How to clean jewelry at home. How to clean jewelry

Earrings, rings and chains can be inherited indefinitely. Some jewelry remembers the warmth of the hands of our great-grandmothers and becomes more valuable every year. There is only one problem with gold and silver jewelry - over time, they fade, lose their luster. But this trouble is easily fixable and it is quite possible to clean silver and gold at home.

We clean gold easily and simply

Family rings and chains, bracelets and earrings acquire a special chic over time. They are slightly darker and even at first glance look expensive and solid. But sometimes they become too dull and a coating appears on the surface. In this case, in all its glory, the question arises - to, without turning to jewelers, and return it to its former brilliance and beauty? There are quite a few ways to clean gold, but the simplest, most affordable and effective are:

  • Boiling soap solution. It is enough to boil the product in water with powder, soap or dishware for 5-10 minutes to make it shine again.
  • Coca Cola. Great for cleaning gold items. Simply soak your jewelry in this fizz for 30 minutes, then take it out, rinse with clean water and wipe with a flannel.
  • Salt bath. Take 2 tablespoons of salt and pour half a glass of water over them. Put the jewelry in the resulting solution for 12 hours, then remove them, rinse and polish. They will be like new.

How to clean silver at home

Unlike gold, which simply tarnishes slightly, silver can develop a layer of black patina that can ruin the look of the piece. But there are effective ways silver cleaning, which does not require expensive pastes and powders. You just need to find easily accessible tools that are in every home in the closet. To remove blackness, you can use:

  • crushed chalk;
  • Dentifrice;
  • drinking soda;
  • Ammonia;
  • Salt;
  • Lemon acid;

Something from this list will certainly be found in the far corner of the cabinet and it will be possible to proceed directly to cleaning the product.

Cleaning silver with baking soda and foil

If the silver is very dark, then you can use a very effective cleaning method - using foil and soda. All you need to do for this is to cut a piece of food foil, place it in a saucepan and spread silverware over the surface. Pour all this with water so that the decorations are completely hidden and put the container on the stove. When the water boils, you need to pour a tablespoon of soda into it. A violent reaction will begin and foam will form - do not be alarmed, as a result of the chemical process, silver jewelry will be cleaned just perfectly and can be removed after 10 minutes. Polish them with flannel and no one will tell the old jewelry from the new.

When soda is poured, abundant foaming will begin - this chemical reaction completely remove all contaminants.

Citric acid is a great remedy!

clean silver citric acid can be done in just 15 minutes. To do this, you need a glass liter jar, in which you need to pour water up to half. The jar needs to be put in a water bath and let the water boil. After boiling, 100 grams of citric acid is poured into the container and (!) A piece of copper wire is placed on the bottom of the jar. After that, you can lower your jewelry into the resulting solution. It is necessary to keep the products in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then dry and polish them with a soft cloth.

Advice! You can not put copper wire on the bottom of the can, but use it as a low / loop for stringing products. After you put all your rings, earrings and bracelets on it, it will be very convenient to place such a bundle in a boiling solution of citric acid and remove it from it.

Cleaning silver with ammonia

This is probably the easiest way to clean silver. You just need to purchase a bottle of ammonia (10%) at the pharmacy, pour it into a suitable container and place silver jewelry in the liquid for 15-20 minutes. After that, the products must be removed, rinsed in running water and polished to a shine.

In fact, cleaning silver just seems like a difficult task. It will take you no more than an hour to put your jewelry in order, and you can do everything yourself, without involving expensive specialists - jewelers.

Gold jewelry can say a lot about the taste and status of their owner. Whether you prefer elegant or flashy, graceful or massive, gold needs to be cleaned from time to time to restore its original brilliance and dignified look.

Gold in pure form due to its high cost, as well as softness and wear, it is not used for jewelry production. It is included in various alloys with other metals (ligature). Depending on the amount of gold in the alloy, all gold items are marked with a certain breakdown - from the 375th to the 999th. The most common and in demand are the 585th and 750th tests.

The addition of other metals helps make gold stronger, harder, and more durable, but it is these metals that produce a dark, dull patina because base metals are more prone to corrosion.

The main causes of pollution and darkening of gold items are the environment (dust, air composition, humidity), sweat-fat secretions from the skin, cosmetics and detergents. You can clean gold from household pollution at home using improvised means.

How to clean gold without chemicals

The simplest and enough effective method– carefully rub gold items with a soft, slightly fluffy cloth, such as flannel or a microfiber cloth.

This mechanical method is very gentle and gentle, but it must be used regularly as a daily care. In cases of chronic pollution, especially in hard-to-reach places, more serious cleaning will be required.

How to clean gold in alkaline and acid solutions

A variety of homemade cleaning solutions are used to remove dark plaque and accumulated dirt.

soap solution

Using soap or dish detergents, you can effectively clean gold from plaque and deposits on the surface of gold items. In hard-to-reach recesses of relief or openwork pattern, places where stones and decorative elements are inserted, you will have to additionally use an old toothbrush or cotton swabs at the end of cleaning - when rinsing with water.

To prepare the solution, you will need 1 glass of water and 1 teaspoon liquid soap(or dishwashing liquid). It must be intensively mixed, whipping the foam. In a warm solution, gold items can be soaked for several hours, and if you want to quickly clean the gold, it is recommended to boil the items in a soapy solution for 2-3 minutes.

White gold items are usually plated with rhodium, a soft metal that is subject to abrasion. Therefore, only non-aggressive detergents without chlorine are taken for cleaning, soaked without boiling for 20-30 minutes, and polished with the most delicate, lint-free cloth.

To clean gold, it is better to use enamelware or stainless steel dishes, in which the products will be completely covered with a solution. It is advisable to lay a soft cloth on the bottom.

After soaking or boiling, gold items must be washed, cleaned mechanically with a toothbrush, and wiped, polishing them with a clean, dry cloth or napkin.


Ammonia (an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide) and hydrogen peroxide will help make the soap solution even more effective. The recipe for the solution is as follows: for 1 glass of warm water, take 1 teaspoon of liquid soap, add 2 teaspoons of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide to it. In the resulting solution, gold items are kept from 10 minutes to several hours under a lid (without boiling), since ammonia has a sharp ammonia smell. Even stubborn dirt is well cleaned due to the fact that soap dissolves fats, and ammonia and peroxide react with oxides of copper and other alloy metals, restoring their original shine to gold rings and earrings.

Please note: solutions with ammonia or vinegar are not suitable for cleaning gold items with pearls, precious and semi-precious stones!

To clean gold with ammonia, take note of the following recipe: 1 glass of water, 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of washing powder. First you need to dilute the washing powder in very hot water (90-100 ℃), stir well until completely dissolved and add ammonia. Gold needs to be put into it for 2-3 hours (depending on the degree of contamination).

To clean white gold items, you can mix ammonia with water in equal proportions and add a little shampoo to them. Put your “white-gold” jewelry into the resulting solution for 20-30 minutes. When they are clean, rinse them with running water and dry them with a soft cloth.

Soda solutions

Soda solution is prepared at the rate of 1-1.5 tablespoons of soda per 1 glass of water. It is recommended to soak gold items in it for 10-15 minutes or boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat.

Rubbing and cleaning gold jewelry with dry soda or rock salt should not be done - abrasive powder products can leave small scratches and spoil the appearance.

Ordinary food foil will help to enhance the cleansing effect of soda and restore the brightness of the shine to gold products. Prepare a solution of 1 cup hot water with 1-1.5 tablespoons of baking soda. Put a piece of foil on the bottom of the container, put your jewelry on it, fill them with hot soda solution. Leave overnight (8-12 hours), then rinse and dry.

You will achieve a faster cleaning effect if you add another 1/2 teaspoon of liquid soap or dish detergent to the soda solution (1-1.5 tablespoons of soda per 1 glass of water). Soda must be dissolved in boiling water, add soap and beat a small foam. It is better to lay gold items on a cloth laid on the bottom of ceramic or enameled dishes, pour hot solution over and let stand until the water cools down.

Solutions salty and sweet

Salt and sugar will equally effectively clean gold.

The proportions are as follows: 5-6 tablespoons of salt or 2 tablespoons of sugar per 1 glass of water. Prepare a hot solution with salt or sugar, put gold items in it so that they are completely covered with water, and leave overnight. Rinse them in the morning with running water and dry with a soft cloth.

Such solutions will not cope with serious old contaminants, but they will remove the greasy film, dust, dull plaque perfectly.

Cleaning pastes

To clean gold mechanically, especially in hard-to-reach heavily polluted places, ordinary toothpastes and powders or prepared mixtures are used.

The action of abrasive impurities in toothpastes and powders is softened by foaming agents.

At home, to prepare cleaning pastes, you can use chalk with ammonia or toothpaste, petroleum jelly, crushed chalk, grated laundry soap and warm water (all in equal proportions). The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the surface of gold items. You can clean them with a cloth or a soft toothbrush that you no longer use, in one direction. Then your rings or earrings must be wiped with some alcohol, rinsed with water and wiped dry.

As an alternative to cleaning paste, some recommend using lipstick (put a little on a cotton pad and wipe the jewelry with it) or a stationery eraser. And to give a special shine to gold jewelry, they offer a mixture of beer with egg white or onion juice. You can squeeze the juice from the onion and soak a cloth in it to clean the gold with it, or easier - cut the onion and rub the gold items with a fresh cut. So you mechanically clean the surface and, after letting the bow act for 2-3 hours, you will achieve a “brilliant effect”. Don't forget to rinse and dry your rings and earrings after these "fragrant treatments".

How to clean gold with stones

When cleaning gold jewelry with stones, delicacy should be exercised. Not all stones, especially those glued to the surface, are able to withstand prolonged soaking, acid or alkaline solutions, and boiling. It is better to use special professional cleaners and brushes for gold and stones.

Delicate pearls, corals, mother-of-pearl, turquoise, amber, emeralds and beryls are best simply wiped with a damp cloth; opaque stones should not be cleaned with chemicals at all and even wetted with water; rubies, opals can be gently washed with a mild soapy solution.

For soaking rings and earrings with diamonds, cubic zirkonia, sapphires or zirconium, the cleaning solution is advised to be prepared as follows: in a ceramic (preferably white) bowl, dilute 1/2 teaspoon of dish detergent (without cream additives) in 1 glass of warm (up to 40 ℃) water ) or gel for washing white fabrics, add the same amount of ammonia and liquid oxygen bleach. Jewelry should be immersed in this solution and left overnight, then rinsed, if necessary, rubbing them with a soft toothbrush, and blot dry.

If heavily soiled, the gold surfaces of products with stones can be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in cologne, alcohol solution or gasoline.

If you regularly have a question about how to clean gold, then pay attention to some rules for wearing it. Take off all jewelry before “dirty” housework, taking a shower, going to a solarium, bath or sauna, playing sports, contact with paints and abrasives, applying cosmetic creams and medical ointments.

Gold jewelry has a high aesthetic and material value. Wear them correctly, take care of them carefully and do not forget to clean the gold in time.


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Today, every person has gold items. In the old days, gold jewelry symbolized a certain social status man, and today anyone can go and buy gold in any jewelry store for relatively little money.

Jewelry made of pure gold is practically not sold anywhere, since this metal is very soft in nature and bends and loses its shape during everyday wear. Instead, an alloy is used, which includes not only gold, but also aluminum, cadmium, copper, silver, zinc and other metals. It is because of these metals that jewelry loses its original luster over time, begins to fade and looks more like jewelry. To restore the original shine and radiance, it is necessary to clean. Jewelry can be taken to professional jewelers for cleaning, but you can clean gold yourself at home.

Advice: “Cleaning gold at home must be done carefully so as not to scratch or damage the jewelry itself.”

Note to the owner:

  • In many pieces of jewelry, there are places that are difficult to reach, primarily patterns and places for inserting stones. In these cases, after cleaning, it is necessary to rinse the jewelry with warm water and clean all hard-to-reach places with a regular toothbrush.
  • All the necessary ingredients for cleaning the house can be bought at the pharmacy.
  • Cleaning utensils must be non-metal and deep enough to cover Jewelry in the prepared solution.

Recipes for cleaning yellow gold items

  1. For light soiling, use normal soapy water. To do this, take a few teaspoons of soap (you can use shampoo, dishwashing detergent) and dissolve it in water, put gold there and leave it for 3 hours, then wipe it with a soft cloth.
  2. For more severe contamination, use ammonia. To prepare the solution, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. detergent (soap, shampoo, washing powder) and a few teaspoons of ammonia, mix everything in a glass of water and put gold for 1 hour. After, rinse the jewelry in water and wipe dry with a cloth.
  3. Buy special cleaning paste at any jewelry store. You can cook this pasta yourself, using improvised means, the pasta should turn out to be a creamy consistency. You need to take equal amounts of petroleum jelly, toothpaste, water, chalk (crushed in a coffee grinder) and soap, mix everything and apply to the gold item for 15 minutes. After, rub a little with a cloth or toothbrush, rinse in water and dry. This tool is very strong and replaces mechanical professional cleaning.
  4. Gold jewelry is well cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. In a glass of water, take 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, a couple of teaspoons of ammonia and a few teaspoons of soap, mix everything and immerse the product in the solution for 30 minutes, maybe a little more time. Next, rinse with water and dry with a cloth.
  5. One of the easiest folk recipes This is cleaning with salt. Take salt (2 tablespoons) and dissolve in a glass of water, leave the product in the solution overnight, then wipe dry.
  6. Cleaning with baking soda and foil. Dissolve a few tablespoons of soda in 250 ml of water, take a porcelain or glass container, lay foil on the bottom, put gold and fill jewelry with this solution. Leave overnight, then rinse thoroughly and wipe with a cloth. If there is no foil in the house, then add a teaspoon of any detergent to the soda solution and also leave the product at least all night.
  7. You can remove a slight darkening with the help of table vinegar. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with vinegar and wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth.
  8. An alcohol solution of borax will help you remove the darkening. To do this, gently moisten a cotton swab with a solution, wipe the product, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with water and wipe with a napkin.
  9. Ordinary lipstick perfectly removes black spots from iodine, and all due to the fact that titanium dioxide is present in the composition of any lipstick. It is necessary to smear a small piece of cotton wool with lipstick and wipe the jewelry.

Recipes for white gold jewelry

White gold is much more brittle and therefore gentle solutions must be used for cleaning.

White gold is coated with a very thin layer of rhodium and is very easy to scratch.

“It is strictly forbidden to clean white gold with coarse toothbrushes, all kinds of pastes and various powders.”

To clean white gold, use one of these recipes:

  • For 50 ml of water, we need 25 ml of ammonia, then pour the products with the resulting solution into any non-metallic container. Leave for a few hours, rinse in water and dry.
  • At 5 st. l. beer, take 1 yolk, mix everything and soak a cotton swab with this paste and wipe the product.

Jewelry with precious stones

Jewelry with precious stones requires special handling, since many stones do not tolerate moisture well and should not be immersed in solutions. These products must be cleaned with cologne or alcohol. To do this, take cotton swab, soak in cologne and gently wipe the stone.

Brushed Gold Jewelry Cleaning

Brushed gold items should be cleaned with great care. The rules for cleaning jewelry are the same as for white gold jewelry, with a few additions:

  • The ideal option would be cleaning in a 25% ammonia solution. To do this, the product must be filled with a solution and left for 2 hours, then rinsed with water and wiped dry.
  • To clean matte gold, lime will help you. Mix a teaspoon of lime with a glass of water, add half a teaspoon of soda and salt there, leave this mixture for 3 days in a dark place. After that, fill the products with this solution for 2 or 3 hours, wash with water and dry.

Cleaning of gilded products

Some jewelry only covered with a thin golden film. Such products must be cleaned with great care and delicacy. For effective cleaning of such products, it is necessary to wipe with a swab dipped in wine vinegar or beer.

Pearl Jewelry Cleaning

When cleaning products with pearls, it is strictly forbidden to use vinegar (the pearl may dissolve). It is necessary to take a brush (you can use a brush to apply shadows) with a little shampoo, gently rub the pearl and rinse with warm water, then wipe it dry with a soft cloth or towel.

Basic rules for wearing jewelry

  • Before any homework, gold jewelry must be removed.
  • Before applying any cosmetic and medical products, be sure to remove gold items.
  • It is necessary to clean gold at home once a month.
  • Protect gold from sunlight, in other words, store it in a box.

Even if a woman (and a man too) has only one wedding ring, he still needs to periodically arrange a bath day. Or at least clean it.

Everyone wash their face several times a day, and they forget about the ring or chain. But microbes, dust accumulate on them, and gold itself fades over time, becomes covered with microcracks and spots.

Of course, if you have a whole box of gold jewelry, and some of them are even exclusive, then it is best to seek help from specialists. This is especially true for those jewelry that consists not only of gold, but also ennobled with precious stones, pearls or very expensive, carved, with many small links.

Professionals with knowledge of the matter will clean the gold jewelry, which after it will become like new.

You can also purchase a special tool in a jewelry store that is designed to clean gold jewelry. Most likely, you will be offered jewelry cosmetics from the Aladdin company. But if you still decide to clean gold items yourself, then at least buy special napkins for polishing gold items in the store. Their price is acceptable. After all, those rags that you have at home may simply not be suitable for this job.

And for those who still want to clean gold items on their own, below are ways to clean gold jewelry and recommendations on how to do it better.


But first you must remember that cleaning gold without stones and with stones differ significantly from each other! After all, if an ordinary wedding ring can be cleaned with both soda and toothpaste, and can also be dipped in boiling water, then a ring with a precious stone requires a more careful attitude.

For example, when cleaning with abrasives, scratches may appear on the smooth surface of the stone, and when in contact with boiling water, the color may change. So, if you are going to clean a gold ring or earrings with such precious stones as amber, opal, emerald, pearls, then they cannot be mechanically cleaned with chalk, toothpaste and other substances.

The main methods of cleaning gold jewelry - liquid solutions with the addition of active substances: soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, citric acid and others - should be applied to gold jewelry with stones carefully.

After all, if hard precious stones (diamond, beryl, aquamarine, topaz, quartz) respond well to contact with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, then soft stones (turquoise, coral, pearls) cannot be cleaned with either vinegar or ammonia.

You also need to be careful with white gold., which can be damaged by brushing too vigorously. Therefore, it is also cleaned with liquid soap, ammonia or alcohol.

Cleaning gold with soap

Method 1. This method is the simplest and most easily accessible. In order for your gold jewelry to be like new even after a few years, they need constant care. If you always wash them in soapy water, then you will not have to resort to more drastic measures.

To do this, pour hot water into a bowl and add soap or dishwashing liquid. Beat up a rich foam and dip your gold jewelry into it.

After one or two hours, rinse them in clean water and lay them on a napkin to dry.

Festive video recipe:

If the jewelry is poorly washed, take a soft toothbrush and lightly rub the jewelry with it.

Method 2. Grate laundry soap and add the same amount of chalk to it. Pour in some hot water to make a thin slurry. Rub the decorations with this mixture. For this purpose, you can use a soft toothbrush. Polish clean jewelry with a soft, dry cloth.

Method 3. Prepare a small amount of soap shavings. Add to it the same amount of vaseline, crushed chalk and water. You will have a thick paste. Apply this paste to a soft cloth and clean the gold items. Then wash them well from the greasy film and dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with sugar

This method is good for adding shine to gold jewelry that does not need to be cleaned from dirt and stains.

Pour clean water into a glass and put two or three teaspoons of sugar. Stir. Soak your gold jewelry in sweet water and leave it there overnight. In the morning, remove the products and rinse with plain water. Blot dry with a clean cloth.

Cleaning gold with vodka

This is probably the most common and easiest way. In addition to vodka, you can use alcohol and even gasoline. Apply the liquid to a piece of cloth and rub the product with it. If the product has many links, then it is best to pour the liquid into a small container and lower the jewelry into it. This method is suitable not only for an engagement ring, but also for jewelry with transparent precious or semi-precious stones.

Cleaning gold with soda

To bring back the original luster of a gold piece of clear gemstone jewelry, soak it in a glass of soda and let it sit overnight.

Alka-seltzer help!

If the decorations have faded, it is enough to dip them in a glass of sizzling alka-seltzer for two minutes. This is enough to make the jewelry shine again.

Cleaning gold with vinegar and citric acid

Pour vinegar, lemon juice or diluted citric acid into a cup. Put the gold jewelry on and hold for a few minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with baking soda

Method 1. Pour a little soda on a plate and add so much hydrogen peroxide to make a slurry. Clean the ring with this mixture, and then rinse it in clean water.

Method 2. Sprinkle the gold jewelry with a thin layer of baking soda. Then pour vinegar over and rinse with clean water. This method cannot be applied to gold jewelry with pearls or other precious stones.

Method 3. Mix table vinegar with soda in a ratio of 2: 1 and immerse gold jewelry in this liquid for one to two hours. Then rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth or a special cloth.

Method 4. Line a bowl with foil and add some water. Pour salt and soda into the water. Stir. Put the gold jewelry into the water and clean well with a soft brush. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

Method 5. In a small enamel bowl, put 50 g of baking soda and pour half a glass of water. Put gold jewelry in a saucepan and put it all on fire. As soon as the water with soda boils, add two tablespoons of vinegar, reduce the heat and boil for twenty minutes. Take your jewelry out and let it dry.

Cleaning gold items with laundry soda

This method is suitable for both silver and gold jewelry. Prepare a solution of half a liter of hot water and a tablespoon of soda.

Put a piece of zinc in a jar and put all the gold jewelry in the same place. Soak them in hot soda solution.

Take out the jewelry, rinse it in clean water and dry it.

Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia

Method 1. Add a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water and immerse gold jewelry in it. After an hour, take them out and rinse in clean water. If the jewelry is very dirty, then you can add a little liquid soap to this composition.

Method 2. Pour equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia into a glass of water. Add a little washing powder to them. Put the gold jewelry there and hold for five minutes. Then take them out of the glass, rinse in clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Method 3. Pour a glass of water into a small saucepan, bring to a boil and add a tablespoon of ammonia and some kind of liquid detergent, for example, for washing dishes. Dip gold jewelry into this water and leave for two hours. Then take them out and rinse in clean water. This method helps to clean heavily soiled jewelry.

Method 4. Place heavily soiled gold jewelry without stones in a small container and fill with ammonia. Leave for several hours without fear of spoiling it. Then remove the jewelry from the solution and rinse under running water. Dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with lipstick

Spread a gold product with any lipstick (you can take the cheapest one). Wait for a while and carefully wipe off all the lipstick with a clean, dry cloth. Gold jewelry will immediately shine like new. Titanium dioxide has such an effect on gold.

Cleaning gold with mustard powder

Mustard powder is a mild abrasive, so it won't do any harm to gold rings. To clean them, sprinkle a little dry mustard on a cloth and gently polish the products.

Cleaning gold with toothpaste or toothpowder

Since these substances are still abrasives, they must be cleaned very gently, only lightly polishing the product. Diamonds respond very well to such cleaning. To do this, you just need to squeeze a small amount of paste onto a soft toothbrush or cloth and rub the ring with it. You can use only white classic toothpaste without a whitening effect.

Tooth powder can be diluted with lemon juice. After cleaning, the ring is washed in clean water and dried on a rag or paper towel.

Polishing gold jewelry with beer

Method 1. This method is only suitable for jewelry without precious stones. Moisten a cloth with light beer and gently wipe the jewelry with it. Then wipe dry.

Method 2. Combine half a glass of warm beer with one egg yolk. Clean the gold item with this mixture, and then rinse in clean water.

Cleaning gold with salt

Pour a glass of hot water into a bowl and add four tablespoons of salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Put gold jewelry into this solution and leave for twelve hours. Then rinse them under running water and dry well.

Cleaning gold jewelry with onions

Take an onion and peel it. Then grate and squeeze the juice into a cup. Put jewelry into this juice and clean it with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse and dry the cleaned items.

Chemical cleaning of gold jewelry

Method 1. If you accidentally dropped iodine on the ring, then it can be cleaned in this way: put one teaspoon of hyposulfite in a glass of water and stir. Dip the ring in this solution for fifteen minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Method 2 suitable for cleaning matte gold. Mix in a bowl 8 parts bleaching powder, 7 parts bicarbonate salt and 2 parts table salt. Add 1/3 cup of distilled water. Put the decoration into the mixture for a few minutes. Then take them out, wash them with alcohol and leave them on sawdust or a paper towel to dry.

Method 3. Mix 16 parts chalk, 4 parts white lead, 6.5 parts clay, 0.5 parts bloodstone, 1.5 parts magnesia. Use this powder to clean your gold jewelry.

Method 4. Mix 80 g of iron oxide (kolkotara) and 30 parts of ammonia. Use this mixture to clean your jewelry.

Method 5. If spots appear on the gold ring, they can be removed with a solution of borax. To do this, moisten a cloth with a solution and wipe the ring.

Tips to help you keep your gold jewelry in top condition

  • When taking on housework, remove all gold jewelry so that they do not come into contact with hot, humid air, such as in the bathroom. And also did not come into contact with detergents such as bleach or bleach.
  • Sometimes the rings grow into the finger so that they are no longer removed. In this case, you should always wear rubber gloves to protect the ring from an aggressive environment that can ruin it.
  • Wash your gold jewelry frequently with soapy water or alcohol.

  • Remove all jewelry before taking a bath or going to the shower, sauna, pool.
  • Remove gold jewelry before doing beauty treatments at the salon or at home. After all, creams, lotions or paints can react with gold and ruin it.
  • Store your gold jewelry in a dry place in a wooden box. Do not store jewelry in a cardboard box or box, as cardboard can release substances that will affect the color of the jewelry. For example, if there is sulfur in the composition of the cardboard, then the surface of the jewelry will oxidize.

Remember to take care of your gold jewelry and they will always be in perfect condition!

Folk wisdom says: "All that glitters is not gold." It is logical to conclude that products from this noble metal are simply obliged to shine. Rings, earrings, bracelets, chains - all this is worn mercilessly, gets wet, smeared with creams, loses its shine. To return your favorite jewelry to its former beauty at home, they need to be cleaned. There are effective methods that quickly remove almost any contamination.

How to restore beauty to different types of gold

If you think that all gold is cleaned the same way, you are deeply mistaken. Methods are selected based on the individual characteristics of a particular piece of jewelry. There are no small things here. The color (yellow or white), the nature of the coating (shiny or matte), the presence or absence of stones and, of course, the nature of the pollution are taken into account.

To begin with, let's figure out what pitfalls can lie in wait for self-cleaning gold at home.

  1. Products with stones can only be wiped off using gentle methods, without acids and abrasive substances. It is better not to immerse them in liquid at all, but to smear them with cleaning paste or wipe them with soapy water.
  2. Do not clean jewelry made of different metals together (for example, gold and silver), they may turn white.
  3. Be careful with citric acid, vinegar, dry soda. They can only be used for products in good condition. If there are scratches, damage or pebbles, these substances are dangerous to use.

There are times when it is difficult to figure out the correct cleaning methods on your own, then it is better to entrust this matter to professional jewelers.

Jewelry with "capricious" inserts - turquoise, pearls, amber, emerald, coral - can easily be spoiled by improper processing. The stone may fade or change color in the wrong solution, or even simply fall out due to “leaky” fasteners. Jewelry with a relief pattern, mother-of-pearl or enamel inlays also require a special approach. If you need to clean such items, go to the nearest jewelry workshop. There they will select the appropriate “treatment”: ultrasound, ointment, soaked wipes or special cosmetics.

What solution can be used to clean yellow jewelry: use ammonia, vodka and Fairy

There are several ways to clean yellow gold earrings and chains. You can start with the simplest.

  1. Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. any dishwashing detergent, preferably Fairy.
  2. Put a rag in the pan, on top - a decoration that has darkened.
  3. Pour in the prepared solution.
  4. Put the pan on the fire, boil for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Rinse the cleaned gold items with water and wipe dry.

This method is suitable for removing surface contaminants. More complex cases require a serious approach. It is more correct to clean gold products with diamonds, zirconium or cubic zirconia using ammonia.

  1. In a glass of boiling water, add dishwashing detergent or laundry detergent (1 tsp) and 25% ammonia (1 tsp).
  2. Stir, leave the gold in the solution for 1-2 hours.
  3. Rinse the cleaned jewelry with water and dry with a flannel cloth.

Such a mixture well cleans old gold from blackness and impurities resulting from the oxidation of metal additives in the alloy.

How to clean rings or earrings with foil, boiling and baking soda

Chains or rings that have lost their luster can be restored to their former beauty using baking soda and foil.

  1. Dissolve baking soda in hot water (1-1.5 tablespoons of baking soda per 1 cup of water).
  2. Lay a sheet of foil on the bottom of the selected dish, put a chain, earrings or a ring, pour a soda solution.
  3. Leave jewelry on overnight. In the morning (after 8-12 hours of exposure), your favorite jewelry will be like new.

Dishwashing liquid can be used in place of foil in this recipe.

  1. Prepare a solution of 1 cup boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. soda and 0.5 tsp dishwashing detergent.
  2. Put a rag on the bottom of the pan, on top of the gold item.
  3. Pour in the prepared solution.
  4. Put on low heat for 15-20 minutes or just leave to cool slowly.
  5. Remove items, rinse and dry.

Why gold can turn black and how to deal with it quickly - video

Home express method: how to wipe plaque from a bracelet or chain with chemicals

The quick method is suitable for cleaning jewelry without stones.

  1. Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. ammonia solution, 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and half a teaspoon of liquid soap.
  2. Pour into the selected container (glass, ceramic, plastic), mix.
  3. Leave the gold items in the solution for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the cleaned jewelry with water, wipe with a dry flannel.

Do not overexpose the time the gold is in solution! Jewelery may become cracked or completely lose its luster.

Effective old recipes for cleaning gold at home

There are several methods that have been tested by more than one generation and, according to reviews, have proven themselves well.

We remove dirt and blackness: the Belarusian method

This recipe requires unusual ingredients: onions and potatoes. The substances contained in them carefully remove impurities from any type of gold.

  1. Grate the onion and potatoes on a fine grater, as for draniki (potato pancakes).
  2. Stir to make a paste.
  3. Drain the juice. Put the decoration in the remaining mass and wait 2 hours.
  4. Remove the product, rinse and dry.

Another variation on the old recipe is to use onions. Cut the onion and rub the decoration with the cut point. Onion juice quickly copes with dark spots.

Do not use purge onion juice for jewelry with stones.

Super composition: return shine to earrings or coins with sugar and salt

Cleaning with a sweet water solution saves well from surface contamination (sweat, dust).

  1. Dilute sugar in water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. sugar in 1 cup warm water.
  2. Lower the decorations and leave for 4 hours.
  3. Rinse and wipe dry.

There is a similar way of cleaning with salt: 3 tbsp. l. dilute salt in half a glass of hot water, leave the products in brine overnight, rinse and dry.

There is another extraordinary tool for cleaning gold jewelry, coins, cutlery - Coca-Cola. Pour it into a dish, put the product, take it out after 10-12 hours, rinse in clean water and dry.

The use of Coca-Cola is categorically not suitable for gold jewelry with stones.

All the proposed methods are quite effective for cleaning gold items with surface contamination. To wash jewelry with dark spots, including from iodine and paint, you need mechanical cleaning.

Methods for cleaning heavy dirt

If the ring or bracelet has turned black, only mechanical cleaning can return them to a beautiful life, that is, we will not fill it, but rub it. Soda or Pemolux cannot be used, as they leave scratches after them. Therefore, we use a special paste. You can buy ready-made in a jewelry workshop or cook it yourself.

  1. Take in equal proportions warm water, petroleum jelly, grated laundry soap and crushed chalk. Combine and grind until you get a paste.
  2. Apply it with a soft brush on the product with movements directed in one direction.
  3. Wipe off the remaining paste with vodka or alcohol, rinse with warm water and wipe with a soft cloth.

In this way, you can also clean off the white coating that appeared during the joint cleaning of gold and silver and mask scratches.

Cleaning with GOI paste cannot be used for white gold items.

You can remove iodine stains with a home remedy from 1 glass of water and 1 tbsp. l. hyposulfite (thiosulfate) sodium. It is sold in a pharmacy or in the department of goods for photography. Put the jewelry in the solution, after 15-20 minutes all stains will disappear.

To remove stubborn dirt, use GOI paste or sodium hyposulfite solution

again without touching the adhesive part.

Then determine which stone is in your jewelry: hard or soft. This will depend The right way product cleaning.

Jewelry with hard stones - gallery

Diamond is a hard stone Topaz is a hard stone that easily withstands aggressive cleaning. Products with sapphire can be cleaned without fear for the condition of the stone Zirconia - hard stones

An easy way to remove dirt from matte gold

The matte surface of a gold item requires a special approach, so you should consider going to a jeweler. If for some reason this is not possible, try the following:

  1. Make a thin paste with a coffee spoon of lime and water.
  2. Add salt on the tip of a knife and 0.5 coffee spoon of soda, mix.
  3. Leave the mixture for 3 days.
  4. Put matte gold items into the infused paste and leave for 4 hours.
  5. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

For cleaning products without stones, you can use ammonia.

  1. Place the jewelry in a 25% ammonia solution.
  2. Leave for a few hours.
  3. Rinse with clean water and dry with a flannel.

Cleaning white gold with a mixture of ammonia and shampoo

White gold jewelry looks stylish and noble. To get this color, nickel is added to the alloy, and rhodium (platinum group metal) is sprayed on top.

As in any coating, the thickness of the rhodium layer is very modest, so it is impossible to rub white gold with a brush with powder or paste. And you can use this recipe:

  • mix ammonia (ammonia) and water in equal proportions, add a little shampoo;
  • leave white gold items in the solution for 30 minutes;
  • remove, rinse with clean water, dry with a soft cloth.

Attention! Prolonged exposure to ammonia can damage the rhodium top layer. Make sure that not a drop of this substance remains on the surface after treatment.

There is another simple option for cleaning white gold. Combine 1 egg white with 0.5 cups of warm beer, stir, moisten a cloth with the resulting liquid, wipe the jewelry, rinse and dry.

How to wash a product made of "medical gold"

Oddly enough, "medical gold" has nothing to do with medicine, however, as well as with gold. Initially, it was used for earrings, which pierced the ears (probably, hence the name "medical").

In our time, such an alloy has been widely used in jewelry. He looks like gold and some of that precious metal may be included in its composition, but such a product cannot be called gold. Jewelery made of "medical gold" is a frequent visitor to TV shops. They are yellow, shiny, and cost ten times cheaper than their noble counterparts.

The following solution is suitable for cleaning such jewelry:

  1. Dissolve 15 g of tooth powder and 30 g of 10% ammonia in 50 g of cold water.
  2. Wet the composition with a soft cloth, wipe the jewelry.
  3. Rinse with warm water and dry.

Grandma's recipes: tooth powder, bread and lipstick

In old recipe books for all occasions, you can stumble upon such options for cleaning gold:

  • rub gold earrings with breadcrumbs;
  • clean the suspension with toothpowder slightly diluted with water, or with toothpaste without a whitening effect, using a soft toothbrush;
  • smear the gold bracelet with lipstick, hold for 5-10 minutes, wipe with a cloth.

Gold is a noble, beautiful and expensive metal. Products from it require regular maintenance. Before cleaning gold, pay attention to the composition of the alloy, the presence of stones and the nature of the contamination. In order for the jewelry to please the eye for a long time, keep it in order and clean.