Communication with a native German speaker. Communication with native speakers. Basic German course

More 80% of the country's population, active Internet users are 65 million people. Two-thirds of this number are regular visitors to various social networks, this is official data from statistical studies. According to them, numerous social networks consist of more than sixty percent of Germans over 18.

Germans especially enjoy visiting warm Mediterranean climates like those in Eastern Europe, Greece, Turkey, Italy and Spain, which are expanding in popularity. Germans also want to travel to Africa, America and the Far East. Car rental agencies, airlines, hotels, tour companies and travel agencies that can communicate in German have a better chance of winning their business.

German-speaking peoples have a wealth of cultural heritage

In addition to their many contributions to American culture, German speakers have an enormous cultural heritage. Despite its unfortunate military legacy, Germany is now more described as a land of poets and thinkers, and of course, given the contributions that the Germans have made to the world of art, literature and music, there was hardly any room for debate.

Among the most popular among Germans:

  • search engine in German;
  • public social networks, including for students, schoolchildren, etc.;
  • dating sites;
  • video hosting;
  • various online auctions;
  • Internet encyclopedias, online magazines about digital technology and online dictionaries;
  • news sites and various tabloids, the so-called “yellow press”;
  • short messaging services;
  • entertainment portals;
  • professional business network;
  • Microsoft search and software products;
  • Social networks and correspondence sites.

Naturally, the most popular are German social networks and websites where the opportunity is given find the other half. In Germany, there is a site similar to Russian Odnoklassniki (27%), the portal has gathered an impressive army of fans, its visitors are Germans over the age of 40. By the way, in 2006 another social network was registered in Germany, but It is not particularly popular, only 10% of users.

Hermann Hesse, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe are just some of the authors whose works and names are very popular internationally. There are ten Nobel Prizes for Literature that have been given to Swiss-German, Austrian and German authors. The field of classical harmony is inseparable from names such as Wagner, Strauss, Beethoven, Bach and Mozart, to name a few famous German-speaking composers. Vienna is now an international musical center, and from the superb architecture of medieval buildings to the ultra-modern Bauhaus movement, from the rustic pieces of Dürer to the significant masterpieces of Kokoschka, Kirchner and Nolde, the Germans have created a vast contribution to the worlds of art and architecture.

Until recently, the absolute leader among social networks in Germany was Facebook, but recently he has been “moved” Twitter.

For a long time, Germans considered Twitter to be a kind of information environment for drug addicts, but now the situation has changed.

Probably the whole point is that more and more football fans are creating accounts on this portal, and this is what has given an impressive increase of 10 million visits. The top three also includes Instagram and Google takes an honorable fourth place.

Philosophy and science would become absurd without the contribution of German speakers. The philosophies of Nietzsche, Marx, Hegel and Kant, as well as several others, have ongoing influences on today's society. Psychologists Jung and Freud forever changed the way people think about human behavior. Scientists from the three main German-speaking countries have collected dozens of Nobel Prizes in medicine, chemistry and physics, among others.

Learning German allows you to understand these works in your own language and fully understand the culture from which they come. Anyone interested in these areas can clearly develop their skill and proficiency by studying German.

Networks for work and school

There is a social network in Germany
exclusively for professional contacts on Linkedin. In which there are certain rules of behavior. All visitors must be extremely correct and must write only about what they are absolutely sure of and under their real name. And the opinions they express are only their personal opinions.

German is easy

If English is yours native language, or if you already know English, then you will have a big advantage in understanding German. Since modern German and English were related to common language ancestors, these languages ​​have a lot in common when it comes to grammar and vocabulary. Moreover, German is written phonetically; Once you understand the pronunciation of each letter, you can read every word you find. Once you understand the structure of sounds, it is easy to see how a word is written as well as how it is pronounced.

Some German companies have a social media and non-disclosure clause in their employment contracts for employees with Facebook and Twitter accounts. Absolute taboos are obscenity, insults and criticism of the company's management and the company's products.

There is also a popular network in Germany StudiVZ, this network is distributed primarily among students and student youth. 90% users German social networks those aged 18 to 30 have several accounts, while Germans over 50 prefer one network.

Whether you're studying German for academic purposes or career reasons, or you're interested in learning how to speak the language while you're on vacation, learning a foreign language other than your native one is personal and An intellectually rewarding experience, you may understand more about how to communicate with other people who speak the language and will find it easier to interact with them. Try some online courses or you can enroll in a school that specializes in this area.

There is also a special social network for Russian-speaking Germans and people from the CIS countries.

Responsibility and reliability, which is a characteristic feature of the Germans, is also manifested in the field of online dating. In Germany there are many similar sites for every taste. Each platform is targeted at a specific user. Site administrators carefully check contact information, so serious people use this type of service. Registration and most of the services on the site are free.

You can express yourself very much in a simple way, such as asking simple questions and answers or ordering food and drinks. Use simple grammatical structures. They can communicate easily in typical everyday situations, make short conversations and use simple grammatical structures correctly. They can communicate simply and consistently in everyday life, while traveling and in your own area of ​​interest. You can describe your goals, report experiences, and justify your opinions.

In general, you can apply the most important grammatical structures correctly. They can express their opinions clearly and in detail, and can argue and negotiate successfully. They pick up grammar almost effortlessly, have a rich vocabulary on general topics, and can converse spontaneously and fluently with native speakers.

Among such sites there are those used by Russian-speaking applicants and those who are fluent in Russian. There are those for which registration is possible from 16 years of age. Parship is extremely popular; several million people are registered on it. It offers registration after 80 test questions, and partners are selected based on psychological compatibility. Posting personal data is free, as is receiving letters, but to answer them you need to pay a certain amount. This type of site includes Friendscout24, Darling, ElitePartner.

You can also discuss and participate in discussions with experts in your field. They can express themselves spontaneously and fluently, understand demanding and long texts, and present and discuss them in detail. They use idiomatic language applications and can specifically adapt the language style.

They speak very grammatically correct. They speak almost like a native speaker. You can easily understand everything you read or hear. They express themselves spontaneously, very smoothly and precisely, and can summarize information in detail. There are almost no mistakes. In German, students learn to communicate both orally and in writing. Whether it's a discussion, poetry analysis, creative writing or presentation, we provide you with exercises and worksheets for these and other subjects that will help you motivate students to speak German and promote communication skills.

Subscribe to blog updates + get a free book with German phrases, + subscribe toYOU-TUBE channel.. with educational videos and videos about life in Germany.

In any case, the Internet offers you a huge selection of resources on the topic of friendship and dating.

German educational material for students

In this way we effectively support teacher training. Proper work material is necessary to advance students in grammar and writing. Discover motivational learning exercises, grammar exercises, and interactive board and tablet exercises.

German as a second language

Do you need instructions for your training class? Motivational sex acts, vocabulary and grammar exercises will help your students acquire German. You will receive current lessons on communicative competence for integration classes.

Preparation for applicants and exam in German

Are you ready for the exam or looking for ready-made material for your federal state applicants? With our materials for examination subjects for secondary schools, vocational schools and upper secondary schools, you will optimally prepare your students for exams in German.

Check out the German site first. This is the development of a postal concern in Germany. The site's developers claim that this is the largest correspondence club, which consists of more than 500 thousand users from 160 countries. The site provides detailed registration everyone, you just need to indicate your last name, first name, date of birth, email and postal address.

The most important thing about learning a language is that you also use the language and apply what you have learned. Only then is it fun and it creates motivation for further learning. In our communication courses, you will do just that, talk. Topics are determined jointly based on your speaking level, your learning objectives and your interests.

Of course, we can also teach you special language situations in preparation for your next German oral examination. Although there is much debate about the ideal format for a language teaching system to obtain optimal results, the overall general premise is that learning a second language requires close contact with it in as natural a context as possible. that the oral communication practiced is spontaneous and practical. This type of learning, like any long-term process, requires a strong motivation of the student, which mainly depends on the application of teaching systems that attract him to attractive activities, and to choose didactic content material similar to his tastes.

Take a look at the page too This is a good opportunity to find friends, because more than 60 thousand people from different countries peace. To obtain permission to view databases, you need to complete a short registration procedure with your email address. Next, fill out your own profile. The more information you provide about yourself, the higher the likelihood that you will soon have one more, and maybe more than one, pen pal in Germany.

Babbel method, an integral system of teaching the German language

For all those who want to take German lessons to master it in a reasonable period of time, Babbel is an option that formulates the most complete online learning system, supporting in a balanced way the four pillars that support it, i.e. grammar, oral and written comprehension, pronunciation and vocabulary. Thus, Babbel gives meaning to his methodology because he satisfies the indispensable requirements for learning a German language that is familiar with its phonetic system, know enough words and dominate your grammar.

Please also pay attention to the website This site is in Russian, but both Russian-speaking users and native German speakers can take part in the project. Here you can find pen pals and improve your knowledge of the German language. On the website you will not only be able to meet other users, but also learn about latest news culture, politics and sports around the world.

The main goal is that the student assimilates the principles of German grammar. In this sense, theoretical and practical content is carried out, facilitating grammatical understanding, and not just memorization, opening the door to written and oral communication. To do this, in the lessons of German Babbel it is necessary to work on the content of morphosyntaxes, which lay the foundation for the correct construction of sentences. The student is expected to understand what each grammatical structure serves and when she can resort to it, away from the usual pitfall of those cold teacher presentations that are usually abstract and difficult to understand.

Go to the page, if you are interested in Hamburg and want to find friends in this city in Germany. You will be able to meet interesting people, learn about events and news from Hamburg and get a lot of pleasant impressions from new acquaintances.

A Russian woman studying German and wanting to better understand cultural characteristics Germany, it’s always interesting to chat with a person living in this country. To avoid the romantic overtones of such communication, it is better to have German friend. How to find her?

In addition, we devote special attention providing a global perspective of grammar that provides the student with sufficient skills to solve problems that may arise when listening or reading a text, especially about the ability to communicate.

In terms of pronunciation, we offer practice of potentially difficult sounds through fun language twisters that serve to build shared understanding of speech understanding, vocabulary, and grammar. Considering this is the most balanced formula for proper assimilation vocabulary, we present the most commonly used words, excluding those whose minority usage makes them disposable.


Take advantage of the opportunities provided by the websites,, These resources are designed for people from around the world who want to communicate by correspondence. The users are mostly young people, high school students, and students. Register to take advantage of these sites. Then select a suitable candidate for correspondence and send a message. You can also place advertisements on the indicated sites yourself so that interested German women can respond to it.

Promise of value for a language school advertising campaign

We have activated an event with different messages according to the publication, from the start of classes for children in mid-September or for adults in early October. To get the message across to our potential clients, we have designed a collection of banners illustrating the different realities of the imagined future that the language school offers you.

If you dream of making it in the world of music, your future is written on English. If you want to realize your personal aspirations, your future is written in English. If you have the talent to work in a large multinational, your future is written in English.

If your level of German is not yet sufficient for full communication in this language, go to the resource, follow the link “conversation clubs” and “forum”. While communicating there, it’s easy to find a pen pal.

If your city has higher education educational institution with the pulpit foreign languages, go there for help. Often, both students and teachers come into contact with representatives of the countries whose languages ​​they study.

If you have leadership, your future is written in English. There are professions that you can only develop at the maximum level abroad. Your future is written in English. If you have no professional boundaries, your future is written in English.

Learn "50 Languages" in German quickly and easily

However, this is becoming less and less relevant as the standard language is rapidly expanding due mainly to the media. For this reason, many schools re-teach different dialects in their classes. German grammar isn't exactly easy, but it's worth the effort. And is that German is one of the 10 most important languages in the world.

If you are a student studying German, take advantage of the opportunity to travel to Germany on a student exchange program. Sometimes universities also organize recruitment of people who want to go abroad for the summer to do unskilled work, for example, as a nanny or au pair. Such volunteers are offered accommodation with a German family, a suitable environment for immersion in the language environment and improvement of the language. Take advantage of these opportunities to find a girlfriend in Germany with whom you can continue communicating after you return home.

Video on the topic

Once the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry remarked: “There is no greater luxury in the world than the luxury of human communication.” Unfortunately, modern life is such that people are increasingly moving away from each other. The surrogate of virtual communication is gradually replacing real human relationships. But, on the other hand, modern internet provides truly unique opportunities to find like-minded people and new friends. It would be a shame not to use them.


If you feel lonely and suffer from a lack of communication, try to find new people first friends V networks. Of course, virtual “friends” are not the same as real friends in life. But who said that the person you met on the Internet cannot become your good friend in some time? real life? All you need to do is show good will and some persistence.

Dating in networks have the great advantage that before meeting in real life, you have the opportunity to get to know people better, make sure of the similarity of your interests and mutual sympathy. In addition, network communication allows you to establish primary contacts with a very large number of people, among whom there will probably be several personalities interesting to you.

Just like in real life, you should search on the Internet friends with interests and views similar to yours. There are several ways to do this. The most convenient ways: thematic forums, social networks and blogs ( virtual diaries). Even if you don't have a specific hobby, you probably have a certain range of interests and hobbies. When looking for new virtual acquaintances, you should focus precisely on these inclinations.

In order to find suitable thematic forums, enter into a search engine a query with your hobby and the word “forum”. Look through the resulting list of sites and select from them those that contain active forums on the relevant topic. Then start looking through these resources one by one. When you find a forum that interests you, create an account on it and start reading messages, paying attention to their authors. If some discussion interests you, try to join in the conversation. Over time you will become better acquainted with networks members of this forum and, perhaps, you will make new acquaintances among them.

The next popular way to make new acquaintances is through numerous social networks. Depending on your age and area of ​​interest, choose a suitable social network and register in it. If possible, fill out your profile in detail, indicate your interests and preferences, and upload photos. Then start looking friends. The easiest way to do this is by visiting various interest groups. You can find groups through the search option, and indicate your real hobbies as a request. Selecting several suitable groups, start communicating with them, simultaneously taking a closer look at their networks to your account and adding new ones to your account friends. Over time, you will form a certain circle of friends among like-minded people.