What can a life coach teach? You are behind the times if you have never worked with a coach.

Life coaching - this is one of the 10 processes recognized in the world for a person to achieve the changes he desires. These ten include psychotherapy, psychiatry, counseling, counseling, education, training, mentoring, spiritual guidance, self-improvement and life coaching - the newest of the ten. All of these human change processes have different goals and different methods, and when done correctly they all work very well.

But since you are interested in life coaching, as you read further about this newest and most effective process for achieving change, you will discover just how unconventional and special the life coach-client relationship really is and why life coaching is so practical and so effective. You will also learn why life coaching works perfectly every time when it is carried out by a real professional and when the client is puzzled by the question: "How to change your life?" . This will make it easier for you to draw conclusions and decide whether life coaching is right for you and how beneficial working with a life coach could be for you.

Life coaching differs from the other nine processes in that life coach is not in a superior, but in a parity position in relation to the coachee (client). It is this factor that is at the core of the effectiveness of life coaching, making it an absolutely practical, utilitarian way of gaining clarity about what you like, what you don’t, and what to do about it.

By providing you with a systematic, unbiased view of your life, life coaching will provide you with a powerful support system and help you move in the right direction. Professional life coaches, of which I include myself, have the training and experience to bring these benefits into your life from the first coaching session. The special page Difficult life situations and lifestyle will help you consider the areas, topics, reasons for which people hire coaches to work on.

What will and will not a life coach do?

A true life coach will...

  • Asking you questions about yourself so that you open up and can “voice” things about yourself that you have never told anyone, including yourself.
  • Listen carefully to what you say and what you don't say.
  • Respond to your concerns, values, priorities, talents and obstacles in a clear and impartial manner.
  • Maintain your responsibility for systematic progress towards your chosen goals.
  • Keep everything you tell him in the strictest confidence.
  • Fully respect your privacy rights.
  • Keep you on track with your coaching goals until you achieve them.

A real life coach will not...

  • Telling you what to do and what not to do.
  • Give you advice about what you should or should not do.
  • Manipulate you according to their agenda.
  • Raise the past or let you do it.
  • Condemn you.
  • Criticize you.
  • Judge you.
  • Giving you an assessment.
  • For whatever reason, make you feel guilty.

During our coaching sessions, you will answer powerful questions that will allow you to achieve amazing insights about your world and your thoughts. You will challenge your beliefs and free yourself from the prison of your own limiting beliefs. As a result, your life will begin to shine with new colors! Regular interactions, phone calls and emails, will provide you with moments of focus and inspiration, and a variety of coaching tools will allow you to overcome the inevitable obstacles that the world will put between you and your goals.

How does life coaching work?

  • You take a time out (get off the treadmill) to look back and look at your life with me.
  • We find out exactly why your life isn't working out the way you want it to.
  • We focus your attention on what you want from your life.
  • You design inspirational and at the same time, which will be your current compass.
  • We identify and address the hidden beliefs that drive your self-limiting behavior.
  • Coaching sessions will help you stay focused, positive and oriented in the right direction, and counteract any distractions.
  • You are in control of the coaching process - I am here with you to help, but you are always responsible for your actions.
  • I guarantee a money back guarantee on every coaching session if you are not happy with it - you have nothing to lose.

How to change your life for the better?

With life coaching, you are guaranteed to change your life for the better by improving and developing any aspect of it. Here are some examples.


60% of workers hate their job, yet they spend a third of their lives doing it!

Is your job right for you now or are you dreaming of another? Is your career growth fast enough?

Life coaching can help you put things into perspective and think about how you want to spend your working life. Coaching will support you as you invest in the difficult process of transforming your actual job into your dream job.


Have you achieved a reasonable division of your time in life or do you still hate getting up in the morning? Do you feel like your every day is filled with things you don't want to do, but you have no alternatives to change your life for the better?

Most of us are so immersed in the work/sleep mode that we have no time to find a way out of it. But our coaching sessions will allow you to face the problems and focus on finding solutions to those problems. If you work hard and your life is out of balance, life coach and his services can be a fantastic way to get you back on track.


Is your living space a haven of peaceful happiness or a source of constant suffering?

We often think that we don't have enough options with unlimited resources, but we always have more choices than we think.

Your life coach will help you find what you want and then support you through life's inevitable distractions until you're living in the home you've dreamed of.


Are you in a stress-free state of mind with sufficient resources to meet your needs and desires?

Money can't buy you happiness, but not having it can bring you a lot of stress and suffering.

Life coach can help you manage states of anxiety and dissatisfaction. This will be a great chance for you to get off the treadmill of lack of money long enough to find the solutions you need to change and for personal financial freedom to become a reality in your life.

Social life

They say you can judge a man by his friends. Do you have good friends with whom you develop, grow and have fun? Or do you lead an isolated life, or are you surrounded by people who pull you down into their rut?

A few coaching sessions will allow your dissatisfaction to surface and it will become obvious to you what needs to change and how to change your life for the better. You will then receive all kinds of help from a life coach so that you can develop supportive beliefs and take the necessary steps to change your social life.

Partners and relationships

Are you in a relationship that suits you? Is there a need to work on this to make this relationship manifest the way you want it to, or do you need to find the strength to start over? Most of us shy away from doing the hard work necessary to get this part of our lives in order. Many put it off for decades, endure and put up with those people and relationships that have not satisfied them for a long time.

Your life coach can be an anchor in a storm, focusing you on what you want from this important part of your life, guiding you past the pitfalls of fear, guilt and grief to new havens of happiness and fulfillment.


Do you have a dream in life that is so far from where you are that it's scary? Are you too ambitious to admit to someone that you're scared about it because they'll laugh at you? Do you want to start your own business, or write a bestseller, or become prime minister?

Most of us have dreams, although we may not have dusted them off for quite some time. Your life coach can help you rekindle your enthusiasm; banish the inner skeptic who tirelessly suggests you give up or even take your own life. Coaching will give you regular injections of passion, enthusiasm, an outside perspective and powerful ways to move you towards your wildest dreams!

Peace of mind

Are you in balance with yourself, your world, with time to be still, reflect and find contentment, or are you opposed to the world and everything in it?

A life coach will not give you directions. You will move at a pace you set, in the direction of your choice. Life coaching can help you move from where you are now to where you want to be.


Do you expect to live a long, healthy life—or is there something you'd like to change—more exercise, less weight, less stress, and a better diet?

From this article you will learn that life coaching is not only a profession, but also a lifestyle of successful people. What requests do people turn to a specialist with and why does the work take so long, why doesn’t the Western approach work for us? You will also get an answer to the question of what nuances coaches do not take into account when working with clients.

We often hear and use the phrase “Live and learn” without thinking about when and who first said it. The author of this phrase is Lucius Annaeus Seneca. And this phrase actually sounds like this: “Live forever and learn how to live.”
A person’s ability to learn is inherent from birth and throughout his life a person consciously or unconsciously learns and develops, both professionally and personally, since self-realization is one of the basic human needs. This technology of personal development helps a person learn to live and self-realize in this life.

Very often, people interested in this area consider learning this skill only as an opportunity to acquire a new profession. At the same time, losing sight of the fact that while learning this counseling a person essentially receives tools that increase his personal effectiveness . Even if for some reason a person does not become a life coach, those the skills and abilities that he mastered while studying this profession will help him change the quality of his life . In fact, coaching becomes his lifestyle. It's worth it even for this.

In this article we will look at life coaching in 2 aspects:

  • Life coaching - as a lifestyle
  • Life coaching - as a way of helping other people, that is, as a professional activity

Life coaching as a lifestyle

This lifestyle is typical of people who can be called mature individuals.

As a rule, these are successful people who are interested in their constant personal and professional development. These people adhere to the belief that a person can BE whoever he wants, DO whatever he wants, and HAVE whatever he wants.

They build their lives consciously, they know what they live for and follow their life goals, do what they love, accept themselves and the people around them as they are, build harmonious relationships with any people, know how to plan their time, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, act and make decisions by listening to themselves and their intuition, and of course based on their true values.

At the same time, successful people devote a lot of time to learning, taking care of their development not only professionally, but also personally and spiritually. And, in addition to self-coaching, successful people turn to a coach to become even more successful. Many successful people have their own personal coaches.

Of course, any person, understanding and accepting the philosophy of coaching, possessing willpower, a high degree of motivation, using developmental and motivating questions, can independently become a successful person, although this will take a lot of time. But even in this case, there come times when there is a need for outside support in order to more effectively and quickly achieve the intended results.

Even such a famous world number 1 coach as Tony Robbins, whose clients include presidents, billionaires, Olympic champions and Hollywood stars, also has his own personal coach.

Life coaching as a way to help other people

As mentioned above, by learning life coaching as a technology of personal development, you can engage in coaching yourself, i.e. self-cowing. Or, by studying coaching technologies, the algorithm for working with clients, and “passing” coaching through yourself, you can make life coaching your profession. Of course, provided that you love, you can do it and it gives you joy and pleasure.

It is worth noting that the profession of life coach is a promising profession that will always be in demand. People will always think about a career, change jobs, look for their calling, look for partners, love and create families, raise children, take care of their health and appearance, personal and spiritual growth, etc. And of course, in the life of each of them there will be professional and personal crises, searches for oneself, searches for the meaning of life.

And in our rapidly changing world, in conditions of an overabundance of information, when decisions need to be made quickly, when old knowledge quickly becomes outdated, conventional methods do not work, new skills and non-standard solutions will be needed. And this will apply not only to the professional sphere, but also to a person’s personal life. And then life coaching will come to the rescue, because We will need specialists who can help people in various simple and difficult life situations, who will provide support, help them gain self-confidence, raise self-esteem and achieve their goals.. Because, as life shows, people want to change and develop, grow personally and spiritually, and self-realize in this life.

The demand for this type of consulting as a professional activity will grow steadily due to its environmental friendliness. In this profession, when helping people, it is impossible to harm. The fact is that the work of the coach and the client is based on partnerships. This is a space without advice. All decisions about what to do, how to act or not act are made by the client himself. Because the client knows and understands his specific life situation better than any expert.

Life-coach, asking certain questions, helps the client make an informed choice and take responsibility for their decisions, actions and ultimately for the results obtained, based on knowledge of their specific situation . And if the choice is made consciously, then the client takes responsibility for the “authorship” of his plans, actions, and results. He is the author of his decisions. And in this his freedom is manifested, which is why he receives joy and pleasure, and an increase in his self-esteem.

What is the basis of the work of a life coach and a client?

The main task of a life coach is to help a person in his self-development, using the person’s potential and his internal resources. And this means that there is work to be done on the internal state of a person, increasing his self-worth and self-esteem, self-confidence necessary to achieve the desired result. Therefore, at the first introductory session, the life coach clarifies the client’s request and determines whether this technology is suitable for the client. That is, is a person ready to take responsibility for changing his life, work on himself to get the desired result with the support of a life coach. And most importantly, is a person ready to invest time and money in his development, and is he ready to work on himself.

It’s one thing to want to change the situation, to change yourself, and another thing to act. Many people prefer words to deeds. That is why they do not achieve their intended goals. Therefore, the main work in this counseling occurs not during the session itself, as many people think, but between sessions. During coaching sessions, only the vector (direction) of the client’s step-by-step movement towards the goal is determined. And the movement itself or the actions leading to the result are carried out by the client between.

This could be studying any information, taking specific steps according to a planned plan, analyzing your behavior strategies, gradually changing habits, observing your emotions, asking yourself motivating and promoting questions, developing new models of conscious behavior, working through limiting beliefs and much more. promotes a person in his personal development.

The task of a life coach is to help the client keep focus on his goal, activate and motivate him to take action, support him in moments of possible despair and difficulties that arise, help him go beyond stereotypical and habitual thinking and behavior, and most importantly, grow personally, spiritually and self-development.

How long does the work take?

The duration of work between the client and the life coach depends on the request with which the client comes. Coaching does not work with “urgent” requests, such as: “I urgently need to lose weight, otherwise I’ll go on vacation soon?”, “In 2 weeks I need to find a job because all the money has run out”, “How can I get married as quickly as possible, preferably in a couple of months"….

On average, work lasts from 1 to 6 months. The frequency of meetings is once a week. The session usually lasts 1 hour. At the end of the session, the client receives homework to work on independently.

Many people are surprised by how long it takes to work with a life coach. It is known that a simple habit is formed in a person in at least 21 days. But in this consultation we are talking not just about a simple habit (remember to turn off the lights, do exercises every day, don’t throw your socks around...), but sometimes about changing thinking, limiting beliefs that have been formed over the years, or acquiring new skills and habits, a new behavior strategy .

These changes sometimes radically change a person’s life, with all the ensuing consequences. After all, a person does not live in an isolated world, but in a society and its changes may be met with hostility or not supported by the environment. And it is the coach who can become the only person who accepts the client as he is, believing in his success, and in the fact that he will definitely achieve results and will support him in this.

Why such a long period of work in life coaching?

The fact is that on the way to achieving the goal, the client will need to be prepared for setbacks and failures, and then the life coach will help the client admit his mistakes and accept them as useful life experience. It will also explain and help you understand that you learn from mistakes, sometimes even faster, and that you can’t “get away” from such “lessons,” although sometimes a client who has taken responsibility for changes in his life has to invest a lot in achieving success.

There will also be “slowdowns” in the work as a result of resistance to change. And the life coach has to “teach” the client to notice these internal fears that hold the client’s low self-esteem and pull the client back, and teach how to “calm down” these fears and increase their self-esteem. The most difficult period in work occurs between the 3rd and 8th week of work between the client and the coach.

During this period, changes do not occur quickly enough and the client sometimes loses euphoria. The realization comes that talking about a matter is one thing, but actually undertaking and doing something is completely different. That's why, In order to help the client overcome this first and most difficult period of uncertainty and disappointment in life coaching, it is customary to establish a minimum contract period of 3 months.

What requests do people turn to a life coach with and how can a coach help them?

When crises, inhibition, stagnation, confusion occur in a person’s life, something ceases to suit you, you want some changes, sometimes it’s not clear what, then it’s time to change something...

Solving problems in the areas of life most frequently addressed by clients


This is one of the important areas of life. Finance gives us more opportunities in life.

When you don’t have enough money, when you don’t get paid enough, when you can barely make ends meet, when you can’t get out of debts and loans, when you want to improve your living conditions, raise money for a vacation, or for a child’s education, these and other questions force people to turn to a life coach .

How can you help?

The first thing to do is to determine the starting point - the client’s financial situation now, what the client’s financial life scenario is now. And what does the client want as a result?

If there is not enough money, maybe the client does not know how to manage his money, including maintaining a financial budget? After all, regardless of the number of zeros, there are certain rules for managing money. And perhaps it’s time to take up financial literacy in order not only to learn how to earn more, but also to manage money wisely, increase it and accumulate it.

The client believes that he is underpaid, then the life coach will help the client understand why he agrees to work for this money? What is the basis for this choice: are they not confident in their professionalism? Don't know how to start a conversation with your boss about a salary increase? Don’t know what job to change your current one to? He is afraid that, after leaving his current job, he will not find a new one, etc.

There is still work to be done on changing financial thinking, working through limiting beliefs and fears about money, including on an unconscious level.

Considering that all areas of life are interconnected, it may be necessary to work on relationships with a partner and parents, with the ability to maintain a balance of take and give, with the organization of living space, etc.

As a result of the work, the client will learn to achieve his financial goals, get rid of debts and loans, and gain confidence in the future.

Work and career

This has already been said many times, but nevertheless the situation leaves much to be desired. Most people go to work they don't like every morning. When there is a reduction or dismissal and the problem arises with finding a job, when it becomes completely “unbearable” to go to a job you don’t like, when you want to stop “working for your uncle”, find an interesting job, something “to your liking”, start doing your own project or start your own business , people turn to a life coach.

How can you help?

First you have to determine the starting point. Understand the current situation, analyze the client’s professionalism and his growth points. Then understand the client and, based on this, build a strategy for finding a job or business “to your liking.”

Depending on what result the client wants to get, the work will be structured. You may have to work on interview tactics, learn to answer the interviewer’s tricky questions, conduct a dialogue with the employer, and not be “examined.”

But now it’s not the employers who will choose the client, but the client himself will learn to choose “his” employer in accordance with his values.

If a client wants to open his own business or find a business he likes, he will have to work to identify true interests, talents, and abilities that will help a person do what he loves, achieve self-realization in it and earn a decent income.

The issue of work, career and personal life balance may need to be addressed.

Sometimes, working with clients on request in this area, the coach and the client can reach a completely different goal - for example, that they should not look for a job and not build a career, but rather focus on their personal life and starting a family. It’s just that low self-esteem, dislike for oneself, and reluctance to work on oneself in the sphere of relationships are “hidden behind” career aspirations.

As a result of working with a life coach, the client has a new job, or a new project, where the client will be able to grow professionally, self-realize, enjoy work and receive decent remuneration. And what is important is the balance between career, family and personal life.


Family and love

Requests in this area are always relevant. This includes finding a life partner, creating a harmonious family, organizing everyday life and living conditions, developing or maintaining relationships, including after divorce, etc.

How can you help?

And as usual, the life coach starts with a starting point. What is now. Whether you have experience in relationships or not. For example, if a girl wants to get married, a consultant will be able to find out whether she is really ready to meet a partner, whether the relationship with her ex-partner is over, what her emotional and psychological state is. What is her self-esteem? If she is ready, then how does she imagine not only her chosen one, but also the family way of life. How she knows how and is ready to work on building and maintaining family relationships. What is the girl’s readiness to work on herself, is she ready to maintain a balance: take and give, etc.

And of course, there is work to be done with the internal state, work on increasing self-esteem.

The result of working with a life coach is understanding your self-worth as an individual, your value as a woman, your role in the family, developing and following a strategy for finding a partner and creating a strong, harmonious family.



All relationships are built on communication. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: “The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication.”

We communicate every day with different people: family, friends, work colleagues, business partners, friends, strangers. And when communicating with people, we somehow don’t think about how developed our communication skills are.

So clients come to a life coach when there are discord in the family, quarrels and misunderstandings between parents and children, between relatives, friends, colleagues, etc.

How can you help?

And as usual, the life coach starts with a starting point. What is now. How developed are the client's communication skills? How he owns them. How susceptible is he to manipulation by his environment? What is his self-esteem and self-love? To what extent the client understands and realizes that the reaction of the communication partner depends only on him. That whether it is a harmonious relationship or disagreement, misunderstanding, aggression - this is all a “mirror” of how the client communicates with his partners.

And of course, the life coach will find out what the client wants in the area of ​​relationships.

As a rule, the job of the client and the life coach is to make the client understand that it is impossible to change another person, and you need to accept him as he is, taking into account all his views on life, all his values. The client will have to learn new skills of effective communication, work on himself, master the skills of managing his emotions, take responsibility for their expression and build partnership, harmonious relationships with his environment.

As a result of the work of the client and the life coach, the client will learn to build harmonious relationships with his environment, including children. He will begin to shape his environment, getting rid of “toxic” people and manipulators, without feeling guilty, even if these are close people. He will begin to surround himself with people who will support him in his development and personal growth. Gain a sense of confidence and increase self-esteem.



This area is important in a person’s life. Human health depends only 50% on genes and our upbringing, 10% on external circumstances, including our income and living conditions, and 40% on the organization of our own life, including work, relationships with people at work, at home, with friends, our nutrition, physical and mental activity.

How can you help?

When a client requests a lack of energy, fatigue, bad mood, low self-esteem, professional burnout, excess weight, etc. a life coach, as usual, starts from a starting point and analyzes the areas of a person’s life. Because what happens to health is determined by the state of affairs in all other areas of life. So, for example, It has been proven that the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in people working in a job they don’t like is 9 times higher than in a person who has been unemployed for a year .

After analyzing and identifying the main areas that worsen the client’s health, a strategy is outlined, which, as a rule, goes far beyond exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

You may need to work in interrelated areas, such as: RELATIONSHIPS, CAREER and WORK, HOBBIES and INTERVIEWS, PERSONAL GROWTH, etc.

The result of the work of a life coach and a client is improved well-being, a beautiful and attractive appearance, full of energy, relief from stress and excess weight, the ability to manage your emotions, obtaining joy and pleasure from life.


What does the client learn while working on their request?

So, using the example of the most popular areas of life, we looked at how the work of a life coach and a client occurs. Regardless of what request or problem from what sphere of life the client comes, we see that the algorithm of work is always the same. Understand the starting point: what exists now and lead the client to the result that the client wants.

When working with a client, a life coach pays special attention to working out the client’s internal state, increasing his self-worth, self-esteem and supporting the client on the path to achieving the goal.

At the same time, the life coach helps the client learn:

  • make the most of your strengths, which the client, as a rule, is not aware of and therefore does not use
  • master new skills in a specific area of ​​life
  • quickly find a way out of difficult life situations, maintaining calm and self-confidence
  • go beyond conventional beliefs and limiting stereotypes
  • acquire skills to independently solve similar problems in the future
  • live from a state of WANTING, not NEEDING and MUST

Thus, we can confidently say that life coaching is a kind of tool that stimulates a person to self-learn, so that in the process of any activity and throughout his life, a person can find and receive the necessary knowledge and learn new things.


Nowadays, there are many types of help to a person in solving his problems. Consulting in various fields, psychological assistance, trainings and courses aimed at developing certain qualities and acquiring the necessary skills, and so on. This is natural: people want to better understand themselves, understand their goals more clearly, balance their lives, identify their life tasks and find ways to solve them, and reduce stress. Coaching needs to be highlighted in this regard. Coaching came to Russia relatively recently and today has not yet become widespread enough.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a new direction of psychological counseling that uses modern psychotechnologies aimed at effectively achieving goals.

Although in reality coaching is more than just consulting.

A coach does not teach his client how to do something. He creates the conditions for the learner to understand what he needs to do, to determine the ways in which he can achieve the goal, to choose the most appropriate method of action, and to outline the main stages of achieving the goal. Coaching involves teaching the client to achieve goals in optimal ways in the shortest possible time.

Coaches help their clients learn to achieve better results with minimal effort. Coaching is based on the psychology of optimism and success. That is why this type of consulting is actively developing abroad and in our country.

Coaching is based on the idea that a person is not an empty vessel that needs to be filled, but is more like an acorn that contains all the potential to become a mighty oak tree. It takes nourishment, encouragement, light to achieve this, but the ability to grow is already built into us.

Coaching creates a vibrant atmosphere of co-creation: on the part of the coach, this is primarily following the interests of the client and guiding “magic questions”; on the part of the client, this is the courage to explore one’s choices, creative search and decision-making aimed at achieving what is desired, finding joy in success and achievements, inclusion of internal “drive”.

In simple terms, coaching is the art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another person. (Myles Downey, Effective Coaching)

The history of the development of coaching began in the mid-70s with Timothy Gallwey, who was the author of the concept of the inner game that underlies coaching. This concept was first outlined in the book “The Inner Game of Tennis,” published in 1974. This date can be considered the birth date of coaching. The very idea of ​​the inner game came to his mind while working as a tennis instructor.

The opponent in your head is much more dangerous than the opponent on the other side of the net. The coach's job is to help the player eliminate or mitigate internal obstacles. As a result, a person's natural ability to learn and achieve effectiveness will emerge. The purpose of the "inner game" is to reduce any interference with the development and fulfillment of a person's full potential.

— Timothy Gallwey

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John Whitmore further developed Gallwey's idea as it applied to business and management. He is the author of High Performance Coaching and the creator of the popular GROW coaching model. In 2007, he received the President's Award from the International Coach Federation (ICF), which recognized his work in promoting coaching around the world.

And Thomas J. Leonard became the founder of Coach University - www.coachu.com), the International Federation of Coaches, the International Association of Certified Coaches (IAC) and the CoachVille.com project. Developed 28 personal and professional programs, author of 6 books for coaches and 14 internal exclusive works for students of the Coaching University.

Currently, coaching is one of the popular and sought-after areas of psychological assistance not only throughout the world, but also in Russia and the CIS countries.

Types of coaching

According to coaching participants, there are:

— individual coaching;

— group coaching;

According to the training format, coaching can be:

— face-to-face (personal coaching);

— correspondence (internet coaching, telephone coaching)

By area of ​​application there are:

— career coaching;

— business coaching;

— personal effectiveness coaching;

— life coaching.

Life coaching is a powerful way to make a breakthrough in your life

Life coaching(English) life- life, lifestyle, and English. coaching- instructing, mentoring, training, tutoring) - the art of helping a person achieve his goals and objectives by revealing his own potential and awareness. The coach does not give advice, but mostly asks questions. The main condition is that the client makes all decisions himself, which means the responsibility is entirely his. Thomas J. Leonard is rightfully considered the founder and creator of this trend.

The peculiarity of a life coach and his work is that he works with all areas of a person’s life. The main task is to help create a balanced and harmonious life in which a person feels happiness, becomes rich and achieves social success. The task of life coaching is not only to help a person realize himself in some important area of ​​life, but also to teach him to maintain this balance and harmonious development himself throughout his life.

Life coaching allows you to evaluate your life as a whole and each of its areas separately. Even the very realization that there are separate areas in our lives that make up the overall picture of life is already a discovery for many. I know many people for whom just the awareness of the existence of several areas of life led to dramatic changes. I believe that each person needs to independently access their inner resources and potential to achieve the best results and improve their quality of life.

7 Reasons Life Coaching Is Effective to Use in Your Life

Life coaching gives you the opportunity to look at your life objectively and analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

Life coaching allows you to correctly formulate your life goals, both global and short-term.

Life coaching helps you discover your hidden potential and opportunities to achieve your goals.

Life coaching helps eliminate internal barriers that previously prevented you from starting to change your life for the better.

Life coaching involves focusing on what is most important at a given time for more effective development.

Life coaching will allow you to correctly create a motivation system to achieve your goals faster.

Life coaching will teach you how to properly maintain a balance between areas and be able to find time for each.

3 powerful toolsself-coaching

You can set goals, achieve results and change your life with or without a certified coach! The first option is, of course, more effective, but the coach is not always with you and can help you. We spend most of our lives alone with ourselves. Therefore, you need to learn how to coach yourself. To be both the coach himself and the one who trains. To do this, you should develop self-coaching skills or self-development skills. I will share 3 tools that I use myself and that give me the results I need.

2. GROW technique

3. Morning and evening questions

Ask yourself a few questions every morning:

What can I do today to achieve my goal?
What am I going to change today to achieve what I want?
Why is this goal important/interesting for me?
What will I focus on first today?

In order not to forget about the morning questions, set a reminder for yourself where you are every morning - for example, in the bathroom near the mirror, or in the kitchen where you have breakfast. A quick glance at these questions, 5 minutes of reflection, and today's course will not be chaotic.

Evening is the time to sum up the results of the day, which means time for evening questions.

What did I do today that moved me towards my goal?
What did I learn today?
How much has the past day made my life better, how can I use the experience gained?

What can serve as a reminder for you so as not to forget about the evening questions?

Having such a habit, you will never lose sight of your goal - it’s like checking the ship’s route with the light of a lighthouse every day!

The best books on coaching and personal effectiveness

And at the end of the article, I will give you a list of books that will help you in learning coaching. Perhaps you will really like this direction, and you will want to become the No. 1 coach in the world and help people.

Achieving goals. Step-by-step system, Marilyn Atkinson, Rae T. Choice

The inner strength of a leader. Coaching as a method of personnel management, Marilyn Atkinson, Rae T. Choice

Mastery of life. Internal Dynamics of Development, Marilyn Atkinson, Rae T. Choice

7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful Personal Development Tools, Stephen Covey

The inner strength of a leader. Coaching as a method of personnel management, John Whitmore

Work as an internal game. Unlocking Your Personal Potential, Timothy Gallwey

Effective coaching. Lessons from a Coach Trainer, Miles Downey

Coaching in Russian: the courage to wish, Alexander Savkin, Marina Danilova

The Mastery of Coaching, Sylvianne Cannio and Viviane Launer

Work as an internal game. Focus, learning, pleasure and mobility in the workplace, Gallwey T.W.

Spiral dynamics. Managing Values, Leadership and Change in the 21st Century by Don Beck and Chris Cowan

Coaching at the enterprise. Become a manager-trainer, Eduard Stak

Manager trainer. How to Achieve Extraordinary Results Through Coaching Management, Susan Battley

Great coaching. How to Become a Great Workplace Coach by Julie Star

Coaching. The Complete Guide to Personal Coaching Methods, Principles and Skills, Julie Star

Challenging Coaching, John Blakey, Ian Day, 2012

Life Coaching, Patrick Williams, Deborah Davis

How to effectively manage free people. Coaching, Stanislav Shekshnya

Coactive Coaching, Laura Whitworth, Henry Kimsey-House, Phil Sandahl

Enterprise Coaching, Edward Stack

Business Transformation, Paul Gossen

How to inspire employees. Stimulus seeking and emotion management, Alexander Higham

Executive coaching. Firmness and openness. A Systematic Approach to Engaging Leaders to Solve Their Problems, Mary Beth O'Neill

Decision Coaching, Grant E., Green J.

Self-coaching: The personality culture of managers and executives, Besser-Sigmund K., Sigmund H.

EMDR in Coaching, Besser-Sigmund K., Sigmund H.

Coaching, Steve Bavister, Amanda Vickers

Coaching: Emotional Competence, Reynolds Marsha

Coaching for social success, Ivan Rybkin

Coaching with NLP, Robert Dilts

How to inspire employees, Alexander Higham

You can find all these books on coaching in online stores or in some other way.

25.03.2017 4 647 0 Reading time: 20 min.

Today we will talk about one of the most common - life coaching. I will tell you what life coaching is, what it is needed for, what it can and cannot help with, how it works life coach, how coaching sessions are conducted, how long this process lasts, how much it costs and a lot of other interesting and useful information on this topic. Having received the information, you will be able to draw your own conclusion whether you specifically need life coaching, and if the answer is yes, then this article will help you choose a life coach more wisely. So, first things first...

What is life coaching?

First of all, for those who are not yet familiar with the concept of “coaching,” I recommend reading the article to get an idea of ​​what will be discussed.

Life coaching (literally - life coaching, life coaching) is one of the popular areas of coaching, a system of relationships between a coach and his client, aimed at achieving specific positive changes in the client’s life.

A professional specialist helps his client accurately identify his current position in life, set and accompanies him on the path to these goals until they are achieved.

In simple words, if you want to, but you can’t do it, it’s quite possible that life coaching will help you.

Life coaching is not the only way to change the quality of your life, but only one of ten such methods recognized by experts around the world. In addition to it, this list can include psychotherapy, education, consulting, training, mentoring, mentoring, etc. All these methods are effective, they work, each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

However, it is life coaching that has one significant difference from all other options: a life coach is not in a superior position in relation to his student, but communicates with him as an equal, taking a partner and even, one might say, a friendly position.

Despite the fact that life coaching involves setting and pursuing specific goals, it also takes into account the even, harmonious development and balance of all aspects of human life: family, work, career, health, friends, hobbies, etc.

The main task of life coaching is to help a person find and reveal his hidden potentials, internal resources, and with their help realize his life goals and change his life for the better. Life coaching is about developing in a person the ability to find opportunities to achieve his goals, the ability to find answers to serious life questions, the ability to solve problems using his own potential, which he may not even know about yet.

How does a life coach work?

A life coach is a specialist, a trainer who conducts life coaching. His sessions with the student in this type of coaching take place individually, one-on-one, and are called a coaching session or coaching session. The duration of one session is usually 60 minutes.

Coaching sessions can take place both in direct personal communication between a life coach and his student, and remotely, through electronic communication methods. A coaching session is a confidential conversation between a coach and his client, during which the life coach helps the client choose and follow the right path to achieve the goal.

To make it clearer, let's look at what a life coach should and shouldn't do during his sessions. Using these criteria, you can determine how competent the specialist in front of you is, whether he is really a professional life coach, or whether he simply calls himself one.

Good life coach

  • He will ask a lot of questions about you, including uncomfortable ones, in order to allow you to fully open up and voice what you were previously afraid to admit even to yourself;
  • He will listen carefully, without interrupting, to your answers, remember what you said and what you didn’t say, and focus on the most important things;
  • Will impartially respond to your worries, experiences, successes, failures, life values, priorities, motives, obstacles in achieving goals;
  • Will make sure that you feel fully responsible for achieving your goals, and do not shift this responsibility to the coach;
  • Will respect your privacy;
  • Will maintain complete confidentiality of your negotiations;
  • Will guide you to achieve your goals and keep you on track.

Bad life coach

  • It will tell you what you need to do and what you don’t need to do, what you should do to achieve your goal and what you shouldn’t;
  • He will manipulate you, subtly forcing you to make a decision that he himself considers correct;
  • Will delve into your past or force you to delve into it;
  • Will condemn you, criticize, judge, evaluate your actions and actions;
  • It will intentionally or unintentionally make you feel guilty.

If during the first coaching session you notice that your life coach is more likely to correspond to the second set of characteristics than to the first, then it is advisable to refuse to work with him.

How many coaching sessions are needed to get the desired result? This is a very individual question. There are situations in which one session is enough; most often, a cycle of about 10 sessions occurs (say, once a week or even once a month, depending on the situation). It happens that a life coach accompanies his client for a very long period, for example, several years, conducting sessions, say, once a month, until the desired goals are achieved.

Why do you need life coaching?

Now let's look at why life coaching is needed, how it helps a person, and what problems it solves.

  1. Life coaching gives you the opportunity to objectively look at your life, understand its strengths and weaknesses in each area.
  2. Life coaching allows you to correctly formulate life goals, both global and short-term.
  3. Life coaching allows you to identify previously hidden potentials and opportunities to achieve these goals.
  4. Life coaching helps eliminate those complexes, barriers, prejudices, and doubts that previously prevented you from changing your life for the better.
  5. Life coaching helps you concentrate on the main thing, helps you get together and focus on achieving your goals.
  6. Life coaching is an excellent motivator for the pursuit of goals and positive changes in life.
  7. Life coaching helps you change your life for the better in general and in certain areas in particular.

The main areas in which life coaching works

Let's look at the main areas of human life in which people most often want to change something for the better and turn to life coaches for help.

Sphere No. 1. Work and career. The life of most people, unfortunately, develops in such a way that they are unhappy with their work, and some simply hate it. They believe that they are forced to go to work, endure all the inconveniences and humiliations of their superiors in order to earn a living and support their family. At the same time, they constantly have an imbalance: , . That is, a kind of “vicious circle” is formed: work is needed to live, but life with such work is not at all the same.

Life coaching can help you get out of this vicious circle. An experienced coach will help you change your attitude towards work and earnings, learn how to properly build relationships with your employer, find a job you like, change jobs for a better one, and build a career.

Sphere No. 2. Home and family. Also, many people are openly or covertly dissatisfied with their relationships in the family, relationships with children, organization of everyday life, etc. Family happiness turns into a continuous “everyday life”, with no end in sight.

And in this case, there is a reason to turn to a life coach, who will help you look at this situation with different eyes, and gradually turn your boring life into a dream home with happy residents.

Sphere No. 3. Personal finance. A very important area of ​​human life, in which many, unfortunately, also experience constant problems and difficulties. The vast majority of people are at the level of financial instability or even a financial hole. Moreover, this applies even to those who earn good money: people simply do not know how to manage their income wisely and waste a lot.

A life coach can be the person who will help you reconsider and change your attitude towards money, make it stick with you, accumulate and allow you to achieve your financial goals. After all, this is one of the most important factors that can change your life for the better.

Sphere No. 4. Relationships with people. With a variety of people - with relatives, friends, colleagues, the opposite sex, complete strangers. This is also one of those areas that “suffers” for many. But all other aspects of life in one way or another depend on the quality of relationships with people.

Life coaching can help you learn how to find common ground with different people and effectively build all types of relationships with them. And this will inevitably entail a change in life for the better in general.

Sphere No. 5. Health. It’s just a mega-important aspect of human life: if there is no good health, there will be no everything else. Probably someone now thought: if you have health problems, you need to go to the doctor, why do you need life coaching?

I beg to differ with this. Health problems are, as a rule, consequences of an incorrect attitude towards oneself and one’s body. The doctor will only be able to eliminate the symptoms of your diseases (and that’s not a fact!), but if you do not change your lifestyle, your attitude towards health, these diseases will arise again. But a professional life coach can make sure that you start leading, and your visits to doctors are reduced to a minimum.

I have listed only the main, but not the only areas that life coaching can address. In addition to them, it can touch on the interaction between a person and society, finding harmony in life and mental balance, realizing dreams, etc.

Should you contact a life coach?

Is it worth using the services of a life coach? The answer to this question will be purely individual. I'll look at it the way I see it.

The current worldview of our people is such that most do not even know what coaching is, some know in general terms and are probably confused with other similar concepts. Such people are most likely to be skeptical about life coaching. And when they find out how much it costs, they will immediately abandon this idea (1 session of a not-so-famous life coach costs approximately $50-100).

However, the positive changes that a person can get from interacting with a professional life coach, in my opinion, are worth much more, and many would pay that much money for them if such changes could simply be bought in a store.

Of course, there are risks. There are many “specialists” in quotes on the life coaching market who in fact are not such, or their level is far from being able to actually lead a person to positive changes in life. The risk of running into an unprofessional life coach is also high, especially if you choose among those that are cheaper, but not only.

Good life coaches often conduct the first session at a reduced price, and sometimes even for free (if further long-term cooperation is expected), so that the client can evaluate their level and understand whether he needs life coaching. Many coaches also have the principle “if you don’t like it, I’ll give you back all your money.” In general, there are options to reduce risks here.

There is one more important point. In the process of life coaching, you cannot overload all your problems onto the coach; an approach in the spirit of “I paid, let him solve it” will not work here. A life coach will not live your life for you, and will not change it, you can only do this on your own, and the coach’s task is to help you with this, to reveal your hidden capabilities, to guide you in the right direction.

To summarize all of the above, we can conclude:

Life coaching is a good opportunity to achieve positive changes in life. Someone will be able to come to such changes on their own, without outside help, but if this does not work out, then life coaching is one of the alternative options, and quite effective. Before contacting a life coach and choosing such a specialist, it is advisable to have at least a general idea of ​​what it is and how everything will happen (which you already have after reading this article). Remember well how a good and bad life coach works (see above), so as not to fall into the hands of a non-professional and not waste a lot of money.

I hope you get an idea of ​​what life coaching is, how a life coach interacts with a client, and can form some general picture of this concept.

I wish you success and positive changes in your life with or without the help of life coaches. Stay on, here you can always get a lot of useful information for free, which will also contribute to this. See you again!


“Throw away everything that bothers you. Act like this
as if you are already what you want to become.

As long as you believe that you are successful, no one else

will not be able to question it."

Life coach Fiona Harrolds.

In our fast-paced times, we hear many new interesting terms. More recently, the phrase life coaching appeared. This is science. In Europe it has existed for about 10 years, in Russia even less. The term “Coaching” (training) has been used in business for quite a long time, but he acquired the Life prefix only recently. American financial planner Thomas Leonard is considered the founder of life coaching. Many years of work with senior managers led him to the idea that strategies for successful business development work great in his personal life. This is how the science of life coaching appeared. A life coach is a trainer for individual growth.

What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a coach? – you ask. Psychotherapists work with problems, and coaches work with goals and objectives. A life coach is a mentor who helps not only to identify true desires, but also to achieve them. The basis of the science of life coaching is building a partnership between the coach and the client.

Everyone is interested in improving their efficiency in one way or another. Everyone wants to work less, earn more and live a bright, fulfilling life. And a life coach works precisely in the direction to provide people with this opportunity; he first helps turn desires into real achievable goals, and then goes “hand in hand” with the client to achieve them.

Goal setting is one of the most important blocks of a life coach’s work; it is a key block. In order to save time and convey the essence as succinctly as possible, you can resort to an analogy: imagine that you need to shoot at a target, and how accurately you align the front sight, target and sight slot determines how accurate your shot will be. No less important are the planning and decision-making stages. The final stage is monitoring the results. And this systematic work is carried out through interaction with a life coach, who always “walks” next to you and “pushes” you forward.

There are 3 human states. The state of goodness, when he is peaceful, balanced, can solve complex problems. In this state, the likelihood of error is minimal. A state of passion when a person is extremely excited. The likelihood of errors in this state is maximum. Let us remember, for example, the time of falling in love, when everything was nothing. Needless to say, this led to mistakes and disappointments. And, finally, a state of complete ignorance. Due to an incorrect perception of the world, a person reacts inadequately to the situation and makes many mistakes. This is why simply defining a goal is not enough. Unfortunately, not many experts pay attention to what component is missing. And the most important element is the CONDITION of a person who wants to hit a specific goal.

A life coach helps people build their lives in such a way as to achieve maximum results. Helps a person to find a state of goodness, and already in this state to set adequate goals, make the right decisions, and plan wisely.

Most people waste their health in the first part of their lives to earn money, and then spend the money they earn to regain their lost health. Life needs to be balanced. Not only work should be planned, but also rest. Then a person will be able to achieve harmony.

A life coach helps us find balance in every area of ​​our lives. This includes personal life, family life, relationships with society, spiritual development, and physical health. A coach helps us develop the skills necessary for our growth, increased efficiency at work and finding harmony.

Individual classes help a life coach identify the client’s character traits and help him discover his talents, which is usually difficult to implement in group classes. This is especially convenient for those who feel uncomfortable in a group and do not like to publicly discuss their desires and aspirations.

Coaching is rapidly gaining momentum in Russia. If something is not going well in our personal life, at work we complain to our friends, but they have exactly the same problems, and their advice is unlikely to help us. You can turn to a psychoanalyst, but who is interested in listening to stories about how your problems with management are the result of the fact that your parents punished you as a child, and your classmates laughed at you when you were ten? We need a solution, not memories of past grievances! That's what a life coach is for. .