Toys you can make with your own hands. DIY soft toy patterns

As the great Coco Chanel said, “Handmade things are luxury.

It is not necessary for everyone to have them.

Anyone who wants to have them makes them himself or pays a master for his work.”

Soft toy - the first plush association children's bear. But the concept of a soft toy includes much more. This is an interior toy Tilda, and funny toys in the car, and much more. This article contains a variety of types soft toys, as well as techniques for their implementation and step-by-step master classes.

Types of soft toys with your own hands

Such toys can be divided into several subtypes: for children and adults, interior, with practical application(for example, pincushions).

Also, toys can be divided according to the type of material used: fur, cotton or linen fabrics, felt, fancy fabrics.

Today they have regained particular popularity folk toys, as well as soft toys made using national handicraft techniques.

DIY soft fur toy

Fur toy created with my own hands especially warm and beautiful. To sew it, you can use both natural and artificial fur. It is, of course, much easier to work with artificial fur, but if you decide to sew a toy from natural fur, you will receive a unique designer toy! First, you need to decide on the pattern of the toy; the larger the finished product, the easier it will be to work with. Small details are especially difficult for beginners.

Trace the details and cut out with a margin of 0.5 cm for the seam. Unlike fabric, it is best not to use scissors when working with fur. If you don't have a special tailor's knife, use a sharp utility knife. Cut with sharp short movements, do not move the knife deep so as not to cut off the fur.

To sew the fur, it is necessary to apply the two front sides to each other and straighten the fur outward. After sewing the toy, you need to leave a small hole through which the toy is turned inside out and stuffed with filler. Previously, toys were stuffed with cotton wool and pieces of leftover fabric.

But such stuffing takes a very long time to dry when washed, and often after cleaning the toy was thrown away only because the stuffing wasn’t dry enough and mold appeared inside. Modern fillers are made of synthetic materials (sintepon and others), which dry quickly and well, do not bunch up and retain their shape. Having stuffed, all that remains is to sew it with a hidden seam.

The final touch is the eyes, nose and mouth. You can embroider it yourself, or you can buy ready-made accessories in the store.


DIY felt soft toy

Today, felt toys are the most popular in children's master classes and handicraft circles. But they appeared not so long ago, and there is even an exact date for their appearance.

Margarete Steiff and her first dolls

An enterprising German woman, Margarete Steiff, submitted an idea in a magazine for housewives to sew a soft toy with her own hands from felt. Margaret published a pattern and a detailed master class in the magazine absolutely free of charge. But in the note she said where exactly you can buy felt for such toys.

This move in 1879 made it possible to establish a toy empire in just a few years. The nuance was that the toys were both sewn at the factory and they sold blanks for toys that you could sew yourself. She left an empire to her children and grandchildren, and gave the world the fashion for soft toys.

Master class felt dog

To work you will need: brown, white and black felt, scissors, a needle and thread, beads or eyes for toys and a hot glue gun.

We print out the pattern, cut out and sew each detail step by step.

Depending on the type of seam, you can create completely different textures of the toy.

If the parts are connected with glue, the toy can only be cleaned dry. When wet, the parts will separate.

DIY soft toys made of fabric

Fabric toys appeared much earlier than felt ones. But with the advent of fur and plush toys, they were unfairly forgotten for some time. With the advent of plastic, even children's toys made of fabric went out of use. But today, with a new wave of popularity on handmade again revived the popularity of fabric toys. The most popular interior toy today is Tilda.

When looking at the Tilda doll, you get the feeling that the roots of this toy go far back to the Middle Ages. Not at all. The appearance of Tilda was in the 90s of the last century by the young designer Toni Finnanger. The girl was full of ideas and Tilda turned out to be one of the many ideas. Today it is impossible to imagine a delicate, homely interior without it. And craftswomen all over the world are simply in love with Tony’s idea and create prototypes to suit their tastes.

Tilda Angels

Video: Tilda's master class

DIY soft animal toys: chicken, fox, horse, penguin, pig and others

With the arrival of the baby, I want to change the world for the better and create a special atmosphere at home. And the child is perfection itself, and you really want him to play with unique toys filled with his mother’s love.

DIY toys - simple. We have put together master classes on a variety of animal toys made from a variety of materials. Note that children under 2 years old put everything in their mouth. Therefore, the material must be natural, preferably lint-free. Wonderful fur toys are best given in the third year of life.

Chicken pattern, you can sew it like for a baby and put in toys-eggs. Or you can create a miracle basket for Easter.

Video: Learning to sew a designer soft textile toy Baby Elephant

Video: How to Sew a Penguin Finger Toy

Aleftinka pig pattern.

Pattern of a giraffe and his company.

Pattern Cheerful Giraffe Flower Elephant Pattern

Since the release of Despicable Me, the world of toys has changed forever. Yes, everyone still loves bears, but when they see the cute minions, children and adults are delighted. Minion toys are the first to sell out at exhibitions. Do you want to sew it yourself for your child? It couldn't be easier! All you have to do is choose your baby’s favorite character.

Video: Master class on sewing a minion

DIY simple soft toys

For beginners, a lot of details may seem too complicated and the desire to create will gradually disappear. For beginners, we have selected simple patterns that even children can handle. These patterns are especially relevant for creativity lessons in schools.

DIY bouquets of soft toys photo

Bouquets of soft toys Teddy bears

Conservationists fought for a long time against the sale of fresh flowers, until someone introduced bouquets of sweets or toys into fashion. Now this global trend is so popular that in some countries the sale of fresh flowers has halved.

Bouquets of soft Kitty toys

Are you going to celebrate? Make a bouquet of soft toys yourself! This is a unique gift that will take pride of place in the birthday girl’s bedroom for a long time.

Video: Bouquet of toys. Master class for beginners

DIY soft toys pillows

Garfield pillow toy

Well, having touched on the world of toys, it is impossible not to remember about the pillow toys that fill the sofas of all needlewomen. These are favorite things for both family and guests. Please note that sitting down on the sofa, few people can resist reaching out and touching the half-toy. And children happily travel with their favorite soft toys, falling asleep to the sound of the roads.

Video: Toy pillow owl

DIY toys: simple master classes, best patterns, interesting ideas.

As the great Coco Chanel said, “Handmade things are luxury. It is not necessary for everyone to have them. Anyone who wants to have them makes them himself or pays a master for his work.”

A soft toy is the first association of a children's teddy bear. But the concept of a soft toy includes much more. This is an interior toy Tilda, and funny toys in the car, and much more. This article contains various types of soft toys, as well as techniques for making them and step-by-step master classes.

Types of soft toys with your own hands

Such toys can be divided into several subtypes: for children and adults, interior, with practical use (for example, pincushions).

Also, toys can be divided according to the type of material used: fur, cotton or linen fabrics, felt, fancy fabrics.

Folk toys, as well as soft toys made using national handicraft techniques, have regained particular popularity today.

DIY soft fur toy

A fur toy created with your own hands is especially warm and beautiful. To sew it, you can use both natural and artificial fur. It is, of course, much easier to work with artificial fur, but if you decide to sew a toy from natural fur, you will receive a unique designer toy! First, you need to decide on the pattern of the toy; the larger the finished product, the easier it will be to work with. Small details are especially difficult for beginners.

Trace the details and cut out with a margin of 0.5 cm for the seam. Unlike fabric, it is best not to use scissors when working with fur. If you don't have a special tailor's knife, use a sharp utility knife. Cut with sharp short movements, do not move the knife deep so as not to cut off the fur.

To sew the fur, it is necessary to apply the two front sides to each other and straighten the fur outward. After sewing the toy, you need to leave a small hole through which the toy is turned inside out and stuffed with filler. Previously, toys were stuffed with cotton wool and pieces of leftover fabric.

But such stuffing takes a very long time to dry when washed, and often after cleaning the toy was thrown away only because the stuffing wasn’t dry enough and mold appeared inside. Modern fillers are made of synthetic materials (sintepon and others), which dry quickly and well, do not bunch up and retain their shape. Having stuffed, all that remains is to sew it with a hidden seam.

The final touch is the eyes, nose and mouth. You can embroider it yourself, or you can buy ready-made accessories in the store.


Video: Warm cats toy, master class soft toy

DIY felt soft toy

Today, felt toys are the most popular in children's master classes and handicraft circles. But they appeared not so long ago, and there is even an exact date for their appearance.

Margarete Steiff and her first dolls

An enterprising German woman, Margarete Steiff, submitted an idea in a magazine for housewives to sew a soft toy with her own hands from felt. Margaret published a pattern and a detailed master class in the magazine absolutely free of charge. But in the note she said where exactly you can buy felt for such toys.

This move in 1879 made it possible to establish a toy empire in just a few years. The nuance was that the toys were both sewn at the factory and they sold blanks for toys that you could sew yourself. She left an empire to her children and grandchildren, and gave the world the fashion for soft toys.

Master class felt dog

To work you will need: brown, white and black felt, scissors, a needle and thread, beads or eyes for toys and a hot glue gun.

We print out the pattern, cut out and sew each detail step by step.

Depending on the type of seam, you can create completely different textures of the toy.

If the parts are connected with glue, the toy can only be cleaned dry. When wet, the parts will separate.

DIY soft toys made of fabric

Fabric toys appeared much earlier than felt ones. But with the advent of fur and plush toys, they were unfairly forgotten for some time. With the advent of plastic, even children's toys made of fabric went out of use. But today, with a new wave of popularity, handmade toys have again revived the popularity of fabric toys. The most popular interior toy today is Tilda.

When looking at the Tilda doll, you get the feeling that the roots of this toy go far back to the Middle Ages. Not at all. The appearance of Tilda was in the 90s of the last century by the young designer Toni Finnanger. The girl was full of ideas and Tilda turned out to be one of the many ideas. Today it is impossible to imagine a delicate, homely interior without it. And craftswomen all over the world are simply in love with Tony’s idea and create prototypes to suit their tastes.

Tilda Angels

Video: Tilda's master class

DIY soft animal toys: chicken, fox, horse, penguin, pig and others

With the arrival of the baby, I want to change the world for the better and create a special atmosphere at home. And the child is perfection itself, and you really want him to play with unique toys filled with his mother’s love.

DIY toys - simple. We have put together master classes on a variety of animal toys made from a variety of materials. Note that children under 2 years old put everything in their mouth. Therefore, the material must be natural, preferably lint-free. Wonderful fur toys are best given in the third year of life.

Chicken pattern, you can sew it like for a baby and put in toys-eggs. Or you can create a miracle basket for Easter.

Video: Learning to sew a designer soft textile toy Baby Elephant

Video: How to Sew a Penguin Finger Toy

Aleftinka pig pattern.

Pattern of a giraffe and his company.

Pattern Cheerful Giraffe Flower Elephant Pattern

Since the release of Despicable Me, the world of toys has changed forever. Yes, everyone still loves bears, but when they see the cute minions, children and adults are delighted. Minion toys are the first to sell out at exhibitions. Do you want to sew it yourself for your child? It couldn't be easier! All you have to do is choose your baby’s favorite character.

Video: Master class on sewing a minion

DIY simple soft toys

For beginners, a lot of details may seem too complicated and the desire to create will gradually disappear. For beginners, we have selected simple patterns that even children can handle. These patterns are especially relevant for creativity lessons in schools.

DIY bouquets of soft toys photo

Bouquets of soft toys Teddy bears

Conservationists fought for a long time against the sale of fresh flowers, until someone introduced bouquets of sweets or toys into fashion. Now this global trend is so popular that in some countries the sale of fresh flowers has halved.

Bouquets of soft Kitty toys

Are you going to celebrate? Make a bouquet of soft toys yourself! This is a unique gift that will take pride of place in the birthday girl’s bedroom for a long time.

Video: Bouquet of toys. Master class for beginners

DIY soft toys pillows

Garfield pillow toy

Well, having touched on the world of toys, it is impossible not to remember about the pillow toys that fill the sofas of all needlewomen. These are favorite things for both family and guests. Please note that sitting down on the sofa, few people can resist reaching out and touching the half-toy. And children happily travel with their favorite soft toys, falling asleep to the sound of the roads.

Video: Toy pillow owl

Video: Patchwork “Toy-Pillow”

Flat toys are the easiest to make and are most often made with felt. But there are different variations. Such toys attract with their simplicity and laconic design, interesting textures and the ability to take them with you everywhere.

Video: DIY soft toys. Master class, sewing cats

DIY soft toys patterns for beginners

Beginning needlewomen do not have to spend a lot of money on scraps and tools. Sometimes simple tights or socks are enough to create beauty.

We have also collected simple patterns for beginners.

The simplest toy patterns for beginners Kitten

Monkey Pattern Smeshariki

Video: Soft toy “Sock Bunny”

Be the best parents you can be: keep your kids busy so you can have some time to relax! Or try making something with them.

1. This amazing tool storage device was just an old nightstand.

You can also paint it some other color.

2. The refrigerator box turns into a slide.

The main thing is that children do not build a fortress out of it!

3. And from old sheets, planks and two screws you can make a tent camp.

These tents fold up for easy storage.

4. Hang the bath curtain on the hoop and the tent is ready!

Manufacturing Guide

To make a tent you will need:

  • hoop;
  • safety pins;
  • twine or rope;
  • tulle or ribbons;
  • sheets;
  • scissors;
  • pillows and blankets.

Don't forget to throw a blanket and pillows on the ground.

In rainy weather, such a structure can be made at home, if there is somewhere to attach it.

5. From branches, reels, magnets and other available materials you can make this kind of fishing.

Manufacturing instructions

For fun game for fishing you will need:

  • branch (or stick);
  • old wooden reel;
  • wire;
  • rope
  • magnet;
  • felt (or other stiff fabric);
  • needle and thread.

6. And you can build a water wall from recycled materials.

To do this, drill the fence in several places, insert screws and put different plastic containers on them (you can cut off drink bottles), secure with nuts.

And although for us it is just trash on the wall, for children it is a magical device that allows water to flow in different directions.

7. Did the carpenter in you suddenly awaken? Make a dollhouse!

But the house is simpler. It is made from a CD shelf.

Another option is to improve the closet.

In fact, a dollhouse can be made from anything!

8. Make this unusual chalk and your kids will get creative in the fresh air!

9. You can make a skateboard for your baby with your own hands.

First, prepare everything necessary materials and tools:

  • 4 furniture casters (it is better to take ones with rubber wheels, because plastic ones can scratch the floor);
  • 1 wooden disk (this can be found in the lumber section of any hardware store);
  • 16 screws;
  • drill;
  • rope or twine;
  • scissors.

10. Puppet theater is also an excellent idea!

This one, for example, is made from a cardboard box.

For the puppet theater you will need the following materials:

  • large cardboard boxes;
  • long cardboard rolls from gift paper;
  • lightweight fabric for curtains;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • thick white cardboard.
  1. Expand cardboard box and cut off the sides so that you get a large rectangular sheet.

  2. Glue on the “waves”. If your child prefers princesses, then the waves can be replaced with a castle wall, and a dinosaur lover will appreciate the mountains and volcanoes.

  3. Bend the cardboard sheet along the extreme folds. At the top of the stage, glue empty cardboard rolls on both sides. They will not only play the role of theater columns, but will also reliably fix the stage in a stable state.
  4. Wrap both rolls with a long rectangular sheet and secure this position with glue.

  5. Make a curtain. Glue the curtain fabric to the top sheet. And don't forget to give beautiful name theater
  6. Prepare pictures for the puppets. Ask your child to draw their favorite characters or print the drawings on a printer.

  7. Connect the drawing to a thick sheet of cardboard and cut out the figure along the contour.

  8. Stuff the figure with cotton balls.
  9. Glue a wooden stick to the finished puppet.

11. You can cook toy food in the toy kitchen.

12. Or in a kitchen like this, made from the same old nightstand.

13. Have a competition with balls on a water stick cut in half!

14. Immerse yourself in art with this huge board!

It is ideal for the backyard: chalk dust will not fly all over the yard.

15. And creativity again! Now in the bathroom.

Such homemade volumetric paints are easily washed off from tiles.

How to make 3D bath paints

1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

To prepare volumetric paints you will need:

  • 1 cup soap shavings (it’s better to take baby soap without additives);
  • ½ teaspoon liquid watercolor;
  • ¾ cup hot water.

2. Prepare the soap mixture.

Combine soap shavings and a small amount of water in a blender bowl. Gradually add hot water so that excess foam does not form. ¾ cup of water gives both a thick and soft texture that is very easy to paint with.

Divide the soap mixture and place it in ziplock bags or ice cream containers. Add watercolor and mix well.

And voila – the volumetric paints are ready!

16. Cardboard boxes are the best invention!

How to make such a house

You can play with this house even in small and tiny apartments, because it folds into a flat sheet with one movement of the hand.

To create a cardboard house you will need:

  • 2 cardboard boxes;
  • colored tape.

17. “Road” rug, sewn from scraps of fabric. It even has a zoo. Anything can be on it - it all depends only on your imagination.

Manufacturing instructions

Agree, it is much more interesting and cheaper to make your own road than to buy a ready-made carpet with a standard route.

  • canvas (or similar material);
  • colored tape;
  • acrylic paints;
  • clear aerosol coating;
  • small paint roller;
  • squares cut from multi-colored felt.


  • transparent soft plastic (or thick film);
  • wooden figures and houses.

18. How do you like this option, made using decorative tape?

How to do it?

You will need:

  • white foam;
  • colored tape (or adhesive tape made from Japanese paper);
  • scissors;
  • black marker;
  • wooden cubes or building toy blocks.

19. Plastic tubes can easily be turned into bows and arrows!

Manufacturing instructions

To do this you will need:

  • PVC pipe 100 cm X 1.3 cm;
  • wooden dowels 0.9 cm X 40 cm;
  • insulation for pipes made of foamed polyethylene, diameter 16 cm;
  • thick nylon thread;
  • lighter for sealing ends;
  • scissors;
  • a hacksaw or jigsaw with a fine tooth;
  • insulating tape;
  • plastic ties;
  • triangles made of insulating polyurethane foam (approximately 7.5 cm X 7.5 cm).

Tie a large knot at the end of the nylon thread. It should not slip through the slot in the pipe. Burn the tip to prevent fraying and fraying of the thread.

2. Insert the string into the bow.

Make a 1/2 inch slit at each end of the pipe. Place the knot in the top slit and pull on the string to ensure it does not pop out of the groove. Tie a knot at the other end of the thread (about 7 cm from the end of the pipe). Bend the pipe and insert the second assembly into the groove.

Wrap the ends of the pipe with electrical tape so that the string, when stretched, does not jump out of the grooves.

Wrap the insulation around the middle of the pipe and secure with ties. Trim the zip ties as close to the handle as possible.

Insert a wooden dowel into the foam triangle and immediately pull it out. Now dip the end of the dowel in hot glue and insert it into the foam again. The other end of the wooden rod can be cut to make it easier for the child to install the arrow.

20. You can also run water or sand through such tubes.

To do this, you will only need ties, funnels and a board with holes (they can be drilled).

21. Let your kids spy on their neighbors using a plastic periscope.

You will find detailed instructions for making it.

22. Experiment with markers and alcohol. And you will get such a bright ribbon!

You may not have to buy a game console. May be.

Manufacturing method


  • markers of all colors of the rainbow;
  • white tape (sufficiently thick and wide);
  • strong branch;
  • keychain ring;
  • medical alcohol;
  • eye bolt;
  • pipette;
  • glue gun;
  • plastic tablecloth (to protect your work surface).
  1. Start by drawing thick lines with markers in the order of the colors of the rainbow.
  2. Then take a pipette, fill it with alcohol and apply it to the tape.
  3. Watch the colors blend into a beautiful and vibrant rainbow. If the tape is thick enough, you can color it on both sides.
  4. Let's get to the branch. Take the eye bolt and screw it into the branch.
  5. Thread the key fob ring into the eye bolt. Then thread a colored ribbon about 5 cm into this ring and secure it with glue.

Your feed is ready!

23. Turn your trash can into a pirate ship!

You can also use a cardboard box, laundry basket, or something else.

24. Another improved piece of furniture is a wardrobe.

Look, this will encourage your child to fold clothes!

25. And this is something like a large construction set.

Make such a collapsible house!

26. And from an old keyboard you can make a children's laptop.

This way your child will help you send letters without touching your computer. To make such a toy, you only need a cardboard folder, an old keyboard and Moment glue.

27. Scraps of fabric can make wonderful cubes.

The great thing is that you can throw them! And no one will be hurt.

For the cube you will need the following materials:

  • 6 squares of fabric measuring 10 x 10 cm;
  • 4 pieces of tape 5-7 cm each;
  • fiber for stuffing.

28. Or let them play hopscotch!

You can use reversible hot glue here.

29. Here's what you can take with you on a car trip.

Switches, knobs, buttons screwed to the board - everything you need for happiness!

30. Let your child be a doctor with this felt set.

All you need is a needle and thread, felt and Velcro. Simple and interesting!

A soft toy today is not just a doll or a typical teddy bear. Using different patterns of soft toys, you can create various fairy-tale characters that are popular among today's children. In addition, objects can also be soft, for example, funny cars, fruits and vegetables, houses and cubes.


Hand-sewn soft toys can be educational. If you use fabrics of different texture and color when sewing (fleece, linen, faux fur), interesting decorative elements (ribbons, lacing, bells, large buttons).

This gift is great for developing fine motor skills in children and imagination in older children.

To sew a textile toy that will delight your baby for a long time and maintain its original shape, you need to take into account some nuances. Crafts made from fabric are almost no different from those made from faux fur.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the pattern. The larger the toy, the easier it is to sew. But for beginners with small details, patterns for a soft toy will be more difficult. Therefore, first decide on the size of the soft toy. Simple patterns soft toys are usually medium in size (in finished form toy 15-25 cm)

Patterns of soft toys made of faux fur or fabric

For educational soft toys, it is important to combine different fabrics; it is better to use more than 3 types.

If the toy is created to decorate the interior or interior of a car, as a keychain or as a small present, then the material can be either plain, bright, or with some kind of ornament or pattern.

You need to sew the pattern pieces of a soft faux fur toy by placing them right sides together and tucking the fur inside. Leaving a small hole will help fill the toy and turn the part out.

As a filler for the toy, use synthetic ones - padding polyester, holofiber, polystyrene foam balls.

Such toys are easier to wash and do not have the risk of mold inside, like cotton wool.

After filling the toy, sew the hole with a blind stitch. Then the parts are sewn together. However, there are patterns of soft toys in which the parts are sewn to each other before filling.

Finally, eyes, a nose and other elements must be sewn onto the toy to give the toy a finished look.


For beginners, it will not be difficult to sew a flat soft toy. As a rule, such toys are made of felt, sewn along the edges with a needle-forward seam, a buttonhole stitch or an overcast stitch. The seam is left deliberately visible; padding polyester is used as filler.


Today, soft toys include fabric dolls, miniature finger figurines, keychains, interior decorations, and even useful little things in the form of funny pillows, stands, and covers for mobile phones. And also a soft toy is universal gift, especially if it is sewn using an unusual pattern or with an original design.

It is probably impossible to find a person who would be indifferent to a soft toy made with his own hands from natural fabric. For children, such a toy, sewn with love, will be the most valuable thing and best friend, and for adults it can become a unique souvenir or gift that will be remembered for a long time.

In this master class we will talk about how to make a simple soft toy from ordinary fabric with your own hands, the creation process of which does not require a lot of effort and will not take much time. Involving a child in this work will help you spend your time with great pleasure and benefit, as a result of which you will receive a wonderful soft toy - a turtle.

So, to make such a toy we need to prepare:

  • small pieces of cotton or calico fabric of a suitable color (for example, green for the head and paws, brown for the shell);
  • paper patterns;
  • any filler (foam rubber, padding polyester or ordinary cotton wool);
  • beads or small buttons for eyes;
  • sewing needle, thread, pins and scissors.

Also, grab the appropriate creative mood that will help you create this original toy.

Work order:

  • First you need to make patterns for the parts of the future soft toy on tracing paper or plain paper: two parts of a turtle’s head, two parts of a tail, two parts of a shell with a diameter of about thirty centimeters (the lower part of the shell should be slightly smaller than the top), eight parts of paws (two for each out of four).

  • We transfer all the details of the pattern onto the prepared fabric: to do this, pin the pattern parts to the material using pins, trace them and cut them out.

  • To make the turtle's shell slightly convex, we make four darts on the upper part of the shell, cut from fabric, as shown in the photo.

  • Then we sew together the parts of the turtle’s paws and head, which we stuff not very tightly with filler, as well as its tail (there is no need to stuff the tail with padding polyester).

  • Next, we sew together the parts of the shell (top and bottom), leaving holes for stuffing and sewing on the head, paws and tail of the soft toy.

  • By hand, using a hidden seam, we sew in all the details in certain places around the circumference of the shell so that the cavities of the head and paws are connected to the cavity of the turtle's shell.
  • After the shell is completely stuffed, you need to sew in the turtle's tail and sew up the hole using a blind stitch.
  • The final stage of our master class is sewing black beads or buttons (eyes) in certain places on the turtle's head.

The work is finished, and a wonderful handmade soft toy is ready! To make it, we used materials that can be found in every home.

Such a turtle can serve not only as your child’s favorite toy: it can be used as a pillow, hugging him with pleasure and quickly falling asleep.

Using the above process, you can make other simple soft toys from fabric, for example, a bear, for the creation of which we will need the same materials and tools. To do this, you first need to make a toy pattern. It's so simple that you won't special effort You can make it yourself using the appropriate drawing.

Then you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric, folded in half, fasten it, trace and cut out the details of the bear from the fabric. Having connected the parts of the bear with the front side inward, we sew them together, not forgetting to leave gaps for turning the toy inside out and filling it with padding polyester or any other filler. We turn the toy inside out and stuff it with stuffing, and the more filler there is, the cuter and fluffier the soft toy will be.

At the final stage, using beads or buttons, we make the bear’s eyes and nose, and also use thick thread embroidery to decorate the mouth. That's all, our bear is ready. You can dress it up by sewing pants and a T-shirt separately.

You can also make soft toys with your own hands in the form of a cat, baby elephant, horse and many other animals, using a variety of patterns and natural fabrics.

The principle of creating a toy remains the same: we make a pattern, cut out two parts of the figurine from the fabric, sew them facing each other, leaving gaps for turning the toy inside out. Fill the figure with any filler. At your discretion, we decorate the face of the toy, using your imagination and available materials (threads for the cat’s whiskers, beads for the eyes, ribbon for the mouth).

Such toys can be made with a frame, using bendable metal wire to create it, and pliers and an awl to mount it.

Patterns for creating soft toys today can be found in special printed publications, on handicraft websites, as well as in retail chains that sell kits containing the necessary materials for making such a toy (fabric, pattern, threads) and detailed instructions, which is very suitable for beginner needlewomen. And the simplest and affordable way making a pattern with your own hands means ripping open an old unnecessary toy and removing the pattern from it. In this case, it is better to use thick paper or cardboard, which will last much longer and are easier to work with than regular paper.

What fabric is most suitable for creating such a toy? The most suitable fabrics for this are:

  • knitwear that stretches easily;
  • cotton fabrics, often having bright colorful colors;
  • terry cloth, velor or velvet, which are useful for simulating animal fur;
  • flannel or flannel, which are suitable for making animals with a smoother skin;
  • jeans, toys from which look very stylish and will decorate any interior. At the same time, denim material is very easy to work with.

But it is not recommended to sew soft toys from fabric such as silk, since this fabric is difficult to work with and requires a certain skill.

We hope this master class, as well as our tips, will help you make a toy with your own hands that will delight your child, decorate your home, or become an original gift.