Italian alphabet with transcription. Italian alphabet

Italian alphabet coincides with Latin, but the letters j, k, w, x And y found only in words of foreign origin.

2. Transliteration

Some Italian letters are transmitted unambiguously into Russian:

b b m m r R
d d n n t T
f f o O v V
k, q To p P x ks

3. G, C, H

In the transcription of letter combinations gli And gn letter g omitted: glil, gnno. The vowels that come after these letter combinations a And u transmitted as I And Yu: ModiglianiModigliani, AgnanaAnyana.

In other cases nn; before vowels ll, before consonants and at the end of a word ll.

Before front vowels ( i And e) w, cchh, Withh, g (gg) → j; if for sci, ci or gi followed by a vowel, then i omitted in transcription: SciscianoShishano.

In other contexts sk, cTo, cckk, gG, ggyy: GranaGrana, BoscoBosco.

Letter h in Italian words it occurs only in combinations ch And gh, in this case сhTo, ghG in all contexts: CherubiniCherubini.


Letter s can be transcribed as With And How h, depending on pronunciation. Here are some patterns:

Doubled sscc in all contexts;

At the end of a word and after consonants sWith: IacursoYacurso;

Before sonorant consonants ( l, m, n, v) sh: SmeraldiZmeraldi;

Before consonants b, d, f, g, k, p, q, r, t and at the end of the word sWith: ChiusdinoKyusdino;

Usually at the end of words eseese, osooso;

Usually between vowels sh, but you can only find out for sure using a dictionary.

The “transcriptor” translates between vowels in doubtful cases sh.

5. Z, ZZ

Letter z can be transcribed in two ways, depending on pronunciation, zts or zdz: ZacconiZacconi, ZampanoZampano. With double zz the same thing happens: zzcc, zzdz. The exact pronunciation can be found in a dictionary.

The “transcriptor” translates in doubtful cases zts, zzcc.

6. I as part of diphthongs

Diphthongs of the form i + vowel are transmitted as follows:

After ch And gh, in all cases iaya, ieye, ioyo, iuyu: ChiuroKyuro, ArischiaAriskya;

As part of suffixes iagoiago, ianoiano, ialeiale, iascoIasco, iatoiato, ioloiolo, ionion;

In other positions at the end of the word iaand I, ieno, ioand about, iuyiwu: MarrubiuMarrubiu;

At the beginning of a word and after vowels iaI, iee, ioyo, iuYu: BayardoBayardo, IolandaYolanda;

In the middle of a word after consonants iaya, ieye, ioyo, iuyu: BiancaBianca.

After vowels ith: AidoneAidone.

7. Vowels

After vowels a, o, u, and also at the beginning of a word euh: EmiliaEmilia, CimbaueChimbaue. In other contexts ee.

Usually uat: UgoliniUgolini, QuadriQuadri. But in traditional spellings it is also possible uV: GuarneriGuarneri, QuasimodoQuasimodo.

We continue our online Italian language tutorial!

Today we will look at italian alphabet, which is the basis for learning Italian

This lesson you can listen!

How many letters are in the Italian alphabet?

There are 21 letters in the Italian alphabet.
Please note that all sounds and letters in Italian are pronounced very clearly.

Italian alphabet pronunciation

Pronunciation in Italian must sound very clearly, otherwise the meaning of the word may change

For example:
Italian word C o ntare – means “to count”, and if you say C a ntare – this will mean “to sing”! Imagine - one letter and two different words!

The spelling of the Italian language is very simple because it is very logical and consistent and diverges relatively little from the pronunciation, so Italian words are pronounced the same way as they are written.

Italian alphabet

Here you will see a letter of the Italian alphabet, and an example word.
You can listen to the Italian alphabet audio at the end of this lesson

B – bere
C - always read as K
In combination with vowels i is read as CH, for example Cena
D – dare
E – Espresso
G - - is always read as G, and in combination with the vowels i and e it is read as j, for example: Gente (dzhente)
H – never pronounced
I – italiano
J-i lunga
L – lezione
M – mozzarella
P – posso
Q – quanto
S – soldi
T – tavolo
U – university
V – Vino
Z – zucchine
W – doppia vu (double V)
Y – ipsilon

Italian alphabet with transcription you don't even need to, since this is a lesson you can listen to

Italian alphabet audio

Listen to this lesson! It is voiced by a native Italian speaker!

Audio recording courtesy of LingvaIn Publishing House

We hope you find this tutorial helpful!
See you soon! Explore Italian language with us!

Listen to the audio lesson with additional explanations

Italian pronunciation for a Russian speaker is very simple; we pronounce exactly the same sounds in our speech! You just need to remember a few simple rules:

1. The most important thing in Italian is the vowels. And they are read exactly as they are written, always very clearly.

2. Pronouncing a vowel sound vaguely can completely change the meaning of a word! (Nonno - grandfather, nonna - grandmother, nanna - bainki; casa - house, caso - case)

Most letters are read exactly as they are written. B,b [b]
basta, brava, borsa, barista, albergo, buona, barba D, d [d]
donna, donare, dottore, danza F,f [f]
fare, per favore, fratello, fiore, felicità, falso K,k[To] Kiev, kamikaze
L,l [l] male, lira, lana, malato, bello, luna, scolare
M,m [m] amore, moda, meno, Madonna, mare, molto
N,n [n] nota, panino, nido, nella, nostro, Armani
P,p [P] presto, poco, parola, parlare, sempre, pace
Q,q [ku] quando, questo, quello, qui
R,r [R] raro, amore, riva, arrivederci
S, s [z] between 2 vowels rosa, casa, mese, paese, esame, scusa, gelosia, naso, mimosa
[With] sera, sole, artista, squadra, sogno, solare
T,t [T] torta, vita, tre, tavola, trenta
V, v [V] voglio, vivere, vorrei, volta, vera
Z, z [ts] / [dz] zero, zona, utilizzare, zucca, zanzara, grazie, lezione, danza, spiegazione, silenzio

3. There are only a few letter combinations that you need to remember.

4. The letter H, h is never read. But don’t forget it when writing, it “works” as a dividing mark (“fence”) or helps to distinguish words that are pronounced the same

o (or) – h o (I have)
g h iro (dormouse) – giro (walk, circle)
sc h iocco (I click) – sciocco (stupid)
amica (girlfriend) – amic h e (girlfriends)

5. If there are 2 identical consonants nearby (double consonant), then we read them 2 times (or once, but for a long time;). If there is only one consonant, it is read briefly. Compare:

mio caro (my dear!) – mio ca rr o (my cart)
far mm o (we would do (maybe)– faremo (we will do (exactly)
pa ll a (ball) – pala (shovel)

6. Accent usually falls on the second syllable from the end, less often on the last or third from the end. If there is an accent mark above the vowel, it means that you need to strike there. You cannot omit superscripts in a letter - they are needed to distinguish words (è (he is) - e (and), lì (there, there) – li (their)

à città, felicità, università
è, é caffè, tè, è, perché
ì lì, Forlì
ò region
ù giù

OK it's all over Now! And now you can practice reading real

Lesson 2

You can subscribe to the VKontakte group and find out about the release of the following lessons:

Letter Letter name Sound (transcription) Pronunciation of the letter
A a a [a]
Bb bi [b]
C c ci [k]
D d di [d]
E e e [e]
F f effe [f]
G g gi [g]
H h acca not pronounced at all
I i i [i]
Ll elle [l]
Mm emme [m]
Nn enne [n]
O o o [o]
P p pi [p]
Q q qu [k]
R r err [r]
Ss essay [s]
T t ti [t]
U u u [u]
V v vu [v]
Z z zeta [z]
The following five letters are not included in the Italian alphabet. They are found only in borrowed foreign words.
Jj i lunga [j] (i long)
K k cappa [k]
W w doppia vu [v] (v double)
X x ics [ks]
Y y ipsilon [i]

Unlike the Russian language, all sounds of the Italian language are pronounced very clearly with great tension in the mouth. Italian vowels without stress are pronounced as clearly and legibly as without stress. Vowels can be open, closed and long (in an open syllable under stress.

Italian consonants are not softened before vowels e And i. Double consonants (for example, in the word piccolo, small) are pronounced very clearly.

Letter combinations


Almost all Italian words end in vowels, so speech sounds very melodic. As a rule, the stress in Italian words falls on the penultimate syllable: prego [prego] - please, often on the third syllable from the end: tavolo [tàvolo] - table; sometimes - on the last syllable: felicità [felicità] - happiness; rarely - on the fourth syllable from the end: mescolano [mescolano] - mix.

Accent is indicated by an apostrophe (`):
a) when it falls on the final vowel: felicità
b) in some monosyllabic words that sound the same, in order to distinguish them when writing.

* - 3rd person, unit. numbers of the verb essere [essere], translated from Italian be.

Articles, prepositions and pronouns in Italian are not stressed; they are pronounced together with the word that follows, forming a single whole with it in terms of sound:

la luna [lyaluna] - moon
ti vedo [tivedo] - I see you (translated from Italian)