How to dye from blonde to light brown. How to change your color from blonde to light brown? We do everything without consequences

Many people know that fair-haired women attract the attention of others quite strongly, but sometimes color plays absolutely no role, especially if the question concerns loving man. If a woman is not naturally blonde, achieving the desired shade is not so easy, and even if you become a blonde beauty, there is always a chance that the strands will end up dry and damaged.

Therefore many representatives of the fair sex decide to change their hair color to maintain their health and beauty. But in fact, returning to a light brown color is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Firstly, dye is not so easy to apply to bleached hair, and secondly, you will have to work hard to get a uniform desired shade. There are cases when, after staining in white, dark paint gave green tint or lay down in spots. Therefore, you should approach this issue wisely, or even better, seek help from a professional hairdresser. Not every woman can change her hair color from blonde to light brown on her own, but by following the following tips you can achieve a natural and attractive shade.

How to choose a paint to change your color from dyed blonde to light brown?

So that the result of you pleased, try to choose only the best cosmetic products. The hair dye should be from the manufacturer you previously preferred. This way you will achieve the desired result faster and will not experiment with a product you know nothing about.

Usually in the store dye for dyeing hair light brown is called “hazelnut” or dark shades of blonde. This way you can quickly and not too abruptly change your hair color. Read the expiration date carefully and make sure that the box contains all the necessary ingredients. Ask a consultant to help you choose a paint; carefully study the palette with strands that comes with almost all series of dyes.

You can read in advance at women's forums information about the type of coloring you will be doing, because you can often find objective advice and even before and after photos there. Immediately upon arriving home, apply a small amount of dye to the skin to identify the body's reaction to chemical compounds.

How to apply dye to change your color from dyed blonde to light brown?

1. Put on special gloves, throw an old towel so as not to get dirty. Carefully part the hair and apply the dye to the roots of the hair, then make the next part and repeat the action. If you can't do the same from behind, ask a friend or mom to help you.

2. After using a plastic comb, pull dye along the length, adding the missing amount of product to the strand. Each strand should be well saturated with dye, because this way you will capture every hair and not miss anything.

3. Wrap your head in food film and keep the paint on your head for the number of minutes clearly indicated in the instructions.

4. After time runs out rinse head with shampoo deep cleaning and apply a mask that will help you comb your hair easily and nourish each hair with beneficial microelements.

5. In a couple of weeks, when hair After you take a break from the dye, you can repeat the procedure, because the dye doesn’t stick very well on bleached hair. Do not forget to use good professional restorative masks during the entire time between coloring.

Some advice for girls who want to change their hair color from blonde to light brown

If the paint gave unexpected shade, contact a professional, because without certain knowledge and skills in color, you will not be able to correct the mistake yourself and do everything at the highest level.

Start from the structure of yours. In fact, the result of dyeing largely depends on what kind of hair you have naturally. To do this, you need to read the description of the paint, look at the possible results after dyeing and visit forums on the Internet where girls and women who have tried the paint you want to use share their impressions.

Not experiment, if you don’t know anything about a specific hair dye. You shouldn’t open new horizons in hair coloring on your own if you know absolutely nothing about the product that stands in front of you on the store shelf. This way you can only make it worse, and in order to correct such a mistake you will have to pay a lot to the hairdresser.

Buy a spare paint. The peculiarity of paints that are intended for light brown coloring is that they can give a green tint. This is not as scary as you think, because after just a few hair washing procedures it will practically go away, but just in case, buy a spare dye. It should be a couple of shades darker than the one you apply first. This way you can play it safe.

Don't put on makeup in front of important people events. You should never be 100% sure what color you will get after dyeing; you may have to adjust the result or go to the hairdresser to correct the mistake. Therefore, a radical change of image should be planned long before the wedding, New Year, graduation or birthday.

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Many girls sooner or later dream of radically changing their hair color. Others, on the contrary, strive to make changes smoothly, moving from a light shade to 2-3 positions. The simplest solution for any colorist is to switch from blonde to light brown. Many girls dye their hair at home, as it is quite easy to do. This procedure is called hair tinting. And today we’ll talk about how to go from blonde to light brown hair color and what hair shades are best to choose!

How to go from blonde to light brown?

In fact, dyeing your hair light brown is not so easy. And every woman who decides to dye her hair at home faces this. At first glance, it seems that you can dye your hair with a simple light brown dye and everything will fit into one puzzle. However, in reality it turns out that the hair becomes not light brown, but green or, on the contrary, has a red tint. Why is this happening?

Everything is very simple, two colors interact, which result in a shade. Well, only an experienced colorist can figure out what this shade will be. It follows from this that you should only dye your hair in a salon, using the services of an experienced colorist who will help you not only save time, but also insure you against unpleasant surprises.

So, here are some simple tips to follow when coloring your hair.
1. Use only professional hair dyes.
2. Use the services of an experienced colorist (5 years of experience!). Be sure to take an interest in the works and look through the portfolio. If there is no such person, it means that the master is not interested in developing his career and it is better not to deal with him.
3. Prepare your hair for dyeing and immediately after dyeing, carry out a series of procedures that would improve the condition of your hair.

Coloring at home

If you decide to dye your hair yourself at home, remember that it is important to choose the right hair color. The most common mistake when transitioning from blonde to light brown hair is the absence of a corrector. So, during coloring it may turn out green hair, which will become an unexpected surprise, which will be quite difficult to deal with in the future.

How to remove green tint from hair?

To prevent this from happening, add a red corrector (1 cm of red mixton corrector) to the paint (which is approximately 60 grams) to balance the color combination. This way you will get a beautiful light brown hair color.
It is quite difficult to dye your hair correctly, and even more difficult to maintain it for a long time. beautiful shade. To do this, professionals recommend using special masks and lotions that carefully protect hair from environmental factors.

Which shade should I choose?

To transition from blonde to light brown, many girls consider warm hair colors. However, they are in no way inferior to cold shades, especially since light brown hair color is initially a warm shade. When coloring your hair, you should remember that experts recommend not tinting it by more than 2-3 shades in order to get a harmonious hair color.

Cold brown blond

You can radically change your appearance not only with the help plastic surgery. The fastest transformation is considered to be changing your hairstyle - dyeing it a different color. There are especially many people who want to change their color from brunette to blonde; photos of such transformations can be found in abundance on the Internet.

Advice! In salons, coloring begins from the roots and is carried out throughout the head. Then the curls are finished along the entire length and combed.

Harm from lightening

Subject to availability problem skin, light strands will only highlight all the pimples and redness more.

  • Using aggressive dyes can turn healthy curls into weakened and burned ones. This will increase hair loss.
  • After washing, you will need to use rinse aids, since without special products it will be impossible to comb bleached curls.
  • Abuse of the lightening procedure can lead to disruption of the structure of the curls. At the same time, the hair will lose elasticity, and will also become brittle and weakened.

Advice! When using chemicals, you should take care of the skin of your hands and face. Do not use lightening for dull, brittle and dry hair with split ends.

Removing yellow tint

To achieve a cool blonde, it is worth removing the yellowness that has appeared. The yellow tone can be extinguished with purple. In this case, you can use tinting paint. This composition acts on the hair superficially and does not cause harm to it.

You can also try special paints with anti-yellow properties.
Experts recommend using tinted shampoos, balms or tonics in pearl, ash or silver shades.

Yellowness can be removed using natural remedies. To do this, make a honey mask or a mixture of onion peels.

Advice! You can use shampoo in diluted form. In this case, three parts of regular shampoo are added to one part of the tint composition. A similar mixture can be used every third wash.

What not to do when dyeing?

Even if you have a strong desire to quickly change your appearance, you should not rush too much with the lightening procedure. You need to carefully bleach strands in the following cases:

  • In case of damage to the skin.
  • For those with damaged and thinning strands.
  • In the presence of allergic reactions.
  • After dyeing with henna.

Advice!You need to start bleaching only after thinking carefully. After all, if you want to return your color back, you won’t be able to do it.

Which shade should I choose?

There are many shades of blonde hair. The specialist will help you choose the appropriate tone. In this case, the paint is selected taking into account the color type of appearance:
For spring girls, light blond, ash and cold blond are suitable.
The ideal option for a summer color type would be a golden tone, honey, as well as the color of champagne or wheat.

In autumn, you should be careful with bleaching. It’s better to stick with coloring or highlighting.

Platinum, ash and light brown shades are suitable for winter girls.

Advice! Burning brunettes should not use radical hair lightening. It is better to choose more gentle bronding or ombre techniques.

Features of caring for damaged strands

  • Washing your hair is done only with lukewarm water using a special shampoo for bleached curls.
  • After washing you should use nourishing balm to reduce fragility.
  • Periodically it is worth using restorative masks that contain natural oils.

  • From folk remedies You can use rinses made from decoctions of nettle, chamomile and burdock.
  • Strands need to be hidden from intense sunlight.
  • You should not frequently use curling irons, straightening irons and hair dryers. If necessary, thermal protection products should be used.

After dyeing your hair, in a couple of weeks you will notice regrown roots that don’t look neat. In this case, you need to tint the strands along the entire length. When painting using various techniques, such a procedure should be entrusted to a professional.

Regular hair care will always make you look stylish and elegant. At the same time, blond curls will become healthy and shiny.

/ 26.05.2018

How to change your color from blonde to light brown. Brown hair - how to dye it blonde

Do you want to change your life? Start with your hair. Have you heard this? I made it a rule to change my haircut every spring. And this year I dared to make drastic changes. I changed my hair color. For ten whole years, hair wore a terrible sentence - “blond”. Everything would be fine if it weren’t for their condition. They became brittle, very dry, and the tail looked like a mouse’s!

It turned out to be not so easy to find a master who would convert from blonde to light brown. Remembering the colors my friends painted at home gives me goosebumps. After all, during such repainting you can turn green. This is the whole difficulty of transitioning to light brown - the final color depends on many factors, such as the structure of the hair, its native color, how it “perceives” the coloring. I decided for myself that such experiments should only be carried out in a salon, and after making sure a thousand times that the master is a pro in this matter.

After much research on websites and various forums, I finally found it. The only one I dared to trust to dye my barely living hair from blonde to light brown.

So, it all started with preparation. I didn’t wear makeup for two months, constant masks, head massages, and only wearing a hat when going outside, so that in the cold I wouldn’t dry out my hair even more. An alarming day came, gathering my wealth in a bun, I stomped into the salon. There I was met by a very sweet, friendly girl Katya. " So, do you want to change your hair color from blonde to blond?", she asked . Having carefully examined the hair roots, I went to knead something in jars. This is a special composition that helps to fill bleached hair. After coloring, the natural coloring pigment – ​​melanin – is removed. In other words, the hair is empty, and this product fills it artificially with pigment, making it more vibrant. It is applied for about 30 minutes. Then carefully remove with a dry towel. Do not wet your hair. The second stage of going blonde is coloring. We chose the color to be a shade darker than the roots, the paint is the most gentle, it is not permanent. Therefore, after two to three weeks the procedure must be repeated. The third stage is care: shampooing, mask, massage. Katerina told me about all the intricacies of dyeing from blonde to light brown; it turns out that only the third time I will be able to choose the color I like. Ash-blond, wheat-blond, with a golden tint - the assortment is varied. In the meantime, every day the paint becomes lighter, gradually washes out and I like it more and more.

More self-confidence. Change your clothes, change your hair, change your style. Go from blonde to light brown or brown-haired, it doesn’t matter, life loves change!

Let me start with the fact that I was blonde for 12 years. I’ve been wearing makeup since I was 14. It’s true that I’ve never lost color, I applied paint right away. And then, after the birth of my daughter, I wanted to recolor myself in my real color, or rather, I’ve wanted to for a couple of years now, but I decided only now. I chose the paint quickly, standing in the store in front of a rack with a variety of this product. Since at that time I was breastfeeding my baby, I wanted paint without ammonia so that it wouldn’t stink throughout the apartment. I chose Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse because I liked the color on the packaging and it said that it was ammonia-free.

My hair is shoulder-length (overgrown bob). I bought two packs because, based on long-term experience, I know that one pack is not enough to dye all my hair. My mother painted me for the first time. But we were so “mossy”, we diluted the paint in a jar, as we always did with other cream paints, and began to paint with a brush. Mom spat, cursed and said that it was terribly inconvenient to paint! In general, we finished painting almost after a fight. My mother had a negative attitude towards this paint. BUT! In defense of this paint, I will say that it really does not stink, it smells a little, but quite pleasant. The color after painting turned out almost the same as on the box. A slightly grayer tint, but after a few washes, the grayness washed off. It doesn’t flow, doesn’t bake, and doesn’t make your head itch. And the most important thing is that one pack was enough for me to dye all my hair!!! I didn't expect this!

Since I still have one more pack left, besides, naturally, after quite a long time it was a little washed off and the roots of the industry, I decided to paint it again. This time there was no one to paint me, so I did it myself. She did everything right, mixed it not in her jar, but in a bottle, and began to apply makeup in front of the mirror. I painted it honestly, I’ll tell you HOW! that is, of course, I tried somehow in order, so as not to miss anything, but there are no eyes behind me, everything is by touch... And then I realized why this paint was created, namely to paint myself! How convenient! You splash it here and there, then shake it with your hands and that’s it. I didn’t expect that the color would be even, considering how barbarically I applied it! And besides, it’s kind of endless! I've already painted my entire head, but it still doesn't finish. I collected all the hair at the top and began to dye it again, like the top ones. Everything seems to have run out of paint. I shook the bottle and it got a “second wind”; I had to cover my whole head with paint again. In general, it was possible to paint it twice...

I don’t know about blonde shades, but if I dye my hair light brown or brunette again, for example, and there is no one to dye me, then I will 100% choose this dye! Moreover, the child will not have to smell the ammonia smell.

Girls are fickle people. Today they want to be sizzling brunettes, tomorrow – dazzling blondes, the day after tomorrow – natural, fair-haired beauties. Sooner or later, any girl becomes a blonde (you have to try what it’s like to be a modern Marilyn Monroe). Some people like this role so much that they don’t want to leave it for the rest of their lives; some, on the contrary, want to return to the mainstream of a normal, “dark” existence, in which there is no place for offensive jokes about narrow-minded fair-haired girls.

How to choose the right shade of light brown?
Any professional hairdresser knows how to go from blonde to light brown. Color transformation can be done at home, but it is better to entrust your bleached, brittle and worn-out hair to the hands of an experienced person. He can easily assess their condition and, based on the regrown roots, determine the shade of Russian (light, medium or dark) that is right for you. Before painting, you can use a special computer program yourself or with the help of a specialist to select desired shade fair-haired. Finally, suitable color You can always find it by trial painting using a tinted shampoo or tonic of one or another Russian shade. The hair will return to its original color in four weeks, which will allow you to embark on new experiments.

How to dye blonde hair brown?
In order to change from blonde to light brown, you will need very little - a high-quality coloring composition (preferably produced by a well-known, well-established manufacturer) and following the chosen dyeing technology. Natural blondes can keep the dye on their hair for the amount of time indicated on the package. Girls with bleached hair should reduce the time they use the dye by a third.

There are three ways to change from blonde to light brown:

  1. Coloring. Blonde hair They are painted not in one, but in different shades of light brown. The resulting result is striking in its versatility of color. Colored brown hair visually they look more voluminous and thicker than those painted in a single tone.
  2. Permanent coloring. Blonde hair is dyed in the classic way. They look as natural as possible. For painting, it is better to use gentle products, without hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  3. Toning. Blonde hair is prepared for the perception of light brown color, initially being dyed in warm, soft shades, on the verge of blond and darker color. Honey, caramel and cinnamon can later be transformed into deeper brown tones.
The most gentle and high-quality method of hair coloring is elumination. It involves covering the hair with a protective film before applying dye to it. This technology provides an even, rich and lasting color that does not wash off, as happens after regular coloring. The hairdresser can easily wash off the shade obtained during the elumination process with special means and return the original hair color.

Despite the well-established opinion that gentlemen prefer blondes, many girls no longer strive to transform themselves into a color scheme identical to a sheet of office paper. What is attractive is what is inaccessible, and given the fact that hydrogen peroxide can be easily found in any store, and through the efforts of beauty salon craftsmen they can even produce metamorphoses without any harm, it becomes obvious that more natural and natural colors are at the peak of relevance.

Changing your color from blonde to light brown is, at first glance, very simple. But everyone who has faced such a task at least once knows how high the risk of getting an unwanted color is, if the initial tone is light wheat. Many girls were forced to correct the situation by transforming into a brunette, trying to hide the green tint in their own strands.

Paint selection

Transformation from blonde to light brown requires the use of a professional dye. Light brown color has a rather complex color scheme, therefore, it is very important to use expensive, high-quality products from a reliable manufacturer. And if rich brown or black can be achieved even simple colors, although in this case you do not save yourself from the risk of harm to your body, then if you are going to dye your hair from blond to light brown, you simply need a good dye.

In addition to the aesthetic effect, it is very important that the dye does not cause intoxication, because in this case you will not only have to say goodbye to the beauty of your hair, but also your own vision, and, possibly, your health in general. Therefore, if, when applying the mixture to your strands, you feel a sharp odor and burning sensation, immediately wash off the paint with cool water, because the desire to achieve a light ash tone is not worth the negative consequences.

Preparation for the procedure

Even if you are a natural blonde, lighten your hair as much as possible before dyeing your hair. Even if we are not talking about transforming a brunette, your blonde hair contains a large amount of pigment, which will not allow the dye to adhere evenly to the hair. The resulting result will look untidy, and will make noticeable the fact that you are getting a luxurious color scheme for your hair at the hairdresser, and are not showing off to others the hair gifted to you by nature itself.

To lighten, apply dye to the strands and keep them on your hair for as long as it takes until the pigmentation completely disappears. You can wash off the paint only with cool water to stop the chemical process. There is no need to try to change your color from blonde to light brown right on the day of lightening; give your hair a rest after such a traumatic procedure. On average, this will take about five days. Use this time to pamper your hair with masks, oil wraps, and leave-in serums.

After the specified time has passed, you can choose a paint and begin metamorphosis.


Light brown hair color is the most common color among Slavic girls. However, it is impossible to say that the hair of every fair-haired woman is completely the same. So, for example, the strands of one have a light ash tone, and the head of the other has a dark tone, with a reddish tint.

You should choose it based on your color type. You can do a simple test: apply warm-colored objects or fabrics to your face, and then cold ones, and observe which proximity makes your eyes more expressive and your skin smoother.

Apply paint in sufficient quantities so that all strands are evenly coated. It is necessary to apply the dye starting from the back of the head, since the hair is thicker and therefore takes a little longer for the color to set. But the temporal zones and hairline should be painted last, then the result will be more natural.

What to do if the result is disappointing

Don't be upset if the resulting hair tone doesn't match your expectations. To correct the situation is very simple: take a dye two shades darker and dye your hair again. Choose ammonia-free dyes, then your risk of turning into a brunette is minimal: even if the color turns out dark, it will quickly wash off.

Girls are fickle people. Today they want to be sizzling brunettes, tomorrow – dazzling blondes, the day after tomorrow – natural, fair-haired beauties. Sooner or later, any girl becomes a blonde (you have to try what it’s like to be a modern Marilyn Monroe). Some people like this role so much that they don’t want to leave it for the rest of their lives; some, on the contrary, want to return to the mainstream of a normal, “dark” existence, in which there is no place for offensive jokes about narrow-minded fair-haired girls.

How to choose the right shade of light brown?
Anyone knows how to go from blonde to brown hair professional hairdresser. Color transformation can be done at home, but it is better to entrust your bleached, brittle and worn-out hair to the hands of an experienced person. He can easily assess their condition and, based on the regrown roots, determine the shade of Russian (light, medium or dark) that is right for you. Before painting, you can use a special computer program yourself or with the help of a specialist to select the desired shade of light brown. Finally, a suitable color can always be found by trial painting using a tinted shampoo or tonic of one or another Russian shade. The hair will return to its original color in four weeks, which will allow you to embark on new experiments.

How to dye blonde hair brown?
In order to change from blonde to light brown, you will need very little - a high-quality coloring composition (preferably produced by a well-known, well-established manufacturer) and following the chosen dyeing technology. Natural blondes can keep the dye on their hair for the amount of time indicated on the package. Girls with bleached hair should reduce the time they use the dye by a third.

There are three ways to change from blonde to light brown:

  1. Coloring. Blonde hair is dyed not one, but different shades of light brown. The resulting result is striking in its versatility of color. Colored brown hair visually looks more voluminous and thicker than hair dyed in a single tone.
  2. Permanent coloring. Blonde hair is dyed in the classic way. They look as natural as possible. For painting, it is better to use gentle products, without hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  3. Toning. Blonde hair is prepared for the perception of a light brown color, initially being dyed in warm, soft shades that are on the verge of blonde or more. dark color. Honey, caramel and cinnamon can later be transformed into deeper brown tones.
The most gentle and high-quality method of hair coloring is elumination. It involves covering the hair with a protective film before applying dye to it. This technology provides an even, rich and lasting color that does not wash off, as happens after conventional coloring. The hairdresser can easily wash off the shade obtained during the elumination process with special means and return the original hair color.