Favorable and unfavorable factors. Feng Shui favorable and unfavorable factors The concept of favorable and unfavorable environmental factors

Russia is located in eastern Europe and northern Asia, occupying about 1/3 of the territory of Eurasia. The European part of the country (about 23% of the area) includes territories west of the Ural Mountains (the border is conventionally drawn along the Urals and the Kuma-Manych depression); The Asian part of Russia, occupying about 76% of the territory, lies east of the Urals and is also called Siberia.

The extreme northern point of Russia is Cape Fligeli on Rudolf Island of the Franz Josef Land archipelago (81°51" N), the extreme eastern point is Ratmanov Island in the Bering Strait (the western of the two Diomede Islands, 169°0" W. ). The extreme northern and eastern continental points of Russia: Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula (77°43" N) and Cape Dezhnev on Chukotka (169°39" W). These extreme points are also the corresponding extreme points of Eurasia. The extreme southern point of Russia (41°11" N) is located southwest of Mount Bazardyuzyu, on the border of Dagestan with Azerbaijan. The extreme western point lies in the Kaliningrad region at 19°38" E. d., on the Baltic Spit of the Gdansk Bay of the Baltic Sea; but the Kaliningrad region is an enclave, and the main territory of Russia begins to the east, at 27 ° 17 "E, on the Russian border with Estonia, on the banks of the Pedya River.

The eastern border of Russia is maritime. It passes through the expanses of water of the Pacific Ocean and its seas - the Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering seas. Here Russia borders with Japan and the USA. The border runs along more or less wide sea straits: with Japan - along the La Perouse, Kunashirsky, Izmena and Sovetsky straits, separating the Russian islands of Sakhalin, Kunashir and Tanfilyeva (Lesser Kuril Ridge) from the Japanese island of Hokkaido; with the United States of America in the Bering Strait, where the Diomede Island group is located. It is here that the state border of Russia and the United States passes along a narrow (5 km) strait between the Russian Ratmanov Island and the American Kruzenshtern Island.

The western border along almost its entire length does not have clearly defined natural boundaries. It begins on the coast of the Barents Sea from the Varangerfjord and passes first through the hilly tundra, then along the valley of the Pasvik River. In this area, Russia borders with Norway. Russia's next neighbor is Finland. The border runs along the Manselkä hills, through heavily swampy terrain, along the slope of the low Salpouselka ridge, and 160 km southwest of Vyborg it approaches the Gulf of Finland. In the far west, on the shores of the Baltic Sea and its Gulf of Gdansk, is the Kaliningrad region of Russia, which borders Poland and Lithuania. Most of the region's border with Lithuania runs along the Neman (Nemunas) and its tributary, the Sheshupe River.

The southern border is predominantly land. It starts from the Kerch Strait, connecting the Sea of ​​Azov with the Black Sea, and passes through the territorial waters of the Black Sea to the mouth of the Psou River.

Further, the Russian border passes through the Caspian Sea, from the coast of which, near the eastern edge of the Volga delta, the land border of Russia with Kazakhstan begins. It passes through the deserts and dry steppes of the Caspian lowland, at the junction of Mugodzhar and the Urals, through the southern steppe part of Western Siberia and through the Altai mountains.

The northern border, like the eastern one, is sea. She walks through the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

Russia is washed by 13 seas belonging to three oceans; in addition, the southern part of the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the eastern and southeastern shores of most of the Kuril Islands are washed directly by the Pacific Ocean, that part of it that is not included in any sea, as well as by the internal Caspian Sea. Three seas belong to the Atlantic Ocean (Black, Baltic, Azov), six to the Arctic Ocean (Barents Sea, White Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian, Chukotka) and three more to the Pacific (Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese) .

The northern part of Russia lies beyond the Arctic Circle, in a cold thermal zone. The rest of Russia is located in the northern temperate thermal zone.

So, Favorable

Eurasian situation;

Land border;

Access to 13 seas of three oceans;

The largest territory in the world;

Leading place in natural resources;

Predominance of the temperate zone;

Single economic space.

Unfavorable Features of the geographical location of Russia:

1/3 of the territory is unsuitable for life; 80% of natural resources in the Asian part;

Transport problems;

Uneven settlement and economy;

Remoteness of the eastern regions;

Worsening of the state of affairs with the collapse of the USSR.

The influence of the geographical location and size of the territory on the characteristics of nature and the economy of the country.

The main features of its nature are associated with the geographical location of Russia. Russia is a northern country. Our Motherland is a country of forests and tundras, a country of snow and permafrost, a coastal country, but its shores are washed mainly by cold, arctic northern seas.

Russia is located in the harshest northeastern part of the vast continent. On its territory is the pole of cold of the Northern Hemisphere. Russia is open to the cold breath of the Arctic Ocean. Most of its territory lies north of 60° N. w. These are the polar and subpolar regions. South of 50° N. w. only about 5% of Russia's territory is located. 65% of the country's territory is located in the permafrost zone.

About 150 million inhabitants are concentrated in this northern territory. Nowhere in the world, neither in the northern nor in the southern hemisphere, are there such concentrations of people at such high latitudes.

The northern specifics of the country leave a certain imprint on the living conditions of people and the development of the economy. First of all, this is manifested in the need to build insulated dwellings, heat housing and industrial premises, provide stabling for livestock (and this is not only the construction of special livestock buildings, but also the preparation of feed), create special equipment in the northern version, snow removal equipment for clearing transport highways, streets and sidewalks, expending additional fuel reserves to operate vehicles at low temperatures. All this requires not only the organization of special production, but also enormous material resources, primarily energy costs, which ultimately leads to colossal financial investments.

The nature of our country creates great limitations in the development of agriculture. Russia is in a risky farming zone. The lack of heat for the development of agricultural crops, and in the southern part - moisture, leads to the fact that crop failures and shortages are a common phenomenon in our agriculture. Major crop failures occur every decade. This requires the creation of significant state grain reserves. Harsh conditions limit the ability to grow high-yield forage crops. Instead of fairly heat-loving soybeans and corn, we have to grow mainly oats, which do not produce such high yields. This, along with the costs of housing livestock, affects the cost of livestock products. Therefore, without state support (subsidies), the agriculture of our country, achieving self-sufficiency, is capable of ruining the entire country: all related industries and, above all, its main consumer - the population.

Thus, the northern position of Russia determines the complexity of running the entire economy of the country and the high costs of energy resources. To maintain the same standard of living as in Western Europe, we need to spend 2-3 times more energy than European countries. Just to survive one winter without freezing, each resident of Russia, depending on the area of ​​his residence, needs from 1 to 5 tons of standard fuel per year. For all residents of our country, this will amount to at least 500 million tons (40 billion dollars at current world fuel prices) Baburin V.L. Geography. - 2008 - No. 45. .

I would like to touch on the topic of the compatibility of some micro- and macronutrients. The fact is that you can think as much as you like that you are eating right, having breakfast with buckwheat porridge with milk or drinking tea with your lunch (until recently I did this myself), but at the same time not knowing that most of the nutrients come from certain foods , you just don’t get it. Our food products, from meat/fish to vegetables and fruits, are already far from the standards for the content of vitamins, fiber and other useful elements that were present several decades ago, and if we also incorrectly combine these “depleted » products, then we cannot see healthy teeth, bones and hair, like our ears.

And today we will talk about such a macronutrient as calcium.

There is a lot of calcium in parsley, dill, green onions, beans, broccoli, dairy products, much less in meat, fish, eggs.

1. The absorption of calcium is primarily affected by its ratio with phosphorus. The most favorable ratio of Ca and P is 1:1.5. If there is a significant excess of phosphorus in food compared to calcium, then calcium is poorly absorbed. It is for this reason that science such as nutrition does not recommend eating tons of fish and meat that are rich in phosphorus. With increased doses of meat products, an excess of phosphorus occurs; phosphorus begins to accumulate and is not removed from tissues and bones, which leads to disruption of the kidneys, nervous system and bone tissue. At the same time, calcium absorption is inhibited, the formation of vitamin D slows down, and the functions of the parathyroid glands are disrupted. Stones may form in the kidneys, and there will also be a threat of iron deficiency anemia and vascular diseases. So for lovers of meat and fish, I advise you to consume them in measured quantities.

2. Also, excess magnesium in the diet has a negative effect on calcium absorption. Products rich in magnesium: wheat bran, cereals, legumes, dried apricots, prunes. Although today it will be very difficult to obtain excess magnesium from food, I would even say almost impossible, it is still worth remembering that the optimal ratio of Ca and Mg is 1:0.5. Those who decide to take Magnesium supplements need to remember this; in this way, it will be very easy to disrupt the correct ratio of these two elements in the body. So when taking Mg, always remember Ca.

3. Another unfavorable factor that affects the absorption of calcium is oxalic acid. (found in sorrel, spinach, rhubarb and cocoa) and inosithophosphoric acid (found in cereals), which form insoluble salts.

But vitamin D, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the absorption of calcium. Moreover, without vitamin D, calcium is not absorbed at all. Vitamin D is found in the greatest quantities in the liver of cod, halibut, herring, mackerel, tuna, mackerel; it is also found in egg yolk, seafood, and fermented milk products. But I would like to dwell on milk in a little more detail. The fact is that if you take milk, yogurt, cottage cheese or any other dairy product from which the fat has been completely removed, then in such products vitamin D is completely ABSENT, since this vitamin is FAT-SOLUBLE, and there is NO fat in low-fat products! This is why completely low-fat dairy products should not be eaten regularly, as you may develop osteoporosis and calcium deficiency over time. It turns out that completely low-fat cottage cheese is a poor source of calcium for your bones and teeth. Therefore, choose cottage cheese/yogurt/kefir and low-fat milk (1.5-5%), but not completely fat-free.

UDC: 911.5


R.P. Shkalikov

Orenburg State Agrarian University Russia, Orenburg, [email protected]

The main favorable and unfavorable factors affecting the marmot are described. The significance of the factors is analyzed.

Describes main favorable and unfavorable factors affecting the marmot. The analysis of the significance of factors.

The species characteristics of the steppe marmot were formed under living conditions in the regions of Northern Eurasia with an open landscape and continental climate. Being typically burrowing animals, marmots spend up to 85% of their life in burrows. Naturally, the arrangement of burrows and settlements for this species is of fundamental importance. The marmot is tied to the limited territory it uses for a long time. It is obvious that, due to their significant mosaic nature and landscape-typological diversity, modern steppe agricultural landscapes cannot be completely suitable for marmot habitat.

The natural habitat of the marmot is plakora. Unfortunately, on the territory of the Orenburg region, due to the virgin lands campaign, most of the plains are plowed, and virgin steppe areas are extremely rare for our region. To increase the area of ​​the steppe, it is necessary to carry out measures to transform unproductive territories. A necessary condition for the existence of marmot colonies is the possibility of visual and sound communication between individuals and families, as well as early visual and auditory detection of danger. This explains the absence of steppe marmots in forests, bushes, weedy deposits and tall grasses.

Separately, I would like to consider another anthropogenic factor that really affects the number of European marmots - herding and stray dogs. Herding dogs are able to cope even with an adult marmot, this was confirmed during our observations of bobak colonies in the Orenburg region. Whenever herding dogs appeared, the marmots strove for their burrows, even at a distance of 700 m, and this fact undoubtedly indicates that herding dogs pose a real threat to the boibak.

As for natural enemies, such as the steppe eagle, fox and corsac fox, these animals influence the number of the European marmot mainly during the awakening period and act as orderlies during the marmots’ summer activity, right up to their bedding.

Man himself acts as a very powerful regulator of numbers - through hunting, but poaching causes even greater damage. Unfortunately, the last factor is quite common in our region. Anthropogenic factors in reducing the number of marmots include: plowing virgin and fallow lands, plowing up crops of perennial grasses, extermination of young animals by herding dogs, and poaching.

Naturally, security measures have a beneficial effect. In particular, protection within the framework of protected areas, however, we also propose to create horse-marmot farms for recreational and hunting purposes.

We systematized the life factors of the European marmot in the Orenburg region and resulted in a single table (table).

Favorable and unfavorable factors in the life of the European marmot in the Orenburg region

Favorable factors Unfavorable factors

Virgin steppe areas on flats Close occurrence of groundwater

Deep groundwater Outcrops of dense source rocks

Protection of marmots and their habitat Sandy soils

Transformation of unproductive areas Impact of predators

Moderate grazing Climatic anomalies and disasters

Development of OOGGG Plowing of virgin lands, fallow lands where steppe type of vegetation predominates

Creation of horse-marmot farms Impact of herding dogs


Thus, the European marmot, due to the specificity of its lifestyle and attachment to certain sites, is exposed to many natural and anthropogenic factors. These factors not only show us the peculiarities of life of the European marmot in the Orenburg region, but also create the basis for the reacclimatization of the boibak.

UDC 332.362 (574)


B.V. Shkurinsky

West Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Utemisova Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, [email protected]

The article discusses the influence of anthropogenic environmental factors on various groups of diseases in the population of the West Kazakhstan region. The territorial differentiation of the health rating of the region's population is considered.

The article deals with the factors of the built environment on different groups of disease in populations of West Kazakhstan region. Considered territorial differentiation ranking public health field.

The West Kazakhstan region belongs to those regions of Kazakhstan in which rural settlement predominates. The historical and geographical approach to the study of rural settlement makes it possible to identify the features of its formation and development within the region.

Numerous studies have shown that the factors that determine health are:

  • biological (heredity, type of higher nervous activity, constitution, temperament, etc.);
  • natural (climate, landscape, flora, fauna, etc.);
  • state of the environment;
  • socio-economic;
  • level of health care development.

These factors influence people's lifestyle. It has also been established that lifestyle by about 50%, the state of the environment by 15-20%, heredity by 15-20% and healthcare (the activities of its organs and institutions) determine health (individual and public) by 10%.

Closely related to the concept of health is the idea of.

Health factors

WHO experts in the 80s of the 20th century determined the approximate ratio of various factors to ensure the health of modern people, highlighting four derivatives as the main ones. Subsequently, these conclusions were fundamentally confirmed in relation to our country as follows (WHO data in brackets):

  • genetic factors - 15-20% (20%)
  • environmental condition - 20 - 25% (20%)
  • medical support - 10-15% (7 - 8%,)
  • conditions and lifestyle of people - 50 - 55% (53 - 52%).
Table 1. Factors influencing human health

Sphere of influence of factors


Health promoting

Impairing health

Genetic (15-20%)

Healthy heredity. Absence of morpho-functional prerequisites for the occurrence of diseases

Hereditary diseases and disorders. Hereditary predisposition to diseases

State of the environment (20-25%)

Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, environmentally friendly habitat

Harmful living and production conditions, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the environmental situation

Medical support (10-15%)

Medical screening, high level of preventive measures, timely and comprehensive medical care

Lack of constant medical monitoring of health dynamics, low level of primary prevention, poor quality medical care

Conditions and lifestyle (50-55%)

Rational organization of life activity, sedentary lifestyle, adequate physical activity, social and psychological comfort. nutritious and balanced nutrition, absence of bad habits, valeology education, etc.

Lack of a rational mode of life, migration processes, hypo- or hyperdynamia, social and psychological discomfort. unhealthy diet, bad habits, insufficient level of valeological knowledge

Environmental assessment and analysis is the first step in choosing a suitable location for housing.

The tips listed in this section are advisory in nature and cannot be considered as a guide to action.

The practice of Feng Shui relies heavily on intuition and common sense. By improving your perception, you begin to sense the movement and direction of energy flows.

By examining the immediate surroundings of the proposed housing, you can assess the general situation in the area.

This assessment is made up of a number of different factors, which would not be helpful to list in detail as many of them can be either positive or negative depending on the circumstances.

Favorable factors

It is best to live in natural conditions - among forests and meadows, rivers and lakes. If the energy of these places is not greatly disturbed, and the shapes of the landscape meet the requirements, then housing built in nature will have the best feng shui.

If you live in a city, then, first of all, you should look for a house (apartment) located next to a park, pond or environmental area. Plants and water spread beneficial energy.

It is good to live near a temple or a center of spiritual development. Activities that promote spiritual development create nourishing energy and have a stabilizing, strengthening effect on the entire surrounding area.

It’s good if there is a kindergarten or playground near the house. Children radiate vital energy, charging the place with vigor and optimism. It’s even better if the playground is located not in the courtyard, but in a small park.

Various institutions where beneficial communication takes place between people are a source of beneficial energy. These include interest clubs, cozy cafes and small restaurants, local shops and food markets, in addition to wholesale markets. In general, it is good to live where there is a “spirit of place” that distinguishes this area from others.

All kinds of health institutions are a source of healing energy. These are skating rinks, swimming pools, gyms, fitness and healing centers, yoga and meditation, even homeopathic pharmacies and oriental medicine shops. This does not include hospitals and specialized clinics, since in modern cities most people associate them with illness, suffering and death.

Schools, colleges and lyceums, where the work of teachers and students is aimed at learning and self-improvement, have a beneficial effect.

Unfavorable factors

Try not to live near cemeteries, morgues, funeral bureaus, crematoriums and other institutions related to death and funerals. They accumulate and strengthen stagnant Xi-Qi energy, creating an atmosphere of gloom and despondency.

It is unfavorable to live near prisons, police stations and other institutions associated with crime. In such areas, streams of wandering aggressive Sha-Qi energy are created, caused by excess violence.

Don't live near terikons. Toxic substances that are formed as a result of their combustion are harmful to health. In addition to toxic substances, unclean spirits come out of the thericons extracted from the depths of the Earth.

Avoid houses located near power plants and high-voltage lines. A powerful concentration of energy around these places disrupts the movement of natural energy flows and has a destructive effect on the psyche.

Do not live in a home near a landfill or recycling facility. Waste contains a lot of stagnant energy, which is transferred to the surrounding area.

Avoid living in close proximity to casinos, amusement parks, and crowded shopping centers. The powerful contradictory energy of these places and the constant flow of money can have an adverse effect on the well-being of the residents of the house.

You should not live next to a meat processing plant, slaughterhouse or similar places. Any activity related to killing generates destructive energy.

If you don't like a place, it means you have reasons for this, even if you are not fully aware of them. Trust your intuition more and you will see that your feelings do not deceive you.