How can you rejuvenate your face without surgery? The most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation

LPG massage technology was originally intended to correct the female figure. Having seen successful results in the fight against cellulite, the creators of the technology decided to develop a similar device that would affect the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Now the device has three methods of influence: “Cosmechanics”, “Liftmassage” and “Endermolift”. Each method affects its own area of ​​the face and neck.

How the procedure is carried out: A special massage stimulates skin cells to destroy old collagen and synthesize new one. The technology is based on the principles of plastic massage, which is traditionally done manually. The skin on our face is quite thin and delicate, and wrinkles, on the contrary, require deep treatment. With manual massage, it is difficult not to injure the skin and at the same time act on it effectively and deeply. And LPG massage can achieve such a “golden mean”. The massage attachment is a small chamber into which a skin fold is drawn under vacuum. Inside the chamber, the skin is exposed. To achieve more tangible results, it is necessary to conduct 10-20 sessions, the results of which will be visible within six months.

Indications for the procedure: This massage will be beneficial for any woman over 25 years old.

  • Loose and sagging skin
  • Double chin and subcutaneous fat in the face
  • Post-acne, scars and enlarged pores

Results: Lifting and acquiring a clearer facial contour, reducing the volume of fat deposits on the face, reducing facial wrinkles, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands, treating hematomas (bruises) and infiltrates, reducing swelling.

Recovery process: After the procedure is completed, you may observe slight swelling and hyperemia (redness) - this is a normal reaction of the body to LPG massage. Symptoms disappear on the same day, sometimes after 1-2 days.

Price: 8000-15000 tenge.

Radiofrequency lifting

Radiolifting is another hardware method of skin rejuvenation without surgery.

How the procedure is carried out: The essence of the method is that radio waves penetrate the skin using a special device. First, a special cream is applied to the face, which numbs the nerve endings, and then the doctor treats those areas of the skin with a radiofrequency instrument. appearance which need to be improved. The radio waves emitted by the instrument pass through the outer layers of the skin and deliver thermal energy to the muscles and soft tissues. Heat causes these layers to contract, which promotes increased collagen production.

Indications for the procedure: Lifting can be performed from the age of 25, but the procedure is ideal for the middle age group, 35-55 years old. Radiolifting can be done in any season. This method of skin rejuvenation is suitable not only for women, but also for men.

  • Skin withering
  • Descent of facial tissues
  • Sagging areas of skin and hypodermis (subcutaneous fat), changing the contours of the oval of the face
  • Wrinkles around the eyes, crow's feet
  • Deep expression wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, on the forehead
  • Scars after acne

Results: Lifting creates an even contour of the face, improves its color and eliminates expression wrinkles. Among the main advantages of this method are harmlessness to the body, painlessness, and absence of inflammation.

Recovery process: Light redness on the skin is acceptable, which disappears within 15 minutes after the procedure.

Price: 8000-15000 tenge.


Biorevitalization involves eliminating skin imperfections by saturating its deep layers with hyaluronic acid.

How the procedure is carried out: Hyaluronic acid is a panacea for maximum skin hydration. Before injections, the skin is cleansed of makeup, dust and sebum. Injection biorevitalization takes no more than an hour and is carried out using a thin needle or a special injector. The drug is administered intradermally until a small papule forms.Despite the small diameter of the needle, the procedure can cause discomfort, therefore, in case of increased sensitivity or a low pain threshold, the area of ​​treatment is preliminarily lubricated with lidocaine cream, which provides local anesthesia.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Dehydrated skin
  • Fading skin
  • Decreased skin tone and elasticity
  • Wrinkles
  • Skin photoaging, prevention of premature aging
  • Preparing for chemical peels and laser resurfacing
  • Rehabilitation after chemical peels, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion and plastic surgery
  • Correction of scars and stretch marks

Results: The biorevitalization procedure provides hydration at a deeper level. After a full course of these procedures, the effect lasts for six months, and sometimes more. The procedure can be performed either by injection using needles or using low-intensity laser radiation. The first procedure is more effective, the second is more comfortable. But both procedures definitely have a magical effect on the skin.

Recovery process: The rehabilitation period takes an average of 3 days, papules are observed after the procedure white, there may be minor hematomas.

Price: 20000-50000 tenge.


Bio-reinforcement of the face is another technique aimed at lifting the face and improving the oval of the face.

How the procedure is carried out:The skin is reinforced with stabilized acid gels along vector lines under local anesthesia. This procedure is performed every 2-3 weeks 3 or 4 times. As a result, facial lifting is formed by reducing the extensibility of the skin, saturation and hydration of the skin due to the effect of hyaluronic acid on it, the face “straightens out” and becomes fresh, and the quality of the skin improves.

Indications for the procedure:Since bioreinforcement of the face involves combating age-related changes in the skin, experts recommend that women who are already 35 years old, but not yet 50, apply to it. Within this age range, this procedure will have maximum effectiveness.

  • Drooping corners of the mouth or eyes, eyebrows
  • Sagging skin folds
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Blurry contours of the chin and lower jaw

Results: Active lifting; To wrinkle correction (elimination of small and smoothing deep folds); uheffective modeling of the oval face.

Recovery period: Usually, after the session, the patient quickly returns to the usual rhythm of life: slight swelling, redness of the skin and swelling disappear within 5-7 days.

Price: 50000-70000 tenge.


Microdermabrasion is a peeling that combines the removal of dead skin cells with laser-cut diamond crystals and vacuum massage to cleanse and stimulate skin renewal.

How the procedure is carried out:Diamond-coated nozzles of various calibers and degrees of coating are used.The attachments are selected depending on the skin type - dry, oily, combination - and the area being treated: forehead, eyelids, neck, décolleté. M icrodermabrasion is carried out on a special device using a vacuum and unique diamond-coated attachments, with the help of which the most delicate in an easy way massage movements remove the superficial keratinized layers of the skin, stimulating the growth of new young cells, while improving blood circulation and triggering the mechanism of intensive production of collagen and elastin.

Indications for the procedure:Microdermabrasion is performed to remove minor defects in the surface layer of the skin.

  • Dull, withered skin
  • Oily skin with enlarged pores
  • Scars and stretch marks on the body
  • Acne
  • Scars and acne scars
  • Fine wrinkles, age-related changes

Results: The texture and tone of the face are evened out. Helps activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, increasing skin firmness and elasticity.

Recovery period:Typically, the period after microderabrasion takes an average of 5 to 8 days. The renewed skin has a reddish or pink color that lasts for 6-12 weeks. Gradually the skin of the face turns pale.

Price: 7000-10000 tenge.

Keratoregulating peeling

This is a superficial peeling for problematic skin.

How the procedure is carried out: The peeling composition includes glycolic and salicylic acids, plant extracts and vitamins. Keratoregulating peeling is carried out in several stages: first, the facial skin is cleansed, disinfected and degreased with a special gel, which is washed off with plain water. Next n and a hydrogel containing salicylic acid is applied to the skin. This has additional strong antiseptic effect, relieves inflammatory processes, soothes tissues before the procedure. It takes no more than two minutes to absorb the hydrogel. Then the main peeling composition is applied to the face in an even layer. The product holding time is 10 minutes. After this, the base is washed off with cold water, and the face is thoroughly dried. After aggressive exposure, a mask is applied according to your skin type. The main purpose of the maskcalm the tissues, prepare the face for a speedy recovery. To complete the session, a specialized cream is applied, selected taking into account individual characteristics the patient's epidermis.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Pore ​​blockage with sebaceous plugs, black and white dots
  • Seborrheic skin
  • Acne
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Inflammation and suppuration of hair follicles on the face

Results: Narrowing of pores, evening out complexion, improving skin structure, cellular respiration of the skin, getting rid of unpleasant peeling, softening the skin.

Recovery process: The specialist who performed the procedure is obliged to select comprehensive and complete facial care, based on the characteristics of the epidermis and the severity of the problem. Recovery time depends on how strictly the cosmetologist’s recommendations are followed. Drugs are most often prescribed from the same line that was used for the procedure. The composition of rehabilitation cosmetics should not include essential oils and aloe juice.

Price: 10000-15000 tenge.


Photorejuvenation, or IPL therapy, is one of the most famous and popular techniques in hardware cosmetology. effective method correction of signs of photoaging: a network of fine wrinkles, pigmentation, spider veins.

How the procedure is carried out: The therapeutic effect is provided by broad-spectrum light passing through a small, smooth, transparent tip, which is carefully placed on the skin. Light penetrates the tissue and is absorbed by hemoglobin in the treatment of vascular lesions or melanin in the treatment of pigmented formations, coagulating them. The body's natural processes remove damaged tissue and return the skin to a more uniform and youthful appearance.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Pigmentation removal
  • Removal of spider veins, skin redness
  • Improved complexion
  • Removal of fine wrinkles
  • Narrowing of enlarged pores
  • Freckles

Results: Allows you to quickly, effectively and safely eliminate external signs of skin aging, pigmentation disorders, capillary network and wrinkles.

Recovery process: After the procedure, a slight pinkish tint will appear on the treated area, which will go away after a few hours. The procedure does not require a home regime - you can immediately return to your normal lifestyle.

Price: from 10,000 to 20,000 tenge.

Facial rejuvenation without surgery can be performed different ways how in beauty salons, and at home. It is important to use proven means and methods, since in pursuit of a quick effect, women sometimes become victims of charlatans. The skin of the face is a very sensitive element of the human body, and when choosing ways to influence it, it is necessary to take into account both the individual characteristics of the skin and the condition of the body as a whole.

The essence of the problem

Along with the passing of years, the freshness of the face also disappears, which is very frightening and psychologically stressful for most women. The skin in the most visible place becomes wrinkled, color uniformity is lost, pigmentation increases, a tightening effect appears, and dryness is felt. In general, all the signs of advancing old age are reflected on the face, and I really don’t want to allow this to happen.

Why do age-related changes in the epidermis occur? The skin is a protective barrier and is the first to absorb the aggressive influence of exogenous factors. Gradually it loses moisture, becomes thinner, and loses its ability to regenerate. With age, fibroblasts (dermal cells) reduce the production of collagen, which provides tissue elasticity.

The skin reacts very vigorously to any hormonal changes. Age-related imbalance leads to metabolic disorders in subcutaneous adipose tissue and decreased muscle tone. In addition, long-term sun exposure leads to the accumulation of signs of photoaging.

Thus, with age, the structure of the skin changes and its gradual degradation (aging) occurs, which
especially clearly manifested in the form of various wrinkles. In general, the following varieties can be observed on the face:

  • static wrinkles - caused by a gradual decrease in muscle tone;
  • facial wrinkles - weakening of muscles as a result of frequent emotional manifestations;
  • gravitational wrinkles are the result of the influence of geophysical factors.

What is the meaning of facial skin rejuvenation? The most important tasks are to normalize collagen production and increase muscle tone. In addition, it is necessary to help cells in their ability to regenerate (renewal).

Dermal cells have one important property: if dead elements are removed, the mechanism for the accelerated formation of new cells is reflexively activated. This rejuvenating natural effect is widely used in cosmetology, when the aging skin layer is removed artificially to enable the regeneration process. In general, the question of how to tighten facial skin can be solved using hardware (various physical/mechanical effects) or chemical methods (exposure to chemical compounds). With the second technology, you can rejuvenate your facial skin at home using natural remedies.

Possibilities of hardware methods

In specialized beauty salons, non-surgical skin rejuvenation can be carried out using so-called hardware methods. These technologies are based on the use of special equipment that provides physical or mechanical effects on the skin.

The following main hardware methods of rejuvenation can be distinguished:

Cosmetic exercises

Currently, face-building has become popular - special gymnastics, including massage and a set of exercises. It allows you to decide how to care for your skin at home, but can also be done in salons. One of the main areas of face-building is massage, performed manually or using a special device. The complex includes gymnastics, acupressure and cosmetic massage using oil.

When performing facial gymnastics, it is important to create a set of exercises to engage the maximum number of facial muscles. Before starting exercises at home, you should obtain instructions from specialists, since the order of the movements, their duration and repetition are important.

Gymnastics is composed of the following types of exercises:

  1. Eliminates fatigue and targets forehead wrinkles. The palm of the left hand makes circular movements along the surface of the forehead, moving to the crown, and then the fingers shake in the air. The number of repetitions is 3-4.
  2. Against eyebrow wrinkles. This gymnastics is provided by movement thumbs along the eyebrows: from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Before exposure, the finger is slightly warmed up by friction against the palm.
  3. For the muscles on the cheeks. Circular movements with the fingers are made from the bridge of the nose to the chin, and then slowly to the temples. The number of repetitions is 6-8.
  4. For energetic activation. The palm rubs the joint area upper lip with a nose.
  5. For the chin. Starting position: sitting on the floor. Accelerated movements of the index fingers are made along the chin - alternately, in one direction and the other. It is better to place the chin on a chair or table.

Rejuvenation with injections

Facial rejuvenation technologies involving the introduction of various drugs under the skin are considered quite common. The following methods are distinguished:

Facial rejuvenation using traditional methods

How to rejuvenate facial skin at home without the use of aggressive substances, injections and hardware methods? It turns out that you can take care of your facial skin using natural folk remedies, and with sufficient efficiency. The following methods show positive results:

  1. Honey mask. The following composition is prepared: whipped egg, flour (1 tbsp) and honey (1 tsp). Everything is mixed until smooth. The mask is applied for 25-30 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  2. Mask with plantain. The following herbal collection is used: leaves of plantain, currant, strawberry, aloe, linden. The mixture is thoroughly crushed and infused in boiling water until it cools. Exposure time is 22-25 minutes.
  3. Potato mask. A puree is prepared and applied warm to the face for 16-18 minutes.
  4. Calcium chloride solution. A solution is prepared in the form of a mixture baby soap and calcium chloride (5-8%). The face is generously moistened with the resulting liquid, and then the skin is massaged using circular movements with the hand. As a result of such exposure, flakes of dead tissue should form, which are removed from the face. After the procedure, a moisturizer is applied.
  5. Salicylic peeling. The composition is prepared from aspirin tablets (3 pcs.) with the addition of water and honey (0.5 tsp each). Simultaneously with the application of the mixture to the skin, a massage is performed, which allows for the removal of keratinized particles. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every other day for 1-1.5 months.

Facial rejuvenation can be achieved using non-surgical methods. There are many ways, and which one to choose depends on individual characteristics female skin and general health. Hardware-type procedures are carried out in specialized cosmetic centers and provide a long-lasting rejuvenating effect. Positive results can be achieved at home using folk remedies.

Cosmetological methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery and plastic surgery

Facial rejuvenation before and after 40 - there is a difference

If under forty years old, with healthy way life, you can maintain a youthful face with masks and home treatments, but after forty, these salon and home treatments are not enough. Collagen, which forms the basis of all layers of the skin and helps maintain its elasticity, is destroyed over time. It is because of the destruction of collagen that the face loses signs of youth: its surface becomes sluggish and wrinkles appear.

Modern methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery

All cosmetic non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation are aimed at restoring collagen, that is, restoring the natural processes that occur in youth. We can say that with the restoration of collagen, the mechanism of returning youth to the face is launched. There are several such non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation; each has its own positive and negative features; let’s focus on the most modern ones:

1. Laser facial rejuvenation

The laser facial rejuvenation method is based on the ability of laser radiation to remove aged surface layers of the skin. As a result of these processes, the collagen base of the face is strengthened, its relief is leveled, the face looks and becomes more youthful, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The benefits of laser facial rejuvenation include:

  • With the help of laser rejuvenation, you can restore youth not only to the face, but also to the neck, arms, and décolleté.
  • The rejuvenation effect increases with each procedure, and quite significant rejuvenation occurs after the first session

No deficiencies were identified.

2. Mesotherapy

The essence of this very effective method of rejuvenation is the introduction of special substances into the skin of the face in the form of microinjections. Typically, these are derivatives of hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts, which contribute to the restoration of collagen, thereby launching the natural process of facial rejuvenation.

The advantages of this method include:

  • Creating a long-term rejuvenation effect (one and a half to two years)
  • This method of rejuvenation is particularly effective in eliminating a double chin and restoring a clear oval face


  • Allergic reactions to the administered drugs may occur, expressed in vasodilation and redness of the skin,
  • This method of rejuvenation is impossible in case of poor blood clotting, during pregnancy and menstruation.

3. Biorevitalization

This method of facial rejuvenation is very often confused with mesotherapy, since its action is also based on subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid. The main difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy is that when using this method, the rejuvenating effect occurs quickly (the result is noticeable already on the second or third day), but the duration of the effect is shorter than with mesotherapy (no more than one year). And mesotherapy gives a lasting and longer-lasting rejuvenation effect.

4. Method of facial rejuvenation with ozone

The healing effects of ozone on the entire human body have been known for a long time. When carrying out anti-aging procedures with ozone, the face is rejuvenated by stimulating metabolic processes in the subcutaneous tissues, as a result of which the upper keratinized surface of the face is renewed and wrinkles are smoothed out.

The advantages of this method of rejuvenation include:

  • Rejuvenation with ozone is possible not only on the face, but in the neck, décolleté,
  • Ozone rejuvenation, in addition to restoring youthful skin, smoothes scars on the face.

No deficiencies were identified.

5. Thermage

Thermage, as a method of facial rejuvenation, is based on radio frequency radiation. This radiation affects the internal subcutaneous tissues, heating them, which leads to the formation of collagen and elaston. That is, Thermage triggers the mechanism of skin rejuvenation with the help of newly formed components that are initially present in the skin in youth.

Advantages: this method of rejuvenation is absolutely painless, even somewhat pleasant,
No deficiencies were identified.

6. Photorejuvenation

Exposure of the skin to high-intensity long-wave light pulses with a selective effect is photorejuvenation. After photorejuvenation sessions, fine wrinkles and age spots disappear, the skin becomes elastic, and the complexion becomes healthy.


  • Absolutely painless, non-traumatic, no side effects,
  • Very short sessions (15-20 minutes),
  • The possibility of rejuvenation not only on the face, but also on other skin of the body.


  • Photorejuvenation is contraindicated for people with dark complexions, circulatory disorders, skin diseases, cancer, and during pregnancy.

7. Elos rejuvenation

This modern method of rejuvenation is based on the combined effects of light energy and radio frequency radiation, that is, it includes the actions of both previous methods. With its help, the skin gets rid of age spots, minor defects on the face, wrinkles are smoothed out, acne disappears.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same

as well as the two previous methods, except for one drawback - slight redness of the skin after the procedure, however, it does not last long.

8. Peeling

One of the most effective ways Facial rejuvenation is considered peeling. The effectiveness of this method of rejuvenation is due to the fact that during the peeling procedure the upper keratinized and roughened layer of skin is removed. After peeling, the facial skin is not only renewed, but also the process of natural healing of the skin occurs, new young cells grow. Depending on the method of carrying out this procedure and the depth of impact on the skin, peeling is distinguished between superficial, medium and deep. Based on the means of peeling, peeling is divided into mechanical, chemical and laser.

Cosmetology today is rapidly developing (probably because it is in great demand) and offers ever new methods and methods of rejuvenation. And the usual peeling has not escaped innovation either. Now cosmetology offers two new types of peeling, which are less painful, but safer and more effective, these are ferul nanopeeling and gas-liquid peeling. These two new types have several advantages over traditional peeling, for example, no side effects, no contact, but most importantly, it can be performed at any time of the year, while spring and summer are excluded for regular peeling.

The disadvantages of such a rejuvenation procedure as peeling boil down mainly to contraindications. Peeling should not be performed in case of diabetes, facial skin diseases, pregnancy, predisposition to scar formation, as well as in the summer and spring seasons. And then these contraindications apply only to medium deep peeling. Superficial and new types of peeling do not have these contraindications.

9. Dysport and Botox injections

Dysport injections, as a method of rejuvenation, are mainly aimed at smoothing out wrinkles. The drug is injected into the junction of muscles and nerves, as a result the muscles relax and wrinkles disappear. Duration of effect is 4 months.

Advantages of the method:

  • There is almost no pain, due to the use of very thin needles and the professionalism of the master,
  • lack of rehabilitation after the procedure,

The only problem This method of rejuvenation is that the rejuvenating result appears only after quite a long time, after 2 weeks.

Botox injections are very similar to Dysport injections, since the main active ingredient in their composition is the same - botulinum toxin. The main differences between these two similar methods of facial rejuvenation are that the rejuvenating effect after Botox injections is visible almost immediately, after Dysport injections - after 2 weeks; Dysport dissolves in facial tissues after 4 months, the effect of Botox lasts twice as long.

For some diseases and conditions, for example, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, Dysport and Botax injections are contraindicated, therefore, before undergoing this procedure, you should consult a specialist. In addition, after these rejuvenation procedures, you may experience side effects, such as headache, redness of the skin, nausea, fever and others. But, like any side effects, they, depending on the human body, may not occur.

10. Mesothreads

Mesothreads are one of the most modern methods of facial rejuvenation. It was developed relatively recently by Korean cosmetologists and differs significantly from thread lifting, which has been used in Russia for a longer time.

The method of using mesothreads, like thread lifting, is to pull very thin threads with a very thin, flexible needle through the facial muscles. The threads, consisting of the main active ingredient dioxane, coated with a layer of polyglycolic acid, completely break down after a long period of time, turning into carbon dioxide and water, and provide a rejuvenating effect. This effect lasts for 2 years.

The main difference between the mesothread method and thread lifting is the number of threads used. A mesothread session requires 5-6 times more threads than conventional thread lifting. And the price for a mesothread session is not based on the size of the area of ​​the face being treated, but on the number of mesothreads used. In a word, this procedure is much more expensive.

Contraindications and complications:

  • Like many anti-aging procedures, the mesothread and thread lifting method has a number of contraindications; these procedures cannot be performed for certain diseases and conditions, for example, colds and cancer. The list of diseases for which these methods cannot be used is quite large; a doctor’s recommendation is required.
  • Complications that may occur after using these methods are mainly due to the fault of the cosmetologist. These procedures require the doctor to be very highly qualified and have extensive experience in these procedures. An error when inserting and pulling the thread, even by a few millimeters, can lead to consequences in the form of skin unevenness that will be visible for a long time. And even when the mesothread dissolves in the muscles, this area of ​​the skin will still be uneven.

11. Rejuvenation with stem cells

The last word in medicine in the system of rejuvenation, not only of the face, but of the entire body, is rejuvenation with the help of stem cells. This is the most expensive and most effective method of rejuvenation. With the help of injected stem cells, the entire body is renewed, the person gains a second youth.

Hidden danger

It would seem that everything is good, albeit expensive, but isn’t youth worth it? But the mechanism of action of foreign stem cells in the body has not yet been sufficiently studied; scientists have only just begun to work in this direction, so the consequences of introducing stem cells into the human body are unpredictable. The facts are already known that along with rejuvenation and general improvement, cancer cells can begin to develop in the body, which causes cancer.

12. Plastic surgery is the most radical way of rejuvenation

Plastic surgery seems to be the most reliable way of rejuvenation. After the operation, you get a face without wrinkles, swelling, sagging skin, in a word, all defects are eliminated, and, if you want, not only on the face. The longevity of the results of plastic surgery (6-7 years) is also one of the advantages of this method.

But there are at least two significant disadvantages of plastic surgery:

  • Surgical interventions in the body, and with it the consequences of the use of anesthesia (for plastic surgery - general anesthesia), the consequences of the use of antibiotics. All this does not add to health. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that there is a possibility of an unsuccessful plastic surgery.
  • The use of plastic surgery does not improve the health of the body as a whole, does not rejuvenate the face, the essence of plastic surgery is tightening, eliminating excess, smoothing.

These several methods of facial rejuvenation after 40 years are the most modern today. Perhaps in the near future new, more advanced methods and methods of rejuvenation will appear - medicine does not stand still, research is constantly being carried out in this area.

Facial skin requires an individual approach and special care at any age, which is why the issue of selecting rejuvenation products and methods must be approached carefully. To do this, you need to constantly consider something new in cosmetology for rejuvenating the face and eyes, choose for yourself current unique options that can quickly cope with any problem. The cleansing procedure can be carried out using various modern masks, massages, and special threads that renew the skin, making it radiant, beautiful and fresh.

When can you resort to cosmetic rejuvenation methods?

After 25 years, natural aging of the skin begins, which is why during this period you need to start choosing various means care First of all, age-related wrinkles appear on the skin, which gradually turn from minor volumes to more pronounced ones. Cosmetic products after 25, 35 and 40 years differ not only in the strength of their effect, but also in their composition. The main rule when choosing any cosmetic product is selection exclusively according to age categories.

To determine which option to choose for skin rejuvenation, it is worth visiting a specialist who will answer all questions and help you choose a mask, cream or facial cleanser that will help get rid of wrinkles, age spots, etc. age-related changes. It must be remembered that facial skin for each age is characterized by its own characteristics, so not only an individual approach and rating are important here, but also an opinion professional cosmetologist.

With the goal of rejuvenating the face, getting rid of age-related changes, and reducing the risk of wrinkles, every woman is ready for any manipulation and use of cosmetic creams. But not every woman can afford expensive procedures in a salon, or the use of special operations to quickly return the optimal complexion, which is why there is non-surgical facial rejuvenation.

Non-surgical methods include the use of various masks, creams, tonics that improve the structure and appearance of the skin, rejuvenate it, and add radiance. Among the advantages of non-surgical methods, the following are noted:

  • Affordable price;
  • Ease of use;
  • Fast results;
  • Possibility to carry out manipulations at home;
  • Skin rejuvenation without harsh intervention;
  • No contraindications;
  • Use at any time of the day.

There are really many advantages of non-surgical rejuvenation methods; every woman will note her own advantages. The most important task in this matter is to choose the right product that will suit a particular skin type, not create discomfort during the procedure, and accelerate the positive effect. There is a rating for this the best means and methods, which we will discuss below.

Types of injections

Youth is a state of mind and body that needs to be constantly worked on. Wrinkles, rough skin, bags and circles under the eyes are all the result of stress, fatigue, and lack of self-care. To avoid all these negative consequences, it is necessary to use various methods of skin care, including injections, which are not characterized by gross interference with the structure of the skin. These new cosmetic procedures are carried out under the guidance of a professional cosmetologist who will quickly select the necessary injection option to quickly cope with the existing problem.


Plasmolifting is modern method skin rejuvenation, which is widely used in cosmetology. It has a beneficial effect on the skin and provides a rejuvenating effect by introducing its own blood plasma under the skin. The procedure uses platelet-rich plasma, which is injected under the skin. It is difficult to carry out a safe and sterile procedure on your own, so it is carried out only under the supervision of specialists.

Due to the fact that the process uses your own blood, any negative reactions from the body are excluded. The procedure does not cause side effects and does not saturate the body with chemicals, as can happen when using other cosmetic methods.

After successful manipulation, the necessary processes in the skin are activated, metabolism is restored, and the condition of the skin improves. Cosmetologists do not recommend this manipulation too often, because one procedure gives a lasting result and allows you to enjoy smooth, even and beautiful skin for up to 6 months.

We invite you to look at new methods of rejuvenation in cosmetology:

Ozone therapy

This method of rejuvenation is very popular in cosmetology, because ozone therapy allows you to fill the skin with oxygen, improves functioning processes, and restores impaired metabolic processes. After such manipulation, an acceptable amount of moisture is retained in the skin, and any processes of drying and peeling are eliminated.

The great advantage of the method is that in the process the impact occurs exclusively on those problem areas that need it. Thanks to the ozone exposure, the following positive effects are achieved:

  • Smoothing out small and large wrinkles;
  • Blood microcirculation;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • Evening out facial skin color.

The main thing is to entrust the manipulation to a trusted specialist who knows all the features of using manipulation and will quickly achieve the desired result.

Biorevitalization is a procedure that resembles mesotherapy in its effects. It involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin, which provides quick effect rejuvenation, and differs from other procedures in that it is characterized by a lasting result. To achieve rejuvenation, it is enough to carry out a one-time manipulation that will quickly even out the skin of the face, make it even tone, and remove any signs of age.

Modern methods make it possible to carry out the biorevitalization procedure without injections and injections, which cause fear, panic and side effects. Due to this simple way impact and a positive effect occurs that lasts for a long time.

Carboxytherapy gas injections

Carboxytherapy involves the use of gas injections, which can improve the condition of the skin and achieve a rejuvenating effect. Among the advantages of this procedure are:

  • No side effects;
  • Complete safety for the body;
  • Quick relief of pain;
  • No allergic reaction.

The result is achieved quickly and the procedure is not difficult. But in order for the effect to be long-lasting, it is important to carefully select a professional who will make the procedure painless and with maximum results.

Types of thread lifting

Thread lifting is an invasive method of face lifting, during which special biocompatible threads are used. The rejuvenation procedure has gained great popularity in modern cosmetology because it does not require rehabilitation after the procedure and long-term special care. It is painless and eliminates signs of aging at any age. Cosmetologists recommend giving preference to such manipulation only after 30 years, when obvious age-related changes on the skin become noticeable.

3d mesothreads

Threadlifting is a procedure that is considered an innovative breakthrough in cosmetology; it is performed without anesthesia, does not create pain and does not take much time. The effect of 3D threads has a safer effect on the skin, allowing you to eliminate any age-related changes in the form of wrinkles and dryness.

The essence of the procedure is to insert a mesin thread under the skin, which dissolves on its own and does not require additional manipulation. After the procedure, there are no seams on the skin or bruises, because the thinnest thread is used during the work, easily piercing the skin with minimal negative effects. The effect lasts up to 220 days.

Hardware facial rejuvenation is an alternative to surgical intervention, which allows you to eliminate any age-related changes in the skin, restore radiance, give your face shine and a beautiful appearance. When using any hardware method, the most gentle effect on the dermis and epidermis occurs, without using complex surgical procedures. Hardware impact is the latest techniques facial rejuvenation without surgery after 40 years, which retain the effect for a long time.

Elos rejuvenation

This modern look rejuvenation, which combines high-frequency current and light pulses. During the procedure, only a slight tingling sensation is felt, which does not cause any negative effects on the body. At the end of the manipulation, the skin is renewed, skin metabolism is activated, and visible wrinkles that cause discomfort disappear.

Widely used in hardware cosmetology, it involves the use of various micro-rays. The method is painless and therefore does not require the use of anesthesia. As a result, the skin improves, its structure is restored, and collagen production in the tissues increases. Youth remains for a long time.

Cold sculpting

The procedure involves adjusting the shape of the face using special tools and cosmetic products. Sculpting takes place in a salon under the influence of a professional specialist. At any age, you can achieve global changes through the correct application of cosmetic products. The procedure is pleasant and does not take much time.

Water jet liposuction

During the manipulation process, a special solution is used, which contains a set of substances that affect fat cells and blood vessels. To carry out the procedure, a special device is used, which allows you to painlessly and effectively inject the solution under the skin, achieving maximum effect. All movements are carried out parallel to the direction of the skin, the procedure ends with the application of a cosmetic suture, which quickly resolves.


Modern non-injection technology allows you to achieve maximum effect, smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing the skin of the face, without creating pain. If the first signs of age-related changes occur, this particular option of hardware care is used, which provides gentle care. Aquadermagenesis is carried out by a specialist at any time of the year.


The procedure helps restore skin tone and get rid of age-related changes on any area of ​​the face. Its application is used not only on the face area, but throughout the body. Main principle consists of using electric current, which has a beneficial effect on nerve endings and causes them to contract more actively. As a result, a rapid process of skin rejuvenation occurs.

In order for the rejuvenation procedure to be successful and give the desired effect, it is necessary to select a non-surgical method depending on the age and skin type. After 25, 30 and 40 years, there are different options for rejuvenation. Only a specialist will tell you which one to give preference after determining the structure and condition of the skin.

After 30 years, the skin needs additional nutrition and hydration, which is why you should pay attention to all procedures and products with such effects. Until the age of 30, you need to use any products that nourish the skin and eliminate any changes that lead to the appearance of the first wrinkles or dryness.


In order not to subject your skin to serious surgical interventions, or to give preference to expensive procedures, you should pay attention to modern innovative products that allow you to maintain youth and beauty. There are many non-surgical and hardware methods that allow you to find an effective and efficient procedure for yourself that preserves youthful skin for more than one month.

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Aesthetic medicine centers and beauty salons offer radical surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures. Research into new methods and improvements into existing ones continue every year. Today, experts and clients have identified several effective ways to restore youthful skin. Some types of them are allowed to be used at home.

After 30 years, new signs of skin aging gradually appear. If at first facial folds become more noticeable, then with the approach of menopause, deepening of wrinkles, sagging, loss of facial contour lines, loss of elasticity and other age-related changes are already noted.

Cosmetology and aesthetic medicine specialists offer more than twenty rejuvenation techniques. Their action can be aimed at inhibiting the aging process of the skin, eliminating age-related defects, and activating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

What are the types of facial skin rejuvenation procedures:

Radical interventionMinimally invasive surgical methodsHardware proceduresInjection anti-aging therapyOther non-surgical methods for facial rejuvenation
Contour plasticMakeup liftCollagenariumBioreparationRejuvenation with leeches
Circular lift (SMAS lift)ThermageBiorevitalizationAnti-aging masks
LiposuctionFacial skin tighteningRidolysisMesotherapyFacebook building
TemparoplastyThread lifting techniquesIontophoresisPlasmoliftingFaceforming
BlepharoplastyLaser rejuvenationBotulinum toxin-A injectionsChinese/Japanese massage
Laser nanoperforationStem cell rejuvenationSnail massage
RF liftingMedical rejuvenationChemical/mechanical peeling
DermabrasionFillersLPG massage
ELOS - rejuvenation
Ozone therapy
Hardware peeling

Surgical plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is used when non-surgical methods for eliminating signs of aging are low. These methods of facial rejuvenation are used after 50 years. For clients younger age Such procedures are indicated only in the presence of congenital or acquired defects in appearance.

Radical methods

A basic or 1-3 category circular facelift is performed under general anesthesia. With the help of SMAS lifting, sagging epidermal tissues along the contour of the jaw and around the eyes and the depth of wrinkles are eliminated. After the intervention, rehabilitation lasts more than 2 months, scars remain.

What the surgeon does during basic surgery:

  1. Cuts the skin in a circle along the border of the scalp.
  2. Separates the skin from the dermis.
  3. Tightens the skin.
  4. Trims excess skin.
  5. Suturing the wound.

The price of a basic procedure on the facial area in Moscow medical centers starts from 24,000 rubles. During the operation, liposuction, eyelid lifting or other areas may be additionally performed. Then the cost of a circular lift often increases to 600 thousand.

Minimally invasive intervention

It is optimal to use minimally invasive rejuvenation procedures for people over 45 years of age. Facelift is performed using endoscopic surgical instruments through 2-6 puncture incisions in the hair growth area. Using this method, eyebrows, the skin on the forehead, and the outer corners of the eyes are often lifted upward. After the operation, crow's feet, drooping upper eyelids, and bags under the eyes disappear. Rehabilitation lasts 2-4 weeks, no scars are visible. The cost of a minimally invasive facelift (the entire face area) starts from 150,000 rubles.

The thread method is considered more effective. In the process of threadlifting (or bioreinforcement), thin, often made of polydiaxone or steel, strips with notches are implanted under the client’s skin, and the epidermal tissue is pulled in the desired direction. The anti-aging result lasts up to 7 years, there are no scars, rehabilitation lasts 14-30 days. The cost of the procedure without mesothreads is from 4,000 rubles.

Makeup lift is one of the newest methods of facial rejuvenation. During the minimally invasive procedure, 3 types of lifting are performed: radiofrequency, endoscopic and Silhouette Lift. After the intervention, the rehabilitation period lasts from 5 days, the result can be assessed in the first week, the rejuvenating effect is finally consolidated after 3 months and lasts at least 7 years. The cost is negotiated personally with the author of the technique - surgeon S. Yu. Pshonkina.

Non-surgical ways to prolong youth

Hardware lifting

RF lifting procedures are carried out using mono-, bio- and multipolar devices. The essence of the method lies in heating the surface epidermal tissues. The anti-aging result is noticeable in clients under 55 years of age, but deep wrinkles are not smoothed out. Radio wave lifting will not be effective if a person has excess subcutaneous tissue. Reviews indicate that the consequences of RF lifting may interfere with the performance of plastic corrective surgeries.

Conventionally, the following can be placed in the same group with RF lifting:

  • thermage;
  • iontophoresis;
  • ridolysis;
  • laser rejuvenation.

These procedures are performed using machines that apply radiofrequency waves, galvanic/high-frequency electric current, or laser to the subcutaneous tissue. If the cosmetologist is ignorant, burns and unevenness remain.

Relatively new methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery:

ProcedureThe essence of the methodEffectMinimum cost in Moscow showrooms
CollagenariumThe face is illuminated by red and blue lamps of a table collarium for 20 minutesTreats acne and its traces, stimulates the regeneration of protein fibers and epidermal cells, promotes the removal of toxins from the skin, improves metabolism, removes pigmentation and rosacea, prevents photoaging600 rubles
ELOS-rejuvenationThe surface of the face is exposed to a device with bipolar radio frequency and pulsed light radiationTreats acne and post-acne, improves metabolism, removes pigmentation, wrinkles, rosacea, ptosis3500

Nanoperforation, dermabrasion or hardware peeling are aimed at microscopic damage or mechanical grinding of the surface of the face using special devices. These procedures stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, the epidermal tissue is quickly renewed and looks younger.


Cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation include “beauty injections.” Injections or fillers with Hyaluronic acid, Collagen, complex compositions with vitamins. They are injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly into problem areas.

Anti-aging therapy techniques also provide good anti-aging results:

  • bioreparation;
  • biorevitalization;
  • plasma lifting;
  • mesotherapy.

The most negative reviews are written about injections with botulinum toxin-A drugs: the procedures have a mask effect and the natural facial expressions are disrupted. The rejuvenation properties of stem cells continue to be studied. Clinical observations during the treatment of diseases with this method revealed an increase in the incidence of cancer.


Hirudotherapy has been used in cosmetology for a long time. Leeches, when they bite through the skin, release a secretion that has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. According to reviews from practitioners, clients are able to eliminate fine wrinkles, spider veins, acne, sagging, and irritation.

It is important to know! An alternative method of rejuvenation with leeches is the use of the secretion of Akhatina snails. If desired, they can be applied to the face, then a massage of this area will be carried out at the same time.


At home in an effective way To rejuvenate the skin is to perform daily self-massage of the face. The purpose of the procedure is to improve microcirculation, cellular respiration, metabolism, and activate regeneration.

What types of facial massage are used at home and in salons:

  • according to Jacquet;
  • Shiatsu;
  • Asahi;
  • Tanaka;
  • honey

Regardless of the technique used and location, the procedure is performed after thorough removal of cosmetic or medicinal products from the face. Movements are directed along massage lines, dry skin is pre-lubricated with oil.

Gymnastics for the face and neck

There are many methods of rejuvenation using exercises for the muscles of the face/neck. All types of gymnastics are done daily, at home. To speed up the results, you can apply the training 2-3 times a day, or break a long complex into 2-3 parts and perform it every 6-12 hours.

Types of gymnastics for facial rejuvenation:

  • yoga;
  • Facebook building;
  • Face-Flex;
  • cantienika;
  • oxysize;
  • Octopics;
  • Faceformin;
  • revitonics.

For each type of gymnastics, there are video lessons and visual aids on the Internet on the technique of performing them. If these rules are violated, the expected effect may not be achieved.

Cosmetics and home recipes for skin care

The best the folk way To rejuvenate the skin of the face/neck/décolleté is the use of self-prepared masks. Gelatin products are at the peak of popularity.

Basic gelatin mask recipe and procedure:

  1. Infuse 1 tsp in 50 ml of milk heated to 40º C. gelatin powder.
  2. After the powder swells, the mixture is heated in a water bath until all the grains dissolve.
  3. Cool the gelatin solution to 36º C, apply to the face in 3 stages (as the previous layer dries).
  4. After 20 minutes, wash.

The effectiveness of a gelatin mask increases if products are added to it. They must be suitable for your skin type and have a good effect on its cells.

Which products are best for skin rejuvenation:

  • cream;
  • yeast;
  • raw eggs;
  • aloe juice;
  • fruit/vegetable puree.

All products added to the gelatin mask have no age restrictions. They will give a rejuvenating effect for people over forty years old, and will also be useful in a younger or more mature period. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to a specific ingredient.

Popular types of anti-aging facial cosmetics:

  • Collagen snail serum;
  • Fase & Nesk No. 1 Baltic Collagen gel;
  • massage mask Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack;
  • Nuxellence cream.

Cosmetologists and clients leave positive reviews on the use of these funds. To rejuvenate, you need to do face masks for 14-21 procedures, and use creams, gels, serums for 1.5-2 months, followed by a break of 4-12 weeks.

Selection of procedures for different ages

Surgical techniques are the most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation in patients over 50 years of age. For middle-aged clients, non-surgical methods provide good results. To maintain youth, people under 35 only need to use skin care products correctly, not use “anti-age” cosmetics from the 35+ category, and not do procedures that increase the biosynthesis of collagen or elastin in the skin.

It is important to know! To prevent early aging, it is recommended to use cosmetic products at home that correspond to your actual age, do gymnastics and massage specifically for the neck and/or face.

Prevention of early signs of aging in the face and neck area

According to reviews, the best procedures for facial rejuvenation and aging prevention include collagenarium, peeling, snail massage and course use of cosmetic masks. In summer, exposed skin is treated with sunscreen and moisturizers. In winter, it is recommended to use nourishing masks.

An important rule for preventing premature aging and maintaining youthful skin after forty years is to avoid bad habits. You should also eat foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.

It is important to know! Facial massage and gymnastics should begin before the age of thirty. Their goal is aimed at improving tissue nutrition, restoring microcirculation and cellular metabolism. This makes it possible to maintain youthful skin longer without the help of hardware and surgical techniques.