How to sleep correctly for a pregnant woman? Is it possible to sleep on your stomach, back, and which side is better? Why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs during pregnancy What position should a pregnant woman choose for sleeping?

IN everyday life Rarely do any women think about what pose to take and how to perform this or that action. But our health largely depends on the position of our body. Pregnant women should be especially careful when choosing a comfortable position. The location of the body in space determines not only the well-being of the expectant mother during this difficult period, but also indirectly affects the growth and development of the fetus throughout pregnancy.

About sitting position during pregnancy

Experts say: maintaining a sitting position for a long time will not benefit a pregnant woman and her baby. In a sitting position, only some muscle groups are constantly working, while others are in a relaxed state. That is why pregnant women are not recommended to sit at work, which requires maintaining a stationary position for a long time.

Negative consequences of prolonged sedentary work:

  • back muscle activity decreases;
  • increased pressure on the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region;
  • the blood supply to the pelvic organs and lower extremities is disrupted;
  • blood flow through the placenta to the fetus slows down;
  • the risk of developing edema of the lower extremities increases.
  • Prolonged maintenance of a sitting position provokes an exacerbation of osteochondrosis and the development of an intervertebral hernia. Over time, pain appears in the lumbar region and discomfort in the lower extremities. Due to impaired blood flow, changes in blood pressure, headaches, and dizziness are possible. All this significantly worsens the condition of the expectant mother and interferes with the normal course of pregnancy.

    Sedentary work is a risk factor for the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvis. The likelihood of developing such complications increases in the second half of pregnancy. The resulting stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids, spider veins and dilated veins in the legs. The risk of developing thrombosis in pathologically altered veins increases significantly.

    Serious problems arise in the second half of pregnancy after 24 weeks. At long stay in a sitting position, the pressure of the growing uterus on the pelvic organs and spine increases. Blood flow in the pelvic cavity is disrupted, and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus deteriorates. Constant sedentary work III trimester– a risk factor for the development of placental insufficiency and other complications of pregnancy.

    Choosing a pose

    Comfortable sitting positions for pregnant women:

    • Option #1. Sitting on a chair, rest your back against a support. Make sure your back is tightly against the back of the chair. The neck and shoulders at this moment should be on the same axis with the spine. Your legs should be level, supported on your toes and heels.
    • Option No. 2. Sit on the seat without touching its back with your back. Position yourself so that your buttocks rest completely on the seat. Relax: there should be no tension in your legs and buttocks.
    • Option #3. Sit cross-legged (Turkish style). Position yourself so that your body weight rests on your sit bones. Watch your posture: your back should be straight, your head and neck should be on the same axis with your spine. The pose is suitable for sitting on the floor, sofa or other wide, flat surface.

    The proposed poses are considered the most physiological. They do not interfere with normal blood flow in the pelvic organs and promote uniform distribution loads on muscles and ligaments, help maintain posture and fully relax. Such positions do not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development.

    Important aspects

    When choosing a comfortable sitting position, you need to consider the following points:

    1. When sitting on a chair, your legs should fully reach the floor, resting your toes and heels on the surface. You should not cross your legs, bend them under yourself, or throw one leg over the other.
    2. The seat for the expectant mother should be moderately rigid and not sag under her weight.
    3. For convenience, you can place a cushion or pillow under the lumbar region. To the rescue to the expectant mother special pillows for pregnant women will come, designed to relieve the load on the spine.
    4. In the Turkish position, you should carefully monitor your well-being and the sensation in your legs. Out of habit, this position causes your legs to become numb, and unpleasant sensations appear in the form of goosebumps and numbness.
    5. From time to time you should change your position, stand up, walk around the room.
    6. Convenient hand placement is the key to comfort. Hands should be relaxed. While sitting on a chair, your hands can be folded in front of you on your knees, placed on the table or armrests.

    What not to do

    • cross your legs;
    • cross your legs;
    • sit with support only on your toes;
    • slouch;
    • arch your back;
    • focus on the right or left side;
    • stay in the Turkish position for a long time (sitting on the buttocks with crossed legs);
    • sit with your legs tucked under you;
    • squat.

    Security measures

    Pregnant women are not recommended to remain stationary for long periods of time. Every 30-45 minutes you need to take a break: get up, change your position. After 30 weeks, a break will be required every 15-20 minutes or as needed.

    When changing positions, you should do simple gymnastics:

    • Walk barefoot on the floor.
    • Quickly clench and unclench your toes.
    • Try to grab a small object from the floor with your toes.
    • Make several slow circular movements with your feet.
    • Roll from heel to toe and back until the tension in your legs subsides.

    It wouldn’t hurt to do a warm-up for other muscle groups as well.

    Choosing a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy can be difficult. However, the expectant mother simply needs to get enough rest and good sleep.

    Therefore, doctors recommend taking the solution to the problem at hand as seriously as possible. Let's talk about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their back or whether it is more advisable to choose a different position, and in what position it is best to fall asleep.

    How to sleep during certain months of pregnancy

    If conception occurred quite recently, a woman can afford to lie in any position. During this period, the embryo is tiny in size, and the uterus has not yet grown too much, so excess pressure on certain organs is excluded. Therefore, experts in the first trimester allow women to sleep on their sides or stomachs, as well as on their backs. Well, as for the second trimester, here you need to focus on your well-being. Listen to the sensations that appear when you lie on your back and draw the necessary conclusions.

    If we talk about whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs in the 3rd trimester, then in this case the answer to the question will be negative.

    Indeed, during the period of time under consideration, the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid is already quite large, and when a woman lies on her back, her uterus begins to put pressure on the organs of the digestive tract, on the spine, and most importantly, on the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for transporting blood from the lower part of the body to the heart.

    And such pressure, of course, cannot pass without a trace: a woman and her unborn child begin to suffer from lack of oxygen.

    If you like to lie on your back

    A pregnant woman who simply lies down on her back to get some rest is, in principle, not at risk. After all, if the time of exposure of the grown uterus to other organs is limited, then this will not bring any fatal consequences. The most you can feel is discomfort in the lumbar region. And in this case it is better to roll over on your side. So the question of whether pregnant women can lie on their back should be answered in the affirmative. Just don't spend too much time in this position.

    But sleep on your back recent months pregnancy is not possible, because prolonged pressure on the vena cava can lead to disruption of a woman’s blood circulation and provoke a condition resembling fainting in her. It will become more difficult to breathe, the sweat glands will begin to work intensively, and the heart will beat more quickly. Don't bring yourself to this state. If you notice the symptoms in question, immediately change your body position.

    Expectant mothers, after they find out about their pregnancy, have to deny themselves many things so as not to harm the baby.

    And this applies not only bad habits, eating habits, but also sleep.

    With pregnancy, the urge to go to the toilet at night becomes more frequent, torments and cramps. From about 5 months the problem of choosing a position for night rest is added.

    The breasts become full and painful, and the fetus develops quickly and the stomach grows rapidly (especially starting from the second trimester). Therefore, it is very difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position that would guarantee a good night's rest to recuperate.

    Choosing a place to sleep

    About how to sleep during pregnancy, many pregnant women think. However, few people know that you need not only to monitor your posture, but also to provide an optimal surface for a comfortable position of the body.

    Choose a mattress of medium firmness. The surface of the sleeping place should completely follow the contours of your body, maintaining the spine in a natural physiological state. This effect is best achieved orthopedic mattresses.

    When choosing a mattress take into account the fact that you will sleep on it together future dad. Therefore, make sure that the bed does not spring too much, as this may cause strong vibrations on the surface during a night's rest when one of the sleepers turns over. And such movements on the surface often cause discomfort to both mother and fetus.

    Pay attention to the size of the sleeping bed: it should be comfortable for the expectant mother, so that she has enough space for proper rest and comfortable sleep.

    Choosing a sleeping position

    As for the correct position, then It's best to sleep on your side. Avoid sleeping on your stomach early in your pregnancy.

    Also Night rest on your back is contraindicated, since the fetus puts pressure on the internal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines). As a result, the pregnant woman develops difficulty breathing, worsens blood pressure, and lowers blood pressure.

    In mother's pose on the back the baby in the womb may be compressing the inferior vena cava, which runs along the entire spine, which can lead to a decrease in blood flow. As a result, the expectant mother feels unwell.

    A if the compression is prolonged and regular, then this can also negatively affect the condition of the fetus: due to insufficient blood supply, and therefore nutrients, the baby’s heart rate decreases. And the consequences of such violations are sad and irreversible.

    Try first of all to think not about your preferences (how you want to sleep during pregnancy), but about the health of the baby.

    Monitor your health and if you notice any deterioration during sleep, change your position to the correct one. To avoid automatically turning over on your back at night, place a large pillow that will not allow you to change your body position.

    Doctors advise sleeping on your left side, since lying on the right side can lead to compression of the kidney. And in the correct position, not only the blood flow to the placenta will improve, but also the functioning of the kidneys, which will significantly reduce the size of the arms and legs, and the pressure on the liver, which is located on the right, will be reduced.

    This also makes it easier for the body to get rid of waste and excess fluid, and the heart can function fully. You can also practice an intermediate position: pillows will help you take it, which will prevent you from completely turning over onto your back.

    About special pillows

    If your baby protests mom's position, even if you're lying on your left side, place a small, flat pillow under your belly. And to reduce the load on the pelvis, place another pillow between your legs.

    You can buy special pillow for pregnant women, which is shaped like a banana and has the most suitable filling.

    For transverse presentation of the fetus, doctors recommend sleep on the side where the baby's head is. But you can’t just lie in this position all night. Therefore, change positions.

    With breech presentation You should turn over from side to side 3-4 times.

    If none of the suggested positions suits you, use pillows to try to achieve a semi-sitting position.

    Perform special exercises regularly physical exercise for pregnant women. They will ensure quick falling asleep and sound sleep.

    Just do gymnastics during the day, because a lot of time should pass before resting at night for complete relaxation and calmness after exercise.

    Before bed give up intense mental activity, including from books with TV.

    It’s better in the evening to listen to a calm, quiet, pleasant song that will put you in the right mood, allow you to relax and prepare for bed.

    Stick to your daily routine. A certain schedule will set the body to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

    Don't sleep during the day so you don't suffer at night.

    Take more walks in the fresh air. Walking outside before bed, as well as ventilating the bedroom, sleeping with an open vent or window in the warm season will make your sleep deep, calm and sound.

    In the evening, take a warm, but under no circumstances hot, bath. And after 20-30 minutes you can go to bed and rest. Sleep won't take long to arrive.

    Helps improve sleep aromatherapy. Place a herbal bag on the pillow with lemon balm, hops, thyme, immortelle flowers, hazel or laurel leaves, hop cones, pine needles, rose petals, geranium herb. Drop a little onto the aroma lamp essential oil lavender. It has a pronounced calming effect.

    Wear comfortable and pleasant clothes for the night. Be sure that pajamas or a nightgown must be made of high-quality and natural material, for example, knitwear.

    Do not take any sleeping pills without first consulting your doctor. After all, most of these medications are contraindicated during pregnancy.

    While pregnant, you may be recommended a tincture

    Every expectant mother dreams of a healthy and strong child. However, in addition to proper nutrition With an active lifestyle, it is important what position a pregnant woman sleeps in. After all, only sound and complete sleep will help you gain strength and give birth to a healthy baby. Which sleeping position to choose.

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    1. It is best for the expectant mother to choose a sleeping position on her side, so you need to make sure that the bed is not too hard. Moreover, doctors advise choosing the left side, since if a pregnant woman sleeps on the right, there is a possibility of compression of the kidneys.
    2. Allowed to take a middle position. For this purpose, without completely lying on your back, you need to place pillows under your back. If you choose a position on your side, the pillow should be placed under your stomach, as well as between your legs, which will reduce the load on the pelvic area. Special pillows are sold for this and are very easy to use.
    3. breast tenderness. The main thing is not to forget that pregnant women should not lie on their stomach for a long time, and after a while they will have to change their position.
    4. If your favorite position before pregnancy was sleeping on your stomach, you can choose this position, but not for long. This position causes compression of the vena cava, which is located along the spine. If deformation occurs, the woman will feel unwell and will experience attacks of suffocation. Also, an insufficient amount of nutrients will be supplied to the embryo along with blood - which is why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs for a long time.

    Which pillow to choose?

    Each woman chooses a pillow for herself: one prefers to place flat, small pillows under her head and legs, the other prefers to squeeze it between her legs, thereby relieving tension from the pelvic area.

    Comfortable position

    Let’s take a closer look at which pillow for pregnant women is best for resting with.

    1. The modern market offers various types pillows For example, there are universal models that are filled with polystyrene beads. Appearance they resemble a banana or a moon. The advantage of such a pillow is that it provides a truly complete, comfortable sleep, and after the birth of the baby it can be used during feeding.
    2. If you don't want to buy a bigger one, volumetric pillow specifically for your “interesting situation”, a large soft toy. A pregnant woman can also sleep quite comfortably on it, either under her head or between her legs.
    3. If you like to do everything yourself or you simply don’t have enough money, you can sew a pillow yourself. You just have to remember that it should be about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. Polystyrene balls can be purchased in advance at a furniture or hardware store. Do not stuff the pillow too tightly, as it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep with a soft base. The cover can be made of cotton with a zipper so that it can be washed if necessary.

    The back is not the best position for sleeping

    The first trimester of the “interesting position” does not require any restrictions, so the pregnant woman herself can choose which position is best for her to sleep in. However, after the 20th week it is necessary to limit the “dorsal” position.

    Let's figure out why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their backs.

    1. Between the uterus and the spine is the inferior vena cava - this is the largest vessel through which blood circulates from the torso and legs to the heart. If, under the weight of a grown fetus, amniotic fluid, or a heavy uterus, this organ is compressed, inferior vena cava syndrome will occur. This situation is very dangerous, as it implies a sharp drop in the volume of circulating blood, as with heavy blood loss.
    2. A long stay in this position is fraught with the following symptoms: dizziness, severe weakness, a feeling of lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness, a sharp drop in blood pressure up to hypovolemic shock.
    3. The embryo experiences a severe lack of oxygen, its condition progressively worsens.
    4. If it was set multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios, then the expectant mother needs to abandon this position after the first trimester. Also this recommendation relevant when the fetal head is low and there is a threat of abortion.

    If while awake a woman can quickly feel a bad condition and change her position, then in a dream the body’s protective reaction works more slowly. As a result, mother and baby can be seriously harmed.

    Sit on your side

    Let's look at what positions a pregnant woman can sleep in by trimester.

    First At this time, a woman can afford to sleep as she likes. But it’s better to start changing your habits, so it’s better to give up the position on your stomach. It is better to choose the left side for sleeping to reduce the load on the kidneys. As for your back, you can sleep as much as you want.
    SecondsideThe second trimester already requires giving up sleeping on your back, as the stomach is already beginning to produce pressure and can compress the vena cava, preventing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It is best to sleep on your left side with a pregnancy pillow between your legs. This way you will ensure comfortable, deep sleep for yourself and your baby.
    ThirdsideThis period involves lying only on your side, since this position ensures that the baby receives oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, there is no pressure in the liver area, which is located on the right, and there is no back pain. If a transverse presentation is observed, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby’s head is located.

    Which side is better?

    Regarding which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on, all doctors agree that it is left side. It has been proven more than once that the left side provides:

    • better blood circulation in the body;
    • cephalic presentation of the baby;
    • If you sleep like this all the time, the baby will never turn over into a breech position, which is most important for the last trimesters.

    If a woman really wants to lie on her back, then it is necessary to maintain an intermediate position. This is easy to do if you place a pillow on one side.

    Dangers of incorrect positioning

    Improper sleeping position can cause many problems and pathologies. Let's take a closer look at why pregnant women can't sleep in certain positions and whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomachs.

    Why you should not sleep on your back during pregnancy:

    • difficulty breathing occurs;
    • blood pressure decreases;
    • blood circulation and blood flow to the uterus become difficult;
    • there is pain in the back;
    • hemorrhoids develop and worsen;
    • under the weight of the baby, compression occurs on the vessels located behind the uterus - the inferior vena cava and the aorta;
    • There is a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

    Let's find out how to sleep better during pregnancy. Sleeping on the right side can cause:

    • poor blood circulation from mother to baby;
    • compression of the arteries under the weight of the uterus;
    • lack of oxygen and nutrients for the baby.

    The child himself reacts to this position of the mother. After 10 minutes, it begins to signal a lack of oxygen with active tremors. You should immediately change your body position.

    Sleeping on your stomach:

    • poses a direct threat to the life of the child;
    • may cause miscarriage;
    • may cause bleeding.

    : Borovikova Olga

    gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

    All nine months of pregnancy are accompanied by numerous “don’ts.” Doctors limit certain foods, alcoholic drinks, strong physical activity. Even some sleeping positions are prohibited.

    A growing belly and a general change in the body poses multiple problems for a pregnant woman: how to go to bed correctly in the third trimester and early stages, is it possible to fall asleep on your back during pregnancy and which side is preferable to lie on - left or right.

    If a big belly prevents you from sleeping, expert advice will help solve this problem.

    Pregnancy is characterized by a sharp increase in the need for sleep. A pregnant woman, who is not even aware of her interesting situation, notices that at any free moment she is just waiting for the moment to lay her head on the pillow and take a little nap. “I sleep all the time,” is how women describe their condition.

    This desire is associated with the physiological changes that accompany any pregnancy.

    Immediately after conception, the hormone progesterone begins to be actively produced, as a result of which the pregnant woman feels constant fatigue, lack of initiative and, of course, drowsiness.

    Good to know! If a pregnant woman wants to take a nap during the day, this need is better satisfied. Otherwise, the right decision is to increase your vitality, for example, by drinking a cup of a tonic drink - green tea.

    Pregnancy on later again accompanied by drowsiness. This condition is also quite natural, since a woman needs to gain strength before labor and prepare for future events.

    Sometimes pregnant women have to sleep 15-20 hours a day, interrupting only to eat.

    In the second trimester, a pregnant woman may experience insomnia, since a sharply rounded belly disrupts all previous ones and prevents the woman from sleeping on it.

    The way out of this situation is to sleep on the right or left side.

    Beginning of pregnancy

    In the early stages, a pregnant woman can choose her usual position - on the left or right side, the stomach or back is also suitable.

    The chosen position is not able to affect the development of the child, since the fetus is still surrounded by the small pelvis.

    Some pregnant women find it uncomfortable to sleep on their stomach, as the mammary glands become very sensitive and react painfully to such a position.

    You can sleep on your back in the first trimester of pregnancy, but this position often increases nausea.

    By the 14th week, pregnant women need to develop the habit of napping on their side. During this period, sleeping on the stomach is dangerous for the fetus, despite the muscular protection and “airbag” in the form of the amniotic sac. In addition, this position increases the risk of increased tone.

    In the second trimester, doctors allow you to sleep on your back. The child is still small, and the uterus is not large enough to put pressure on the diaphragm and spinal column in this position.

    If the baby starts to move, it is better to change position. During this period, it is better for a pregnant woman to lie on her side, ideally on the left, but the right side is also allowed.

    By the end of pregnancy, sleeping on an impressive tummy or back is excluded; you can sleep correctly on your left side, additionally placing a soft cushion (or) under your right lower limb bent at the knee.

    This situation has a number of advantages:

    1. Placental blood flow improves, which means that the child receives the amount of oxygen and other essential elements necessary for full development.
    2. The urinary system works optimally, which helps reduce swelling of the upper and lower extremities (this problem is especially relevant in the last weeks of pregnancy).
    3. The enlarged uterus does not put so much pressure on the liver.
    4. Unpleasant, lingering pain in the pelvic region and lower back stops.
    5. The entire cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman’s body works better, which avoids various problems with high blood pressure, arterial or venous circulation.

    But not all pregnant women manage to sleep peacefully on their left side.

    In the last weeks of pregnancy, sometimes you have to choose the right side. This is true if the fetal presentation is transverse. “Right-sided” sleep in this case helps the child lie down correctly.

    As already mentioned, in the first weeks you can take a nap in any position, but if your pregnancy has passed the 22-week mark, you can forget about sweet dreams on your back. What are the risks for a pregnant woman in this position?

    1. The uterus begins to compress the internal organs, including the intestines. This leads to problems with its emptying and increased gas formation.
    2. Loading of the lower back can lead to pain in the area of ​​the spinal column and pelvis. The pain can be different - both constantly aching and sharp, “shooting”.
    3. This position threatens the course of pregnancy, so a pregnant woman who says “I only sleep on my back” risks her health. In this position, the inferior vena cava is compressed, allowing blood to move from the legs to the upper body. In this case, pregnant women need help, as negative signs develop such as:
      • lack of oxygen;
      • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
      • dizziness;
      • disturbance of consciousness.
    4. Pregnancy is a period when the well-being of the child depends on the condition of the mother. If a pregnant woman constantly sleeps on her back, it can be argued that the fetus does not receive the required amount of oxygen. As a result of such fasting, hypoxia can develop, resulting in impaired formation of the child’s body. After childbirth, the child eats poorly, sleeps poorly, and is characterized by increased anxiety.

    If a pregnant woman is expecting two or more children or the pregnancy is accompanied by polyhydramnios, it is better not to sleep on your back from the 14th week. This advice is relevant if the baby’s head is very low and there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

    It doesn’t matter what month a woman is in, proper rest is required both at the beginning and at the end of the period of bearing a child. To regain strength and sleep, a pregnant woman should carefully read the following useful tips.

    1. Do not use sedatives or sleeping pills without prior approval from your doctor. Each medication can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.
    2. Before going to bed, avoid drinking drinks containing the tonic substance caffeine. It is important to give up both strong coffee and green tea.
    3. A couple of hours before falling asleep, do not eat anything (especially heavy food) to avoid heaviness in your stomach. You should also reduce the amount of liquid consumed three to four hours before going to bed.
    4. An evening walk is a good opportunity to get some air, get distracted and get some exercise. However, pregnant women should avoid excessive exercise.
    5. Maintaining a daily routine - important condition good sleep. Try to train yourself to fall asleep and open your eyes at a strictly defined time.
    6. Sudden cramps can provoke insomnia and frequent getting up at night. In this case, you should consult a doctor who will recommend relaxing massage movements, including foods with calcium in your diet, or special medications.
    7. “I don’t sleep because I’m afraid of childbirth,” is how many women explain their sleep problems. If you are still afraid of the maternity hospital, take courses for expectant mothers and talk to positive friends who have already given birth.
    8. The right pillows for pregnant women can improve the quality of sleep. Rollers of various shapes are available for sale - horseshoe, bagel, banana, etc. They allow you to sit comfortably on the bed and place your tummy in a cozy “nest.”

    The correct position will help ensure proper sleep.

    It is important to remember that the closer you are to childbirth, the more dangerous it is to sleep on your back and stomach. The best position is on your side, right or left (whichever is more comfortable).

    This habit should be developed already in the first trimester, and to sleep even better, you can purchase a special pillow. Sweet dreams!

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers deal with any difficulties.