Instagram of Inna Volovicheva. Diet of Inna Volovicheva - menu for a week with recipes

Inna Volovicheva (on Instagram - innavolovicheva) is the star of the show Dom2. She was born on July 24, 1981. Her hometown is Belgorod. The girl has a philological education, and she went to work by profession - journalism. The first place of work was the local newspaper “Our Belgorod”.

By that time she was already married - she married her first husband at the age of 19. The girl says that she decided to take this step under pressure from her parents, although she herself was wildly afraid, and her husband was not ready for this. As a result, a few months later she radically changed her life: she got divorced and moved to Moscow: she was invited to work as deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Life”. In Moscow, she happily married and gave birth to a daughter. Her new husband is 4 years younger than her, he constantly appears on her Instagram.

She became famous not only thanks to the show, but also thanks to her amazing transformation. At the beginning of her participation in Dom2, Inna Volovicheva was quite plump (there are these photos on Instagram), but in just a couple of weeks she lost a lot of weight. At first, she attributed this to the nervous atmosphere on the project, and later wrote a book with dietary recipes.

Dom2 and Instagram

She joined the project on February 25, 2009 and immediately became friends with Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky, the most eccentric participant who declared himself a white magician. She treated her boyfriend more like a mother than an equal, and wanted to find him a mate. After breaking up with him, Inna did not have any new boyfriends for a long time, but after a while it turned out that Volovicheva was building relationships outside the show. Inna and Vlad Kadoni opened up, and the secret became known to everyone.


The official Instagram website of Inna Volovicheva has more than 600 thousand subscribers. Since everyone who followed Volovicheva’s life was constantly trying to find out about the magic diet, she decided to use this to her advantage and wrote a book in which she described 200 dishes.

On Instagram, Inna Volovicheva shares her diet and periodically posts photos of dishes describing the cooking process. We follow the news from her life and what new photos she posts on the official Instagram website.

Today we will talk about a girl who became popular thanks to her very bright participation in “Dom-2”, as well as the fact that she managed to lose weight. You will learn about what happened in the life of Inna Volovicheva before the Dom-2 project, as well as about her time on the project. Inna never managed to find her true love on the show, but when she left the project, a young man was waiting for her outside the gate. You will also find out if Volovicheva is on the popular social network VKontakte.

Life before the project

  • Born in the summer of 1981 in Belgorod.
  • She came to the television project “Dom-2” in 2009.
  • She received a higher education as a philologist at Belgorod State University.
  • At the age of 19, she met her first love and soon got married.
  • But the newlyweds did not get along and divorced.
  • After moving to the capital, she took the position of deputy editor of the periodical “Life”.

Participation in "House-2"

  • On the show, Inna came to Vengrzhanovsky, whom he didn’t like so much (or vice versa, he loved). The young people created a couple, but the couple turned out to be fictitious. They stayed together on the project so as not to fly out of it.
  • After some time, the couple broke up, and a girl came to Vengrzhanovsky for the project and showed real sympathy for the young man.
  • After the couple broke up, Inna spent all her time with her friends.
  • While Inna had no one on the project, behind the perimeter she developed a relationship with a certain Vlad Kadoni, after which the young man came to the project.
  • From this moment on, Inna and Vlad declare themselves an official couple.
  • But things didn’t work out with Inna either, since Vlad was always trying to achieve a romantic relationship with Inna’s friend Nelly Ermolova while he was dating Inna.
  • After this, the girl began to work hard at her career, as well as weight loss courses.
  • In the fall of 2011, a young man named Ilya Sidorov came to Inna’s project and showed sympathy for the girl.
  • One day, after quarreling with a girl, a young man jumped from the second floor and injured his heels.
  • After this, the girl had to leave the project; Ivan Novikov met her outside the perimeter.

Does the celebrity have their own page?

The former participant in the television project “Dom-2” is registered on VKontakte. You can find her page at this address: Every VKontakte user can subscribe to her page or write her a personal message. Inna has only about 100 friends on VKontakte and more than 23 and a half thousand subscribers.

Inna Volovicheva published 5 albums with photographs on her page, which are called “Lose weight”, “Shooting for a poster of the magazine “Dom-2””, “My new photo shoot”, and other albums. The album “Lose Weight” contains photographs taken specifically for the magazine “Lose Weight”. Inna gives advice to readers: to lose weight. Enough, just don't eat after six in the evening.

Inna Volovicheva published about 100 videos on VKontakte: “Comedy about D-2”, “Coming to the show”, “Fights in the House-2” and much more. She is one of the leaders of the VKontakte community, which is called “Inna Volovicheva’s Weight Loss School.” Here you can read useful tips from Inna, and also find out how the girl managed to lose as much as 40 kilograms!

So, if you are interested in communicating with Inna Volovicheva, subscribe to her VKontakte page or write to her directly in a personal message. You can also join the group on Contact “I.V. School of Weight Loss.” Inna will be glad to see new members of the community, you can be sure of that.

How did Inna Volovicheva from “House 2” lose weight? - this question haunted all fans of the television project. Of course, you can literally lose about 40 kg before your eyes. - many girls dream about this result. But Inna went beyond her dreams and developed her own weight loss system, which effectively affects the slimness of her figure. The girl achieved this effect in just a few months. The nutrition system can also bring joy to our readers with impressive results, because in this article we tell all the secrets of Inna Volovicheva’s weight loss. 30 days of diet - and you're back in shape!

It is noteworthy that Inna Volovicheva’s daily diet does not imply strict restrictions. You may like its ease and effectiveness so much that the new rules of diet and rhythm of life will turn into a habit. You can judge from the girl’s numerous photos on Instagram whether the author’s method of gaining slimness works. In our opinion, the results are clear. They say it’s impossible to lose weight like this without special expensive products... Inna proves that this is pure nonsense and boasts about the transformation! In addition, she willingly shares the secrets of proper nutrition with her subscribers.

What do we know about Volovicheva?

The life of the participants in the TV show is always under the close attention of viewers and fans. Some participants were remembered not only for their ups and downs in their personal lives, but also for their radical transformation in appearance. Among the positive examples, Inna Volovicheva is a bright star.

When her journey on “House 2” was just beginning, the girl’s weight was approximately 115 kg. This made her stand out from the rest of the participants, but did not in the least interfere with her passionate relationship with Vlad Kadoni.

But soon, in addition to building relationships, Inna developed another hobby - building her own body. She seriously decided that it was time to find the desired slimness. No sooner said than done!

The project gave the girl not only fame. “House 2” for Inna Volovicheva is the beginning of finding herself. She lost weight, shared her experience in 2 books, then in 2012 she created a strong family and gave birth to a beautiful daughter. It’s especially surprising how much weight the girl lost - in a matter of months she managed to say goodbye to 40 kg. To date, her weight loss secrets have saved her from returning excess weight after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Today Inna Volovicheva is a happy wife and mother who willingly shares the secrets of her appearance. In her book “The Secret of Inna Volovicheva. How I lost 40 kilograms” she says that losing weight is a great happiness, but at the same time it’s also a lot of work on yourself. The girl says that with a new body you will gain self-confidence, harmony and sexuality.

Rules for being slim

The girl admits that she tried many methods of losing weight, but they either turned out to be ineffective or unsafe. As a result, Inna Volovicheva developed a 30-day diet according to her own program. Here are the main secrets of slimness from Inna:

  • Proper nutrition is based on the principles of separate and fractional menus. Many people who are losing weight know the eternal rule of weight control: eat often, but in small portions. Inna, in turn, eats at least 6 times a day, separating protein and carbohydrate foods.
  • You may ask: “How much are small portions?” Inna Volovicheva adheres to the limit of 300 g. At first, you can honestly weigh your meals, but soon you will get used to it and will be able to determine this amount by eye.
  • The girl advises using a complex of vitamins in addition to the diet so that the body does not lack important elements.
  • Volovicheva’s diet involves a ban on evening meals: after 6 pm the road to the kitchen should be closed. If your hunger in the evening is so strong that you want to howl like a wolf, then you can defeat it with a glass of low-fat kefir or a piece of grapefruit.
  • An excellent principle for losing weight is fasting days, 2 times a week. The permitted drink at this time is green tea, which is brewed with milk with a fat content of 1.5%.
  • The principle of eating at the same time is also important.
  • Among Inna’s rules on how to lose weight in a week or a month, there is also a visit to the bathhouse. The girl is sure that this is a wonderful way to say goodbye to fat and toxins. She advises giving the bathhouse at least 1 visit every 7 days.
  • In her weight loss, Volovicheva also relied on regular sex life.
  • Healthy sleep is also important. You, of course, know that its optimal duration is 8 hours.

Of course, all these rules will not give you the desired result without strong motivation and self-confidence. So, before you move on to active weight loss, work hard on your attitude.

By stages

Volovicheva’s diet includes 3 main stages. By following their features, you will ensure quick and easy weight loss.

  1. Before losing weight, Inna recommends preparing yourself for the upcoming drastic changes. Prepare yourself mentally for the upcoming changes. Prepare your menu for them, gradually eliminating prohibited foods from it.
  2. The second stage is a diet combined with sports. If we talk about its weekly limit, it is 3-4, that is, about a month. If you follow all the rules and the correct menu, Inna promises a loss of 3-4 kg. in a week. Volovicheva works out in the gym every day, runs and swims.
  3. A happy and thin person should not underestimate the last stage - quitting the diet. It involves a slow transition to your usual diet. The lost kilograms will no longer bother you if, immediately after finishing the diet, you do not pounce on recently forbidden foods.

Now we suggest moving on to the most important thing - Inna Volovicheva’s diet with a menu of allowed and prohibited foods.

It is possible - it is not possible

You will effectively lose extra centimeters if your diet includes the following foods:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • seafood;
  • dietary meat;
  • fish;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge;
  • dairy and fermented milk cuisine with a fat content limit of 2%;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits.

A menu consisting of these products will not only promote weight loss, but also have a positive effect on health and well-being. Inna Volovicheva’s diet also has prohibitions. She recommends forgetting about the following products:

  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • bananas and grapes;
  • alcohol;
  • sugar and salt;
  • butter;
  • pickled, smoked and fried treats;
  • flour products;
  • confectionery delights.

Youtube became a launching pad for Inna Volovicheva to start sharing her weight loss secrets. She tells you what you can and cannot eat, what diet rules you need to follow, and how to generally survive weight loss without stress. In addition, on YouTube the girl gives master classes on proper nutrition in the video blog “30 days of diet”. Something to take note of!

Your new menu

Here is an approximate meal plan for 7 days from Inna Volovicheva.

Breakfast Boiled rice with the addition of grated green apple, a glass of tea without sugar.
Dinner Omelet of 4 eggs and milk with 1.5% fat content. Tomato and cucumber salad and coffee or tea without sugar are also allowed.
Dinner Omelette, still water or green tea.
Breakfast Boiled rice and unsweetened tea.
Dinner 250 g boiled beef with added tomato, coffee without sugar (optional).
Dinner 150 g beef with boiled cabbage.
Breakfast Buckwheat with kefir.
Dinner Boiled chicken breast and vegetable salad.
Dinner Chicken breast with broccoli and grapefruit juice.
Breakfast Oatmeal with water, unsweetened tea and an apple or orange (your choice).
Dinner 250 g of boiled beef combined with seaweed salad.
Dinner Boiled chicken breast with tomato.
Breakfast Oatmeal on water.
Dinner Boiled fish with vegetables and tea.
Dinner Omelet with milk and vegetable salad.
Breakfast Boiled rice with apple and tea without sugar.
Dinner Seafood, boiled vegetables and tea again.
Dinner Chicken breast and stewed zucchini with onions. A cup of coffee without sugar is also allowed.
Breakfast Buckwheat with kefir, orange and tea.
Dinner Boiled beef with the addition of canned peas, tea without sugar.
Dinner Low-fat yogurt, apple and grapefruit juice.

Inna Volovicheva lived at Dom-2 for several years. She didn’t meet love on the project, but she was noticeably transformed. The girl managed to lose 40 kilograms in six months!


The future star of “House-2” was born on June 24, 1981 in Belgorod. There are Tatars in Inna's family, which is why she has such a bright, exotic appearance. The girl grew up as a serious and calm child. She liked humanitarian subjects, so after graduating from school she entered the Faculty of Philology of BSU.

Initially, Volovicheva planned to enroll in the journalism department in Voronezh, but her parents dissuaded her. And yet the girl was drawn to journalism. From the 3rd year she began writing for the local newspaper. Inna was satisfied with her job, and she did not plan to change it in the future.

Volovicheva also had certainty in her personal life. At the age of 19 she met a good guy Sergei and fell in love. Soon, at the insistence of their parents, they got married. Seryozha was not ready for a serious adult life, so Inna took upon herself the solution of all everyday issues. She studied, worked and ran a household.

One day, a gypsy fortune teller came to see her colleague Volovicheva. The prophet, seeing Inna, declared that she was not living her own life. These words made the girl think about serious things. She realized long ago that Belgorod had become too small for her. And my feelings for my husband gradually cooled down.

At the age of 25, Inna filed for divorce and left for Moscow. Within 2 weeks she found a job at the newspaper “Life”. A year later, the girl, who began her career in the publication as a correspondent, became deputy editor-in-chief. However, work took up all of Volovicheva’s time. She didn't have time to go on dates, communicate with friends, or just relax.

In 2009, on the eve of the crisis, Inna quit her job and “settled down” at home. By chance she saw the show “Dom-2” on TV and became a fan. Having learned that new participants were being recruited for the project, Volovicheva decided to apply. The girl with a bright appearance was immediately taken on the show.


Inna became a participant in the television project in February 2009. She indicated that she had come to remove the “crown of celibacy” with the help of the magician Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. Thanks to this “trick,” the brunette stayed at Dom-2 for several years. The extravagant couple of Inna and Wenceslas became one of the most striking in the history of television.

The guys looked comical together. Tall Volovicheva, who weighed 115 kilograms, and small, frail Vengrzhanovsky looked like mother and son. The girl behaved towards the magician like a caring mother. She looked after him, gave advice and “extinguished” his conflicts with other participants. For some time they lived together in city apartments, but everyone understood that their couple was fictitious.

The girl tried to build a sincere relationship on the perimeter, but without much enthusiasm. She preferred to spend time with her friends Nadya Ermakova and Nelly Ermolaeva. The situation changed when Vlad Kadoni began to court Inna. Their romance was short-lived, but was remembered by many viewers.

After a failed love, Volovicheva decided to take up her appearance in earnest. The organizers offered the curvy brunette liposuction, but she was offended and decided to lose weight on her own. Inna removed flour products and desserts from her diet, stopped eating after 6 pm and went in for sports. Gradually, the weight of the “House-2” participant dropped to 75 kilograms!

Volovicheva’s last lover on the project was Ilya Sidorov. The guy came to her and courted her for a long time. Inna “gave in”, and the guys declared themselves a couple. After 2 days they broke up due to quarrels. Ilya, having quarreled with a girl, jumped out of a 2nd floor window and broke both heels. A couple of weeks later, in October 2011, Volovicheva left the project.

After the show

In the summer of 2011, while still a member of Dom-2, Inna met Ivan Novikov. For the sake of her relationship with him, she left the show. The girl was not embarrassed by the fact that the guy was 6 years younger than her and was still receiving education. Ivan immediately showed the seriousness of his intentions towards Inna and proposed after 3 weeks.

In the spring of 2012, Volovicheva and Novikov got married. The lovers decided not to postpone the birth of children. On August 19, 2013, the couple had a daughter, Maria.

The girl, who managed to get rid of 40 kilograms, gladly shared her weight loss technique with fans. In 2011, she wrote a book in which she spoke in detail about her life before and after losing weight. The journalist did not stop there. She created her own website on which she posted her story, photos and principles of her diet. On her website you can purchase a disc with the video course “Lose Weight with Inna Volovicheva.”

Currently, the brunette and her husband have opened a business for home delivery of healthy food for weight loss, INNA FOOD. Anyone can order food online for 5 days or several weeks.

Social media

Inna has several pages on social networks. On Instagram the girl regularly posts fresh photos. They depict Volovicheva herself, her daughter and husband, her relatives, classmates and friends. The brunette on this network shares not only photographs, but also interesting stories from her personal life. 671 thousand people follow Inna Volovicheva on Instagram.

Former TV show participant registered on the VKontakte network Inna's photo albums contain more than 3 thousand photographs and hundreds of videos. Volovicheva’s real VKontakte page is popular. She has 43 thousand subscribers. Inna is not registered on other social networks.

The slimmer girl has a channel on YouTube Here she posts videos of the programs in which she took part and keeps an online diary.

The bright brunette always confidently walked towards her goal. She became a journalist, became famous and gained incredible weight. Now Inna is a successful businessman, a happy mother and wife and simply a luxurious woman!

Inna Volovicheva is one of the most prominent ex-participants of the scandalous television project “Dom-2”, who appeared on the screens as a charming plump woman. Despite the fact that Inna has long found her love, the girl’s popularity continues to fade, because through diligence and willpower she has radically changed her external image, becoming an example for many girls and women.

Inna was born on June 24, 1981 in the city of Belgorod. Unfortunately, little is known from the biography of the parents of the ex-participant of “Dom-2”. Volovicheva’s father, according to the girl, is a serious person, deputy head of the Press and Television and Radio Broadcasting Department of the Belgorod Region Administration. Initially, he was against his daughter participating in a television project, but over time he came to terms with it.

Inna Volovicheva with her parents

Volovicheva claims that her nationality is Russian, but the girl with an exotic appearance has Tatar notes that were passed on to her from her grandmother, whom Inna is very similar to.

A participant in the TV project often recalls her childhood in the village: how she and the children played in the yard, and then ran home with her friend Natasha, where warm tea and goodies prepared by her grandmother awaited the girls.

Inna grew up as a diligent and calm child; in one interview, the ex-participant of “House 2” said that her patient character was passed on to her from her father. At school, the girl liked humanitarian subjects more, so after graduation, the future TV star enters the Faculty of Philology at BSU. Inna’s education as a philologist will come in handy in the future: upon arrival in Moscow, the confident girl becomes a correspondent, and then takes the honorary position of editor of the newspaper “Life”.

Personal life

Things didn’t work out for Volovicheva with her graduate studies, since at the age of 19 the future participant of the “perimeter” met her first love, Sergei. Despite such a young age, the young beauty was thinking about a serious relationship, and the TV star’s parents insisted that the lovers legalize their relationship. And so it happened, the young people celebrated their wedding. Inna was ready for a quiet and cozy family relationship and did all the housework, but her husband had endless fun and parties on her mind.

Inna Volovicheva at school

Volovicheva not only looked after the comfort of home, but also worked as the head of the public opinion department in the city newspaper “Our Belgorod”.

Volovicheva failed to direct her husband to the “true path” and calm down his adventurous ardor, so Inna decided to end her first serious relationship, although Sergei was not happy with his lover’s decision and was delaying the divorce process in every possible way. After the couple broke up, the girl felt a surge of energy and realized that she was capable of more: Inna did not want to have low earnings with an academic degree, so she, like the heroine of a film, sets off to conquer Moscow.

After a successful career in the editorial office of Life, the girl did not intend to give up her ambitions, so she decided to conquer a new, television peak. But, according to the girl’s recollections, she did not have a strong desire to get into the project: Inna came to the casting “for fun” and did not think that they would take her.

"House 2"

It was the famous reality show that made the girl a star. Inna was remembered by the audience both for her reasonable character and for the goal that she pursued on the television project: to find a lover for an unusual participant -. Arriving at the execution place on February 25, 2009, the charismatic brunette also hopes that the “white magician” Vengrzhanovsky will remove the crown of celibacy from her.

Inna took care of Wentz like a child, protecting the guy from the attacks of the participants and giving him wise advice. But due to the young man’s infantile behavior, Volovicheva did not consider him as a boyfriend.

However, Wentz did not give up hope, and yet the couple got together, but this relationship was more like a relationship between mother and child than love. Many fans of the show understood that Volovicheva and Vengrzhanovsky were a fictitious couple, but they watched the behavior of the young people with interest.

The couple broke up when Zhanna Alybaeva appeared on the perimeter - a girl who was ready to consider Wentz as a man. The girl was sympathetic to Sergei Repin and Daniil Digler, but she continued to spend time on the perimeter without relationships in the company of her friends Nadezhda Ermakova and.

To a large extent, Inna’s life was changed by her new lover - a black magician and ex-participant in the “Battle of Psychics”. He inspired the girl that in the future she would be able to achieve heights, but the lovers’ relationship did not last long, since the young man turned out to be a usurper in the relationship and demanded unquestioning obedience from Inna. The last lover of the ambitious girl was Ilya Sidorov, who appeared on the television project in the fall of 2011. But the couple often quarreled and soon broke up.

Weight loss and wedding

Inna gained the respect of the audience thanks to her willpower: the confident brunette managed to lose weight from 115 to 79 kg on her own without surgery. The transformed Volovicheva is unrecognizable: the “before” and “after” photographs of the participant are very different, the girl has become prettier both in her figure and in her face, to which a healthy blush has been added.

Inna eliminated junk food from her diet and began to actively engage in sports. Volovicheva does not hide from prying eyes the rules that helped her lose weight, and in order not to answer the same questions over and over again, the participant in the television project wrote the book “The Secret of Inna Volovicheva,” in which she talked about the “30 days” program.

In 2011, Inna found her love beyond the perimeter and married businessman Ivan Novikov. The popular girl is happy with her husband and is raising her little daughter Marusya.

Inna Volovicheva now

In life, Inna is a serious person who correctly assesses her popularity - after success with the audience, Volovicheva did not suffer from star fever, but on the contrary, began to maintain communication with fans through a social page Instagram. There she runs a “before and after” column, talks about her hobbies and gives useful advice to readers.

In 2017, Inna continues to share her weight loss secrets with fans and posts recipes for dietary dishes on Instagram. The girl also masters new methods of cleansing the body, regularly looks after herself and shares her impressions of salon procedures. Volovicheva continues to play sports and travels to exotic countries.