English language course for beginners. English “from scratch” or it’s never too late to learn

There are an unlimited number of ways to learn English these days. These are well-known courses of varying degrees of intensity, and group trips using the immersion method, and communication with native speakers on Skype, and various educational and methodological complexes equipped with an audio course and comments for students, and classes with a tutor, etc. etc.

Anyone can choose a method that is acceptable in price and method of supplying the material. But often, in pursuit of speed or accessibility, we do not take into account the fact that learning English is not a one-time event. You cannot learn a language forever by completing a course or textbook. A foreign language requires constant training, support and practice. If for some reason there is no such practice, then all the effort and time that you devoted to training will be wasted.

From this point of view, the most convenient and practical are various online resources that provide the opportunity to learn and improve the language at a convenient time, in a convenient environment and on your own schedule. Educational sites usually provide a number of free lessons or exercises, after completing which you can understand whether this particular service is right for you or whether you should look for something else.

Free learning of the English language and independent selection of materials are usually possible at later stages of study. At the beginning of the journey, it is worth turning to well-proven methods in which educational materials submitted in stages. Moving along the path laid out for you by professionals, it will be easy for you to gradually increase your knowledge. The only necessary condition, which we have already talked about, and which in no case should be forgotten, is the continuity and regularity of classes.

The online English language teaching service Lim English not only gives lessons ranging from the alphabet to stories, fables and fairy tales of varying levels of complexity, but also provides a lot of additional information on the English language. Here you will find articles on current topics, various tests, grammar reference book.

Articles on the topic of English

Our website contains about a hundred articles that will be interesting and useful to those who are interested in English language. They contain answers to the most popular questions that arise during learning. From our articles you can learn:

  • - what popular methods of learning English are used these days and what is their essence?
  • - what English words you may need in different situations
  • - how to effectively learn English words
  • - which teaching aids better choice for training

Almost every article has corresponding audio files and practical exercises. In addition, we also have articles that explain the most common rules of English grammar in an accessible manner. You can start learning English online for free from here.

Oleg Limansky developed his Lin English method as a simulator English words and more. Using this method, you can learn a complete language. Moreover, you can do it yourself, for free, spending 30-40 minutes of your time a day.

Anyone can quickly master spoken English, including you. Even if you have to learn English from scratch. After all, all polyglots once began to learn languages ​​from scratch on their own - from books, phrase books, tutorials, audio and video courses. So how to learn English from scratch?

English from scratch

Of course, there are many techniques, strategies and ways to learn English from scratch.

Of course, there are many techniques, strategies and ways to learn English spoken. And it cannot be said that one is better and the other is worse. Everything is individual - for some the first system is suitable, for others - the second, for others - the third. Based on personal preferences, everyone chooses their own path. Only one thing is clear - you need to exercise regularly and according to a specific plan.

To learn spoken English from scratch, you first need to know how to read. You need to read as much as possible more books, but the texts should be light with simple and understandable words. It is advisable that all lessons be accompanied by illustrations. Don't neglect short articles from the Internet and children's books.

Before expanding your spoken vocabulary, you need to put correct pronunciation. You can’t handle this on your own; you need the help of a professional. So take a few lessons from a qualified teacher or tutor. If there are none, then, at worst, take advantage of a good audio or video course from famous polyglots.

After you learn to read books and pronounce words correctly. You can proceed to replenishment vocabulary, that is, start learning words. Choose one of the methods. Set a goal - to learn the nth number of words in a month, write down a plan for the whole month and strictly follow this plan.

When you start studying the next group of words, do not forget to repeat the previous words. It is better to break them down into specific topics. You need to learn words regularly. To do this, choose one of the variety of sources - English-language forums, various dictionaries, tutorials, manuals for polyglots, etc.

Then start learning collocations and phrases. For example, using cards. Write the most commonly used expressions on 20-30 small cards. Carry them everywhere for failure and repeat them at every opportunity. In this case, mastering spoken English from scratch will be much easier. Many polyglots do this.

spoken English from scratch American and British sitcoms, serials and cartoons in the original are the next exciting opportunity to expand your spoken vocabulary. Moreover, you can watch it with or without subtitles. Over time, you will be able to understand the characters' speech without reading the text at the bottom of the screen.

Understanding the rules of sentence composition, that is, the basics of grammar, is also important. For example, the conversational English project from scratch will help you learn English, roughly in 16 hours. American and British sitcoms, TV series and cartoons in the original are the next exciting opportunity to expand your spoken vocabulary. Moreover, you can watch it with or without subtitles. Over time, you will be able to understand the characters' speech without reading the text at the bottom of the screen.

Understanding the rules of sentence composition, that is, the basics of grammar, is also important. For example, the project will help you learn English, roughly in 16 hours. In 16 lessons you will learn about the benefits of rock music, the color lilac and detective stories as additional opportunities to learn to speak English from scratch.

In general, to learn to speak English you don’t need to know grammar; two lessons are enough to learn in what order to put words, how and in what cases it is necessary to use articles, how to form the plural, etc.

Practice and more practice

Practice as often as possible - communicate with friends from other countries on the Internet, go on a trip or vacation to an English-speaking country, make pen pals from the USA or Great Britain. Find like-minded people in your own city and speak English when you meet.

Communicative methodology (communication practice) of learning foreign languages has become widespread in recent years. Much attention is paid to the use of language and communication, but translation is practically absent. But adherents of this technique claim that learning English this way is much easier and more interesting than traditional methods.

learning English remotely In general, diagram of how to learn English, looks like this:

  • learning the alphabet
  • reading books
  • pronunciation training (tutor, teacher)
  • active replenishment of vocabulary in various ways (cards, films, cartoons, TV series)
  • basic grammar
  • communication practice (forum, Skype, travel)

By following this simple plan, within a few months you will be fluent in English, which will open up a lot of opportunities for you.

Have a good start!

In the modern world, knowledge of an international language is one of the main criteria for quality of life: the ability to conduct a dialogue with foreigners and receive information from international resources opens up broad prospects in personal life and career growth. If for some reason you haven’t had time to learn English (you don’t understand English words, and texts not written in Cyrillic are perceived as a child’s scribbles) – it doesn’t matter! English School Sunny plus offers English courses from scratch in Moscow: with us you will quickly master the basics of speaking and improve your grammar.

Our school offers two programs for obtaining basic knowledge:

  • Learning from scratch is for people who have never encountered a foreign language. At the very beginning, professional teachers will help you understand the notations in transcriptions, study the features of composing elementary speech patterns and master the basics of pronunciation of words (you will learn and practice all sounds that are non-standard for the Russian-speaking population).
  • English language course for beginners - for students with basic knowledge (who have completed training in a secondary school or who have previously attempted independent study).
  • All lessons are taught by certified specialists who have completed internships abroad. Some classes are taught by native speakers of a foreign language (invited from England, New Zealand), which will allow you to study the basics of non-verbal communication, understanding foreigners “at a glance”.

    How to quickly master a foreign language?

    English courses for beginners at Sunny plus school are a program based on communicative methods using interactive materials. Presenting material without using Russian is the most effective method, which allows you to immerse a person in an English-speaking environment, thereby developing communication skills and improving listening comprehension of foreign words.

    The communicative methodology in Sunny Plus (Moscow) involves the use of the following educational tools:

  • communication of students with the teacher and with each other;
  • audio, video and printed materials;
  • game elements (scenes and dialogues are acted out, games and competitions are held) and a number of other teaching techniques.
  • This approach allows you to awaken interest in learning and significantly increase the level of knowledge. English lessons from scratch will help you overcome language barriers and quickly get used to the English-speaking environment. In the classroom, non-standard thinking is formed - our task is to teach students to think in an international language or instantly translate thoughts, transforming them into competently delivered foreign speech.

    Students will also learn phonetics and grammar during the lessons. Classes are held in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Upon completion of the courses, graduates are assigned the Elementary level, which allows them to switch to other packages (general course, intensive, special training and other types of training up to the Advanced level).

    Training at Sunny Plus

    An English lesson for beginners from scratch in Moscow (at the Sunny Plus school) is conducted according to the principle from simple to complex. The topics are distributed according to the same principle: we do not demand the impossible from students, but step by step we move towards knowledge, gradually learning new information and repeating the material already studied.

    By joining our school, an applicant receives:

  • the opportunity to learn English from scratch, bringing your knowledge to the Advanced level;
  • new friends (there is always a friendly atmosphere in classes);
  • exciting immersions in an English-speaking environment (all classes, trainings and lessons are conducted in a foreign language).
  • Students are offered two training options - group and individual, and there is also the opportunity to study remotely (online via video communication via Skype).

    We use textbooks and special materials (audio, video) published in the UK. Specialized literature was developed specifically for the Russian-speaking population.

    Overcoming the language barrier is easy! Come and see for yourself!

    If you have any questions, please contact the number provided. Consultations are provided free of charge.

    Many of us think about how to learn English on our own, because over time, knowledge of a foreign language becomes more and more relevant. Self-learning English is, first of all, knowledge that can be obtained without leaving home. If you find a relevant way for yourself, learning a language can bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

    So, if you want to learn a language as quickly as possible, you shouldn't commit typical mistakes, which we will talk about below.

    Self-teaching English from scratch

    In order for self-learning a language from scratch to be effective, you should not learn the language “on the table”. First, you should decide on a methodology, and if you know exactly which method is right for you, then you can start learning the language from authentic textbooks. These could be:
    New Total English, Enterprise, Cutting Edge, English File, Speakout. At level A2, you can safely start studying with a native speaker, who can be found, for example, on italki.com. This will allow you to work on the knowledge that has already accumulated as quickly as possible. In addition, you can attend conversation clubs, which have been gaining momentum lately.

    If you have taken up self-teaching English for beginners, it is worth adding grammar textbooks, for example, Grammarway, Round Up and others, to authentic textbooks. The presence of audio materials in the textbook greatly simplifies language learning. It is thanks to audio recordings that you can finally begin to understand speech by ear. In addition to recordings that complement textbooks, you can listen to podcasts every day. You can find them on Elllo.org, where you will find numerous videos on any topic. To fully work on this resource, you need to achieve an average level of language proficiency.

    What else can you listen to and watch?

    • songs (play your favorite music, find the lyrics and sing along with your favorite performer, or go to Lyricstraining.com and train with the resource, having previously selected the difficulty level and song).
    • series with subtitles, and a little later without them (there is nothing better than hearing the voices of the characters in the original).
    • Films with and without subtitles in order to train yourself to understand by ear. The sooner you start this stage, the easier it will be in the future.

    Let yourself relax a little and watch Forrest Gump, The Holiday, Groundhog Day, The Jungle Book and others.

    Self-study at different language levels

    Don’t think that self-teaching English for beginners will be successful without reading books. You need to read both adapted and non-adapted books. Since English is the most common language, you can find a huge amount of literature that you can safely read if you have an initial level of language. Pay attention to books with audio - you can read and listen at the same time. Some people will like this method even more. There are books with double translation, on one page there is text in English, and on the other - in Russian. Perhaps someone will like this option.

    Once you have reached level B1, you can turn your attention to magazines in English. A huge number of them are produced. These could be magazines about sports and travel, politics and healthy life, women's magazines or business publications (Hot English Magazine, Spotlight, Business Spotlight, Discover, The Economist and others).

    When learning a language, you should pay attention to different types activity so that it doesn’t turn out that it’s easier for you to understand your interlocutor, but more difficult to express your own thoughts. Interestingly, the most difficult activity for students foreign language, becomes an essay on a free topic. For maximum benefit, you should register on Italki.com and periodically send texts for verification to native speakers.

    English self-study program

    To learn a language on your own, you can choose resources that will help you understand all aspects of the language. One such resource could be . The program is structured in such a way that a person with any language level will find something for himself required material. The technique was created for one person, and as a result, thousands of people around the world are trained in it. Thanks to tasks such as understanding foreign speech by ear, writing, reading and correct pronunciation of words, the necessary skills are developed.

    You can add to your self-paced training program Englishtips.org, where you can find absolutely all materials for learning a language at any moment, including audiobooks, tests, fiction and much more. To download you need to go through a simple registration.

    Learning a language is impossible without knowing the culture of the country and its traditions. If you are also interested in learning about where the English language began and why so many other languages ​​are mixed into it, then Bbc.co.uk is the place for you

    Online schools and tutors

    Working on your own to learn a language can be a frustrating experience, with you moving from one textbook to another, from one resource to the next. If it’s difficult to make a decision on your own, trust a professional. A tutor will never be superfluous, especially if this is the person who can deftly explain the rules and speak the best English, as well as bring joy into your life. However, online schools can handle such tasks very well. The main thing is that the group is selected correctly, in accordance with your level of language proficiency. Then the result will be noticeable much faster.

    It is important that the lessons are held in English, regardless of whether you are a beginner or someone who continues his thorny path in the world of a foreign language.