How to determine the correct eyebrow shape. Eyebrow shapes for different face types, little tricks

In order for eyebrows to acquire the desired look, you have to use thread, tweezers, certain makeup products, and get a tattoo. To figure out whether eyebrow correction is required, you need to decide on the following: what natural shape and what shape of eyebrows is most suitable for the type of face from the photo.

The shape of the eyebrows based on the type of face shown in the photo may differ in shade, length, thickness, and shape.

These characteristics can be combined in various combinations, but basic types can be distinguished:

What eyebrow shape is in fashion?

Naturalness has been in fashion for the last few years. In one case, thick, bleached eyebrows are popular, and in another, thick, but clearly outlined.

The most common variation is natural color eyebrows (can be 1-2 shades lighter or darker than the natural shade), thickness and discreet lines. To obtain the desired tone, you can use mascara, eye shadow, paint or gel. The softness of the lines is achieved by eliminating excess hair cov.

Eyebrow shape according to face type with photo

The shape of the eyebrows should harmoniously match the type of face with the photo. Correctly and aesthetically done eyebrows will only decorate the image, but incorrectly corrected ones will ruin everything.

That is why you should be very careful when choosing the appropriate eyebrow shape. First of all, you need to determine the shape of your face, and only then select the type of eyebrows.

Oval face

This form is the most ideal. In this case, not only straight lines are suitable, but also various arched options. Any variation will highlight true beauty.

A neat break will bring your makeup closer to perfection. If the face shape is a little longer, you need to choose lines that fly up and attract interest. It is not recommended to make eyebrows wide.

In addition, there is no need to lengthen the eyebrow arch or draw it very high. You should not lower the straight line very low. This option will make your face look gloomy. The outcome of the eyebrow should be made rounded, and the line of the outer edge sharper.

Round face

A properly adjusted eyebrow shape can make your face visually longer. For round face Most of all, the eyebrows are in the form of a broken line that rises up and gently descends. There is no need to be afraid to raise your eyebrows extremely high.

Shaping eyebrows according to your face type can easily be done at home, the main thing is to choose the dye for coloring and the desired shape for your face

Square face

If there is an effect of a heavy face, then it can be corrected with well-corrected eyebrow lines. Rounded, arched eyebrows look great on this face.

A slight curve suits them. You can also draw a little break in the lines with an oblong tail that gently descends. These eyebrows begin with a wide line upward, and in the middle they turn into a horizontal line.

Triangular or heart face

For a triangular-shaped face, slightly raised eyebrows are suitable. The line is slightly curved in the middle, but not much. If the arches of the eyebrows are greatly lengthened or shortened, you can only emphasize the shortcomings.

For a heart-shaped face, only midlines are suitable, which will visually reduce a high forehead and bring facial features to the extreme. It is recommended to find a middle ground, and not to draw an excessively rounded top or a rapid takeoff.

Long face

With an elongated face, the distance between the cheekbones is equal to the space between the temples. Another difference of this form is a massive forehead and a narrow chin. Often the line of the lower jaw creates the image of a square. Therefore, straight eyebrow lines are perfect. This technique will idealize the appearance, while the large forehead is smoothed out.

The beginning of the line needs to be moved away from the bridge of the nose. This will expand the distance between the eyes and emphasize their expressiveness. The eyebrow lines should be slightly narrowed, but it is not recommended to make them long. It is forbidden to make eyebrows in the form of a rainbow - this will increase all the disadvantages.

Diamond face

A face of this shape is quite rare. A sign of this type is a large gap between the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to make lines that will visually reduce the distance between the eyes and eliminate angularity. You can make an extremely sharp break.

The wings of the eyebrows must be quickly directed towards the temples. This technique will help balance the proportions. Sometimes it is permissible to make arched eyebrows. This shape of the eyebrows will soften the angularity, and at the same time will not produce a deep effect. It is unacceptable to draw straight lines.

  1. You shouldn't have very narrow eyebrows. It looks unnatural and is not suitable for everyone. In fashion today natural beauty, so you should only emphasize naturalness.
  2. The smaller the facial features, the thinner the eyebrows should be.
  3. If the gap between the eyes is very large, then the bases of the eyebrows should be placed closer to each other. And vice versa, if the gap is small, move the heads away from each other.
  4. Don't lower your eyebrows too low or raise them too high.
  5. When it is not possible to choose the appropriate eyebrow shape, it is recommended to make them arched. This option suits almost every face type.
  6. If you cannot determine the appropriate eyebrow shape, it is advisable to use a stencil.
  7. The rougher the facial features, the softer the eyebrow lines should be. When the shape is too rounded, breaks and expressive bends are suitable.

How to shape your eyebrows yourself: necessary tools

To maintain the status of having flawless eyebrows, you need to carefully care for them. You can often visit salons to correct your eyebrows, but every beauty needs to have tools in her home arsenal.

Tools that should always be in your makeup bag:

Shape your eyebrows with tweezers

The shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face shown in the photo is an important aspect in choosing a more suitable type of eyebrows. Nowadays there are many ways to make your eyebrows look perfect. If it is not possible to use various salon services, then you can correct your eyebrows on your own using special tools.

The best way giving eyebrows a beautiful look - plucking. A slightly painful process, but very common and effective. When removing excess hair, the arch of the eyebrow is massaged. This process stimulates future growth of new hairs.

To correct eyebrows, it is preferable to acquire two tweezers: with sharp ends for basic plucking of hairs and with flat ends for final trimming of eyebrow lines.

Before you start shaping the perfect shape of your eyebrows using tweezers, you need to sterilize the instruments. They should be thoroughly disinfected. You can use alcohol or special-purpose lotion. This procedure will help prevent infections from getting into the wounds.

Instructions for using tweezers:

  1. Set the beginning of the eyebrow. Remove hairs that have grown beyond this line.
  2. Calculate the end of the eyebrow. Remove hairs that extend beyond the line of the end of the eyebrow. If the eyebrows are not long enough, you can fill them in with a pencil.
  3. Narrow your brow by removing excess hair at the bottom of the brow. The lower arc and the upper one should be parallel. The thickness should be left natural, not too narrow.
  4. At the end of eyebrow correction, they must be treated with an antiseptic and moisturizer.

How to correct the shape of eyebrows with thread

Threading is another option for eyebrow correction. It differs from the others in its speed, minimal cost (a special cotton thread with a special strong weave is required), and minimal pain. This procedure will help you pluck out several hairs at a time.

Before the procedure, you need to apply talc to the skin.

Plucking algorithm:

  1. Take a small piece of thread and tie the ends.
  2. Place the thread on two fingers of the right and two fingers of the left hand, moved together (excluding thumbs).
  3. Twist the thread with either hand (you should get 6-11 turns).
  4. Insert the thumb and index finger of each hand along the two ends of the turns.
  5. Place the coils on the unwanted hairs and begin the procedure.

After completing the correction, it is advisable to wipe the skin with Chlorhexidine.

Eyebrow stencil

Thanks to an eyebrow stencil, you can achieve the desired shape in a matter of minutes.

Nowadays there are a number of varieties of stencils:

Such stencils are used to correct eyebrows, for makeup or for tattooing.

Using the stencil is very simple - you just need to apply it to the eyebrow, draw the outline and the eyebrow itself with the desired color. Not only will you get an impeccable shape, but the eyebrows themselves will look very symmetrical (if applied correctly).

Correct eyebrow proportions

For corrected eyebrows and makeup to be flawless, you need to correctly establish the correct eyebrow relationships.

Setting the eyebrow proportion:

  • The fit of the eyes should be established.
  • Conditionally divide the eyebrows into 3 sections: beginning, top point, end. It is necessary to draw 3 lines relatively: to the end of the eyebrow, to the beginning and to the bend.

Ideal eyebrow color: selection rules

In order for eyebrows to emphasize the image and hide all imperfections, you should choose their color correctly. The wrong shade will only ruin the overall look.

The right choice suitable color:

How to dye eyebrows

Choosing the correct eyebrow shape according to photographs based on your face type is an easy way to highlight your facial features in makeup. Flawless and well-groomed eyebrows are the basis of any spectacular makeup.

In most cases, it is necessary to correct deficiencies using a variety of cosmetics. Today, the decorative cosmetics market has an inherently amazing selection. If you don’t want to regularly draw on your eyebrows with shadows, pencils, or mascara, you can paint them with permanent paint. This is enough for several weeks.

For painting you will need: a comfortable brush, cotton sponges, oxidizing agent, remover, cotton swabs, paint of the required shade.

Algorithm for painting eyebrows at home:

  1. Choose paint of the most suitable color.
  2. Carefully wash off all makeup from your face, even lightly exfoliate.
  3. Wipe your face with toner. Apply cream. Degrease eyebrows.
  4. Using tweezers, remove unnecessary hairs.
  5. Mix the paint with the oxidizing agent in a 1:1 ratio. (You can mix several colors of paint at once to get the desired color).
  6. For easy painting, outline the contours with a beige or white pencil.
  7. Using a brush, apply paint carefully along the edges. Apply the largest amount of paint to the middle of the eyebrows (to create maximum naturalness).
  8. Shade the base of the eyebrow (the eyebrows should be started as smoothly as possible).
  9. You can use a thin brush to imitate the desired hairs.
  10. The paint that is applied to the base of the brush should be applied only for a minute, then shaded cotton swab.
  11. Leave the rest of the paint for 8-15 minutes (depending on the desired color).
  12. If you need to make adjustments, you can apply the paint again.

How to take care of your eyebrows

Taking care of your eyebrows at home is very easy.

There are many ways to keep your eyebrows in perfect order.

  • To improve the condition of your eyebrows, it is recommended to apply castor oil to them every day before going to bed.
  • You should comb your eyebrows with a special brush. This will allow your eyebrows to get a massage. Eyebrows should be combed in the direction of their growth.
  • You can massage your eyebrows with your fingers: any massage movements help your eyebrows become darker, thicker and healthier looking. Once a week you should apply nourishing eyebrow masks.

Correcting your eyebrows yourself is not difficult. But you need to take this responsibly. An incorrectly selected eyebrow type will not only worsen natural look, but will also give your makeup unwanted emotions. It is important to decide on the appropriate shape for your face type in order to not only hide flaws, but also highlight your advantages.

Shaping your eyebrows, maintaining their healthy appearance, dyeing them, and caring for them at home will not be difficult.

The correct eyebrow shape is easy to select for absolutely all face types; it is only important to take into account the advice of makeup experts in this matter.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about eyebrow shaping

Eyebrows, what's fashionable:

In some cases, your natural eyebrows require additional care. But simply plucking them along the bottom edge is usually not enough. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the desire to paint your eyebrows with a pencil every morning is zero, or often there is no time left for this at all. Eyebrow correction and tinting at home or in a salon is a way out of this situation.

Of course, it is easier for specialists to make a form suitable for you, but what to do if you are afraid of getting to an inexperienced amateur. Then the best option would be to create the perfect shape at home, and we will help you with this. Let's figure out how to choose the shape of eyebrows according to your face type, and also consider what rules you should follow.

Makeup secrets: how to highlight your eyes at their best

The very first thing that should be striking about a woman’s appearance is her eyes. They should be expressive and charming. But what to do if the eyes have, for example, a small shape, or are set far apart from each other. How to choose the shape of the eyebrows so as not to overshadow the expressiveness of the eyes and make them definitely beautiful:

  • For those with small eyes, the main focus is on the eyebrows. Against the background of too wide ones, they will not be noticeable, but the average thickness with slightly lowered ones is an excellent match;
  • Current practice shows that big eyes Wide eyebrows would be an ideal suggestion. By the way, this feature will add toughness and severity to the lady’s image. A technique with an arched shape will make the eye smaller and visually combines the proportions of the entire face.

How to choose eyebrows according to your face type

For each face type, there are recommendations for their correct outline.

The correct eyebrow shape determines:

  • Expressive eyes;
  • Using less makeup;
  • Look younger than your age;
  • Create the correct facial symmetry.

So, are you looking for the perfect eyebrows for your face? Then let's find the right eyebrow solution for your face type, created by makeup artists around the world. First, let's look at the available types of eyebrows.

They are divided into six types:

  • Arc-shaped;
  • Curved;
  • With a break;
  • Horizontal;
  • Rising;
  • A little house.

Square face

A square jaw emphasizes the angularity of your face, so softly rounded eyebrows are a solution to the visual relationship of all parts of your appearance. But be careful not to make them too rosy. Eyebrows for a square face with a sharp arch will make the face look surprised.

When deciding to create the right shapes, you should exclude those that are too thin; this option suggests looking very unaesthetic in relation to a square face type.

Round face

A round face lacks a cheekbone line. In this case, eyebrows for a round face should have a slight angular shape; such a feature will only brighten up a woman’s appearance. A kink is a great solution for a round face. The exception is the arched straight line, which will create the impression of a lush ball. As a result, the eyes will fade into the background, and only overly rounded shapes will attract attention.

You should pay close attention to tattooing a round face, because if you have such shapes because you are overweight, then if you lose weight, they will take on new shapes that may not suit you and make your face unattractive.

Oval long face

The visually stretched vertical line of the face requires the balance of a horizontal counterweight. The best option there will be eyebrows that create an extension in the part of the tails, and it is also good if they extend a little beyond the corner of the eye.

The ideal shape in this case is considered straight, which will make the face appear wider.

Oval face

This type of face is lucky, because here you can combine almost any eyebrow shape, the main requirement is width - you shouldn’t unnaturally make them thicker. Eyebrows for oval face smoothly go up and then smoothly curve down if the eyes are almond-shaped.

It would also not be amiss to mention the arched shape. Especially suitable for girls with bangs or a high forehead. Eyebrows of a straight shape should be positioned extremely symmetrically so that they look perfectly well-groomed and neat.

Heart-shaped face (triangular)

Because of the small jawline, it is important to choose an eyebrow shape that is not too wide, otherwise the entire emphasis will be on the upper hemisphere of the face, which will present the contours of the woman’s face in an extremely unfavorable position.

Diamond face

A diamond-shaped face shape is not common: a powerful chin, pronounced cheekbones, a wide upper hemisphere proportional to the lower - these are the features of a diamond-shaped face. It is worth noting that eyebrows make the appearance expressive thanks to a slight bend of the classic shape.

Five golden rules

Regardless of the shape of the face, eyebrow correction should follow several principles:

  1. The eyebrow should start from the line of the bridge of the nose. It is enough to apply an even pencil from the wing of the nose to the corner of the eye vertically. Anything outside this line must be plucked out.
  2. Never use an overly arched shape.
  3. Don't have short eyebrows. Its tail should be at least equal to the corner of the eye. To do this, we use a pencil again. We lean one end against the wing of the nose, and the other end against the outer corner of the eye. We pluck out everything that happens to be abroad.
  4. The width between the eyebrows should be the same as the width of two fingers (except for close-set eyes).
  5. If the recommended eyebrow shape is curved, make it extremely smooth and neat to avoid the “Barbie effect.”

Eyebrow oil

Unfortunately, only those females who have this feature genetically inherited can have chic, thick eyebrows. The rest of the girls will have to look after them. Evidence of the chaotic shape of the eyebrows can be their thin and sparse structure.

Such eyebrows are difficult to dye, and tattooing differs slightly in the visual appearance of its application. But there is no need to be upset, modern times There are many ways to restore or strengthen hair growth. Which better oil use for eyebrows, taking into account their saturation and how effective it is, we will consider further.

The main advantage of oils is the strengthening and growth of eyebrows. After a day of work, they must be cleaned with gel. The use of massage will have a positive effect on the eyebrow area - it helps improve blood circulation. It would also be a good idea to comb your eyebrows with a special brush, then they will keep their desired shape for a long time.

The following oils nourish the bulbs well: castor, olive, flaxseed, burdock, rosehip, chamomile, cornflower. 5-7 minutes will be enough to give a relaxing massage using a brush and oils. They strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

I would like to make a special note about castor oil. It is applied to prevent hair loss. If you want to speed up the effect, use oils at night. You just need to apply it to cleansed skin half an hour before bed. In the morning, rinse everything off thoroughly.

How to shape eyebrows

Oddly enough, eyebrows can depend not only on the type of face, but also on character. An experienced makeup artist will always draw conclusions based not only on external data, but also on the characteristics of style and character. Because each eyebrow shape adapts into a peculiar note of emotion. For example, straight, wide eyebrows argue for seriousness and a certain severity in character. An upturned eyebrow means lightness and coquetry.

Threaded eyebrows are strictly contraindicated for young ladies, as well as women with heavy eyelids. Eyebrow correction will be correct from the very beginning if you choose the right eyebrow starting point. We talked about this earlier.

In an effort to create ideal outlines, do not forget that they need to be plucked only in the place where the outline is blurred, i.e. below the main line. If you pluck the hairs from the top side, the eyebrow can take on an unflattering picture that can change your facial expression.

How to do it correctly. Using tweezers that are convenient for you, you need to take the hair at the very root and sharply pull it in the direction of its direction. If it seems to you that it is terribly painful and unpleasant, use special pain-relieving gels or creams.

If your decision is in favor of dyeing your eyebrows, then remember one rule - it is recommended to make your eyebrows the color of your hair roots. If we compare coloring with permanent makeup, the second one wins significantly. The only negative permanent makeup– this is a high cost of the service.

Many makeup artists believe that if there is no time left for makeup, they should paint their eyebrows beautifully. Don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes. To do this, buy stencils and draw, paint, and in the end you will find a suitable shape for yourself. Don’t be lazy to ask the opinions of your friends and family about your new look. If your search has led you to success and you have found the ideal option for yourself, then feel free to make your exit unforgettable.

In this case, permanent makeup can also become relevant, since the choice was made based on numerous positive compliments and reviews. The only caveat is about the color. It is not recommended to make the eyebrow color different from the color of your hair roots, i.e. There should be harmony between the balance of shades.

Creating a personalized look for women is meaningful work. Sometimes a slight change in appearance dramatically changes everything. The shape of the eyebrows can change the look, facial expression, and visually change age. For this there is individual selection eyebrow shapes different types faces.

Choosing the ideal eyebrow shape

Initially, you need to determine what type of image. The type will tell you what needs to be emphasized, what to focus on so that the image becomes complete and clearly expressed.

There are several types of outlines:

An elongated face has an elongated shape, a sharp chin, a high forehead, and cheekbones. The width of the diamond-shaped face differs markedly from its length.

A diamond-shaped face is distinguished by a narrowed frontal region in relation to the cheekbones. In this case, the chin can be sharp or narrow, and high cheekbones complement the diamond shape.

A romantic heart-shaped face has a wide frontal part that is visually different from the bottom. This type of face has a sharp or narrowed chin, and the hairline above the forehead resembles a heart.

A triangular face, also known as a “diamond,” is slightly longer than it is wide. High cheekbones smoothly transition into a sharp chin. The triangular type has an oval hairline and a wide forehead.

The type of face will tell you what needs to be emphasized, what to focus on so that the image becomes complete and clearly expressed.

The square has a medium-width forehead, a pronounced heavy jaw, and wide cheekbones. The eyes are usually large.

An oval face is considered ideal. Its length prevails over its width, the frontal region is equal to the chin.

A round face has soft lines. The height is equal to the width of the cheekbones, the chin is almost invisible, the cheekbones are wide.

Considering the types of faces, at first glance it seems that there is nothing special to invent, however, this opinion is erroneous. If the form is chosen correctly, then success is guaranteed.

There are several types of eyebrow arches:

  1. Flat;
  2. Curved;
  3. Semicircular.

Semicircular eyebrows have only a curve with soft corners. Flat eyebrows have no corners or bends. Curved eyebrows combine sharp angles and curves.

The shapes of the eyebrows of different face types may differ; what suits one person may spoil it. appearance another.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types

Suitable eyebrow shape for a long face

To a long face, brow arches can add width that is missing. For this straight shape is suitable. Clean lines will softly round out your look.

You can't do arched eyebrows, this will make the face appear longer than it actually is. Straight arches are the latest in fashion.

To a long face, eyebrows can add width that is missing.

Eyebrow Shape for Diamond Face

The rhombus requires softening of the contours. It is necessary to visually reduce the width of the cheekbones. For these purposes, the type of classic eyebrows with a slight bend is suitable.

Important: you should not make straight or overly curved eyebrows.

Eyebrows for Heart Shaped Face Types

This type of face can be perfectly transformed by hiding a pointed chin and arched eyebrows. The beginning of the arc as well as the end must be at the same level. The contours of the edges should be softly highlighted.

The arc does not have to be high, you can try low, but with softened corners, then the image will be slightly lengthened.

Selected shapes of eyebrow arches for different face types will add femininity, remove noticeable outlines, and change facial expression.

Mysterious triangle

The eyebrow line on the face is in the shape of a triangle and should have a soft curve. Sharp corners must be avoided, as they will add even more angularity. Short eyebrows are also not suitable.

Straight arches are completely unsuitable for a triangular face, they create an image of sadness and sadness. You'll get a crying look.

Eyebrows for a decisive square

Square face You need to give up thin eyebrows forever. Thick eyebrows will create balance between the shape and jaw. If the arcs are sparse, you can use a pencil or shadows.

A square face is transformed and complemented by femininity also with an arched shape, the main thing is that there are no break angles.

For those with oval types, horizontal eyebrows are suitable, as long as you don’t raise the bend too much.

Graceful oval

The oval face type is ideal for changing your look. The main task is not to disturb the natural ratio.

For those with oval shapes, horizontal eyebrow arches are suitable, as long as you don’t raise the edge too much. A slight rounding will add femininity and also slightly elongate the face.

An oval face easily accepts changes in eyebrow shape to keep up with the times. It should be remembered that Wide, straight eyebrows add a rugged, rugged look to the look.

Round face

Chubby beauties should focus on visually elongating their faces. The shape of the arches should be wider at the bridge of the nose, and the tips should be narrow, but without the appearance of a comma.

To make the look more open, you need to have a raised shape with a slight bend. There are so many different types of faces, so many eyebrow shapes.

It is important to remember: you cannot do about round shape , arched eyebrows will further emphasize the roundness of the face and create an expression of surprise.

Rules for drawing the selected shape

Once the shape is determined, it needs to be carefully drawn. Simple tools are suitable for these purposes: a pencil and a brush.

Initially, it is necessary to outline the points of the beginning, end and break of the eyebrows.

Once the shape is determined, it needs to be carefully drawn.

Drawing instructions:

  1. Using a sharpened pencil, draw the top line from the beginning to the bend point, taking into account the chosen shape.
  2. Then you need to connect the bend point to the end of the shape. The upper part of the eyebrow is drawn. You need to ensure that the lines are flexible and accurate.
  3. Draw the bottom line of the arc in the same way.

After the drawn eyebrow shape is ready, it needs to be shaded with a pencil. You need to apply strokes from the end of the eyebrow, carefully moving towards the beginning. The application with a pencil should not be too precise; there is no need to press on it, as the eyebrow arches will look artificial.

The end of the eyebrow does not need to be shaded too much, it is better to make the middle of the shape more pronounced, and the beginning should be slightly emphasized. Using a stiff brush, blend the pencil strokes.

This will help create naturalness and remove clear boundaries of drawing. The final step is to apply powder around the arches using a soft brush.

The drawn shapes of different face types make the eyebrows natural and pronounced. Beautiful eyebrows eliminate the need for unnecessary makeup on the face.

The drawn shapes of different face types make the eyebrows natural and pronounced.

Eyebrows can be drawn in using shadows. Shadows for this case should match the color of the eyebrow hairs, have a solid texture and a brush with an oblique edge. This will help for clear application of the form. The arc is drawn with shadows in the same way as with a pencil.

According to the rules of professional makeup, the color and shade of the eyebrows must be combined with the hair.

After practicing with a pencil and shadows, you can color your eyebrows using the chosen method. It could be dye or henna.

Then you won’t have to spend time on makeup every day; the dyes will fix the shape and color for a long time. You just have to remember to correct the growing hairs.

Not all women are able to choose and make a suitable shape on their own, however, salon masters will come to the rescue. With their extensive experience and full hand, there will be no difficulties in work. After salon procedure, you can take care of the existing form yourself.

The main points of the eyebrow and their definition

Before determining the main points of the future shape of the eyebrows, you need to remove makeup, pull your hair back, fixing it. After carefully examining yourself in the mirror, visually select your shape. Eyebrow shapes are chosen according to your face type.

The wing of the nose will serve as the basis for identifying the main points.

The wing of the nose will serve as the basis for identifying the main points. By placing a pencil from the point of the wing through the inner corner of the eye to the arc, you will get a mark for the beginning of the future shape. Hair extending beyond the point towards the bridge of the nose requires removal.

To mark the highest point of the eyebrow, you need to apply a pencil from the nostril to the eyebrow through the outer border of the pupil. The intersection of the pencil with the arc determines the second point. You need to raise your eyebrow to this mark, without changing the width. After this point towards the temple the shape will narrow.

Individual hairs above the eyebrow need to be removed. There should be the same distance from the middle to the end and the edge of the beginning of the eyebrow.

The gap between both eyebrows should not be less than two centimeters. If the eyes are set close to the bridge of the nose, then the distance can be reduced.

The width of the eyebrows should not change from the beginning to the break point. Hair is removed along the lower contour. The hairs should look in one direction, not sticking out on different sides. There is a special gel on sale for this purpose.

Regular care of eyebrows and eyelashes is carried out castor oil. The result will exceed all expectations.

At the marked points, the arc is drawn using the selected suitable shape. Eyebrow shapes are chosen based on different face types.

To remove excess hair, various methods are used. A reliable and proven method is removal with tweezers.

To remove excess hair, various methods are used. A reliable and proven method is removal with tweezers. Fashion for eyebrow shapes is changing, however, do not forget about the type of face, age, hairstyle, and thickness of the eyebrow arches.

Before plucking your hair, you need to steam your face well and moisturize with cream. These procedures will help relieve pain and make the process easier.

After removing excess hair, you need to treat the injured skin with a disinfectant. There is a wax removal method that allows you to remove even colorless and invisible hairs.

Beautiful eyebrows are an important element in female beauty. With well-groomed eyebrows, a woman looks confident even without makeup. It’s enough to highlight your eyes a little with mascara, add a little color and shine to your lips, and the look is 100%.

A correctly chosen eyebrow shape will hide all imperfections, focusing attention on the features of your appearance.

In this video you can see how to properly correct your eyebrow arches and hear tips on this matter.

This video will introduce you to different types of eyebrows and help you choose them for certain face shapes.

In this video, the girl shares useful information regarding how to make yourself beautiful and correct eyebrows.

Wide, thin, curved, short, houselike... Eyebrows can be different, but they always affect the facial expression and its perception by others. The native form is given by nature, as are thickness, width, and length. But it is not ideal for everyone, so you don’t have to agree and put up with it. Everything is very easy to change and adjust. Eyebrows can and should be matched to the shape of your face, but it is very important to do it correctly.


What types of eyebrows are there?

In the 70s of the last century, thin “threads” were at the peak of popularity. They have been on their faces for several decades. In those days, eyebrow shapes were not chosen. The hairs were plucked out from all sides as much as possible, leaving literally one row. They drew on it with a pencil, achieving contrast.

Then natural eyebrows came into fashion. Bright black pencils and paints were diluted with many other shades. Naturalness is still in fashion, girls choose wide and natural eyebrows. If desired, you can always make them up brighter, outline them, create a theatrical effect or, as they call it now, “Instagram” eyebrows.

What forms are there:

  1. Direct. They are straight lines with a slight bend or its complete absence.
  2. A little house. Distinctive feature- a sharp break line, reminiscent of a corner, that is, the roof of a house.
  3. Arcs. The eyebrow can have different thickness and length, but it is always smooth and follows the shape of a regular arch without sharp breaks or protruding corners.
  4. With a break. This eyebrow shape is very common, the eyebrow smoothly goes up, then bends and falls down. This is a kind of shifted “house”.
  5. Rising. Straight eyebrows that start at the bridge of the nose and point upward. There are no kinks or bends or they are not very pronounced.

It is not always possible to reshape your eyebrows. If there was originally a “house”, then it will not be possible to make it straight. It is also difficult to make clear bends on smooth arcs. If the eyebrows themselves are narrow and sparse, then the task becomes even more complicated. In any case, you must initially evaluate the source data.

Video: Eyebrow shapes

Correct size

Often the shape of the eyebrows is selected according to the type of face, but for some reason they forget about the size. It is very important not to pinch the length, but there is also no need to go behind the temple or decorate the bridge of the nose. There are rules generally accepted by stylists that allow you to individually solve this problem. You will need any two pencils, one must be cosmetic, which can be used to draw on the skin.

Length determination method:

  1. Place a simple pencil on the side of your nose perpendicular to the floor. It should go up through the inner corner of the eye. Use a cosmetic pencil to mark the starting point of the eyebrow.
  2. Move the pencil to the side so that it passes through the pupil, while looking straight. Mark a point on the eyebrow. This will be the area of ​​maximum bend or height.
  3. Move the upper tip of the pencil again so that it extends from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eyes. Place the end point on the eyebrows. The length is determined.
  4. Based on these measurements, the approximate shape of the eyebrow is drawn.

Important! This method is not suitable for all girls. If the eyebrows are straight, then there is no need to mark the second point, it is enough to just determine the beginning and end, that is, the length. Owners of the “house” will also not be able to move the bend to the side.

Face types and shape

Regardless of the chosen thickness and intensity of coloring, you need to match your eyebrows to your face type. You can experiment on your own, change the length, width, paint in different shades until you get the perfect option. But this may take years. Still, it is better to adhere to generally accepted recommendations.

Since the shape of the face is most often taken as a basis, you need to learn how to determine it. To do this, pull all the hair back along with the bangs, pin it up, and have a look. If difficulties arise, you can take a photo of yourself, outline an oval with a regular pencil in a photograph or on a computer program.

Oval face

Oval is considered the ideal face shape, which suits absolutely all types of eyebrows. Here you can safely act in the way of stylists: determine the beginning, maximum height, end. Next, adjust the width, add or remove thickness if necessary, and color it.

If the oval is elongated, then the face looks a little rough. In this case, the shape needs to be adjusted, smoothing out the bend as much as possible. It should turn out smooth and soft. The “arc” shape is suitable. Sometimes with this type of face there is a heavy chin. To visually make the oval proportional, you need to lengthen the tips of the eyebrows.

Round face

This type of face is characterized by soft and smooth lines and round cheeks. Very often, owners try to disguise them with contouring. But it is much more convenient to change your eyebrows once and for all. Under no circumstances should you select arcs. They will add roundness and width to your face. It is better to give preference to forms with curves, more expressive and clear. For girls with this type of face, “houses” and “with a break” are ideal. Ascending lines will help lengthen the oval, but not in all cases it will be possible to make them.

Note: One of the most common mistakes correction involves raising the eyebrows. This technique does not always give the desired open look, more often a surprised expression on the face. Therefore, you need to pluck the hairs from the bottom very carefully.

Triangular face shape and heart

The main task is to make the face more proportional, that is, to narrow the upper part. The best way to do this is to shorten the eyebrow length a little. It should not go behind the temple. Owners of a triangular face type can choose round, curved and any other shapes at their discretion.

However, if the facial features are rough, then they need to be smoothed out with soft and smooth lines. With a shortened triangle, straight shapes without bends should be avoided. They will visually separate the face and make it smaller.

Square and rectangular face shapes

The main task is to make the face softer and more feminine, to smooth out strict lines. To do this, choose soft and smooth lines without sharp bends. Owners of this type of face should not paint their eyebrows with bright pencils, shadows, or mascara to shape their eyebrows. It is better to give preference to shades that match your native hair color or are slightly lighter.

If you have a square face shape, you should avoid clear transverse lines. The arches fit perfectly. If initially the eyebrows are very graphic and clear, then the crease lines need to be smoothed out by removing protruding corners. Usually they are carefully plucked out with tweezers.

Diamond face shape

This type of face is characterized by a narrowed forehead and chin, while the cheekbones are greatly expanded. The main task is to narrow the central part, make the lines smooth and soft. Classic shapes with soft curves and arches are ideal. It is worth abandoning clear and graphic lines and contrasting shades.

Second important point– eyebrow length. With this type of face, you cannot shorten it; this will visually narrow the forehead, emphasize and even increase the width of the cheekbones. It’s better to add, finish drawing, you can slightly move the tip behind the temple, if the chosen shape allows it.

Little tricks

Eyebrows are a small detail on the face, but they will help disguise imperfections and highlight advantages. You need to use this skillfully. You cannot shave your eyebrows completely or make them very light. This technique is used only by make-up artists in films, who need to portray a childish and naive facial expression. IN ordinary life this is not always appropriate.

Small tricks:

  1. If your face shape is narrow, you should not color your eyebrows with a dark pencil or cover your hairs with thick mascara. You need to make them light and thin, matching your hair color.
  2. With close-set eyes, you need to move your eyebrows a little further, that is, increase the bridge of your nose. And vice versa. If the eyes are set far away, you need to increase the length inward, that is, add a few millimeters to the eyebrows closer to the nose.
  3. If your eyebrows are sparse, you don't need to fill them in with shadows. It is better to shade with a pencil to match, creating the effect of additional hairs. You can also disguise bald spots.
  4. Fixing agents will help preserve any shape. Usually these are special gels and mascaras. Their use is especially important in the presence of long, thick hairs.

It is not always possible to independently select a shape for your face type or make the correct correction. If after several attempts nothing works, it is better to contact a stylist. A professional will help you decide on the shape. Often the first correction is intended for this purpose; it will solve the problem on for many years, will eliminate the need to conduct further experiments.

Video: How to choose the perfect eyebrow shape

Every woman knows firsthand how important the shape of the eyebrows is for the face.

It should be added here that not all representatives of the fair sex clearly understand how to give their eyebrows a shape that will make their face more attractive and their facial features expressive. Because of this, many girls either do not try to correct their eyebrows in any way, or do it not entirely successfully.

The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell its readers today about what mistakes should be avoided when modeling eyebrows and correcting their shape. In order to choose the most successful eyebrow option, you first need to determine the shape of your face and understand which eyebrow lines will show it in an advantageous light. To do this, you need to turn to the experience of professional makeup artists.

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows to suit your face shape

In order to choose the right form beautiful eyebrows, it is necessary to take into account facial features and its shape. Naturally, the lines of the brow ridges cannot be left without attention.

Makeup artists distinguish several main types of faces, according to which it is possible to distinguish the same number of shapes that eyebrows can have.

  1. Those with a round face will want eyebrows that are arched, raised high, with a thin tip and a slightly wider beginning. When modeling such eyebrows, you should not give them a round shape that follows the contours of the face. It is also important not to make the tip too thin. If you properly shape your eyebrows with a kink, your face will become a little more expressive and lively.
  2. Horizontal eyebrows will make an oval face shape more attractive. It is not forbidden to round them a little, but you should try not to make them too high. When shaping eyebrows in this way, it is necessary to make them a little thinner than their natural line, since eyebrows that are too wide and straight can give the face a stern expression.
  3. The best eyebrow option for those with a square face is raised up curved arches. Thin eyebrows will not suit this type of face at all. Here we can add that arched eyebrows are generally quite universal and the most natural. Any woman can easily give this shape to her eyebrows, even those who do not have special eyebrow care skills. For those who are in search of their ideal shape, such eyebrows will be the most suitable starting option.
  4. For a triangular face shape, slightly raised eyebrows with a smooth, even curve are recommended. When modeling eyebrows of this shape, you need to carefully shape the bend line so as not to make it too drooping: this will give the face a very sad expression. It is strictly not recommended for women with a triangular face shape to make their eyebrows straight.
  5. But women with an elongated face shape can safely form straight eyebrow lines. This technique visually rounds out facial features.

How to shape your eyebrows yourself

There is a completely understandable method for shaping eyebrows at home that will help create ideal eyebrow lines. This technique consists of several very simple steps.

  1. Using a cosmetic or regular pencil, the starting point of the eyebrow is determined. To do this, the pencil is applied to the central point on the wing of the nose and to the eyebrow so that the line of the pencil passes through the inner corner of the eye. Where the pencil in this position and the eyebrow intersect, you need to mark the beginning of the eyebrow.
  2. The next step is to find the highest, central point of the eyebrow. Armed with a pencil again, you need to use it to draw a line from the point of the wing of the nose to the eyebrow, crossing the outer edge of the pupil. For shaping any eyebrows, this point is of great importance as it helps to create a neater arch.
  3. Then you should find the end of the eyebrow, for which you need to use a pencil to connect a point on the wing of the nose, a point on the outer edge of the eye and the eyebrow. Where the pencil intersects the eyebrow, its end is marked. All hairs located beyond this point must be removed.
  4. After the points that determine the future shape of ideal eyebrows have been found, it is necessary to once again check the correctness of the measurements taken. To do this, the pencil should be applied to the middle of the eyebrow. If the beginning and end of the eyebrow line are at the same level, then all measurements were taken correctly.
  5. Another important point in eyebrow correction is the distance between them. It should not be more than two fingers.

Eyebrow shape: modeling rules

After all the main points of the eyebrows have been found, you can begin to model them. It is necessary to remember that there are some rules, adherence to which will help make the process less painful and more effective.

  1. Cosmetologists recommend plucking eyebrows only at the bottom. It is not recommended to touch the upper part, as this will give the eyebrows an unnatural look. The exception is a few hairs growing separately from the eyebrow.
  2. Before you start plucking your eyebrows, especially if they are very light and sparse, it is advisable to first draw the correction lines with a pencil.
  3. In any case, you don’t need to get carried away and make your eyebrows much thinner than they are naturally. If you do not have special skills in the field of eyebrow shape correction, then you only need to slightly correct them to give a neat and well-groomed look.
  4. In order for the eyebrows to turn out beautiful and even, during the correction procedure they need to be constantly smoothed with a special eyebrow brush.
  5. Plucking eyebrows is also difficult because this procedure is quite painful. In order to slightly reduce pain, it is recommended to apply a softening compress of ordinary cotton swabs dipped in warm water to the eyebrows.
  6. After completing the procedure, you need to treat the skin with an anti-inflammatory lotion.
  7. You need to systematically care for your eyebrows, plucking out excess hairs and combing with a brush in a timely manner. Then your face will always look natural and attractive.

It is also very important to remember that a few extra plucked hairs can completely ruin the facial expression, making it sad or absurdly surprised. And since character is determined by the shape of the eyebrows more often than by any other signs, women can literally ruin their entire impression of themselves in no time.

Therefore, for those girls who have decided to start modeling their eyebrows on their own, the site strongly recommends that you re-read this article again and follow all the tips given in it. If you are not confident that you can make your eyebrows perfect yourself, then it is better to go to a professional salon.

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