Kindergarten open day. Open day at a preschool educational institution for parents: scenario, purpose




"Open Day in Kindergarten"

Group "Dandelions"

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Teacher: Domchenko M. R.

As part of the activities of the children's and parents' university, Open day for parents.

Open Day is one of the forms of work with parents, which provides them with the opportunity to get acquainted with the preschool educational institution, its traditions, rules, tasks of the educational process.

Target carrying out this event - establishing trusting relationships between parents and teachers, identifying the tasks of joint education of children and their implementation.

Every parent wants to know what their child is doing in kindergarten whether his life is interesting. Show how life goes on for children within the walls kindergarten, this was the main task of the Day open doors. The team of teachers sought to show parents that the institution has created a safe, pedagogically competent and psychologically comfortable environment for the development of the child and the strengthening of his health.

From 8 o'clock in the morning kindergarten hospitably opened its doors. Adults had the opportunity to live alone with their children day in kindergarten. Guests were offered a program "From early morning" during which it was possible to observe the well-functioning, clearly planned activities of the entire preschool educational institution team.

Each age group developed and implemented its own action plan. As usual, the morning began with gymnastics. Children from second youngest to preparatory group, under the guidance of teachers, physical education instructors demonstrated their skills in performing physical exercises with and without music.

Parents were able to get acquainted with the direct educational activities of children in the field cognitive development, speech development, artistic - aesthetic development, got acquainted with the organization and content regime moments, with a subject-development environment in groups, play activities children.

After finishing directly educational activities, the guests were offered a concert with the participation of preschool children. Teachers and children prepared with great diligence. The children enjoyed reading poems, singing songs, and dancing.

Open Day has come to an end, leaving your feedback and wishes, thanking the teaching staff for the opportunity to get to know the work of the institution better.

Tomorrow, children's laughter will again be heard in the groups, and adults, knowing that their child is in the reliable hands of educators, will go about their business with a light heart.

Celebration of the Day open doors allows our kindergarten to become more open for parents and the public.

Oksana Korshunova
Open Day plan.

Plan for the Open Day.

The purpose of this event– formation of a positive image of the kindergarten in the minds of parents and the public; demonstration of all types of educational work of the MBDOU team with children; establishing partnerships with families of pupils and social partners.

Tasks: 1. Provide parents and social partners with information about the activities of the preschool educational institution.

2. Expand your understanding of the organization of children’s activities in groups, additional services provided by the institution, and the work of specialized specialists (teacher psychologist, physical education teacher, music director, speech therapist).

Participants: Parents of students, teachers primary classes, head teacher of MBOU Beloberezkovskaya Secondary School No. 1, teachers of MBOU Beloberezkovskaya combined kindergarten "Sun", other representatives.

7.30 – 8.15 "Good morning"(surprise moments). Teachers of all groups.

8.15 – 8.30 Game warm-up(finger, verbal, outdoor games, rhythmic gymnastics, morning exercises). Teachers of all groups.

8.50 – 9.00 Individual work “Funny tongue”. Senior speech therapy group. Teacher - speech therapist Makarenko Natalya Pavlovna.

9.00 – 9.30 Sports festival“And our kindergarten has its own Olympics!” Gym. Preparatory speech therapy group. Physical education teacher Lyudmila Petrovna Gorelova.

9.30 – 9.45 GCD Cognition "Fun Mathematics". Middle group. Teacher Chepilevskaya Nadezhda Mikhailovna.

9.45 - 10.10 Cognitive and experimental activities

"School of Magic". Senior group. Teacher Kudinova Marina Sergeevna.

10.10 – 10.30 NOD Music "It's fun to walk together." Music hall. Senior group. Musical director Oksana Nikolaevna Chirkova.

10.30 – 12.00 Games and work while walking. Kindergarten areas. Educators.

12.00 – 13.00 “Advice from an educational psychologist.” Psychologist's office. Pesikina Olga Vasilievna.

“Advice from a speech therapist.” Speech therapist's office. Minchuk Irina Sergeevna.

13.00 – 13.30 Musical concert

“Let the world be beautiful!” Music hall. Musical directors Mogilevets Svetlana Vasilievna, Chirkova Oksana Nikolaevna.

15.00 – 15.15 Circle "Plasticine miracle"- development creative activity. Second junior group. Educator

Kivalina Alexandra Ivanovna.

15.15 – 15.30 Club “Visiting a Fairy Tale”- theatrical activities. Senior speech therapy group. Teacher - speech therapist Makarenko Natalya Pavlovna.

15.30 – 16.00 Circle "Fantasy"- creative workshop Preparatory speech therapy group. Teacher Eganshina Natalya Fedorovna.

16.00-16.30 Circle "ABVGDeyka"- teaching early reading. Middle group. Teacher-speech therapist Minchuk Irina Sergeevna

16.30 –17.00 Entertainment on road safety "Road rules - everyone should know." Kindergarten site.

Middle group. Teacher Vitel Maria Ivanovna.

17.00 – 18.00 Tour of the kindergarten.

Presentation “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten!”

Consultations, conversations. Methodical office. Manager

Commandant Tatyana Mikhailovna, senior teacher Oksana Vladimirovna Korshunova.

Alexandra Penzina
Open day in kindergarten.

Event plan "Day open doors» for parents in the 2nd junior group No. 2 "Why Chicks".

Subject: « Open Day! in MDOU No. 44 "Buddy"».

Date: 05/16/2017

Teacher of the 2nd junior group No. 2 : Penzina Alexandra Georgievna

Participants: teacher, parents and children of group No. 2 "Why Chicks".

Target: Ensuring close cooperation and uniform requirements children's kindergarten and family in matters of educational activities and health protection of children in preschool educational institutions. Unity childish-parental team. Creating a positive, emotional mood in children, from joint activities.


1. Improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

2. Expand parents’ ideas about the pedagogical activities of preschool educational institutions employees, expand and deepen parents’ knowledge about the content and features of the organization of the preschool educational institution’s work.

3. Encouraging children's interest and desire to participate in various activities. Cultivating friendliness in children.

4. Involving parents in the pedagogical process through organization different forms work, expand and deepen parents’ knowledge about the content and features of the organization of work on the value attitude towards children’s health.

Progress of the event:

Meeting and registration of parents.

Introductory welcome speech by the group teacher.

During the day in all types of activities included: (dynamic pauses, elements of eye gymnastics, outdoor games, finger games, gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths, physical education, self-massage, hardening activities).

1. Morning scheduled exercises with the participation of parents.

Connect one of the parents to exercise with music accompaniment (flash drive).

2. Breakfast with folklore accompaniment (jokes, nursery rhymes on a given topic). Observation of routine moments (KGN)

3. Preparation for the lesson. Conducting a lesson on FEMP (open lesson with parents).

4. Preparation for a physical education lesson. Conducting a lesson.

5. Preparing for the second breakfast (KGN). Breakfast.

6. Preparing for a walk with the help of parents. Walk (games, weather monitoring, motor activity) with the participation of parents.

7. Returning from a walk, changing children’s clothes, communication activity (reading fairy tales, conversations, voicing the lunch menu) preparing for lunch (KGN)

8. Getting ready for bed, sleep.

9. Waking up, gymnastics after sleep (barefoot on a massage path) education of self-care in children with the participation of parents.

10. Preparing for afternoon tea (KGN). Afternoon snack.

11. Games, independent activity children.

12. Preparing for dinner, dinner.

13. Children go home.

Progress of activities:

Presenter: greetings teacher:

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales.

Adults and children love it.

Fairy tales teach us good things.

And hard work.

They tell you how to live

So that everyone can be friends.

Stands in Podosinki "TEREMOK",

this is our kindergarten - "Buddy".

Greets children in the morning,

sees you off in the evenings.

Then one morning the sun woke up. Straightened the rays, stretched sweetly (picks up yellow satin ribbons).

The rays began to play, illuminating the earth, they saw a garden and ran closer.

The teacher waves yellow ribbon-rays and beckons the children

What kind of tower is this? stand in a circle and dance in a circle

Who lives in the little house? stop and put the palm of the hand to the forehead with the visor

Let's take a look at it soon. How many windows and doors! body tilts to the right, left

Now let's look out the window. We will see and find out everything. waving their arms

They form a round dance again, the teacher looks into the center of the round dance.

Leading: The rays of light looked into the kindergarten and saw many children in it.

You will let us in, girls and boys.

(the teacher waves the ribbons and tries to go to the center of the circle,

We will play with you sunbeams. We will live together in a group, we will be friends with you (children step aside and let the teacher into the center of the circle)

Educator: escorts children to their chairs.

And so the rays became

Live in a small house

Exercise and play

Never lose heart.

Presenter: We invite everyone to take part in a lesson on FEMP (lesson notes chosen by the teacher).

Abstract open class according to FEMP: "Bird House".

Progress of the lesson:

Materials: Pictures (nest, images of chicks with numbers, Frog-Praskovya toy, container with paper midge balls, heron toy.

Educator: Guys, let’s remember what time of year it is now? (spring).

In spring, many migratory birds return to us from warm regions.

They fly in and start doing what? (build nests).

Let's help the birds and build a house for them.


Knock knock with a hammer (knock our fists against each other)

We will build a house for the birds

We will build a house with a window (we draw an imaginary window with our hands)

With a pointed roof (we fold our hands over our heads like a hut)

And with a pipe ( left hand horizontally above the stomach, and place the right one vertically with the elbow on the left)

Birds settle in it! (we wave our arms like wings)

Educator: takes out demo material (pictures: nest, chicks with numbers)

Look guys, it shows a nest, what is it? (nest)

The bird's parents raised their chicks in this nest. Now we can count how many chicks hatched in this nest? (quantitative count T: many-few-one-none).

The teacher shows pictures with different numbers of chicks and suggests

Children themselves can arrange the pictures correctly.

Educator: Guys, where did the parents fly off to? (children's answers)

They flew off to get food for their chicks. What do you think the bird parents feed their chicks? (that's right, midges, bugs, worms).

Where do they get them? (children's answers)

Guys, a frog lives in a swamp - Praskovya, she very strictly guards her pond - a swamp, her home is there, she has a lot of all kinds of tasty midges there, and that’s where the parents of our chicks fly to catch these tasty midges for their children.

And today the frog - Praskovya came to visit us. (loud croaking is heard and the teacher brings in a frog toy).

Frog-Praskovya: (greets children)

Hello, kids - girls and boys! Kva-kva-kva. Guys, I came to you for help!

Help me please, the birds have overcome, everyone day they fly in and eat a lot of midges in my swamp, and then I have nothing left, help me catch the midges.

Teacher: Guys, let’s help Praskovya and catch some midges for her? (Yes).

The teacher goes to the center of the group, holding a container with midges (rolled paper balls) and with words: - Come on, guys, who can catch more midges! He throws up paper midges, and the children quickly begin to collect them.

Then the number is counted; whoever scored the most wins.

(the game is repeated 2-3 times). (quantitative count T: many-few-one-none).

Educator: But then a heron flew into the swamp (game: heron and frogs)

The teacher involves one of the parents in the game.

Rules of the game: The leader is a heron (an adult-parent, stands in the center on one leg, you can change the leg, and the frog children jump around, as soon as the heron stands on both legs, it catches the frogs, and they run away. The children’s parents participate in the game.

Teacher: Guys, our adventure has come to an end, let's say goodbye to our guests.

Presenter: Thank you to everyone who came to visit us today. We wish everyone good luck!

After class we return to the group. Then second breakfast (observation of parents during the routine moments of the group of children). Etc. according to plan.

Project “Open Day at MADOU Kindergarten No. 5 “Golden Key””

The theme of the Open Day is “Forms of working with children in kindergarten”

Relevance of the project topic: “Open Day at a preschool educational institution” is one of the forms of working with parents, which provides them with the opportunity to get acquainted with the educational institution, its traditions, rules, and objectives of the educational process. And how important it is to feel the atmosphere of children’s life, to see with my own eyes the work of teachers.

Target: Establishing trusting relationships between parents and teachers, defining the tasks of joint education of children and their implementation.

Main tasks "Open Days" are:

    Ensuring effective interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents of pupils in order to optimize the upbringing and development of children in preschool educational institutions and families;

    psychological and pedagogical education of parents of pupils, taking into account individual characteristics, opportunities and needs of families;

    improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

    expanding parents’ ideas about the teaching activities of preschool educational institutions employees;

    strengthening partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

Project duration: short-term

Project implementation timeline: March 2016.

Project type: informational, creative, educational.

Participants: children of all groups, parents, teacher, physical education instructor, music worker.

Expected results: Open Day is an event that allows you to obtain complete information about the conditions for keeping children in kindergarten, the organization of the regime, nutrition, walks, and developmental activities. Holding an open day allows our kindergarten to become more open to parents and the public.

For children: This day will fill with impressions and enrich the emotional life of children.

For parents: A preschool educational institution gives adults the opportunity to “live” a day in kindergarten. During this day they can visit different types joint activities of teachers with children, get acquainted with the organization and content of routine moments. The subject-developmental environment of the institution, the artistic and creative activities of students.

For teachers: Teachers strive to show parents that the institution has created a safe, pedagogically competent and psychologically comfortable environment for the development of children and the promotion of their health. Holding an Open Day, which is united by one desire - to understand the child, help him to be himself, to reveal his uniqueness and originality. After all, it depends only on us whether the child’s life will be amazing and interesting.

Organizing an open day: This is a means of satisfying the natural interest and curiosity of parents whose children attend kindergarten. This is, first of all, familiarization with the conditions of keeping children in preschool institution, with methods and techniques of the educational process, as well as overcoming the sometimes very persistent, among many parents, superficial judgment about the role of kindergarten in the life of a child.

First of all, the content of the work on this day in each age group was thought out and planned:

Children junior groups demonstrated self-care skills and abilities

It was decided to focus the parents' attention on the features of self-care: watching washing, eating lunch, going to bed during the day. Parents saw with their own eyes that their “helpless” children eat quickly and carefully, using a spoon correctly, and know how to drink juice and compote without spilling their clothes. They can put their clothes on the chairs and go to bed on their own. They themselves wash their hands and dress for a walk. They only need the help of adults to fasten buttons, tie shoelaces, whoever has them, adjust their hat, scarf, etc.

Teachers of younger groups offered parents recommendations on instilling independence in children, as well as on the manner of communication at home:

    There is no need to do for the child what he can do himself;

    Adults are role models;

    Pay more attention to the game at home; (types of games and the creation of conditions for their implementation were listed);

    When communicating with children, do not forget to speak polite words, demanding the same behavior from children. At home, create an atmosphere of goodwill, politeness, etc.

IN middle group teachers showed work on the topic: “Children’s work 4 summer age»

Purpose: 1. Teach children to put in order the toys that are in play corner. Wash it properly and take it to the designated place. The first subgroup of children.

The second subgroup of children helped the teacher replant indoor plants. The children were given the following goal:

    Help replant plants correctly.

    Water your existing indoor plants yourself. Learn how to put things in order in the play area and nature area.

Parents saw their children master their first skills labor activity. It became clear to adults what kind of work children can and should be involved in at home. And the teacher introduced parents to the types of work characteristic of this age.

IN senior group physical education work was shown, an open event, a walk


    Provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills and abilities acquired earlier.

    Strengthen children's physical health.

    Develop curiosity, dexterity, coordination of movements.

    Interact between physical and environmental education between kindergarten and family.

    Cultivate a love of activities physical culture, self-massage and the desire to lead healthy image life.

    Conversation about health. Goal: to bring children to understand the importance of cleanliness and neatness for health. Develop children's speech.

    Reading to children the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Purpose: to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills. Teach children to respond emotionally to the content of a literary work.

    Walk: Outdoor games: Purpose: to develop coordination and dexterity.

Didactic games: “What is healthy and what is harmful to health”

    Self-massage in bed. Walking barefoot on a massage mat. Purpose: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children, as well as to ensure the prevention of posture and foot disorders.

    Working with parents. Post in parent corner memo “List of measures that are used to improve the health of children in preschool settings”

In the morning, the educational psychologist observed the mood of those who came. Psycho-gymnastics “Share your smile” was carried out.Goal: to teach children to pay attention to the sad mood of others and try to help, cheer, smile. Explain the relationship between good mood and health.

Teachers of the school preparatory group worked on this day