Examples from the literature on the rules of orthoepy. TSU educational portal

In linguistics there are such concepts as literary and spoken languages. The language in which intelligent people with a high level of education communicate and write is called literary. Works of fiction, articles in newspapers and magazines, and TV and radio presenters broadcast on it. The basis of the language is orthoepy and its norms. After all, orthoepy is translated from Greek as “correct (orthos) speech (epos).” Comprehension is also impossible without knowledge of literary norms.

What is orthoepia?

Unfortunately, today most people do not have the concept of orthoepy. Many are accustomed to speaking in the dialect that is common in the region of their residence, distorting words, placing emphasis in the wrong place. From a conversation, you can easily determine a person’s position in society. Anyone who is familiar with what orthoepy studies will never pronounce [document], instead of the correct [document]. is the first goal for someone who wants to become a respected business person.

Goals and objectives of orthoepy

The subject and tasks of orthoepy are impeccable pronunciation of sounds and learning how to correctly place stress. There are many cases where vowels and consonants in colloquial speech change from voiceless to voiced, and vice versa. For example, they pronounce mu[e]y, but they should say mu[e]y, or computer with a soft [t] instead of a hard one.

There are many cases of incorrect accent placement. All this distorts speech and makes it sound ugly.

This is most typical for people of the older generation, which grew up and was brought up in a period when intelligent, educated people were rejected by society, and a slightly distorted colloquial language was in fashion.

The rules for pronunciation of orthoepy are designed to correct the situation and help all modern people (and not just writers and teachers) speak a beautiful language. And avoid mistakes in pronunciation. The main task of this science is to teach each person not only to pronounce sounds, but also to correctly place emphasis on adjectives, verbs and other parts of speech.

IN modern world, when there is fierce competition in the labor market, literate people with impeccable colloquial speech. Only a person who correctly emphasizes words and pronounces sounds clearly can become a successful businessman, politician, or make a career in any other field. Therefore, orthoepy, as a branch of linguistics, is becoming increasingly important today.

Rules and regulations of orthoepy

Errors in pronunciation are especially noticeable in the speeches of prominent political figures and some other celebrities, when they, knowingly or unknowingly, pronounce words with the wrong accent. But mistakes can be easily avoided if, before a speech, you look into the rules of spelling of the Russian language or a regular spelling dictionary.

The versatility of the Russian language allows us to establish orthoepic norms that allow various options pronunciation of consonant sounds before the letter [e]. But at the same time, one of the options is considered preferable, and the other is marked in the dictionaries as acceptable.

The basic rules of spelling and spelling norms of the Russian language are developed by philologists, and before approving a particular pronunciation option, they carefully study its prevalence, connection with the cultural heritage of past generations and compliance with the laws of linguistics.

Orthoepy. Pronunciation styles

1. Literary style. It is spoken by ordinary educated people who are familiar with the rules of pronunciation.

2. Style book, which is characterized by clear pronunciation of phrases and sounds. Recently it has been used only for speeches in scientific circles.

3. Colloquial. This pronunciation is typical for most people in ordinary informal settings.

Pronunciation standards are divided into several sections. This is done to make it easier to master the literary language.

Orthoepy sections:

  • pronunciation of vowel sounds;
  • pronunciation of consonants;
  • pronunciation of specific grammatical word forms;
  • pronunciation of borrowed words.

Phonetics and orthoepy

The vocabulary of the Russian language contains a huge amount of information about stress in words and their pronunciation. Therefore, without special knowledge it is difficult to understand all phonetic patterns.

Pronunciation standards depend on the phonetic laws in force in the Russian language. Phonetics and orthoepy are closely related.

They study the sound of speech. What distinguishes them is that phonetics can allow for several variants of pronunciation of sounds, and the orthoepy of the Russian language determines correct option their pronunciation according to the norms.

Orthoepy. Examples

1. According to phonetic laws in borrowed words, the consonant sound before the letter [e] can be pronounced both softly and firmly. Orthoepic norms establish in which specific words a hard consonant sound should be used during pronunciation, and in which - a soft one. For example, in the words [tempo] or [decade], a hard [t] must be pronounced - t[e]mp, d[e]kada. And in the words [museum], [temperament], [declaration] the consonant sound before e is soft (mus[e]y, t[e]temperament, d[e]declaration).

2. According to the laws of phonetics, the combination [chn] in individual words can be pronounced as written, or can be replaced with the combination [shn] (kone[chn]o, kone[shn]o). And the norms of orthoepy require that they pronounce - [of course].

3. Orthoepy norms require pronouncing [ringing], not [ringing], [kitchen], not [kitchen], [alphabet], and not [alphabet].

Correct, literary pronunciation, knowledge of the norms and rules of orthoepy are an indicator of a person’s cultural level. Knowing the norms of orthoepy and regular practice will help you both in your personal life and at work.

The term orthoepia comes from the Greek. orthos – direct, correct and epos – speech.

R.I. Avanesov defines orthoepy as a set of rules of oral speech that ensure the unity of its sound design in accordance with the norms national language, historically developed and entrenched in the literary language.

The scope of the concept of orthoepy is defined by scientists in different ways. The narrow approach assumes, within the framework of orthoepy, to consider only a set of pronunciation norms, excluding from itstress issues: “orthoepic rules cover onlythe area of ​​pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions.” A broad approach to the concept of orthoepy and itssubject is to consider the rules of pronunciation notindividual sounds, but words, and in this case, stress is included in the sphere of orthoepy.

It seems advisable, following R.I. Avanesov, take a broad approach to orthoepy and attribute specific phenomena of oral speech to its area: a) pronunciation norms;

b) stress norms, or accentological norms.

However, the subject of orthoepy should not be limited even to pronunciation and accentological norms. E.D. Polivanov characterizes the orthoepic “training” of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia in the following way: “We were taught... that we shouldn’t speak in our noses, we shouldn’t say it too loudly”; One should speak “without strong jumps” in intonation, characteristic “of many common folk dialects.”

The concept of orthoepic norm. The peculiarity of any literary speech is its strict adherence to a certain norm.

The main features of a norm are stability, typicality, prevalence, universality, codification (fixed in the dictionary).

A literary language has lexical, grammatical, and spelling norms.

Along with the above, there are pronunciation (phonetic, orthoepic) and accentological norms, which are characteristic of oral speech.

The concept of norm has a dual nature. “On the one hand, a language norm has signs of stability (or stability), widespread use and mandatory compliance. On the other hand, the language norm is constantly changing.”

When establishing a norm, not only the factors of stability and prevalence of use are important, but first of all the communicative expediency of the linguistic phenomenon.

For example, the pronunciation of calls, cakes, agreements, bAlo-vat is extremely stable and widespread, but nevertheless, based on the rules and patterns of education and the use of certain categories of words, based on communicative expediency, the pronunciation of calls, cakes, contracts, pamper is considered normative.

Unlike the language system, which is characterized by stability and invariance, norms are more diverse and flexible, dynamic.

Linguistic norms, according to the apt definition of E. Coseriu, are “realized language”.

The norm is realized in language through variants. Language development leads to the coexistence of variants, transitional forms. ExactlyThanks to variants, the norm develops; their presence is evidence of the existence of a choice of linguistic means of expression. Variants of the accentological norm are represented by examples likesymmetry and symmetry, simultaneously and simultaneously; pronunciation – [s]neg/[s"]neg, do[zh]i and do[zh"zh"]i and under.

Norms, therefore, can differ in the degree of categoricality, i.e., be rigid and non-rigid. An example of a strict spelling norm is the spelling of houses, elephants. An example of a non-rigid spelling norm is the double spelling diamond and diamond, sparrow and little sparrow. Spelling norms are characterized by the greatest degree of rigidity; there are very few examples of variant spellings here.

An example of a non-rigid orthoepic norm: the permissibility of stress on the first syllable in the word tvOrOg.

The less preferable option in dictionaries is usually placed in second place and is sometimes accompanied by restrictive conditional marks (extra, obsolete, special, loose, simple, etc.): cottage cheese and extra. cottage cheese.

But not all “parallel modes of expression” can be considered variant, that is, normative.

For example, the only correct pronunciation is jalousie, jAlyuzi is an anti-norm, an error.

Thus, like any types of norms, orthoepic norms are dynamic and subject to change. In this regard, in the Russian language there are “senior” and “junior” pronunciation norms. To shed light on the issue of these varieties of pronunciation norms, it is necessary to turn to the topic of the emergence Russian literary pronunciation.

The emergence of Russian literary pronunciation.

It is still widely believed that there is a Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg) pronunciation norm. However, Apparently, in their “pure form” neither Moscow nor Leningrad pronunciation now exists.

Since the 14th century Moscow became the center of the Russian state, therefore pronunciation norms were formed on the basis of the Moscow dialect, Northern Russian in nature, but under the influence of the southern dialect, which received Akanye.

The influence of this dialect especially increased in the 19th century, after the high oratorical style of Slavic speech became outdated.

The Moscow orthoepic norm has finally emerged

by the end of the 19th century. This was the pronunciation primarily of the old Moscow intelligentsia. It has absorbed the characteristic features living folk language, in addition, behind it stood the tradition of the Moscow Maly Theater.

However, already in the second half of the 19th century. the Moscow norm has a competitor - St. Petersburg pronunciation, which gradually strengthened its claims to the role of a general literary model.

In general, in the history of pronunciation norms, significant the role was played by Emperor Peter I, who built the new capitalin the north-west of Russia, i.e. in a different dialect environment, andcalled a huge number of foreigners to this capital.

So, both of these circumstances led to the emergence of a new version of literary pronunciation, which was significantly different from Moscow.

Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad) pronunciation. Old Moscow pronunciation norm.

Moscow pronunciation did not remain unchanged; scientists even talk about “senior” and “junior” norms. But now, when they talk about the “Moscow norm,” we are talking about old Moscow pronunciation.

It was and is the standard for the Russian stage, including St. Petersburg.

So, let’s name the main features of classic Old Moscow pronunciation:

  • two degrees of reduction of unstressed vowels, except for borrowed words like “poet, boa, cocoa, demarche, expansion”;
  • hiccup, i.e. pronunciation in an unstressed position of sounds and with the overtone e and b;
  • pronunciation [s] or [s with the sound e] in place of a and o after zh and sh in pre-stressed syllables (shikolad, zhyera);
  • plosive g, not fricative g. Fricative only in words of Church Slavonic origin “good”, “god”, “lord”;
  • assimilative softness for all consonants except w, w And l.

For example: volume, to the south, T'v'er, d'v'er, s'm'es, z'm'ey, z'v'er, s'v'et, honey'l' eno, pet"l"i, ob"m"en, lyub"l"yu, dispute"sh"ik;

  • in stage pronunciation - r" (Per"m, worm, sorrow, per"crown, devils, bor"sch;
  • pronunciation of the combination stv as with “t”v” (es”tes”t”v”enny, torzhes”t”v”enny).
  • In addition, the combination ts"t"v" (s"lets"t"v"ie, bets"t"v"ie) was also pronounced softly;
  • pronouncing sh" in place of сч, zhch, shch (sh" ot, perebesh "ik);
  • long soft [zh"zh"] in place of combinations zhzh and zzh (bruzh "zh"at, ezh"zh"u, leader"zh"i);
  • pronouncing shn in place chn (boring, pendant, of course, Savvishna, moloshnik);
  • pronouncing soft labials at the end of words with ь (sem, vkriv");
  • stage pronunciation of patronymics Alekseich, Andrevna, Nikolavna, Grigorna, etc.;
  • the following pronunciation of grammatical forms:

Verbs 3rd person plural – ending [ut] (hod"ut, pros"ut, kat"ut, dushut, etc.);

The endings of adjectives with -ky, -giy, -hiy are pronounced with [ъ] as “-kyy, -gyy, -khy” (long, quiet, great);

Sya and-sya in the postfixes of verbs are pronounced with a hard s at the end (boyus, ostals);

Reduced [ъ] after hard consonants in verb suffixes of repetition (rewind, tighten);

Endings and suffixes in overstressed syllables in case forms after soft consonants are pronounced with [ъ](pol"ъ, platјъм).

So classic Russian pronunciation, which developed on the basis of the Old Moscow one.

The distinctive features of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) pronunciation are the following:

Bringing pronunciation closer to spelling, “literal” pronunciation, namely:

Pronunciation [and] after soft back-lingual consonants in the endings of adjectives (soft, easy, strict);

Pronunciation according to the spelling of post-stressed inflections of verbs 3rd person plural (hod"yat, kleјyat, bor"yutsya);

Pronunciation[e] in the words lye, bile;

Ekanye, i.e. pronunciation [e] in unstressed positions (p"that way, in"edu, etc.);

Pronunciation [sh"ch"] in place of sch, sch, zch, (ish"ch"i, izvosh"ch"ik, sh"ch"astye);

Lack of assimilative mitigation (KANTIK, VOZNYA, PENSIA, GOAT, Nanny, etc.).

New features of literary pronunciation. Bringing pronunciation closer to spelling.

Already during the 19th century, and then in the 20th century. Changes began to accumulate, new features that arose partly under the influence of the features of St. Petersburg pronunciation and under the influence of vernacular and dialects.

The new pronunciation features were as follows:

The number of borrowings with unstressed O and E is decreasing (and (with the sound e)tap instead of stage, suit instead of suit, etc.);

“hiccup” is replaced by “hiccup without the sound E.”

In the 19th century “hiccups without the overtone E” was colloquial, and already in the twentieth century. has become the new, “young” norm. However, we note that in the oratorical or public style of pronunciation it is still not entirely acceptable, although many spelling dictionaries and manuals (for example, L.V. Verbitskaya) show precisely this new norm;

Abbreviation of words with fricative G. This sound is preserved only in the words “God, accountant” and in the interjections “aha” and “wow”;

The number of assimilation positions based on the softness of consonants is reduced. And the words endure, sorrow, army, blush, guys, party, harp, peach, basket, writhe, borscht even R.I. Avanesov

The hard long [zhzh] (zhzhot) is common in pronunciation;

The postfix of the verb is pronounced with a soft s", s"ya;

The number of words where shn is pronounced instead of chn is reduced: milkman, watchman, bakery, etc.;

The pronunciation of the 3rd person plural form differs. including verbs of different conjugations (walk, ask, hide);

In adjectives ending in -ky, -giy, -hiy, the ending is pronounced in accordance with the spelling;

The verb suffix of repetition is also pronounced in accordance with the spelling: to wind up, to tighten.

However, Old Moscow pronunciation still has the status of a model, which it was in the language of the 19th century. The main propagandist of this orthoepic norm was and remains the Moscow Academic Maly Theater, where they mainly stage plays of the Russian classical repertoire.

Let us emphasize once again that at present it is apparently impossible to talk about competition between two norms, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

On the one hand, in the Moscow version there appear features that were traditionally considered St. Petersburg (-ky, -giy, -hiy in adjectives, soft s" in the verb, pronunciation rain like dosht").

On the other hand, St. Petersburg pronunciation is moving closer to Moscow: cases of pronunciation krof (blood), ischchi (search) are disappearing.

So, the general direction in the development of Russian literary pronunciation is the elimination of everything local - Moscow, St. Petersburg or dialect Oryol, Vologda, Novgorod; bringing pronunciation closer to the orthographic appearance of the word, to writing.

- the science of the norms of pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, as well as the patterns of stress placement, one of the most important sections of the “culture of speech”. Some scientists define orthoepy only as the science of pronunciation, separating the norms of stress placement into a separate science, accentology.

Orthoepic norms are the norms for the pronunciation of words, morphemes, sentences, as well as the stress in them.

For the literary Russian language (i.e., how it is customary to speak in a given historical era) characteristic

  • akanye, i.e. pronunciation of a sound close to /a/ instead of /o/ in unstressed syllables (k/a/ rowa)
  • hiccups, i.e. pronouncing a sound close to /i/ instead of /e/ in unstressed syllables (pronouncing the word forest as l /i/ sa)
  • reduction vowel sounds in an unstressed position (i.e., a change in the quality of vowel sounds in an unstressed position - for example, in the word “mama” unstressed /a/ is not the same as /a/ stressed)
  • deafening/voicing consonant sounds (for example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word - oak - du/p/).

The Russian language is characterized by three pronunciation styles (depending on the communicative situation):

  • high (nocturne, poet, for example, when reading poetry)
  • neutral (nActurn, paet)
  • low/colloquial (thousand, right now)

Pronunciation standards just like other norms, change

  1. Senior norm: Kone/sh/no
  2. Junior norm: Certainly

Norms for pronunciation of vowel sounds

(we describe the most common norms)

  • hiccups
  • pronunciation of unstressed vowels after zh, sh, ts: sounds /e/, /i/ are pronounced as /y/ - w/y/lka (silk), w/y/l tok (yolk), sound /a/ is pronounced as / e/ - sh/e/gat
  • saving O unstressed in foreign words(boa, bolero, radio). It must be said that this norm is going away (we are already talking about a railway station, a restaurant). Ъ here denotes a very short sound that cannot be reduced to either /a/ or /o/.
  • pronouncing the sound e in different positions such as e, i, ы, ъ (tEndEr, Itazh, but/s/rbrod, mod/ъ/rnization)

Norms for pronunciation of consonants

  • pronunciation of the /v/ sound at the endings of adjectives (blue/v/o)
  • pronunciation of a hard consonant before /e/ - stand, puree, requiem (the older norm required that consonants be pronounced softly).(Double pronunciation in words is allowed - terrorist, credo, dean. BUT only a soft consonant sound is pronounced in the words beige, brunette, museum, pioneer, rail, term, plywood, overcoat, cream, hair dryer)
  • the older norm required that f, sh be pronounced softly in words yeast, reins, buzz, squeal, later, before/zh/i. Now it is permissible to pronounce hard w, sh in the same way as in other words of the Russian language
  • pronunciation of the combination of ChN as /shn/ and as /chn/. Tendency to pronounce /chn/. (Check yourself. Do you maintain the pronunciation /shn/, as recommended by dictionaries of recent years in the words: mustard, poor student, of course, eyeglass student, laundry, trifling, birdhouse, boring, scrambled eggs, shopkeeper, candlestick, decent, dog lover, switchman, watchman . In the words cordial, hat, milky, two pronunciations are possible depending on the meaning).
  • the sound G can be pronounced as /k/ - ko/k/ti or as /x/ - le/x/kiy. In the word God it is pronounced /x/ - Bo /x/

Stress norms

Quite often a derivative word, i.e. a word formed from another word retains the stress of the word from which it is formed: provide - provision, shine - luminescence.

  1. Equal, i.e. can be pronounced in different ways: barge - barge, Otherwise - otherwise, sharpness - sharpness, born - born
  2. Fluctuating, i.e. the old norm is leaving, but the new one has not yet settled: stirring-moving, deep-deep, snow-covered-snow-covered
  3. Commonly used – professional, i.e. as they usually say and as they say in professional jargon: production - production (among miners), chassis - chassis (among pilots), convict - convict (among lawyers)
  4. Literary - colloquial, i.e. as educated people usually say, and as uneducated city dwellers say: catalog - catalog, quarter - quarter, more beautiful - more beautiful.

Attention! Stress on verbs. Just borrow, accept, start!!!

What do you think about pronunciation and stress standards?

We must understand that we speak the way our environment speaks or spoke, that’s how we are used to it. Anything else is perceived as strange.

To change or not to change the pronunciation if we suddenly find out that we are speaking incorrectly. Everyone decides this for themselves, although sometimes correct pronunciation required by profession (announcer, teacher, journalist, actor, etc.)

By the way, there is a story about a Soviet academician. History illustrates a differentiated approach to norms. It happened a very long time ago.

This academician was asked how he says portfolio or briefcase. He replied: “It depends where I am. In my native village I will tell Orfel, otherwise they will think that I am arrogant. At the meeting of the Academy of Sciences I will say the briefcase, otherwise Academician Vinogradov will wince.”

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Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orthoepia (Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Orthoepy is also called a set of rules of literary pronunciation. Orthoepy determines the pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions, in combination with other sounds, as well as their pronunciation in certain grammatical forms, groups of words or in individual words.

Maintaining uniformity in pronunciation is of great importance. Spelling errors always interfere with the perception of the content of speech; the listener's attention is distracted by various incorrect pronunciations and the statement is not perceived in its entirety and with sufficient attention. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards facilitates and speeds up the communication process. That's why the social role of correct pronunciation is very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, and conventions.

Let's consider basic rules of literary pronunciation that must be adhered to.

Pronunciation of vowels. In Russian speech, among vowels, only stressed ones are pronounced clearly. IN in an unstressed position they lose clarity and clarity of sound, they are pronounced with weakened articulation. It's called law reduction. Reduction can be quantitative (when the sound changes only the length of the sound) and qualitative (when the sound changes its quality).

Vowels [A] And [O] at the beginning of words without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable they are pronounced as [A]: ravine - [a]enemy, autonomy - [a]vt[a]nomia, milk - m[a]l[a]ko.

Letters e And I in a pre-stressed syllable denotes a sound intermediate between [e] And [And]: nickel - p[i]so, pen - p[i]ro.

Vowel [And] after a solid consonant, a preposition, or when pronouncing a word together with the previous one, it is pronounced as [s]: medical institute - medical [s]institute, from spark - from [s]skra.

Pronunciation of consonants. Basic laws pronunciation of consonants – deafening and assimilation.

In Russian speech, there is a mandatory deafening of voiced consonants at the end of a word. We pronounce hle[n] – bread, sa[t] – garden, lyubo[f’] – love, etc. This stun is one of the characteristic features Russian literary speech. It is necessary to take into account that the consonant [g] at the end of a word always turns into its paired unvoiced sound [k]: le[k] - lay down, poro[k] - threshold, etc. In this case, pronouncing the sound [x] is unacceptable as a dialect. The exception is the word god - bo[x].

[G] is pronounced like [X] in combinations gk And hh: le[hk’]y – easy, le[hk]o – easy.

You should pay attention to the combination chn, since mistakes are often made when pronouncing it. There is a fluctuation in the pronunciation of words with this combination, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation.

According to the norms of the modern Russian literary language, the combination chn is usually pronounced [chn], especially for words of book origin (greedy, careless), as well as for words that appeared in the recent past (camouflage, landing).

Pronunciation [shn] instead of spelling chn currently required in female middle names on -ichna: Ilyini[sh]a, Lukini[sh]a, -Fomini[sh]a, and is also preserved in separate words: horse[sh]o, per[sh]itsa, laundry[sh]aya, empty[sh]y, starling[shn]ik, eggs[shn]itsa, etc.

Some words with combination chn in accordance with the norm, they are pronounced in two ways: order[n]o And about [chn]o. In some cases, different pronunciation of the combination chn serves for semantic differentiation of words: heartbeat - dear friend.

Pronunciation of borrowed words. They, as a rule, obey modern spelling norms and only in some cases differ in pronunciation features. For example, sometimes the pronunciation of a sound is preserved [O] in unstressed syllables (model, [o]asis, [o]tel) and hard consonants before the front vowel [e](s[te)nd, ko[de]ks, kash[ne]). In most borrowed words, the consonants before [e] are softened: ka[t']et, pa[t']efon, faculty[t']et, mu[z']ey, [r']ektor, pio[n' ]er. Always before [e] back-lingual consonants are softened: pa[k’]et, [k’]egli, s[h’]ema, ba[g’]et.

Pay attention to the table, which presents spelling errors, the list of which was not explained in the previous material:


EXAMPLES (standard pronunciation is indicated in brackets)

1. Assimilation (similarity of sounds)

Labo l atorium (instead of laboratory); brane Sat oyt (instead of a fire hose); co l idor (corridor); bi T he (can); car d he (cardboard).

2. Epenthesis (unjustified insertion of sounds)

Bespretse N dental (norm: unprecedented); howl NGOboss(military leader); dermisNting(leatherette); DickABOUTimage(porcupine); computerNtented th (competent); compromiseNtitrate(compromise); competitorNcapable(competitive); constaNtitrate(to state); summerANDdead reckoning(chronology); laneEperspective(perspective); laneEturbation(perturbation); ByDslip(slip); light fixtureDsetting(the end of the world - the light ceases, i.e. dies); WithTram(shame); hEextraordinary(emergency), IINstva(foods).

Things to remember: horseUNKculture– “the situation created in any area”; horseECtour- “restoring a damaged text based on a guess.”

3. Dieresis (erroneous elimination of sounds)

It should be said wanderedABOUTka(R.p., singular), not a keychain; AzerbaijanYjan(not Azerbaijan); time Preconducting(not pastime)

4. Metathesis (change of sounds), simplification

Sk ur pular (norm: scrupulous); tra mv a (trauma); tra vm ay (tram); d RU schlag (colander);

A description of orthoepic norms can be found in the literature on speech culture, in special linguistic studies, for example, in the book by R. I. Avanesov “Russian Literary Pronunciation”, as well as in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language, in particular, in the one-volume “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” "S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova.


  1. L.A. Vvedenskaya and others. Russian language and speech culture: examination answers. Series “Passing the Exam.”/ L.A.
  2. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva. – Rostov n/Don: “Phoenix”, 2003 – 288 p. (pp. 61 – 62)

Russian language and culture of speech: Course of lectures/G.K. Trofimova – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2004 – 160 p. (pp. 59 – 61)

  • QUESTIONS and tasks
  • What norms are called orthoepic?
  • What are the orthoepic norms for literary pronunciation of vowel sounds?
  • What are the orthoepic norms for literary pronunciation of consonant sounds?
  • What are the reasons for soft and hard pronunciation of consonants before the vowel E?

What are the reasons for the different pronunciation of the combination CN in modern Russian?

Tasks for independent work

Task 1. Compile a dictionary of difficulties in pronunciation of individual words related to your future profession.

Task 2. Observe the speech of the people around you. What are the most common spelling errors?


Test 1. Mark the statement that corresponds to reality. Stress in Russian is called heterogeneous, because...

a) it can fall on any syllable in different words;

b) it can fall on any syllable in the same word; c) in the same word in different forms

stress may fall on different syllables;

d) the stress in Russian is musical, not forceful.

Test 2. Find a statement that contradicts reality.

a) Stress in Russian serves to distinguish the semantics of words;

b) stress in Russian serves to distinguish ambiguous words;

c) stress in Russian can indicate the grammatical form of a word;

d) stress helps differentiate the meaning of words and their forms.

a) to distinguish the semantics of words;

b) to indicate different grammatical forms of a word;

c) to distinguish between the meaning of words and their form;

d) to indicate variations of a word.

Test 4. Find a statement that corresponds to reality. Orthoepic norms are...

a) norms of stress and pronunciation;

b) norms for constructing phrases and sentences;

c) norms for the use of polysemantic words;

d) norms for the formation of grammatical forms.

Test 5. Find a statement that does not correspond to reality: Accentological norms in the Russian language are caused by the following characteristics of Russian stress:

a) mobility;

b) diversity;

c) free character;

d)fixation of stress on a certain syllable.

Test 6. Find a couple of words in which both options are literary norms:

a)blinds – blinds;

b)salmon – salmon;

c)kitchen – kitchen;

d) petition – petition.

Test 7. Determine which reasoning is correct when analyzing the stress in the words: compass and compass.

a) Both accents correspond to the literary norm;

b) one accent - compass - is the norm, and compass is colloquial;

c)one stress – compass – is inherent in professional speech;

d) one accent – ​​compass – obsolete.

Test 8. Mark the row where the stress serves to differentiate words:

a) cottage cheese – cottage cheese;

b) sorrel – sorrel;

c) thinking - thinking;

d) faggot – faggot.

Test 9. Mark a number of words in which accentological errors are most often made?

a)quarter, agreement, shoe, means, petition;

b)lecturer, scholarship, appendicitis, caterpillar;

c) enviable, obvious, incredible, desperate;

d)play, call, sit, hang.

Test 10. Find a word in which there is no reduction of the vowel “o”.

d) illness.

Test 11. Find a word in which the sound “sch” is allowed in place of “zhd” according to the norms of the Russian language.

Test 12. Find the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a) Incident;

b) quartermaster;

c) precedent;

d) applicant.

Test 13. In which row are words presented that do not contain unpronounceable consonants?

a) Midnight, repay, known.

b)sun, late, ashamed;

c)local, famous, sad;

d) lovely, staircase, holiday.

Test. 14 Find a word in which the letter “g” is pronounced “v”.


c) round;

d) wow.

Test 15. Which meaning corresponds to the word credo:

a) belief system;

b) point of view, opinions;

c) rule, principle;

d) something that belongs to only one person.

Test 16. Find a word in which the letter “g” is pronounced “x”.

Test 17. Find a row in which the combinations chn and shn serve to distinguish the meaning of words.

a) Kalachny – Kalashny.

b) Two-handed - two-handed.

c) Ilyinichna - Ilyinishna.

d) Kuzminichna - Kuzminishna.

Test 18. Mark the reasoning that is correct when analyzing the pair of words: guardianship - guardianship.

a) Both words correspond to the literary norm;

b) both words do not correspond to the literary norm;

c) the form of guardianship is correct;

d) the correct form of guardianship is.

Test 19. Which meaning corresponds to the word galaxy:

a) a group of outstanding figures in any field of one era;

b) a group of eminent personalities;

d) a group of like-minded people.

Test 20. In which row the stress in the words is placed correctly:

a) contract, production, scanty, quarter;

b) plum, pear, obituary, sentence;

c) whooping cough, melting, thinking, detection;

d)drowsiness, aches, deafness, kindness.