I want to learn English. Is it possible to learn English on your own? Selection of teaching aids.

Nowadays, getting education and new knowledge without visiting educational institutions- has not been a problem for a long time. And from this article you will learn how to learn English language yourself at home from scratch, even if you've never learned it before.

Photo: Beach sign "Please leave nothing but your footprints"

Where to start

Decide on your motivation. Why do you need to learn English? What's the end goal? What will you achieve as a result of studying it? What opportunities will open up for you? It would be great if you answered these questions in detail for yourself and wrote down the answers. When you are too lazy to study, look through your answers, they will help you put aside your laziness and move on.

Self-learning English from scratch

There is a case where children do have a big advantage, which is pronunciation. It is easier for them to learn sounds and also have a better ear. The important thing is that although there are certain advantages for children, it is possible to learn English as an adult. Moreover, it may even be better if several rooms are completed.

Motivation - if there is a need to learn a language, it will play in favor of the student. Research methods. As adults, we have developed brain patterns to learn how to learn. Once you have learned a language, it is easier to pick up a second language. But let's not forget that finding the right professionals is the key to learning English. The combination of several types of materials will make the student more motivated and interested in learning the language. Additionally, having the opportunity to go on a trip to practice the language and internalize the culture will help greatly improve the level of proficiency and confidence needed to speak English if it is not your first language.

Decide how much time you can devote to your studies: per day or per week. And try to stick to the time you specified. If necessary, as you study, you can adjust the number of hours, depending on your capabilities and schedule.

Choose the learning method that suits you. If you study from books, which ones? Consult with those who already know the language good level, and who can advise something based on their experience.

It is possible for an adult to learn English, just look for the right motivations that will make you want to learn the language. And with the help of a properly qualified English teacher, he can set work plans and activities for his students according to their needs.

In this section you will find dozens of articles relevant to anyone who wants to learn English on their own. Learning English has become the choice of many people. Today, with the speed of information and the amount of content available online, learning English has never been more possible.

Watch educational videos on the Internet - now many teachers post good and useful materials. But choose the best - those who really know English at an excellent level, and even better - have lived in an English-speaking country for a long time. For example, you can watch educational materials for free on the Puzzle English website - after registering, you will have access to more than 520 short video lessons on grammar with interesting explanations and exercises to consolidate understanding, as well as more than 2,000 other videos designed to both help and master the rules and the basics of language in a fun way.

What makes someone learn English?

For example, in large cities like Sao Paulo, where travel is not easy and many hours are lost on the road, learning English from home is the most viable option. Another factor that certainly influences many people is value. A company offering online courses, because it doesn't have the series of expenses that a school has, manages to offer much more affordable value. Or, if a student really wants to get content online and create his own learning method, he can do it all without paying anything thanks to the wealth of content available.

Important: tips and tricks

Exercise regularly! It’s better to let it be 30 minutes a day, every day, than once a week, but 3 hours. Let these be small steps, but take them more often, because regular classes will allow you to learn English faster.

Choose the way to study and the materials that you really like and are interested in! If you have no interest in reading a specific text or video, then there will be no desire to improve your English to understand it. Well, if you wouldn’t read it even in Russian, why would you want to read the same thing, but in English? Try to choose for reading, watching, listening to what you have long wanted to understand and know. Write down new words for yourself along the way, learn their pronunciation and practice it.

It is clear that schools and teachers have their own value in teaching English. Many people have had a lot of experience and have actually studied English in language schools or with private teachers. But the learning process actually occurs when the teacher becomes a facilitator. That is, someone directs the student to watch and learn.

Choose a good authentic textbook

Note that guiding someone to learn is very different from teaching. To direct someone to study is to direct that person to study independently, that is, to study alone. Thus, we can say that learning happens on its own. Any external stimulus, coming from a teacher or an exercise, a book, a text, a video, has the power to mobilize the student’s ability to learn this content.

Expand your vocabulary. Learn at least one new word a day. It's not difficult at all. You can use ready-made sets of words by topic.

And, most importantly, get started! Don’t stop reading this article and think: “Yes, we need to, we need to study.” Bring your thoughts into action without putting them off until Monday or any other time. Get started today, right now. Decide on your motivation and go ahead! And when it gets difficult, lazy, etc., remember your motivation and ultimate goal. This will give you strength.

If we look at learning this way, we will find that we are learning every moment. And we will have the opportunity to learn better and learn from everyone. Learning English is not something else and is just a proposition. For example, to develop rapid reasoning and to be able to think in English, that is, to organize thoughts using the “tools” that the English language offers. Learning English is a great need for all of us. The job market and the world of opportunity require speaking English.

There are people who love learning languages, but there are also people who don't like it, but they do it. Often they don't like it because they are more focused on other areas. For example, a person may find it much easier and more enjoyable to engage in physical activity or art than to learn English. So for these people the question arises.

Want more tips? Watch the video “Methods of learning a language on your own (tips and secrets 1-10)” below. I also advise you to write down for yourself those recommendations that you like both from this article and from the video - and then periodically return to this list to adhere to the advice (after all, they tend to be forgotten).

How do you like learning English?

Since great opportunities require speaking English, in this article we will look at ways to achieve this goal and learn English. There may be many reasons why you don't like learning English. For example, you may have great difficulty with pronunciation or comprehension, you may not be able to move forward because you cannot understand how the language works, or you may simply find it an impossible task for you.

What does it take for independent English learning to be successful?

To really enjoy learning English, you need to determine what your "block" is. What makes this apprenticeship so annoying? Stop for a moment. This is a “secret” that is very well known to people who speak several languages. This core contains the most important fundamentals of the language.

Relevant online resources


If you want to significantly save your time when learning English on your own from scratch and not lose interest in classes taking place at home, it will be useful for you to start your training with the Teacher's Method courses.

How to learn English on your own

From which we can find out everything else. So when we try to learn English and don't understand these basics, we quickly lose interest and English can become boring and the mission becomes impossible. On the other hand, when we understand these basics, we are on solid ground where we can make a beautiful structure for learning a new language. A very common feeling when a person discovers these grounds is, “Wow, is this true?” The mind is activated for the new language and from there you can learn more and better.

You can study for free in 10 days, taking 1 short lesson per day with video explanations and simple exercises online.

A distinctive feature of these courses is that you will be able to ask your questions in the comments to the lesson and receive answers from teachers, thus, from the very beginning of your training you will be able to clarify all unclear points without being left alone with them.

Slowly learn English?

And most importantly, it’s nice. Today we conclude our series of posts on how to learn English alone. Today we're going to talk about something that may seem a little strange: if you want to learn English quickly, you need to take it slow. Have you ever wondered why so many people want to learn English quickly? Of course, there is a need to speak English for professional reasons, academic reasons and even personal desire, but when we delve deeper into this issue, we realize that many people want to learn quickly because they do not enjoy the learning process.

The learning process is organized as fun and efficiently as possible, you won’t be bored.

Training service

You can also study video lessons on English grammar in the “Tasks” - “Grammar” section of the Puzzle English website. By selecting the “For Beginners” difficulty level in the catalog, you will see more than a hundred short educational video lessons with simple exercises to understand the material.

So the faster the better. The problem is that this method is very difficult to learn. Let's consider whether you like learning English or want to enjoy it. So how can you learn slowly? First of all, you need to understand that the idea of ​​levels is a convention for organizing an education system, and we can design a path more appropriate to the student's level of knowledge. However, there is something that precedes the concept of levels.

Understanding the communication process

Did you know that there are patterns that are always repeated in English, and what if you knew that the action of these standards could make your learning process easier and faster? On the contrary, it is quite simple. Every time someone speaks English, watches a movie, hears an English song, reads or writes something, these patterns are always there, although we are often unaware of it. Therefore, if you want to learn English quickly, you should take the time to study these standards. For every little stimulus we receive, when we learn this path, we can produce thousands of new proposals.

You can watch lessons and videos at any time online for free, and also with the opportunity to clarify questions that are unclear to you from teachers, thanks to writing and reading comments.

We wish you success in learning English!

Training is based on communication between a person and a computer, and then between people and people.

English grammar for children

This is because we understand the mechanisms that organize thinking in this new language and gain autonomy to communicate. Find out how you can do this in a simple and even fun way. Today we will talk about another important step for those who want to learn English only one. Last week we went on and on about the importance of availability. Today we will talk about the importance of discipline. This may seem obvious, and it is for this reason that we will look at this topic in more detail.

Have the discipline to learn English on your own

Do you most likely know who Bruce Lee and Oscar Schmidt are? But what are they doing here in this text? Well, Bruce Lee was once asked what his secret was to success. He responded with something like, “It’s no secret, a lot of training and discipline.” The same thing happened with Oscar Schmidt, who had a high basket conversion rate and hit hundreds of pitches every day after practice.

How to effectively learn English on your own from scratch at home

Until recently, knowing a foreign language meant being an esthete, belonging to a certain circle. But times change... Now knowledge foreign language It has become practically necessary for everyone not only to feel confident on holiday abroad, but also in studies, scientific research, work, and in everyday life, to read the instructions or indications for the use of a medicine.. Currently, studying English in in one form or another is available to most people through various courses, private lessons and training using the Internet. Internet helps effectively learn English on your own from scratch at home.
And yet, the question often arises of how best to learn a foreign language in order to be able to adequately express one’s thoughts through the means of a foreign language, and to understand well what one reads and hears.

Neither of them thought they were special or had superpowers. They may even have had some predispositions to learn more easily, but they managed to reach the top of their careers through great dedication and discipline. Many people who decide to learn English and speak English often expect to get results just by going to class or putting in almost all the effort and dedication. The result is usually disappointment.

So, don't be fooled into thinking that you will learn English magically and without any effort. First you need to focus, that is, be determined, to achieve your goal of speaking English, then it is important that you find a way to follow and what do you mean, whatever the method you choose, you need to know.

It is known that any language training is based on four “pillars”: reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension. it's all possible learn on your own from scratch at home online on our website.

Abundant reading is yours faithful assistant in language learning. It gives good results because in the texts you encounter words and phrases that are already familiar to you, and also increase your vocabulary. Take a folded one in half as a bookmark. notebook sheet and write down any unfamiliar words you encounter that make it difficult to understand the text. Find out their meanings using a dictionary. As you read further, this bookmark will help you more than once. Well, of course, texts should be selected in accordance with your level of language proficiency. There is an opinion that it is best to start with the original text, but just imagine what linguistic jungle you will wander into. A lot of incomprehensible words and grammatical phenomena, not to mention idioms (words with a figurative meaning) and phrasal verbs. Only the most persistent will be able to withstand such torture.

Next week we'll talk about the fourth step to learning English: Slow is Fast. In the first post we talk about, and now we will talk about how to determine the teaching method. The word method literally means "to follow the path." The good news is that there is no way to stop someone who really wants to learn English from learning. However, some methods may be better suited to your profile and needs.

But there is something very important and prior to anyone. Every human communication has a dynamic, a way in which our minds are organized to communicate. And if you want to learn English alone, you need to understand these dynamics as quickly as possible, as this is the incentive to learn quickly and effectively.

Written speech is difficult not only from the point of view of English spelling (where “London is written, but Liverpool is read”), but also from the point of view of constructing sentences and choosing one of the 16 tense forms of the English verb, as well as other grammatical phenomena. And still write! Write reminder notes to yourself, keep a detailed diary - your life story. And try to find yourself a pen pal, preferably a competent native speaker. Don't be afraid to communicate with a native speaker because possible errors. In addition, communication through emails, chats, ICQ is much easier than communication “live” - This method will help you effectively learn English on your own from scratch at home online.

In the “read-listen-speak” chain, conversation is the most difficult thing. Don't complain that you don't have anyone to talk to in English - your best conversationalist is yourself. Tell yourself about what you plan to do during the day, summarize what you have done during the day, retell to yourself the books you read and the movies you watched. But you never know what you can talk about with an interesting interlocutor, i.e. with yourself. When you come across unfamiliar words, look in the dictionary. If you are persistent enough, then after some time you will resort to English involuntarily, i.e. you will start thinking in English.

In order to understand spoken speech, you need to listen and listen. Fortunately, there are audiobooks and films in English that you can watch on your computer or DVD in the peace and comfort of your own apartment. But here, too, some consistency must be observed. Before listening, you need to first familiarize yourself with the texts, translate any unfamiliar words and try to understand the unfamiliar grammar, and then start listening, and this can be done without interrupting some other activity, for example, cleaning the room, preparing dinner or washing the dishes .

Films in English are also very helpful in mastering the audio side of the language; Gestures, facial expressions, and the very action of the film help you understand its content. And if you don’t understand something, you can watch these frames again. In addition, if films come with Russian or English subtitles, then in addition to the phrases you hear, you can see the words spoken by the actor on the screen. This greatly facilitates understanding the dialogue and searching for an unclear word in the dictionary.

Well, the last thing - self-learning English from scratch at home. Quite often people are interested in whether it is possible to learn English on their own? We are confident that this is possible. The only necessary condition for this is your desire and regular exercise. Remember that it is better to study for half an hour every day than three hours once a week. Mastering the English language requires constant practice. Therefore, read, listen, speak more, without forgetting about grammar and other theoretical issues. Try to create a lesson plan for yourself, where you devote one part of the time to studying grammar, the other to replenishing vocabulary(reading and listening), and the third on expressing your thoughts in English (speaking and writing). Use additional materials - interesting textbooks, audio books, films, training programs to make the learning process more fun.

Don't forget that everything is in your hands. And the desired result can only be obtained by constantly striving for the intended goal. And if you follow the English proverb “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” you will surely master this beautiful and most popular foreign language in the world.

N. I. Kochetova – © Native English