chamomile for hair can be used as a rinse after each hair wash.
2. To lighten hair. Make the same infusion as above and add the juice of one lemon to it. Rinse your hair, pat dry with a towel (but not too much, just to remove the bulk of the liquid) and sit in direct sunlight until it dries completely. After this procedure, your hair will become much lighter, softer and silkier.

ONION PEEL (copper)

Depending on the original color, hair can acquire a chestnut, red, golden or copper hue.
More suitable for blondes or fair-haired women.

Take 200 g of onion peel and pour 1 liter of hot water, keep the composition in a water bath for about half an hour (it is not recommended to place the composition directly on the fire). Cool, strain and rinse your hair. The more intense the shade you want to get, the more husks you need to take and the longer you need to keep it on the fire (determined empirically). Cover your head with a cap and keep it on for half an hour. After this, rinse your hair with water without soap and shampoo.

The scalp may also become stained; use a pharmaceutical solution of hydrogen peroxide to wash off the stains.

Onion peel is also a well-known ancient remedy for strengthening hair and stimulating its growth. Therefore, this method of coloring is also very useful for your hair!

LINDEN (chestnut).
Linden was used for hair coloring back in Ancient Rus'. This means that natural remedies have always been relevant and have been used with pleasure by women in all centuries.

Linden gives hair a chestnut or brown tint.

1. To give your hair a chestnut tint: 5 tbsp. spoons of linden flowers are filled with 1.5 glasses of water. The composition is placed on low heat and, with constant stirring, evaporates until approximately 1 glass of broth remains. Cool and strain. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair and left until the desired shade appears.
2. A decoction of linden twigs and leaves will give the brown color. The rest is the same as described above.

BLACK TEA (brown)

We all know that if we drink strong tea frequently, our teeth turn yellow. It's the same with hair. Tea is a strong dye that will give your hair a beautiful chocolate shade.

To dye your hair with tea at home, you need 3 tbsp. crushed tea leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Apply the resulting decoction to your hair and leave for about half an hour. After this, rinse with warm water without soap and shampoo.

RHUBURB (brown or ash)
To give blond hair a light brown hue with a golden or copper tint, after washing your hair, you should rinse your hair with the following mixture: 500g of chopped rhubarb is poured into a liter of cold water, with constant stirring, the composition is boiled over low heat until its amount is reduced by three to four times, then cooled and filtered. Apply the resulting decoction to your hair after washing.

Suitable for covering gray hair.

FIR BARK (dark)
Homemade cosmetics use spruce bark for natural hair coloring. You need to grind the powder from spruce bark, brew it with boiling water, and apply it to your hair. Leave for at least 1 hour. The hair will turn dark.

BLACKBERRY (reddish brown)

Even blackberries can be used to color your hair! To do this, apply blackberry juice to clean, dry hair, leave for about an hour and rinse with warm water. The color will turn out unusually beautiful.

HONEY (lightening)

Honey is also good for lightening hair at home.

1. Add the juice of a whole lemon to honey and apply to hair. Put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a towel or scarf and walk like this for an hour. Then rinse with warm water.
2. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil to honey and use as a mask before washing your hair.

There are quite a lot of recipes for hair coloring, so you just need to find a method that suits you.

How nice it is, having received a new shade of hair to realize that the hair not only did not suffer, but became stronger, more beautiful and healthier!

The hair of the average city resident suffers daily from the environment, high and low temperatures, vitamin deficiency, stress, styling, hard water - this list can be continued for a long time, and therefore it is not surprising that various problems appear over time. Chemical dyes have the worst effect on hair - ill-selected and applied dye can destroy the structure of the hair, make curls dry, lifeless, and promote hair loss. Homemade dyeing can be considered as a reasonable alternative to chemical dyes - folk recipes offer at least a dozen various options both for lightening hair and for coloring strands in a more dark colors various shades.

Homemade dyes

In the list of products available at home that can be used to give your curls the desired shade, it is worth including quite a few items:

In the environment professional hairdressers all these products are called group IV dyes.

“Colors” give a truly noticeable result only on hair that has not been exposed to chemicals for dyeing, curling, etc. They do not cause harm and, in addition to color, provide the hair with softness, shine and vitaminization.

What is good about natural homemade dyes: they basically maintain the health of the hair, while simultaneously helping to solve some problems, for example, excess oiliness in curls.

As for the minuses, the following can be noted:

  1. Most often, a truly noticeable result can only be achieved after prolonged and repeated use of the product. If the popular coloring option involves immediately changing the color by several tones (lightening), then this option is most often not harmless to the hair. Dark and red colors and shades can be obtained without harming the strands;
  2. The color palette is quite limited - it includes nut, brown, red, red shades;
  3. Most often, the coloring is not permanent and is washed out when washing the hair, with the exception of henna and basma.

It is worth remembering that all natural coloring compounds are applied to clean curls using a brush, swab or sponge. To obtain a noticeable effect, it is most often necessary to leave the composition on the hair for a long time under a heat bath (film + woolen cap).

Since the final result depends very much on individual characteristics strands, it is recommended to first conduct a test on a small strand of lost hair - if the result is satisfactory, then you can start dyeing.

How to dye your hair red?

A splash of red in hair is always in fashion - bright, juicy almost orange or dark bronze hair looks impressive, and due to the fact that the curls do not deteriorate when dyed, the hair looks vibrant, elastic, and attracts attention with a healthy shine.

Coloring in a red or reddish color can be done as follows:

How to dye your hair brown or black?

Lightening and obtaining golden shades on light hair

  • Leader in this sector folk remedies are chamomile and calamus- decoctions of these plants can be used both for rinsing and for masks - a concentrated decoction is applied to the hair under a heat bath - the duration of exposure depends on the desired shade of hair. Interestingly, natural dyes effectively shade even gray hair, which allows fair-haired women to hide gray hair;
  • Another option for getting a golden hue on blonde hair- this is a decoction of rhubarb, prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water. The liquid is applied to the hair - the exposure time depends on the desired intensity of the golden hue. Rhubarb is also an excellent color for gray hair, providing a light brown shade with a dark undertone;
  • Kefir. This product effectively washes out the pigment from the strands - it doesn’t matter what kind of pigment it is - natural or artificial. It is enough to apply half a liter of heated kefir to your hair under a heat bath for 2 hours so that the color of the strands becomes 1 tone lighter.