How to massage with a dry brush against cellulite? Massage with a brush is an effective method in the fight against cellulite Body brush for cellulite.

Every woman dreams of remaining beautiful as long as possible. After all, what could be more pleasant than a healthy, toned body, clear skin and a radiant appearance until old age? But it's not that simple. With age, many women begin to develop the so-called “orange peel” or cellulite. For many years, different specialists have used various methods to combat this problem. How many recipes for scrubs exist, how many folk remedies! And among all this variety of ways to combat cellulite, massage with a dry brush can be noted as the most accessible and simple.

How does a brush affect cellulite?

Before you figure out how to do a dry massage with a special brush for cellulite, you should understand what kind of condition this is and what is happening in the body at this moment.

Cellulite is a change in subcutaneous fat tissue. fluid stagnation is considered to be formed as a result of impaired circulation in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Due to this disorder, various toxins and breakdown products are not completely eliminated from the body. All this primarily accumulates in adipose tissue, which is due to its structure. In this case, the cells increase in volume, then inflammation of the tissues occurs, and as a result we get an “orange peel”.

In order to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to normalize blood circulation, which will lead to a reduction in fat deposits. A massage done with a dry brush against cellulite will have the necessary effect and will help not only remove this phenomenon, but also improve your health in general. If you do it regularly, you will soon notice the following changes in your condition:

  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and the appearance of acne will decrease.
  • Metabolic processes in the body will accelerate, which will help tighten and make the skin more elastic.
  • The number of dead cells will decrease, and the skin color will become healthier.
  • Tissue swelling will decrease.
  • Pain and fatigue in the muscles will decrease or disappear.
  • Sleep and the functioning of the digestive system are normalized, and the functioning of the brain improves.

What to look for when buying a brush

You can buy a brush for anti-cellulite massage in almost any store specializing in cosmetics and household chemicals. But not all brushes presented there can help in the fight against cellulite. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. The base of the brush for dry massage should be wooden. Such a tool will be more durable and more convenient to use. The shape of the base doesn’t really matter, you just have to see how it’s most convenient for you. Oval, with a long handle, with or without a strap - the choice is large enough for every woman to find an option that suits her. However, if the brush has a long handle, then it will be more convenient for it to massage the back and back of the thighs.
  2. The bristles should be such that they do not contribute to allergies. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s natural or artificial, because allergic reactions can occur to various things. The thickness of the tufts should not be less than 0.04 cm, and the optimal length of the bristles is about 2 cm. Too hard bristles can injure the skin, and too soft bristles will be of little use. Therefore, it is necessary to select the average hardness, but remember that everyone has a different sensitivity threshold. Ideally, a dry cellulite brush should cause a rush of blood to the massaged area after about 5 glides, but without scratching the skin. Instead of bristles, there may be wooden or plastic protrusions - “pimples”. They will also do a great job with anti-cellulite rubbing.

The most optimal is a double-sided brush with a wooden base. On one side there is boar bristles, and on the other there are wooden projections. In this case, both sides can be rubbed, depending on individual preferences.

Women with sensitive skin can choose a silicone brush. It is considered softer, and its protrusions practically do not injure delicate skin. But the effect of such a tool may not be so noticeable.

Basic rules for rubbing

How to properly do a dry massage with a cellulite brush to get rid of this scourge?

  • The first and most important rule is that you should not experience discomfort from the procedure. Slightly reddened skin from rubbing is an indication that everything went as expected. If the color is bright red and your body just feels like it’s on fire, then you should choose a softer brush and reduce the intensity of the impact.
  • The massage should be done in a circular motion or with a single stroke from top to bottom. It is unacceptable to make a lot of movements based on the back and forth principle.
  • Hand massage should begin from the wrist, moving towards the shoulders.
  • At first, you should make smooth and light movements, gradually increasing the intensity as the skin begins to get used to the gentle procedure.
  • Dry massage against cellulite is an invigorating procedure that is best done in the morning. If this schedule does not suit you, then you need to massage at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • You should not try to speed up the process of getting rid of cellulite by rubbing it harder. This can only lead to unnecessary injury to the skin.
  • The brush must be used with caution - papillomas, warts, moles and various skin lesions must be avoided during massage.
  • Anti-cellulite dry massage and tanning are incompatible.
  • Try to care for your brush at least once a week to prevent it from acquiring an unpleasant odor. It is necessary to wash it with soap and water and dry thoroughly.
  • To avoid staining the bathroom with dead skin particles that can fly around during a dry massage, try to perform the procedure behind a shower curtain or door.
  • You should not massage on particularly sensitive areas of the body - the groin area, armpits, under the knees and on the inner thighs.

What types of brush massage exist?

To get rid of cellulite, you can do both wet and dry massage. Of these, dry is considered more effective in the fight against orange peel. But you shouldn’t expect miracles from him either. The first noticeable results will appear only after a couple of weeks. And the full course of both wet and dry should be at least several months.

Wet massage

The procedure should be carried out while taking a shower or bath. 15 minutes before the start of the procedure, you should put the brush you plan to use in hot water to make the bristles softer. Soap or shower gel is applied to the skin to improve gliding. Using sliding circular movements, you need to move the brush over the body, gradually rising from the soles of your feet. You need to spend 5 minutes, or maybe a little more, on each problem area of ​​the skin - the skin should begin to tingle.

To speed up the desired result, you can take a short break after the procedure and then brush your body again. After all the manipulations, you should take a cool shower and lubricate your body with an anti-cellulite agent.

Dry massage

Dry massage will have a deeper effect on the body: it affects both connective and muscle tissue, which means its effect will be more noticeable.

How to do a dry massage with a cellulite brush? The procedure must be carried out before taking a shower or bath. Afterwards, you will need to remove all dead cells from the surface of the skin. With each procedure, it is necessary to gradually increase the pressure on the brush and the intensity of rubbing, as well as the duration of the massage.

You should also start rubbing from the soles of your feet, then moving higher and higher up the body. Move the brush in a circular motion or from top to bottom. In the area of ​​the abdomen and back, lighten the pressure on the brush slightly. The greatest attention should be paid to those places where cellulite is especially noticeable.

The procedure should be completed by taking a shower, and you should feel a slight tingling sensation on the skin. Afterwards you should wipe yourself dry and lubricate your body with a special anti-cellulite product or just a moisturizer.

At first, you should carry out the procedure every day for about 10 minutes. Then, as a positive result appears, it will be possible to reduce the number of procedures to 2 per week.


Since dry massage with a brush primarily affects the skin, the main contraindications are related to their condition. You should not rub in areas of cuts, abrasions, moles, varicose veins and other problem areas.

Do not perform the procedure if you have a fever or any rashes on your body.

Dry massage with a brush allows you to get rid of cellulite if done correctly and systematically. The main thing is not to stop halfway, when it seems that this tedious procedure is of no use. But after 1-2 weeks you will notice the first weak results, which will give you the desire to move further in the same direction. To speed up getting rid of the “orange peel”, you can start following a special anti-cellulite diet.

The article was checked and approved by Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, a practicing family doctor - see.

Have you already used a huge number of products to combat cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen or forearms, but are you far from perfect? Try such an effective, but at the same time simple and interesting method as rubbing with a cellulite brush.

This proven method treats problem areas with cellulite, regardless of its stage. And most importantly, no pain and bruises, which often form as a result of a Charcot shower. Just a quarter of an hour a day - and your skin will delight you with its elastic and smooth appearance for a long time.


To understand how a massage brush helps in the fight against such a scourge as cellulite, you need to know the reasons for its appearance. It has been proven that fluid stagnation leads to the formation of orange peel. The circulation of blood and lymph is disrupted, as a result of which decay products and toxins entering the body from the environment are not completely removed from the tissues. All this accumulates mainly in fat cells, since they are larger and can “hospitably” accept the largest amount of “waste”. The cells increase in volume, the tissues become inflamed, and the same well-known cellulite appears on the skin.

You can get rid of the signs of cellulite only by breaking down fat deposits and normalizing blood circulation and lymph flow. That's why it makes no sense to expect results from creams and oils without actively influencing the skin through massage or rubbing. And a massage brush can become an excellent home assistant in this difficult task.

In addition, massage with a dry brush is also an excellent way to improve health. What does health have to do with it, you ask. And despite the fact that during rubbing, the bristles affect nerve endings located close to the surface of the skin, and this affects the functioning of all body systems.

Regular brush massage:

  • restores strength and protective functions of the body, relieves pain and fatigue in muscles, invigorates, normalizes sleep and helps fight the effects of stress, improves brain activity and digestion;
  • accelerates blood circulation and lymph movement, as a result, tissue cells receive more nutrients and accumulated decay products are removed;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helping to fight acne;
  • stimulates tissue metabolism, the skin becomes elastic and toned, and excess fat is burned;
  • cleanses the skin of dead cells, promotes its regeneration and renewal, tones and prolongs the youth of the skin;
  • tissue swelling is reduced and, as a result, body volume is reduced, cellulite is smoothed.

Choosing the right brush for massage

You can buy a massage brush in stores that sell body care products. But not every brush you come across is capable of healing your skin from the hated bumps and pits. Standing in front of racks with brushes of all colors and sizes, pay attention to the following criteria for choosing the one you need:

  1. Warp. Choose a “tool” with a wooden base: such a brush is environmentally friendly, durable, and more convenient to use. The shape is not that important. The massage brush can be on a long handle or completely buried in the palm, with a strap for attaching to the hand - choose the most convenient one for yourself.
  2. Bristle. Fibers can be natural or artificial and do not cause allergies. Choose a brush with a thickness of bristly tufts of at least 0.04 cm and a bristle length of at least 2 cm. Do not choose a brush that is too hard so as not to injure the skin, but too soft will also have no effect. Medium hardness is best for this. A good way to choose a brush is to try it out. Ideal bristles should not prick or scratch the skin, and should cause a rush of blood after just 5 active slides over the body. Brushes with hard “pimples” made of wood or plastic instead of bristles are also great for massage. If the purchased brush turns out to be too hard, soak it in water for 3-4 hours and then dry it, so the bristles will “soften” somewhat.
  3. Pen. It is most convenient to massage with a brush with a long handle that does not slip in your hand. With this tool you can easily massage your back and back of your legs.

At home, wet and dry rubbing is done to combat cellulite. The latter is considered more effective and more likely to lead to the desired result. The massage should be performed every day for several months until results appear. But you will notice the first changes on your skin after a couple of weeks.

Wet skin cleansing

Perform this procedure daily while showering or bathing. 10-15 minutes before the massage, soak the brush in hot water to make the bristles softer. Apply shower gel to your skin and lather it. Now you can start rubbing cellulite.

Using sliding movements, actively move the wet brush over the soaped skin. Start the massage from the legs, moving in circles upward from the knees to the hips, then massage the buttocks, move to the stomach and waist, intensively stroke them from bottom to top, massage the hands from the wrist to the shoulder. Spend 5-10 minutes on each problem area; you should feel a tingling sensation in the skin. To speed up the results, you can take a short break and brush your body again.

After completing the brush massage, take a cool or contrast shower and lubricate your body with an anti-cellulite product. This simple procedure can not only fight cellulite, but also replace the usual one and even a washcloth.

Dry skin brushing

Rubbing with a dry brush involves more connective and muscle tissue, which means the effect will be better. Unlike wet massage, massage is carried out only with a dry brush on dry skin, before taking a shower or bath. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash off dead cells from the skin. All movements during massaging are directed from bottom to top, towards the heart. Increase the intensity of rubbing, the pressure on the brush and the duration of the session gradually, with each subsequent procedure.

Start the massage with your feet. Pressing the brush onto the surface of the skin, slowly move higher up the body. Using counterclockwise circles and straight up-and-down rubbing, massage your thighs and buttocks. In the area of ​​the abdomen and back, release the pressure a little and massage the abdomen, back and sides in a clockwise direction with gentle, gentle movements. Complete the procedure with a massage of the arms and shoulders - from the wrist upward using sliding movements. Rub more intensely and longer on areas of the body with obvious signs of cellulite.

After the anti-cellulite massage with a brush, take a bath or shower. You should feel a slight tingling sensation. Then pat dry and lubricate the polished skin with a moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream. Do a dry massage for about 10 minutes daily; after a month or two, the number of procedures can be reduced to 1-2 per week to maintain skin elasticity.

Rules for effective massage with a brush

  • The main rule is no discomfort! If after a dry massage your body is on fire, and your skin color resembles boiled crayfish, it means you used too hard a brush. After proper massage, the skin should be slightly reddened.
  • Don’t forget: only circular or straight movements from bottom to top! Never rub your body with a brush back and forth.
  • The procedure significantly invigorates, so it is better to massage with a brush in the morning, or at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Don't try to speed up results by pressing harder or rubbing the skin longer. This will only lead to pain. Be moderate and do not torment your body - it is the only one you have!
  • Do not combine massage with tanning.
  • Brush around skin lesions, as well as papillomas and moles, without touching them.
  • During dry cleaning, dead cells settle around, so if you don’t want to clean the bathroom from dust every time, massage in the shower stall or behind a curtain.
  • Every week, be sure to thoroughly wash the brush with soapy water and dry it well to prevent a musty smell.
  • The groin area, inner thighs, area under the knees and armpits are not massaged.


Since a brush, especially a dry one, has an intense effect on the skin, contraindications for cellulite massage are associated mainly with the condition of the skin. Do not use a brush to rub abrasions, cuts, bruises and other injuries, as well as areas inflamed and affected by varicose veins, psoriasis or eczema. Massage is not performed if the temperature rises or there is any rash on the body.

Brushing areas of the body with cellulite with a brush can achieve amazing results. However, at first this procedure may not seem entirely pleasant and even tiresome to you. But your skin will only need a couple of weeks to adapt. Don't lose patience, and you will be surprised to notice how velvety and smooth your body has become, without the slightest hint of cellulite.

Combine a brush massage with a wrap and this way you will get maximum results. Love your body and be beautiful!

Among all the methods of getting rid of cellulite, dry massage using a wooden silicone or bristle brush is considered the most accessible and effective, and this is clearly evidenced by the reviews left by women of different ages.

Body beauty and a fit figure are what every woman strives for, for which she has to engage in fitness and monitor the amount of calories consumed. But even such close attention to one’s person is not a guarantee that “orange peel” will not appear in the area of ​​the buttocks, abdomen and hips. We have long learned to combat this phenomenon, and many articles are devoted to such a delicate topic, which can be read on our website. And one of the methods is rubbing and massage with a dry brush against cellulite. This device can eliminate the problem no matter how far the process has gone, and the procedure itself is completely painless and even pleasant. But the most important thing: after it there are no bruises or other defects.

Important! In the presence of abrasions, cuts and bruises, massage procedures are prohibited, as well as in the presence of varicose veins, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases.

An anti-cellulite massage done in a salon with the assistance of a specialist is not a cheap procedure, but a manual anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush is no less effective than a professional one.

When making simple movements, even in the deep layers of the epidermis, metabolic processes are activated, which accelerates blood flow. Blood flows to the massaged areas, therefore, provides the subcutaneous fatty tissue with useful substances and saturates it with oxygen. This helps remove excess fluid and improve the condition of the skin. Also, massaging the skin with a dry brush:

  1. Forces cell turnover faster because dead cells are sloughed off, which inevitably leads to improved skin texture.
  2. It helps to activate the lymphatic system, because if it does not work well, then this is fraught with stagnation of the lymph, which ceases to cope with its direct responsibilities - removing waste products (toxins) from the body.
  3. Allows you to improve the condition of the skin. Dry massage with a cellulite brush literally breaks down compacted fat cells.
  4. Promotes better absorption of cosmetics.

Important! Self-massage of problem areas using a brush is a procedure that irritates the nerve endings, inevitably leading to an improvement in the general condition of the body and giving a charge of vigor. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out in the morning.

Rules for choosing a brush

It doesn't matter what material the tool is made of. The main thing is that it is of high quality. A massage brush for cellulite can be:

  1. With natural bristles. Here special attention should be paid to rigidity. For those with sensitive and delicate skin, a hard brush is clearly not suitable. The first sessions can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations and leave behind scratches. To reduce the stiffness of the bristles, just soak the device for 4 hours in cold water.
  2. Wooden. This is the best option, because wood is a hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly and durable material, and the effectiveness of such a tool is no lower than that of a brush with natural bristles.
  3. Silicone. It is quite tough, but during the massage it does not injure the skin, since the “pimples” are thick and rounded. This product is especially recommended for women with thin skin.

Other types of brushes

On sale there are single-sided and double-sided brushes, with a detachable long handle, with a slot for the hand, plastic teeth, rotating rollers and other Elements. A model with rollers is, but the final choice is always yours. Based on reviews left by women who regularly perform anti-cellulite self-massage, tools with long handles are considered the best, because with their help you can reach hard-to-reach places. Others claim that a dry brush without a handle is much more convenient to use, as it allows you to more thoroughly work on problem areas.

The effect of using the brush will be even better if you combine it with.

Technique and basic principles

Important! The procedure does not involve the use of oils, creams and other cosmetics. The skin should be dry and clean, as well as the brush itself.

  • Dry massage starts from the feet, that is, from the periphery to the center.
  • Rubbing the feet, ankles and knees are the very first actions, carried out with long and straight movements.
  • Gradually approaching the hips and buttocks, you should change the tactics: the movements should be circular, and it is recommended to do them counterclockwise.
  • The inner thighs are treated delicately, since the skin in these places is thin and delicate.
  • The sides are rubbed mercilessly, but without much fanaticism, but you need to take pity on the tummy, especially if you have gynecological diseases.
  • How to do self-massage of the abdomen? Without unnecessary zeal, in a circular motion clockwise.
  • The lower back is rubbed from bottom to top, and the upper back is rubbed vice versa.
  • The shoulders are massaged with “sweeping” movements, and the chest and arms are massaged in a circular motion.

Basic rules

  1. If after the procedure the body burns, it means that it was carried out incorrectly, and if the skin turns a little red, you did everything right.
  2. How long should you massage? This activity should be given 10 minutes daily.
  3. You should not overexpose the skin, as this will cause more harm than good, and you can learn more about all the nuances on our website.
  4. Massage procedures against cellulite should be carried out in the morning or 3-4 hours before going to bed.
  5. Tanning and massage are two processes that should never interfere with each other.

Real reviews about using a dry brush for cellulite

  1. Snezhana, 25 years old, Blagoveshchensk: “I bought an anti-cellulite massage brush just yesterday, and immediately tried it out. I can’t boast of anything yet, but I really liked the process itself, so I will continue in the same spirit.”
  2. Maria, 31 years old, Krasnodar: “I’ve been doing dry massage regularly for two months now. I noticed that my skin became less lumpy, and yesterday I stepped on the scale and discovered that my weight had dropped by 5 kg.”
  3. Svetlana, 40 years old, Barnaul: “I have suffered from cellulite since early youth. Finally, I decided to take care of myself: I alternate dry massage with wraps and

In general, I'm pretty good about body scrubs. I tried a large number of them (I didn’t have time, however, to get to the much-praised and beloved Guam and Collistar), but they did not become a favorite or must-have product for me. I bought it, rather, for the sake of interest, for the smell, or for the reason that any decent girl should have such a product. I tried to rub myself with coffee, salt, sugar, and simply created explosive mixtures in the kitchen, which later became frankly infuriating because I had to wash out the stained shower stall or take a long time to wash it out of the most secret places. I used it irregularly, rather out of mood or because a jar/tube/pack of coffee caught my eye. Well, if I tried to use it regularly, I didn’t notice much of an effect. And despite all this, I still either bought a new scrub or did magic in the kitchen to the laughter of the young man, whom I forbade to throw away packs of ground coffee, which we don’t drink at all.

Then, out of the blue, I became interested in organic and natural cosmetics. I read a lot of blogs and websites, and one day I came across a wonderful post about body massage with a dry brush.

Before I start writing at length and at length about the massage itself, I would like to digress a little and talk about my skin. Alas and ah, my mother shared with me not the most successful gene and in the end I got rather dry, inelastic skin (but my face is oily, like damn it). Already in adolescence, I developed a large number of stretch marks on my chest and buttocks due to a sharp growth spurt, plus there were periods of rapid weight gain and loss due to hormones. Also, my move abroad and an abnormal passion for not the most healthy food had a rather negative impact on the condition of my skin (I later pulled myself together, but I have been reaping the consequences for quite a long time). As a result, we have what we have: in places, flabby, dry skin, with stretch marks, with tubercles and in general, just hug and cry. I wasn't really going to tell you horror stories, but I thought it would be honest to tell you what I had to deal with. I won’t demonstrate it, you’ll have to take my word for it.

Let's return to our sheep, namely massage with a dry brush. After one post, I started looking for as much information as possible on this topic, because they promised a real miracle: smooth skin, getting rid of cellulite, a toned body. Tempting? Of course. But in general, the more you delve into the topic, the more advantages you find.

Benefits of dry brushing your body

1. Effect on the lymphatic system. Poor functioning of the lymphatic system leads to the fact that waste products are not completely removed, they accumulate and intoxicate the body. Massage with a brush in the direction of lymph flow is to force the lymph to “accelerate” and return to the full performance of its direct duties, including cleansing the intercellular space of the body from excess fluid and normalizing the water-salt balance. As a result, swelling disappears from the tissues, metabolic processes are launched in the body with renewed vigor, and the functioning of internal organs improves. Even if you are skeptical about all detoxes and the removal of waste, toxins and other things, you can hardly deny the fact that the same cellulite becomes more visible when stagnation occurs in the lymph.

2. Effect on the circulatory system. Massage with a brush improves blood circulation in the skin, boosting its ability to remove metabolic products. Accelerated blood flow will tend to areas of the skin that are “massaged” with the brush, which will give a feeling of vigor. Therefore, it is recommended to do this massage in the morning, right before the shower, and not at night (although I do it just in the evening, I didn’t notice a strong jump in energy, but this may be due to special “night” tea and meditation).

3. Exfoliation. Massage removes dead cells, and this is its most obvious effect. Exfoliation helps improve skin texture, promotes cell renewal, and affects the overall appearance of the skin. Our skin breathes. However, one of the most important functions of the body - excretory - usually functions below average. And this is only because the pores of the skin are clogged with dead cells, and in this case the sweat glands take on additional load. Therefore, it is very important to help this process every day.

4. Reduce signs of cellulite. It is believed that cellulite is caused by stagnation of lymph and the accumulation of toxins, which in turn cause fat cells to harden in the connective tissues. With the help of a dry massage with a brush, you can physically influence these deposits, “break” them and allow the body to remove them through the lymph.

Other positive properties of massage with a dry brush are also noted: improving the functioning of the digestive system, increasing immunity, normalizing hormonal levels and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthening the nervous system, preventing varicose veins.

Dry brush massage technique

There is not much technology here, but it is very important to pay attention to a number of nuances.
1. For massage you need a brush made of natural bristles, be it cactus fibers, palm fibers or boar bristles. At the moment, the choice of brushes is huge and can be chosen to suit every taste, from hardness and bristle material to model.

2. Massage with a dry brush should be carried out before showering on dry skin.

3. All massage movements must be directed towards the heart And from bottom to top(this is exactly how lymph moves). Therefore, the massage begins with the soles of the feet, then fingers and feet, ankles and shins, hips, back, abdomen, chest. It is better to massage the abdomen and buttocks in a circular motion.

Important! Go around places with lymph nodes (armpits, groin, popliteal fossae). Some sources also recommend not massaging the inner thighs.

4. The main rule is no discomfort! If after a dry massage your body is on fire, and your skin color resembles boiled crayfish, it means you used too hard a brush. After proper massage, the skin should be slightly reddened. Also, do not try to speed up the results by pressing harder or rubbing the skin longer. This will only lead to pain. Your goal is not to scratch yourself half to death)

5. Start with 3 minutes, gradually increasing the massage time to 7-10. Take your time, be careful. The more thoroughly you massage each part of your body, the more time you will need.
It is advisable to do a massage every day. For best results, it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day. For beginners, you can start with 2 times a week and gradually increase the amount.

6. After the massage, you should immediately take a shower. They advise you to consolidate the result with a contrast shower, but I don’t really like such procedures, so it’s up to your discretion. After showering, apply cream, lotion or oil to your skin. I personally advocate applying products with a good natural composition to the skin after this procedure, but this depends on the taste, color and your personal preferences.

7. After the massage, it is advised to drink a glass of water (you can add lemon) or weak green tea in order to restore the water-salt balance, as well as remove toxins (again, some believe it, some don’t). It is better to drink the liquid immediately, rather than after a few hours. I noticed that I feel thirsty after every massage session.

8. Considering that dry massage helps exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin, it is advisable to do the massage either directly in the bath or shower stall, or on a tiled floor. At first, “dust” is literally flying in all directions))

9. Take care of your brush. Every week, be sure to thoroughly wash your brush with soapy water and dry it well to prevent a musty smell.


Since a brush, especially a dry one, has an intense effect on the skin, there are a number of contraindications. They are mainly related to the condition of the skin.
1. Do not rub abrasions, cuts, bruises and other injuries with a brush, as well as areas inflamed and affected by varicose veins, psoriasis or eczema.
2. Do not massage if you have a fever or any rash on your body.
3. Do not combine the procedure with tanning.
4. Try not to touch papillomas and moles.
5. I think that massage is not suitable for those with very thin and sensitive skin. In this case, it can be replaced, for example, with peeling gloves or a washcloth-towel.

I did not find any information about contraindications for pregnant women or for girls on breastfeeding, but it is still better to once again ask the doctor’s opinion on this matter.

My impressions of dry brush massage

Honestly, it's WOW! At first I was actually afraid; after all, the bristles on the brush are quite hard. Not a single washcloth, peeling mittens or scrubs even came close. I was afraid that there would be scratches on my body, but everything turned out okay. To be honest, the first week or so didn’t give me any fabulous sensations, but gradually my skin got used to it and I started to get a real buzz from the procedure!
After the first procedure, I noticed that my skin became much softer and smoother to the touch. Plus, my usual body lotion at that time began to distribute much better, it stopped leaving whitish streaks, stickiness and was generally absorbed simply instantly.
I experimented with different body products: without exception, all creams, lotions, batters and oils are absorbed much faster and, accordingly, work better. I have not yet tried using products with an anti-cellulite effect, but I am sure that they will work much better. It is quite possible that your forgotten funds will have another chance)

Further - more. For the first time in a very long time, my shins stopped peeling. Previously, no matter what I smeared them with, no matter what I rubbed them with, they still continued to peel (in winter more, in summer less, but the peeling was always present). The problem of ingrown hair on the shins has disappeared. The skin is becoming softer and softer, so you just want to touch it constantly.

After about a month, I noticed that the appearance of cellulite on my thighs was becoming much smaller, old stretch marks were becoming less noticeable, as the skin itself was becoming smoother. Elasticity gradually appears, and I thought that in my case this could not be achieved with anything other than real executions. The skin of the thighs and buttocks, as well as the back surface of the arms, which in women is often quite problematic, has become more elastic. I am incredibly happy that the effect of this elasticity is cumulative and over time the skin becomes better and better.

I already said that the skin becomes smoother, but this also adds radiance. In principle, this is a pattern, since smooth, even skin reflects light better. It’s clear that you don’t sparkle like the notorious vampire in the sun, the former favorite of middle school-aged girls, but I think you understand what I wanted to say. Healthy beautiful glow of healthy beautiful skin.

Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about the surge of vigor (I wrote about the reason above) or about the effect on swelling or the digestive system, since I don’t have such problems, but there are a lot of reviews on this procedure where the effect is noted. I won’t also say that I noticed a super-duper detox effect. It seems to me that it is not so easy to notice; moreover, detox requires other components, and I cannot boast of many of them yet, although I am trying to move in this direction.
I also can’t say that in just a few months my skin has become absolutely perfect. No, I still have some work to do, as there are a number of serious problems, but I actually see impressive changes and dynamics. This is what gives me an extra motivational kick to continue in the same spirit. Because dry brushing actually works. Let it be slow and gradual, but for sure.

I hope that this was useful to you and that this amount of text did not bore you. I’ll try to tell you about my brush, as well as the mini-helper in the form of a washcloth-towel, soon.

Cellulite is a normal phenomenon for the female body. It becomes a problem in the later stages, but in the early stages everyone has it, and if you do timely prevention, you don’t have to worry about your form. Slender hips, a toned stomach and elastic buttocks, even after the birth of a child, are preserved by women who find time for massage, using an anti-cellulite brush, sports and a normal diet.

What is cellulite - disease or normal?

Doctors say that this is a completely normal phenomenon for the female body, caused by the growth of fat cells. As part of the dermis, between the layer of dense fibrous connective tissue and the epidermis, there is loose fibrous connective tissue, and deeper than the dense fibrous tissue there is adipose tissue, the hypodermis. It is formed by adipocyte cells that form fat lobules. As adipocytes grow, collagen connective tissue fibers lose their elasticity. The resulting cords separate the fat cells, as if “locking” them. In such areas, blood supply, metabolism and removal of toxins are disrupted.

Cellulite is caused by proliferating fat cells

Metabolic products accumulate in clusters of fat cells. As cellulite progresses, the nerve endings become compressed. Skin sensitivity decreases, vascular tone is lost, and swelling appears.

An enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is responsible for storing fat; it is distributed on the walls of blood vessels throughout the body. The function of this enzyme is to distribute fat in the body. Due to the high concentration of the enzyme in the hips and buttocks, fat deposits and cellulite occur in these areas.

Why cellulite is not considered a disease - video

What is an anti-cellulite massage brush and where to buy it

Anti-cellulite massage is performed with a body brush, which, in addition to bristles, may have wooden (plastic, silicone) attachments. Using such a device, you can warm up tissues, cause blood flow to problem areas, and remove dead cells. For therapeutic purposes, self-massage is performed daily, in the morning, before taking a bath or shower. In preventive measures - 3–4 times a week. You can purchase such a brush in cosmetics stores and on manufacturers’ websites.

Anti-cellulite massage can be done with bristles, massage balls or fingers - brushes are often double-sided

How does a brush affect cellulite?

Massage with a brush helps against cellulite in the initial stages, when changes in the structure of the tissues are not yet very noticeable. There are no visible signs, so the onset of the disease can only be noticed if you strongly squeeze the skin on the abdomen, thighs or buttocks. At stage 1, interstitial fluid accumulates in the tissues, microcirculation deteriorates, and tissue swelling appears. The only sign of incipient cellulite can be considered a longer than usual healing of scratches and bruises, and the appearance of bruises from the slightest blows.

At stage 2, swelling develops in the tissues, which begins to compress the blood and lymphatic vessels. Blood flow is obstructed, and this leads to increased swelling and accumulation of toxins in the tissues. Inflammatory processes in the middle layers of the skin cannot be ruled out. Visible for now only on pale and slightly less elastic skin, bumps and compactions are noticeable only when the skin is caught in a fold.

Cellulite can be treated with massage only in the initial stages

Massage of problem areas, if done regularly, helps achieve the following results:

  • Exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, accelerates cell renewal, and makes the skin smooth.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, causes blood flow to problem areas, restores skin tone and elasticity.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system and metabolic processes, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, which cause compaction of fat cells in the connective tissue.

It is recommended to massage with a cellulite brush in the morning, before taking a shower - it will invigorate, warm and lift your spirits. If you do it in the evening, then you won’t be able to fall asleep for a long time. Do not try to speed up the result by making the massage more intense, as this will only harm the skin. Manipulations must be carried out daily for at least a month, and then gradually reduce the number of procedures, but even after the final elimination of the external manifestations of cellulite, the massage should still be repeated at least once a week as a preventive measure.

Fighting cellulite - methods for solving the problem - video

How to use it correctly against cellulite

The first and main rule is that you should not feel discomfort during the massage. Therefore, be careful when choosing an anti-cellulite brush: don’t skimp, prefer natural materials to cheap synthetics, find a model with a long handle to reach all hard-to-reach areas (back, buttocks). Perform massage regularly, if possible in the morning. Massage the skin until you feel warmth throughout the body and cause slight redness. Diligence is good in moderation: the body after a massage should not “burn with fire” and hurt. Perform movements according to the proven technique: in a circle counterclockwise or in a straight line from bottom to top. Movements from top to bottom are not recommended, and in both directions are strictly prohibited. Do not touch sensitive areas - inner thighs, areas under the knees, armpits.

There is no need to do an anti-cellulite massage for a fresh tan, inflammation, rashes, injuries - wait until the skin heals, do not injure yourself again. After each procedure, rinse the brush with hot water so as not to create a pathogenic environment - dead cells, sebum, and shower gel residues accumulate in the villi; with high humidity in the bathroom, the brush will quickly become a source of an unpleasant odor.

A massage brush should be made from natural materials; you shouldn’t skimp on it

The brush should not be too rough - it should scratch and prick the skin, but bristles that are too soft will not have any healing effect. If suddenly the brush you bought turned out to be tougher than you wanted, then the following advice: Soak it for 4 hours in water. Then dry. The bristles should soften a little.

Svetlana Koryakova

Dry massage

Dry massage is not as tactilely pleasant as wet massage, but it has more benefits. - even in those “advanced” cases when the orange peel is not only palpable, but already visible on the thighs, buttocks, and less often on the arms. This procedure is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.

The massage is performed with a dry brush; you don’t even need to soak it in the bathroom beforehand - and on dry skin, without makeup. The procedure itself will be quite “harsh”, so try not to overdo it during rubbing and not to tear off the skin. For the first massage, 10 minutes is enough: move from bottom to top, from feet to legs, thighs and chest. Movements should be sliding, without pressure. As you get used to it, the time can be gradually increased - up to 15 minutes for each problem area. After the procedure, take a shower with the gel, dry your skin and apply anti-cellulite cream.

Dry massage rubbing with a brush - video

Wet massage technique

Wet massage is indicated for the prevention of cellulite and treatment of the initial stage, when the problem is still invisible:

  1. Soak the brush in hot water about 15 minutes before the massage.
  2. Apply shower gel to your body and rub until foam forms.
  3. Take a brush and start massaging your body from your feet, gradually moving up to your hips, buttocks, stomach and back.
  4. Work with each problem area for 5–10 minutes.
  5. Lastly, massage your hands - from wrist to shoulder.
  6. When finished, take a contrast shower and apply anti-cellulite cream.

Dry and wet massage are performed in the same way, only in a wet massage the skin can be softened with cosmetics, and the brush can be soaked in hot water.

Step-by-step massage

How to do:

  1. Rub the brush onto your feet, then your ankles, gradually moving up to your knees. You need to massage the skin with circular movements or strokes from bottom to top. There is no need to press hard or rub. Movements should be smooth and sliding.
  2. It is better not to massage areas with sensitive skin - the inner thighs, groin area, skin under the armpits and under the knees.
  3. Once you've gone over your shins, lightly massage the backs of your knees with the brush and move on to your thighs. When the skin warms up, increase the pressure and rub your right and left legs alternately, first with circular movements counterclockwise, then with strokes from bottom to top.
  4. In the abdominal area, massage in a circular motion, without pressure, clockwise.
  5. Rub the sides from bottom to top, one side, then the other.
  6. Move to the back. Rub the lower part first, moving the brush from bottom to top, then the upper part, massaging from top to bottom.
  7. Now rub your hands: first the backs of your hands, then your wrists and then move up to your shoulders.

On the legs and arms, rubbing with a brush should be done from bottom to top, on the back, stomach and buttocks - in a circular motion.

For convenience, you can use two small brushes at once that fit in the palm of your hand, or one with a long handle to reach the most inaccessible parts of the body. If after rubbing the skin turns red and you feel a slight tingling sensation, do not be alarmed, this is how it should be - but there should not be a feeling of heat. If it does, it means they did something wrong. There is no need to rub the body too much; the skin is very easily injured and stretched. With thoughtless efforts, you can only make the problem worse.

When you finish the procedure, drink a glass of water and take a shower. At the same time, rinse the massage brush thoroughly. Dry yourself and apply natural oil or anti-cellulite cream to your skin. Perform the massage daily: first for 10–20 minutes, then longer, up to 30 minutes, massaging each problem area. The course lasts 2–2.5 months, then you can perform the procedure less often - 2–3 times a week or every day, but reduce the time to 5 minutes. In the morning, such a massage will help you cheer up better than a cup of coffee.

How to remove cellulite with a massage brush - video

Review of the highest quality and most effective brushes

  • Give preference to a wooden brush. It is more expensive than silicone, but also more durable.
  • Any bristle will do: the main thing is that it does not prick or scratch. For the first time, it is better to take a brush with soft bristles, then, if desired, purchase another one with stiffer bristles or teeth.
  • The length of the pile should be no more than 2 cm and the tufts should be about 0.5 mm thick.
  • A brush with rotating rollers can be used to massage deep tissues.
  • Ideally, if the massager has a long handle, then there will be no problems with massaging hard-to-reach areas - the back, for example.

There are two types of massage brushes: either with a handle, or so-called “palm brushes”, which fit in the hand

Manufacturers of massage brushes - table

ManufacturerDescriptionMaterialsFlawsPriceRecommendations for use
Skin Brush Elemis
(United Kingdom)
Massage brush with long handleBody - wood, bristles - cactusBuyers sometimes complain about the loss of stubble and “balding” of the brush.From 1800 rublesThe brush is designed for dry massage. The procedure is carried out 3–4 times a week, including for preventive purposes. The recommended course of treatment is 2–3 months.
Helen Gold DRY BRUSH
Drainage brush for dry massage with long handle (40 cm)Body - bamboo, natural boar bristlesSensitive skin may find the bristles harsh1390 rublesThe brush is recommended for massaging dry skin and scrubbing; it is suitable for people with allergies to body cosmetics.
Drainage brush for dry massage (40 cm)Body - beech wood, bristles - Mexican cactus fibersBuyers note the stiffness of the bristles. If you do a wet massage, the wooden frame may crack.From 1300 rublesThe manufacturer advises using a drainage brush before taking a shower, on dry skin, and for maximum effect using the Riche line of body care products. Massage is performed 3-4 times a week.
Body shop
Drainage brush for dry massage, available in two configurations: round brush and long-handled brushBody - wood, bristles - synthetic for a round brush, cactus bristles for a brush with a long handleNot suitable for wet massage890 rublesPerform rubbing on dry skin, using smooth circular movements from wrists to shoulders, from shins to thighs. Rubbing is enough for 2-5 minutes, then you need to take a shower.
Earth Therapeutics
Double-sided brush with roller massagerBody - wood, rubber; balls - wood, pile - natural bristlesInsufficient handle length, inconvenient to rub your back and buttocksFrom 570 rublesBristles are used to scrub the skin and exfoliate dead cells. Massage with wooden balls tones the tissues and helps to relax. The brush is suitable for dry and wet massage.
Best Trans Service
Double sided brush with long handleBody - wood, rubber;
bristles - synthetic, teeth - wood
The bristles are soft and rubbing may feel weakFrom 360 rublesThe brush is designed for dry massage. It is recommended to rub the body first with wooden teeth, then with bristles.
Lito LitoA brush for dry and wet massage, which has bristles on one side and wooden massage “fingers”. The brush can be with or without a handleBody - wood, massager - wood, pile - natural bristlesWith frequent use, the body darkens slightlyFrom 150 rublesThe brush is not double-sided: both the bristles and the massage balls are attached to one side, providing a comprehensive massage and complete relaxation for the skin.