Hiro massage description. Spanish facial chiromassage - features, effect, reviews, photos

Many people try to tighten the muscles of their body and prolong its youth with the help of yoga, fitness, exercise equipment, etc. But for some reason everyone forgets that a person has much more muscles on his face than on his arms, legs, back, and stomach . And to maintain a youthful face, they also need to be trained and kept in good shape.

What is facial chiromassage

In order to look young, you should not only take care of your facial skin, but also tighten your oval. Sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds will treacherously reveal age even with an ideal face.

To solve this problem, many different methods, procedures and techniques are proposed. Among them, chiromassage, which is done only with hands, without any equipment, is becoming increasingly popular.

This technique for tightening the facial muscles originates from Ancient Egypt and India. At the end of the last century, the Spanish doctor Enrique Castells Garcia studied all the elements of oriental massages, streamlined them and supplemented them with modern medical knowledge. Therefore, facial chiromassage is sometimes called Spanish. When performing this technique, the effect occurs not only on the skin of the face, but also the subcutaneous fat layer, circulatory system, lymph flow and, of course, facial muscles. Therefore, facial chiromassage is muscular-structural.

The creator of the technique studied not only Eastern, but also various Western trends in massage

Chiromassage is based on the principle of pleasure. The client under the hands of the massage therapist should remain in a relaxing state. No pain! During the procedure, there is also an impact on nervous system, the client usually remains in a peaceful state after the end of the session.

Chiromassage is indicated in the following cases:

  • rosacea (a disease in which the blood vessels of the skin dilate and red streaks appear on the face);
  • loss of clear facial contour, appearance of sagging areas;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • lack of oxygen in the skin of the face;
  • age problems;
  • swelling;
  • fatigue and stress.

Chiromassage does not have any age restrictions. But it should be remembered that every year the skin loses more and more its elasticity and firmness, and the muscles become flabby. Therefore, after 35 years, it is recommended to undergo a course of ten procedures 3 times a year.

Thanks to chiromassage, the following effects occur:

  1. The skin of the face is cleansed of the dead top layer, so it is filled with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated and rejuvenation occurs.
  2. The skin becomes elastic and elastic, as the facial muscles are intensively stimulated during the massage.
  3. Swelling is eliminated and skin color is restored due to improved functioning of the lymph flow and circulatory system.
  4. The production of sebum is normalized, which eliminates excessive dryness of the skin.
  5. The nervous system is restored, the emotional state improves significantly.

Facial chiromassage can be done independently at home, since the technique is available to everyone.

How to perform

The chiromassage procedure covers not only the face, but also the décolleté area, the back of the head and the shoulder girdle to the elbows.

The best time to perform the procedure is in the evening, preferably before bed, as it gives a relaxing effect, and after it it is best to relax rather than run somewhere on business.

Preparation for the procedure

Before starting chiromassage, you should thoroughly clean all the above areas and hands. Otherwise, dirt can get into the open skin pores, and along with them various infections.

If desired, a hot herbal compress can be applied to the face and décolleté for 5–10 minutes. Then the muscles will warm up well, and the effect of chiromassage will be much higher. For a compress, take a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.) and moisten a thick cloth with it. The temperature of the decoction should be 35–40 °C

Before starting the procedure, massage oil or cream should be applied to the skin.


Chiromassage can be done independently at home, since there is no exact technique for this procedure. Each massage therapist determines movements and their intensity at his own discretion. You just need to remember the basic requirements: it is advisable to do all manipulations according to massage lines- lines of least stretch of the skin.

All hand movements should be done along the massage lines

Important! If you ignore the basic rules of massage, the result can be extremely unpleasant!

All manipulations during chiromassage should be performed smoothly and leisurely. The most famous and popular movements during chiromassage are the following:

  • warming up the skin by stroking your fingers and palms;
  • warming up the nasolabial triangle;
  • massage of the lower part of the face;
  • stroking the area of ​​the eyelids and eyes;
  • treatment of the cervical spine;
  • chiromassage includes tapping, pinching, pressing and other manipulations.

The duration of the procedure in salons ranges from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours (depending on the problems and age of the client). At home, the effect will appear if chiromassage is performed for ten days for 20 minutes.

You can study the chiromassage technique in more detail by watching the video.

Video: Spanish technique of muscular-structural massage

Skin care after the procedure

After completing the procedure, the remaining massage oil should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and shoulder girdle with light massage movements.

If you pay such attention to your facial skin, it will always remain young and fresh.

Chiromassage has a beneficial effect on facial skin

Contraindications and precautions

There are no special contraindications to this procedure, but in some cases there are still restrictions. Chiromassage cannot be performed if:

  • the person has a fever;
  • there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • there are skin rashes with obvious signs of inflammation (for example, acne);
  • the skin is damaged (wounds, burns);
  • there are allergic rashes;
  • there are a large number of papillomas and other formations on the skin.

In these cases, it is better to refuse the massage altogether or postpone it to a more favorable moment.

Chiromassage is a therapeutic and prophylactic manual massage that does not use any additional devices. The term came from a combination of two words: “hiro” - hand and “massage”. This massage technique combines various techniques of classical and oriental systems. It also includes elements of chiropractic and kinesiology. All these combinations have made this type of massage popular.

Chiromassage is presented by the Spanish school INMASTER - Institute of Manual Therapy. It was first registered in 1918 by naturopathic physician V. L. Ferrandis. This massage technique gained popularity in the 60s of the 20th century. Enrique Castells Garcia continued the development of the Ferrandis school by opening the Institute of Manual Therapy - INMASTER in 1990.

Massage technique includes techniques that act on certain anatomical systems. Using massage movements, you can touch and stimulate any of them directly.

Chiromassage technique

One session can last from half an hour to an hour. Before the massage, the specialist examines the client: general health, finds out the skin type and its needs, as well as the client’s wishes. The massage is performed on a cosmetic chair and consists of the following stages:

  • cleanses the skin of makeup;
  • massage oil or cream is applied;
  • chiromassage is performed;
  • moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied.

Chiromassage is more like a ritual dance of hands, thanks to their smooth movements. The main technique in this technique is kneading, which has a physiological effect. Kneading differs in functional purpose; they are muscular-vascular, neuromuscular and muscular-articular. With the help of muscle-vascular kneading, blood circulation improves, oxygen flows better into the tissues. Thanks to muscle-articular kneading, the contractile function of muscles improves, they have a pronounced lifting effect. Neuromuscular kneading has a deep relaxing effect and helps reduce muscle hypertonicity.

Chiromassage does not provide for specific rules, and the specialist himself selects techniques based on the client’s needs. In addition, it is advisable to change the scheme of each session in order to eliminate adaptation and obtain best result. Depending on the condition of the client and his skin, massage can be performed on the palms and backs of the hands, fingertips, and even the forearm and elbows. The massage technique consists of the following basic techniques and movements:

  • First, light stroking of all areas of the facial skin is performed;
  • the nasolabial area is massaged;
  • cheeks are massaged;
  • the eye area is massaged;
  • the lower part of the face is massaged;
  • neck and décolleté areas are massaged;
  • tapping with fingertips and delicate pinching is performed;
  • monotonous rhythmic movements are performed to relax;
  • pulsating and wave-like massage movements (hemolymphatic drainage) are performed.

Indications for chiromassage

It is recommended to start doing chiromassage at a young age. It is enough to undergo a massage course of 10-15 procedures twice a year, two or three times a week. From the age of 35, it is advisable to increase the number of courses to three per year. Between courses, maintenance procedures are done once or twice a month.

Indications for the use of chiromassage:

  • loss of skin and muscle tone;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • deformation of the oval of the face;
  • hypersensitive skin prone to erythema;
  • the presence of scars;
  • muscular asymmetry of the face associated with injuries and stressful situations;
  • rosacea;
  • pastiness and swelling of the face;
  • relieving seasonal fatigue.

In addition to the effects of rejuvenation, lifting, evening out skin color, and improving mood, which can be seen visually, chiromassage affects deep processes in the muscles and skin, which promotes tissue regeneration at all levels of the dermis.


Chiromassage is not recommended for acute infectious diseases or allergic processes on the skin; acne and other skin diseases; high body temperature; exacerbation of chronic diseases; increased fragility of superficial skin vessels; the presence of multiple moles and papillomas.


Facial chiromassage naturally causes changes in the biochemical processes occurring in tissues. With this massage, fluid is redistributed in the tissues, microcirculation is activated, a powerful relaxing effect is achieved, this makes it possible for this procedure to completely replace hardware myostimulation.br> After a course of chiromassage, the following results are achieved:

  • fine wrinkles are reduced and nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  • the contours of the face and neck improve;
  • the skin is cleared of horny scales;
  • blood circulation, hydration and skin nutrition improves;
  • the smoothness, firmness and elasticity of the skin increases;
  • toxins are removed from the skin;
  • cell regeneration processes are activated;
  • muscle memory is erased;
  • swelling disappears;
  • improves complexion;
  • relieves fatigue and depression.

Chiromassage improves not only physical condition person, but has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person. It is widely used by modern beauty salons, SPA centers, aesthetic and medical clinics.

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An unusual massage technique that can work wonders - this is what many call Spanish facial chiromassage, which has a rejuvenating and healing effect.

Lifting the facial contour, disappearing wrinkles and swelling, improving the color and structure of the skin - this is not a complete list of effects after this type of massage. Moreover, the results of the work will be visible after several sessions. Many patients consider the chiromassage technique to be an excellent alternative to harmless Botox injections or plastic surgery.

So, what is this technique, what is it based on and how is it performed? The article presents the methodology and technique for performing Spanish facial massage, and the video master class will allow you to better understand the essence of such an original procedure.

What is facial chiromassage?

Massage is a well-known and popular procedure that everyone knows about. But the concept of “chiromassage” is not known to everyone.

  • So, from Latin the prefix “hiro” is translated as “hand” and denotes the main instrument of this specific type massage. But this is not an ordinary type of muscular-structural (“manual”) massage. This unique technology combines several different practices and trends. The technique includes elements of manual therapy, kinesiology (a discipline that studies muscle movement in all manifestations), hemolymphatic drainage and is based on certain manipulations of hand movements, without any additional devices.
  • In the East, chiromassage has been known for a long time and is considered one of the most effective cosmetic treatments. More often you can find the name “Spanish facial chiromassage” according to the historical origin of the procedure and the founder of the technique. The Spanish doctor Fernandez dealt with it, applying manipulations only to the human body and not affecting the face. Later, massage technology was significantly improved and streamlined thanks to Fernandez’s student, Enrique Castells Garcia. His achievements include the use of chiromassage not only for the body, but also for the face, as well as the founding of the institute of manual therapy. Garcia managed to combine the accumulated experience of generations with the techniques of yoga, Buddhist spiritual practice, the achievements of Indian medicine and manual therapy methods into one school. The technique includes more than 100 massage techniques used in both therapeutic and recreational and for preventive purposes.

Currently, facial chiromassage is practiced in many beauty salons, his technique is taught by highly specialized specialists. If you wish, you can learn how to do this massage at home. The main thing: first study the indications and contraindications, then master the technique of massage movements and manipulations, and only after that proceed directly to practical exercises.

Features of Spanish facial chiromassage

Experts indicate the lack of a clear and strict scheme for facial chiromassage. Each specific case is considered individually, depending on the existing problem and taking into account the characteristics of the body, including the condition of the skin.

How does chiromassage differ from regular massage? Let's look at the key features of Spanish technology.

  • Massage movements and techniques are carried out measuredly, plastically, carefully and somewhat monotonously.
  • During chiromassage, a deep effect on the tissue occurs, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved, and pleasant, painless sensations appear.
  • Massage movements and techniques during a session are varied and practically never repeated, which prevents the body from getting used to monotonous influences.
  • This type of massage affects not only the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, but also the muscles, blood and lymph vessels.

Special attention The founder of the technique, Garcia, paid attention to the psychological state of the patient during the massage procedure. Complete relaxation and a feeling of pleasure stimulates the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin, while providing an effective rejuvenating and healing result.

Plastic soft movements of the hands without pain allow for fairly deep therapy of the massaged area of ​​the body. A personal and non-standard approach to performing chiromassage makes it possible to achieve the most positive effect.

The effect of Spanish facial chiromassage

The essence of Spanish facial chiromassage is to tighten the facial muscles, which, in turn, allows you to correct the contour of the face, reduce nasolabial and glabellar folds, sagging cheeks and fine wrinkles. In addition to the visual cosmetic effect, chiromassage therapy has a general healing effect on the entire human body.

A chiromassage course allows you to achieve specific positive effects, namely:

  • Improving the tone and elasticity of facial skin, subcutaneous tissue turgor.
  • Restoring the tone of facial muscle tissue, providing a lifting (tightening) effect.
  • Increasing the elasticity of the soft tissues of the face.
  • Reducing swollen areas on the facial skin, slowing down the aging process.
  • Relaxation of facial muscles and the body as a whole, minimizing stressful conditions.
  • Stimulating the microcirculation of biological fluids (including blood capillaries), improving the nutritional and respiratory functions of the skin, helping to improve metabolic processes, removing toxins, increasing general blood flow.
  • Improving the color and structural condition of the skin.
  • Moisturizing and nourishing the skin epidermis, activating skin cell regeneration processes.
  • Reduced swelling and reduction of spider veins.
  • Improving mood, emotional state and restoring sleep.

Thus, Spanish chiromassage is a unique therapeutic technique for healing, rejuvenating and restoring the human body.

Plastic facial chiromassage allows you to achieve a lasting effect comparable to a surgical lift.

According to many women, a course of such intensive therapy removes fine expression wrinkles after the second session, and after a general massage course there is a significant improvement in the external condition of the facial skin.

Facial chiromassage, reviews

On the Internet you can find many reviews from those who have tried the miraculous effects of facial massage - chiromassage. Here are some examples that you can read on the review site:




Most opinions after the procedure are purely positive and even enthusiastic. The effect for many women exceeded all expectations.

Facial chiromassage, before and after photos

Indications for the use of chiromassage

Chiromassage, used even for preventive purposes, has no age restrictions and is indicated for almost everyone, even pregnant women. This technique is especially relevant for women after 35 years, when they become noticeable age-related changes facial skin.

Intensive musculostructural therapy is especially effective in the presence of the following problems:

  • Weakening and decline of the immune system.
  • Couperosis of the facial skin, in which the blood vessels dilate and thin red veins in the form of stars appear on the face.
  • Lymphostasis of the face, with disturbances in the outflow of lymph and its stagnation in the tissues.
  • Swelling, sagging of some areas, lack of clear facial contours.
  • Wrinkles, dryness, lack of elasticity and sagging facial skin.
  • Fatigue, stress, irritability, apathy, sleep disturbance.

Contraindications for the use of chiromassage

Having so many advantages and positive effects, there are still some contraindications for chiromassage:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Skin diseases of infectious or fungal origin.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin (burns, scratches, wounds).
  • Asthma in the acute period.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Allergic manifestations on the skin.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Fragility of blood vessels.
  • The presence of a large number of papillomas or moles on the skin.

Chiromassage of the face, technique

The Spanish chiromassage technique includes a number of practices and techniques:

  • Myotensive (strengthens the elasticity of the muscle-articular joint).
  • Somatoemotional (strengthens the nervous system, relaxes).
  • Lymphatic drainage (removes excess fluid and toxins).
  • Neurosedative (calms, relaxes, improves sleep, relieves irritability and apathy).
  • Hemolymphatic (normalizes blood and intracranial pressure, improves the functioning of the circulatory system).

To thoroughly master the massage technique, you need to study thematic material and watch more than one video lesson on this topic. The ideal option is to study with an experienced chiromassage specialist. In any case, Spanish intensive hand therapy requires a long and high level of training. The massage therapist independently selects a combination of effects for each patient individually.

The basis of therapy, as mentioned earlier, is the professional influence of the hands of a massage therapist. Observing the master, one can compare his movements with a continuous measured and plastic “dance of the hands.” A wide variety of movements and techniques are used: from light tapping with fingertips to complex skin stretches and deep kneading.

Musical accompaniment and lit aromatic lamps during a massage only enhance the effect of peace and have a beneficial (relaxing) effect on the patient.

The procedure for performing chiromassage

Before starting the procedure, the massage therapist familiarizes himself with the patient’s problems, his state of health, the presence of contraindications, determines the skin type and the main problem areas on it. Having studied all aspects, the chiropractor draws up an individual massage program, taking into account, of course, the wishes of the patient.

As a rule, facial massage is complemented by effects on the neck and décolleté area and has a certain sequence.

  • Before starting the massage, the facial skin is cleansed of possible impurities or makeup. To do this, do not use alcohol-containing products that dry out the skin.
  • After cleansing, additional steaming of the skin with a hot herbal compress is also practiced (wet a napkin in a decoction, temperature 35–40 °C and apply to the face) for 8-10 minutes. At the same time, the pores of the skin open, the facial muscles warm up, which makes chiromassage more productive.
  • When performing a massage, a special cream or aromatic oil must be used so that the hands can glide gently over the skin without injuring it.
  • The first massage techniques are purely relaxation, allowing you to relax your facial muscles. At the same time, the movements of the hands are plastic and soft, and the directions correspond to the massage lines.

  • Relaxing techniques are replaced by irritating and warming ones. Similar contrasting procedures are often used in this type of massage. To do this, use your fingertips and inside the brushes perform alternating circular movements.
  • After stroking, they move on to warming up and smoothing the nasolabial triangle, cheekbones and lower part of the face. Particular attention during the procedure is paid to the area of ​​the eyelids and eyes.

  • The next stage is lymphatic drainage. The massage uses pinching, wave-like rubbing with the edge of the palm and many other techniques. All movements are maintained at a certain rhythmic pace.
  • After the mechanical impact comes the turn of the tightening. At the same time, the master seems to be pulling small areas skin first on one half of the face, then on the other. The main condition is the absence of any pain or discomfort in the patient.
  • When working with lymph nodes, the effects should be especially soft and careful. When working in this area, experts often recommend imagining a viscous liquid flowing under your fingers.
  • Massage procedures end with rhythmic tapping on the oval of the face and soothing, relaxing strokes.
  • At the end of the session, cryomassage with ice cubes from an infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs will be especially useful. The cold will close the pores and normalize blood flow to the skin.
  • A nourishing mask after the massage will also improve the overall effect of the procedure.

Providing a rejuvenating effect, Spanish chiromassage perfectly relieves tension or fatigue and charges with positive energy for a long period of time.

Time and frequency of chiromassage

  • Facial chiromassage, including work on the neck and décolleté, takes about 60 minutes. The occipital region and shoulder girdle are also often affected.
  • Given the relaxing effect, it is better to do a massage in the evening, before bed.
  • The chiromassage procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a week, in a course of 7-10 sessions.
  • The frequency of repetition of sessions depends on the patient’s age and the condition of his skin: after 35 years, you can perform about 3 courses per year, before 35, it will be enough to take 1-2 maintenance courses.

Chiromassage of the face at home

You can learn how to do Spanish chiromassage yourself at home, since there is no precise and clear method for performing massage movements. Each massage therapist must feel the intensity of the effect on the skin and select movements individually.

Naturally, basic knowledge must be observed: step-by-step implementation of techniques along massage lines, painlessness and plasticity of movements, an energetically correct positive attitude.

An important role in training is played by the sensitivity and subconscious perception of the future master: how subtly he is able to sense the need for certain movements, their intensity and duration of impact.

The stages of performing a massage at home are unchanged:

  • Thoroughly cleanse your facial skin.
  • To moisturize the skin and smoothly glide your hands, use a special oil or cream.
  • Perform a massage of the face and surrounding areas according to the technique.
  • Make a toning or nourishing mask after the massage.

All massage movements are performed smoothly, delicately, in a “fluid” mode, but at the same time, accurately and confidently. There is a constant measured change of techniques and massage movements.

You should not experiment if the massage therapist is inexperienced and not confident in his skills. Violations of the rules of Spanish massage can result in undesirable consequences and even harm the patient.

If during the procedure the patient’s skin becomes very red, irritation or pain occurs, - better massage suspend.

It is worth recalling the need for clean hands when performing massage at home. During all manipulations, the pores of the facial skin open, which means there is a possibility of infection. Therefore, washed and treated hands with an antiseptic are one of the main conditions for a successful cosmetic procedure.


  • Facial chiromassage is passive gymnastics of the facial muscles.
  • The effectiveness and efficiency of chiromassage is obvious and confirmed by many patients.
  • Spanish chiromassage slows down skin aging, rejuvenates and tightens it.
  • The procedure has a positive healing effect on the entire body of the massaged person.
  • There are no age restrictions for chiromassage; there are only some contraindications related to human health.
  • Chiromassage is performed in beauty salons and specialized clinics.
  • You can learn how to perform massage at home. At the same time, it is important to follow the stages and requirements of the procedure so as not to cause harm or get a negative result.
  • Professionalism, confidence and positive energy are the key points of a successful massage therapy.

Chiromassage of the face, photo

Chiromassage of the face, video

Every day we look at ourselves in the mirror. But if in our youth the reflection pleases us with a clear look, radiant youth and beauty of the skin, then later wrinkles, swelling and irritation appear. What to do? Do you accept fading with obedience or go under the surgeon’s knife and pump up your skin with Botox?

Fortunately, there is a less radical and more pleasant way to preserve youthful skin - take a course of facial chiromassage.

The essence of chiro massage

Chiromassage arose as a result of a mixture of Eastern and Western practices. It is also called Spanish chiromassage, as this technique originated on the Iberian Peninsula. By choosing it, we get not only health and beauty, but also relaxing treatments.

An experienced chiropractic massage therapist will select an individual program that can lead to maximum effect. The procedures are aimed at relaxation, they are pleasant and there is no pain at all.

In addition to the aesthetic component, the chiromassage technique is indicated for many diseases. All chiropractor manipulations with the patient’s body and face have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system - they improve the movement of lymph, which actively resolves swelling, fights cellulite, and activates tissue restoration.

Chiromassage uses not only the latest techniques, but also the knowledge of past centuries. In particular, the visceral technique of chiromassage of the back and abdomen has become widespread. This technique uses massage movements to influence the abdominal organs.

Spanish chiromassage is used for:

  • the appearance of sagging skin, loss of tone and freshness;
  • the appearance of swelling on the face;
  • rosacea - spider veins;
  • facial oval deformations;
  • the appearance of facial and age wrinkles.

The effect of facial chiromassage

This technique is indispensable for facial care if you are not satisfied with the condition of your skin and are not ready for radical procedures. Massage helps remove facial and age wrinkles, improve the overall condition of the skin, and improve the contours of the face and neck. Gives a positive effect in the fight against cellulite in problem areas of the body.

With facial chiromassage you can achieve the following effect:

  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • correction of the jawline and cheekbones;
  • acceleration of cellular renewal;
  • accelerating the skin renewal process;
  • improving skin hydration and nutrition;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • activation of cell regeneration processes;
  • getting rid of edema and spider veins;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • slowing down the skin aging process;
  • relaxation.

But before you decide to visit a massage parlour, keep in mind that there are some contraindications.

Contraindications to facial chiromassage

You should refrain from the procedure if you have:

  • acute infectious processes;
  • acne;
  • wounds and burns;
  • elevated temperature;
  • allergies or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • the presence of a large number of moles and papillomas.

How often should I take a Spanish massage course?

The sooner you start taking a course of chiromassage, the better. After 35 years, the number of courses will have to be increased to three per year, and maintenance procedures will be done between them. Up to 35 years of age, it is recommended to do Spanish facial chiromassage 1-2 times a year. The total number of procedures is 10-15, with a frequency of 2-3 per week.

Chiromassage technique - massaging the face

The duration of one session ranges from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on skin problems. But before starting the procedures, the chiropractor must familiarize himself with the client’s health status, determine the skin type, its problems, and find out the wishes.

Facial chiromassage is divided into the following stages:

  • thorough cleansing of the skin;
  • moisturizing, applying oil for massage;
  • the procedure itself;
  • applying nourishing cream.

The movements of a chiropractor during a massage session remind many of the movements of a sculptor conjuring his next creation or a certain shamanic ritual - this is partly true, because the result of his work cannot be called anything other than magical.

Moreover, it appears after 1-2 sessions. With smooth but precise movements, the chiromassage therapist carefully massages the muscles and thanks to this they begin to work at full strength.

In Spanish facial chiromassage there is no clear method; the massage therapist himself decides which movements and with what intensity will help to obtain the maximum possible effect.

The following movements are used:

  • stroking;
  • massage of the nasolabial area;
  • cheekbone massage;
  • massage of the eye and eyelid area;
  • chin massage;
  • neck and décolleté massage;
  • tapping and light pinching;
  • rhythmic relaxing movements;
  • wave-like movements (hemolymphatic drainage).

Chiromassage of the face at home

It should be noted that spanish massage You can do it yourself at home. You just need to study the basic principles and listen carefully to your feelings. Irritation and redness of the skin is a signal to stop.

The chiromassage procedure is gaining increasing popularity among the fair sex. And this is explained by the fact that this technique combines business with pleasure - at the same time as complete relaxation and relief of muscle tension, the skin of the face is rejuvenated.

Facial chiromassage, or Spanish chiromassage, is a symbiosis of Eastern and Western techniques using classical, sculptural, acupressure and other massage techniques. Its main difference from all known methods is the strength and depth of impact. In addition, during the session, the massage therapist’s hands move smoothly over the skin without leaving it. It is thanks to the continuity of technology that the body’s self-healing processes are activated.

Indications and contraindications

Facial chiromassage is intended to solve problems not only externally, but also internally ─ in the deep subcutaneous layers. Therefore, it can be recommended for the following conditions:

  • vascular network on the face;
  • swelling, congestion;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • age-related changes and facial wrinkles;
  • loss of facial contour;
  • “double chin”;
  • stress and tension.

In addition, this technique includes effective skin care for the face, neck and décolleté. Thanks to facial chiromassage, microcirculation in the subcutaneous layer improves, tissues are saturated with oxygen, and excess fluid is removed. Chiromassage has a wonderful relaxing effect. In just a few sessions, complete relaxation of the facial muscles is achieved. Thanks to the drainage elements of the massage, the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is improved, blood circulation in the tissues improves, and waste and toxins are removed. The result of this massage will be glowing, healthy skin without wrinkles or swelling.

This procedure can be used for women with problems associated with wrinkles, vascular networks, loss of elasticity and facial contours.

  • any acute infectious and inflammatory conditions of the skin;
  • for wounds, burns, allergies;
  • a large number of papillomas and moles;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with fragile vessels.

Chiromassage technique

Facial chiromassage is a whole complex of different techniques. Therefore, there may not be clear instructions for it. The specialist selects movements at his own discretion, depending on each specific case. However general principles the procedure still has. Among the most common movements are the following: stroking, light touching with fingertips, kneading, rhythmic tapping, pinching, undulating and pulsating movements.

Preparation before the procedure consists of identifying the main skin problems and drawing up an overall picture. This is followed by several steps:

  1. skin cleansing, moisturizing;
  2. relaxation techniques;
  3. lymphatic drainage;
  4. toning;
  5. skin nutrition.

There are no specific movements in this procedure; each session can be unique, and the movements may not be repeated. The specialist independently determines the intensity of pressure and technique in each specific case, using the fingertips, palm and its base, as well as the forearm area.

One session can last from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. One course of massage usually consists of 10 procedures, which are best done 2 times a week, repeating 2 times throughout the year. This massage is recommended both for young girls to prevent and slow down the aging process, and for women over 30 years old to solve specific problems. After 35 years, a course of maintenance massage is required 2-3 times a month.

The technique itself looks like this step by step:

  1. Relaxation, removal of tone using stroking movements.
  2. Elements of lymphatic drainage massage with tapping and wave-like movements.
  3. Deep work with facial muscles, “hand sculpting”, contour modeling, tightening movements.
  4. Restoring normal muscle tone.

Basic examples of movements during facial chiromassage are recommended to be performed in the following sequence:
1. Stroking and relaxing movements over the entire facial area.

2. Treatment of the nasolabial area.

3. Kneading the cheekbones.


4. Light tapping in the eyelid area and around the eyes.

5. Lifting the lower part of the face.

6. Smoothing wrinkles in the neck and décolleté.

7. Tapping and pinching movements all over the face.

8. Final monotonous movements for relaxation.

9. Lymphatic drainage with characteristic wave-like and zigzag movements.

A chiropractic massage therapist must have extensive experience and be a professional in his field. He must be able to select an individual recovery program for everyone. All movements during the session should be soft and smooth to achieve complete relaxation. If unpleasant or painful sensations arise, you need to stop the session.

Benefits of chiromassage

As a result of facial chiromassage, skin is restored at all levels. In addition, indicators of the success of this procedure are:

  • modeling a clear contour;
  • correction of the “double chin”;
  • lifting;
  • elimination of wrinkles and swelling;
  • removal of muscle tone;
  • skin restoration at the cellular level.

After just one massage session, the skin is cleared of dead cells and begins to breathe. The facial muscles are trained, due to which the skin becomes more elastic, the tone and oval of the face are restored. Stagnation in muscles and tissues goes away, blood and lymph flow are normalized, metabolic processes are stabilized, and cell restoration occurs. Thanks to this technique, the functioning of nerve endings is normalized and the emotional background is stabilized.

Chiromassage of the face at home

It is better to entrust facial chiromassage to a professional. However, some movements can be done independently at home. Chiromassage at home is no different from a salon massage. You need to try to find your weak spots and pay special attention to them.

Before the massage, the face needs to be cleaned and steamed to allow the skin to breathe during the session.

For home chiromassage exercises, pinching and stroking exercises will be enough. It is important to do them clearly following the massage lines. Pinching is carried out along the entire contour of the face, stroking with force is carried out mainly in the area of ​​the chin and neck.

There are no universal recommendations for this technique, so main principle– listen to your feelings so that pain does not arise. To achieve a noticeable effect, massage should be performed every morning for 10 days. By devoting just 15-20 minutes a day to your face, you will not only get radiant health, rested and elastic skin, but also relieve tension.

The result of facial chiromassage is not only noticeable external changes in facial skin - firmness, elasticity, even color, but also internal ones - improved metabolism in tissues, trained facial muscles, tissue regeneration at the cellular level. Chiromassage not only helps relieve muscle tension, but also has a beneficial effect on the overall emotional state. Despite the fact that this trend is still quite young, it is already successfully used in many beauty salons and medical clinics.