How to pronounce the French alphabet. French alphabet with pronunciation, translation into Russian, transcription

The basis of any language is, first of all, the alphabet. On our site, we have already talked about the features of the French alphabet, about the rules for reading certain letter combinations, about various phonetic features of the French language.

Today we want to dwell in more detail on the French alphabet, namely, on its capital letters and transcriptions.

We write letters in cursive!

If you want to learn how to write capital letters french letters, then here they are, in front of you. The table is divided into columns: the first with block letters, the second with capital letters and the third with the Russian transcription of these letters.

Friends, if you want to learn how to beautifully display French letters in a letter, then practice on a piece of paper, trying to write letters as in our table.

French alphabet with transcription

Graphic symbols you need to know

We have already considered in more detail all the French language. But since today we are talking about the alphabet, it is worth briefly recalling them.

  • Accent aigu: e. It is used only with the letter e and means a closed sound [e]: enchante
  • Accent grave: à, è, ù: la,frere,
  • Accent circonflexe: â, ê, î, ô, û: â me,ê tre, plaî t,clô turer, dû
  • Cedille: ç: francais
  • Trema: ë, ï, ü, ÿ: Citroë n, maï s

Friends, remember that if you do not follow all these graphic symbols in a letter, then this is considered a spelling error. Therefore, in a dictation, in an essay or other written work, points are deducted for this, and your score will be lower.

Also, don't forget the so-called ligatures: æ, œ. However, they are often replaced by two letters: ae (or the phonetic notation é), oe.

The letters k, w and the ligature æ (rather rare) are used only in foreign words (kilo - kilogram, wagon - wagon, nævus - wart), as well as in proper names.

Learn the alphabet with your child!

Friends, if you decide that it's time for your child to learn French, then where to start, if not with the alphabet?

For kids preschool age educational and entertaining videos and songs are perfect for French about letters. While listening to the song, your baby and you yourself can sing along to the announcer, thus mastering the alphabet and the first words in French.

We want to offer you several options to help your child learn the French alphabet quickly.

Here a very cute kitten will help the child learn the letters and repeat them after him or with him. Play the video for your baby for as long as you want! And yes, the kitten has a great pronunciation!

And this sweet song with a pleasant melody will double the speed of learning the French alphabet. The letters are carried by a funny train, so learning will be easy and fun. Sing along with the locomotive!

And in this wonderful video, French letters are accompanied by words and cute drawings. Not only auditory, but also visual information appears before the baby, which facilitates and speeds up the process of mastering the alphabet, and also makes it doubly interesting.

Such videos for children can be both watched and simply listened to while learning the French alphabet and the language in general. Be close to your child to come to his aid at any time and explain what he did not understand or did not hear.

Several ways to learn the alphabet

If you are an adult, then for you to learn the French alphabet will not be special work: just listen to it several times and repeat after the announcer, and voilà - you already know him! The main thing is to practice the correct pronunciation.

Paint the letters however you like!

But with the baby, the situation is different, he will need your help and patience.

  • Firstly, you can use those alphabetical videos that we suggested; find other alphabet videos.
  • Second, make the process of learning the letters of the French language creative: draw each letter on separate sheet paper. Draw with your kid, make each letter colorful, patterned and colorful.
  • Thirdly, draw or select a suitable picture for each letter, for example: a - abeille, b - bâteau, etc.

Now, repeating the entire alphabet several times, show the child each letter separately, and let him pronounce it. After five or six such lessons, your baby will fully master the French alphabet and will be able to say it easily, freely and without hesitation!

We wish you good luck, friends and see you soon!

Good day,Dear friend! I am glad that you are interested in French and went to the website of the online school of Christina Frantz. The French alphabet won't surprise you much. So first, let's find out a few features of French, giving charm and originality to this language.

French has interesting les accents with diacritics.

accent aigu(aksa-n-tegyu) - always closed sound é E (I), which you will meet in the alphabet. Looks like that : é (past participle ending). It is also called "rise".

accent grave(aksa-n-grav) - open sound è E (E). It looks like this: a (preposition I'm going where), è (tres TRE - very) , ù (for example, in the word où Y where)

accent circumflexe(aksa-n-sir-ko-n-flex) - an archaic sign ô, which is called a "house". Talks about the length of the sound.

Other facts:

Nasal sounds A (an), O (on), E (ain) and many others. Air is exhaled through the nose and through the mouth at the same time.

Ç - always pronounced "s" not "k".

Emphasis always and again ALWAYS FALLS TO THE LAST SYMBOL.

The letters s / t / d / e / z are not pronounced at the very end, therefore I EAT (je mange) and YOU EAT (tu manges) sounds the same (ma- n-f) but spelled differently. Surprised??? And now the alphabet!

French letter of the alphabet Russian transcription
A, a A
B, b B e (i) (e closed, pronounce the letter I, freeze and without changing position, pronounce e. It will turn out between E, I!
C, c WITH e (i)
D, d D e (i)
E, e Yo (ideal sound in Russian is not observed - Peter)
F, f ef
G, g Zhe(s)
H, h Ash
I, i AND
J, j Zhi

K, k


L, l

French(in French francais) belongs to the Romance languages ​​and has about 338 million speakers. It is the third most widely spoken language in Europe, after the other languages, and is also used in parts of Africa, North America, South America, Asia, and Oceania.

French is an official language in Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, France, Gabon, Republic of Guinea, Haiti , Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo and Vanuatu.

French speakers are also found in Algeria, Cambodia, Laos, Lebanon, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Tunisia, Vietnam, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Guernsey, Jersey, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin , Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna and some regions of the USA, in particular - in the state of Louisiana.

French has been widely used as the language of diplomacy since the 17th century. until the middle of the 20th century English language did not take on this role. Until now, the French language is used by many international organizations such as NATO, the UN, the EU institutions and the WTO.

Literary French

French first appeared in written form in 842 in the Oaths of Strasbourg. Until that moment, the language of literature in Europe was considered Latin language. During the X-XI centuries. the French language appeared in many documents and religious works, but French literature began to develop only from the end of the 12th century. - early 13th century The first significant work of French literature was the "Song of Roland" ( Chanson de Roland), first published around 1200.

French alphabet (l'alphabet français)

Letter Name Pronunciation (IPA)
A a /ɑ/
B be /be/
C ce /se/
D de /de/
E e /ə/
F effect /ɛf/
G ge /ʒe/
H ache /aʃ/
I i /i/
J ji /ʒi/
K ka /kɑ/
L elle /ɛl/
M emme /ɛm/
N enne /ɛn/
O o /o/
P pe /pe/
Q qu /ky/
R erre /ɛʁ/
S essay /ɛs/
T te /te/
U u /y/
V ve /ve/
W double ve /dubləve/
X ixe /iks/
Y i grec /iɡʁɛk/
Z zede /zɛd/

Phonetic transcription of French




  • ay= [ɛji] before a consonant, in any other position
  • c= [s] before i, e or y, but [k] in any other position
  • g= [ʒ] before i, e or y, but [g] in any other position
  • i= [i ̭] before vowels, but [i] in any other position
  • ie= [i] at the end of a word, before n, in any other position.
  • ill= [j] after vowels: e.g. trava ill er
  • m and n are not pronounced at the end of the word, and the preceding vowels are nasalized.
  • At the end of a word r, s, t, x and z not pronounced unless the next word begins with a vowel, e.g. vous êtes
  • u= [ɥ] before vowels, but [y] in any other position
  • x in final position =
  • k and w occur exclusively in loanwords
  • y used mainly in loanwords, as well as in geographical names

Canadian French

The following are some features specific to the phonetic transcription of Canadian French.

  • In all words, except for borrowed words, the letter before the vowels i and u is pronounced and, as in the word dimanche. In combination with other vowels and in consonant clusters, /d/ is pronounced.
  • In all words, except for loanwords, the letter before the vowels i, u, and y is pronounced , and , as in the word tiger. In other positions, it is pronounced as usual.
  • The presence of non-tense vowels [ʏ], [ɪ], [ʊ] (allophones of tense vowels /y/, /i/, /u/, but not all words have an interchangeable pronunciation), for example, the word pile usually has only one pronunciation.
  • These pairs of phonemes are allophones:
  • may have the following pronunciations /a/, /ɑ/, /we/, /wɛ/

(The last two options are typical mainly for colloquial speech)

  • The presence of diphthongs (considered a feature of colloquial speech) with long vowels: for example, pâ te spoken or spoken.

The French alphabet is the usual Latin alphabet, consisting of 26 letters. In addition to these familiar letters, the French also use letters with diacritics and ligatures (see below).

Letters of the French alphabet with transcription

Aa[a] Jj [Ʒi] Ss [ɛs]
bb Kk Tt
CC Ll [ɛl] Uu[y]
Dd Mm [ɛm] vv
Ee [ǝ] Nn [ɛn] www
Ff [ɛf] Oh [o] xx
Gg [ʒe] pp Yy
hh Qq Zz
Ii[i] Rr [ɛr]

French alphabet with pronunciation

Song "French Alphabet"


A diacritic is a superscript, subscript, or inline character used to change or clarify the meaning of other signs denoting sounds.

There are 5 diacritics used in French:

1) accent aigu(axant aegyu): é - the most frequent diacritical sign of the French language, but is placed above only one letter "e";

2) accent grave(aksan grav): è, à, ù - over the last two does not affect the sound quality and plays only a semantic role;

3) accent circumflexe(axan sirconflex): ê, â, ô, î, û - in the first three cases it affects the pronunciation of vowels, in the last two it is written according to tradition instead of letters that disappeared during the historical development of the language;

4) trema(diaeresis): ë, ï, ü, ÿ - shows that in this case there is no formation of a diphthong or other sound;

5) cedille(sedy): ç - put only under "s", shows that the letter is read as [s] regardless of the letter following it.


A ligature is a character formed by merging two or more graphemes.

Two ligatures are used in French: œ and æ . They are digraphs, i.e. convey one sound, and in writing they consist of two graphemes.